HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071127Comments.pdf,/it:t.,¡01 iA ¡lk .11; ~6 ~) JJ~ .~Il 11rn, ,:ji 1C()1 fl f) 11 0 bIJ, l¡J-fJ),ß, f) .. ....,~al~ç-~~CV' -~,,_.,.ß~ijl~o.... ... -~-~=i.)l if~Jj4á.,~-, ..... ........ .' ..... - .. ~.. . ..' .... ..... .d" . ~-,.,~ '..~m~.' ... ....tl-~~~vLLkr-~jd~'_~MTI~ o-~..,,~~ J;jrl+~!P. J::c~~.refe.1 ~~d' ~ 6.. ¿~tdCL¿d 7l~o t~:;f~ "~~";~~~f-J.j~_'2 '.1ß_tj..._ ... . (I)co f,)(J a5,_::~'::.~ ;;: 0 ~.¡;~---_..Õ :;UJ :5--" ç;~ r:-" -J= -.= i.C' '.. .. :: . . ~ IA,-"fl¡t/01 oi 1f. /.f~.f-,. ~. ~ Ii 2,OMo AÎe,.u¿ dui7s c;/?IsSlOA lJl)~X 831¿ZC) b05ß- XD 837g0-C074-/ ~R4.e ;tr.R. S/ / dANZJ t, ,; Mr Charles J Waa 2849 Stalingtn Dr Boise ID 83712-8453 imn NOV 21 AN 8: 05 a.AS/~.eAT~ w~ /~'~~"I01~1'1. AV'/~~ì ~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission: I'm writing in response to the request from United Water on September 17th to change to montWy billng, and hence to increase the fixed biling cost by $1.15 a month. In my opinion, bi-monthly biling has been working fine. I do not feel that changing to monthly biling wil affect my budgeting practices or enable me to conserve more water. In reality, the cost of the increase is higher than $1. 15/month because 6 more staps are required per year, meaning the real cost increase to customers is $1.35 a month. I'd prefer if United Water would support automatic biling so I didn't have to use any stamps or write checks. Your web form does not open in my browser, or I would have sent my comments the internet. Instead I receive the following error: HTTP 500 Error htt://ww.puc.state.id.us/scripts/polyform.dll/ipuc Thans, Mark Salisbur 13301 W Meadowdale Boise,ID 83713 zo.. 1",-. 9?o cr- ".;~ ~1?-1JD'1~vi It.v./itr AkC!pz t¡ '2007/ Idao Public Utilities Commission ~O? Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0014 8: D7 RE: United Water Idaho Rate Increase Dear Commissioners: I oppose the propose converion by United Watr to monthy biling. I have no problem budgetig my water bil bi-monthy. Durng the irrgation seasn I will water just as much as the lawn needs and not adjust by the consumption. I have never ha a United Water Idao persn even attempt to detect anytg refernce to leak or meter problems. I unerstad tht more persnnl will be needed to double th mete reaing (montWy as oppose to bi-monthly). I do not feel that ths cost should be pased on to customers that do not want monthy biling. I do not believe tht the increae ofSl. 1 5 a month is in line with the additiona cost of met reading and proessing except to incre th profits for United Water Idaho. I did tr to respond to the web site given in the letr frm United Water and found tht it was not possible to send my comments. Was ths a way to curl comments frm customers? Once again, I do not believe th the increa in cost or monthy bilin is in the best interest of customer. Marin J. Koch~~Ptl~Boise, il 83713 o ¡ ~ ~ : - ~ I ~ - \ - \ ( í ì - - I f r i li f ) . ; ' 0 . ¡ . . ; 0 1 1 l - - j ! ~ : 1 ~ § ~ ~ . l ) f f 1 , - - i £ ~ 1 f r ? ~ v ' ~ t . ~ ~ r t ~ 1 7 0 r P I Y ' a ' t ' Ô f - " Ö J1 z ; I T ( j ' Y \ ) - c i r Y 0 i / " 3 j- , : t _ _ A : i ~ ~ ~ _ Ý ~ - : ~ ' J l ~ í ; P c -3 i ? i t 0 l ' ç t i y r ; l : ~ J t r , t ~ ¿ r ~ É t % ~ ~ i t t J ; : ; G , t ; ; i ! ~ / ' J ' ; r : t ~ " ' l í '/ g c : V . /' C ; . - ( f - . . . ). 0 / ' ' Í " r ¡ l 0 0 ¡ ¡ ~ ~ 1 . ~ u ~ ' , . - '£ i ; _ i : ; , I I . 1 Ò ~ z . ( ¡ I j l ' Z . l ' ? ? ~ ~ i 6 ( ) 0 ~ í f r : r g 1 " l i ' ~ ,_ . f ' : f t . i ( 1 ' l r t , . y t t r ~ 1 : - ' r ~ £; _ l - c ~ ~ ' 0 ý r ; r " ? t ~ : g 1; y " ; ¡ ý ' t , ' " p £ . . ? ~ - j 1 . ~ i - ø l t ~ ~ 1 ~ ? f ~ i $ 1 f i f ~: t ~ ~ ; l t f ~ . . . r . : : ; r . - ~ ~ \ ' ç l ' . y ¿ , Æ " ) ' I , c : ; . ; : f . _ f i y o g : i t : J i ~ ~ ~ ~ : 1 1 1 . _ , - : c l " 0 ; F \ f " ý , - 0 I Ì ;n ~ v " ' A i ( i - s . " ~ t . . ~ f ¡ ; i ' ; p ~ t ~ 4 ' ~ r ~ r 1 · F * l ' tr \' f ~t -'c-: "~\~"- Ç) f' n ~ -. A . .~r tN t J l f! - P ~ t- t f r ¡. ~ - \ l r t: 0 : . ; p ~( J f ~ - 0 : ~ ~ g ¿ ¡ 0 ~ :J N t Q r i . " . fWcI~~ 11/~116L. UNITED WATER IDAHO INC, 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, 1083709 P.O. Box 190420, Boise, 1083719-0420 Tel: 208.362.1300 . Fax: 208.362.1479 i/~ Ii.v.i//f ~..: HI o G .0 United Water.. '-ez UTlLiT/ES ..7!