HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090903News Release.pdfUNITED WATER IDAHO 8248 West Victory Road Boise, ID 83709 TEL 208-362-7328 FAX 208-362-7069 WWW.UNITEDWATER.COM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RE.CE.\\j '3 0\' '3~ 5 \ 1nßq St.? _. \ ," \Jí\~~~tt~ c~Jii\šS\ON UùJ:: -t -¿'l-- J Contact: Mark Snider 208-362-7328 NEWS UNITED WATER IDAHO FILES RATE REQUEST WITH IPUC Utilty seeks to offer residential customers "Budget Biling" option BOISE, 10, September 3, 2009 - United Water Idaho today filed for rate relief with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (I PUC) requesting a $4.37 per month or 15 cents per day increase in rates for a typical residential customer. The proposed increase, if approved by the IPUC, would raise the average residential customer's annual bil from $343 to $395. United Water was last granted a rate increase more than three years ago in August 2006. "We've made substantial investments during the past three years on behalf of our customers to improve service and maintain water quality," said Greg Wyatt, vice president and general manager of United Water. "This rate filng is necessary for us to continue to meet the stricter water quality regulations of the future, and also ensure the continued safety and reliabilty of our water system." Since its last rate filing in early 2006, United Water has made more than $13 milion in investments and improvements to the water system serving Idaho's capital city. The company has invested more than $12 milion to replace aging infrastructure, including replacing more than 16 miles of water mains, 2,200 water services, and 13,000 meters. United Water has invested nearly $2 millon in treatment facilities at various locations in the system. United Water has also improved reliabilty by investing in booster station improvements and auxilary power, to ensure uninterrupted service in the event of a power failure. Since 2006 the company's operational costs have also increased for items such as power, chemicals, and depreciation - totaling more than $1.2 millon. "We've worked hard to control operating costs, but prices for commodities such as power and chemicals continue to rise at an alarming rate," said Wyatt. "That's one of the reasons we have instituted an aggressive water conservation program and a low-income customer payment assistance program through UW Cares." Rate filng includes "Budget Biling" proposal As part of its application, United Water is asking the IPUC to approve a "Budget Billing" plan, which would enable residential customers to sign up and equalize their payments over a 12- month period. -more- UNITED WATER IDAHO FILES RATE REQUEST WITH IPUC Page 2 "Budget biling is the service most often requested by our customers," said Wyatt. "For many residential customers, over 60% of their annual bill is comprised of the three bi-monthly bills that cover the spring and summer. This can lead to customer hardship. A Budget Billing plan will offer customers a significantly less burden-some method to deal with seasonal fluctuation of their water bilL." The proposed increase in rates is to be applied to all rate classifications on an across-the- board basis and is subject to review and a decision by the IPUC, which may accept, modify or reject in whole or in part the proposed increase which could take up to seven months to process. Customers can view the rate case filing online at either the Idaho Public Utilities Website: http://ww.puc.idaho.gov/internet/cases/summary/UWIW0901.htmlor on United Water Idaho's site: ww.unitedwater.com/idaho. United Water Rate Filng Impact ChartMonthly Amount Current Average residential customer $28.57 Proposed $32.94 Percent increase 15.3% ABOUT UNITED WATER United Water Idaho provides water service to approximately 240,000 people throughout the Boise area. Nationwide, United Water provides water and wastewater services to 7.3 millon people in the United States. In addition to owning and operating 20 regulated utilities, United Water operates 240 municipal and industrial systems through public-private partnerships and contract agreements including three of the nation's largest water and wastewater contracts. The company's affiliate, Utiliy Service Company, is the nation's leading provider of long-term water tank management contracts with municipal and industrial clients. Founded in 1869, United Water is a subsidiary of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT. ABOUT SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Natural resources are not infinite. Each day, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT and its subsidiaries deal with the challenge to protect resources by providing innovative solutions to industries and to millions of people. SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT supplies drinking water to 76 milion people, provides wastewater treatment services for 44 millon people and collects the waste produced by 60 millon people. SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT has 65,400 employees and is present on five continents. It is a world leader exclusively dedicated to water supply and waste removal services. In 2008, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, a subsidiary in which GDF SUEZ has a 35% stake, achieved sales turnover of €12.4 bilion ($17.6 billion USD). To find out more, visit ww.suez-environnement.com. ##