HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050406English exhibits.pdfAd j u s t m e n t Li n e N o . No . (1 ) Su m m a r y d: : : tj n tI 1 ' ~ ~ 0\ tI 1 CZ ! -- - I- t ( 1 ) ... . . . "'" cr " U1 f J Q ... . . . ~ 0 .-+ - (/ ) . C Z ! . z P- e S ~ :. . . . S ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ +: - . +: - . De s c r i p t i o n (2 ) Ad j u s t e d O & M : Pa y r o l l t o O & M Th r i f t P l a n He a l t h C a r e Pe n s i o n PE B O P Pa y r o l l O v e r h e a d s De f e r r e d E a r l y R e t i r e m e n t C o s t A m o r t i z a t i o n De f e r r e d E n h a n c e d S e v e r a n c e P r o g r a m A m o r t i z a t i o n Pu r c h a s e d W a t e r Ta n k P a i n t i n g A m o r t i z a t i o n - Ol d Po w e r Am o r t i z a t i o n o f D e f e r r e d P o w e r Ch e m i c a l s Wa t e r Q u a l t y T e s t i n g ( O u t s i d e L a b O n l y ) Co l u m b i a W a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t M i s c O p e x - Te l e p h o n e , W a t e r Q u a l i t y T e s t i n g , Na t u r a l G a s , ot h e r Ut i l i t i e s , S e c u r i t y A l a r m M o n i t o r i n g , Sa n i t a t i o n Va r i a b l e C o s t S a v i n g s D u e t o C W T P O p e r a t i o n s Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n E x p e n s e Cu s t o m e r P o s t a g e Ou t s i d e C o m p u t e r Ou t s i d e C o l l e c t i o n Cu s t o m e r R e c o r d s & C o l l e c t i o n Ex p e n s e / M i s c e l l a n e o u s C u s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g Ex p e n s e s Un c o l l e c t i b l e s IP U C A n n u a l A s s e s s m e n t Ra t e C a s e E x p e n s e A m o r t i z a t i o n Re l o c a t i o n E x p e n s e A m o r t z a t i o n Bu s i n e s s I n s u r a n c e Ad j u s t D u e s , E l i m i n a t e L o b b y i n g & C h a r i t a b l e G i v e In f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y Te s t Y e a r M i s c o d e Ex p e n s e s R e l a t e d t o C u s t o m e r G r o w t h Ex p e n s e s R e l a t e d t o W e a t h e r N o r m a l i z a t i o n Ou t s i d e S e r v i c e s L e g a l Am o r t i z a t i o n o f D e f e r r e d T e r r a G r a n d e E x p e n s e s Re m o v a l o f C a r r i a g e H i l l O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e To t a l A d j u s t e d O & M UW I - 04 - 4 De t a i l s o f A d j u s t m e n t s t o Op e r a t i n g M a i n t e n a n c e E x p e n s e s Su m m a r y Ac t u a l T w e l v e St a f f A d j u s t m e n t s t o In c o m e S t a t e m e n t Mo n t h s E n d e d J u l y Co m p a n y Co m p a n y P r o IP U C S t a f f P r o Co m p a n y Ac c o u n t R e f e r e n c e 20 0 4 Ad j u s t m e n t s Fo r m a E x p e n s e Fo r m a E x p e n s e Ap p l i c a t i o n (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) Co s t T y p e s 1 & 2 15 5 58 4 23 2 55 5 38 8 , 13 9 22 9 , 01 3 (1 5 9 , 12 7 ) 92 6 - 70 0 90 , 15 6 32 1 47 7 15 6 32 1 ) 92 6 - 50 0 / 6 1 0 / 6 4 0 52 3 , 19 3 14 8 36 8 67 1 56 1 69 3 48 4 92 3 92 6 - 00 0 62 4 76 7 27 9 63 7 04 6 16 2 45 4 (4 7 4 59 2 ) 92 6 - 10 5 / 1 0 6 / 1 1 0 61 4 84 7 (1 4 5 34 5 ) 46 9 50 2 46 9 , 50 2 92 2 - 00 0 (8 5 9 79 5 ) (5 2 95 6 ) (9 1 2 75 1 ) (9 0 0 , 27 3 ) 47 8 92 6 - 59 0 ( p o r t i o n ) 15 2 20 8 10 5 52 6 25 7 73 4 (2 5 7 , 73 4 ) 92 6 - 59 0 ( p o r t i o n ) 75 1 49 , 75 1 (4 9 75 1 ) 60 2 - 00 0 10 7 78 8 52 8 19 5 31 6 11 7 , 83 7 (7 7 47 9 ) 67 2 0 0 0 09 6 09 1 18 7 14 1 04 6 ) 62 3 - 00 0 24 2 53 8 51 4 26 5 75 6 80 3 49 6 , 76 1 (2 6 0 04 2 ) 62 3 - 00 0 51 6 66 7 51 6 , 66 7 25 8 , 52 5 (2 5 8 14 2 ) 64 1 - 00 0 23 5 , 95 0 22 4 31 4 17 4 29 9 , 17 4 (1 5 , 00 0 ) 64 2 - 00 0 78 , 34 8 66 2 86 , 01 0 67 0 (1 4 34 0 ) Va r i o u s 21 0 21 0 21 0 Va r i o u s (1 3 9 58 0 ) (1 3 9 , 58 0 ) (1 3 9 58 0 ) Co s t T y p e s 4 0 & 9 6 36 2 61 3 65 2 40 6 , 26 5 34 8 , 85 4 (1 8 , 66 1 ) 90 3 - 02 0 17 0 28 0 06 1 17 8 34 1 17 8 , 34 1 90 3 - 03 0 38 4 48 1 14 , 4 1 6 39 8 89 7 39 7 22 0 67 8 ) 90 3 - 04 0 59 0 (2 0 12 5 ) 46 5 45 0 (3 0 01 5 ) (1 0 87 9 ) 7 13 0 7 13 0 (3 1 66 1 ) 1 3 1 04 5 1 2 5 , 51 6 ( 5 52 9 ) 3, 4 7 6 7 5 , 82 3 7 2 34 7 ( 3 47 6 ) 66 7 8 1 66 7 4 6 50 0 ( 3 5 , 16 7 ) 25 , 68 8 1, 4 7 7 2 7 16 5 0 ( 2 7 16 5 ) 78 9 , 76 5 2 9 3 53 5 1 08 3 30 0 8 9 9 03 6 ( 1 8 4 26 4 ) 00 5 ( 1 4 00 5 ) 0 ( 1 7 43 3 ) 10 5 09 4 5 1 04 6 1 5 6 14 0 1 0 5 09 4 ( 5 1 04 6 ) 99 5 ( 2 99 5 ) 0 7 3 02 2 7 3 02 2 5 6 , 54 2 ( 1 6 48 0 ) 0 ( 8 79 2 ) ( 8 , 