HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070518Wyatt rebuttal.pdfMcDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 W. Bannock Street , . \ 3 \, \ b o. Box 2564-8370ifJ i i Boise, Idaho 83702 i:.. ' , \." ,, \.:~,,:' '. " I.e. , \ ..-\ ' Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miller May 18 , 2007 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720 Re: UWI~ W ~07 ~ Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing, please find nine (9) copies of the Rebuttal Testimony and exhibits of Gregory P. Wyatt, and the Rebuttal Testimony and exhibits of Scott Rhead, with a copy of each designated as "Reporter s Copy . A computer disc containing the testimony and is also enclosed. An additional copy of the documents and this letter is included for return to me with your file stamp thereon. Very truly yours McDEVITT CSt MILLER LLP \)A~ DJM/hh Enclosures Dean J. Miller Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 Joe (gJ mcdeviU- miller com . ,:: '! ! (; I; j 3: I j ")i i!_ \!:. ::ii28j.. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc., TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO 143 CASE NO. UWI-O7- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF GREGORY P. WYATT May 18 2007 Please state your name. Gregory P. Wyatt. Are you the same Gregory P. Wyatt who provided Direct Testimony in this proceeding? Yes, I am. What is the purpose of your Rebuttal Testimony? I will respond to certain statements contained in the Amended Direct Testimony of Mayor Nancy Merrill filed on behalf of the City of Eagle. Do you have a general observation regarding Mayor Merrill's testimony? Yes. Mayor Merrill makes various references to the effect that Lanewood should be or will be within or be part of the City of Eagle, (See Merrill Testimony page , line 13 , and lines 17-18; page 3, lines 3-4; and page 4, line 3 , and line 19). I believe this more represents Mayor Merrill's desire rather than fact. The future Eagle City limits cannot be known with certainty. It is a prediction of future events, and like all predictions of the future is subject to some degree of uncertainty. More specifically, it is not at all clear that the City can annex either Lanewood or other developments in the absence of the landowner s consent. As I discuss later in my testimony, many aspects of the City s case depend on the predicted occurrence of future events, all of which are subject to uncertainty. In contrast, United Water s case is based on currently existing facts that are not subject to uncertainty. Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. At page 2 of her testimony Mayor Merrill describes the Lanewood development as being "adjacent to the City limits and generally surrounded by other development . Is this an accurate description? Only in a very loose sense. As illustrated by Exhibit 3 attached the Lanewood development only touches the City boundary along a small area at the south end of the Lanewood development, so it is "adjacent" only along a small border. And it is not "surrounded by other development." As illustrated on Exhibit 3 , virtually all of the land surrounding Lanewood is currently agricultural ground. On pages 2-3 of her testimony Mayor Merrill argues that Lanewood should be part of the City because it will use City amenities and will have the advantage of the benefits of the City without paying for them. Please respond. Mayor Merrill does not define the words "amenities" or "benefits" so there is no way to know what the so-called "amenities" or "benefits" are intended to encompass. I would note that the Lanewooddevelopment is 3.5 miles west and 1.5 miles north of the City s business center. Does the City of Eagle currently provide water service to the majority of its residents? No. The City of Eagle currently provides water service to only a small portion of its residents; those who live in the Lexington and Brookwood subdivisions areas. At the end of April 2007, the City s water system served 1 328 customers, which when converted to population using a 3X multiplier, equates to a population of less than 4 000 persons, or only 19% of the 20 951 City of Eagle, 2007 population Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. estimated by the Community Planning Association (COMPASS) as found on the COMPASS website. If the city of Eagle currently serves water to only about 19% of its residents, who provides water service to the remaining City residents? Predominantly, water service is provided to Eagle City residents by Eagle Water Company and United Water Idaho. Eagle Water Company s 2007 Annual Report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission indicates that they provide water service to 2 885 residential customers or a population of about 8 655 , using the 3X multiplier. United Water Idaho currently serves 1 672 customers within Eagle City limits, representing a population of about 5 000. The remaining population within the City of Eagle likely receives their water service from individual and private wells. Does the City of Eagle provide sewer services to its residents? No. Sewer service to the residents of Eagle is provided by the Eagle Sewer District, which is not a part of the City of Eagle. Does the City of Eagle provide roadway services to its residents? No. Roadway services within Eagle and all of Ada County are provided by the Ada County Highway District (ACHD). What "amenities" then might be provided by the City of Eagle? I as I stated previously, as used by Mayor Merrill in her testimony it is impossible to know what the word is intended to encompass. However I searched the City website and found that they do offer five parks with one more under development. They also offer a library. Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. Where are these parks located in relation to the Lanewood development? All the parks are located east of Eagle Road with all but one clustered between Eagle Road and Highway 55. From Lanewood the closest park is about 4 miles away and the farthest is over 5 miles away. In reality, the City of Eagle s parks are closer to some residents of the cities of Boise and Garden City than they are to Lanewood. You mentioned that the City of Eagle has a library. Please identify its location and proximity to Lanewood. The Eagle City Library is located at 100 North Stierman Way in Eagle, which is east of Eagle Road and just north of East State Street. The library is also over four miles away from Lanewood. Similarly, on page 3 of her testimony, Mayor Merrill says that Lanewood homebuyers will "be able to take advantage of the benefits of the City without paying for them." Do you agree? Again, the word "benefits" is not defined, so it is impossible to know if this is the same thing as "amenities" or something different. On page 3 of her testimony Mayor Merrill refers to Exhibit 201 and states that it indicates properties around Lanewood that are in some phase of being included within the City. Have you reviewed Exhibit 201 and does it show properties along with their phases of being included within the City? I have reviewed the exhibit and it appears to indicate the City s planning area and area of impact, but does not indicate anything related to phases of lands with regard to inclusion within the City of Eagle. Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. On page 3 of her testimony Mayor Merrill describes the development of a City Comprehensive Plan and indicates that Exhibit 202 is a portion of the Plan addressing water. Have you reviewed Exhibit 202 and does it relate to water? I have reviewed the exhibit and the only significant portion relating to water is page 19 from the exhibit which identifies five items referring to water rates and Eagle s future water system. What do you make of Exhibit 202? The City appears to have an ambitious goal of developing its own municipal water system, but is in the very early stages of implementation. As Mr. Yorgason indicated in his direct testimony I believe developers who are ready to construct now do not wish to be exposed to the "risk and uncertainty arising out of the City s desire to enter into a new and complex venture: the establishment construction and operation of a municipal water system." (Yorgason Direct , pg. 3). On page 4 of her testimony Mayor Merrill states that "Lanewood will be located in the midst of the City of Eagle " and that how Lanewood is developed will have a significant influence on the City." Do you concur? As I noted previously Lanewood is 3.5 miles from the City s business center and is bordered to the west by agricultural grounds. Currently, and for the foreseeable future, it is difficult to see how Lanewood is "in the midst" of the City. Nor is it immediately apparent how Lanewood's choice of water provider will have a significant influence on the City . As previously noted, United Water provides Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. water service to approximately 25% ofthe City of Eagle s residents without detrimental affects to the City of Eagle. Mayor Merrill also indicates on page 4 of her testimony that United Water did not participate in development of the City s Plan. Please comment. If United Water received notice of the planning effort, it was only a general public notice. United Water s participation was not specifically requested by the City and our views were not solicited. In any event, whether United Water did or did not participate does not seem relevant to the question of which water provider is currentl y better prepared to provide service to Lanewood. On page 4 of her testimony Mayor Merrill indicates the City will participate in Lanewood's Ada County plat approval proceeding and "recommend that the county disallow the application and direct the developer to file a request for annexation with the City and include using City water." The Mayor indicates there will be "significant detrimental effects on the City" and it would "disrupt the City s planning process and would negatively affect the City s water system development, roads and open spaces. . ." Do you concur? No. I do not understand how water service to Lanewood by United Water could result in the detrimental effects and planning process disruption the Mayor refers to. In the first place, Mayor Merrill provides no specifics as to how the purported detrimental effects and planning process disruption would occur. Additionally, although the City s Water Master Plan shows a future water main in a small portion of the southwest comer of the Lanewood development, this location follows Ada County s planned future alignment of Floating Feather Road, and Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. Eagle would have ability to install its water main in the road right of way regardless of who provides water service to Lanewood. Finally, as previously stated, United Water currently serves about 25% of Eagle residents without any identified detrimental effects or disruptions to the City of Eagle. Mayor Merrill, on page 5 of her testimony, claims that "By the time Lanewood completes the County approval process and is ready to utilize water, the City system will be ready." Do you agree? No. As I have noted above, this, again, is a prediction of future events which is subject to significant uncertainty. Mr. Rhead, on pages 1 through 3 of his Rebuttal Testimony, clearly points out that Eagle s contention that it will be able to provide service to Lanewood in the near term is highly speculative and fraught with potential delays. On page 5 of her testimony Mayor Merrill also says the City can provide water less expensively than United Water. Do you agree? Not necessarily. It is true that currently the City s tariff rate for water service is somewhat less than United Water s. The City s current rates, however, may not include recovery of the costs associated with the City s ambitious plan to build a municipal water system. These costs are unknown but potentially huge. Whether those costs are eventually recovered through consumption rates, connection fees surcharges, or some other mechanism, they will create upward pressure on the City s overall cost of service. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Wyatt, Re United Water Idaho Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~day of May, 2007, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 iiewell~puc.state.id. Bruce Smith MOORE, SMITH, BUXTON & TURCKE 950 W. Bannock, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702-5716 Robert B. Bums MOFFATT THOMAS 101 S. Capitol Blvd. 10th Floor O. Box 829 Boise, ID 83701-0829 REPLY COMMENTS- Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email I.....SI I.....SI Hand Delivered I.....SI S. Mail Fax I.....SI Fed. Express I.....SI Email I.....SI Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax I.....SI Fed. Express I.....SI Email I.....SI BY. ' , = ~ ~ . =. , = ~ . =" ~ . " . == = , ~ ~= . = = 'r _ ~ ' ~ ~ , = s = f', jA" - ' F !. . . , t ' \ i ' l E ' J \ i O : D D E$ T A T E S EX P A N S 1 O N Pr o p o s e d Ce r t i f i c a t e d A r e a 2J , i! ! m Cu r r e n t Ce r t i f i c a t e d A r e a Ea g l e C i t y L i m i t s Ex h i b i t 3 UW I - O7 - Wy a t t R e b u t t a l Pa g e 1 o f Re v i s e d D a t e : 0 5 - 16 -