HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091026Comments.pdf, . . . . v' J4 ~v-I 0 t¡ pv JOI ,110 AV /(; ~':. fIt 2009 OCT 2SAM 8: I ,October 22, 2009 3932 Lelad Way Boise, Idao 83709 Idao Public Utilities Commsion P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 Sirs; Enclosed in this month's water bil is a letter sting that United Water wants a 15.21 % rate increa. They claim they have not ha an increae since 200, but our raes went up every year through 2008. The customer chage is oftn more tha the water used such as thi month when my bil for water us is $13.75 an the cusomer chage is $16.21. They also give thmslves a raise each time they switch from winer to sur rates and vice versa And perhaps those of you who stil have a job forget that may have no job and have to rely on help tht thy would prefer not to. Also, we senor citizns are NOT getting a ra thi next year as the.Federal Government cla there is no intion even thug power rates went up i 00/' and groceries have not decrea in price that much. Gas is als not tht great either an is going up again as it always does for Ida. Medicines cery have not stoppe inreasing every 2 to 3 months for i 00- year old medications tht have more tha doubled in price in the las 2 yeas. We see no imrovement in our water or anythig else for th high prices chaged by thi foreign owned company. (Ths last par galls may ofus since our utilties should NEVER be owned by foreigners and our had-eared money should not be going to pay thm high investment reur.) Hug investment retu is what the rate increas is all abut of course. We who were in South Coun Water at one time ha decent water to drin. It was a bit had but we did not nee a softener or need to fiter it in order to be able to dr it. As soon as United Water took over our water was filed with chlorie and was undrinble from the overu of chemicals. It als was mae hader by these sae chemicals so tht may ofus now have to have water softeners at added expense and use fiterin systems of one ty or other or buy bottled waer in order to have decent water to dr, again at added expens that should not be neeed. Enclose are some of th letters that I did save and some old bills. Unfortuntely I have not saved all the old bils, as I nee spe for curent ones. I also object to the company always placing the highest volume of water into the highest rate category when rates are switched from witer to sumer. We here in ths area are on irigation water and us city water only BEFORE the irgation water is turd on in April or ealy May depending on the weather. Ou water is tued off at the end of Septembe and ths year wa tured off October 4th. So the company in 4/1112008- 6/1112008 place twce as much water into th higher rate tha the lower rate caegory. I have no idea then why there was even a rate diferenc from 6/11/2008-8/13/2008 as ths would have' al been at the sumer rate. Then for 8/13/2008-1011 0/2008 they put 4.7242 CCF ~ $1.2112 for $5.72 and 8.2758 CCF $ 1.5141 for $12.53 for a total of$18.25 water use plus the $16.21 "cusome chage". Ths las chage wa never explaied as to . . . why it is being charged an why it incres periodically. In actuay more water was usd in October on the city tha in September as gutters an the house wa washed down at tha time. The sae thi for thi month's curent bil except tht no waer was us on the garden th year. The gutters have not ben clean yet an all water ha been usd in the hous with some heavy use to wah pres for dr the fist week of October AFR th summer chage wa fiished. No, I se no nee for United Water to be incrin their rates onc again May people stil workin have taken pay cuts in order to jus kee worki. Thfore, the executives and shareholders need to tighten their belts too. They live on millions while those of us from whom they take an take to get their millons live on hundreds, if that. And I'd remid you once again- NOBODY OWNS th war as it circulates aroun the world, so I do not se tht any company should be consttly chaging ever inreasing prices for it. South County Water chaged us flat rates for witer an suer, biled ever month and did NOT increase our raes every time we tued around. We ha good water to boot. Now why would tht have ben? Would it be bece they were chagin only enough to matain the system an meet their bills? They certy were not payig everybody else-i. e. sharholders. ,.." . ..i.j-_:/ '-i) ~ _ a/ut.; (~;r;;-- . . . Re: Notice of Application to Increase Rates Dear Customer:REeE ED On September 3, 2009, United Water Idaho filed for rate relief with the Idaho Pubkt OCT 2~ AM 8: II Utilties Commission (IPUC) requesting a $4.37 per month or 15 cents per ôay lUIl: v increase in rates for a typical re~idential customer. .The ~roposed increase, jf. P" t"HO puauç ~lcmro:;gr~~i~:t~ivU~3;;o~~d$~~~~ ~~~t:~e~aâi:;:s~~~~~~~~~~~~::r;~t~ni~~~~:~~TiLi¥í ÈS COM M I ~S more than three years ago in August 2006. Since its last rate filing, United Water has made more than $13 milion in ìn~~.~~rnentsand irnpr()venients to the water systeni S~rvin9 Idahp's capital city. 'rllècompany has investèdmore'than $12 millon to replace aging InfrastrUctu~including replacing more than 16 miles of water mains, 2,200 water services, and 13,000 meters. United Water has invested nearly $2 million in treatment facilities at various locations in the system. United Water has also improved reliability by investing in booster station improvements and auxiliary power, to ensure uninterrupted service in the event of a power failure. Since 2006 the company's operational costs have also increased for items such as power, chemicals, and depreciation - totaling more than $1,2 millon. While we've worked hard to control operating costs, prices for commodities such as power andchemicals continue to rise at an alarming rate. That's one of the reasons we have instituted an aggressive water conservation program and a low-income customer payment assistance program through UW Cares. In its Application United Water is proposing a revenue increase of $5,625,085, which represents an overall increase in rates of 15.21%, to be applied equally to all classes of customers. The proposed increase in rates is subject to review and a decision by the ¡PUC, which may accept, modify or reject in whole or in part the .~~J2EQQQse!t)ncreasEh~AçQrnJllelsLÇQPy..gfJ'Je ..proPQsi3l.j!igXaìla,'?le~,t the.CQniPênY'? offce at 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, Idaho and at the Commission's offce at 472 W. Washington, Boise, Idaho. It is also available on-line at the IPUC website: http://www.puc.idaho.gQv!internetlcases/summary/UWIW0901.html. and at United Water Idaho's website: http://www.unitedwater.com/idgho. You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: http://www.puc.idaho.gov/formslipucllipuc.htmlor mall comments to: Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Sincerely, Greg Wyatt Vice President and General Manager 060092809 ~. ... UlllD WA1etl;. . . ................... ........ . . ........ . g:~~~~':r~~:~~r.. . .....//:.; . ........................................ 8248 West Victory Rood. BoiSè.l083769i . . ../0...... .... =£':~t:;~~7304 USAGE HISTORY Bi-Monthly usage 1n hundred cubic feet m..~....C Biling Date: Account Number: 10/1~ 0600099922.. ~¡ l~ 1 Previous Balance Payments Through 10/16/09 Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Due 11/05/2009 $37.01 $37.01 $0.01 $30.41 Aug. Oct Oct.Om Dec.Feb Feb-Apr AprJun JuriAug Aug. Oct SERVICE TO; WALT HICKSTEIN SERVICE ADDRESS: 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 899 ACTUAL sca $5.58 $8.17 $13.75 10 CCf EQUIVALENT TO 7.480 GAllONS CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKNG WTR FEE TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES ~ ~ 49171085 08/14/09 10/14/09 J ~ 4.6066 CCF (! $1.2112~ 5.3934 CCF (! $1.5141 ~l ~ATER CHARGE SUBTOTAL '\. I . ..Oonate to U~ Cares, and help those in our community who need assistance paying their water bils. Contributions are ta deductible, and 100 percent of your donation goes to helping familes meet their most essential need - water. United. will match 011 customer donations up to $20,000 annually. Donations can be mailed to U~ Cores, P.O. Box 190420, B 83719-0420. Thank you for your generosity." Save a stomp and go paperless today! Log on to www.unitedwater.com or coll Customer Servce to find out more informatio and to enroll in eBiling. -For a small convenience fee, you can now pay your bil any time by callng 888-608-6690.. 61 $16.2 0.5 $30.4 SEE REVERSE SlOE FOR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION .........x........H................llpgR'ìAN'tME~.iEiUHUUi..........:::::::::.:::;:.:::::.:.:.;.....;, ;.,..;. ..