HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007081640th Amendment.pdfJean Jewell Page 1 of 1 ULA-JI - U.Y- 07 - 0 tJ u...; -w-O'7 - a ----~-_._....__._...,_..._,.~------~~--'-"'._..""'--"""_.""-'.'-""""""'-.._--..- From: Rick Sterling Sent: Wednesday, August 01 , 2007 8:57 AMTo: Scott Woodbury; Jean Jewell Subject: RE: UWI CPCN RECEIVED lifl \1'(' .. ~ f1. ull" kdtJ I';;o. , IUl, :::: ) ;U(; I have reviewed the 40th Amendment to United Water s CPCN aQ,df~!J~rtl\lat iCc!.orfecHy;(jj~eribes the Avimor and Brittania Heights areas and complies with recent Commission orders approving the addition of these areas to the Company s certificated area. ----- Original Message----- From: Scott Woodbury Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:36 To: Rick Sterling Subject: FW: UWI CPCN -----Original Message----- From: Jean Jewell Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 2:57 PM To: Scott Woodbury Subject: FW: UWI CPCN -----Original Message----- From: Joe Miller (mailto:joe(9)mcdevitt-miller.comJ Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:43 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: UWI CPCN Jean-- I am attaching a 40th Amendment to UWI's Certificate of Convenience which adds the recently approved Britannia Heights and Avimor areas. , after review, the Amendment seems in order would you kindly return an approved copy to me. Thanks Joe 8/14/2007 Boundmy Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143, 40th Amendment 0", ~~::::' C€:ltY 'f:'"I ii()/.) I, I:/.1II"BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION .,/! I:~\,;:, , , It FOR CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY Nd. i-4i/;:;~' FORTIETH AMENDMENT ~ji0\'/n,ViV This Amendment Includes and Supersedes All Prior Amendments No.1 through 39 Commencing at the common Section Corner of Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26 , Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, THE REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence westwm'd approximately 3 miles along the north section line of Sections 26, 27 and 28 to the common section corner for Sections 20, 21 , 28 and , Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1 mile along the common north-south section line between said Sections 20 and 21 to the common section corner for said Sections 20 and 21 mId Sections 16 and 17, Township 4 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1 mile along the east - west section line common to said Sections 17 and 20 to the section corner common to Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20 Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 112 miles along the north - south section line of said Sections 17 and 18 and Sections 7, 8, 5 and 6 to the east - west half section line of said Section 5 , Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian: thence eastward approximately 1-1/2 miles along the said east - west half section line of Section 5 and Section 4, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian to the north - south half section line of said Section 4, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 2-1/2 miles along the said north - south half section line of Section 4, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian and Sections 33 and 28, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian to the common east - west section line of Sections 21 and 28, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; Attachment I K:\Keith\word\Con& Nec\C& N#40 - Brittania- A yimor-Legal.doc Boundmy Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143, 40th Amendment Page 2 thence westward approximately 1 mile along the said east - west section line common to Sections 21 and 28 and Sections 20 and 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian to the north - south half section line of said Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence southwm'd approximately 1/2 mile along the said north - south half section line of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian to the east - west half section line of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1/2 mile along the said east - west half section line of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian to the north - south section line common to said Section 29 and Section 30, Township 5 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian; thence southward approximately 1 mile along the said n011h - south section line of Sections 29 and 30 and Sections 31 and 32, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian to the east - west half section line of said Section 31 , Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1 mile along the said east - west half section line of Section 31 , Township 5 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian to the north - south section line common to said Section 31 , Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian and to Section 36, Township 5 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence southward approximately 1-1/2 miles along the said common north - south section line of Section 31 , Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian and of Section 36, Township 5 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian and of Section 6, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian and Section 1 , Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian to the section corner common