HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050310Press Release.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. UWI-04- March 10, 2005 . Contact: Gene Fadness (208) 334-0339 Website: www.puc.idaho.gov United Water rate hearings set for late May Boise - Staff from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission will conduct a public hearing and a teclIDical hearing in connection with United Water s request for a 21.46 percent average increase in rates. The public hearing is set for Wednesday, May 25, at 7 p., is at the commission s hearing room at 472 W. Washington St. in Boise. At that hearing, members of the public may testify before thethree-member commission. . . A technical hearing is scheduled for May 24-, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the commission hearing room. At the technical hearing, commissioners will hear from witnesses representing the company, commission staff and intervenors in the case. Intervenors include the City of Boise; the Community Action Partnership, representing customers on fixed and low incomes; Idaho Rivers United, an environmental organization; and two individual customers. The technical hearing is open to the public although members of the public do not testify at this hearing. United Water, which provides water to 75AOO customers in Ada and Canyon counties, wants to increase revenues by nearly $6.8 million to recover the cost of capital improvements and to meet the demands of a growing customer base. Much of the proposed increase is due to the construction of the Columbia Water Treatment Plant near Micron. The plant will treat surface water to make it suitable for drinking. The company contends that groundwater supplies are limited and that surface water sources must be used to meet customer demands. Since its last rate case five years ago, the company claims increased investment of $46.5 million for the Columbia plant, wellhead treatment for the Bali Hai and Maple Hills wells, water storage facilities to provide fire protection and sustainable pressure to customers, a non-hazardous disinfection system that replaces all liquid chlorine gas operations and replacement of aging infrastructure that includes 16 miles of water mainline, 2 900 water services and 22 000 meters. The commission has the authority to accept, reject or modify the company s proposal. In 2000, the company received an increase of7.8 percent after it originally requested 11 percent. Its largest increase was in 1994, when the company got a 22.59 percent increase, those costs primarily attributable to the construction of the Marden Treatment Plant off Warm Springs A venue. Customers who don t want to testify at the public hearing can file written comments through April 6. Those comments can be filed electronically from the commission s Website at www.puc.idaho.gov. or they can be mailed to 472 W. Washington St., Boise, 83720-0074, or faxed to 334-3762. The company s application and direct testimony are available for public inspection at commission offices and at United Water s headquarters at 8248 West Victory Road in Boise. The application and testimony can also be viewed from the commission s Website. Go to "Hot Items " in the upper right-hand comer of the page and click on "UWI Rate Case. -- END--