/ IdAho PUbLiC Y:!?U,(;, On September i 7, 2007 United Water Idaho filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) asking for authority to convert to monthly meter reading and billing for all customers. Currently, water meters are read and billed every two months. Dear United Water Idaho Customer: dtmm. There are a several benefits of monthly billing, including: You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: http://www.puc.state.id.us/scri pts/polyform.d Il/i puc. Or mail comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ~~'rplJe. 1"1J¿'IlE Ai?£, /ld bEAJ.EFirs ()~A IJ1tU7iIY J3IJhn¡ ráR mEi 1//s /Jlil.y.BtAlEFlrs uli/rEd 1,7E/l,.ir "'J'¡fCI?RASE MY CO!:; T I¡,/~ P1 Ølr: If P£R Y¡(-f:L.52 /lCJIlIf:LN . Pl)STAfë Aii./ r1IVi/'S /)£ ~nc /JUJRIf Bi11 TO FA)S'¡IIC£KHlr ~e:~ Sincerely, United Water Idaho 06010012007 ~~/~'1lo1~ Jean Jewell ~1d~' ~ lrl ( From: Sent: To: Subject: brendab503~msn.com Monday, November 26, 2007 11: 15 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Brenda Barton follows: -- --------- ----- -- - - - ---- --- - - -- - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Brenda Barton Address: 3619 Ticonderoga Way City: Boise State: Idaho Zip: 83706 Home Telephone: Contact E-Mail: brendab5030msn.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: I havè no problem with receiving my water bill every 2 months. to monthly then that is the water company's decision, therefore bill for that change, not the customer. That's pretty obvious. If you want to change that you should be footing the The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ----- ----- -------- - --- - --- - ----- 1 l .l.... ~ 1-.,"1/0-1¡.~ '1,- Jean Jewell v'1ø ~' ;. Hi From: Sent: To: Subject: allred_93~juno.com Tuesday, November 27,200712:41 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Paul Morgan follows: - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: uw1-w-07-04 Name: Paul Morgan Address: 11306 Powderhorn City: Boise State: 1D Zip: 83713 Home Telephone: 375-1238 Contact E-Mail: allred_93~juno.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly:I strongly reccommend that you do NOT allow United Water to go to monthly billing. Our water bills are outrageous enough the way it is. The three reasons that they gave for going to monthly billing are ludicrous. They don't mention how much more it will cost in wasted gas and how many more vehicles it will take to impliment this change. People are already tapped out without another increase in utili ties. One of the biggest mistakes madewas when we allowed a foreign company to buy our utili ties! ! ! The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 1 ¡~ ~111i"IOa Jean Jewell 110 /l,\/.¿~~.~ fI From: Sent: To: Subject: pegregory~gmail.com Monday, November 26, 20072:55 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Paul Gregory follows: - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Paul Gregory Address: 603 Colfax St. City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83709 Home Telephone: 2083238354 Contact E-Mail: pegregory0gmail.com Name of Utili ty compa~ Uni ted WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: The proposal to change united water billing to monthly billing with an increase cost of $1.2 million is not justified. It does not improve the service to the customer, but only increases the cost to the customer. I do not understand why you would approve an increase of $1.2 million without any service improvement. That money is better left in the customers' hands and used in the general economy rather than in the overhead and fees ofthe utility. Please decline the request to increase fees to cover this unj ustified expense. - Paul Gregory The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - --- ------------- - - --- - - -- - ---- i I iÆ A_. AJLjp((5P"~ ii . Jean Jewell ,/£ A.V,ý''' ~. r H ì From: Sent: To: Subject: deckhart~mybluelight.com Sunday, November 25, 2007 10:28 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Diann Eckhart follows: - - - - - -- -- -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: ¿A/t.:! -w-tí-oLl Name: Diann Eckhart Address: 3957 Shamrock City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-375-2775 Contact E-Mail: deckhartØmybluelight.com Name of Utility Compa~united waterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: Hello, I just wanted to say that I think it's outrageous that United water is asking a 1.1 million dollar price increase to cover a billing frequency change. they already charge me $16 per month for a 'customer service charge' which, i guess allows me the privilege of being their customer. that does not include whatever water i use. the three benefits they list on a flyer i received could not be any more self serving. Please say no to their unreasonable request. thank you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --- - - - -- 1 1~~I1JI04~..ll Jean Jewell t1 /tV.v.'Í ~. 'f 1'i From: Sent: To: Subject: jtranger~yahoo,com Sunday, November 25, 2007 1 :33 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Jeffrey F. Cook Jr follows: - --- - - - -- ---- -- --- ---- - - ---- - -- - ---- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Jeffrey F. Cook Jr Address: 9598 W Caraway Dr City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83704-4117 Home Telephone: (208) 322-2618 Contact E-Mail: jtranger~yahoo.comName of Utility Comp~United Water Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am opposed to United Water's Application converting from a bi-monthly billing system to a monthly billing system. The change actual would increase my water bill by an estimated $1.15 per month. If United Water can't accomplish this change without a fee increase, then the application should be denied. A monthly billing system in theory would increase United Water's cash flow, thereby potentially increasing their profits. I was previously a customer of Capitol Water here in Boise. Capitol Water does a monthly billing system that doesnt' cost any more than a bi-montly billing system. I understand that many United Water customers want a montly billing system to make it easier on their finances. In this case, the applicatlon actually increases a consumer's costs rather than decreasing costs. I would rather earn interest on my money rather than let United Water earn interest on my money. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. Sincerely, Jeffrey Cook, Jr. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ----------------- - - ----- ---- - ---- -- 1 ¡r~l1Plc1~Jean Jewell il1i AJ./~~.. ¡.. l From: Sent: To: Subject: jafaull~sitestar, net Sunday. November 25,200712:25 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Jim Faull follows: - - ----- ---- --- - - - - -- - - --- - - -- - - -- - -- Case Number: Name: Jim Faull Address: 872 s. Gray Eagle Way City: Boise State: 10 Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: Contact E-Mail: jafaull~sitestar.netName of Utili ty Compa~ni ted Water Add to Mailing List:~Idaho Please describe your question or comment briefly: To whom it may concern, I want to comment on United Water Idaho's proposed change from bi-monthly to monthly billing. I believe that the proposed change is wrong for the consumer. It adds over $1M to United Water's revenue but is of no benefit to the consumer. United water claims three benefits to the consumer, but they have little or no value: 1. 'Easier budgeting and easier to pay than a bi-monthly bill.' There is nothing about a bi-monthly bill that makes it difficult to budget for or pay. In fact, I believe a monthly bill would be more difficult to pay because I would have to do it twice as often. 2. 'Enhanced water conservation and lower bills through the provision of more timely information. . .' The only truth in this statement is that the bills will be lower, becausethey will be for one month instead of two. I believe it is false that this proposal will enhance conservation. Can United water produce any data to back this claim? 3. 'More frequent visits to your premises..., enabling troubleshooting of customer leaks and meter problems. benefits, this is the one that is true, though I doubt that of the added consumer cost and hassle of monthly bills. Does United Water have data that shows consumer.s will save enough in early detection of leaks to offset the added fees? quicker detection and Of United Water's three claimed that the added value is equal to The fact that two United Water's three claimed consumer benefits are false, makes me very doubtful that this proposal is in the interst of the consumer. My recommendation is that this proposal be refused. Regards, Jim Faull The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 /. JI, .. A-, i ~ I (f,M~ 11 Jean Jewell i/ frJ/,iI~~..'