to Sections 6 and 7, Township 4 North Range 2 East, Boise Meridian and Sections 1 and 12, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1/2 mile along the east - west section line common to said Sections 1 and 12, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian the north - south half section line of said Section 12, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian; K:\Keith\word\Con&N cc\C&N#40 _Briuania- A vil11or-Legal.doc Boundary Descliption for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143 , 40th Amendment Page 3 thence southward approximately 1 mile along the said north - south half section line of Section 12, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the east - west section line common to said Section 12 and Section 13, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1/2 mile along the said east - west section line common to Sections 12 and 13 , Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the Section corner common to Sections 11 , 12, 13 and 14, Township 4North, Range 1 East, Boise MeIidian; thence southward approximately 1/4 mile along the north - south section line common to said Sections 13 and 14, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the centerline of Hill Road; thence northwesterly along the said centerline of Hill Road to a point on the north-south half seCTIOn line of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Melidian; thence southward along the said north-south half section line of Section , Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the centerline of State Street; thence southeasterly along the said centerline of State Street to a point on the west line of the East 1/2, West 1/2 of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence southward along the said west line ofthe East 1/2, West 1/2 of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, to the north meander line of the Boise River; thence southeasterly along said north and east meander line of the Boise River to a point on the north line of the South 1/2 , ' Southwest 1/4, Southwest 1/4 of Section 4, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridim1; thence westward along said north line and the north line of the South 1/2 South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridiml, parallel to the south section line of said Sections 4 and 5 to the centerline of Settler s Canal; K:\Keith\word\C'on&Nec\C&N#40 - Brittania- A vimor-Legal.dot Boundary Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No, 143 , 40th Amendment Page 4 thence northwesterly along the centerline of Settler s Canal to a common point between said canal and the centerline of Glenwood Street; thence northward along said centerline of Glenwood Street to the rim of the Bench lying south of Chinden Boulevard; thence northwesterly along the said rim of the Bench to the common north-south section line of Sections 26 and 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian; thence northward along the said north-south section line of Sections 26 and 27 to the common section corner of Sections 22, 23, 26, and 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 2 miles along the common east-west section line between Sections 22, 21, 27, and 28, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, to the common section corner of Sections 20, 21 , 28 and 29 Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1/4 mile along the common north-south section line of Sections 20 and 21 , Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, to the centerline of Thurman Drain; thence northwesterly along the said centerline of Thurman Drain to the common north-south section line of Sections 20 and 19, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 2 miles along the East-West centerline of said Section 19, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian and Section 24 Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian to the North-South section line of said Section 24 and Section 23, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; thence nOlihward approximately 1/2 mile along the said north-south section line of said Sections 23 and 24, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian to the section comer common to Sections 13 , 14 23 and 24 Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; K:\Kdth\word\Con&N cc\C& N#40 - Brittania- A vimor-Legal.doc Boundary Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143, 40th Amendment Page 5 thence westward approximately 1-1/2 miles along the common east-west section line of Sections 14, 15 23 and 22, Township 4 North, Range 1 West Boise Meridian to the north-south half section line of said Section 22, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; thence southward approximately 1 mile along the north-south half section line of said Section 22, Township 4 North, Range I West, Boise Meridian to a point 100 feet south of the common east-west section line of Sections 22 and 27 Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; thence eastward approximately 4 miles parallel to and 100 feet south of the common east-west section line of Sections 22, 23, 24, 27, 26 and 25, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian and Sections 19 30 and 29, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the north-south half section line of said Section 29, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence southward approximately 