HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071130Comments.pdf/~ ~JI301°'7~ý~ A-i/,/~&~.4 tIi 677 N. Cove Colony Way Eagle, Idao #83616 c;,~..,,. ZflGl NOV 29 8: 16 Nov. 29, 2007 Idao Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washin Boise,ld Re: Unite Watr reue for rate increa. To Whom it may concern; As a cusmer of Unite Wat I stongly urge you to deny Unite Watr's reues for a rate increa of (about) $ 1.15 pe month. When I reived my curnt bil ther wa a lettr included advising th Unite Water wa reue th in to alow them to bil it's cutomer monthy in ofbi. monthy. They list 3 rens why they should bil monty. 1) It would be eaier to pay monthy. 2) It would enh wa consaton...... 3) Leak an met prblems would be dette . Thes rens ar ridiculous an intig. .. they merly wish to get a ra in underth smke sc If Unite Wate wishes to bil monthy it should not be at the expns of the conser. PLEASE VOTE NO ... ..on ths reuest ~-~~ WalteH. Hess (938-0222) v'~~y~,&: Ifl'!¡o1 /~ ll.v ;/1ij ~ok ~ ~il\ ?££ C/ ' ~~~ . (/~ ~~/ dcz -~ cP~ ~ ~~r~~ ~(~ -r iDJ\H,(i ttJUBLiC UTlUTlES COMì",HSSlOr;., / ~r_ ~~~ ~ v- ~~ ~ Ze t , ~r~ 1- .~M- ~ ~ Ø/IÇ ~tZ/~ /13 "I g QyPi "'!"'~:';q,.......~;;; J/ì -,)~;'- ,VCoO _~.& tiJ dartfS /Ji'~k Rc¿kni r 9 / 5' tJ S (J1 kit? ' tS. 'qk. ~~ s;l lw c.&l4t~'~ :iJ. g37a~ J.ÔeA~ \)b'l ¡ ~/'01'1 ./1- ¡lol y" -1, Com~ oY Prc.pós. ~ lY\Ct-~ civJ f.tl/..",') Cj(.~_ i ~I ~ho,l i'l: eO'sl. ~Au- JO' '" +kJ' ..L. ~ l\Ac..~ r~"jh. ~ 0.. VU+''\ l; ~ .Lo f "'7 t1Gt~r ¡ S øi/ rf'jl- L t ~1 Co."" ~ lAd.r j 1.(. i 0.(5.. fLk '10- CI + M .. k,' "" Rs ~ l (( "J Co '1 " l. \' 0 ~~ Î s st"'l"~ * 4/ ( 1'-' J...~ ; ~ ¡..c...0J (g ..-rq..ro..~ ~-AJ\ '165+ 4 ~x ftA1eq VV6K m611~'i' J: ~ .. i-.' ~ l s fk. Co vi(1 ('~o.$ "' .&O'/ ~ Î V\c.-t04 t i~ (~~ qt.+ tl 6.V\J ~ (/ wlu (~ is soAPto~j -lc G-e W1dY1"~/l"i lAvi,rtJ uJ~ -tò "" V' ¡+ d.G t r l l OS 0. .J,. iI rrd ri of 1-N ro L~J1 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. . 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ID 83709 P,O. Box 190420, Boise, ID 83719-0420 Tel: 208.362.1300' Fax: 208.362.1479 o 0 .0 United Water-s\. ~¡;',.~~~~,'"o Dear United Water Idaho Customer:2001 NOV 28 8= 06 . . '.. IDAHO PCB! I." On September 17, 2007 United Water Idaho filed an Application with the leH'~'bL/:Jgt?Ci~1M!$SIOi Commission (IPUC) asking for authority to convert to monthly meter reading and billing for all customers. Currently, water meters are read and billed every two months. There are a several benefits of monthly billing, including:w~l . '.. (; S ti~ of ë'l"~/ -ÝL . f· Easier budgeting and easier to pay than a bi-monthly bill; 1W i e, .lW 'tv-~? · Enhanced water conserVãtion ana lower ~.!rough the provision of more timely W -y \ ~ t: '1:: e~ information on consumption, allowing customers time to make changes in water use~\)-tl! e-!1practices during the irrigation seasonc; thus saving money; ",L0- · More frequent visits to your premises by United Water Idaho personnel, enablini quicke~iJ.ø J¡~ detection and troubleshooting of customer leaks or meter problems. )v i. yY.J ~l' ';~ vl ~~ /'.~ ~ l\ ,,~.V" ., V ~ , In the Application ,uni.ted Wat.er Idaho i~ proposin~ a revenue, increase of $1, 125,905. ~u~;r '\~\~ ii the proposed Application the increase will be applied to the fixed Customer Charge portion of ~. cßii ~ your bill which is not affected by how much water you use. The requested increase would raise ';0 CY~ \ rates for all customers by about $1. 15 a month (about 4 cents a day), bringing the average ~.t'ß: ' annual residential customer bill from $3~.61 to $382.1,, or 3.75%. . 1 I ~ Jio JP() "i.. 5 J).. 4 ~ ià ~/~. ... w+ ~ tic h-J,6 y¡ . The proposed increase is necessary to cover the increased costs of additional personnel, billing, and collections attributable solely to the conversion to monthly meter reading and bi~ng. i~ To learn more about the company's Application please visit the company's website;; d'rl~e '.http://www.unitedwateridaho.com. ~\ \~ The proposal to convert to monthly billing and the proposed increase in rates are subject to review and approval by the IPUC. A complete copy of the proposal is available at the company's office at 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, ID and at the Commission's office at 472 W. Washington, Boise, to. It is also available on-line at the IPUC website: http://www.puc.state.id.us/FILEROOM/water/water.htm . ~." cß '\J v You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: ~~ ~a-Y http://www.puc.state.id.us/scripts/polyform.dll/ipuc. "l.J. ~.cr/\- \'- ~. e Y ) Ijp f,V¡ \¡) i . (i/Y'\ o' ~olcY, ~ ~( "'1(¡¡1 J- Qr ), &"))')1. ft if )t,.JV )'iü ~ . s&2r'v \1 1/ & rt... . f¡ ~ï5l~ fJv7 ~ c~~-": Jo~ #-¿;citvV / (J..tß- 1" ~.? ..