HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060720Comments.pdfIA. _. '1/V'lo" 110 &ryWI ~. WWW Form submi ssi on:1 a8403 . TXT wednesday, July 12 , 2006 2 : 46 : 01 Case: UWI-w-06-Name: Li sa Crane Street-Address: 5294 waterwheel Dr ci ty : Boi se State: ID ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 208-343-5944 E-Mai 1: storm 180~msn. com company: uni ted Water comment description: I am against the raise in the united Water espcially during the summer months which the water bill with people who water their lawn is simply toohi gh of a cost. The cu rrent cost of water i s already way to hi gh i t does not needto be any more. Transacti on ID: 7121446.Referred by: http: Ilwww. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll Ii pucUser Address: Hostname: page 1 ~z4 /10 Al /1"0 1 a2 . TXT WWW Form submission: wednesday, Jul y 12, 2006 3:30:16 PM Case: UWI-w-06- Name: Mel ani e Ki ngstreet-Address: 2957 chi eftai n wayci ty: Boi se State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Tel ephone: 208-353-5951 E-Mai 1: bud~i r113~cabl eone. net company: Un, ted wate mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: yes comment descri pti on: oppose the 11% rate i ncrease requested by uni ted water. As you are aware, property taxes have become an i ssue for many Boi se resi dents and thewater rate i ncrease wi 11 cause hardshi p for many resi dents, as well. I know peopl ewho are on the capi tal water system and have very mi ni mal water bi 11 s, especi all y when compared to united water. I think that united Water should look inside to seewhere they can make changes, i nstead of rai si ng our rates. Thank you. Transacti on ID: 7121530.Referred by: http://www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll Ii pucUser Address: User Hostname: page 1 I~'/~110 Ai.010 t~. (-f WWW Form submi ssi on:a1175. TXT wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:59:05 AM Case: UWI-w-06- Name: Davi d Street-Address: Andrusci ty: Meri di an State: ID ZIP: 83642 Home Tel ephone: 208-884-0391 E-Mai 1: thebuzzers~msn. comcompany: uni ted wate mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: yes Comment descri pti on: have had the best water year i nwaters request for a rate i ncrease shoul d be deni ed.the 1 ast 6-9 years.uni ted Transacti on ID: 7121159.Referred by: http: Ilwww. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll Ii pucuser Address: 132.49.221.User Hostname: 132.49.221. page 1 ~. ~~Io&/1J u~. .. I~ WWW Form submission:1 a1944 . TXT wednesday, Jul y 12 , 2006 8 : 42 : 03 Case: UWI-W ~o(P -0;)- Name: Cara Ri street-Address: 4687 W. Garden Ct. ci ty : Boi se State: ID ZIP: 83705 Home Telephone: (208) 343-5374 E-Mai 1: cara~treasureva 11 eyl awyers. com company: united Water comment description: I would like to comment on the rate hike by united Water Idaho. I believe that the rates charged are adequate and believe that a rate hikewould seriously hurt individuals/families on a limited income. I am a united WaterIdaho customer and use the water to irrigate my lawn , as I have no alternativemethod for irrigating. They have a summer rate hike, which is understandable,however, I do not bel i eve that thei r customers shoul d have to bear the burden of en 1 argi ng thei r company so they can make more money. Transacti on ID: 712842. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: 67.136.226.User Hostname: 67.136.226. page 1 ./ 1/1PJOil ./ 10 ~I) ~ (-t WWW Form Submission: la2001. TXT wednesday, J u 1 Y 12, 2006 10: 45: 13 Case: u.wr:- ~o~-o:r Name: M Mccull y Street-Address: 3981 oak Brook way City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83706 Home Telephone: 345-2001 E-Mai 1: mvmccull y~yahoo. com company: uni ted water comment description: It is unreasonable for an increase in Water Prices to occur in2006. I do not see the justication. I do not believe the claim "to coverimprovements" holds water. If so, open the books completely to the public so we cani nspect thi s thoroughly. If you are unwi 11 i ng to open the books-then there i ssomethi ng to hi de, and thus the need i s not there. My bet i s on i ncompetentmanagment. Transacti on ID: 7121045.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: 66.213.148.User Hostname: 66.213.148. page 1 ~1PIO&~ H WWW Form Submi ssi on:a3125. TXT wednesday, J ul y 12, 2006 4:40:23 PM Case: UWI-w-06- Name: JAN RAEDER Street-Address: 3923 HILLCREST DRIVEci ty: BOISE State: ID ZIP: 83705 Home Tel ephone: 208-345- 5787 E-Mai 1: raeder~rmci. net Company: UNITED WATER mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: no Comment descri pti on: IT SEEMS TO ME THOSE WHO ARE CAUSING THE INCREASE IN UTILITY FEES SHOULD PAY FOR THE INCREASES. I HAVE LIVED IN BOISE MY WHOLE LIFE. I DIDN'MOVE HERE RECENTLY. IT'S NOT ME CREATING THE NEED FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES. LETTHOSE WHO CREATE THE NEED , THE DEVELOPERS, BUILDERS, HOME BUYERS, ETC. PAY THEPRICE. I REAP NO BENEFIT FROM THE CONTINUED GROWTH, YET I HAVE TO PAY FOR THE GROWTH, OVERAND OVER. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Transaction ID: 7121640.Referred by: http://www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: Hostname: page 1 I~.AJ'- 11~ lie) /10 .;- I~ WWW Form submi ssi on:la3506.TXT wednesday, Jul y 12, 2006 1:33:49 PM Case: UUJI-w,O&-o?