1 mile along the said north-south half section line of Section 29, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the common east-west section line of said Section 29 and Section 32, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastward approximately 1/2 mile along the common east-west section line of Sections 29 and 32, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to a point approximately 100 feet West of the common section corner of Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, Township 4 North, Rmlge I East, Boise Meridian; thence southward approximately I mile parallel to and 100 feet west of the common north-south section line of Sections 32 and 33, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, to a point which is 100 feet west of the common section corner of Sections 32 and 33, Township 4 North, Range 1 East and Sections 4 and , Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastwm"d approximately 1 mile along the common east-west section line of said Sections 33 and 4 to a point which is 100 feet west of the common section corner of Sections 33 and 34, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian and Sections 4 and 3 , Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; K:\Keith\word\Con&Nec\C&NI!40 - Brinania- A vimor-LegaLdot: BOlmdary Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143, 40th Amendment Page 6 thence southward approximately 2 miles parallel to and 100 feet west of the common section line of Sections 3, 4 9 and 10, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meddian, to a point which is 100 feet west of the common section corner of Sections 9, 10, 15 and 16, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence westerly approximately 1/2 mile along the common east-west section line of Sections 9 and 16, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the north-south center line of said Section 16, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence southerly approximately 3 miles along the said north-south centerline of Section 16 and of Sections 21 and 28, Township 3 North, Range East, Boise Meridian to the common east-west section line of said Section 28 and Section 33, Township 3 North Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence easterly approximately 1/2 mile along the said east-west section line of Section 28 and 33, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the common section corner of Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence southerly approximately 2-1/2 miles along the common north-south section line of said Sections 33 and 34, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian and Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the east-west 1/2 section line of said Section 10, Township 2 North Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence easterly approximately 3/4 mile along the said east-west 1/2 section line of said Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the center line of the New York canal; thence southerly along said centerline of the New York Canal to the common section line between Sections 10 and 15 , Township 2 North, Range East, Boise Meridian; thence eastward along the east-west section line common to Sections 10 and 15, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian to the section corner COlmnon to Sections 10, 11 , 14 and 15, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; K:\Keith\word\Con& Nee\C& N#40 - Brittania- A yil11or-Lega Iodoe Boundary Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143 , 40th Amendment Page 7 thence southward approximately 2 miles along the north-south section line common to Sections 14, 15 22 and 23 , Township2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, to the common section corner of Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastward approximately 9 miles along the east-west section line common to Sections 23, 24, 26 and 25 , Township 2 North, Range I East, Boise Meridian, Sections 19 26 and 25, Township 2 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, and Sections 19 and 30, Township 2 North Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, to the common section comer of Sections 19, 20 29 and 30, Township 2 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1 mile along the north-south section line common to Sections 19 and 20, Township 2 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to the conmlon section corner of Sections 19 , 17 and 18, Township 2 North Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastward approximately 2 miles along the east-west section line common to Sections 17, 16, 20 and 21 , to the common section corner of Sections , 16 21 and 22, Township 2 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 2-1/2 miles along the n0l1h-south section line common to Sections 15 , 16 , 10 3 and 4, Township 2 North, Range 3 East Boise Meridian, to the centerline of the New York Canal; thence northwesterly along the centerline of the New York Canal to the common n0l1h-south section line of Sections 32 and 33, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1/2 mile along the north-south section line common to Sections 32 and 33, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, to the common section corner of Sections 32, 33 , 29 and 28, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastward approximately 1/2 mile along the common east-west section line of Sections 28 and 33, Township 3 NOlih, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to the north-south centerline of said Section 28, Township 3 NOlih Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence nOlihward approximately 1 mile along the said north-south centerline of said Section 28 , Township 3 NOlth, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to K:\Keith\word\Con& Nec\C& N#40 - Brittania- A vil11or-Lcgal.doc Boundmy Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143 , 40th Amendment Page 8 the common east-west section line of said Section 28 and Section 21 , Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1 mile along the said east-west section line of said Sections 28 and 21 and Sections 29 and 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to the n0l1h-south centerline of said Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise MeIidian; thence northward approximately 1 mile along the said north-south centerline of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to a point on the common east-west section line of Sections 17 and 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1/2 mile along the said common east-west section line of Sections 17 and 20 to the common section corner of Sections 17 19 and 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1/2 mile along the common north-south section line of Sections 17 and 18, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian to the 1/4 corner common to said Sections 17 and 18, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence westward approximately 1 mile along the east-west half section line of Section 18 to a point on the common north-south section line of Section 18 Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, and Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward approximately 1/2 mHe along the north-south common Section Line of Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, and Section 18 , Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, to the section corner common to Sections 12 and 13 , Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, and Sections 7 and 18, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence eastwm"d approximately 2 640 feet along the east-west section line between Sections 7 and 18, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian; thence northward along the center section line of Section 7, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, for approximately 1 mile to the north section line of said Section 7; K:\Keith\word\Con& Nec\C& N#40 - Briltania A vi111or-Legal.doc Boundmy Description for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity No. 143, 40th Amendment Page 9 thence westward approximately 1-1/2 miles along the north section line of Section 7, Township 3 North, Range 3 East, Boise Meridian, and Section 12 Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, to the section comer common to Sections 1 , 11 and 12, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence north along the common north-south section line between said Sections 1 and 2 and continuing North along the nOlih-south section line common to Sections 35 and 36 and Sections 25 and 26, Township 4 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian, to the section comer conunon to Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26 Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, THE REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Subject to the Exclusions and Additions attached hereto. K:\Keilh\word\Con&Nec\C&N#40 - Brinania- A virnor-Legal.doc EXCLUSIONS FROM CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. U-1O80- Order No. 16988 Ce11ificate No. 239 Fourth Amended Dated February 26, 1982 1) CAPITOL WATER CORPORATION Commencing at the Northwest Comer of Section 6, Township 3 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian; thence South along the Section Line to a point that is the Southwest Corner of Westgate Acres Subdivision; thence East along the South boundary of Westgate Acres Subdivision to the centerline of Allumbaugh Street; thence North along the centerline of Allumbaugh Street; thence East along the centerline of Northview Street to the centerline of Curtis Road; thence North along the centerline of Curtis Road to the centerline of Mountain View Drive; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Mountain View Drive to the centerline of Us tick Road; thence West along the centerline of Us tick Road to the Point Beginning; also The South 1/4 ofthe South 1/2 of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range I East, Boise Meridian, and the North Half of Section Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, also The North 3/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, in Ada County, Idaho also Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, thence South 89E46'32" East 1327.63 feet along the South Line of said Section to a 1/16 Corner; thence North OOE25'38" East 663.57 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 89E46'43" West 599.27 feet to a point; thence North OOE30' 5411 East 276.46 feet to a point; thence South 89E46' 3211 East 598.87 feet to a point; thence South OOE25' 5811 West 276.