~. .;.;.;..;.:.:. ..'.~.;.. .'......~ .., ...... ... .,'.".-....-'. :,' .. , .. . , 200 RE 158ia PlEA D£AC HERE AND RETN THE IlI1 POTI WITH YOUR PAYI1ENT IN TH RETN l:NllOP I'OID. _ l:l MAAO 09 .-----------------------------------------------.--... ---.- - -.--- .--- ---- - - -. -...... - -.---..----------------- --- -------------. -- ----- --- ---------------------...- --.-. -- - - - -. _.. -.. - ii- iii-MÄii'Ô\ Account Number: 06000999221041Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges Due 11/05/2009 $30.46 ~...~...........-.......~.O.............."t........:......~..~.~.......~...........=.....:........L.AM.................._....:..........D.....:.M.U........................N..............._...T.......,......;....:.::..Ð........,.............U...~..:.:._.......ê...~........!._.:........,Ž.-......~.......:.................................................C.. ....::.:~¡S.¡. . ...... ..... ~~~;~. --~~~,:~.1I'.~~'U~LI .... " :::;;:;7:::;;::::::::::::::::;:'::.:'.:~~::HH1:fm;jj):¡i1j¡¡¡~~~1 W UNITED WATER~ 8248 West Victory Road Boise, 10 83709 SERVICE ADDRESS: 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 o Please check this box if you have mode any changes to the information on the rerse sid.Payment Amount Enclosed $;t. CZk i1I II I. 1I111I'111t 1111111111.1111.1.1.11..111. ..1.1111.111111.11 ....AUTO..S-DIGIT 8370972513:3 WALT HICKSTEIN 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 83709-4656 .1111111111111111111.11.11.1111111111.111.1111.11. II .1111.1.11.11 UNITED ~ATER IDAHO . PAYMENT CENTER PO BOX 371804 PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7804 .. SfRVICe TO: WALT HICKSTEIN ì_lillfti=i 1. 49171085 04/10/09 06/12/09 5.8571 CCF (! $1.2112 6.1429 CCF (! $1.5141 ~ WATER CHARGE SUBTOTAL lc;;;;;¿&fmm......iix-i.U.......Uit.....................1 ........V.;..¿i;... .......c....c..,iiij~tlT-lN'f;tlEšs~Gis.... "Water wisely. Summer rates are in effect May 1 - September 30... Be sure to set pressurized irrigation valves correctly. .. .rinkier systems must have on approved and tested backfow device. .. a stamp and go paperless today! log on to www.unitedwoter.com or call Customer Servce to find out more information . d 0 enroll in eBiling.*Fòt a small convenience fee, you can now pay your bil any time by callng B88-608-6690.. ..Oonate to UW Cores. and help those in our community who need assistance paying their water bills. Contributions are tax deductible. and 100 percent of your donation goes to helping familes meet their most essential need - water. United Water will match all customer donations up to $20.000 annually. Donations can be moiled to UWCares. P.O. Box 190420, Boise. 10 83719-0420. Thank you for your generosity;.. . . ... . !. ...' ,\..l/ '. r /1/1) ~ I''ied v' /or- 7)!- .l ¡i'l P"'l~ d~d!~,.,-c ~ :t ~YJ1 1 f¿ g 3.10 ~~'~'Cif' d¡£,-~tr- . f\r" col- i t c~L ~8~ _~ne~i . 'UNITEÐWATER . .UnitedWóter Idaho. ... ....... .............. .. Custòmer Servce Center . ... .... .... .... ... .'. .' 8248 West Victory Road. Boise. tD 837-09 .Telepltane: 208-362"'7304 ... . .. www.unltëdwater.còm ' USAGE HISTORY Biling Date: Account Number: 06/16/09 06000999221040 Bi"Monthly usage in hundred cubic feet Previous Balance Payments Through 06/16/09 1'nkYou Balance Forward Current Charges Due 07/06/2009 $23.98 $23.98CF $0.00 $33.10 AprJun JunAug Aug Oct Oct.De DeFeb feb Apr AprJun SERVICE ADDRESS: 3932 LElAND WAY BOISE 10 63 863 875 12 CCF EQUIVALENT TO 8.976 GALONS CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKNG VVR FEE ¡TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES sea $7.09 $9.30 $16.39 $16.21 $0.50 S33.10 SEe REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION , ; " ,;,;,;': ::::~:: :~:::::: :::: ;:::: :;::: .::: :::: ::':i:;I:~?:!i5::.:;:~::~.:~:~:~:?:::;::::: ::~':.: . ,-, ' :,-/,:.' .;,.-~.:.',,:-:-:-:.:-;-:.:,:.;.;.~.;,:.-,. .........s Wgs -......,.....-,....~.._.~,,-- ~::.~:t;~;.:::::':f~~::::::"':?:.::i~:':;:::';..( '.U:¡:::::::!:;¡~;::::~:~:::.:./:::'::-).:::::.r::::::U::/.\\::.-,:t:(:::::'.r;:/:///;',,::;::.;::.;,.::,;:.:::.:":': UIITI!DWATER . ... Qnit~~Waterldøho .. ../ ,:lie~.~~~I~~¡Se,IÖ83'll)9i .www.unìtenWitir.co............ . "':,:,:.:/::;::?::::)::::-. '.::"',.