HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150820Comments (2 Total).pdfJean Jewell
Sent:Tuesday,August 18,2015 2:18 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness
Subject:Case Comment Form:Era Gunderson
Name:Fra Gunderson
Case Number:UWI-W-15-01
Address:10049 W.Barnsdale Dr
Boise Id,83704
Name of Utility Company:United Water
Acknowledge public record:False
Comment:My wife and I are officially elderly.We try to live frugally.We shower
occasionally and do our laundry in super loads.Our dishwasher runs only at full load.Half
our 1/3 acre property lies fallow.Still,our water bills are running 150-200 bucks per
month.When we bought this house in 1992,and the water company Idaho (not French)owned water
bills were under $10.
Comes now another request for another 13%increase,raising the “average”bill to $434.61.
What demographic can we get into where our water bill becomes $32 per month?
My granny used to say “figures dont lie,but liars figure’.Using “average”comes pretty
I suggesr that the PUC institute a cap of,say,$80 for any monthly bill.And meanwhile,deny
this request in its entirety.
Yours truly
Frank Gunderson
Unique Identifier:
Jean Jewell
Sent:Saturday,August 15,2015 5:06 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness
Subject:Case Comment Form:Eric Munz
Name:Eric Munz
Case Number:
Address:4066 North Pennfield Place
Boise ID,83713
Name of Utility Company:United Water Idaho Acknowledge public record:True
Comment:United Water is requesting an overall rate increase of 13.2%to cover investments
and increased operating costs.Much of the investments seem due to growth and therefore
should be covered in the increased revenue due to an expanded customer base.Operating
expenses should not be going up that much since energy costs have been decreasing over the
last several years.
I urge the PUC to deny United Water’s request for a rate increase or at least decrease the
amount.Given the fairly low rate of inflation over many years I would have thought an
increase of 4%to 6%would be more reasonable.
Eric R.Munz
Unique Identifier: