HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050301Comments.pdfv~- AJ- 1/1 ./1, Ifr ~, HEGEiVED'f) ! ' ,,"" c:.. t, UWI tJ-oL(- 'IF7IL:::J ..., t~...,.. 10USMAR - AM, I: U\~;~g; 2~M~ SiGN Idaho Pubic Utilities Commission o. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE:United Water s Requested Rate Increase I was appalled to learn of the proposed rate increase by United Water Idaho. I feel the 22.35% increase is outrageous! I feel sorry for low and fixed income families when they are at the mercy of an overseas company trying to gouge them. I would like to offer the following observations: The requested increase far exceeds the rate of inflation over the past four years. I feel that the compensation and benefit plans being paid to United Water s Union employees are out of line and don t compare to the compensation packages provided to other tradesmen in the valley. I feel that Unions, in general, create economic pressures that result in higher than necessary inflation and result in significant wage gaps between the average Idaho worker and union employees. What incentive does United Water have during Union negotiations to keep wages down when they can just pass them onto the PUC as operating costs? For example, why does United Water hire Union employees to monitor construction activities at probably $30.00 per hour, plus benefits, when a licensed Engineer is responsible for the design of the system? Recently, the Idaho House of Representatives voted in favor of a Bill that took design approval authority away from IDEQ and recognized that the Design Professional should have ultimate authority for the work for they are licensed and tasked to protect the Public s life and safety. However, I believe United Water hires unlicensed Union individuals to monitor their construction activities knowing that they can past the costs onto the ratepayers. How self- serving! United Water has stated "the company s investments in water facilities. . have increased". However, they fail to mention that in excess of 1 0 000 homes were added to Ada County last year. Being that developers are required to provide and install the water supply systems as part of the construction, United Water gets to reap the benefits. One would think that with the added infrastructure and new customer base United Water should be able to operate under their existing rate structure. As a United Water ratepayer, I request that you look at the levied rates by other water PUC Comment Letter United Water Increase Page 2 of 2 Dated February 27, 2005 companies in the area. In particular, please examine the rates being charged by Eagle Water Company to assess if United Water s rates are reasonable. I believe Eagle Water Company runs a lean shop and provides water at reasonable rates to its customers. I also believe they use MTI Engineering to review their construction drawings and to provide construction oversight to comply with the regulatory requirements and to save costs. What an ingenious concept??? As a resident of Boise City, I do not have another option for a potable water source- short of bottled water. I feel this rate increase is unreasonable, especially when summer rates are added for irrigation water. Those of us that do not have pressurized irrigation systems are getting screwed! One cannot help but feel that the PUC has allowed United Water Company to develop into an unchecked entity that can set their own operating protocol and expect their ratepayers to pick up the tab. Unfortunately, United Water has probably developed into such of a formidable opponent, with their lawyers and accountants, I suspect that PUC will just roll over and approve all, if not most of the increase. ~ $SZ- John Swartz 11035 West Edgehill Drive Boise, Idaho 83709 /~ 3/I/o( b 0 0--5/(: A)/-/1d HECEIVEO f!J IA.tvI-uJ-G'f-FILED 2SnSfEB23 FIM.I:lli 2005 iDAlHJ PUBLIC U T It I T IE S COMMISSfO:N Dear Idaho Public Utilies Commission I would like to make our comment about the United Water Idaho Inc. Renewable Resource Initiative. We feel that the increase of the rate every May thru Sept. should take care of the cost for the year. It seemes that every year someone sayes that it has been years since they had a increase in the bill. We try not to use a lot of water by holding out C""Lrin watering the yard. So by the middle of summer yard lookes real bad. All dryed up. We pay for the water to twu companys, the water company and the bench sewer company. Thank you for your time in reading this. Wi 11 i am and Di ane Hughes 4112 St. Andrews Dr. Boise, Id.83705 .t~ iJ~ ,/~ A. V.11Q \-t Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, February 28, 2005 9:07 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, February 28, 2005 9 : 07 : 22 Case: aw:r~w~i.