HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx a to f, smith.xlsAdvances-Depr Adj Ex Rev Req ROR Tax Calc Oper Rslts Rate Base Ex Contrib Adj wrk ppr co compare United Water Idaho Case UWI-W-00-1 Pro Forma Rate Base Summary Test Year Ended September 30, 1999 Utility Plant in Service Accumulated Depreciation Net Utility Plant Adjusted Per Books Customer Advances for Construction Contributions in Aid of Construction Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Pre-1971 Investment Tax Credits Deferred Charges Co. Ex. 15 Pg 1, Col (A) Working Capital Total Rate Base Co. Adj Elim Banbury &SCWC Remove Boise R. Intake Add Barber Water Raintree Budget Co. Adj. Exhibit 1 Page 4 of 9 UNITED WATER IDAHO CASE UWI-W-00-1 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION BALANCE OF CIAC Balance per CIAC balances for Idaho as of 9/30/99 books @9/30/99 CIAC Pro Forma Amortization IWO Total Contributions Additional C.I.A.C. Gross Balance net Balance Cost of Not in Sept. 99 in the Aid of Related Depreciation of of the Amort Balance of CIAC Balance Service Acquisitions Construction to CWIP Capital CWIP Rate of CIAC 303-20 303-40 305.40 309.2 331.40 340.05a Total Cost balance @ 9/30/99 Acquisition Above Divide by 12 mult by 7 PUC, Bob S. Adjustement to take calculation through 4/30/00 rather than 9/30/00 as above by Co. this column includes adjustments that were provided by me by Asset management $565,599 listed as incorrectly put in service and $269,003 noted as refunds Adjustment to Co. # inaddition to an adjusting number of $1,180,831 for overheads that asset management does not have a b THIS COLUMN WAS FUDGED, COLUMN F, C AND D ARE KNOWN. COLUMN E WAS A FALL OUT NUMBER This is a copy of Co. workpaper. Staff Adjustment calculation shown in RED @ I42…R65 NOTE Company (Brown Ex 9&10) Retirements (Brown Ex9) Adv & Refunds Annual Depr Exp annualize Amort. Amort Acq Adj To 4/00 Elim Note Payable Pro form Def Inc Tax Co Adj Pre 71 ITC Def Reg Asset Staff Staff Adj Rate Base Line No. 1. Per 2. Adjustment Books Test Year 3. Description Shown on 09/30/99 Adjustments 4. Operating Revenues 5. Operating Expenses 6. Operation & Maintenance Exh 11, Sch 1 7. Exh 11, Sch 2 8. Amortization Of PHFU 9. Amortization Of UPAA 10. Taxes Other Than Income 11. Ad Valorem Exh 11, Sch 3 12. Payroll Taxes 13. Total Operating Expenses 14. Excluding Income Taxes 15. Op Income Before Income Taxes 16. Income Taxes 17. State Income Taxes Exh 11, Sch 4 18. Federal Income Taxes 19. Total Income Taxes 20. Utility Operating Income 21. Adjusted Rate Base Rate of Return on Rate Base Exhibit No. 11 J. Healy STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME TEST YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999 (Ex No. 11) CALCULATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENT Required Rate of Return Required net operating income Net operating income Deficiency Computation of