~ H From: Sent: To: Subject: Izbth_kng~yahoo.com Saturday, November 24,200710:38 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Liz King follows: -------- ---- - ---------- - ---- ---- ---- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Li z King Address: 3225 S. Cadet Ave. City: Boise State: 10 Zip: 83706 Home Telephone: 208-381-0469 Contact E-Mail: lzbthkng~yahoo.com Name of Utility Comp~_ United Water Add to Mailing List:~Suez Please describe your question or comment briefly: I oppose the increased cost of moving from bi-monthly billing to monthly billing by Uni ted Water Suez. The already have the highest processing customer charge of any utility I have and the other companies do bill monthly. I've complained about this before to them. My customer charge was $16.21 last month for their water bill. For power (10 Power), it was $4.00 for a monthly bill, natural gas was $2.50 for a monthly bill. I think United Water should review other ways to keep costs down. Idaho Power visits my meter each month-- they tend to have smaller trucks and the guys walk around the neighborhood. The United Water reader drives a giant pickup up to each meter. rt takes a tiny bit longer than a power meter read, but not enough to garner a charge four times the cost and he visits half as often as the power guy. I'm irritated by this high customer charge and 1'11 be really madto see it go up more. They seem to think it's ok since they are a utility company, but they should justify to you and their customers why their current rates are so high now. Thank you for listening and considering my input. Liz King The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ---------- ---- - - - - - ---- - - --- ---- - -- 1 '¡~~ztIO~ Jean Jewell ~ ¡~ AJ/v1o~' , tJ From: Sent: To: Subject: adfarrell1 OO~yahoo.com Saturday, November 24, 2007 3:52 AM TonyaClark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Commént from Audrey Farrell follows: -- - - --- --- ----- ----- - - --- -- ---- ----- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Audrey Farrell Address: 3315 Clayton Pi City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83704 Home Telephone: 208-375-7846 Contact E-Mail: adfarrel11000yahoo.comName of Utili ty Comp~Uni ted Water of Add to Mailing List:~Idaho Please describe your question or comment briefly: I am against UWI changing to a monthly billing system. Why would they want to incur that additional manpower and operating expense for a few whiners and then have the gall to request the consumer to pay for the additional expense? My sister works for Clackamas River Water District in Oregon and they just changed to a bi-monthly billing system in order to not have to pass on increased operating costs to their customers. They did an analysis and determined that it would save the district and its customers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Perhaps a better way to handle it for those who apparently can't manage their budget would be the option of level pay, just as the other utility companies offer. I know that I am going to have 2, maybe 3, high bills during the summer usage months, so I allow for that in my budget. It's no different than Boise City billing bi-monthly for sewer/garbage fees. You budget for it! Enough of utility companies gouging their consumers who have no other options for the power/water/gas/sewer services they require. It's not like we have a choice of utility companies to choose from. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is --- ---- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- 1 iI~ ~llivld1 Jean Jewell l'~lf~' :. H From: Sent: To: Subject: ghoward~isp.com Friday, November 23, 2007 2:28 PM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Mary Howard follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Mary Howard Address: 6615 Grunder St. City: Boise State: 10 Zip: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-376-6289 Contact E-Mail: ghowardØisp.