HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051110Eagle Water Comments.pdf- . of'.'i:cLe : L ',en ' ..,.... 1:'-1 -~. ,- ..1 "' :J . q ' ..1 D.Ji'(C~DJS:0jN&QJIt.~1? ;;- t;UBLICA T TOR N E Y S AT LAW jf \ L 'j i-I !~:' ~;c Ot'H'lI S S ! 0 HMolly 0' Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly0richardsonandoleary- com O. Box 7218 Boise. TO 83707 - 515 N. 27rh St. Boise, TO 83702 November 9 2005 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Hand Delivered RE: Case No. EAG-05~ (/3 Dear Ms. Jewell: I am enclosing an original and five (5) copies of COMMENTS OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC'S. in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Proposed Order in the above case. Sincerely,~Cus'\~~ Nina Curtis Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC "'r-- I I' \' - IJ.- . Molly O'Leary (ISB No. 4996) Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 North 27th Street O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 ,.., ' ~. 1 I.. r:- - 'j Tj 4' ...1 I :' ' :U FUGLIC ; r iiITiES Cm-jf'1!SSIOl1 Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTTER OF THE PETITION OF )HILL VIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO OBTAIN WATER SERVICE TO COVENANT HILL SUBDIVISION, AN AREA WITHIN THE CERTIFICATE BOUNDARIES OF BOTH EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. AND UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE NO. EAG-W-OS- UWI-OS- COMMENTS OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. COMES NOW, EAGLE WATER COMPANY ("Eagle Water ), and files the following Comments in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Proposed Order granting service of Covenant Hill Subdivision to United Water of Idaho, Inc. CO MMENTS Eagle Water is ready, willing and able to provide service to Covenant Hills Subdivision. Eagle Water is currently able to provide more than adequate fire flow protection to the subdivision. See Eagle Water Exhibit No., attached. Eagle Water is currently negotiating with two landowners for an easement for a l2-inch mainline from its Well No.6 to the subdivision and will have these easements executed and recorded by February 16, 2006. Once the easements are executed and recorded, Eagle Water COMMENTS OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY - will begin construction of the mainline and estimates that this line will take three weeks to be placed in service. See Eagle Water Exhibit No., attached. Provision of service to the Covenant Hills Subdivision is critical to Eagle Water s overall system plan. Id. Tying Eagle Water s Well No.6 into its l2-inch mainline on Floating Feather Road will not only increase fire flow protection to the Covenant Hills Subdivision, it will also augment the water supply from Wells 1 and 2, which will, in turn, serve to augment the water supply from Well No.4 that can be dedicated to service of the eastern portion of Eagle Water service area. This, in turn, will help to alleviate low pressure problems in the upper elevations of the Eagle Springs Subdivision. Although the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) sent a letter to Eagle Water on September 7 2005, indicating that it would not authorize additional connections to the Eagle Water system absent additional information from Eagle Water regarding the adequacy of its supply sources to service additional connections, DEQ has since concluded, based on the contents of Eagle Water Exhibit No., and discussions with Eagle Water s engineer, James M. Rees, P., that Eagle Water does indeed have sufficient supply to service Covenant Hills Subdivision. Consequently, DEQ has agreed to lift its informal service connection "moratorium as it pertains to the Covenant Hills Subdivision area. See Eagle Water Exhibit No., attached. DATED this 9th day of November, 2005. Richardson & O'Leary P .L.L.C. Water Company, Inc. COMMENTS OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 9th day of November, 2005, the COMMENTS OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. was sent to the following parties as shown: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail City of Eagle City Hall 310 East State Street O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Hillview Development Corporation 150 E. Aikens, Suite A Eagle, Idaho 83616 (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 1445 North Orchard Boise, Idaho 83706 (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Boise, Idaho 83702 (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Signed ~\f\ WJ\--I1 Nina M. Curtis CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 ll/f1:::/Lf1f1~ Cify: Date: TilDe; Location: i: ~t1 ':IJ'jt1Lb I::.AGLI::. li.IA 11::.1--( CU 11'1C I-'A'.::II::.t1L~ ~ ';?i~'ta#t ?e()~ 72edttf!t Sited ~ig Ie 10/0(3/2002 13:541014;02 pm Clear C"eel~ Sub, Rating Rep. ResuHs: Hydrant Flow: Flow ~ 20 PSI: Pressure (ffi 1500 GPM: ~"'--_., 2125 2576 HyclraI1t Number '" T--- "'~- Witnesses: Kh1: Eagle Fire Dept. Jim Rees: MTC, Inc. Data Inpul: Stalic Pilol 90 psi Resj(jllal 41 psi 22 P$(Diameler 4- 1/2 inches Flowing 2125 gpln F.!Qy,!i~t't!gL~g_p'si ",--- -------- Jf.t!!