79 2 ) ( 1 0 68 0 ) ( 1 88 8 ) 85 1 ( 2 8 85 1 ) 5 4 00 0 3 6 , 25 5 ( 1 7 , 74 5 ) 0 1 56 9 1 56 9 77 5 (7 9 4 ) (9 8 6 ) (9 8 6 ) ( 1 63 1 ) (6 4 5 ) 25 9 10 4 1 93 3 19 3 1 0 , 19 2 29 7 $ 8 22 2 , 82 2 $ ( 1 94 8 , 15 9 ) 90 3 - 05 0 / 9 0 5 0 0 0 90 4 - 00 0 92 8 - 00 0 92 8 - 13 0 93 0 - 31 0 92 4 - 00 0 / 0 9 0 & 9 2 5 - 00 0 / 0 1 0 92 1 1 1 0 92 1 3 0 0 93 0 3 0 0 92 3 - 14 0 & 9 2 1 - 40 0 93 0 - 25 0 Va r i o u s Va r i o u s 92 3 - 08 0 92 3 - 08 0 62 3 - 00 0 18 , 00 9 16 2 70 6 34 7 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Payroll Chargeable to Operations & Maintenance Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust payroll chargeable to operation and maintenance expense included in the Company s filing to amount recommended by IPUC Staff $ (159,127) Details per Company s Filing Administration, Engineering, Accounting, and Inside Customer 598 773 Service Production Department Employees 987 251 Transmission & Distribution Employees 296,471 Outside Customer Service Employees 408 911 Total Regular Employees Temporary Employees 837 Stand by Pay 023 Management Incentive Pay 775 10.Non-Union Incentive Pay 287 11.Union Incentive Pay 14,400 12.Union Lump Sum Payments 300 13.ABCD Awards 000 247 622 14.Pro Forma Payroll per Company s Filing 539 028 15.Test Year Derived O&M Percentage 74.6446% 16.Pro Forma Expense per Company s Filing 388 139 Staff Ad ustments 17.Remove Incentive Pay (133,462) 18.Remove ABCD Awards 000) 19.Remove Excess Pro Forma Wage Increase for Non-Union (10 525) Employees beyond the 3.3% Actual Increase 20.Remove Budgeted Overtime Pay Beyond Test Year Levels 238) 21.Remove Pro Forma Wage for Chief Operator Beyond Actual Wage 954) 22.Remove Public Relations Manager Pay (56 000) 23.Total Staff Adjustments (213 179) 24.Pro Forma Payroll per Staff (Line 14 - Line 24)325,849 25.Test Year Derived O&M Percentage 74.6446% 26.Test Year Expense Per Staff 229,013 27.Adjustment (Line 26 - Line 16)(159,127) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Company 401(k) Matching Contributions Adjustment No. Description To adjust the 401 (k) matching contribution included in the Company filing to amount recommended by IPUC Staff Details per Company s Filina Pro Forma Company Match Test Year Expense Company. Adjustment to Test Year as Filed Staff Adjustments Remove Pro Forma Match Beyond Test Year Expenses Total Staff Adjustment Amount 321 ) 477 90,156 321 321 ) 321 ) Exhibit No. Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 2 Line No. LTD- GTL- UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Employee Health, Long Term Disability and Group Term Life Insurance Adjustment No. Description Amount $ 21 923To adjust health care , L TO and GTL expense to current costs level and proposed headcount. Details per Company s Filina 553 941 175 229 905 1 00 700 4,400 849 275 177 714 671 561 Gross HMO Blue Expense Gross United Health Care Choice Plus Plans Gross Dental & Vision Coverage Group Term Life Insurance Coverage Long Term Disability Coverage Employee Incentive Opt Out Payment Total Coverage Cost Less: Employee Contributions 10.Pro Forma Health Care, L TD and GTL Expense Staff Ad ustments 11.Gross HMO Blue Expense 453 117 12.Gross United Health Care Choice Plus Plans 298 762 13.Gross Dental & Vision Coverage 333 14.Group Term Life Insurance Coverage 1 00 15.Land Term Disability Coverage 700 16.Employee Incentive Opt Out Payment 500 17.Total Coverage Cost 867 512 18.Less: Employee Contributions 174 028 19.Pro Forma Health Care, L TD and GTL Expense 693,484 20.Total Adjustment to Company s Filing 923 Long Term Disability Group Term Life Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 3 UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Company Pension Expense Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust the Pension Expense included in the Company s filing to an amount recommended by IPUC Staff $(474,592) Details per Company s Filing Idaho Bargaining Unit (FAS 87) Idaho Non-Bargaining Unit (FAS 87) 303 084 333 962 Total Pro Forma Expense 637 046 Staff Ad ustments Idaho Bargaining Unit (ERISA Minimum Contribution)162,454 Idaho Non-Bargaining Unit (ERISA Minimum Contribution) For Idaho Non-Bargaining Unit Total Pro Forma Expense 162,454 Total Staff Adjustment (474,592) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 4 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Post Retirement Benefits Other Than Pension Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust Post Retirement Cost to the current level per latest actuarial data in accord with FAS 106 $ (145,345) Details Idaho Bargaining Unit 118 354 Idaho Non-Bargaining Unit 258,470 AnnuallTO Amortization Expense 078 PEBOP Amortization 600 Total Pro Forma Expense 469,502 Test Year Expense 614 847 Adjustment 145,345 No additional Staff Adjustment ITO- PEBOP- Initial Transition Obligation Post Employment Benefits Other than Pension Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 5 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust payroll overhead percentage charged to non-O&M labor based on IPUC Staff's pro forma labor and benefits 478 Details Pro forma Payroll at April 1 2005 Rates Sch 325 829 % Chargeable to Other than O&M 25.3554% Payroll Other Than O&M 096 831 Overhead Rate Line 21 68.59% Overheads Credit (752 361) Test Year Expense - Acct 922-000 (711 883) Adjustment Payroll Related Expenses FICA Taxes 325 037 10.Federal Unemployment Taxes 440 11.State Unemployment Taxes 371 12.Group Health, Life & L Sch 3 693,484 13.Workers Comp Sch 26 105 682 14.Pension & PEBOP Sch 4 & 5 631 956 15.Tuition Aid 2005 OP 700 16.Thrift Plan Expenses Sch 2 156 17.Payroll Related Expenses 18.Payroll Overheads %52,32% 19.Additive for Non-Work Days 16.28% 20.Overhead Rate to be Applied to non O&M Payroll 68.59% 21.Company s Adjustment to Payroll Overhead in Application (52 956) 22.Staff's Adjustment to Pro Forma Payroll Overhead (40,478) 23.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 478 Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 6 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Deferred Early Retirement Costs Adjustment No. Line No.Description To adjust the amortization expense of deferred early retirement costs to the amount recommended by IPUC Staff Amount (257 734) Details er Com s Filin Deferred Pension Cost Attributable to ERP 721 330 Deferred PEBOP Cost Attributable to ERP 529 287 Remaining Balance from Prior Case 052 Total Deferred ERP Cost 288,669 Amortization Period 60 Months Pro Forma Expense 257 734 Staff Ad ustments Remove Balance from Prior Case (38 052) Remove Deferred PEBOP Cost Attributable to ERP (529,287) 10.Remove Deferred Pension Cost Attributable to ERP (721 330) 11.Total Adjustment to Deferred Costs Attributable to ERP 288,669 12.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Application (257 734) ERP- PEBOP- Early Retirement Plan Post Employment Benefits Other than Pension Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 7 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Deferred Enhanced Severance Package Expense Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust the amortization of deferred costs associated with the Enhanced Severance Package to an amount recommended by IPUC Staff $ (49,751) Details er Com Filin Deferred ESP Cost 2002 176 699 Deferred ESP Cost 2003 054 Total Deferred ESP Cost 248 753 Amortization Period 60 Months Pro Forma Expense 751 Staff Adiustments Remove Deferred ESP Cost 2002 Remove Deferred ESP Cost 2003 $ 176 699 054 Total Staff Adjustment to Deferred ESP Costs $ 248 753 10.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing (49 751) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 8 Line No. UWI-O4- Details of Adjustments to Purchased Water Cost Adjustment No. Amount To adjust purchased water expense for rented and leased natural flow rights shares in canal company s and contracts/leases for storage water to amounts recommended by IPUC Staff $ (77 479) Details per Company Filina Natural Flow associated expenses Shares in Canal Companys, maintenance Contracts & Leases for storage water Other Miscellaneous $ 12 744 980 147 592 000 Pro Forma Purchased Water $ 195,316 Staff Adiustments 10. Adjust Shares in Canal Companies, maintenance Adjust Contracts and Leases for Storage Water Adjust CWTP -- South Boise Water Adjust Other Miscellaenous (725) (97 027) 20,400 ( 127) (77 479t 117,837 11.Total Staff Adjustments to Pro Forma Purchases Water 12.Total Staff Pro Forma Purchase Water Expense Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 9 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No.1 0 Line No.Amount To adjust the test year level of amortization expense for deferred tank painting to an amount recommended by IPUC Staff $ (3,046) Details per Company Filina Deferred Gowen Tank Painting Deferred Aeronica Well Tank Painting 808 100 Total Deferred Expense Amortization Period New Annual Amortization Expense Continuing Amortizations from Prior Case $ 60 908 10 Years$ 6 091 096 Pro Forma Tank Painting Expense 187 Staff Ad ustments Deferred Gowen Tank Painting 808 10.Deferred Aeronica Well Tank Painting 100 11.Total Deferred Expense 908 12.Amortization Period 20 years 13.New Annual Amortization Expense 045 14.Continuing Amortizations from Prior Case 096 15.Staffs Pro Forma Tank Painting Expense 141 16.Total Staff Adjustment 046) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI - W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 10 Line No. WTP- CWTP- RWPS- UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Purchased Power Expense Adjustment No. Description Amount $ (260 042)To adjust purchased power expense based on test year usage priced at Idaho Power rates effective July 28 and December 1 , 2004; also reflect for CWTP and RWPS Details per Company s Filina Schedule 7 with and without franchise fee Schedule 9 with and without franchise fee Marden WTP repriced from 9P to 19 CWTP and RWPS projected consuptive power use CWTP Redundant Power and Stand By Charge 820 279 503 175 081 236 400 000 $ 1 756,803Pro Forma Power Expense Staff's Adiustment 10. 11. 12. Schedule 7 with and without franchise fee Schedule 9 with and without franchise fee Marden WTP repriced from 9P to 19 CWTP and RWPS projected consuptive power use CWTP Redundant Power and Stand By Charge 398 098 080 145,414 192 509 360 13.Pro Forma Power Expense $ 1 496,761 14.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing (260,042) Water Treatment Plan Columbia Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Pumping Station Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 11 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Deferred Power Expense Adjustment No. Description To adjust amortization of deferred power expense to an amount recommended by I PUG Staff Details per Company s Filina Projected Balance in Deferred Power as of May 31 , 2005 Amortization Period Pro Forma Annual Amortization Expense Staff Adjustments Balance in Deferred Power as of April 30, 2003 Amortization Period Pro Forma Annual Amortization Expense Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing Removed from Rate Base in Total because of carrying charge Amount $ (258,142) 550,000 * 3 Years 516,667 034 098 4 years 258 525 (258 142) Exhibit No. Case No. UWI - W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 12 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Chemical Expense Adjustment No. 13 Description Amount To adjust chemical expense to amount recommended by IPUG Staff $ (15 000) Details per Company s Filina Normalize test year expense at current prices Normalize phosphate usage CWTP chemical usage $ 242 029 000 145 Pro Forma Annual Expense 314 174 Staff Adiustments Normalize test year expense at current prices Normalize phosphate usage CWTP chemical usage $ 242 029 145 $ 299,174Pro Forma Annual Expense 10.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing (15 000) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 13 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Water Quality Testing Expense Adjustment No. 14 Line No.Description Amount To adjust outside laboratory expense to amount (14 340) recommended by IPUC Staff UWI Pro Staff Pro Forma Forma Testing Testing Expense Expense Details Wells planned to adjust operations: 2a.Inorganic Cehicals 300 300 2b.Volitile Organic Chemicals 643 643 2c.Synthetic Organic Chemicals 931 29,931 2d.Nitrates 300 300 2e.Nitrites 100 122 2f.Fe/Mn 000 738 2g.Arsenic 300 300 2h.Radionuclides 000 000 2i.Disinfection By-Products 076 076 2j.Coliform 860 860 2k.T2ESWTR 000 2,400 21.miscellaneous test 500 Total Pro Forma Outside Lab Testing 86,010 71,670 Staff Adjustment (14 340) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 14 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Operating Expenses for CWTP Adjustment No. 15 Line No.Description Amount Adjust test year expense for additional minor operating expense associated with CWTP operations $ 57 210 Details Communications infrastructure: CWTP T-1; MWTP T-1 upgrade 030 PRV communications upgrades to improve system flexibility Water quality testing, natuarl gas, bldg. elec light, janitorial 180 Pro Forma Annual Expense 210 Test Year Expense Adjustment 210 No Additional Staff Adjustment CWTP- MWTP- PRV- Columbia Water Treatment Plant Marden Water Treatment Plant Pressure Reducing Valve Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 15 Line No. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. 2g. 2h. 2i. UNITED WATER IDAHO Details of Adjustments to Power and Chemical Expense to Other Wells Impacted by Operations of CWTP Adjustment No. Description To adjust test year level of power and chemical expense for nine well facilities that will modify operations with CWTP operations Details Wells planned to adjust operations: Raptor Ten Mile Pioneer Pleasant Valley Market Terteling JR Flat Centennial Bergeson Total Power & Chemical Pro Forma Expense Reductions Test Year Expense Adjustment No Additional Staff Adjustment Amount $ (139 580) (139,580t (139,580) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 16 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Transportation Expense Adjustment No. 17 Description Amount $ (18 661)To adjust transportation expense including lease, fuel , maintenance labor and overheads, insurance & lease disposal proceeds at current projections and known & measurable changes Details per Company s Filina Lease Cost Fuel Maintenance materials, outside service Mechanic payroll and benefits Insurance Lease disposal proceeds 299 719 130 200 000 879 56,400 (31 ,442) 589 756Pro Forma Annual Expense Test Year O&M ratio 68.89%406 265 10.Test Year Expense 362 613 11.Adjustment (Line 9 - Line 10)43,652 Staff Adjustments 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Lease Cost Fuel Maintenance materials, outside service Mechanic payroll and benefits Insurance Lease disposal proceeds 299 719 130 200 000 400 (41 902) 506 417 348,854 323,862 * 992 (18 661) 18.Pro Forma Annual Expense 19.Test Year O&M ratio 68,89% 20.Test Year Expense w/o Mechanic Payroll & Benefits 21.Staff Adjustment to Transportation Expense (Line 19 - Line 20) Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing (Line 21 - Line 11) 22. * Test Year amount updated to exclude Mechanic Payroll and Benefits Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 1 7 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Customer Postage Expense Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust customer postage expense to May 31 , 2005 customer level and current postal rates 061 Details Annual bills based on May 31 2005 customer count 461,442 Average test year postage cost per bill 3059 Pro Forma bill postage expense 141 , 1 36 Local postage machine for locally mailed customer 205 notices, correspondence, etc Pro Forma Annual Expense 178 341 Test Year Expense 170 280 Adjustment 061 No Additional Staff Adjustment Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 18 Line No. UWI-O4- Details of Adjustments to Customer Information System Expense Adjustment No. Description Amount To adjust customer billing expense to May 31 2005 customer level and account for IPUC Staff's adjustments $ (1 678) Details per Company s Filina 475 995 7200 342 716 635 6000 181 000 398,897 Annual bills produced Cost per bill Pro Forma customer billing expense Annual past due notices produced Cost per notice Pro Forma past due notice expense Misc programming charges based on test year level Pro Forma Annual Expense Staff Ad ustments 10.Annual bills produced 475 995 11.Cost per bill 7200 12.Pro Forma customer billing expense 342 716 13.Annual past due notices produced 839 14.Cost per notice 6000 15.Pro Forma past due notice expense 503 16.Misc programming charges based on test year level 000 17.Pro Forma Annual Expense 397 220 18.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 678) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 19 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Customer Outside Collection Expense Adjustment No. Description To adjust expense of collecting and processing customer payments: paid at local office, through lockbox and ACH Details Der COmDany S Filina Annual bills produced - Dec, 2004 actual + final & corrected bills Lockbox transactions at test year level of 72,73% Lockbox transactions Price per unit based on test year Pro Forma lockbox expense ACH transactions Price per unit based on test year Pro Forma ACH expense 10.US Bank local processing charges 11.Federal Express Charges 12.Normalizing adjustment for lower lockbox price per unit 13.Pro Forma Annual Expense Staff Adiustments 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Annual bills produced - Dec. 2004 actual + final & corrected bills Lockbox transactions at test year level of 72.73% Lockbox transactions Price per unit based on test year Pro Forma lockbox expense 19. 