HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080107Comments.pdf01-06-1 08 21: 37 FROM- ~ .;~ ,/-t/or $Ae ,,, " rIlE"!l 1/ II'_""OIL.. Community Action Partership Association of Idaho 5400 W. Friinklin Rd., Suite G Boise.ID 83705 Phone: 208-375-7382 Toll Free: 1-877.315.7382 Fal(: 20&-342-207& Emiiil:. mchanttl4capai.org Community Action Partnership (CAP) 208.746-335 I Wesiern Idaho Community Actíon rartnership (WICAP) 208-642-9086 EJAda Cüininuiiily Action Agency 208-377-0700 South Ceniral Community Action Partnership iSCçAr) 208.734.2307 Southeastern Idaho Coininuiiity Action Agency (SEIC'AA) 20&-232-1114 Eastern Idaho COlnlminity Action Partnership (EICAP) 20&-522-5391 CCOA- Aging. Wcaihcri7.ation. ¡ind Human Scrvicc!ò 208459.0063 Community C'(lundl iit" Idaho (CCOI) 208454-1652 ¿t /f.i/.Ifu ~ T-741 P001/002 F-665 J Ii , 17 December 2007 2GUB JAN -7 AM 8: 28 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise; ID 83720-0074 Stret Addrss: 472 W Washingtn 83702 IDAHO FUBLIC UTiLITIES COMMISSIO;. RE: Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Date Filed: 09/1712007 Description: Unite Water-Converting from bi-monthly to monthly biling Dear Members of the Commission, Community Action Parership Association of Idaho (CAP AAI) would like to express its support for United Water-Idao's convertg from a bi~ monthly biling syste to a monthly biling system. ltis CAPAl's position that it is in the better interest of lower-income households to receive monthly bilings. Idaho's lower income households have many competitors for their limited fuds, and even in the best of cases, many ar stmggling to maintain their housing, utilties, food and health care needs. Because of the limited income; many are forced to budget on a paycheck to paychec basÎs~ and it is diffcult to set aside a porton of each check for the monthly heating~ housing and other monthly bils when facing today's food and transportation needs. To push out a regular bil even fuer to a bi- monthly fomiat makes budgetig that much more diffcult. The present hi-monthly system makes it more challenging for low-income households in two ars. The first, and one that really applies to all income levels although the impact is greater for lower income households~ is that there is only feedback on consumption ever two months. Monthly feedback on consumption though the biling system would allow households to potentially alter their habits to lessen consumption for the following month. Even a ten to twenty dollar reduction in usage would be 01-06-1 08 21: 37 FROM-T-741 P002/002 F-665 very meaningful to a family whose monthly household income may be $900; this míght mea fresh frit or a quarer tan of gas for employment. The second area of diffculty is financial management. Most of the other utility and other biling systems bil on a monthly basis; this consistency provides ar opportity to look at the projected monthly income and weigh it against projected expenses. When not havin a monthly bil, it is easy to forget about the water bil that wil arive in four to six weeks, and instead of setting aside $20-40 towars the water bil. someone might fill the tank of gas, buy extra groceries; or pay ext on another debt. This, in tum, can contribute towards a manageable water bil becoming unanageable. Moving to a monthly system wil address these two areas in a positive way for all commimîty member, but wil benefit our lower income neighbors the most, enabling beter management of very limited funds. i than you for the opportity to comment on this mattr. Sincerely, ...- I"~.!r,.6 .'¡.Ait . .,.. ,/,' n., íj~.?. r f/;¿'!!: ~i¡~ to' Mar Chant, Executive Director 1~11¡j1 Jean Jewell ¡/~ 14.i1.yr; ~,~ Ifi Sent: To: Subject: Sunday, January 06, 2008 6:49 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Pam Schmidt follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Pam SchmidtAddress: 744 S Kirby St City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83705 Home Telephone: 368-9731 Contact E-Mail:Name of Utility Com~~United Water IdahoAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: RE: Billing Monthly Rather Than Every Two Months. I see no benefit of this proposal except for the water company itself. (And then they'll have to perhaps hire more people, use more paper for invoices and envelopes, more stamps, etc., and produce more for the mail carrier to lug around.) It won't change my water useage, but will cost me $3 a month more on my bill ($6 over a twó month period). As to the statement that it will make people more aware of how much water they use: I think most of us are aware how much water we use and try to keep it to a minimum for our needs. Those who don't care, will not change their attitude or habits just because they get billed more frequently! The current system has worked well for a long time and I see no need to change it. Thank