HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080902City of Nampa Reply Comments.pdfORIGINAL RE.CE\VEO Terrnce R. Whte (ISB No. 1351). . ow 3i33 WHTE PETERSON 881- SEP -Z r n 5700 E. Frain Rd., Ste. 200 ..0 PUßUC Nampa ID 83687 . u'R~s COMM1SS\ONT: (208) 466 9272 UTi F: (208) 466 4405 trw(!whitepeterson.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION Case No. UW-W-08-02 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FOR AN AMNDMENT TO ITS CERTIFICATE OF REPLYCOMMNTS PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AN NECESSITY NO. 143 AND FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER. COMES NOW the City of Nampa, Idao and replies to the Comments of the Commssion Sta ("Sta Comments") dated Augut 8, 2008, as follows, to wit: The City of Nampa appreciates the Idao Public Utilities Commission's (lPUC) prompt review of the Unite Water, Inc., application. The acquisition of United Water's resources by the City of Nampa will provide substatial benefit to the acquied customers and the City of Nampa Wate System. The followig is a response to the questions/concern posed by the IPUC sta and Mr. Don Lyn as requested. IPUC STAFF COMMNTS "Sta recommends tht these customer be allowed to reai at existing United Water irgation rates for a fied period of the to five years or until the system is interconnecte with or anexed into the City." (page 8) It is the City of Nampa's intention to interconnect the Coventr System with the City's system withn 30 days of IPUC's approval of the City of Nampa and United Wate purhae REPLY COMMNTS - i agreement. Nampa can assur ths action because, 1) The interconnection design is complete, 2) The City of Nampa has sufcient piping materals to complete the project, 3) City forces will complete the interconnection constrction activity and, 4) The City of Nampa has ongoing contrcts with asphat contrto to complete the paving repair. Given ths expected interconnection tie frame, the City of Nampa does not believe a rate frze is appropriate or necessar for the Coventr system. DON LYN COMMNTS Mr. Lyn appear to have the followi thee mai conces: . Uncerty over the interonnection tie frame for Belmont water . Water Rates Repreentaion . Anexaon Representation INERCONNECTION TIME FRA The Belmont Water System is acquied under a Consent Order from the Idaho Deparent of Environmenta Quaity. The Consent Order tranfers with the sale of the system. The order is very clea that the Belmont system must be interconnected with the City of Nampa system by December 1,2009. The City of Nampa is on track to meet ths requiment. WATER RATES REPRESENTATION i. C. § 63-131 lA requis a public heag be held prior to imposing any new fee or for any fee increase in excess of five percent (5%) of the amount of the fee last caculated. I.C. § 63-1311A fuer provides the necesar notification requirements prior to the public hearg and for fee incrases. Furerore, any incree in rates or chaes must be approved by the Nampa City CounciL. REPLY COMMENTS - 2 Public Heargs and Nampa City Council meetigs are open to the genera public. Therefore, all customers not just those withi the City limts, have an opportty for input prior to fi rate decisions. ANXATION REPRESENTATION i.C. § 50-222, provides the City's anexation authority and procedur reuiements. I.C. § 50-222(5) includes provision for public heargs and notification requiements. Therefore, propert owners have an opportty to present their cas before the City Council prior to anexaton. The City of Nampa appreciates the opportty to provide reply comments and looks forwd to the Commssion's favorable Order. DATED ths ~ day of September, 2008. WHTE PETERSON Terrnce e Attorneys for the City of Nampa REPLY COMMENTS - 3 " CERTIICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certfy tht on the ~ day of September, 2008, I caused to be served, via the metodes) indicated below, tre and corrct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secreta Hand Delivered ~l. Idaho Public Utilties Commission U.S. Mail ~l. 472 West Washigton Stret Fax ~l. P.O. Box 83720 Fed. Express ~~Boise, ID 83720-0074 Emai j j ewell(ßpuc.state.id. us Scott Woodbur Hand Delivered ~l. Idaho Public Utilties Commssion U.S. Mail iJ 472 West Washington Street Fax ~l. P.O. Box 83720 Fed. Express ~l. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Email ~l. Terrnce R. te WHTE PETERSON REPLY COMMENTS - 4