20. 21. ACH transactions Price per unit based on December 31 2004 Pro Forma ACH expense 22.US Bank local processing charges 23.Federal Express Charges 24.Normalizing adjustment for lower lockbox price per unit 25.Pro Forma Annual Expense 26.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 475 995 72, 346 191 2344 147 Amount (30 015) 658 3472 478 364 1,476 (30 000) 79,465 475,995 72. 346 191 1477 51 ,132 658 3472 6,478 20,364 (30 000) 49,450 (30 015) 1,476 Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 20 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Customer Records and Collection Expense And Miscellaneous Customer Accounting Expense Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To Adjust Customer Records and Collection Expense and Miscellaneous Customer Accounting Expenses $ (10 879) Details 903-050: test year level 524 Normalize contract temporary employee and minor adjustments (14 570) 903-050: pro forma level 954 905-000: test year level 485 Normalize for annual customer notice bill stutter & misc 691 905-000: pro forma level 176 Pro Forma Annual Expense 130 10.Test Year Expense 18,009 11.Adjustment (10 879) No Additional Staff Adjustments Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 21 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. Line No.Description To normalize uncollectible accounts expense based on a five year average Details per Company s FilinQ Year Uncollectibles Revenue Jul- Jul- Jul- Jul- 162 706 124 359 105 384 106 277 000 222 884 881 30,406 924 694 018 Sub Total 498 726 $ 119,986 045 0.41565% Pro Forma Revenue at Existing Rates Pro Forma Annual Expense Staff Ad ustments Year U ncollecti bles Revenue 2000 971 809,570 10.2001 102 769 871 817 11.2002 122,433 894 543 12.2003 148,824 530 020 13.2004*106 610 718 258 14.Sub Total 568 607 142 824 208 3981% 15.Pro Forma Revenue at Existing Rates 16.Pro Forma Annual Expense 17.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing Amount 529) 527 396 131 045 527 396 125,516 (5,529) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 22 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to IPUC Annual Assessment Adjustment No. 23 Description Amount 476)To adjust pro forma level of IPUG annual assessment Details per Company s Filina Total revenue subject to adjustment $ 31 527 396 IPUG assessment rate 240500% Pro Forma IPUC Assessment 823 Staff Adjustments Test Year IPUC Assessment 72,347 Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 476) ActuailPUC Assessment will be known on April 15, 2005. Staff will accept actual assessment if Company includes it in rebuttal. Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 23 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Rate Case Expenses Adjustment No. 24 Description To adjust amortization of deferred rate case expenses Details per Company s Filina Estimated deferred rate case expense Amortization Period Pro Forma Rate Case Expense Amortzation Staff Adjustments Accepted deferred rate case expense Amortization Period Pro Forma Rate Case Expense Amortzation Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 245 000 Amount (35,167) Three Years 232 500 * 81,667 Five Years 500 (35,167) * $12 500 Removed from Rate Base due to sharing of Steele & Associates - Boise fees Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 24 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Employee Relocation Expense Adjustment No. 25 Description To adjust the amortization of employee relocation expense Details per Company s FilinQ Unamortized balance of deferred relocation at 31-May- Additional Relocation Expense Incurred Total Deferred Employee Relocation Expense Amortization Period Pro Forma Relocation Expense Amortzation Staff Adjustments Adjust Deferred Relocation Expense from UWI-00- Adjust Relocation Expense Incurred Total Adjustment to Company's Deferred Balance 10.Total Adjustment to Company s Pro Forma Amortization * $130 093 Removed from Rate Base Amount (27 165) 732 130 093 135 825 Five Years 27,165 732) (130 093) * 135,825 (27 165) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 25 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Business Insurance Expense Adjustment No. 26 Description To adjust casualty, property and workers compensation premiums to amounts recommended by IPUC Staff Details per Company s Filina Casualty Insurance Coverage Premiums Workers Compensation Coverage Property Insurance Coverage Small Property Damage Claims Total Pro Forma Business Insurance Expense Staff Adjustments 10. 