-',::::~:::%:::::::)::::::;::;:' USAGE HISTORY Bi-Monthly usage in hundred cubic feet or-u""r-o Previous Balance Payments Through 08/18/09 T/nkYou Balance Forward Current Charges Due 09/07/2009 08/18/09 06000999221. $33.10 $33.10( $0.00 $37.00 Biling Date: Account Number: t'+ SEICETQ, WALT HICOsm. i~ r t~A~~~~:R~~B~OT~L: ....... Jun-Aug Aug Oct Oct. De Dec.Feb Feb-Apr AprJun Jun.Aug SERVICE ADDRESS: 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 06/12/09 08/14/09 3 CCF (! $1.2112 63 $3.63 $16.66 $20.29 14 CCF fQUIVAlflfro 10.472 GAllONS CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKNG WTR FEE TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES seB $16.21 0.50 $37.00 SEe REVERse SIDE FOR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION/ ...........lHPQR.TANl':l1£s$AéES . .:...\(~mn:~~? ;:;::;:;:':::':::::::j;:::t¡¡mi..,.:"y(.. **Water wisely. Summer rates are in effect May 1 - September 30.** Be sure to set pressurized irrigation valves correctly.** An sprinkler systems must have an approved and tested backflow device. .. . Save a stamp and go paperless today! Log on to ww.unitedwater.com or caU Customer Servce to find out more informand to enroll in eBiling. *For a small convenience fee, you can now pay your bil any time by callng 888-608-6690. * "Donate to UW Cares, and help those in our community who need assistance paying their water bils. Contributions are taxdeductible, and i 00 percent of your donation goes to helping familes meet their most essential need - water. United Water win match all customer donations up to $20,000 annually. Donations can be mailed to UWCares, P.O. Box 190420, Boise, II 83719-0420. Thank you foryourgenerosity.** ,...:).. 1/1 i')~çil 't . .,pI. t\ ~1. OOOORE lS2S2_.,..,.,PLEAE DEAC H.!~~ AN REf~lo THe ~ IJTl!, ~ Y(R PA.'?NT IN THE.RET ~iiiOPeri~. ~,.,_,__ ~.!:iMAFI.07t . Bi-Monthly usage in hundred cunic feet Billng Date: Account Number: 06/13 06000999221 $23.98 $23.98 $0.00 $62.94 ...................;;:........ ...;.....;: .........':.¡d~$ì~~~~ 1 ' ~~ 3 Previous Balance Payments Through 06113/08 fll"k You Balance Forward Current Charges Due 0710312008 .:M'"I-Mo t()t~lMQtOu£.':;.."'" Apr.Jun Jun-Aug Aug-Oct Oct De De.Feb Feb-Apr AprJun SERCETO:3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 t 49171085 041108 061110812.3443 CCF 0 $1.2112 ,'t 20.6557 CCF 0 $1.5141~ WATER CHARGE SUBTOTAL I..:U..;.:.....:\;...... 61 765 798 33 CCF ACTUAL SCB £QUIVAL£NTTO 24,684 GALLONS$14.96 CUSTOMER CHARGE $16.21 $31.27 SAFE ORINKNG WTR FEE $0.50$46.23 TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES $62.94 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION ).(.... .....'.llImTAHfMIS$A.$:d :;:.::::;:::: ::::: ::::: ;;::: :.~.: .:.'.-- ;;" -.::::::::::":.:?:: ~; :~:r ~:':::!:::';!:~:: i:~ ~~:::::;:;:::;:::;:;:;:::.:.:-:................ :: ::: ::; :;\::~::!:~;:~::~~:~j:~: :~:~!i:~~;j:~~mr\Jr',. .*Water wisely. Summer rates are in eft May 1 - September 30.** Be sure to se pressurize irrgation valves correctly. ** AIsprnkler systms mus have an apped and tesed backflow device. ** . *For a small convenience fee, you can no pay your bil any time by calling 888-608-6690. * . **Dote to UW care, and hell those in our community who need assistnce ~ying their water bills. Conibutions are ta deucible, and 100 peent of you doion gos to helping familes meet thëir most essential ne. water. United Water wil mah all cusomer donations up to $20,000 annually. Dotions can be mailed to UWCares, P.O. Box 190420, Boise, 1083719-G20. Thnk you fo your genesity. **,~.~ l.l,..C~J .¡til , I~ '7 ¿ . .USAGE HISTORY Bi-Monthly usage in hundred cubic feet ...~~._........... ...)t~ =~~iS. ID 83109 . .. .~~Wlìtetët;i;òm . ..... ............. . . . Biling Date: Account Number: 8: Previous Balance Payments Through 06/13/08 Thnk You Balance Forward Current Charges Due 0710312008 06113108 06000999221040 $23.98 $23.98 $0.00 $62.942 4 3 ::M\:I-M ("''"'1 . . .USAGE HISTORY Bi-Monthly usage in hundred cubic feet I",.o::,.c: JunAii Aug-OCt OCt. Dec De Feb Feb Apr Apr Jun JunAug SERVICE TO: WALT HICKSTEIN 49171085 06/11/08 08/13/08 63 798 $3.64 $30.28 $33.92 3 CCf. 4ì $1.2112 20 CCF 0 $1.5141 WATER CHARGE SUBTOTAL Billng Date: Account Number: 08/15108 06000999221040 $62.94 $6L.22C $1.72 $50.63 Previous Balance Payments Through 08/15/08 Thank YOl Balance Forward - PAST DUE* Current Charges Due 09/0412008 *Past Due Balance may be subjet to late charges, collection and/or termination. SERVICE ADDRESS: 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 CCF EQUIVALENT TO 17.204 GALLONS CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKNG WTR FEE TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES $16.21 $0.50 $50.63 t .. ,...............".,SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INfORMATION ~.:.;.:.:;:;:::::::::::;;:;;:;::::;::::::.:.:+:~~\:!