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. also The Northview Subdivision located in Section 6, Township 3 N011h, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 2 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. EUW-94- Order No. 26524 & 26337 Dated July 19 1996 & March 5 1996 I) An area bounded on the south by East Floating Feather Road, on the west by Linder Road, on the north by East Beacon Light Road and on the east by a line approximately 1/2 mile west of North Eagle Road. 2) An area bounded on the south by a line generally 1/4 mile south of State Highway 44, on the west by Linder Road, on the north by East Floating Feather Road and on the east by Ballantyne Lane extended. 3) An area generally bounded on the north by the Boise River, on the east by North Edgewood Lane extended, generally on the south by the change in elevation between the bench and the Boise River flood plain and on the west by a line 1/4 mile east of Ballantyne Lane extended. 4) An area bounded on the north by Floating Feather Road, on the west by Ballantyne Lane, on the south by the south line of the nOlth half of the south half of Section 7, Township 4 North Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, and on the east by the north-south section line conmlon to said Section 7 and Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian. Attachment 3 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-W.,99- Order No. 27976 Dated March 29, 1999 Caniage Hill Subdivision No. 1 located in the South 1/2 of Section 31, Township 3 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, and recorded in Book 26 of Plats at Page 29 records of Canyon County, Idaho; Coventry Place No.1 Subdivision located in the Northwest 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, and recorded in Book 24 of Plats at Page 42, records of Canyon County, Idaho; Coventry Place No.2 Subdivision located in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Canyon County, Idaho. Attachment 4 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-00- Order No. 28377 Dated 5-16-2000 Saddle Ridge and Danskin Ridge Subdivisions located in the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of Section 3 , Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, the North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian and the Northwest 1/4 of Section , Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 5 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NCESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-00- Order No. 28418 Dated 9-26-2000 M & M Mountain View Acres located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8 Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian and recorded in Book 11 at Page 13 , records of Canyon County, Idaho. Attachment 6 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NCESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED. Case No. UWI-01- Order No. 28885 Dated November 6, 2001 , DESCRIPTION FOR BELMONT HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION A parcel of land located in the South 1/2 of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 1 West Boise Meridian, Canyon County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at an aluminum cap monument marking the Southeast comer of said Section 20 from which a brass cap monument mm'king the South 1/4 corner of said Section 20 bears North 89016'00" West, 2668.54 feet; thence along the south boundary line of said Section 20 North 890 16'00" West, 1334.14 feet to a brass cap monument marking the East 1/16 corner of said Section 20, said point also being the REAL POINT OF BEIGINNING; thence continuing along said South boundary line North 89016'00" West. 521.51 feet; thence leaving said South boundary line North 20052'49" West, 458.24 feet to a point on the centerline of the Ridenbaugh Canal; thence along said centerline the following four courses: North 80027'24" West , 24.77 feet to the beginning ofa curve to the left; thence along said curve 281.06 feet, said curve having a radius of250.00 feet, a central angle of 64024'48" and a long chord of266.49 feet which bears South 67020'12" West to the point oftangency; thence South 35007'48" West , 46.81 feet; thence South 11053'53" West, 67.08 feet to the point of intersection of the centerline of the Ridenbaugh Canal and the centerline of the Dewey Lateral; thence along the centerline of the Dewey Lateral the following courses: North 75020'08" West, 110.90 feet; Attachment 7 thence North 450 12"02" West, 219.72 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; thence along said curve 100.41 feet, said curve having a radius of 400.00 feet, a central angle of 14023'00" and a long chord of 100.15 feet which bears North 38000'32" West to the point of tangency; thence North 30049'02" West, 42.53 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; thence along said curve 86.24 feet, said curve having a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of24O42'24" and a long chord of85.58 feet which bears North 18027'50" West to the point of tangency; thence North 06006'38" West, 68.82 feet; thence North 11048'38" West, 280.50 feet; thence North 33010'50" West, 321.11 feetto the beginning of a curve to the left; thence along said curve 111.69 feet, said curve having a radius of250.00 feet, a central angle of25O35'54" and a long chord of 110.77 feet which bears North 45058'47" West to the point of tangency; thence North 58046'44" West, 102.20 feet to a point on the East-West centerline of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 20; thence leaving the centerline of the said Dewey lateral and