-Name: j an g 1 andon Street-Address: 3440 w. hansen ave. ci ty : boi se State: Idaho ZIP: 83703 Home Telephone: 208-336-1698 E-Mail: kittggoogly~msn.com company: united water daho mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: comment descri pti on: i s probabl y i nevei tabl e that the uti 1 i ti es are goi ng to keep climbing. But it sure would help us all if united Water Idaho would PLEASE start billing monthly so it could be more affordable. I have heard that it would NOTcost them any more to chan~e thi s i n thei r bi 11 i ng system. And i t sure woul d be ni to heard for once about th, s concern. Transaction ID: 7121333.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: 70.56.144. User Hostname: 70.56.144. page 1 ~~~~I~IO Ii, Pvv /70 WWW Form submission: 1 a4060 . TXT wednesday, July 12 , 2006 2 : 14: 50 Case: UWI-w-06- Name: Ke 1 vi n Tho rnton Street-Address: 7919 Hummel Drci ty: Boi se State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Tel ephone: 208-658-156- E-Mai 1: kdthornton~cabl eone. net company: united water mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: yes comment descri pti on: uni ted water gets another i ncrease the ci ty of boi se hasonce agai n hel ped uni ted Water rape us some more. I can t understand why peopl e forced and I mean forced to use united Water. We have to pay 300% or more thanpeopl e under other water compani es. Maybe Uni ted Water needs to take a 1 eason from the small er compani es. Don t 1 et uni ted Water do thi s to us agai n. another company. THEY ARE THIEFS. . . . . Transacti on ID: 7121414.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: Hostname: I wi sh the ci ty woul d dump them for page 1 Ill... 1/ zJlIO~ lfo ~ If WWW Form submi ssi on:1 a4512 . TXT wednesday, J ul y 12, 2006 9 : 06: 18 Case: Name: Ruby Street-Address: smi ci ty: Boi se State: Idaho ZIP: 83709 Home Tel ephone: (208) 377-3065 E-Mail: alansmit3~cs.com Company: uni ted Water mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: no Comment description: ~his is a comment with regard to united water s proposed rateincrease. I feel that this rate increase is completely unwarranted. First ofall, I do not feel that residents living in older established neighborhoods should be subsidizing development without any of the benefits. For example, many of the new developments have pressurized irrigation being developed in which we are paying for and have no usage of. Fu rther, I thi nk that an i ncrease of thi s magni tude i completely unnecessary, as they have recently received other rate increases. Overall, this kind of increase concerns me deeply, since I feel that it is not onlydi scri mi natory to those who are not gai ni ng any new servi ces from thi s i ncrease, but it is also unwarranted due to the number of prior rate increases. Transacti on ID: 712906.Referred by: http://www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i puc User Address: 207.200.116. Use r Hostname: 207.200.116. page 1 /~.~~dIU',/ 1" ~ H WWW Form submi ssi on:1 a5245 . TXT wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:08:21 AM Case: fAWI-w- 0(.; -0,;)- Name: Mi chae 1 S. Adams Street-Address: 1315 N. 14th City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83702 Home Telephone: 208-386-9357 E-Mai 1: the~oodword~hotmai 1. com company: un,ted Water mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: no comment descri pti on: In a ti me when propertyi ncrease for water i s too much of a burden.rate i ncrease unti 1 property tax burdens are taxes are rising so extremely, a ratepl ease do not approve uni ted waterdecreased. Transacti on ID: 712908.Referred by: http://www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: Hostname: page 1 j~. 1f1flIV~ 11u ;: rt WWW Form submission: la5528.TXT wednesday, J u 1 Y 12, 2006 1:47:53 PM Case: uwI-w-06- Name: Mau reen Tyczka Street-Address: 6819 W. Russett St ci ty : Boi se State: ID ZIP: 83704 Home- Te 1 ephone: 208- 340-1788 E-Mai 1: m012mi 11 er~hotmai 1 . com Company: United Water mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: QQ comment descri pti on: I woul d li ke to comment on the water i ncrease that wi 11 be happening tonight. I would like to not have an increase on our water. They already increased the heat, etc. Now they want more $$. A 2 or 3 percent increase is fine. But not 10%. YOu have to think of the elderly in the area & as well has the localeconomy. You aren t payi ng us enough for all of these i ncreases you are wanti ng.Di sapprove. Transaction ID: 7121347.Referred by: http://www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i puc user Address: 63.73.199. user Hostname: 63.73.199. page 1 1/~/o" /frJ OV\tL-e f- - ff-~Jv /7'0 AJ/./ 1, J If WWW Form submission:a6389. TXT wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:27:20 AM Case: UMI-W-06- Name: Marti n Downey street-Address: 1268 N.Jullion Ave. Ci ty: Boi se State: Idaho ZIP: 83704-9790 Home Tel ephone: 208-672-1358E-Mai 1: ml d~downeyemai 1 . com Company: united wate~ mai 1 i ng_l i st yes no: Comment descri pti on: As a customer of uni ted water, what ki nd of a~reement di d thecompany agree too so as not to go wi th the 18% i ncrease? And what d, d the state haveto gi ve up wi th a i ncreaseof 11% As a customer I wi 11 have to agree wi th the statessettlement. I just wanted to find the details Thank You Transacti on ID: 712827.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. i d. us/scri pts/pol yform. dll /i pucUser Address: Hostname: Page 1