HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110803Application.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) RECEIVED 420 W. Bannock Street 101 i AUG - ~ PH I: 49 P.O. Box 2564-83701 v Boise, Idaho 83702 IDAHO UTILITIES Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miler August 3, 2011 Via Hand Delivery Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utities Cotnssion 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No UWI-W-ll-02/General Rate Case Filng Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fig are an orial and nie (9) copies of United Water Idaho Inc.'s (United Water) Application for authority to increase its rates and charges for water servce to its customers in the State of Idaho. The taff schedules that United Water proposes to become effective on September 2,2011, are attached to the Application. In addition, copies of United Water's press release and customer notice are also attached to the Application. Also enclosed for fig are the orial and nie (9) copies of the Testiony and exhbits of Gregory P. Wyatt, Scott Rhead, Jeremi Healy, Jar Car, Kevi Dohert, Paul Herbert Paule Ahren and Bruce Hawtorne. One copy of each of these Testionies has been desigated as the "Reporter's Copy." In addition, a disk contag MS Word versions of the Testionies is enclosed for the Reporter. Also enclosed are thee (3) copies of work papers showig adjustments to the Company's revenue requiements. These are also provided in electronic formt on an enclosed disk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kidly retu a stamped copy. Very Truy Yours, McDevitt & Mier ll~~DJM/hh ORIGINAL Dea J. Miller (lSB No. 1968) Chas. F. McDevitt (ISB No. 835) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, il 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 joe(lmcdevitt -miller. com REC VED iû\ip.UG-3 Pr~ \:49 Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF TH APPLICATION Case No. UW-W-ll-02 OF UNTED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES APPLICATION AND CHAGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc., ("United Water", or "Applicant") and hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commssion") for an Order approving revisions to Applicant's schedules of rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho to become effective with service provided on or afer September 2, 2011, and in support thereof respectfully shows as follows: i. Applicant is a public utilty water corporation withn the meanng of the Idaho Public Utilty Law, is duly organzed and existing under the laws of the State of Idao and is engaged in conducting a general water business in and about Boise City, Ada County, Idaho, having its principal offce and place of business at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho. A certified copy of Applicant's Aricles ofIncorporation, together with all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission. Applicant's curent Certificate is Amended Certificate No. 143. APPLICA TION- i ~ t f " , .,..; : ¡ s'~ II. United Water has been providing water service to the public in Boise City and surounding areas for more than 100 years. Curently, United Water provides service to approximately 85,000 customers with Ada County, Idaho. III. The operations of United Water have been reviewed in several rate proceedings before the Commission, most recently in Case No. UWI-W-09-0L. IV. Attched hereto as Attachment 1 are copies of Applicant's Schedule Number 1, General Metered Service; Schedule Number IB, Flat Rate Service; Schedule Number 2, Public Hydrants and Street Sprinking; Schedule Number 3, Private Fire Sprinking and Service; and Schedule Number 4, Private Fire Hydrant Service, contaning the rates under which water service is curently rendered and charged to Applicant's customers. v. Attached hereto as Attchment 2 are copies of Applicant's new proposed Schedules Numbers 1, IB, 2, 3 and 4 setting forth charges to be made to Applicant's customers rates on and afer September 2, 2011. Applicant proposes to increase rates by $7,616,015, an overall average increase of 19.89%. Applicant alleges that the proposed chages in rates and charges set fort on Attchment 2 are just and reasonable and that the rate of retu expected to be provided to the Applicant there under will be 8.43%, which is a fair rate of retu on Applicant's investment in propert used and usefu in rendering water service. APPLICA TION-2 Vi. The revenue realized by Applicant under its presently authorized rates produces a rate of retur of 5.64% based on a test year ending April 30, 2011. Applicant seeks additional revenues to recover increased operating expenses and costs associated with plant additions, and to produce a fair rate of retu, thereby enabling it to continue to provide adequate and reliable service to its customers. VII. As discussed in the testimony of Gregory P. Wyatt and Jeremiah Healy, Applicant is also proposing to implement a mechansm for an anua rate adjustment to reflect changes in expense accounts relating to purchased electrc power, propert taation and pension contrbution. VIII. Applicant is filing concurently herewith Direct Testimony of Gregory P. Wyatt, Scott Rhead, Jeremiah Healy, Jarila Car, Kevin Dohert, Paul Herbert, Pauline Ahem and Bruce Hawthorne and Exhibits 1-12 including fiancial statements, and revenue analysis, along with supportng workpapers, to justify