HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060328Response to BRACE intervention petition.pdfI " Dean J. Miller (ISB #1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 i oe(2V,mcdevi tt -miller. com , ; , C: i;; ;=: r~ 9 ' ' c. i'iL_iii )V.,, ;,: i:~;~;; :~; Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc.ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. UWI-O6- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INe. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO RESPONSE OF UNITED WATER IDAHO TO PETITION TO INTERVENE OF BRACE COMES NOW United Water Idaho Inc. , (" United Water ) and responds to the Petition of Boise Residents Against Commercial Exploitation (BRACE) dated March 16, 2006 as follows to wit: The Commission s procedural rule 72 requires that a petition to intervene must "clearly and concisely state the direct and substantial interest of the petitioner in the proceeding." United Water respectfully requests that the Commission carefully evaluate the Petition in light of this standard. Upon doing so, it will be noted that the Petition provides no information about the history or institutional substance of BRACE Inc., an entity that has never previously appeared before the Commission. The Petition recites only that BRACE is a non-profit corporation formed to "protect its members from United Water Idaho, Inc.s unreasonable rate increases." (Petition pg. 1). It does RESPONSE OF UNITED WATER IDAHO TO PETITION TO INTERVENE OF BRACE - 1 not identify who its members are, if, in fact, there are any. And, the recital in the petition conflicts with BRACE's stated corporate purpose in its representations to the Idaho Secretary of State where, in its Articles of Incorporation, the corporate purpose is described as , " Educate the public concerning municipal water ownership issues." (See Attachment A). If the Commission nonetheless concludes that the threshold standard for intervention is met, United Water strongly urges that the Commission permit the intervention "subject to reasonable conditions " as authorized by Rule 74. That rule further provides , " If it later appears that an intervenor has no direct or substantial interest in the proceeding or that the intervention is not in the public interest, the Commission may dismiss the intervenor from the proceeding. United Water suggests that two conditions be imposed. First, United Water has submitted to BRACE a series of interrogatories aimed at gaining a full understanding of the interest of BRACE in the proceeding. Copies are attached as Attachment B. When answers to those interrogatories are filed, the Commission can determine if "it later appears that an intervenor has no direct or substantial interest in the proceeding. As a second condition United Water suggests that BRACE be required, in accordance with the schedule to be established by the Commission, to file written pre-filed testimony. This will serve to ensure that BRACE, in fact, has legitimate issues to present bearing on rates which United Water may appropriately charge its customers. Equally important, it will serve to define the relevant parameters for cross-examination of company witnesses. The Commission will recall that in case No. UWI-04-, Mr. Campbell, who then appeared on his own behalf, and now appears on behalf of the newly formed corporation-which he incorporated-consumed substantial amounts ofthe Commission s hearing time cross examining witnesses on topics that RESPONSE OF UNITED WATER IDAHO TO PETITION TO INTERVENE OF BRACE - 2 ultimately proved to be irrelevant to the Commission s decision. A requirement that BRACE file written pre-filed testimony would prevent the recurrence of this abuse. Conclusion For the foregoing reasons United Water respectfully requests that the Commission carefully evaluate the Petition to determine its compliance with the rules for intervention. If the Petition is granted, it should be subject to reasonable restrictions: first that Commission reserve the right to re-evaluate the direct and substantial interest of BRACE in the proceeding; and second, that BRACE be required to file written pre-filed testimony. DATED this day of March 2006. ~11L~ Attorneys for United Water Idaho Inc. RESPONSE OF UNITED WATER IDAHO TO PETITION TO INTERVENE OF BRACE - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the '2:If!1d ay of March, 2006, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean J ewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720~0074 jj ewell ~pu c.state.id. us Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Scott L Campbell, Esquire MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARRETT ROCK & FIELDS, CHARTERED p.o. Box 829 Boise, ID 83701 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email RESPONSE OF UNITED WATER IDAHO TO PETITION TO INTERVENE OF BRACE - 4