HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080626Wyatt Direct, Exhibit.pdfe e !" .f"':! iì~. .0, - .~ .':\.._ ~ i.J Dean J. Miler (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joeCâmcdevitt-mier .com ?Mill J.! IMt 9 pli l :lti'-uuU ud n BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATIOÑ ) CASE NO. UWI-W-08-02 OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., FORAN ) AMENDMENT TO ITS CERTIFICATE OF ) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AN NECESSrr NO. ) 143 AN FOR AN ACCOUNING ORDER. ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GREGORY P. WYATT ORIGINAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 e e Q.Please state your name. A.GregoryP. Wyatt Q.What is your position? A.I am the Vice President and General Manager of United Water Idaho. Q.When did you assume your duties as General Manager of United Water Idaho? A.Januar of 2000. Q.What is the purose of your testimony? A.I wil explai the history of the United Water Idaho's non-contiguous projects in Canyon County, the details of the proposed sale of those systems to the City of Nampa and the underlying rationale for the transaction. Q.Please explain the history of United Water's non-contiguous projects in Canyon County. United Water provides service to thee subdivisions in Canyon County: the Coventr Place Subdivision, the M&M Mountain View Acres Subdivision and the Belmont Heights Subdivision. In Case No. UWI-W-99-1, Order No. 27976, (1999) the Commission approved the expansion of United Water's Cerificate of Public Convenence and Necessity to provide service to the Coventr Place Subdivision; in Case No. UWI-W-00-03, Order No. 28418, (2000) the Commission approved expansion of United Water's Cerificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide serce to the M&M Mountain View Acres Subdivision; in Case No. UWI-W-01-03, Order No. 28885, (2001) the Commission approved expansion of United Water's Cerificate of Public Wyatt,Di United Water Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 e e Convenence and Necessity to provide serice to the Belmont Heights Subdivision. United Wate Previously provided servce in Canyon County to the Carage Hil Subdivision, the sale of which to the City of Nampa was approved by the Commission in Case No. UWI-W-04-03, Order No. 29625 (2004). Q.Please descrbe the circumstances leading to your discussions with the City of Nampa regarding the proposed sale of the systems? A.Beginnng in the last half of 2006, Nampa contacted me expressing interest in acquiring United Water's Coventr well and water system. Durng initial discussions, I made it clear to Michael Fuss, Nampa's Public Works Director, that United Water would be interested in sellng Coventr, but only on the condition that Nampa consider acquiring all thee Canyon County non-contiguous systems; Belmont, Coventr, and M&M. Q.Why did United Water desire the disposition of all three of its Canyon County non-contiguous systems? A.Durng earlier negotiations with Nampa regarding the Carage Hil Subdivision sale it became apparent to me that Nampa believed it was not in the best interests of its citizens to have multiple water suppliers within, or close, to its boundares. The City of Nampa had continued to grow in proximity to, and in some cases around, these non-contiguous systems. Accordingly, growt opportties in the area for United Water were limited and it was apparent that the City prefered that United Water exit the area all together. Wyatt,Di United Water Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 e e Q.Are there also water quality issues that would have to be addressed if United Water were to continue serce? A.Yes, there are. Beginning in 2004, we began sampling for uranium in accordance with EPA requirements. The quarerly sampling from that point forward indicated average levels of uranium in the Belmont well to be slightly in excess of the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Q What has United Water Idao done in response to the slightly elevated levels of uranium detected in thedBelmont system well? Beginning in March 2006, and continuing to the present, United Water has issued the residents of the Belmont system a public notification informing them that the average uranium level over the prior four quarters was slightly in excess of the federal stadard. United Water also actively investigated thee different alternatives to bring the water system back into compliance. These options include drllng a new well, installng uranum removal treatment equipment and connecting to another water system. Q Please expand on United Water's efforts regarding these thee options. A United Water drilled a 600 foot test well next to the existing Belmont wells. The test well produced water free of uranium, but unfortately contained levels of hydrogen sulfide, amonia, and iron that made the water aesthetically unpleasing, and would require signficant treatment. United Water also pilot tested two different uranum removal treatment systems at the Belmont well site. Both systems were found to be effective at uranum Wyatt,Di United Water Page 4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A 16 17 18 19 20 21 e e removal; unfortnately, both treatment systems had two negative implications. First, the capital costs of the systems were signficant and the cost of disposing of the spent treatment media was both expensive and very complicated to ship. Second, homeowners in the Belmont Heights system were not eager to have a system that was concentrating uranum in their neighborhood. The thd option, connecting the Belmont system to another water system, is the subject of ths filing. If the Commission approves the Purchase and Sale Agreement between United Water and the City of Nampa, the City of Nampa intends to extend a water main to interconnect the Belmont system with the City water system and provide water serce to the residents of Belmont that meets all federal requirements. Q Has the Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) recognzed ths interconnection to another system to be a viable solution to the uranum concer for the Belmont residents? Yes. United Water Idah has entered into a "Consent Agreement" (attched as Exhbit A) with the IDEQ J;ßgRrding a uranium mitigation plan for the Belmont system which identifies interconnection with another public water system as a key component of the mitigation strategy. Q.What is the agreed purchase price and how was it deterned? A.The purchase price is $245,000 and it was arved at through ars lengt negotiations. The City hired its own engieering consultant to evaluate the Wyatt,Di United Water Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -e systems and the City made an independent judgment as to the amount it was wiling to pay. Q.What is the Company's proposal for distrbution and accounting of the sale proceeds? A.United Water recommends that the proceeds be distrbuted and accounted for in the same maner as sale proceeds were recently treated in the sale of the Danskin- Saddle Ridge Subdivisions. Q.Please descrbe the Danski11Saddle Ridge methodology and its background. A.United Water recently sold its non-contiguous system serng the Danskin and Saddle Ridge Subdivisions to the City of Kuna. Initially, there was disagreement between the Company and Commission Staff regarding the proper allocation of the net proceeds between the Company's shareholder and the Company's ratepayers. After negotiations, the Company and Commission Staff reached a Stipulation which was presented to the Commission. In Order No. 30481, Case No. UWI-W-07-05, the Commission approved the Stipulation and described the distrbution method as follows: .The actul net proceeds, after elimination of all associated utilty plant in serce, associated accumulated depreciation, constrction work in progress, advances, contrbutions, associated amortization of contrbutions, closing expenses including legal expenses, and all associated transaction expenses, to be recorded as an "other defered credit" liabilty on the Company's balance sheet in account 253.09, titled "Deferred Regulatory Liabilty". Wyatt,Di United Water Page 6 e e 1 .The defered credit would then be amortized, or written off, over 36 months (3 2 years) beginnng with the month of the sale closing, with the offsetting credit 3 recorded to income statement account 421.00, "Miscellaneous Non-Utilty 4 Income." 5 .The unamortized balance remaining in the deferred regulatory liability account 6 would be recognzed as a deduction from rate base in any subsequent general rate 7 case. 8 As was the case in Dankîn..Sadle Ridge, this method results in an equitable 9 sharng between ratepayer an shareholders by providing that a porton wil be 10 recognzed as below the line income to United Water and a porton wil be a 11 reduction to rate base in the Company's next general rate cae. Whle United 12 Water believes there are mertorious legal arguents for allocating the net 13 procees exclusively to shareholders, the Company recommends ths sharng 14 method as a reasonable compromise in ths case. 15 Q.Does that conclude your testimony? 16 A.Yes it does. Wyatt,Di United Water Page 7 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALlTYZûU8 FILE COpy RECEIVED MAY 1 5 2007 i1:50 UNITED WATER "" . 1410 North Hilton - Boise, 1083706-1255- (208) 373.0502 i ~j',; . ... i .. o IILli IL~::J ~~: C; ,.; ,,¡,;~:,C.L. "Butch" Oter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director May 14,2008 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gregory Wyatt United Water Idaho P.O. Box 190420 Boise, il 83719 Subject: Executed Consent Order for Belmont Heights community public water system, PWS #ID40 1 0252 Dear Mr. Wyatt: Enclosed is a fully executed copy of the Consent Order (CO) signed by Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality's Director, Toni Hardesty. The staff at the Boise Regional Office wil be trcking compliance with the deadlines set forth in the CO. Please send required communications to: Tiffany Floyd, Regional Drinking Water Manager Deparment of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Office 1445 N. Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706 Thank you for working with the Deparment to resolve these issues. Sincerely, /3~1ti~ Bar N. Burnell Water Quality Division Administrator BNB:jt Enclosure c: Courtney E. Beebe, Deputy Attorney General Tiffany Floyd, Boise Regional Office Steve Staufer, Boise Regional Office Brandon Lowder, Boise Regional Office Enforcement File COF EXHIBIT i PAGE i OF 4 . . .. IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY In the matter of:) ) ) ) CONSENT ORDER Idaho Code § 39-108Belmont Heights Water System 1. Pursuant to the Idaho Environmental Protection and Health Act, Idaho Code §§ 39- 101 through 39-130, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (Department) enters into this Consent Order with Belmont Heights Water System (Belmont Heights), owned and operated by United Water Idaho. Belmont Heights is a community public water system(System), PWS 4010252, which serves 76 connections and approximately 190 persons on a daily basis in Canyon County, Idaho. 2. Quarterly samples taken from Belmont Heights' System in 2006 and 2007 consistently exceeded the uranium maximum contaminant level (MCl) of 30 JJg/l, specified in 40 CFR 141.66, incorporated by reference in the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, IDAPA 3. The Department requested that Belmont Heights meet with the Department in a compliance conference to enter into a Consent Order. A compliance conference was held on March 6, 2008. 