State and Federal Income Taxes OPERATING INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES LESS: TAX DEDUCTIONS Interest Expense (A) Excess Tax Over Book Depreciation (B) TOTAL TAX DEDUCTIONS Taxable Income-State State Income Tax at 8% Federal Taxable Income (L.1-L.3-L.7) Federal Income Tax at 35% Less: Amortization of ITC NET FEDERAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE (A) CALCULATION OF INTEREST EXPENSE DEDUCTION: Pro Forma Rate Base Debt Percentage of Capitalization Debt Portion of Rate Base Debt Rate INTEREST EXPENSE (B) EXCESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECIATION: Pro Forma Tax Depreciation Pro Forma Book Depreciation EXCESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECIATION Schedule 4 Actual per Healy Ex13 United Water Resources Comparison of Companies Arkansas Delaware Connecticut Florida South Gate Idaho Illinois West Lafayette Warsaw Mooresville Winchester Missouri New Rochelle New York Owego Nichols Pennsylvania Bethel Rhode Island Virginia New Jersey Toms River Lambertville Mid-Atlantic ($000) Employees Customers Revenue Rev/Cust. Cust/Emp M&S Chgs M&S % of Revenue TOTAL % Change CALCULATION OF REQUIRED RETURN Common Equity Amount Weighted Ratio Note: Healy used 51.93% to calc Ln 15 rather than Debt ratio on Ln 14 of 56.81%. Long Term Debt Minority Interest Incremental Income Tax Net to Gross Multiplier Calculation Net Operating Income Requirement Incremental Federal Income Tax Rate State Tax Rate Gross Revenue Increase Correct Calculation Eliminate Project C00J001 Depr on Advances Calculation of Rate Base Investor Relations Customer Advances per Ex 15, P1, Col E, Line 4 Power Pumping Equipment Structures & Improvements Wells & Springs Totals Distributed Adjusted Net Operating Income realized State Taxable Income Residual Effective State Tax Rate Net to Gross Multiplier ** ** Correct PUC Assessment Ex11,S1,P18 Co. Req Dif Staff Adjustment for Depreciation on Advances Net to Gross Multiplier (L18 / L 8) Less Uncollectible Accounts Exp. Less PUC Assessment Rate (2000) Federal Taxable Income Residual (L 11 - L 13) Effective Federal Tax Rate (L 14 * L 15) Composite- Uncollectibles, Fees & Taxes (add L 9,10,30 & 34) Composite Residual (L8 - L 17) Corrected With Staff Company Tax To Recognize Interest Syncronization & Depreciation Tax Depr & Interest Synchronization Plant Category Estimated Capital Component 304-20 305-20 306-20 307-20 311-20 320-30 330-40 333-40 334-40 335-40 340-50 344-50 1.00 $5,850,608.00 2.00 3.00 0.45 $2,632,773.60 0.03 $75,297.32 4.00 0.45 2632773.60 0.05 131638.68 5.00 0.10 585060.80 0.02 11701.22 6.00 1.00 $5,850,608.00 0.04 $218,637.22 1.00 $99,194,770.22 2.00 0.09 3.00 $9,071,217.82 4.00 7537179.97 5.00 $1,534,037.85 6.00 1.68 7.00 $2,581,349.59 3057100.00 $475,750.41 0.16 8.00 1.00 9.00 2.80E-03 10.00 3.43E-03 11.00 0.99 12.00 0.08 13.00 0.08 14.00 0.91 15.00 0.35 16.00 0.32 17.00 0.41 18.00 0.59 19.00 1.68 .003425% from Healy Ex 11, Sch 1, Pg 13 IPUC Assessment rate spring of 2000 per fiscal division. $280,574,362.00 0.57 0.08 0.04 603687.00 1.22E-03 0.05 6.11E-05 212697897.00 0.43 0.11 0.05 $493,875,946.00 1.00 0.09 $9,284,233.00 $9,583,363.22 $4,229,054.79 $4,237,763.60 $1,671,507.00 $1,975,919.22 $5,900,561.79 $6,213,682.82 $3,383,671.21 $3,369,680.40 $270,693.70 0.08 $269,574.43 0.08 225449.00 2180615.00 $4,784,484.51 $5,076,025.19 $1,674,569.58 0.35 $1,776,608.82 0.35 ($47,824.00) ($47,824.00) $1,626,745.58 $1,728,784.82 $98,992,133.00 $99,194,770.22 0.57 0.57 $56,237,430.76 $56,353,239.30 0.08 0.08 $4,229,054.79 $4,237,763.60 $6,189,895.00 $6,189,895.00 $4,518,388.00 $4,213,975.78 $1,671,507.00 $1,975,919.22 Note: Numbers in this column are hard input from Ex 11, Sch 4 for the purpose of correcting error in interest calc on co exhibit. Int Exp (L4) is calculated using corrected debt ratio of 56.81% rather than 51.93 in Co. Ex. 1.00 $26,186,310.00 $226,580.00 $26,412,890.00 $26,412,890.00 2.00 $10,463,030.00 $568,532.00 $11,031,562.00 5282.00 $11,036,844.00 3.00 3876792.00 641596.00 4518388.00 -3200.00 0.20 -218637.22 -82575.00 4213975.78 4.00 16664.00 -16664.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 -31747.00 41075.00 9328.00 9328.00 6.00 1236954.00 -30875.00 1206079.00 1206079.00 7.00 361168.00 2132.00 363300.00 363300.00 8.00 $15,922,861.00 $1,205,796.00 $17,128,657.00 $0.00 ($3,200.00) ($218,637.22) ($82,575.00) $5,282.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,829,526.78 9.00 $10,263,449.00 ($979,216.00) $9,284,233.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 $218,637.22 $82,575.00 ($5,282.00) $0.00 $0.00 $9,583,363.22 11.00 $225,449.00 $74,307.00 $299,756.00 ($29,062.30) $256.00 0.08 $17,490.98 0.08 $6,606.00 0.08 ($422.56) 0.08 $0.00 ($25,049.68) $269,574.43 12.00 2180615.00 ($436,894.00) 1743721.00 -69151.42 1030.40 0.35 70401.19 0.35 26589.15 0.35 -1700.80 0.35 5719.31 1776608.82 13.00 $2,406,064.00 ($362,587.00) $2,043,477.00 ($98,213.72) $1,286.40 $87,892.16 $33,195.15 ($2,123.36) $0.00 ($19,330.37) $2,046,183.25 14.00 $7,857,385.00 ($616,629.00) $7,240,756.00 $98,213.72 $1,913.60 $130,745.06 $49,379.85 ($3,158.64) $0.00 $19,330.37 $7,537,179.97 15.00 $98,992,133.00 $99,194,770.22 16.00 0.07 0.08 Healy used 51.93% to calculate interest exp deduction rather than 56.81% debt ratio developed in this case. Adjustment reflects staff proposed capital structure. Project "Maintenance Software Upgrade" has been cancelled per D. Brown 4/21/00 Depr Rate for computer software is 20% per Healy Ex11, Sch 2, P.2 Per Healy Adj #32, Ex 11, Sch 1, P.32 Tax numbers from correction to Ex 11, Schedule 4 after correcting line 15 for debt portion of rate base @ 56.81% rather than 51.93% used in Co. Ex. Recognizes PUC spring 2000 assessment ratio of .28% 1.00 $171,964,522.00 ($2,320,273.00) $152,546.00 $1,429,325.00 $4,753,035.00 ($967,551.00) $175,011,604.00 -16000.00 $174,995,604.00 2.00 -36220627.00 38653.00 -57386.00 -76730.00 961536.00 967551.00 90526.00 84511.00 -4552913.00 -690976.00 -40598443.00 218637.22 -40379805.78 3.00 $135,743,895.00 $0.00 ($2,281,620.00) $95,160.00 $1,352,595.00 $4,753,035.00 ($6,015.00) $0.00 ($4,552,913.00) ($690,976.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $134,413,161.00 ($16,000.00) $218,637.22 $0.00 $134,615,798.22 4.00 -5983204.00 -170000.00 302596.00 -17000.00 319596.00 -5850608.00 -5850608.00 5.00 -27205508.00 -84125.00 -296058.00 -13496.00 690976.00 -26908211.00 -26908211.00 6.00 976204.00 -158904.00 -31734.00 127170.00 46965.00 -227594.00 -8076.00 628595.00 628595.00 7.00 -6152296.00 -304136.00 -6456432.00 -6456432.00 8.00 -20558.00 750.00 -19808.00 -19808.00 9.00 484821.00 461291.00 946112.00 946112.00 10.00 4539324.00 -2300000.00 2239324.00 2239324.00 11.00 $102,382,678.00 ($158,904.00) ($2,281,620.00) $58,000.00 $828,943.00 $4,569,539.00 ($6,015.00) $302,596.00 ($4,552,913.00) $0.00 ($8,076.00) ($2,300,000.00) ($304,136.00) $750.00 $461,291.00 $98,992,133.00 ($16,000.00) $218,637.22 $0.00 $99,194,770.22 Eliminates Acquisition adjustment of Banbury $31,734 and portion of SCWC not allowed by Commission of $127,170 see Ex15 P.4 See Eagan -Long workpapers: Accum Depr. See Eagan -Long workpapers: Accum Depr. See Egan Long Workpaper (elec) Accum Depr. Egan-Long ciac adj3 workpaper Quail Ridge Reservoir see Ex 15 pg2 $17,000 Hidden Springs Adj less $319,596 Refunds See Ex 15 P2 See Egan -Long ciacadj3 workpaper See Egan-Long ciacadj3 workpaper Col P line 33 and Accum Depr workpaper T68 See Egan-long Acq Adj workpaper attached to elec file Ex 15. Amot allowed amnt 1,153.37 x 7 mos. See Linam testimony pg21 & 22. Also egan-long Acq adj workpaper attached to elec file Ex 15. Egan-Long acq adj workpaper attached to elec file Ex15. See egal-Long Ex 15 workpaper working capital computation column K to eliminate payment of note to affiliate. Per Brown Ex 10 budget estimate CWIP Egan-Long Ex 15 accum def inc tax worksheet Egan-Long Ex 15 Pre-1971 ITC worksheet Eagan-Long Ex15 Deferred Dr worksheet D27 ($18,934) plus additions on lines 22-26 Col D $480,225. Egan-Long Ex 15 accumulated def inc tx worksheet @E24 Project "Maintenance Software Upgrade" has been cancelled per D. Brown 4/21/00 $216,472.00 $42,189.00 $258,661.00 258661.00 258661.00 $0.00 258661.00 $61,902.00 $61,902.00 1930.00 63832.00 63832.00 $0.00 63832.00 304.20 $217,228.00 ($64,579.98) $45,429.00 $198,077.02 262657.00 262657.00 0.02 -5253.14 ($69,833.12) 192823.88 $0.00 15616.00 15616.00 15616.00 0.02 -312.32 ($312.32) 15303.68 ($34,103.70) ($34,103.70) -34103.70 -34103.70 0.02 682.07 $682.07 -33421.62 306.20 $68,216.46 ($18,522.57) $49,693.89 68216.46 68216.46 0.02 -1364.33 ($19,886.90) 48329.56 307.20 $1,281,596.31 ($302,938.31) $44,937.00 $1,023,595.00 18474.00 1345007.31 1345007.31 0.03 -38467.21 ($341,405.52) 1003601.79 $9,391.00 $9,391.00 9391.00 9391.00 0.02 -187.82 ($187.82) 9203.18 311.20 $1,297,822.00 ($581,687.75) $64,438.00 $780,572.25 9484.00 1371744.00 1371744.00 0.05 -68587.20 ($650,274.95) 721469.05 320.30 $36,812.00 ($25,640.05) $11,171.95 36812.00 36812.00 0.05 -1840.60 ($27,480.65) 9331.35 330.40 $1,163,793.56 ($360,276.08) $803,517.48 19431.00 1183224.56 1183224.56 0.02 -23664.49 ($383,940.57) 799283.99 331.40 $23,043,908.76 ($2,272,435.10) -2272435.14 0.04 $882,163.00 -882163.00 $811,952.00 $22,465,588.66 $882,163.35 33951.00 236197.00 -5935.00 25002237.11 -882163.35 24120073.76 0.02 -482401.48 ($2,754,836.58) 21365237.19 333.40 $2,469,910.93 ($315,905.68) $132,936.00 $2,286,941.25 59861.00 2662707.93 2662707.93 0.03 -66567.70 ($382,473.38) 2280234.55 334.40 $175,917.47 ($31,885.29) $144,032.18 175917.47 175917.47 0.03 -4397.94 ($36,283.23) 139634.24 335.40 $54,637.20 ($449.27) $96,533.00 $150,720.93 3540.00 154710.20 154710.20 0.03 -3867.76 ($4,317.03) 150393.18 ($695.60) ($695.60) 1131.00 1131.00 1131.00 0.07 -75.44 ($771.04) 359.96 344.50 $16,729.00 ($9,246.69) $7,482.31 16729.00 16729.00 0.07 -1115.82 ($10,362.51) 6366.49 345.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 346.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 347.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 348.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $30,008,939.99 ($3,984,262.37) $882,163.00 $1,309,707.00 28216548.00 0.00 882163.35 $84,126.00 $296,058.00 $13,496.00 32594490.34 -882163.35 31712326.99 -697421.16 -4681683.53 27030643.46 28216548.00 -882163.00 30008939.99 ($3,984,262.37) 31712326.99 27334385.00 $1,309,707.00 -697421.16 -4681683.53 84126.00 ($4,681,683.53) 27030643.46 296058.00 13496.00 31712326.99 258661.00 258661.00 63832.00 63832.00 262657.00 0.01 -3064.33 ($67,644.31) 195012.69 15616.00 0.01 -182.19 ($182.19) 15433.81 -34103.70 0.01 397.88 $397.88 -33705.82 68216.46 0.01 -795.86 ($19,318.43) 48898.03 1345007.31 0.02 -22439.21 ($325,377.52) 1019629.79 9391.00 0.01 -109.56 ($109.56) 9281.44 1371744.00 0.03 -40009.20 ($621,696.95) 750047.05 36812.00 0.03 -1073.68 ($26,713.73) 10098.27 1183224.56 0.01 -13804.29 ($374,080.37) 809144.19 24120073.76 0.01 -281400.86 ($2,553,835.96) 21566237.80 2662707.93 0.01 -38831.16 ($354,736.84) 2307971.09 175917.47 0.01 -2565.46 ($34,450.75) 141466.72 154710.20 0.01 -2256.19 ($2,705.46) 152004.74 1131.00 0.04 -44.01 ($739.61) 391.39 16729.00 0.04 -650.90 ($9,897.59) 6831.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31712326.99 27321235.61 $290,592.15 PUC Note, this is annual rate! So, This adjustment recognizes a full year to 9/30/00. 1998.00 1998.00 1998.00 1998.00 $7,572.00 19299.00 45.00 366.00 $392.35 1000.00 428.87 0.05 2855.00 4909.00 12.00 134.00 $581.58 409.08 0.05 17195.00 32784.00 69.00 915.00 $524.49 475.13 0.05 27826.00 53516.00 104.00 1381.00 $519.96 514.58 0.05 1789.00 4393.00 5.00 56.00 $407.24 878.60 0.03 22662.00 59310.00 95.00 1307.00 $382.09 624.32 0.06 2824.00 5876.00 11.00 156.00 $480.60 534.18 0.06 2598.00 7318.00 16.00 135.00 $355.02 457.38 0.05 1988.00 3791.00 12.00 93.00 $524.40 315.92 0.05 1087.00 3194.00 7.00 58.00 $340.33 456.29 0.05 568.00 1977.00 4.00 37.00 $287.30 494.25 0.07 3168.00 10477.00 24.00 188.00 $302.38 436.54 0.06 18552.00 30243.00 64.00 796.00 $613.43 472.55 0.04 43108.00 64787.00 111.00 1775.00 $665.38 583.67 0.04 804.00 1488.00 4.00 44.00 $540.32 372.00 0.05 98.00 217.00 1.00 8.00 $451.61 217.00 0.08 21361.00 47446.00 103.00 1029.00 $450.22 460.64 0.05 920.00 1074.00 1.00 19.00 $856.61 1074.00 0.02 2094.00 6948.00 10.00 115.00 $301.38 694.80 0.05 923.00 1911.00 8.00 64.00 $482.99 238.88 0.07 125507.00 182230.00 346.00 6211.00 $688.73 526.68 0.05 14563.00 45614.00 47.00 704.00 $319.27 970.51 0.05 696.00 1559.00 3.00 25.00 $446.44 519.67 0.04 6541.00 6435.00 16.00 502.00 $1,016.47 402.19 0.08 $327,299.00 596796.00 1118.00 $16,118.00 $548.43 533.81 0.05 1999.00 1999.00 1999.00 1999.00 $7,628.00 18995.00 45.00 443.00 $401.58 1000.00 422.11 0.06 3062.00 5092.00 12.00 163.00 601.34 424.33 0.05 19847.00 33549.00 69.00 1057.00 591.58 486.22 0.05 29809.00 54997.00 110.00 1570.00 542.01 499.97 0.05 1180.00 47.00 0.04 26424.00 66121.00 102.00 1505.00 399.63 648.25 0.06 2914.00 5847.00 11.00 157.00 498.38 531.55 0.05 2963.00 7384.00 15.00 170.00 401.27 492.27 0.06 2184.00 3868.00 10.00 107.00 564.63 386.80 0.05 1357.00 3356.00 7.00 76.00 404.35 479.43 0.06 624.00 1982.00 3.00 37.00 314.83 660.67 0.06 3348.00 10522.00 24.00 226.00 318.19 438.42 0.07 19950.00 30385.00 64.00 923.00 656.57 474.77 0.05 44000.00 65340.00 111.00 2087.00 673.40 588.65 0.05 955.00 1442.00 4.00 59.00 662.27 360.50 0.06 94.00 238.00 1.00 8.00 394.96 238.00 0.09 22149.00 47925.00 103.00 1149.00 462.16 465.29 0.05 914.00 1195.00 1.00 24.00 764.85 1195.00 0.03 2378.00 7412.00 10.00 14.00 320.83 741.20 5.89E-03 762.00 1825.00 8.00 74.00 417.53 228.13 0.10 124309.00 182072.00 357.00 6412.00 682.75 510.01 0.05 14740.00 46047.00 45.00 642.00 320.11 1023.27 0.04 681.00 1572.00 3.00 30.00 433.21 524.00 0.04 6691.00 6741.00 17.00 266.00 992.58 396.53 0.04 $338,963.00 491274.00 896.00 $17,246.00 689.97 1000.00 548.30 0.05 7.40E-03 -0.02 0.00 0.21 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.22 0.15 0.02 0.00 0.16 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.14 -0.34 -1.00 -1.00 -0.16 0.17 0.11 0.07 0.15 0.03 -4.94E-03 0.00 6.41E-03 0.14 9.02E-03 -0.06 0.26 0.10 0.02 -0.17 0.15 0.25 0.05 0.00 0.31 0.10 2.53E-03 -0.25 0.00 0.06 4.30E-03 0.00 0.20 0.08 4.70E-03 0.00 0.16 0.02 8.54E-03 0.00 0.18 0.19 -0.03 0.00 0.34 -0.04 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.12 -6.52E-03 0.11 0.00 0.26 0.14 0.07 0.00 -0.88 -0.17 -0.05 0.00 0.16 -9.55E-03 -8.67E-04 0.03 0.03 0.01 9.49E-03 -0.04 -0.09 -0.02 8.34E-03 0.00 0.20