~~~~:m~i~~:~.~~.~~~~~.~f~~;~¡~f~j~;~;~~~;;;;;i:;:f::;:;:::::::::-:::,;::,::::::;:;::;;.:.j; ';.-,;.:.,:.:-:;:.:::::;:::;:::::::;:;:;:::;:::;::::\::;::;;;i);?;;::::::::::::;:.:.:.:'...... . "Water wisely. Summer rates are in efect May 1 - September 30. ** Be sure to set prssurized irrigation valves corly. ** All t:'nkier systems must have an approved and tested báckflow device. ** a small convenience fee, you can now pay your bil any time by callng 888.608.6690. * . ate to UW Cares, and help thoe in our community who ned assistance ~ying their water bils. Contibutions are tax deuctible, and 100 percent of your donation goes to héi~ng familes meet their most essential nee - water. United Water wil match all cusmer donations up to $20,000 annua.ii!. t.s can be mailed to UWCares, P.O. Box 190420, Boise, 1083719-0420. Thank you for your generoity.** PAl N SEP 10 'Jmt"\ \.lN\T~O WATliR _.. ..1.!l.OGf!.Pl(:AS.( D.P.AÇll ll(:Bt.õIlD BETIlRN THE aonoM ~lUIOIi WITH YOUR PAl~(NT IN THE REJUIlN f;IIVElQPI:.POY:lDEll....",~~_0.lØl . . . . 9 7 Previous Balance Payments Through 12/16/05 Thank tou Balance Forward Current Charges Due 01/05/2006 12116/05 06000999221040 .$209.43 $209.43C $0.00 $26.01 USAGE HISTORY Billng Date: Account Number:.BiMonthly usage in hundred cUbic feet 233-1 175 ::r" CO"r"o 117 58 OdDec DeeFeb rebAp' Apr JUIl Jun Aug A:.gOcl Oct Dec Service To: WALT HICKSTEIN Service Address: 3932 LELAND WAY BO!SE .10 10/14/05 12/14105 61 511 10 CCF (QUiVAlENT TO 7,IJ80 GAllONS ACTUAL SCB CUSTOMER CHARGE CONSUMPTION CHARGE SAFE DR!NKNG WTR FEE (!TAL CÛRRENT CHARGES $14.60 $10.91 $0.50 $26.01 l::~;i::::w~:¡=::;;¡::f=:!:~~ .~~ be'we ::':~:~::::¥:::::=:ìgdisconnect hoses from outside faucets and insulate any pipes thatcould freeze in the coming winter. * **Donate to UW Cares, and help those in our community who need assistance paying their water bils. Contributions are tax deductible, and 100 percent of your donation goes to helping famîles meet their most essential need - water. United Water wi! match all customer donations up to $20,000 annually. Donations can be mailed to UWcares, P.O. Box 190420, Boise, ID 83719-0420. Thnk you for your generosity."' SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR iMPOHlAN PLLAS( OCTA(;I! HERe I\h(' RETURt, TI( c,¡)¡imA P()RTIO~: Will 'lUR f'lIYMfU It- HIe RtrIJIH\ U,V(l(JPE PRGvipm United ¥' Custr.. .P'1 . ==~~ . H. PAlO~... . =: ~~Øo, ID~~09. . . .WWJmìted¡ct . ........ .... '. ..' ..... .......... MARt i 200 USAGE HISTORY UNITED WATE~ Bi-Monthly usage in hundred cubic feet J~~Unit Water' ..,-ez/. .'..." .,,-..- . ..-" 1 0211910806000999221. $26.40 $26.40( $0.00 $22.77 .m._.iôûí...;..... ....;...'.;ìiâ~~~. Biling Date: Account Number: ~rl:rHrlC Previous Balance Payments Through 02119/08 Thank You Balance Forward Current Charges Due 03/1012008 De-Feb Feb-Apr Apr-Jun Jun-Aug AugCkt Ckt-De De. Feb SERVCE TO WALT HICKSTEIN SERVICE ADDESS: 3932 LELAND WAY BOISE 10 5 EQUIVALENT TO $6.06$16.21~~ $0.50 $22.77 I SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT ACCUNT INFORMATION 5 CCF 0 $1.2112 CUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKNG WTR FEE I TOTAL CURRENT CHAGES l;~..".':.t.m~.;. ..... . ........j!!.::.............,... .....),f..il..:I..ìlliìl.ü:H *** Wint raes ar in ef until April 30, 200. As cold wehe appche be sur to wintize yor sprinkler sym, .disc ho from ouide fauc, and insulate any pipe that could frze in th coming wintr. *** *For a small convenience fee, you can now pay your bil any time by callng 888-608-6690. * **Do to UW Care, and help th in ou comunity wh ne assistnc paying thir water bills. Contibution are tadeucble, and 100 pent of YØ dotion goes to helping familes mee thir mo essntial ne - war. Unite Wat wil match all cusom dtions up to $20,000 annually. Dotions can be mailed to UWCares, P.O. Box 190420, Boise, 10 83719.0420. Thnk yo for yo geneity. ** , ~-"--::::)?:::::::::\();.::::: :::: :::':: ::::::::::.::::': .::: ::::~:., '.',' . ',' -;:~~~r::::~::-:::': -~ ':':':':;;':':'i~':':': 02001l PLEASE DETACH HERE AND RETURN THE BOnOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT IN THE RETURN ENVELOPE PROVIDED.1300007013U . . . . United Water United Water Idaho 8248 W. Victor Road P.O. Box 190420 Boise. 