(-'f Name: Scott McDougallStreetAddress: 2970 Chinkapin Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-362-0807 E-Mail: cs2mscott~pobox. com Company: United Water mailing list yes no:, y;J Comment = desc ipt on: note in the letter I received from United Water that ... increase in revenue is necessary to support these investments... Investments " are made to provide a return. I f these are in fact investments, let the company get a loan to make the investment, and pay it off with the returns. In particular, I recall the last request from this company. An increase was needed forInformation Technology. IT is a support function that makes all other operations faster and more efficient, i. e., it increases producti vi ty and lowers costs. It should never result in a higher cost structure. If it does, it's redundant and unnecessary. Thank you. Transaction ID: 2282107.Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. ide us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 12.72.252. User Hostname: 12.72.252. M~A-.'::; '3111o~ Jean Jewell ~ H tA WI -u./-oC/- 'I From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Front Tuesday, March 01 , 2005 8:37 AM Jean Jewell CJ Cooper FW: Complaint acknowledgement -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 8:20 AM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Tonya Clark WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 8:19:59 AM Name: Kelly R Davis Street Address: 9054 Maple Hill Dr City: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-377-9763 Work Telephone: E-Mail: krdav~homeinternet. net Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address:Business Phone: Complaint Company: United WaterLocal Provider: Contacted utili ty: Complaint description: Here we go again. When will the 20%+ rate increases ever end? How can new users impact existing customers every years. This argument given by the water company is just another way of taking advantage of community growth with already high prices. Increased cost for expansion should be only allowed to new connections. The second issue that continues to make absolutly no sense is the doubling of rates in the summer. Just balance out the appropriate rate on a annual basis. The "Summer Gouge " isoutrageous and must stop. Transaction ID: 31819.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us / scripts/polyform. dll/ cons User Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell I" ~1/ () s' ,/~ AV, ~ ~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, February 28, 2005 9:42 AM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:41:33 AM Case: unknown UtdI -0 -0 tf - Name: Joe NewtonStreetAddress: 749 Warm Springs Avenue Ci ty: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83712 Home Telephone: 345-0225E-Mail: jboisej oe~aol. com Company: United Water mailing list yes no: Comment description: The information letter sent to me by United Water states the typical average yearly water bill for residential users is $323. My small residence has practically no outside water usage whatsoever and my average bill is more than theyspecify as typical. Also, why are residential customers assessed with the highest increase? I feel this typical billing is grossly understated. They do not mention the 25% surcharge for summer usage either which is already in place. Since the company is owned by an out of state corporation (ie. profi ts do not remain here), severe scrutiny of the request should made before granting ANY increase. Social Security payments to me are barely enough to getby on and it's my only source of income. Transaction ID: 228941. Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us / scripts/polyform. dll/ ipucUser Address: User Hostname: ~; l1 Page 1 of 1 UtUI -tJ -Of.(- Jean Jewell From: secretary Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:54 PMTo: Barb Barrows; Ed Howell; Janet Bahora; Jean Jewell Subject: FW: utility increase ---------- From: TCripe5844(fYaol.com(S MTP:TCRIPE5844(fYAOL. COM)Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:53:48 PMTo: secretary Subject: utility increase Auto forwarded by a Rule , I am wondering if our PUC knows how to just say NO. It seems everytime you are asked an increase is granted. United water has now asked for an outrageous increase. They already increase cost of water during the summer months. Bad enough that they sold the company to the French--lIm sure we all knew they would increase the cost---When does it stop? Sincerelly T. Cripe 2/25/2005 ~JL (. ~1,&'1.-I' 11' Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Monday, February 21 , 2005 1 :25 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:24:59 PM Case: UtJI.-tJ'.OLf-'-/ Name: Patrick Hally Street Address: 11278 W. Peconic Dr. Ci ty: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 362-9156E-Mail: pj hallyGatt. net Company: United Watermailinglist _yes _no: Qg Comment description: Since United Water purchased South County Water, our rates increased considerably. United Water notified us they are requesting a 22.35% rate increase! This seems unreasonable. We hate to see them get any increase. We ask that you deny theirrequest. Transaction ID: 2211324. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. ide us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: Hostname: Jean Jewell ;juv 'V 'Zf a'i frV' /1'0 Cv~ '.: 1-\ From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:52 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:51:44 PM Case: proposed water rate increase -lHJI- fA) -OLf-tf Name: john coolidgeStreetAddress: 11350 Bridgetower Dr. Ci ty: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208 376-2962E-Mail: j ectoo~earthlink. net Company:mailing list yes no: Comment description: We receuved notice of a request for a rate increaase for our water. It states that the average annual residential bill is betweeen $323 and $395. Users with that small a bill must live in very very small houses on very very small lots. Our house is only 1600 square feet with about a 5000 square foor lawn. ourbills over the past four years have been $404.69;$549.44;$564.33 and $585.81, respectively.A 22.55% increase will make it about $ 718 --an awful lot of money for a retired couple on a fixed income. I know nothing of the balance sheet of United Water. I no nothing of their profits. I hope however that you will examine their operation thoroughly and look for means of limiting if not eliminating the need for this increase. The squeeze of taxes and utility rates is becoming serious. Thank you John Coolidge Transaction ID: 2191251. Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. ide us/scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: 63.187.40. User Hostname: 63.187.40. ~;.s 11' Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:20 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Thursday, February 17 , 2005 3:20:28 PM Case: unknown-united water rate increase -~ulI- ~ - D~-Name: Bill and Cheryl RaczStreetAddress: 443 S Hemmingway Ave City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-378-8208 E-Mail: wdracz~aol. com Company: United Water mailing list yes no: no Comment description: We also own properties and pay the water bills at 3857 Constitution Way Boi e and at 6070-72 Dorian Court, Boise as well as the house address listed in form. Since the last HUGE increase granted to United Water, income rates have not kept pace inany way. Water is essential to life, but so is housing, food etc. This increase would be extremely unfair until such time as local income kept upwi th these continual increases requested from the different utili ties. Our tenants are low income and cannot affort to make up for the increase in the rent that would be necessary if water rates increase. Please vote NO on this proposed increase. Thank you Transaction ID: 2171520.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts /polyform. dll/ ipucUser Address: User Hostname: Jean Jewell /~' ~JtC/ID 'Ji From: Sent: To: Subject: Front Friday, February 18 20058:10 AM Jean Jewell FW: Complaint acknowledgement UWI-fAJ -olf- -----Original Message----- From: Ed Howell Sent: Thursday, February 17 , 2005 5:28 PM To: Front; Beverly Barker; Ed Howell; Tonya Subj ect: Complaint acknowledgement Clark WWW Form Submission: Thursday, February 17 , 2005 5 : 28 : 0 1 PM Name: Frank E. Richardson Street Address: 4064 Rushmore Ave. Ci ty: Boise State: ID ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 208-362-5644 Work Telephone: E-Mail: frerich2003~yahoo. com Home Business: Home Business Name: Business Street Address:Business Phone: Complaint Company: United Water Co Local Provider: Contacted utility: No Complaint description: I have received a notice that United Water of Idaho, Inc. has filed wi th you a request of increase rates 21.49% Since they took over our South County Water Co. my rates have increased over 80% in just 4 years. They hook up large subdivision out here on the back of current water users. Then when a home is bouth and they start paying a wat~r bill the rates do not go down for us, but just used to increase their profits for the shareholders, who are mostly foreign investors... remember they are owned by a foreigncountry. Our money goes out of Idaho never to be seen again. It is a ridiculous request to have such a high rate increase. Let the tens of thousands of new customers get on board, then look at it two years from now. Transaction ID: 2171728.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts /polyform. dll/ consUser Address: 24.116.140. User Hostname: 24.116.140.