~Jl I?X!L__---- .- -----, --.." ..._-----, - '----h_--- -- -- "",--",_.---- ",.. - ------,.,. I I '.III ", - , ,... " " ,-, ,.. '" - - ,,- -- __ n I l . I . " "'---.. --. I .. I -... - "-" .., ~(j 71) :; (;0 ~() 11) ~()IJ I Duo 1'110 1\1(10 1.'UII .JOlm .1-'00 ,IIII'D 1'01) 'nlill .1'110 ."IIIU I\,\(1(1 70llu 7 ;0(1 1"1111\' ((;1'1\1) 100 'Vah,," Supply en.ph _---'_.,._-------,. ----n .n. '-..,. -..;.--.,.",,-_.. --""' 1----+--" "'----------_ .J--f-'-'" .,- -.., -- 1'- ' j---.., EAGLE WATER EXHIBIT 1 Mr'INC~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, ANDPLA'NNERS' 707N.27THSI BOISE,IDAHO83702':3113 (208) 345-0780 FAX (208) 343~8967;JII' CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR EAGLE WATER COMPANY November 2, 2005 , Mr.Monty MarchusPE .. _uu_-_J91:1~:9.:Q~J~--- - ---- -- - 1410 N. Hilton Hoise Idaho :83706-1255 .. ---"--'------."..--. u_--------- u Dear Monty; I'm writing this request onhehalfof Eagle Water Company for a one time waiver of the moratorium on additional subdivisions in the area served by Eagle Water Company to provide fo:rservice to proposed Covenant Hills Subdivision. . ' .~ercI~Viewing.,the:PUIIl p~g,rec:ordsofthe;four ~E4~;E&g1 e CoD1.pany . .wells wecifolIDd the 'foll()wing: - '. ---- -- -- . . 1. w,elInumoer6i1idnolpump mor~tb.ant5%0:fitsratedcapaCitydWingfb.e ' July 2005.peakperiod. ' -- -- 2. ,'fhere.was"nothing.,:wrongwi,th:tbjs weUor.equip1Il,ent 3. Wellnumber.4 '~asPJ)ID,pingati~6% 'of'itsmaximum,ratedcapacity .for/thewhqle.ho;ursthis'~ap1~" y~nns didn.ot;acco:u:ntfor peaks 'wmch . r 10 .:Mostofthisproposed'Covenant Subdivisionis .ffi --the Eagle Water. Company seIWice.area. The ,resolution.ofthelow-pressurep!()bleminthe Northeastportion oftbesystemJies in improving that part of the system. I111provingthesystemnetworkiilghasbeeniIit1fe c' EAGLE WATER EXIIIBIT 2 planning for several years and one of the elements is to make a connection from well number six (6) to the existing 12" line in Floating Feather Road. The plan is now to route this connection thruCovenant Hill Subdivision. . . Production Well #6 was planned and sized to service areas in Section 7 that are no longer in the Eagle WaterCompany service area. Production sizingforthe well included those areas of Section ?and SectionS as wellasadditionaLcapacity for the entire service area. At the same time, the 12'"inch interconnection with the .1J2-:-inch line in Floating Feather was planned. The logic of this can be seen on the attached diagram, as the comiectionwillprovidea criticalsecondconnection.of Well #6-toth,eE~gleWater Company~ystem. The pr()Po~ed connectioIiis plannedto.continuethe,existit1g 12-inch line North from Van Engelen;EstatesthroughBakers Acres toPrpPosed'CovenantHill Subdivisipn thence throqghCovenantHill to -the existing line in Floatirtg iF ea:ther Road. The .proposedadditionalnetworking of the system couldoIlly improve the system;-S-peiformance.---------_u ,- ,._-,----- ''-"--~ _____~m---_'_. - ---, . - - u,. . Thankyou'very much.for your consideration-of this .proposal. cJ:::;;~ . . . ~:;;"O1mpany JamesM. 'Rees)PE . Consulting Engineer for the Company Cc-Bob'DeShazo )' , ! ; \ ; , : ' ,. . " Sc e n a r i o : B~ $ e I:" " ' " - \' " . CD v u t a l t f ; . . , JJ 2 J ) ~ = ~ ~ -X i t L s . ~l ~ ~ Z I " i r: . 1~ i tt 1 !. ' - : - .. . - - L . - . . J Ti t l e : i N I T I A L R U N , , "' \ : . . \l n l t l a l r u n \ l n l t h i l r u n s a i t e d . we d 11 / 0 3 / 0 5 1 0 : 4 7 : 5 6 A M E( f .. &w / n ,; -; l ! ; 1 4 / / A j M L , ' a: j B e n t l e y S y s t e m s , h l C , Ha e s t a d M e t h O d s S o l u t i o n C e n t e r . W a t e r t o w n , C T 0 6 7 9 5 U S A + 1 - 20 3 - 75 5 - 16 6 6 Pr o j e C t E n g i n e e r . . D M C Wa t e r C j l . D v 7 . 0 ( 0 7 . 00 . 04 9 . 00 ) Pa g e 1 o f 1 .' STATE OF IDAHO , DEPARTMENT OF ' ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY "_,,,~,_,,------'----'--"--"'--"----"- ------..,..-",--"-,-"--""",.""---"""-",.--,,,,,,,.-,,.-"-""-------"'-'-"'.-"--""" -,- .. Dirk Kempthorne, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director 1445 N,Orchard. Boise, Idaho 83706. (208) 373..0550 November 9, 2005 Mr. Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company O. Box 455 Eagle, ID 83616 RE:Revision to DEQ's September 7 2005 letter regarding system capacity Dear Mr. DeShazo: The Department of Environroental Quality s (DEQ) September 7 200S letter expressed COncerns and conclusions about Eagle Water Company s production capacity. In summary, the letter stated: "DEQ will not be able to approve additional connections to this water system until an additional source or sources are provided that are large enough to meet minimum state requirements. " The Eagle Water Company engineer, Jim Rees, P.E. ofMTC Inc., recently presented DEQ with information on an unusual situation. A Proposed Order is before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to remove part of the Covenant Hills Subdivision from the Eagle Water Company certificated service area and place all of the subdivision within the United Water Idaho Inc. certificate::d service area. The proposal is based. in part, on the above~referenced letter. Mr. Rees explained that this change in service area would limit future effectiveness of Well No.6, one of the largest wells in the system, and in turn have a negative impact on all customers served by Eagle Water Company. The information provided by Mr. Rees is summarized below. Well No.6 produces only 15% of the rated capacity of the pumps (2000 gpm), apparently due to distribution system limitations (bottlenecks and an incomplete loop). This occurred even while pressure problems plagued part ofthe system last summer. Mr. Rees also noted that ifneeded and according to test pump data, Eagle Water Company could increase that well capacity to 2500 gpm by changing the pumps. Eagle Water Companis plan had b~en to complete the loop from Well No.6 to the rest of the system by building a 12~inch main north to the existing 12~inch main on Floating Feather. much of it through Covenant Hills Subdivision. However, if Covenant Hills Subdivision is removed from the Eagle Water Company certificated service area, the needed loop cannot be built as planned. That in turn could make permanent the reduced well capacity described above. DEQ believes this analysis is correct. If Covenant Hills Subdivision remains in the Eagle Water certificated service area, the loop could be completed as planned and.there may be other benefitsas well. ' " ' ' EAGLE WATER EXHIBIT 3 --~, Mr. Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company November 9, 2005 Page 2 1. We understand that the developer of Covenant Hills Subdivision will build approximately 55% percent of the proposed 12..,inch main, which should be a positive impact on rates for existing customers. 2. There are seveni1 swalLpublic water systems in the vicinity of Well No.6 that have only one source, no standtiypower, or both. It is also possible that those wells could run into future quantity or qualityprQblems. Allowing Eagle Water Company to reach full capacity in this area may provide options for these small public water systems should future problems occur. In swnmary, DEQ understand,s that the Idaho Public Utilities CotnJ11ission is considering other factors with regard to Covenan,LHi11sSu,1;Idivision. However, w~ now believetbatwith regard to our rules and au.thorities, Eagle Water Coi1'ip1U;iy's Well No.6 has capacity to serve Covenant Hill Subdivision and benefit the entire system at theBaIne timebypariially alleviating the capacity concerns stated in our September 7, 2005 letter. We will accept a Will Serve Letter for this project under the following conditions: 1. We understand that e~ements for main construction are being negotiated at this time. The letter must include documentation that a) all necessary e~ements have been secqred and b) that funding h~ ;:lvailable or guaranteed in a manner consistent with a timetable for actual service to Covenant Hill Su\)division. 2. DEQcannot accept additional Will Serve Letters until the h~sue5 mentioned in the September 7,2005 are resolved. Please call Monty Marchus with any questions at 373-0560 or via e..,mail at moJlty.lnarchlls~deq.idaho.gov . You may also contact me at 373-0550. Sincerely, '-. 7/J~~ 1/fl ,- L----- Michael R. McGown Acb:ninistrator Boise Regional Office MGM:ve: H:\Eagle Water CompanyWmd.uction capacity 9-05 - up~te.doc - ----' Mr. Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company November 9, 2005 Page 3 cc:Mayor Nancy Merrill, City of Eagle Charles W. Ariss, P ., PEQ Regional Engineering Manager Tiffany Floyd, DEQ Drinking Water Manager Lance Nielsen, DEQ State Qrinking Water Program Manger Monty G. Marchus, P., DEQ Staff Engineer Randy Lobb, PUG Jim Rees, P ., MTC Engineering Reading File, Source File #l-eng --......'