HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110902Comments.pdf8/29/1 i CEf\/E.()- II íc:£ -W-I ( -o Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 iot! AUG 30 AM 8: 41 IDAriO UTiliTies RE: United Water Application to Increase Rates Dea Idao Pulic Utilties Commission, In my most rect United Water biling, I wa notified of their proposed rate increas. United Water states in addition to improvements to their system, they are requesting an increase because, "The average water consuption per metered customer has continued to decline significantly over the pas severa years resulting in significatly lower anual revenues to the Company". Basicaly this mea we are yet again being punshed for conserving water as we have prevously been requested to do. In each of the past 3yrs my wife has had a pay cut in her job, a teacher in the Meridian School District. In addition to the pay cut this year, benefits have been slashed with us having to pay the difference out of our pockets to keep a similar coverage. Being self- employed my business has also declined significantly over the sae time period. Dung ths period we have had to tighten our belt substatially and do the best we ca. We do not have the luxu to have everyone else make up our losses when we have our income slashed. I would like to know if United Water has cut their worker's pay and or benefits to make up the shortge in their revenue. I would like to know if United Water has trmmed the fat in their st facilities or projects. I would also like to know why United Water doen't do their Idao accunting with Idao employees and why I have to sed my payments to Pittsburgh, P A. Untied Water is requesting a rate increase of $5.82 per month or i 9. goA. for the tyical residential customer. Becuse of the changes and conservation of water we have made on our end, that $5.82 per month increae will actlly be a 33.2% increase to us which is totaly unacceptable. Please deny United Water's cuent rate increa request until they have taken the belt tightenig steps, cuts and sacrfices the rest of us have been force to take. ~~" Stephen O'Keefe 8342 W. Haronica Way Boise, il 83709 J bi~-l \ RECE EOiot 1 AUG 30 AM 8: 40 Icl~l) PUL uw£-tJ-/I-O;J J: -t ì s Lt ~ +h ec fA LA til i+ e~ bk lRùl~ ci ict.qò/D lJw.' 1- l)~~ 00'(1- ~ hti -l i'i?~ -+~ ,$ø dllMM ~ hoet~c!tLS tfY'f' flvW t- ( ;J- 1k ò ld f)~Ù\j - ')wb hoW\ ~ Jv Po. -l £i ''- ~1~ H -Jai ¡J ~ cd ~ !! ~~~ dtjl -t ~ (lbAs tV · 3~ JI~ \0ll,o h~. ~ Lf. ~ J- ~ù\ i4 ri\L ~ do It Nl~ \00t-1 ~ \ ú". qòj D ' ) ~. \0 ~~ l~ ~ Cof\sti +0 ~. ~\qcdo ~ ~ yY~l .P'IS~ chWwJ dò bt ~ iu lo¡!lJo ltw~ (l ft í (llVR61 w't~' :5. p~ I ~ lf Mq ~\ m) tJ I .~ /AúJI-t-//-o;J The proposed increase in rates is subject to review an? a decision by the IPUC, which may accept, modify or reject in whole or In part the prop~sed increase. A complete copy of the proposal is available at the C?m'pa~y s . office at 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, Idaho and at the Commission s office at 472 W. Washington Boise Idaho. It is also available on-line at the ¡PUC website: http://www.~uc.idaho.qOv, by following the links for "Water" and "Open Water Cases," and at United Water Idaho's website: http://www.unitedwater.com/idaho. You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website or mail comments to: AINTIMNTAlN"' '"' GA COMPANYA~/JMD-"~lI -fkrf ¡( tol) k /Customer Notice Intermountain Gas Company files to Decrease Prices On August 11, 2011, Intermountain Gas Company. (Intermountain) filed its annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment application with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (Commission) to decrease its prices by $14.4 milion or 5.3 percent. Intermountain has requested that the lower prices be placed into effect on October 1, 2011. Based on average weather and usage, residential customers using natural gas for both space and water heating wil save an average $2.18 or 4.2 percent a month, while customers using natural gas for space heating only wil see an.average decrease of $2.16 per month or 5.1 percent. Commercial customers, on average, would see a savings of $19.06 (or 7.7 percent) per month. "Supplies of natural gas across the nation continue to remain very strong keeping the wellhead prices stable." said Frank Morehouse, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Intermountain. "U.S. natural gas production is at an all-time high, and even right here in Idaho, we are seeing this activity. This supply strength is reflected in these lower prices." ef ' ¡j A ~ &nvC.-- ,/A~ / ~ '7~~. J/Y ~ ~ de F ~ ød ß ~~~ß7~~~~/7..~~Cl~~.J¡~ :t 7 .l?~ t! ~ ¡J'ìLJ'.' ;i fit! rY Y If f? p/lE,a/J1l1I~ I It N ¡J jl --elll2 ,dJ ~lL 171£4ò elci RtEllL-¡ CltjÇJ RECE n August 24, 2011 201' AUG 31 At1 8: 28 t(íJ:L-1-//I.;Q ?