and support the proposed increase. IX. Notice to Applicant's customers is being accomplished by news media releases simultaeously with the filing of ths Application and by an individual notice mailed to each of Applicant's customers. Copies of the press release and customer notice are attached to ths Application. In addition, a copy of the Application and Applicant's present and proposed rate schedules are available for public inspection at its offce at 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho at any time during office hours. APPLICA TION-3 x. Applicant stands ready for an imediate hearg on ths Application and requests that a hearing be held as soon as possible. XI. Communcations in reference to ths Application should be addressed to: Dean J. Miler, Esq. McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 E. Banock Boise, Idaho 83702 P.O. Box 2564 Boise, Idaho 83701 208-343-7500 208-336-6912 (fax) joe(lmcdevitt -miler .com heather(lmcdevitt-miler.com and Kevin H. Dohert Director of Rates United Water Management and Servces Company 200 Old Hook Road Harngton Park, New Jersey 07640-1799 Kevin.Doherty(lunitedwater.com WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfuly requests of the Commssion: 1. That ths Application be heard and acted upon at the earliest possible date; 2. That the Commssion find that the Applicant's existing rates are unjust, uneasonable and insuffcient to provide Applicant with a fair rate of retu and that the revised rates and charges proposed in Attchment 2 of ths Application are just and reasonable and that Applicant be permitted to charge said rates to its customers, effective September 2,2011. APPLICA TION-4 3. That the Commission grant such other and fuher relief as the Commission may determine proper in the circumstaces. DATED ths 3rd day of August, 2011. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By:~U1L Dean J. Milerv Attorney for Applicant APPLICA TION-5 ATTACHMENT 1 Sheet NO.3 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 GENERAL METERED SERVICE Availability: To all metered customers not served under a separate schedule. Customer Charges: 1" Bi-Monthly Per Meter Charge $18.10 $23.79 $38.55 $55.65 $102.23 $162.71 $313.15 $472.39 $660.37 Meter Size 5/8"-3/4 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Volume Charge: For all water used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)(1 CCF=748 gallons): Winter Rates $1.3521 For all water used greater than 3CCF $1.3521 Volume Charge: For all water used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)(1 CCF=748 gallons): Summer Rates $1.3521 For all water used greater than 3CCF $1.6902 Conditions of Contract: The. customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the biling period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge wil be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billng period. Summer Period: The summer rate wil apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates wil be prorated. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, 10 ATrACmø 1 PAGE10FS Sheet NO.5 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 B FLAT RATE SERVICE Availability: To non-metered residential customers pursuant to Residential or Multi-Family Housing Non-Contiguous Water Systems Agreement Paragraph 11 (a) addressing flat rate systems. Customer Charges: Based on United Water Idaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 cet, the average residential bil, assuming a %" meter and 65% I 35% summerlwinter split, is $434.16. Biled bi-monthly, equals $ 72.36. Bi-Monthly Charge:$ 72.36 Conditions of Contract: The monthly charge wil be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billng period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: (b) If Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company wil provide a meter setting and meter. Customer wil then pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. (c) If a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATtACHM 1 PAGE20P5 Sheet NO.8 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.2 PUBLIC HYDRANTS AND STREET SPRINKLING Availability: To the City of Boise and Ada County Highway District. Rates: Street Sprinkling Service Flat Charge $239.98/Month Miscellaneous: Bils wil be rendered monthly, bi-monthly, or at other intervals upon mutual agreement of the Company and the customer. Hydrants and service pipes from the fitting on the Company main to the hydrants are to be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the City of Boise or Ada County Highway District. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATTACHMNT 1 PAGE 3 OF 5 Sheet NO.9 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.3 PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE Availabilty: To all customers who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections for fire fighting purposes. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. For 3" service or smaller, per month For 4" service per month For 6" service per month For 8" service per month For 10" service per month For 12" service per month $15.84 $24.01 $59.63 $97.98 $152.80 $228.87 Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates wil not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage wil be billed to the consumer under Rate Schedule NO.1. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2, 2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATtACHMNT 1 PAGE40F5 Sheet No. 10 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.4 PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE Availabilty: To all customers having private fire hydrant installations. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Each fire hydrant, per month $9.60 Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATtACHMNT 1 PAGE50F5 ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet NO.3 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 GENERAL METERED SERVICE Availability: To all metered customers not served under a separate schedule. Customer Charges:Bi-Monthly Per Meter Charge $18.10 $23.79 $38.55 $55.65 $102.23 $162.71 $313.15 $472.39 $660.37 Meter Size 5/8"-3/4 1 " 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Volume Charge:Winter Rates $1.3521For all water used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)(1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF $1.3521 Volume Charge:Summer Rates $1.3521For all water used less than 3CCF (100 cubic Feet) (CCF)(1 CCF=748 gallons): For all water used greater than 3CCF $1.6902 $23.20 $29.70 $50.80 $78.70 $153.60 $286.50 $478.40 $625.80 $900.61 $1.5710 $1.5710 $1.5710 $1.9639 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billng period. Consumption is expressed in hundred cubic foot units or thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge wil be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billng period. Summer Period: The summer rate wil apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates wil be prorated. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective - September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ID A'IACaMENT 2 PAGE10F5 Sheet NO.5 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.1 B FLAT RATE SERVICE Availability: To non-metered residential customers pursuant to Residential or Multi-Family Housing Non-Contiguous Water Systems Agreement Paragraph 11(a) addressing flat rate systems. Customer Charges: Based on United Water Idaho residential consumption for the year ending June 1998 of 208.75 ccf, the average residential bil, assuming a %" meter and 65% / 35% summer/winter split, is $434.16. Biled bi-monthly, equals $ 72.36. Bi-Monthly Charge:$ 72.36 $86.75 Conditions of Contract: The monthly charge wil be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billng period. The Company or the customer may convert to metered service pursuant to Subparagraphs (b) or (c) of Paragraph 11 as follows: (b) If Company should determine that a flat rate customer is using water in excess of the average residential customer, the Company wil provide a meter setting and meter. Customer wil then pay Company's metered tariff rates as approved by the IPUC, which rates may be amended from time to time. (c) If a customer prefers to pay Company's approved metered tariff rates, the customer shall pay the installation and material costs associated with the installation of a meter setting. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATIACHMNT 2 PAGE2oF5 Sheet NO.8 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.2 PUBLIC HYDRANTS AND STREET SPRINKLING Availability: To the City of Boise and Ada County Highway District. Rates: Street Sprinkling Service Flat Charge $239.98/Month $311.97/Month Miscellaneous: Bils wil be rendered monthly, bi-monthly, or at other intervals upon mutual agreement of the Company and the customer. Hydrants and service pipes from the fitting on the Company main to the hydrants are to be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the City of Boise or Ada County Highway District. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATlACll 2 PAGE 3 O:P 5 Sheet NO.9 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.3 PRIVATE FIRE SPRINKLER AND SERVICE Availability: To all customers who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections for fire fighting purposes. Rate: For service through a separate line for fire fighting purposes. For 3" service or smaller, per month For 4" service per month For 6" service per month For 8" service per month For 10" service per month For 12" service per month $15.84 $24.01 $59.63 $97.98 $152.80 $228.87 $20.59 $31.21 $77.52 $127.37 $198.64 $297.53 Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the customer. All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the utility at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is disclosed, and if such be the case, usage wil be biled to the consumer under Rate Schedule NO.1. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho AITACHMNT 2 PAGE4oF5 Sheet No. 10 Replacing all Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO.4 PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE Availability: To all customers having private fire hydrant installations. Rate: For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the customer at customer's expense: Each fire hydrant, per month $9 $12.48 Miscellaneous: Service pipe from the fitting on the company water main to the fire hydrant is to be installed and maintained by the customer. UNITED Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective -September 2,2011 Issued by UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. Gregory P. Wyatt, Vice President 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, Idaho ATTACHMNT 2 PAGE50F5