along said East-West centerline South 890 11 '18" East, 448.44 feet to the Center-South 1/16 corner of said Section 20; feet; thence along the North-South centerline of said Section 20 North 000 14' 13" East, 863. thence leaving said North-South centerline South 79004'56" East, 438.52 feet; thence North 32009'04" East, 200.00 feet; thence North 00023'04" East, 200.00 feet; thence North 17050'04" East, 91.00 feet; thence North 16052'56" West, 89.23 feet to a point on the East-West centerline of said Section 20; thence along said East-West centerline South 89006'56" East, 794,78 feet to the Center- East 1/16 corner of said Section 20; thence along the North-South centerline of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 20 South 00012'39" West, 2656.50 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 71.94 acres more or less. ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-02- Order No. 29141 Dated: October 31 , 2002 NAMP A CHARTER SCHOOL The legal description of a two hundred foot wide area for the proposed installation of local water services; being over and across parcels of land being more pmiicularly described as follows: An area generally being in pOliions of the South 1/2 of Section 10; and, portions of the North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Section 15 , all in Township 2 North, Range 2 West; Boise Meridian; Canyon County, Idaho; Said area particularly being the one hundred foot (100.00') wide margin lying nOliherly , and adjoining, the following described line: Beginning at a point marking the East 1/16 Comer common to said Sections 10 and 15; said point also being on the centerline of the right-of-way of Lewis Lane; thence, along the said section line common to Sections 10 and 15, also being the said centerline of Lewis Lane, N 890 13'44" W 640.00 feet to a point; thence, said area continuing, but being two hundred feet wide with one hundred foot (100.00') wide margins centered along and respectively lying both northerly and southerly of, and adjoining, the following described line: along the said section line common to Sections 10 and 15, also being the said centerline of Lewis Lane, N 890 13'44" W 683.68 feet to a point marking the Qum1er Section Corner common to said Sections 10 and 15; also, being the intersection of the right-of-way centerlines of said Lewis Lane and Sunnyridge Road; thence, said area continuing and being two-hundred feet wide with one hundred foot (100.00') wide margins centered along and respectively lying both easterly and westerly of, and adjoining, the following described line: leaving said centerline of Lewis Lane and running along the said centerline of Sunnyridge Road; also, being the north-south center of section line for said Section 10, N 0011'21" E 1322.73 feet to a point mm'king the Center South 1/16 Corner of said Section 10; thence, continuing along said center of section line and centerline of Suffilyridge Road, N 12'02" E 500,00 feet to a point in the centerline of Sunnyridge Road lying N 89049'27" W 40.00 feet distant fl.-om the Real Point of Beginning of the Coventry Place No.1 Subdivision, as Attachment 8 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No, UWI-04- Order No. 29610 Dated: November 4, 2004 PARCEL #6452 Located in the SW comer, SWl/4 SWl/4, Section 11 , Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho Parcell Located in a p0l1ion of the SWl/4 SWl/4, Section 11 , Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. As recorded in Record of Survey #4549, Instrument #990211375. Pm'cel 2 Located in a portion of the SWl/4 SWI/4, Section 11 , excluding that portion located in the NWI/4 of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. As recorded in Record of Survey #4549, Instrument #990211375. Attachment 9 recorded in Canyon County Instrument No. 9735984; Records of Canyon County, Idaho; being the terminus of said centerline of the herein described m'ea, ALSO, including all ofthe east 640,00 feet of the N011hwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 said Section 15, Township 2 North, Range 2 West; Boise Meridian; Canyon County, Idaho. EXCLUSION FROM CERTIFICATE OF CONENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO, 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI- W-O4- Order No. 29625 Dated: November 9, 2004 Carriage Hill Subdivision No.1 located in the South ~ of Section 31 , Township 3 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, and recorded in Book 2 of Plats at Page 29 records of Canyon County, Idaho. Attachment 10 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE ANDNECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No.: 29785 Dated: May 12, 2005 BLACK ROCK AREA A parcel of land being all ofthe East Y2 of Section 4, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho; and, all of the South Y2; all of the South Y2 of the North Y2, all in Section 32; and, all ofthe South Y2; all ofthe Northeast Y4; and all of the South Y2 of the Northwest Y4, all in Section 33; said Sections 32 and 33 being in Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 11 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No. 29941 Dated: December 30, 2005 HIDDEN SPRINGS/CARTWRIGHT RANCH A parcel of land being all of Section 8; and all of the South Y2 of Section 5; and all of the Southwest and the West Y2 of the East Y2, all in Section 4; and all ofthe West and the West Y2 of the East Y2, all in Section 9; all being in Township 4 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho~ Attachment 12 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED LEXINGTON MEADOWS Case No. UWI-05- Order No, 29941 Dated: December 30, 2005 A parcel of land situated in the West Yz of Section 20, T.3N., RI W., B.M., Canyon County, Idaho, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner SW Y4 NW ~ (NW 1/161h Corner) of said Section 20; Thence along the North Line ofthe SW ~ NW ~ of said Section 20 North 89021'33" West, 224.60 feet to an iron pin, the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence leaving said North Line South 00045'30" East, 562.23 feet to an iron pin; Thence South 27009'05" East, 29.00 feet to an iron pin; Thence South 14053'05" East, 309.70 feet to an iron pin; Thence South 72051'05" East, 129,60 feet to an iron pin on the East Line of the SW ~ NW~ of said Section 20; Thence along said East Line South 00001'55/1 West, 402.02 feet to the Southeast Corner SW Y4 NW ~ (CW 1/16111 Comer) of said Section 20; Thence leaving said East Line along the East Line of the NW Y4 SW of said Section 20 South 00000'22" East 318.71 feet to an iron pin; Thence leaving said East Line South 89021'00" East, 484.63 feet to a point on the Centerline of the Rawson Canal; Thence along the Centerline of said Rawson Canal South 27002'26" East, 27.68 feet to a point; Thence continuing, South 41005'39" East, 304.27 feet to a point; Thence continuing, South 51051'43" East, 294.14 feet to a point; Thence continuing, South 740 15'01/1 East, 387.46 feet to a point; Thence continuing, South 44059'19" East, 46.35 feet to a point on the East Line of the NE ~ SW ~ of said Section 20; Thence leaving said Centerline along said East Line South 00000'00" West, 447.17 feet to the Southeast Corner NE Y4 SW V4 (CS 1/16111 Corner) of said Section 20, marked by an iron pin; Thence leaving said East Line along the South Line of the NE V4 SW Y4 of said Section 20 North 89025'32" West, 453.51 feet to a point on the Centerline of the Dewey Lateral; Thence leaving said South Line along the Centerline of said Dewey Lateral, North 580 18'29" West, 357.60 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of225.00 feet, a central angle of21 019'01 ", a length of 83.71 feet and a long chord that bears North 47037'30" West , 83.23 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 36058'00" West, 544,14 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the left having a radius of 870.00 feet, a central angleof06O25t30", a length of97.56 feet and a long chord that bears Attachment 13 North 40010145" West, 97.51 feetto a point; Thence continuing, North 43023'30" West, 255.06 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of26O58'07", a length of235.35 feet and a long chord that bears North 29054'27" West, 233.18 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 16025'23" West, 131.82 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 22000'05" West, 80.48 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the left having a radius of200.00 feet, a central angle of 430 17'30", a length of 151.12 feet and a long chord that bears North 43038'50" West, 147.55 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 650 17'35" West, 67.89 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of35O30'18", a length of 111.54 feet and a long chord that bears North 47032'26" West, 109.77 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 29047'17" West, 44.34 feet tq.a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of250.00 feet, a central angle of 41 008'02", a length of 179.49 feet and a long chord that bears North 090 13'11" West, 175.66 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 11020'55" East, 140.84 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the left having a radius of200.00 feet, a central angle of 46020'00", a length of 161.73 feet and a long chord that bears North 11049'05" West, 157.36 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 34059'05" West, 168.93 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of150.00 feet, a central angle of 41 0 17'24", a length 108.10 feet and a long chord that bears North 14020123" West, 105.77 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 060 18'19" East, 54.69 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the left having a radius of 110,00 feet, a central angle of 50040'12", a length of97.28 feet and a long chord that bears North 19001 '47" West, 94.14 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 44021'53" West, 143.37 feet to a point; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of300.00 feet, a central angle of26O42'18", a length of 139.83 feet and a long chord that bears North 31000'44" West, 138.56 feet to a point; Thence continuing, North 17039'35" West, 15.23 feet to a point on the North Line of the SW \14 NW y,. of said Section 20; Thence leaving said Centerline along said North Line South 89021 '36" East, 633.