HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070504Rhead direct.pdfDean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 i oe(ti),mcdevitt - miller .com ' ' I : , '.' - I Ii (... :.. ..J \ . J:' ,-~ r, : ,~." " ii ,::;2; \ ' Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INc., TO AMEND AND REVISE CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO 143 CASE NO. UWI-O6- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF SCOTT RHEAD May 4, 2007 ORIGINAL Please state your name and business address. Scott Rhead, 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, Idaho. Please describe your employment with United Water. I am employed by United Water in the capacity of Director of Engineering. I have been employed by United Water for 15 years. I am responsible for the design and construction of United Water s integrated water system. I am a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Idaho. What is the purpose of your testimony? I will describe the facilities that will be required to serve the Trailhead development and United Water s ability to serve the development from existing source of supply resources. Please describe additional facilities that will be required to serve the development. Exhibit No., filed with Mr. Wyatt's testimony, is a map depicting the location of the Trailhead development and United Water s existing facilities. As depicted on the map, the development would be served by extending a 12 inch main line from United Water s existing facilities on Floating Feather Road along Eagle Road and Willow Creek Road to the development. This extension would be approximately 25 miles in length. What would be the cost of this extension? Although detailed engineering plans have not been developed, for planning purposes, United Water estimates the cost of 12 inch main line construction to be approximately $50 per foot, or an expected total cost of $600 000. Rhead, Di United Water Idaho Inc. Under United Water s Rules and Regulations, who would pay for this 12 inch main extension? Under United Water s rules and regulations this type of extension is part of United Water s distribution system and is considered as contributed facilities. The Developer is required to pay all costs associated with this main extension without refund from United Water. Do you anticipate any issues relating to right of way access for construction along Eagle Road and Willow Road? , Ada County Highway District allows water main construction within the right of way subject to permit conditions. Can you estimate the amount of time necessary for this construction? I estimate the 12" main project could be completed in three months. Please discuss United Water s source of supply resources that are currently available to serve the Trailhead development. United Water s system is fully integrated. In order to maintain reliability and redundancy, different sources can and will be used depending on demand and time of year. For example in the winter the Marden Plant provides the majority of the source of supply for the East main service level, West main and Floating Feather service level. Floating Feather well and Redwood Creek well are also used as demand increases in the summer. Some of the more predominant ground water rights for the West main and Floating Feather service levels are: Swift Veterans, Willow Lane, Floating Feather, and Redwood Creek. Rhead, Di United Water Idaho Inc. Does United Water have a compressive approach for planning to meet future demands? Yes. United Water prepares a Water System Master Plan ('Plan ) which is updated approximately every five years. The most current version is for the period 2005-2010. The Plan projects likely demand over a multi-year period and identifies source of supply resources necessary to meet the demand. The numbers of customers to be added by the Trailhead development over time are within the planning parameters of the Plan. Based on the foregoing discussion, in your professional opinion, does United Water have adequate source of supply resources to serve the Trailhead development. Yes. In my professional opinion United Water has adequate source of supply resources to serve the Trailhead development. As the numbers of customers within the Trailhead development grows over time, that growth is within the growth levels projected by the Plan. Do you anticipate that additional facilities will be required for service to the Trailhead development? Depending on the eventual design of the development, a Booster Station and Storage Reservoir for fire protection and operational peaking will be required to meet the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality standards. The Booster will require redundant pumps and standby power. The Storage Reservoir will be in the range of 250 000-300 000 gallons. Please describe the cost responsibility for booster and storage facilities. Rhead, Di United Water Idaho Inc. Under United Water s Rules and Regulations these can be considered Special Facilities and the developer will be required to execute a Special Facilities Agreement ("SF A"). The standard terms of the Commission-approved SF A require the developer to advance the cost of construction and related costs. The developer becomes eligible for refunds as customers are connected and are providing new revenue to support the investment. In this way, United Water other customers are insulated from speculative risk. Please summarize your testimony. The Trailhead development can be connected to United Water s integrated system by construction of the 12 inch mainline discussed above. United Water has adequate existing source of supply resources to serve the development. Any required additional Special Facilities will be constructed pursuant to United Water s existing rules relating to Special Facilities. Does that conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Rhead, Di United Water Idaho Inc. CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the~ay of May, 2007 , I caused to be served by the methodes) indicated below, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 iiewell (gJpuc.state.id. Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Thomas Morris Kastera Homes 372 S. Eagle Road, Suite 375 Eagle, ID 83616 tom.morris (gJ kastera.com Hand Delivered u.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered , U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bruce M. Smith, Esq, MOORE, SMITH, BUXTON & TURKE 950 W. Bannock, Suite 520 Boise, ID 83702 UNITED WATER IDAHO INC'S RESPONSE TO CITY OF EAGLE'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS- 1