you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -------- - - --- - -- ---- -- - -- 1 /~/a~ Jean Jewell /f ~'~ t(i From: Sent: To: Subject: smithlink1 ~juno.com Monday, January 07,20085:44 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Robert Linkhart follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Robert Linkhart Address: 1854 Wilmington Drive City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83704 Horne Telephone: work number (208)334-8492 Contact E-Mail: smithlink10juno.com Name of Utility Company: United Water IdahoAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I offer for the Commissioners consideration my comments against granting United Water Idaho's request to increase service charges by almost 4 % to convert from bi-monthly to monthly billings. Uni ted Water Idaho states this rate increase will provide benefits of: easier budgeting for the consumer enhanced water conservation by consumer getting a monthly billing more frequent visits by United Water Idaho personnel will reduce water problems The facts are United Water Idaho will not provide increased benefits by convert from bi- monthly to monthly billings. The increased costs to the consumer will result in only increásed costs; which will be more of a burden for households on a limited income. Here are my comments on the "proposed" benefits stated by United Water Idaho: budgeting is the same, whether for one or two months; also monthly billings requireaddi tional bill paying costs (i. e. stamps) and time by the consumer. water conservation is not enhanced by a monthly bill; those individual who really want to know daily, weekly, or monthly water consumption can simply read their own watermeter. a maj ori ty of water leaks are located wi thin the interior of a building (i. e. toilet running; leaking faucet, leaking shut-off valve, etc.), which would not be observed by United Water Idaho personnel. This fact is supported by United Water Idaho selling "leak guard protection" to their consumers. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 (~~111Ior Jean Jewell .1111 /t.v-,/f, ~. j (4 From: Sent: To: Subject: kittgoogly(§msn.com Wednesday, January 02, 2008 9:28 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from jan glandon follows: Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: jan glandon Address: 3440 w. hansen ave City: boise State: ID Zip: Home Telephone: 208-336-1698 Contact E-Mail: kittygoogly~msn.com Name of Utility Compa~ United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~Idaho Please describe your question or comment briefly: Just wanted to add again I am so in favor of monthly billing at United Water Idaho!!!! I definately think it's the right way to go. Thank you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1 '¡)j~1Ior Jean Jewell /r; A- V h~vA L i.. From: Sent: To: Subject: brian .andrew~brianandjenny.com Wednesday, January 02, 2008 8:44 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Brian Hartvigsen follows: Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Brian Hartvigsen Address: 4756 Sioux PL City: Boise State:' 10 Zip: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-385-7885 Contact E-Mail: brian 0 andrewØbrianandjenny 0 com Name of Utility Compa~ United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please déscribe your question or comment briefly: I think the rate increase proposed by United Water is unfair to the consumer 0 While we do get monthly billing, United Water still gives us no way to access any account information online and this proposal doesn't include a commitment to adding that as well. I believe before they implement monthly billing they should start making life easier by giving us online account access like Qwest and Idaho Power do (either through their own service or through working with CheckFree and other online bill payment/account access companies 0) The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipucohtml IP address is 6706002300130 1 ¡Ji~~ 1/7/°1 Jean Jewell /10 AA!./'1~.;. ¡-I From: Sent: To: Subject: Jean Jewell Friday, January 04, 2008 3:02 PM Jean Jewell FW: Consumer Comment/COmplaint Form -----Original Message-----From: trhodes~provizio. com (mail to: trhodes~provizio. com) Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 3:27 PM To: Tonya Clark; Front; Beverly Barker Subj ect: Consumer Comment/Complaint Form A Comment/Inquiry from Tim Rhodes follows: Name: Tim Rhodes Contact E-Mail: trhodes~provizio.com Home Telephone: 2082862060 Work/Contact Telephone: 2084657900 Home/Office or Both: Home Home Address: 66 N. Saratoga Court City: Nampa State: ID Zipcode: 83687 Business Name: Business Address: Business Phone: Name of Utility Company: United WaterI f Telephone/Local Provider: Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: yes Please describe your question or complaint briefly: On December 