- Re: United Water rate increase Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 I could not believe that United Water is asking for a 20% increase. We just had an increase a year ago. We can hot afford water for lawns now. They look horrible. United Water says there is a decrease in usage. What about supply and demand? These increases are certainly no way to increase usage. It will only get worse. Where does this stop? We are being penalized for using less. The more dead yards , the more increases? Some- thing is not adding up here. These increases will only pad the pockets of United Water and add to their enormous profits. Please deny these increases. Our economy is already stressed to themax now. This would only hurt many households as well as many renters and landlords. Thank you for taking all of this into consideration. Sincerely, c: Customer Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Imehrenscæearthlink. net Thursday, September 01, 2011 10: 17 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Lynda Mehrens follows:/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - k~ΕΎ~;i~~- - - - - - ~z ~~n-OgCase Number: Uni ted Water and Idaho Power Name: Lynda Mehrens Address: 1138 So Hilton City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 837ØS Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8-34S-79ØØ Contact E-Mail: lmehrens~earthlink.net Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power and United Water Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: To the Entire PUC Commission, Thank you for this forum to express my concerns about the upcoming vote on rate increases for our water and power services. (The only choices we have as consumers are these two companies.) All that I have read about and listened to about both increases, demonstrate NO need for these increases. Idaho Power and United water should be sitting very well with the extremely high streams and dams this winter, spring and summer and this fall, and benefit greatly from the supply of water as well as the increase of power from the increased water for each utility. The PUC just hasn' t got a record of an impartial and through review of need for increases and abili ty to pay by patrons. It is high time you look at the decline of income over the last four years in Idaho not to mention the unemployment rate... Twenty + years ago the PUC had an excellent reputation of being fair, honest, non-biased, independent and used all the facts to come to a decision. They stood up to the utilities when needed. This decision is very important for MOST ALL of the people of Idaho who will suffer from lack of heat and use of water from these unnecessary increase in rates. I am a senior citizen and like so many on a solo and fixed income as well as the working poor and low income people, and want to pay their bills. MANY Idahoans will be unable to afford these untimely and unwarranted increases in monthly power and water fees. Please consider my input as well as many others who are counting on you to do the right thing and deny the requests of United Water and Idaho Power. 2Ø% & 1Ø% is excessive... Sincerely, Lynda Mehrens The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address isØØ 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: mpwjak~ureach.com Thursday, September 01, 2011 2: 13 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Mike Willett follows: Case Number: uwI.-w-lf-O?- Name: Mike Willett Address: 3916 E. Immigrant Pass Ct. City: Boise State: Id Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: mpwja~ureach.com Name of utility Company: United Water Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Commissioners Smith, Redford and Kjellander I want to thank you for your service on the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and considering all of the testimony for the rate adjustment for Suez Environment Corporation. As you are aware the parent company of United water is a 18.87 billion dollar company that had over a haIfa billion dollars in profits last year. Please consider a few items when deciding on the % rate increase, (% for private fire service!) for this corporation; + The overwhelming negative response from the Idaho public to this rate increase. + Conservation should not be punished + Business cycles are part of business and Suez should plan accordingly Regards - Mike Willett The form submitted on http://ww.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: GEaton48~mn.com Thursday, September 01, 2011 3:30 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Gayle R. Eaton follows: Case Number: UWI-11-02 Name: Gayle R. Eaton Address: 1513 S. Tanager Way City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83709 Daytime Telephone: 362 -4385 Contact E-Mail: GEaton48~mn.com Name of Utility Company : United Water Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: My family members who currently pay United Water for domestic and irrigation water for their yards are struggling, especially during the warmer months, to budget for this necessary commodity. Water bills of $200 per billing period raise havoc. In this economic climate, be it known that any rate hike, especially one approaching 20%, defies common sense. Consumers who are currently curtailing water usage at the expense of an attractive yard will be extremely hard pressed if water consumption rates are hiked again, especially to the level being requested. Please exercise restraint and protect consumers by disallowing this exorbitant rate hike. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is i