~. () ¡.t .' ..krV/.. 0 ~fr //'1/1'1 (Yf L C tv 5 C( 7: '1 . i ~ 0 Cb~OI~G Or mail comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Sincerely, United Water Idaho 06010012007 V ~311(361d1 ~,i A-iJ. ~'UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, 10 83709 P.O. Box 190420, Boise, 1083719-0420 Tel: 208.362.1300 . Fax: 208.362.1479 .;'f()~-i H o · .0 United Water ~sr1f'"""'-f;- ?.fJ.n-; Dear United Water Idaho Customer: . 1-tj¡j~:~OV 28 8: 0 L f "r- ICi;;.¡j,'F\ .c,U i ii It ;.1'... eli!", On September 17, 2007 United Water Idaho filed an Application with th~ f8~S(E~~&Wilities Commission (I PUC) asking for authority to convert to monthly meter reading and billingifîN~ll customers. Currently, water meters are read and billed every two months. o There are a several benefits of monthly billing, including: · Easier budgeting and easier to pay than a bi-monthly bill; · Enhanced water conservation and lower bills through the provision of more timely information on consumption, allowing customers time to make changes in water use practices during the irrigation season, thus saving money; · More frequent visits to your premises by United Water Idaho personnel, enabling quicker detection and troubleshooting of customer leaks or meter problems. In the Application United Water Idaho is proposing a revenue increase of $1,125,905. Under the proposed Application the increase will be applied to the fixed Customer Charge portion of your bill which is not affected by how much water you use. The requested increase would raise rates for all customers by about $1.15 a month (about 4 cents a day), bringing the average annual residential customer bill from $368.61 to $382.44, or 3.75%. The proposed.increase is necessary to cover the increased costs of additional personnel, billinG; and collections attributable solely to the conversion to month I meter reading and billin . --n en._ :: on ¡ l C 0,. l1 .9 e /:0 rY onfh 1 r J S '-rr¡o / e. To learn more about the company's Application please visiflhecompany's website at S iu -1/0 nhttp://www.unitedwateridaho.com. J). ;;~ ~ The proposal to convert to monthly billing and the proposed increase in rates are subject to review and approval by the IPUC. A complete copy of the proposal is available at the company's office at 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, ID and at the Commission's office at 472 W. Washington, Boise, 10. It is also available on-line at the IPUC website: http://www.puc.state.id.us/FILEROOM/water/water.htm . You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: http://www.puc.state.id.us/scri pts/polyform.d Il/i puc.¡Vov. :i '7 Or mail comments to: United Water Idaho J.llL-.4~9$t¡o C~ ¡.~. /3 ~. J. ~"3 '7 0 ~/ ~Ó8)376--'7'300 1Ó :Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Sincerely, 06010012007 .rr~WId1 Jean Jewell v''Í ¡ll!'~1û~ ~ (-li From: Sent: To: Subject: dhus~cisco.com Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:28 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Donald Hus follows: Case Number: United water monthly billing case Name: Donald Hus Address: 8077 N. Sundial Way City: Boise State: Id Zip: 83714 Home Telephone: 208 340-6152 Contact E-Mail: dhusØcisco.com Name of Utility Compa~.~ United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: The proposed 3.75% rate increase to cover the cost of monthly billing is not in everyone's best interest. For condo owners, newer subdivisions with irrigation water, smaller city lot owners, and private well owners this is just a rate increase with no real benefit. For the 5 to 10% of United water customers that need help with the bills, let them opt. in for monthly water reading or just bill them each month with every other month estimated. Regards, Donald Hus The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is -- -- -- ------ ----------- - - -- - - ---- 1 ,¡ JJ ~I~o I u1 Jean Jewell i/~ ¡hi ,//( ~.;. /-l, From: Sent: To: Subject: judyouderkirk~gmail.com Thursday, November 29,20077:02 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Judith N. Ouderkirk follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Judith N. Ouderkirk Address: 329 S. Pierce Place City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: 208-841-8238 Contact E-Mail: judyouderkirk§gmail.comName of Utility Comp~United Water Idaho Add to Mailing List: ~ , Please describe your question or comment briefly: I Oppose United Water converting to monthly meter reading and billing. The benefits listed do not warrent an increase of any amount on a water bill. For United Water, monthly budgeting means revenue each month rather than bi -monthly income. Just as employees would rather have their salary paid every two weeks than once a month. It's money more often. For United Water it means additional administration costs which they will pass on to the consumer. I don't want to pay for additional admin and mailings. As far as information received or United Water visitng my home more regularly, every othermonth works fine. Why should I receive more paper mail just to throwaway. Wille~ch monthly mailing actually include new information and will I take time to read it each month? Lastly, if there is a problem in the water system between my house and the roadway, I have to pay for the repairs, not United Water. Does their man really check for leaks or meter problems? How does he or she do that? Perhaps they recognize a change in useage but I would see that as well. And if a line springs a leak, I see that long before the United Water meter reader does. Again, I say no to monthly billing by United Water. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is --- - - - -- - ---- -- - ---- -- - --- - - - - - ---- 1 iI~~q/01 Jean Jewell Yi1õ ~. I From: Sent: To: Subject: jimmygrace~email.com Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:54 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Jimmy Liao follows: ------------------- -- -------- - --- - -- Case Number: Name: Jimmy Liao Address: 4076 N. Maple Grove Rd. City: Boise State: 10 Zip: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-340-7111 Contact E-Mail: j immygrace&email .com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: no Please describe your question or comment briefly: If United Water is going to monthly billing, they should at least get with the times and enable online bill pay so we can save on postage rather than pay more. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ----- -- ---------- - --- - ----- 1 ~¡~ /ili'I/ó1 Jean Jewell A" ~Wl. .("."i-il) ~ H¡ From: Sent: To: Subject: sandy(§lswatson.com Thursday, November 29,20073:15 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Sandra Watson follows: - ------------------ - -- --- ---- - --- - -- Case Numer: Name: Sandra Watson Address: 1053 W. Two Rivers Lane City: Eagle State: 1D Zip: 83616 Home Telephone: 208-938-8034 Contact E-Mail: sandyØlswatson.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: We received notice that United Water wants to be able to read meters monthly and charge over one million dollars to customers to do so. They say it's about conservation of water but it seems more obviously to be about taking in revenue monthly instead of bi-monthly. They want to be more profitably and charge customers over a million dollars in the process. We personally can afford a rate increase, but for people on fixed incomes utili ties continue to rise and this seems like one rate increase that isn't necessary. For the sake of those living on Social Security please deny this request. Thank you for your time.Sincerely, Sandra F. Watson The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html 1P address is - - - -------- --------- --- -- ----- --- 1 ¡k ~(2-¿¡I°'1~ Jean Jewell i/ 1" Ail V70~' ,,' I..¡ From: Sent: To: Subject: emelhoe~cableone.net Tuesday, November 27, 2007 11 :55 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Harold Emel follows: ------------------- -- ---- ---- - ---- -- Case Number: Sept. 17, 2007 filing for monthly bill Name: Harold Emel Address: 3915 Buckingham Drive City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83704-3430 Home Telephone: (208) 376-5130 Contact E-Mail: emelhoe&cableone.netName of Utility comp~~United Water Add to Mailing List : 'yes Please describe your question or comment briefly: Swi tching to monthly billing is added costs to the consumer and is not necessary. Also with monthly meter readings adds to man-hours and wasted costs plus damage to the enviorment. I strongly urge that this proposal be declined. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 67.61. 57 . 209- ----------------------- --------- - -- 1