HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050406Cooper direct.pdfECE\VEO =- P . .' I l.~ !'- Q _, ow 4: 52LUnd f'H h I n "" ,' "' " 'c ':::ciC:: :,i: c :c','1 \ IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIO~-r" ! \l :gj c6~\~\lSS10N, i ~I a- ill f-"" BEFORE THE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. UWI-04- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CAROL COOPER IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION APRil 6,2005 Please state your name and business address f or the record. My name is Carol J. Cooper.My business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) as a Utilities Compliance Investigator in the Consumer Assistance Section. What is your relevant employment history? I have been employed with the Public Utilities Commission since March 1984 and have been with the Consumer Assistance Section since August 1992. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? I will address the following consumer issues: (1) forms, bills and notices;(2) customer relations; (3) low income assistance program;(4) proposed miscellaneous service charges;(5) proposed tariff changes; and (6) summary of customer comments filed in this case. CUSTOMER FORMS Have you reviewed customer billings, forms, notices and letters? I reviewed each document and found theYes. materials to be in compliance with the Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01000 et seq.) and Utility CASE NO. UWI-04-04/06/05 COOPER , C. STAFF (Di) Customer Information Rules (IDAPA 31.21.02000 et seq. ) . CUSTOMER RELATIONS Please describe how many and what type of complaints and inquiries the Commission has received regarding Uni ted Water Idaho (UWI) Exhibit No. 128 shows a three-year comparlson of the customer contacts with the Commission.Customers were primarily concerned about billing and disconnection of servlce.High bills were of particular concern to customers.With respect to disconnection of service, I found that there are many reasons why customers do not pay their UWI bills. Are these customers primarily low-income customers? The Consumer Assistance Staff does not requlre that piece of information , so unless a customer voluntarily discloses his or her income to Staff , there is no way to determine if income is a factor in inabili ty to pay the water bills. What are some of the other issues raised by customers? Rate design issues such as the summer differential in rates and the customer charge were topics of concern.Several customers indicated they would prefer to have a lower customer charge and a higher consumption CASE NO. UWI -W- 04- 04/06/05 COOPER , C. STAFF (Di) charge.They also questioned why the customer charge for United Water lS so much higher than for other utility companles. Do you agree wi th UWI' s proposal to increase the customer charge by 36.4 percent? I support Staff witness SterlingNo. testimony to keep the existing bi-monthly customer charge for residential customers with a %-inch meter at $14.57. How does UWI' s performance compare to that of other water companies? Exhibit No. 129 shows a three-year comparlson of customer complaints wi th those regulated companies having more than 1000 customers.United Water has a satisfactory ranking among those companles. Based on my review of customer complaints and inquiries, I find the Company s customer relations and the quality of service to be acceptable. Do you believe United Water provides adequate customer assistance for non-English speaking customers? The Company does not currently provide bills or notices in any language other than English at this time. The Company does have one meter reader fluent in Spanish who assists the customer service representatives when necessary. Should UWI be doing more to assist its non- CASE NO. UWI -W- 04-04/06/05 COOPER, C. STAFF (Di) English speaking customers? In Case No. RUL-04-, the Commission is considering what steps, if any, utilities should be taking to accommodate customers whose primary language something other than English.There fore, I have no recommendation to make at this time. Is there an area of customer serVlce that you believe United Water goes above and beyond what is required by the Commission? Although not required by the PublicYes. Utilities Commission , United Water offers credit adj ustments on high bills due to leakage if the leak is on the customer s side of the meter and proof of repair provided. How would a typical customer find out that UWI has such a policy? Usually customers recel ve a high bill, which results in a call to the Customer Service staff of United Wa ter A field service person lS sent out to determine whether or not the leak is on the customer s side of the meter.The customer is informed at that time to provide documentation of the repalr, such as a copy of the plumber s bill, receipts for parts used, or a letter stating how the leak was repaired.A final check is made to insure there is no further leakage and an adjustment CASE NO. UWI -W- 04- 04/06/05 COOPER , C. STAFF (Di) calculated.A comparison from similar time periods from prevlous years is used to get an average use.The customer is sent a corrected bill , which is based on average use for the time period in question plus one-half of the additional usage attributable to the leak. Is the process the same if a customer has a sprinkler system leaking? Yes, it is.However, if the customer is on a pressurized irrigation system and the settings are wrong and causing Uni ted Water backfeeds, no adj ustment is given. The Company believes the pressurized irrigation system within the customer s control , while leakage is usually not. LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Does UWI disconnect serVlce to residential customers in the winter months? Yes, it does.The restrictions on termination of service to households wi th children, elderly or infirm (Utility Customer Relations Rule IDAPA 31.21.01306) apply only to residential gas and electric service. According to the statistics received from the Company, during 2002 and 2003 the highest number of disconnections took place in the month of January. 