1083719-0420 telephone 208 362 7304 facsimile 208361479 ~ February 24, 2003 Dear Customer: As you know, when United Water Idaho purchasèd the fonner South County Water Company on December 3 i, 1998, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission authorized and we agreed to a graduated phase-in of out general metered Water rates. The five-year phase-in period allowed homeowners time to make necessary modifications to access pressurized or flood irrgation systems for low cost watering options. It also provided time to evaluate sprinkler systems and landscaping choices for residents without access to irrigation water. The first year the only bjJing change customers experienced was a switch from a monthly bì1 to our standard bi-monthly meter reading and billng. In year two, the rates changed to 60% of our general meter rate, and each year since, the rates have increased by LO%. Effective January l, 2003. the water rates increased to 90% of the general metered rates for all United Water ldaho customers. The last step in this phase-in will be January i, 2004. In our arid climate, summer watering oflawns and gardens puts the heaviest burden on our water system and has the greatest impact on your water bil. United Water Idaho promotes conservation and wise-water use through several progrms throughout the year. Currently, the weekly Water Effcient J .andscaping classes are underway at the Boise Public Library. Free to the public, this program runs through March, and is otTered in partership with Boise City Public Works, Ada County Extension Offcc and the University ofldaho. We also offer frec water audits to help homeowncrs evaluate the effciency of their sprinkler systems, low flow showerheads and flow restrictors for faucets. In addition, we can provide infonnation and brochures on water saving tips, landscaping ideas and other conservation tools to help promote wise water use and lower watcr bils. United Water Idaho has provided quality watcr scrvice to the greater Boisc area for over 100 years and we are proud of our history of service to thc community. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Enclosed is a oe\v copy of the approved rate schedule for general metered service for your area. Please contact our customer service group at 362-7304 if you have any questions concerning your service. ¡;;à~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO~Approved Effecive, January 6,2003 January 1, 200: Jean D. Jewell Secretary Sheet No. 4C Replacing All Previous Sheets UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. I . SCHEDULE 10 GENERAL METERED SERVICE: SOUTH COUNTY SERVICE AREA Availabilty: To all existing metered customers residing in the area formerly known as South County Water as of January 1, 1999.i ~- . . Minimum Charges: Meter Size 3/4" and smaUer 1" 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" 2" 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Bi-Monthly Per Meter Charge $13.11 $17.27 $27.95 $40.39 $74.24 $118.15 Volume Charge: For aU water used per 100 cu. ft. Winter $.8843 Summer $1.1053 .The summer period shall apply to water used between May 1 st and September 30th. Meter reading periods straddling these dates shaU be prorated based on the number of days in each billing period. Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on alt metered water for the billng period. Consumption is expressed in 100 cubic foot units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge wil be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire biling period. Only existing customers at the time of acquisition of South County Water Company are covered by this scheule. All new customers to the system, whether by new constructio, sale or purchase shall pay the current United Water Idaho General Metered rates as contained on Schedule NO.1 of this tari. These rates in this schedule expire 12131/03. The Company by tariff advice will file subsequent