20, 2007, I received a notice from United Water regarding the company's proposed rate increase of $1.15 per month, or $13.80 per year. I materially do not have problems with companies, including public utilities, raising their rates for service. However, I do have difficulty with publ~c utilities raising their rates when the service they provide is substandard. This is the case with United Water. Since we moved into our new home May 10th, 2006, we have been attempting to discover the "real" status of the water condition within our subdivision, Belmont Estates. United Water notified residents that the well the company is using to supply residential water to our house, and those in our neighborhood, was contaminated with naturally occurring uranium. While the company assured residents via a form letter that the water was safe to drink, I took exception with their safety analysis as well as their own measurement of the actual uranium within our well water. I authored several position papers supporting the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendation of Uranium levels for safe drinking water as well as overall sale exposure levels. While the US EPA promotes that the recommended level of Uranium should not exceed 20 micrograms/L of Uranium, the WHO's position is that drinking water should not exceed 2 micrograms/L of Uranium. The WHO further promotes that Uranium concentration in drinking water should be based on a "Tolerable Daily Intake" (TDI) of 0.6 micrograms/kg of body weight. The TDI is an estimate of the amount that can be consumed daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk. The WHO's recommendation is a TDI of 36 micrograms for an average adult weighing 60 kilograms. Based upon my own private testing of the water with an outside lab, the current amount of Uranium in the Belmont Heights drinking system is at 26 micrograms/L and not 20 1 micrograms/L as United Water has reported. Even with the EPA's safe drinking water policy set at 20 micrograms, the current level of 26 micrograms/L far exceeds that threshold .and exceeds the WHO's recommendation by 12 times. Since this time, we have subscribed to an outside drinking water service, at our own expense, which provides us uranium-free water at $30 per .month. In the fall of 2007, we also discovered that the company's solution to our problem was to sell the well to the city of Nampa, rather than develop an interim and long-term solution. While this may seem like the best solution on paper, it further prolongs the time that we are exposed to uranium levels and presents to interim solution for residents. My point is that I have very difficult time paying additional for a service that I cannot use as well as for service where the company has little regard for the health of its customers. Rather than do the right thing, United Water chose to "sell off" their problem to the lowest bidder, creating an even longer period of time that residents have to dealwi th unsafe drinking water. I urge the PUC to deny United Water's request for the proposed rate hike until the company can demonstrate a record of better performance and service to the customers they serve. Thank you for your time. I f you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am available via phone or in person if you desire further information. Sincerely, Dr. Tim W. Rhodes, PhD The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/cons/cons.html IP address is - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ 2 .I~/o~ Jean Jewell ,4 IU/'/~~:" 11, From: Sent: To: Subject: Klkehne~cableone.net Wednesday, January 02,20085:12 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Kate Kehne follows: ----~-- -------------- ----- - --- ---- -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Kate Kehne Address: 3405 Mountain View Dr. City: BOISE State: 10 Zip: 83704 Home Telephone: 376-4006 Contact E-Mail: Klkehne0cableone.net Name of Utility Compa~ United Water Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: I am opposed to United Water's application for monthly meter reading and billing. Regarding their reasons for the change: I have no difficulty paying the water bills bimonthly, in fact it's nice to. have a bill that only arrives every 2 months, and I have no trouble figuring out that the more water I use during the summer, the higher the bills will be. Perhaps more frequent visits by personnel would be helpful, but as far as I know, water company personnel respond quickly to problems anyway. I believe that 8 additional employees, increased vehicle/fuel use, purchase of additional equipment, increased billing, postage, and payment processing costs, including collections, would be a wasteful use of time, money and valuable resources (particularly fuel and paper), and not a conservation measure. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is i