11. Casualty Insurance Coverage Premiums Workers Compensation Coverage Property Insurance Coverage Small Property Damage Claims Total Test Year Business Insurance Expense 12.Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing 861 300 164 900 500 600 Amount (184,264) 083,300 791 784 105 682 570 899,036 (184 264) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 26 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Operations and Maintenance Expense At Present Rates Adjustment No. 27 Description To eliminate from the test year certain expenses that do not qualify for rate making treatment under past IPUC Orders Details per Company s FilinQ Charitable contributions NAWC Dues- Lobbying portion Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry Dues- Lobbying portion Country Club Dues Adjustment Additional Items Scholarships and Sponsorships Company Holiday Parties and Summer Picnics Additional Portion of NA WC Dues - Lobbying 10.Staff Adjustments to Company s Filing Amount (17,433) 510) 600) (780) 115) (14,005) 800) (11 833) 800) (17 433) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 27 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Corporate and Local IT Maintenance & Support At Present Rates Adjustment No. Description To adjust test year expense for services related to upkeep and support of communication infrastructure, networks, desktop software support, hydraulic model support, Intellution & Oracle support, SCADA support, etc. Details per Company s Filina Pro Forma Level of Corporate IT support, maintenance Pro Forma Level of Local IT support, maintenance Pro Forma Annual Expense Staff Adjustments Test Year Level of Corporate IT Support, Maintenance Test Year Level of Local IT Support, Maintenance Test Year Expense Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing Amount (51 046) 108 340 800 156,140 667 31 ,427 105 094 (51,046) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 28 Line No.Description UWI-O4- Details of Adjustments to Test Year Miscode Adjustment No. Amount $ (2 995)Adjust Test Year Miscode Details 995)Eliminate charge to account 930-250 that was expensed in the test year and will not recur Adjustment 995) No Additional Staff Adjustments Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 29 Line No. UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Expenses Related to Customer Growth Adjustment No. 30 Description Amount $ (16,480)To adjust expenses related to customers added to the system during test year and during pro forma period Details oer Comoany s Filina Purchased Power Chemicals Transportation Cost General Insurance T&D Excluding Payroll 242 538 235 950 362 613 789 765 388 083 018 949Total Variable Cost 10. Total Variable Cost Test Year Revenue Variable Cost Percentage 018 949 000 222 = 74% 11.Customer Growth Revenue per Witness Gradilone 749 828 12.Operating Ratio Adjustment 73,022 Staff Ad ustments 13.Purchased Power 1,496 761 14.Chemicals 299 174 15.Transportation Cost 348 854 16.Generallnsurance 899 036 17.T&D Excluding Payroll 388 083 18.Total Variable Cost 431 908 19.Total Variable Cost 431 908 20.Test Year Revenue 000 222 = 21.Variable Cost Percentage 11.07% 22.Customer Growth Revenue per Witness Sterling 510 739 23.Operating Ratio Adjustment 542 24.Total Adjustment to Company s Filing (16,480) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 30 Line No. UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Expenses Related to Weather Normalization Adjustment No. Description To normalize variable cost power and chemicals due to the adjustments made by Staff Witness Sterling Details per Company s Filina Purchased Power Chemicals Total Variable Cost related to weather Total Variable Cost Test Year Revenue 1,478,488 000 222 Revenue adjustment due to weather normalization Variable Cost % Operating Ratio Adjustment Staff Adjustments 10. 11. Purchased Power Chemicals 12.Total Variable Cost related to weather 13. 14. 