2004 , the highest number of disconnections occurred in the month of March. CASE NO. UWI -W- 04- 04/06/05 COOPER, C. STAFF (Di) Why would the largest number of disconnections take place during the winter months if the bills are usually much lower? Termination is allowed when the bill is two (2) months past due or the bill is $50 or more (IDAPA 31.21.01310) Since UWI bills customers on a bi-monthly basis, each past due bill is subj ect to collection action regardless of the amount owed.A customer might have service disconnected if payment arrangements for high summer usage were spread over more than one billing cycle and the customer failed to pay as agreed.Another factor might be that al though the Company is allowed to disconnect service during the months of December through February, Uni ted Water typically does not disconnect service around the Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year s holidays.Once the holidays are over , disconnections resume. Have you reviewed the Stipulation filed by United Water Idaho and Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) regarding a proposed low- income assistance program? Yes, I have.Unfortunately, Staff did not have an opportunity to thoroughly explore the issues raised in that filing.Staff would support a program that encourages conservation and targets low- income customers who are having difficulty paying their bills. CASE NO. UWI-04- 04/06/05 COOPER, C. STAFF (Di) MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE CHARGE What is your position with respect to the proposed increases in Miscellaneous Service Charges as outlined in Company witness Gradilone s Exhibit No. Schedule 3, page 19? The Company is proposlng increases in charges for reconnection of service , returned checks, and premise visits to collect payment of bills.The Company has not provided any rationale or cost support documentation indicating a need to increase any of these non-recurring charge s It has also listed a new reconnection fee of $80 for reconnections made from 8:01 p.m. to 7:59 a.The currently approved reconnection fee of $30 applies to any reconnection performed outside of normal business hours. Staff does support the increase from $15 to $20 for returned checks, since this is the maximum charge allowed by statute.Other than the returned check charge, however without cost support documentation, I recommend the miscellaneous service charges stay at the existing rates. I also recommend that the $80 after hours reconnection fee from 8: 01 p. m. to 7: 59 a. m. be denied. Why do you oppose implementing a higher fee for reconnections done in response to customer requests received from 8:01 p.m. to 7:59 a. Staff supports higher after-hours reconnection CASE NO. UWI -W- 04-04/06/05 COOPER , C. STAFF (Di) fees such as those found in UWI' s existing tariff. However , the Company has provided no cost justification or reason for charging an $80.00 fee for late night/early mornlng reconnect ions.If handling late night/early mornlng reconnection requests pose a problem for United Water , it is not clear what other policy or procedural changes may have been explored to address the perceived problem.Unlike other Idaho utilities that provide service over large, sometimes difficul t to reach areas, UWI' s servlce area is primarily urban , which would tend to minimize the expense of responding to after-hours calls. Another factor to be considered is the Company s relatively short business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., which limits customer access and the ability to pay or make payment arrangements.I recommend that the reconnection fee stay at $30 for reconnections performed outside of normal business hours. REVISED TARIFF What comments do you have with respect to UWI's proposed tariff revision? UWI filed a revised verSlon of its tariff with the Commission.Al though no Company wi tness sponsored this document, it includes the Company s proposed changes to its rate schedules as well as its rules and regulations governing the rendering of water service and water main CASE NO. UWI-04-04/06/05 COOPER , C. STAFF (Di) extensions.In his testimony, Company witness Gradilone refers to several changes made to the tariff.Howeve r , changes were made to the Residential, Mul tiple Family Housing, Commercial , Industrial or Municipal Development Water Main Extension Agreement that are not discussed in his testimony.Staff notes that the Company is proposing to increase the ~Umbrella Excess Liability" coverage required of an Applicant and an Applicant's Contractor from $2,000,000 over primary insurance to $5,000,000.The Company is also proposing to change the provision requlrlng a sixty-day (60) notice for cancellation or material change In coverage to thirty (30) days.Staff Exhibi t No. 130 contains the existing approved tariff page (page 1) as well as the proposed tariff page (page 2) .These changes appear to be substantive, but the Company has not provided any explanation as to why these changes should be made. Therefore, Staff recommends that these two proposed changes not be approved by the Commission. CUSTOMER COMMENTS Did the Commission recel ve any consumer comments regarding the filing of this case? As of April 1, 2005, the Commission hadYes. received 102 written comments. Please summarlze some of the comments received from customers. CASE NO. UWI-04-04/06/05 COOPER, C. STAFF (Di) Many of the comments made (21) were regarding new growth and questioned whether existing customers are subsidizing new developments.Twenty (20) customers stated they personally were on a fixed income or could not afford such a high increase in rates as requested by Uni ted Water. Several others indicated they were concerned about the elderly and low income in the community being able to afford these higher rates due to an already tight budget. There were ten (10) comments against the summer differential in rates and three (3) obj ecting to such a large customer charge. Does this conclude your direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes, it does. CASE NO. UWI -W- 04- 04/06/05 COOPER, C. STAFF (Di)