HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070518Rhead rebuttal.pdfDean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 Joe ~ mcdevitt-miller .com " , ' i i 8 i' j; ! i; ? c, ; ( ,in.. co " ".. j ill f! :,; ISSii BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc., TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO 143 CASE NO. UWI-O7- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF SCOTT RHEAD May 18 2007 Please state your name. Scott Rhead Are you the same Scott Rhead who previously filed Direct Testimony in this proceeding? Yes, I am. What is the purpose of your Rebuttal Testimony? I will respond to certain statements contained in the Amended Direct Testimony of Vem Brewer filed on behalf of the City of Eagle. Do you have a general observation regarding Mr. Brewer s testimony? Yes. In my Direct Testimony, I provided a detailed explanation of United Water s ability to serve the Lanewood development. In his Amended Direct Testimony, Mr. Brewer does not dispute any part of my Direct Testimony regarding United Water s ability to serve the development. Because my testimony is not challenged, I take it that the City does not dispute United Water s ability to serve. On page 2 of his testimony Mr. Brewer discusses various water facilities including wells , which have been or are being constructed as a part of a City water system. Does the City have ground water rights or permits from the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) for any of the wells to which Mr. Brewer refers? No. IDWR has issued no approvals of pending water rights associated with these well facilities. Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. At page 3 Mr. Brewer also refers to the City having "received a favorable staff recommendation" and that he "expects the applications to be approved in the June-July period." Are you aware of any recent favorable staff recommendations regarding the City s applications with IDWR in this matter? No. I have reviewed the public record in the City s IDWR water right application proceeding. There is an internal IDWR Staff memo dated February 27 2007 that concludes that the data lacking from the application in November 2006 has now been provided. However, six (6) Protestants in the proceeding have filed Technical Comments on April 25 , 2007 disputing the Staff analysis , stating in part , " The City of Eagle s Addendum does not provide more and/or better information that the Hearing Officer can use to evaluate whether the proposed water rights will injure other water rights . The Protestant's Technical Comments are attached as Exhibit 4 What will be the next steps in the IDWR water right permit approval process for Eagle? That is difficult to say with certainty, and it is equally difficult to say with certainty, as Mr. Brewer has, that the application can be expected to be approved in the June-July period. Why is that the case? The City s application for the water rights permits is currently in the hands of the hearing officer awaiting his written decision and determination. Even if the hearing officer was to deliver a decision favorable to the City in June or July, the Protestants in the proceeding, and there are many, would have approximately two Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. weeks to request that the matter be reconsidered. With the large number of Protestants this is a potential outcome. A reconsideration process could take another several months. If the City prevailed at that stage, one or more Protestants could still appeal the decision to the Director of the IDWR, and after that process was completed, a Protestant could, if they chose, appeal the decision to District Court. All of this uncertainty and the significant amount of time the appeal processes could take makes it not only unlikely that Eagle will receive its approved water rights permits in the June-July period, but nearly impossible. You have mentioned Protestants in Eagles water rights permits application proceeding, and at page 3 of his testimony Mr. Brewer states , " ... part of the delay in getting the applications approved was caused by United Water protesting the applications." Is this a fair characterization of the delay? Absolutely not. It is true that United Water protested Eagle s water rights application because United Water owns and operates its Redwood Creek Well less than one mile east of the proposed new wells. United Water was concerned that the new diversions could injure the rights of Redwood Creek In addition United Water believed that Eagle s requested diversion of almost 9 cubic feet per second (cfs) was not based on any approved Master Plan or justification related to future demands. So United Water had very legitimate reasons for protesting Eagle s applications. It is not uncommon for water right permit applications to experience significant delay when even one protestant enters the process. How many other Protestants were there other than United Water? Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. The following is a list of Protestants still active in the Eagle permit application and the IDWRprocess as of May 17 2007: REPRESENTED BY CHARLES HONSINGER: DANA & VIKI PURDY 5926 FLOATING FEATHER EAGLE ID 83616 286-9701 JOSEPH & LYNN MOYLE C/O MICHAEL MOYLE 480 N PLUMMER RD STAR ID 83669 870-6667 EUGENE MULLER 320 N PALMER LN EAGLE ID 83616 286- 7369 CHARLES MEISSNER JR 3101 N PALMER EAGLE ID 83616 866-8688 CHARLES HOWARTH C/O GUNNER & MATT HOWARTH 833 NPALMER EAGLE ID 83616 286-9760 MIKE DIXON PRES HOOT NANNEY FARMS INC C/O TERRY WHITE RT 1 2650 WING RD STAR ID 83669 INDIVIDUAL PARTIES: JERRY & MARY TAYLOR 3410 HARTLEY EAGLE ID 83616 286- 7575 Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. CORRIN & TERRY HUTTON 10820 NEW HOPE RD STAR ID 83669 286-7752 SAM & KARl ROSTI 1460 N POLLARD LN STAR ID 83669 286- 7685 Fax: 286-9040 LEEROY & BILLIE MELLIES 6860 W ST ATE ST EAGLE ID 83616 286- 7257 DEAN & JAN COMBE 6440 W BEACON LIGHT EAGLE ID 83616 286- 7174 What has become of United Water s protest? As a result of the new well tests and associated test pumping United Water confirmed that Redwood Creek would not likely be affected beyond acceptance limits. United Water s protest in this matter was withdrawn early in the hearing process in December 2006. At page 4 of Mr. Brewer s testimony he refers to a planned 16" main that will run through the Lanewood development to connect and loop other portions of the City s planned system. At page 6 Mr. Brewer implies that service by United Water would hinder the City in implementing its Master Water Plan. Does water service by United Water to the Lanewood development obstruct or impede Eagle s ability to complete its anticipated 16" water main? Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. No. Ada County Highway District (ACHD) has existing rights-of-way along Floating Feather Road and Lanewood Drive in the area of Eagle s concern. The proposed development keeps these rights-of-way intact in the development plan. ACHD anticipates a slight realignment for a portion of Floating Feather at the southwest end of Lanewood but will maintain the necessary corridors. The City will not be obstructed or impeded in its ability to construct its mainline because water service is provided to Lanewood by United Water. In fact, Eagle construction of its proposed main line will result in an unnecessary duplication of water service assets since United Water currently has adequate water supply and transmission capacity to serve Lanewood and surrounding areas. The Lanewood development is contiguous to United Water s existing certificate boundary and constitutes only a small extension of that boundary. At page 4 Mr. Brewer says the City provides water less expensively than United Water. Do you agree? Not necessarily. It is true that currently the City s tariff rate for water service is somewhat less than United Water s. The City s current rates , however, may not include recovery of the costs associated with the City s ambitious plan to build a municipal water system. These costs are unknown but potentially huge. Whether those costs are eventually recovered through consumption rates, connection fees surcharges , or some other mechanism, they will create upward pressure on the City s overall cost of service. Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. At page 5 of Mr. Brewer s testimony he claims that the City of Eagle encourages conservation of water by requiring the use of surface water for irrigation. Please comment. Requiring the use of surface water for irrigation can not be equated to encouraging conservation for several reasons. First of all, the use of surface water for irrigation, where available, is required both by Idaho state law and Ada County ordinance. Thus , Eagle can make no "conservation" claim for requiring what the law already requires. Secondly, in many cases, using un-metered, less expensive irrigation water may lead to greater use; not less use of the overall water resource. It is true irrigation is a different type of water (i.e. not treated to potable standards) but this in itself is not conservation. Finally, the City of Eagle historically has not provided its existing water customers with any conservation education or information, water saver kits, or other conservation programs typically offered by water providers. In contrast, United Water has had an active and varied conservation program in place for many years. In addition, United Water has recently completed and the Commission has recently approved in part a detailed revised Water Conservation Plan. At page 5 of his testimony Mr. Brewer seems to contradict your Direct Testimony and states that the City s wells are constructed to Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) standards. Mr. Brewer may be correct that the wells are "constructed" to IDEQ standards however, they are currently classified with IDEQ and IDWR merely as test wells. Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. Even if these two test wells are constructed to IDEQ standards can they be used to provide municipal water supply without an associated water right permit? No. IDEQ is very clear in this regard. The City has been allowed to construct these wells to municipal standards but they are considered as test wells only and cannot provide public water service without a water right permit. This requirement can be found in IDAPA 58.01.08 503 19c approved March 30, 2007. As I have testified above, the permitting process may require considerable more time. Mr. Brewer, at page 6 of his testimony, suggests that if United Water serves Lanewood, the City will forgo revenue from those customers that could partially off-set costs of constructing the new trunk line network and storage facilities. Is this a legitimate concern? I believe what this indicates is that the City s intended water system in the area is very much in its infancy. It does not yet have approved water rights permits for its wells; it does not yet have an integrated transmission and distribution system; it does not yet have storage capacity for fire protection. In contrast, United Water s system in the area is currently fully integrated with adequate supply redundancy. As Mr. Brewer implies, the costs of constructing such new facilities are significant and would duplicate United Water s facilities already constructed to provide service in the area. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes it does Rhead, Re United Water Idaho Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~day of May, 2007, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ii ewellrillpuc.state.id. us Bruce Smith MOORE, SMITH, BUXTON & TURCKE 950 W. Bannock, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702-5716 Robert B. Burns MOFF A TT THOMAS 101 S. Capitol Blvd. 10th Floor O. Box 829 Boise, ID 83701-0829 REPLY COMMENTS- Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email , ~ '-Q '-Q '-Q Hand Delivered '-Q u.S. Mail Fax '-Q Fed. Express '-Q Email '-Q Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax '-Q Fed. Express '-Q Email '-Q BY. CHARLES L, HONSINGER (ISB #5240) DANIEL V. STEENSON (lSB #4332) RINGERT ClARK CHARTERED 455S. Third Street, P.O. Box 455 Boise, Idaho 83701-2773 Telephone: (208) 342-4591 Facsimile: (208) 342-4657 RECEIVED APR 2 ~ 2007 DEPARTMENTOF WATERRF~nIIRr.E1=' Attorneys for Protestants Joseph, Lynn and Michael Moyle Eugene Muller. Dana and Viki Purdy, Charles W" Meissner; Jr., Charles Howalth and Mike Dixon!Hoot Nanney Fanns, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO DBP AR'IMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF THE STA1E OF IDAHO IN THE- MATTER OF APPLICATIONS TO, APPROPRIATE WATER RIGHT NOS. 63- 32089 AND 63-32090 IN THE NAME OF THE CITY OF EAGLE PROTESTANTS' TEC~CAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DAY AQUIFER TEST REPORT ANDIDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM COMBS NOW, Protestants Joseph, Lynn and Michael Moyle, Eugene Mullel, Dana and Viki PUIdy, Charles W. Meissner, Jr", Charles Howarth, and Mike DixonlHoot Nanney FaTIns, Inc. by and through their counsel of record Ringert Clalk, ChaItered, and, pursuant to the Healing OfficeI' s March 27 2007 Notice olConsideration of Additional Evidence and Post Hearing Order hereby submit technical comments regarding the Addendum to the City of Eagle s 7-Day Aquifer Test Report and IDWR's Febma:ry 27 2007 Stafj'Memorandum reviewing the same, PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DA Y AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM - Page 1 Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-O7-Scott Rhead, Engineer Pa~e 1 of8 . . -- :' INTRODUCTION After the December, 2006 hearing 1evealed seven: deficiencies in its Day Aquifer Test Repor't fo.,. Water Right Appropriation 63-32089 and 63-32090 the City of Eagle met with IDWR personnel in an effort to flesh out its Report and address the concems raised at hearing.. On Februmy , 2007, IDWR hydrogeologists authored a memO1'andum reviewing the February 22, 2007 Addendum to City oj'Eagle 7-Day Aquifer Test Report ("Addendum ). Both the Cityof'Eagle Addendum and the IDWR StaffMemorandll1n ("Memorandum were provided to the parties by the end of March, 2007, The patties were then given until April 25, 2007 to submit "technical comments" about both documents pursuant to the Hearing Officer s March 27, 2007 Notice and Order. Despite its attempt to better address concexns regarding its previous report, the City of Eagle sAddendum does not provide mole and/or better information that the Healing Officer can use to evaluate whether the proposed water rights will injure othe1 water rights, Rather, the Addendum to address many of the same concerns raised at hearing, including the failure to analyze or explain data bearing upon the issue of ~jUIY to existing water rights.. COMMENTS One of the primary issues in this litigation is whether and to what extent the water rights proposed by the City of Eagle will injure other water rights, including those of the protestants. the December healing in this matter, it was apparent that the City had not sufficiently demonstrated through its analysis that the proposed appropriation would not cause injury. As a result oUhe events at the hearing, the City conducted another round of analysis culminating in theAddendlim. PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDJNG ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DA Y AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM ~ Page 2 Exhibit No. Case No, UWI-O7-Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 2 of 8 '0, " ." " Graph Showing Groundwater Withdrawals Figure 10 of the Addendum ( p. 30) is not cuuent. Data through 2006 would have been helpful to determine whether groundwater withdrawals are continuing to increase oj' have instead stabilized.. Ifgzoundwaterwithdrawals have continued the incn~asjngtIend shown from 1993 to 2001 in Figure 10, then the appropriation proposed by the City combined with aU otherwithdrawals could very well result in injury to existing water rights. Figure 10 should have been updated with recent data so that the Hearing Officer could make an infoIDled decision.. Without such information, no informed decision can or should be made. 2. "Meaningful Drawdown The discharge rate during the aquifer test (and that which was used in drawdown-analysis calculations) was 1,580 gpm. Addendum p. 8. The Addendum states that the "maximum diversion rate requested under Application 63-32089 (in which the Eaglefield well is listed as a point of diversion) would be limited to 4,0 cis (1,795 gpm).. Jd. Apparently, the wen had a potential capacity of 2 000 gpm~ Id" Why then was the well pumped at a lower rate than either the proposed diversion rate or the weIrs capaci~? It seems difficult to make the City s conclusion, based upon the data in evidence, that "it is unlikely that a higher pumping rate would have provided meaningful drawdown data in wells that showed no drawdown at the 1580 g..p.m. rate.ld (bolded emphasis added). We do not know what is meant by the telm '"meaningful dIawdown data," We do not know the basis of the Addendum author s opinion that the discharge rate used (1,580 gpm) was sufficient. In fact, every well monitored showed drawdown during the pumping portion of the test. The authors have concluded that in some wells the amount of drawdown was meaningless. Pumping at PRaTES T ANTS' TECHNICAL CONIMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DA Y AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANpUM- Page 3 Exlribit No. Case No. UWI-O7-Scott Rhead, Engineer PaJ!;e3 of 8 , ,.. '. ,: . a higher rate would have established if the minot drawdown was related to pumping or to other factors. One pmpose of an ~quifer test is to stress the interconnected aquifers, This test did not accomplish that putpose. Ricks Well The City states that "( w Jater levels duIing the measurement period declined apPIOximately 1 foot, although it is not clear that the decline was caused by the aquifer test." Addendum, P, 10. Although the City explains that this decline was "most possibly caused by other, nearby wells , it does not provide the data to back up its conclusion, In fact,the City has never explained the water level change in the Ricks Well.. It has simply failed to analyze the data that show rapid drawdown in the Ricks Well near the end of the pumping test without recovery - a situation that certainly wauants further analysis, data and explanation. One question that arises is what will happen to water levels in the Ricks Well when pumping lasts longer than one week? Will the dtawdown continue? W:il1 thele ever be a recovety of drawdown levels? Certainly more analysis and data gathering was wananted ' 4. Lack of response to pumping in the Ricks and QRC No.4 Wells In their Conclusions and Recommendations, the Addendum authors state that Ricks and QRC No.4 wells' lack of response to pumping is "likely because of an insufficient hydraulic connection,Addendum p. 17. However, the premise for the conclusion that there is an insufficient hydraulic connection" cannot be that there was no response to pumping., In fact, there was a response to pumping. Both wells showed a steady drawdown, the rate of which increased neal the end of pumping period and then continued to drop after pumping had stopped. At a bare PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CIIY OF EAGLE'S 7-DA Y AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM. Page 4 Exhibit No. Case No.UWI-O7-Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 4 of8 minimum, the Applicant should have determined the cause of this decline in water levels; should have determined what would happen when pumping occurs on a continual. basis; and should have determined the reason fO1 the wells' failure to fully recover aftel pumping had ceased" Wells Did Not Fully Recover TheAddendum concludes that "w)ater levels fully recovered in the pumping and monitoring wells from drawdown associated with the aquifer test." Addendum p. 18- This conclusion is erroneous. The data establishes that QCR No.4, Ricks Well, StIata We111B, and UWI WelllB did not fully recover. See Addendum, Appendices C.5, C., C7, CS, CIO. Only three wells fully recovered fiom drawdown and one well showed a very slight drawdown which was probably too small to be significant. Thus, less than 50% of the wells that were monitored fully recovered from drawdowns associated with the aquifer test - in direct contradiction to the Addendum 5 conclusion. Well Interference Event(s)" Individual Water Level Elevation graphs for each well attached to the Addendum show event