4. Belmont Heights hereby agrees to perform the following actions in the time periods set forth in order to achieve compliance with Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, IDAPA 58.01.08: a. Public Notice. Belmont Heights shall continue to provide quarterly public notices concerning the exceedances of the MCl for uranium and the health effects related to these exceedances, in accordance with IDAPA, to eachresidence on the System by mail or hand delivery. i. Belmont Heights shall continue to provide quarterly public notices until such time as the Department notifies Belmont Heights in writing that quarterly notices are no longer required. ii. Belmont Heights shall provide the Department with proof of each quarterly notification via the Department's supplied notification form and a copy of each quarterly notification within ten (10) days of completion in accordance with IDAPA b. Sampling. Belmont Heights shall continue to submit water samples from the System on a quarterly basis for uranium analysis by a certified laboratory. All sample analysis results shall be submitted to the Department. Belmont Heights shallcontinue quarterly sampling until such time as the Department notifies Belmont Heights in writing that quarterly sampling is no longer required. Belmont Heights Consent Order Page 1 of 3 E:KHIBIT 1 PAGE 2 OF 4 ~ L.. ~ c. Uranium Mitigation Option. No later than July 1, 2008, Belmont Heights shall complete the following mitigation strategy: i. Enter into an agreement with an existing public water system for interconnection and service, with a signed letter of agreement between Belmont Heights and an existing public water system for interconnection and service in accordance with IDAPA ii. Belmont Heights shall submit to the Department a letter from that public water system stating that they wil be able to provide services to Belmont Heights and the proposed date of interconnection. ii. Interconnection and service shall be completed no later than December 1, 2009. 5. Department Submittal Review Process. Unless otherwise set forth specifically herein, the following document submittal and review process (Submittal Review Process) shall be followed regarding submittals required by this Consent Order. This process shall be followed until the Department approves the document or the document review time frame has expired. a. Within thirt (30) calendar days of receipt of Belmont Heights' submittal, the Department shall 1) notify Belmont Heights in writing the document is approved; 2) notify Belmont Heights in writing of any deficiencies in the document; or, 3) notif Belmont Heights of the Depártment's extension of the Department's review and comment period. If the Department notifies Belmont Heights of deficiencies in the document, Belmont Heights shall submit a revised document to resolve those deficiencies within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the Department's notice. b. The Submittal Review Process shall be repeated until the Department notifies Belmont Heights the document is approved. However, the submittal must meet the Department's approval within sixty (60) days from the due date for the first submittal of the document, unless the Department provides Belmont Heights with a written extension of the sixt (60) day time frame. Belmont Heights' failure to obtain Department approval of a submittal within such time frames shall constitute a violation of this Consent Order. c. Once the Department approves documents, they shall be incorporated herein . and enforceable as a part of this Consent Order. 6. All communications required of Belmont Heights by this Consent Order shall be addressed to: Tiffany Floyd Regional Drinking Water Manager Department of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Offce 1445 N. Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706 Belmont Heights Consent Order Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT i PAGE 3 OF 4 .. ' 7. All notices, reports and submittals required of the Department by this Consent Order shall be addressed to: Camile Cegnar United Water Idaho 8248 West Victory Road PO Box 190420 Boise, ID 83719-0420 8. This Consent Order shall not in any way relieve Belmont Heights from any obligation to comply with any provision of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, or any applicable local, state, or federal laws. 9. Belmont Heights recognizes that failure to comply with the terms in this Consent Order may result in district court action seeking specific penormance of this Consent Order; assessment of costs and expenses; available penalties under Idaho Code §39- 108; restraining orders; injunctions; attorney fees; and other relief available by st~tute or rule as the court considers to be just and reasonable under the circumstances. 10. This Consent Order shall remain in full force and effect until the Department acknowledges in writing that the Consent Order is terminated and that Belmont Heights has fulfilled all requirements of this Consent Order. 11. This Consent Order shall bind Belmont Heights, its successors and assigns, until terminated in writing by the Department. 12. Each undersigned representative to this Consent Order certifies that he or she is fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of this Consent Order, and to execute and legally bind such part to this document. 13. The effective date of this Consent Order shall be the date of signature by the Director of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. DATED this S £! day of /J-AY7 ,2008. .' fh DATED this /? day of If''' ,:-~ "f I ,2008. ï//( ..By: / \ -'ì-.( "- .. Toni Hardesty, Director Department of Environmental Quality Belmont Heights Consent Order Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT i PAGE 4 OF 4