revisions to this schedule to implement the terms of Order Number 27798. Issued:December 16, 2002 Effective: January 1, 2003 Under Authority of I.P.U.C. Order No. 28505 and Order No. 27798. Issued by: UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: Gregory P. Wyatt, President . . . . United Water United Water Idaho 8248 W. Victor Road P.O. Box 19020 Boise, 1083719-0420 telephe 208 362 7304 facimile 208 362 1479 ~ Januar 26,2004 Dear Customer: As you know, when United Water Idaho purchased the former South County Water Company on December 3 I, 1998, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission authorized and we agreed to a graduated ~llhase-in of our generl metered water rates. The tÌVe-year phase;.ìnperiod allowed homeowner time to make necessary modifications to access pressurized or flood irrgation systems for low cost watering options. It also provided time to evaluate sprinker systems and landscaping choices for residents without access to irrgation water. The first year the only biling change customers expeienced was a switch from a monthly bil to out standard bi-monthly meter reading and biling. In year two, the rates changed to 60% of our general meter rate, and each year since, the rates have increased by 10%. Effective January 1,2004, the water rates increased to 100% ofthe general metered rates for all United Water Idaho customers. In our arid climate, summer watering of lawns and gardens puts the heaviest burden on our water system and has the gratest impact on your water bil. United Water Idao promotes conservation and wise-water use through several progrms throughout the year. Look for the weekly Water Effcient Landscaping classes to begin son at the Boise Public Library. Free to the public, this program runs through March, and is offered in partership with Boise City Public Works, Ada County Extension Offce and the Univerity of Idaho. We also offer free water audits to help homeowners evaluate the effciency of their sprinkler systems and conseration kit, which includes low flow showerheads and flow restrctors for faucets. In addition, we can provide information and brochures on water saving tips, landscaping ideas and other conseration tools to help promote wise water use and lower water bils. United Water Idaho has provided quality water servce to the greater Boise area for over 110 years and we are proud of our history of servce to the community. We appreciate the opportnity to serve you. Enclosed is a copy of the approved rate schedule for all generl metered serice. Please contact our customer servce group at 362-7304 if you have any questions concering your serce. ~~...A~ Patrcia Foss Commercial Manager Enclosure: Rate schedule ww.unitedwater.com Re all Previous Sheets APPROVED EFFECTIVE UNITED WATER IDAHO INC.SE 15 '0 SE 5- '00 SCHEDULE NO. 1 GERA METERED SERVICE seCRETAR.Availability: To all metered customers not served under a separate schedule. Customer Charges: Meter Size 5/8" 3/411 1" 1..1/4" and 1-1/2" 2" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or mul tiple meters of equivalent capaci ty 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 10" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Bi-Monthly Per Meter Charge $14.5714.57 19.19 31.05 44.88 82.49 131.28 252.63 381.20 532.85 Vol ume Charge: For all water used per 100 cubic feet (CCF): For all water used per 1,000 gallons Winter Rates Summer Rates $0.9825 $1.3134 $1.2281 $1.6418 Conditions of Contract: The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus the volume charge. The volume charge is based on all metered water for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in 100 hundred cubic foot units or one thousand gallon units as determined by the meter installed by the Company. The customer charge will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing period. Summr Period: The summer rate will apply to water consumed between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. Issued: Septembr 5, 2000 Effective: September 5, 2000 Under authority of I.P.U.C. Order No. 28505 I ssued by: ONTED WATER IDAHO INC. By: æ-.