795,935 000 222 Total Variable Cost Test Year Revenue 15.Revenue adjustment due to weather normalization 16.Variable Cost % 17.Operating Ratio Adjustment 18.Total Staff Adjustments to Company s Filing Amount 888) $ 1 242 538 235 950 77% (184 354) 77% $ 1,496 761 299 174 79% (184 354) 79% 110.680) 888) Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 31 UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Outside Legal Services Expense Adjustment No. Line No.Description Amount To adjust outside legal services to account for expenses not recurring in typical test year $ (17 745) Details Normalized Pro Forma Annual Expense 000 Test Year Expense 851 Adjustment (28,851) Additional Staff Ad ustments Cartwright Tank Removal (248) Disposition of Carriage Hill System 818) Danskin Power Plan Operations 980) Idaho Power Co. Rate Case IPC-O3- 374 amortized over 5 years 699) 10.Additional Staff Adjustments to Company s Filing (17 745) Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 32 Line No. UWI-O4- Details of Adjustments to Amortization of Deferred Legal Expenses Related to Terra Grande Water Company Adjustment No. 33 Description Adjust Pro Forma Expense for Amortization of Deferred Terra Grande Related Expenses Details per Company s Filina Total Expenses Incurred by Company Amortization Period Normalized Pro Forma Annual Expense Staff Adjustments Accepted Expenses Incurred by Company Amortization Period Staff's Pro Forma Annual Amortization Expense Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing Amount (794) 707 Three Years 569 877 Five Years 775 (794 ) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 33 Line No. UWI-O4- Details of Adjustments to Operating Expenses Associated with Carriage Hills System Adjustment No. 34 Description To normalize operating expense (power) due to the sale of the Carriage Hill System Details per Company s Filina Test year power cost incurred by Company Normalized Pro Forma Annual Expense Adjustment Additional Staff Adjustments Customer Accounting Expense Total Staff Adjustment to Company s Filing Amount (645) 986 (645) Exhibit No. 108 Case No. UWI- W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 34 UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Payroll Taxes At Present Rates Line No.Descri tion Amount To adjust Employer FICA Tax Liability 117 Details FICA Medicare Amount Amount Combined FICA Base for 2005 000 No Limit FICA Rate for 2005 20%1.45% Pro Forma Payroll at 2005 Rates 325,849 325 849 Wages in Excess of FICA base 012 Taxable Wages 230 837 325 849 FICA Tax Rates 20%1.45% Pro Forma FICA Tax 262 312 725 325,037 Test Year I;xpense 311 920 10.Adjustment Exhibit No. 109 Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule UWI-04-4 Details of Adjustments to Payroll Taxes At Present Rates Line No.Descri tion Amount To adjust State Unemployment Insurance Tax 410 Details Idaho Taxable Base 500 Idaho U C Tax Rate 20% Employees covered by U.C. Tax (90 (Qt $29 500 less under limit wages $22 177 plus temps $52 837) Taxable Base $ 2 685 660 Taxable Wages $ 2 685 660 Tax Rate 20% Pro Forma Idaho Unemployment Tax 371 Test Year Expense 961 10,Adjustment 410 Exhibit No.1 09 Case No. UWI - W -04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 2 UWI-04- Details of Adjustments to Payroll Taxes At Present Rates Line No.Descri tion Amount To adjust Federal Unemployment Insurance Tax 327 Details Federal Taxable Base 000 Federal Tax Rate 80% Employees covered by Federal Unemployment Tax (90 ~ $7 000 plus temps $50 061) Taxable Base 680 061 Taxable Wages 680 061 Tax Rate 80% Pro Forma Federal Unemployment =fax 440 Test Year Expense 113 10.Adjustment 327 Exhibit No. Case No. UWI-04- D. English, Staff 4/06/05 Schedule 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 6Th DAY OF APRIL 2005 SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DONN ENGLISH, IN CASE NO. UWI-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK GENNARI UNITED WATER 200 OLD HOOK RD HARRINGTON PARK NJ 07640 DEAN J MILLER ESQ McD EVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE ill 83701 DOUGLAS K STRICKLING BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 150 N CAPITOL BLVD. PO BOX 500 BOISE ill 83701 CHUCK MICKELSON CITY OF BOISE 150 N CAPITOL BLVD. PO BOX 500 BOISE ill 83701 WILLIAM M. EDDIE ADVOCATES FOR THE WEST PO BOX 1612 BOISE ill 83701 BILL SEDIVY ill AH 0 RIVERS UNITED PO BOX 633 BOISE ill 83701 BRAD M. PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ill 83702 SHARON ULLMAN 9627 W. DESERT AVE BOISE ID 83709 SCOTT L. CAMPBELL 101 S CAPITOL BLVD., 10TH FLOOR PO BOX 829 BOISE ID 83701 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE