HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060531Comments.pdfSCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO, 1895 . , " i Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W, WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc. TO AMEND AND) REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143. CASE NO. UWI-O6- COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Comment /Protest Deadline issued on May 8, 2006, submits the following comments, BACKGROUND On April 26, 2006, United Water Idaho Inc, (United Water; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for authority to amend and revise its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No, 143, as amended. Reference Idaho Code ~ 61- 526; IDAP A, United Water seeks to add an area known as the Trailhead Community to its certificated service territory. The area of expansion is located in Ada County north of the City of Eagle in an area more particularly described as: a parcel ofland being all of the West 1/2 of the STAFF COMMENTS MAY 31 , 2006 Southwest 1/4 of Section 27 and all of Section 28, Township 5 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, The developer of the Trailhead Community has requested that United Water extend water service facilities to the area, United Water contends that the Trailhead Community area is not within the authorized service territory of any other public utility water corporation under the Commission s jurisdiction nor, it contends, will the extension interfere with the operations of any other water utility under the Commission s jurisdiction. United Water further contends that there are no known public entities, persons or corporations with whom the expansion is likely to compete, ANALYSIS Staff has prepared a map showing the area United Water wishes to add to its certificated area, The map also shows the boundaries of the property owned and planned for development by Kastera Homes. The map also shows the current service territory boundaries of United Water Eagle Water Company, and the City of Eagle. A copy of the map is included as Attachment A. United Water asserts in its Application that there are no known public entities, persons or corporations with whom the expansion is likely to compete, However, on May 11 , 2006 , a letter was submitted by counsel for the City of Eagle stating that the defined area of expansion requested by United Water includes an area and development that will be served by the City of Eagle municipal system, A copy of the letter is included as Attachment B. According to the letter Kastera Homes has previously contacted the City of Eagle regarding annexation into the City, The City of Eagle states that it is taking steps to accommodate the developer s request. The City included a copy of a letter from Kastera Homes documenting the developer s alleged request for annexation, That letter is included as Attachment C, In subsequent conv~rsations with the City engineer, Staff was reassured that Kastera had agreed to be served by the City of Eagle and that the City of Eagle had adequate capacity to serve the proposed development. Staff contacted a representative of Kastera Homes to clarify whether it was seeking water service from United Water or from the City of Eagle. As represented by Kastera, City representatives met with Kastera on May 19, 2006 to discuss water service, Kastera alleges that the City, despite its desire to provide service, admitted that it did not have the capability to provide service to the area for at least two years. In response, Kastera informed the City that it would renew its request for service with United Water. Kastera claims that the City accepted Kastera s decision to receive service ttom United Water. Following the meeting, on May 24, 2006 , Kastera sent a STAFF COMMENTS MAY 31 2006 letter to United Water restating its request for water service ttom United Water. A copy of that letter is included as Attachment D. Kastera further claims that it agreed with the City of Eagle to prepare a memorandum of understanding spelling out the terms under which the City would provide service should Kastera choose to develop property in the future that lies within the City s Area of Impact. As a result of this turn of events, Staff also contacted the City of Eagle to verify Kastera latest claim that the City had conceded that United Water would provide service to Trailhead. The City s engineer and attorney both contest Kastera s representation. The City's representatives contend that the City still has the desire and the ability to serve Kastera s proposed development. The City maintains that it has the ability to immediately serve 1300 additional homes north of Eagle with no additional wells or storage facilities, Kastera s development will total approximately 700 homes at full build-out. Kastera s current plan is to develop property that lies outside of the City of Eagle s Area of Impact. However, maps provided to Staff indicate that a portion of the property owned by Kastera encroaches into the City s Area ofImpact (See Attachment E), Kastera is aware that part of its property lies within the Area of Impact, but it insists that no development will occur on that property at this time, Kastera understands that future development within the City s Area of Impact will be served by the City, RECOMMENDATION As last represented to Staff, the City of Eagle stands by its objection letter position and its intention to serve the Kastera property, The City maintains that it has the physical capability of serving the Trailhead Community. United Water is also capable of serving the development. As long as United Water follows its established line extension rules, other customers of United Water should not be adversely affected by the addition of Trailhead. United Water maintains that the City of Eagle has no authority to extend water services beyond its political boundaries. The City is proceeding along an annexation path. The City objects to the continued use of Modified Procedure, Staff recommends that a hearing date be set to establish a more formal record for decision, STAFF COMMENTS MAY 31 , 2006 Respectfully submitted this Technical Staff: Rick Sterling S W :/umisc/ commen ts/uwi wO6 .4swrps STAFF COMMENTS 31 day of May 2006, Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General MAY 31 , 2006 ....I ... ::J I:: -0 Q) CUI Q)0 E I:: a.. Q)... E .s c:(co Q) -0 I;::Q) ,-:!:: t:I:: Q)::J U I\jjjj\~j\jj f:0;:::i Attachment A Case No. UWI-06- Staff Comments 5/31/06 MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 225 NORTH 9TH STREET, SUITE 420 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIEJ. BONNEY SUSAN E. BUXTON' MICHAEl C. MOORE! BRUCE M. SMITH PAUlA. TURCKE' CHRISTOPHER E. YORGASON TAMMY A. ZOKAN JOHN J. McfADDEN*' Of Cozmsel . Also admitted in Oregon I Also admitted in Washington , Also admitted in South Dakota Also admitted in New Mexico May 10, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W, Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 Re: Case No. UWI-06- Dear Commissioners: On April 26 2006, United Water Idaho Inc. filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) seeking to amend and revise its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 , as amended, The referenced Application seeks to add an area known as the Trailhead Community to UWI's service territory. UWI stated at paragraph VI, that "There are no known public entities, persons or corporations with whom the expansion islikely to compete.- This is incorrect. The defined area of expansion includes an area and a development that will be served by the City of Eagle municipal system. The developet Kastera Homes, has already contacted the City of Eagle regarding annexation into the City, and' the City is taking steps to accommodate the developer s request. (See attached copy of letter ttom Kastera0 Homes, ) Under existing City ordinances the development will be served by the City, Therefore the City objects to extension of the UWI certificate to this area. Sincerely, MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE CHARTERED '0_- '_0 , -.., ,o,-~ , ..~'" ,'1'1 : -"' ':"o ""- BMS :jj Enclosure cc: client Joe Miller, Esq, Scott Woodbury , ; ,.. .--, ~. t~(. ",c" Attachment B Case No, UWI-06- Staff Comments 5/31/06 ..._o RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE APR 2 2006 File: RoutEno' - ,,- ' . ,~' " -0- .. ",'.. , ',-- :00 : i-- April 18/ 2006 , , i"',;Honorable Mayor Nancy M~rrill and Eagle City Council Members City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, Tdaho83616 ~ ',....' --.... "roO ..,.;-,,'(~)"'.. - Dear Mayor Merrill and Eagle City Council Mempers: KasteraHomes has recently purchased 660 acres of land nq.rth ofJhe City of Eagle near Willow Creek Road. We have also acquired an additional 278 acres along State Highway 55 north of Brookside- Lane near the Shadow Valley Golf Course. Kastera ,Homes is consideririg annexation of these-lands into the City of Eagle. Is it possible that we could be invited to attend a work session with the City Council to discuss the possible annexation of our properties? Thank you for your assistance in evaluating future annexation of- our land. Keep up your good work! Enclosed: Vicinity Map '" Mayor/ City Council City Clerk p & Z Dept. , Bldg: Dept. , Attorney- ' " , Engineer' v' --1) dlj Wayne . Forrey, AICP Director of Planning and Enti ements /C - Attachment C Case No. UWI-06- Staff Comments 5/31/06 ..,....,.... co, 1':__1- n--..J c.. :..~ "71:: I:~~I", I~"h,... Q:1.k1k Tal. 'HIs:! 472 0300 J=::oy' ?OR 47? O~JO ------ _ __n_ ....- www KA"TFRA-comn --___,--_- 0'0'---- - '---......--" _ ..nm 24 May2Q:V6 :R~d!r!;tirJg; D~at"::'Mr..J1Jhn.:.Lee+ a~tatlS:~:(Jpottion~f:thi$p~p~ Q!s . " :t;sediD'O:s , . a:'/'\!Z (~ticm, . . : ' 1:' m . . .,. 14' , .. ' .5~edU~.Tftef~.fQre;; we ser;;i~e from united' Watermserv~$ttrfilt:opedy ()'j;itsJde QF the . EagleAreaof.~mpacreouri(ja.~. . ~rGr.eggQlselj, p(easeietim~kft:~i9\ . \ia lIey anQ Jm.~tEID1ootYfJiu.r p,!aoa ft;;Irwat~r ZI;~di);jtjrJpl ~rlf\')rro~~Qtj.rri4~ ~a~~HGmEz$'" nstg , ' ' the , ~p'a(1~fQfi.~e~p' A.;;., VtJfJyr;.eS. Forrey,. AlCP .oiJ~er::tQrQ'r Ptanl1Jngand Devel~FJment Attachment D Case No. UWI-06- Staff Comments 5/31/06 V1 ( , 1 1 n ~ W s - ~ := : : ~ q (1 ) ~ On z t r S ~ g (1 ) : : E ! : I i f- I rn :: E , - .. . ~ . ,; ; KA S T E R A H O M E S D E V E L O P M E N T S I T E S FO O T H I L L P R O P f ; R T Y B E T W E E ~ S T A T E ID G H W A Y 5 5 A. ' T D S T A T E HI G H W A Y 1 6 CO N C E P T P L A N L E G E N D BU C H A N A N PR O R E R T Y OL D P E A R L R O A D HI L L S I D E S L O P E S (g ) 2 5 % O R GR E A 1 E R FL A T E R T E R R A I N B E L O W 2 5 % , S L O P E OL S E N PR O P E R T Y SH A D O W V A L L E Y GO L F C O U R S E ..: , . , '\ , . it : : : , ~ ' +: ~ . . R R Q O K S I D I l L N . DR Y C " , . . r . " - Z B E A CO N L I Q W. p R l Cn ~ K RO ' l l ) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 31ST DAY OF MAY 2006 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IN CASE NO. UWI-06-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: GREGORYP. WYATT UNITED WATER IDAHO INC PO BOX 190420 BOISE ID 83719-0420 DEAN J MILLER ESQ McDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE ID 83701 ~:)) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE