HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060419Comments.pdfJIlt'-' ~II /10 A I~. ulc1lo 1-1 0 ~ ~ . (jJatricia G. 1farris 12055 J("ttftfen 'f/affey ClQ,m llWaa (jJoi~e lCD lU 709-6853 !; :, ~,~; I 2 April 6, 2006 :!L.i:,:~Lii'iii:)~;iCj,. United Water Idaho, Inc. P. O. Box 190420 Boise ill 83719-0420 RE:Application to Increase Rates By this letter, with a copy to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, we are writing to express our extreme displeasure with your application to increase rates and charges. We uree the IPUC to disallow all. or at least a major portion of. the propOsed nearly 18% increase requested. There are few of us who do not appreciate the fact that costs of goods and services rarely decrease and we tend not to protest small increases as they occur. However, requesting a rate hike of nearly one-fifth seems exorbitant in the extreme. You expect your customers, a captive audience, to absorb the cost of $14 million in investments you claim to have made. We have no say in how or where you make these so- called "investments , whether they are needed or justified, yet we re expected to pick up the tab. No one with deep pockets steps in to rescue us when our investments don t produce the income we would like! Referring to your statement regarding the ' ongoing cost of operations , we d be willing to bet little of that represents increases in the salaries ofthe office and blue-collar workers in your employ. Do they have the kind of job security and benefits offered to the citizens of France or does United Water take every advantage possible operating in a right to work state? While you are pleading poverty, why don t you publicize what the executives at United Water are being paid in salary, bonuses, and perks? Daily, we see examples of how employees, customers, and stockholders alike are raped just to satisfy the greed of a few at the top (do the names Albertson and Enron ring a bell?). Just what measures are you proposing to take to see that people on low incomes are not, once again, victimized? Do you think we are too stupid to realize that an across the board increase will also, in many ways, be passed along to us as the cost of doing business? Frankly, we have little interest in seeing your profit margin increase in order to send more American dollars to France, where they hate anything and everything about the United States and its citizens. don t give a damn if United Water execs have to take a pay cut, give up an expensive house, car, or a European vacation. We don t care if United Water maintains a 'sound fmancial position . Quite frankly, d be perfectly content to see United Water in bankruptcy and forced to sell out to an American company (preferably at pennies on the dollar)! We don t buy French products, we don t drink French wine, and if you need money, put in a call to Jacques Chime! ~/: 7tzu-~c1 ~~d' Patricia G. Harris Copy to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise ill 83720-0074 0' .. ~,.",,,,-,.,.~,,'..--:-' -3 /31/0 "'~---_.._- --ft:iiitT-t J!jJjl~fL~~ =.._ ---1--1-/1- ;- --C- ~'- Idaho filed an Application with the Idaho :rease the company s rates and charges. :~ .U- ;Z~A-:L----.ase of $5,921 691, which represents an over- lasses of customers. The requested increase ---..__ ...l--_nn--- ---------'---"------'--'----"-----------.---- --..-.. ;4.90 a month , bringing the average annual :!-~~~~~- have an opport ~nity to earn a :eturn on its -A- t)--:ustomers. United Water has Invested more _____n___ .-----------"- - -- -. - - - - ----.-- es that have not ~et been allowed for re~ov~ry ---- -,,--..r --c- " -( 6. ;/1 j) 0 support these Investments and to maintain LLE--tJ~J;;:_ ..________ '-jn _____n__ _...-------- --- rations have increased since United Water fJL:;--Y;C 7q---- --- r:: ~-- G--c;c:;r --------- sian by the I PUG, which may accept, modify -----------_____ _n__--._..___n --__...__ :e copy of the proposal is available at the ~- nd at the Commission s office at 472 West UC website: You can also file a comment on the Application via the IPUC website at: httP://WWW.Duc.state.id.us/scripts/polvform.dll/ipuc Or mai I comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 United Water Idaho Inc. O. Box 190420 Boise, Idaho 83719-0420 /l (1 f? E T! F- D r t) Sincerely, !;-../ ' J" A H o. T ill:; 1/ United Water Idaho 1. .-L--. 0 IE /l K .J' No T 060022706 17J3..C!2(vCP HI'! J:NcRF~'S!;; IN f- - II /5/f, k1 tf/l/(,it Vv 11- -;- f' r~ C , /! ' E LEe rR Co T/ ;? CD C/('t'YG: 0' WWW. U NITEDWATER .COM 1/ L?:"/((:'/ Co l'/ C~i5)? Ii' F/~