on June 10 identified as "well interference event (see r able 1)"Addendum Appendices C.3, 4, CoS, etc. Although Table 1 is referenced on the graphs, neither it nOl any other pall of the Addendum or the DayAquifer Te5tIeport address this weUinteIfel'ence event The event or events stopped recovelY from June 10 until June 1311\ in the pumping well, Legacy well, QCR4, and Strata lB well. The Water Level Elevation gtaph for Strata 1A well did not show significant drawdown so impact from the "wen interference event(s)" was not noticeable in that well. The Water Level Elevation graphS for UWI wells lA and IB didn't show any impact on recovery on June 10, but an event prevented drawdown recovelY in those wells from about June 12'h PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DAY AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM Page 5 Exlu"bit No. Case No. UWI-O7- Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 5 of8 to about June 13th.. This well inteIfel'ence event was not discussed in either the Addendum or the 7- Day Aquifer Test report, but the data demonstrates that combined pumping impacts can prevent recovery.. The cumulative effect of all pumping from existing wells togethel with pumpingfiom the wells proposed by the City may result in significant drawdowns to area wells, including those owned by the plotestants. Neithel theAddendum not the DayAquifer Test repOI t address the issue of the cumulative impacts on water levels if this application is approved - celtainly, given the data showing the possibility that cumulative pumping effects may prevent drawdown lecovelY, further analysis and data gatheling is and was wauanted. Summary The deficiencies of the aquifer test and the Day Aquifer Test 16pOIt and Addendum generated therefrom can be summaIized as follows: Test pumping lasted only seven days - an insufficient period of time to detelmine long-telm effects both to the aquifer and to individual wells. The pumping rate of 580 gpm did not stress the aquifer sufficiently to be able to determine the impact of the plOposed higher pumping Iates on both the aquifer and individual wells, c.,On1y six or seven wells were monitored dming the pumping test instead of a number more appropIiate to determining the impacts of this very significant proposed water right on the aquifer and individual wells in the area., Sunounding well owners were not given adequate notice to monitor their own wells and detelmine the impacts of pumping upon them. PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE~S 7~DA Y AQUlFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM - Page 6 Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-O7- Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 6 or8 Significant effects such as well interference from sources other than the pumping of the test well were not explained or analyzed. Such explanation and analysis is necessary to determine the possible impacts of cumulative pumping from additional area wells on the aquifer and on existing wells. A monitoring program using dedicated monitoring wells completed in the same aquifer zone as the pumping wells shomd be installed if the application is approved to assist the parties in determining how the City's pumping impacts the aquifer and to assist the parties in determining whether and to what extent existing wells are injured by such pumping. TheIe has simply not been sufficient data or analysis generated by the City in the Day Aquifer Test report aIJdAddendum to warrant the approval ofthe City's applications.. Accordingly, the Heming Officer should either deny the applications, or require the gathering of additional data and additional analysis horn the City priOl to making any decision upon the applications.. Dated this 25th day of APIil, 2007 RIN u;;:;:; By: Charles L. Honsinger PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7~DAY AQillFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM Page 7 Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-O7- Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 7 of8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IHEREBY CERTIFY that on this 25lh day of Apri4 2007, the above and foregoing documen t was seIved on the following by placing a copy ofthe same in the United States mail, postage prepaid and propedy addressed to the folJowing: Je.uy & Mary Taylor 3410 Hartley Eagle. Idaho 83616 Corrin & Terry Hutton 10820 New Hope Road Star, Idaho 83669 Sam & Kad Rosti 1460 N. Pollald Lane Star. Idaho 83669 Westem Region Attn: John WestIa 2735 AiIpO1t Way Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 Leeroy & Billie Memes 6860 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 Dean & Jan Combe 6440 W. Beacon Light Eagle, Idaho 83616 Bluce Smith Moore Smith Buxton & Tulke 225 N, 9th Street. Ste.420 Boise, Idaho 83702 .J ohn M. Marshall Givens PuIsley O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701~~1 PROTESTANTS' TECHNICAL COMMENTS REGARDING ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAGLE'S 7-DA Y AQUIFER TEST REPORT AND IDWR'S STAFF MEMORANDUM- Page 8 Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-O7- Scott Rhead, Engineer Page 8of 8