HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050303Comments.pdfI~'J;' 3/3/0) Jean Jewell (10 All (1a l..t From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, March 03, 20059:51 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:50:56 AM Case: UWI-W-04-04 Name: Neil Gustafson Street Address: 3704 Oxbow Ave City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 208-323-8367 E-Mail: gusfam~netzero. net Company: United Water Idaho mailing list yes no :(y;~ Comment description: ~s comment is in opposition to the proposed 21.46% rate increase by Uni ted Water Idaho. The stated $ 6 average a month increase for residential customer seems low. My household is 2 parents and 2 teenage children. My records show that my monthly increase at the stated 22.35% would be more like $14 a month or $168 a year. The reasons for the large increase are weak. UWI says that they haven t had an increase in 4 years. The proposed 21.46% increase would mean they want an average of 5.36% a year. Inflation has averaged less than 2%. I have personally averaged less than a 1% annual raise. Subtracting inflation there still remains a 3.36% per year increase. UWI says they also need to increase revenue for improvements and investments. These were made mostly to keep up with increased current and future demand. It seems that the increased demand also means increased revenue from new customers which should be offsetting the costs. Investment in future demand is all well and good, but should not be paid for by current customers. I can t remember the last time UWI asked for a decrease because new customer revenue had caught up with investment made for that new demand. If an increase is allowed it should be no more than the 4 year average for inflation with a small additive for investment such as .5%. This would mean an increase around 2.5% a year for a 10% total. That would give my monthly bill a $6 increase. The PUC exists to regulate utility monopolies so that they make a reasonable profit and more importantly to protect the public from price gouging. Please protect us. Thank you, Neil Gustafson Transaction ID: 33950. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ ipuc User Address: 164.165.237. User Hostname: 164.165.237. ,J,ft-- (f4" 3/3/ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Wednesday, March 02, 20054:44 PM Barb Barrows; Ed Howell; Janet Bahora; Jean Jewell FW: United Water increase in rates :;::.---------- :;::'From: Carroll Reynolds (SMTP:C.REYNOLDS~JUNO.COMJ:;::'Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 5: 38: 54 PM :;::'To: secretary :;::'Subj ect: Uni ted Water increase in rates :;::'Auto forwarded by a Rule :;::.:;::. Gentlemen: I received a letter with my current water bill stating that United Waterhas filed an application with the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission asking for authority to increase the company s rates and charges forwater service. In the Application United Water is proposing a revenue increase of $6,767,867 , which represents an overall increase in rates of 21.46%. I want to go on record as opposing this ridiculous request and asking the Commission not to grant such an increase in water rates. Those of us that are retired and on a fixed income do not get increases in our retirement income and cannot afford the increases that every Corporation in Idaho wants to increase their profits. This increase in my water bill in the summer when I have to water my lawn would be outrageous. It was a killer last summer and will be worse this summer with the drought conditions we are probably going to be in. What ever happened to the summer rates that we used to receive in the summer? It appears that has disappeared for the Water Company to reap moreprofits. I would strongly urge you to disapprove this crequest and somehow help the Seniors to survive the inflation we are facing. Sincerely, Carroll Reynolds 3514 Normandie Dr. Boise, ID 83705 v' 3)1-/ ()~ ~V, t.- it! Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, March 01 , 2005 7:41 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 7 : 4 0 : 3 6 Case: uwi-04-04 Name: Mr and Mrs Dick Frazee Street Address: 10791 w. skycrest City: boiseState: id ZIP: 83713 Home Telephone: 377-8620E-Mail: dncboise~netzero. net Company: UNITED WATER IDAHO """'::.- mailing list yes no :c "-" yes/ Comment description: ~FEEL THAT WITH ALL THE RAPID GROWTH THAT IS GOING ON IN ADA AND CANYON COUNTY THAT HIGHER INPACT FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED. GROWTH SHOULD PAY (MOREJ FOR ITSELF. WE ARE RETIRED AND ON FIXED INCOME AND SEEMS EVERYTHING IS GOING UP. THANK YOU Transaction ID: 311940.36 Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipuc User Address: User Hostname: