HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050823Healy affidavit.pdfDean J. Miller McDEVITI & Mll.,LER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ill 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 i oe (g) mcdevitt - miller .com ,t. 0 , " ,;';- '\ICL~, c.. i -1 L ' ZfJu5 P,UG 23 Pi, l: 43 IlJ 0 F~UB~.IC ~ \( t I I T \ ; ~ C 0 rtU'j t S S I 0 l'ij \ L I I 11.- "" Attorneys for Applicant ORt G1NAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA TION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE ST ATE OF IDAHO Case No. UWI- W -04- AFFIDAVIT OF JEREMIAH HEAL Y STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada :ss Jeremiah Healy, being first duly sworn upon an oath deposes and says: 1. I am the Coordinator of Planning and Rates for United Water Idaho Inc. that capacity I am responsible for the prepar~tion and maintenance of the Company financial records. 2. Attached hereto is a true copy of the company s balance sheet for the period ending July 31, 2005. Also attached hereto is a Revised Exhibit No. 15 Schedule 3 which correctly reflects the total rate case expense incurred to date. If desired by Staff, invoices and other documentation used to prepare Revised Schedule 3 are available for audit. Also attached hereto is a billing statement from Aon Consulting. 3. I am over the age of 21 years and make this affidavit of my own knowledge. AFFID A VIT OF JEREMIAH HEALY - Dated this day of August, 2005. iah Healy SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 22~ay of August, 2005. ~, ,'..n!l,,~ ..~~~ A. ft- If le~~ .. ~\\Jn., VI , C' ~ .a.....~~ .000(lle. .,-g " J!,':f' .,;;,~- o f9 g e, -i1) ... ~y II . ~ i) yL ';~.. .....\OT Ai? L e . ~ :*=-.- ... h. \...J -;. . 4'-UB~\ ~ , II .., v-~ e . . 0 () ..., /"'" ""'\..'" ~ .rf 'h e......- "'-- '\.", ..~ ~ lJ lO '; ~II ,~' "...n"" AFFIDA VIT OF JEREMIAH HEALY - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 13.rehay of August, 2005, I caused to be served, via the methodes) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Brad M. Purdy Attorney for the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho 2019 North 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.8511 bmpurd y (q) hotmail.com Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email William M. Eddie Advocates for the West O. Box 1612-83701 1320 West Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.342.8286 billeddie (q)rmci .net Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Bill Sedivy Idaho Rivers United O. Box 633 Boise, Idaho 83701 Fax: 208.343.9376 iru (q)idahorivers.org Sharon Ullman 9627 West Desert A venue Boise, Idaho 83709 Fax: 362-0843 sharonu (q)cableone.net Chuck Mickelson Boise City Public Works O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.7841 cmickelson (q)cityotboise.org Douglas K. Strickling Boise City Attorney s Office O. Box 500-83701 150 North Capitol Boulevard Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.384.4454 dstrickling (q)citvotboise.org Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email AFFIDA VIT OF JEREMIAH HEALY - Scott L. Campbell Moffatt Thomas 101 South Capitol Blvd., 10th Floor O. Box 829-83701-0829 Boise, Idaho 83702 Fax: 208.385.5384 s1c€Jmoffattcom Mark Gennari United Water Management 200 Old Hook Road Harrington Park ' NJ 07640-1799 Mark.Gennari €J UnitedW ater .com AFFIDA VIT OF JEREMIAH HEALY - 4 Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email , , f... ~eport 10: 'COR200 .. Layout 10: BSCOR200 Business Un": 00060 .-.. Period Ending: Ju131, 2005 l =-- n on 08116105 8t 04:32 PM United Water Idaho General Ledger System Corporate Balance Sheet - Mth '" - if) v~. .~. United Water. e: UWGNEBS Current Month Year - December - Last Year Increase (Decrease) Assets 10100 Utility Plant - Other 247,883,210.235,620,068.12,263,141. 10104 Utility Plant in Service - Transportation 596.1 ,596. Utility plant 247 884,806.235,620,068.12,264,737. 11400 Utility plant acquisition adjustment 600,761.600,761. Utility plant acquisition adjustment 600,761.600,761. 10800 Utility Accum Depree - Other Plant (52,165,654.49)(49,061,972.29)(3,103,682.20) 10804 Uti I Accum Depree - Transportation (11,226.42)(11,226.42) 10810 Retirement work in progress 109,746.40 57,967.46 51,778. 11100 Utility Accumulated Depreciation - CIAC (9,416,828.92)(8,444,688.60)(972,140.32) 11300 Utility Accumulated Depreciation - future use (331,609.59)(301,793.65) ,(29,815.94) 11500 Am of utility plant acquisition adjustment (23,313.44)(17,871.50)(5,441.94) Less accumulated depreciation & amortization (61,838,886.46)(57,768,358.58)(4,070,527.88) 10700 Construction work in progress 18,400,256.21,079,373.(2,679,116.68) Construction work in progress 18,400,256.21,079,373.(2,679,116.68) 10500 Plant held for future use 555,658.555,658. Plant held for future use 555,658.555,658.O~OO Net utility plant 207,602,595.202,087,502.515,093. Investments - long term consolidating companies Investments 12420 Other Long Term Investments 250.250. Investments - long term non-consolidated companies 250.250. Equity Investments 12100 Non-Utility Property - Other 11,341.30,843.(19,502.05) Non-utility property & equipment 11,341.30,843.(19,502.05) Depreciation non-utility properties Other properties & investments 12,591.32,093.(19,502.05) Goodwill, net Other Intangibles, net Goodwill & other intangibles 13100 Operations Cash Account Current (6,267,544.15)(1,190,612.02)(5,076,932.13) 13120 Collections 41,000.41,000. 13130 Disbursements (local accounts)100.100. 13200 Operations cash account old 826,270.(826,270.27) 13500 Working Fund 950.950. Cash (6,216,494.15)(313,291.75)(5,903,202.40) Restricted cash 14200 Customer Accounts Receivable UBS 876,668.1,490,402.386,266. 14220 Customer Accounts Receivable. Manual Billing 663.(856.23)519. 14300 Other Accounts Receivable 129,977.188,807.(58,830.14) 14310 Accounts receivable. M & J 91,307.43 91,307.43 14400 Provision for Uncollection Accounts (Cr)(25,800.00)(25,800.00) 17300 Unbilled Revenue 702,618.896,280.806,338. Accounts receivable - customer 779,435.548,833.230,601. AIR - associated companies AIR affiliated companies Interest and dividends receivable Notes receivable - short term 15400 Capital & Maintenance Inventory Nonexempt 70,793.68,210.583. 15410 Small Repairs Inventory Exempt 110,537.110,537. 15430 Chemical Inventory 46,194.46,194. 15460 Clearing - Inventory Adjustment (1,611.63)(1,611.63) Materials & supplies inventory 225,914.223,330.583. 16590 Other Prepaid Assets 758.(20,447.89)21,206. Prepaid expenses'758.(20,447.89)21,206. Other current assets Total current and accrued assets 789,613.438,424.(1,648,811.51) Unamortized debt discount/expense 18700 Prepaid Pension (2,505,465.00)(2,235,155.00)(270,310.00) Prepaid employee benefits 505,465.00)(2,235,155.00)(270,310.00) 18600 Regulatory Deferred Taxes (3,256,872.00)(3,384,262.00)127,390. 18610 Regulatory Deferred Employee Benefits (33,800.00)(10,140.00)(23,660.00) 18611 Deferred Post-Retirement Benet 490,871.490,871. . '"'. Report ID: ., eCOR200 Layout ID: BSCOR200 Business Unit: 00060 Period Ending: Jul31, 2005 n on 08116105 81 04:32 PM 18620 18680 18690 18712 18300 18621 18710 18711 18790 18400 18410 18420 United Water Idaho General Ledger System Corporate Balance Sheet. Mth Regular Deferred Tank Painting Deferred rate charges Other Regulatory Assets , ' Def Relocation Exp - Pending Regulatory assets Preliminary Survey Def Relocation Exp -Approved Other Deferred Charges Utility Deferred Legal Expenses Other deferred Charges Non-utility Other deferred charges & assets Notes receivable - long term Clearing Accounts Clearing Fringe Benefits Clearing Transportation Clearing accounts Non-current assets Total assets Current Month This J!I!. 76,645. 358,392. (21,735.00) 42,094. (2,344,403.36) 738. 130,093. 172,664.70, 17,804. (2,785.44) 323,515. 620. 45,957; 54,578. (1,471,775.28) 207,933,025. . December. , . Last' ..rut 78,451. 83,782. 34,018;72 42,094. (2,665,183.55) 706. 130,093. 328,468. 17,804. (1,624.95) 479,447. 011. 179. 191. (1 ,413,699.64) 204,144,321. , , "I). United Water. e: UWGNEBS Increase (Decrease) , ' (1,806.00) 274,609. (55,753.72) 320,780. 031. (155,803.47) (1,160.49) (155,932.63) 608. 45,957. (2,179.75) , 47,386. (58,15.64) 788,704. Un i t e d W a t e r I d a h o Ca s e U W I - 04 - De f e r r e d R a t e C a s e E x p e n s e S u m m a r y As o f A u g u s t 1 8 , 2 0 0 5 Co n t r o l A c c o u n t 1 8 6 - 80 ( P r o j e c t T 0 6 0 0 4 1 06 0 ) Aa a l t i O n a l Pr o F o r m a A p r i l Am o u n t s P a i d Ge n e r a l L e d g e r Au g u s t To t a l D e f e r r e d Un i t e d W a t e r I d a h o R a t e C a s e U W I - 04 - 20 0 5 p e r E x h i b i t Ma y t h r o u g h Ba l a n c e a s o f In v o i c e s P a i d Ra t e C a s e Re b u t t a l P r o j e c t i o n o f D e f e r r e d R a t e C a s e E x p e n s e 15 , S c h e d u l e 3 Ju l y , 2 0 0 5 Ju l y 2 0 0 5 to D a t e Ex p e n s e t o D a t e Mc D e v i t t & M i l l e r L e g a l 57 , 25 6 . 23 , 56 0 . 80 , 81 6 . 80 , 81 6 . Ut i l i t y R e s o u r c e s I n c 67 , 97 0 . 4 4 43 , 73 9 . 11 1 70 9 . 11 1 , 70 9 . Gi v e n s & P u r s e l y L e g a l 90 8 . 95 2 . 86 0 . 86 0 . Dr . W a l l a c e 55 8 . 2, 4 6 7 . 10 , 02 5 . 10 , 02 5 . AU S C o n s u l t a n t s 62 2 . 11 3 . 20 , 73 6 . 20 , 73 6 . AO N C o n s u l t a n t s 22 , 50 0 . 50 0 . St e e l e a n d A s s o c i a t e s 06 4 . 17 , 06 4 . 06 4 . Ma n a g e m e n t a n d S e r v i c e B i l l i n g s ! W i t n e s s Gr a d i l o n e I n t e r C o m p a n y C h a r g e s 58 , 39 7 . 42 , 87 8 . 10 1 , 27 5 . 10 1 , 27 5 . He n d r i c k C o u r t R e p o r t i n g 65 7 . 65 7 . 65 7 . Mi s c & I n c i d e n t a l ( F e d e r a l E x p r e s s , T r a v e l e t c ) 38 8 . 2, 4 7 7 . 86 5 . 86 5 . CD M Pe n s i o n E x p e r t W i t n e s s MJ S o l u t i o n s 37 9 . 4 7 37 9 . 37 9 . In t e r v e n o r F u n d i n g 11 , 94 2 . 11 , 94 2 . 22 4 16 6 . 13 4 , 22 5 . 35 8 , 39 2 . 34 , 44 2 . 39 2 83 4 . Re d u c e b y 5 0 % o f S t e e l e & A s s o c i a t e s 53 3 . Gr a n d T o t a l 38 4 , 30 1 . Re v i s e d Ex h i b i t N o . 1 5 Sc h e d u l e 3 Ca s e N o . U W I - W- o 4 - He a l y , U n i t e d W a t e r fWu, II. LVV' j : , nvi U I~ 1 I t lJ VV 111 t K I~V. V V 'j 'j r. .. AON Aon Consulting Employee Benefits August 8, 2005 Ms. Donna Cole Controller United Water 200 Old Hook Road Harringtqn Park, NJ 07640 Re:2nd Quarter Fee Invoice for Special and Other Projects Dear Donna: The enclosed invoice covers special projects and additional out-or-scope work completed from April 1 , 2005 through June 30~ 2005. We are billing these projects separately from our basic budget work. We describe the key initiatives in this letter and enumerate in the invoice the various components of work effort involved. Sp~cial Proi ects In 2005, the Benefits Committee approved several special projects as below: Final Detennination "True up') of 2005 Pension Expense to reflect Laredo Divestiture and Other Factors Forecast of 2006 Annual Expense under Alternative Economic Conditions (Local US GAAP and IFRS) Application for Actuarial Attestation for Medicare Part D Subsidy Idaho Public Service Commission Rate Case Position Paper and Expert Testimony We have isolated the work associated with each of the above initiatives , as shown 011 Exhibit "A'~ - Special Projects. For the 2nd quarter, our work efforts focused on the first and last projects above. hall Gonsuldng 125 Chubb Avenue, Lyndhurst, Nt:w J~rscy 07071-0629 eel; 201-460.6700. fax-. 201.460.6999 . www.aon.com I; \2i)O5\U\IIr\PENSION\CO~S\Bjlling\2 qAddlUWR - d3. dOQ # .\ ' MUIJ. It. LVVJ J : J r IVI U I~ 1 I (: VY M I (: f\I~V. VVi'i I, J UNITED WATER Exhibit" A" - S ecial Pro. ects Final Determination "True up" of 2005 Pension Expense to reflect Laredo Divestiture and Other Factors Detennine UWS Laredo F AS 88 Curtailment Results as of April 30, 2005 based on a Discount Rate of 5.5% and Actual Fair Value of Plan Assets Detennine Post-Curtailment F AS 87 Pension Expense for the UWS Plan by Division for the remainder of the 2005 Fiscal Year based on Discount Rate of 5.5% and Actual Fair Value of Plan Assets Redetennine 2005 F AS 87 Pension Expense for the Nonbargaining Plan Reflecting a Revised Assulnption for Married ~el"centage and previously unreported deaths Idaho Public Service Commission Rate Case Position Paper supporting Local US GAAP Expense as basis for recovery in rates Provide Expert Testimony Subtotal Special Proj ects I:~OOS\Uwr\PENSION\CORRBS\BiUing\2qAddIUWR - d~ .doc 2nd Quarter 2005 Fee Invoice 000 500 40.500