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Idaho Add to Mailing List: E9 Please describe your question or comment briefly: We oppose the requested change to monthly billing and rate increase to cover the cost of the change. There is no benefit to the consumer from this change, only increased cost. Bi-month1y billing has worked well for many years. Seeing a monthly bill showing water useage will not serve to promote conservation as United Water says in their customer notice. On the contrary, seeing a larger bill for 2 month's useage is much more of an eye opener! I would like them to produce documentation showing frequency of water leaks or meter problems detected by their readers. I doubt there would be sufficient incidents to justify their argument that more frequent meter reading allowing them to detect leaks or meter problems earlier as they state in their customer notice. If they are reallyconcerned about making budgeting and bill paying easier on the consumer as their customer notice states, then perhaps they could implement a level-pay program the same as the gas and electric companies currently offer. That would make budgeting easier. There is no need for the change and rate increase they are requesting and we urge you to reject it. Thank you for your consideration. The form submited on http://www . puc. idaho. gov / forms / ipucl / ipuc. html IP address is 67. 13~. 151.134- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 /IAI~ ~/i.lIJó1V~~fl Jean Jewell ~fo#'v'~~' 1 H From: Sent: To: Subject: bjkrupp33~sbcglobal. net Friday, November 23,200710:34 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Bonnie Krupp follows: -- ----- ------------- - - --- - - -- - ---- -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Bonnie Krupp Address: P.O. Box 4521 City: Davis State: CA Zip: 95617 Home Telephone: 530-400-6633 Contact E-Mail: bjkrupp33Øsbcglobal.net Name of Utility Compa~ United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that I have lived in numerous communities and bi-monthly billing is the normal arrangement. This includes Arizona and several cities in California including Davis. This sounds like a 'make work' project. It doesn't make economic sense to raise rates to increase billing employees. But if the amount they are allowed as a return on their investment is based on their costs, then it is easily understood. What a sham! Very truly yours, Bonnie Krupp The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ------- --------- - - - - --- - -- -- - -- - --- i /~~.11Plo1/ ~..11 Jean Jewell A~' i- ilJ From: Sent: To: Subject: glenntmichael~gmail.com Wednesday, November 21,2007 12:00 PM Tonya Clark; Jean Jeweii; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Glenn Michael follows: - - - - -~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Glenn Michael Address: 350 N. Bella Via Place City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: 344-5766 Contact E-Mail: glenntmichaelØgmail.com Name of Utility Company: United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: I would like to formally protest the proposed rate increase to pay for United Water's billing frequency from bimonthly to monthly. They cite the cost of billing more frequently, collections, etc. However, they fail to recognize the significant cash flow timing increases they will receive and subsequent interest earned in this proposal. Accelerating one months billing and the interest earned should easily pay for this. No private company would ever 'charge' their customers for a benefit to the supplier and a cost to the customer. Please have United Water 'pay' for this with the significant interest they will earn. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1 i/. .~ fLJ¡ z-lo1". ~/I Jean Jewell . lid tJ/vfv~' 111 From: Sent: To: Subject: scott.sabell~hp.com Wednesday, November 21, 20074: 13 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUinquiry Form A Comment from Scott SaBell follows: - - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: Scott SaBell Address: 2305 N Cribbens City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83713 Höme Telephone: 208.378.7472Contact E-Mail: scott.sabellØhp.comName of Utility compa~United WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: All this proposal does is to add more overhead (and cost) to a billing system that's working just fine as it is! Total waste of money. How does this cost increase (and subsequent change to monthly billing) prove to be a benefit? All it will do is delude customers into thinking that their bills are somehow lower (now monthly, instead of bi- monthly) and then pave the way for more price increases down the line that won't 'look' aspainful because of the monthly billing. I'm totally against the proposal! The form .submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- 1 i..'.' ,41.~. AJ/iJ1°'1f ,tJ~ II Jean Jewell /10 kv./.( ~, :" H( From: Sent: To: Subject: boberthite~yahoo,com Tuesday, November 20,20079:35 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Robert White follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Robert White Address: 804 N. Haines City: Boise State: iO Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: 395 0331 Contact E-Mail: bobertwhiteØyahoo.comName of Utili ty Compa~Uni ted WaterAdd to Mailing List: ~ ~lease describe your question or comment briefly: I am very opposed to United Waters proposed rate increase to cover the cost of them converting to monthly billing. The reasons they list on the letter they sent are ridiculus. If they want to do this conversion then they should find a different way to pay for it! The form submited on http://www .puc. idaho. gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - ~ -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell iI~,,1.1 v'./11 tA(~fV;. l'. From: Sent: To: Subject: glennlbrown(§aol.com Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:32 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from glenn 1 brown follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: glenn 1 brown Address: 1286 e holly st City: boise State: iD Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: 208 345 9025 Contact E-Mail: glennlbrowneaol.com Name of Utility Company: united water Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: there is no reason to increase our water bills by over one million dollars per year, and increase the administration costs that united water are allowed to pass on to us, the customer. also they included a letter with our most recent bill trying to j usti£y this increase .The link to comment that is included in the letter does not work, making it harder for customers to register our opinion. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ---- - ---- - ----- - -- - - ----- 1 /~ø101 Jean Jewell I~~,~ Hi From: Sent: To: Subject: familia$ciales~yahoo,com Monday, November 26, 2007 8:21 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Laurel Sciales follows: - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Laurel Sciales Address: 13467 W. Wittenburg St City: Boise State: iO Zip: 83713-0840 Home Telephone: 2089386000 Contact E-Mail: familiasciales§yahoo.com Name of Utility Company:Add to Mailing List: Jlo Please describe your question or comment briefly: Wi th regards to the proposed rate increase by United Water. simply so they can add staff to read the water meters monthly. rate they use water -- having a monthly reading will not change provice United Water with a basis to add more jobs. I am against raising rates People use water at the use patterns but does They are doing fine as it is and I don't need to pay an average of $13 dollars more a year for the same information. My bill is $27 a month and this proposed fee will raise it to $40 a month for exactly the same product. This is not good business sense. It would make more sense to increase the time between readings to every three months sothey can cut staff. Thank you. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is ----------- - - -------- - --- - --- 1 1.4~iPl.1 Jean Jewell v'1 ~. r hi From: Sent: To: Subject: jimandlindaboise(§hotmail.com Monday, November 26, 2007 5:08 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from OLJ, LLC follows: -- - --- - --- ---------- -- --- - - --- - ----- Case Number: uwi-w-07-04 Name: OLJ, LLC Address: 323 E bannock St City: Boise State: 10 Zip: 83712 Home Telephone: 208-869-8429 Contact E-Mail: jimandlindaboiseØhotmail.com Name of Utility Company: united waterAdd to Mailing List: iio Please describe your question or comment briefly: No on monthly billings and increases - this is not a benefit to the customer!!! The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html 1P address is - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: JIMANDLINDABOISE~HOTMAIL.COM Monday, November 26, 2007 4:53 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from LINDA MILLER follows: -- ---- --------------- - ---- - --- - ----- Case Number: UWI-W-07-04 Name: LINDA MILLER Address: 1008 NORTH 6TH STREET City: BOISE State: IDAHO Zip: 83702 Home Telephone: 208-343-4572 Contact E-Mail: JIMANDLINDABOISE~HOTMAIL.COM Name of Utility Compa~NITED WATERAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your question or comment briefly: United Water's conversion to monthly billings is not a benefit to the consumer. We are very used to a bi-monthly billing. While their notice indicates that this increase is directly related to the increased costs of additional personnell, the increase in costs does not take into account the monetary benefit United Water would achieve by receiving payments sooner and on a more frequestbasis. The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- i ¡~~v1" Jean Jewell ý.f~' i H From: Sent: To: Subject: htk777(Qmsn.com Monday, November 26, 2007 4:40 AM Tanya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC CommenUlnquiry Form A Comment from Herman Doering follows: - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Herman Doering Address: 11224 W. Musket Street City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-378-7034 Contact E-Mail: htk7770msn.com Name of Utility Company: United Water Idaho Add to Mailing List: Please describe your question or comment briefly: I am sorry I have no case number for the United Water Idaho September 17th Applicatiòn for authority to convert to monthly meter reading and billing. It was not included in their letter. However, I cannot be silent in regards to this one-sided Application. First of all, I like the every other month water billing and do not want that to change! PLEASE TURN DOWN THIS EXPENSIVE APPLICATION. It greatly incensed me to read that United Water Idaho wants to change to monthly reading and billing, and then tell me to pay the tab to the tune of $1,125,905 for the privilege to do so!!! If this truly was such a great deal, as they were pointing out in their 3 reasons for wanting to make this change, the proposed benefits ought to offset the costs. By virture that they state 'The proposed increase is necessary to cover the increased costs of additional personnel, billing and collections ATTRIBUTABLE SOLELY TO THE CONVERSION TO MONTHLY METER READING AND BILLING.' tells me there really is NO cost savings and in fact only increased administrative costs for every customer. Had there been a true cost/benefit offset here, as they tried to point out in their stated 3 Benefits, the proposed lower water usage should have offset United Water Idaho'sincrease in administrative costs. I am adamantly against such a change. There is virtually zero benefit to every c~stomer, and there is a doubling of the administrative costs for United Water Idaho. If certain United Water Idaho customers want a 'level pay' type of program like some of our other utilies offer, have United Water consider that for just those certain customers - and pass that cost on to just those Customers, not all of us! We don't need more cost, we need LESS cost. cost of gasoline). Thanks for listening!(We are already suffering from the higher Herman Doering The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 v'r~4)04~ Jean Jewell v~~' f 1-1 Sent: To: Subject: Tuesday, November 27,20074:18 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from James Denìson follows: --- - -- ------ ----------- - ---- ---- ---- Case Number: n/ a Name: James Denìson Address: 5845 East Gateway Drìve Cìty: Boìse State: Idaho Zìp: 83716 Home Telephone: Contact E-Maìl: Name of Utìlìty Company: Unìted Water Add to Maìlìng Lìst: no Please descrìbe your questìon or comment brìefly: Regardìng the change ìn meter readìng. I faìl to see the actual value of thìs change. It appears to ìncrease my costs ìn return for lìttle of no benefìt to me. My budgetìng wìll sìmply have to be for a larger chunk of money. I faìl to see how ì t ìs easìer for me to pay somethìng more frequently and for a larger about. How many people look at theìr consumptìon and decìde to change theìr water use habìts. I saw lìttle or no change ìn my costs when my household decreased by 50%. In any regard, I would be agaìnst thìs change. Thank you. The form submìted on http://www.puc.ìdaho.gov/forms/ìpuc1/ìpuc.html IP address ìs - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1