~:",,~. ìn, rl~A ~ ~~~~pier, ~~~Sident . . . . . United Water Tef-e. l! Dear United Water Customer: This is to notify you that on November 30,2004 United Water Idaho fied an Application with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (!PUC) asking for authority to increase the company's rates and charges for water service. In the Application United Water is proposing a revenue increase of $6,767,867, which represents an overall increas(~ in rates of 21.46% . Under the proposed Application, residential customer rates would increase by 22.35';'" commercial by 19.56%, public authority by 19.01%, and private . fire by 2T.55%. Theretuesyetrincrase would raise rates tor atypicalresidentiaI customer by about $6 a month (20 cents a day), bringing the average annual residential bil from 5323 to $395. The proposed increas(~ is necessary for several reasons. It has been more than four years since the last adjustment to the company's rates. During this period both the company's investments in water facilities and its operating costs necessary to provide safe and reliable water service have increased. A major example of this is the investment required for the new Columbia Water Treatment Plant, which is a key component of the company's Renewable Resource Initiative. By carefully managing its costs, the company has been able to defer the need for rate adjustment. Now, however, an increase in revenue is necessary to support these investments and to maintain a sound financial position. To learn more about the company's Application and about its Renewabk' Resource Initiative, please visit the company's web site at http://www.unitedwateridaho.com. The proposed increase in rates is subject to review and approval by the IPUC. A complete copy of the proposl is available at the company's offce at 824 W. Victory Road, Boise ID and at the Commission's offce at 472 W. Washington, Boise ID. It is also available on-line at the LPUC website: http://www.rue.state.id.uslFlLEROOM/water/watcr.htm. You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: http://www.puc.state.id.usj:R.rpts/polyform.dIJJpuc. Or mail comments to: Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 or United Water Idaho Inc. eo. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 Sincerely, United Water Idaho 1~/t-I01 Jean Jewell ~~~.š tfi From: Sent: To: Subject: ada0341 ~hotmail.com Thursday, October 22, 2009 1 :41 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from John Sproul follows: - - - ------- - -- - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- Case Number: t.Wr:-IJ~ oo¡ -0 I Name: John Sproul Address: 1866 S Goldking Wy City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83709 Daytime Telephone: unlisted Contact E-Mail: ada0341~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: QQ Please describe your comment briefly: United Water wants a %15+ rate increase. This at a time when everyone is struggling to make ends meet (except United Water). Whatever happened to . Buy Idaho' ? United Water isn i t an Idaho company. It' s not even aU. S. company. It i S owned by the French! The fricken French! I would think that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission would promote Idaho companies. Doesn i t it seem odd that we send our water payments to Pennsylvania? I thought the water in the State was controlled by the State. How did our water company become controlled by the French, and our money ends up in Pennsylvania. Buy Idaho? What a joke! No respondez sil vous plait! The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - ------ -- - -- -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- i I~ßí,;lo' Jean Jewell I/~.~ H i From: Sent: To: Subject: wahooweena~gmail.com Friday, October 23,20094:32 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Teresa Plummer follows: - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- Case Number: aW.J-w-09-01 Name: Teresa Plummer Address: 11629 Reutzel Dr City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83709. Daytime Telephone: 208- 284-0377 Contact E-Mail: wahooweena~mail.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: I have been asking the water company to please begin a level pay billing option, but I was told that the decision is up to the PUC. So, I would like to show my support for United Water having a level pay billing option for their customers. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -- - - - - - --- - -- ----- - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - -- 1