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: Said Pm'cel Contains 30.97 Acres, more or less. Attachment 13 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No, 29929 Dated: December 13 , 2005 COVENANT HILLS SUBDIVISION A parcel orland located in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner common to sections 5, 6, 7 and the said Section 8, from which the 114 corner common to said sections 5 and 8 bears South 89018'05"2654.81 feet; Thence South 890 18 '05" East, 1325.11 feet (record 1331.29 feet) to a point which bears North 89018'05" West, 2.47 feet fi'om a Brass Cap monument marking the West 1/16 comercommon to said Sections 5 and 8; Thence South 00045'51" West, and along the East line of the Northwest 114 of the Northwest 1/4 as'said line was located by Downing Downs Subdivision No., a subdivision recorded in book 28 of plats at page 1771 , records of Ada County, Idaho, a distance of 179. feet to a found 5/8" iron pipe marking the northwest corner of said Downing Downs Subdivision No. Thence continuing and along the West line of said subdivision South 00045' 51" West 723.48 feet to a found 1/2" iron pin marking the West lot corner of lots 7 and 8, Block 1 of said Downing Downs Subdivision No. Thence continuing along the West line of said subdivision South 1009'51" West, 843. feet to a found 112" iron pin marking the Southwesterly corner of said subdivision (record for the previous 3 courses and distances is South 00030' West , 1749.91 feet); Thence continuing South 1009'51" West, 15.92 feet to a point in the New Dry Creek Canal; Thence along said canal North 44053 '40" West, 170.00 feet; Thence 176.82 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 520.51 feet, a central angle of 19027'48", and a long chord bearing North 54037'34 West, 175.97 feet; Thence North 64021 '28" West, 455.83 feet; Attachment 14 Thence North 67041 09" West, 116.27 feet to a point on the extended North line ofthe Baker s Acres Subdivision, as same is recorded in book 36 of plats at page 3072, records of Ada County, Idaho; Thence along said line and the North line of said subdivision, common to the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 8, South 89027'28" West, 540.43 feet to the North 1/16 corner common to said Sections 7 and 8; Thence along the East line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 North 10 10'00" East, 594.08 feet; Thence South 89027'42" West , 300.00 feet; Thence North 10 10'00" East, 726.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 7; Thence along said line North 89027'42" East, 300.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 48.41 acres, more or less. Attachment 14 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO, 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 CLOVERDALE ROAD, BETWEEN FRANKLIN ROAD AND USTICK ROAD A pm'cel ofland being the East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of Sections 4 and 9; Township 3 North, Range 1 East Attachment 15 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No, UWI-O5- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 EAGLE ROAD AND MCMILLAN ROAD Parcels of land being: all of the Northeast 1I4 of the Northeast 1/4; all of the Northeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1I4 of the Northeast 1/4; all of the East 1/2 ofthe Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; all of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; and all of the East 1I2 of the Northwest 1/4 ofthe Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; all in Section 32, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 16 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 LAKE HAZEL ROAD TO COLUMBIA ROAD A parcel ofland being all of the East 1/2 of Section Township 2 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 17 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH A1V1ENDED Case No. UWI- W-05- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 LINDER ROAD AND COLUMBIA ROAD ADJACENT TO DANSKIN A parcel ofland being the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11 , Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 18 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 COLUMBIA ROAD AND BLACK CAT INCLUDING IRON HORSE SUBDNISION A parcel of land being all of the Southeast 1/4; the North 1/2 ofthe Southwest 1/4; and the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; all in Section 3; Township 2 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho. Attachment 19 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-05- Order No. 30070 Dated: June 8, 2006 THE AMENDED BLACK ROCK BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT A parcel of land being all of the East 1/2 of Section 33; Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; Ada County, Idaho Attachment 20 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED PARR ADDITION Case No. GNR-04- Order No. 30252 Dated: April 5, 2007 A parcel ofland being a portionofthe West 1/2 of Section 14; Township 4 North, Range I East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho; more particulm'ly described as follows: Beginning at a point marking the intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of W. State Street (Idaho State Highway No. 44) and the north-south center of section line of said Section 14; also, being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, leaving said southwesterly right-of-way line and along said north-south center of section line, Northerly to a point marking the Center-North 1/16 Section Corner of said Section , said point also marking the northeast corner of Randall Acres Subdivision No., as recorded in Book 13 of Plats at Page 805, Ada County Records; thence, leaving said north-south center of section line and along the north boundary line of said Randall Acres Subdivision No, 8, Westerly to a point marking the northerly lot corner common to Lots 12 and 13 , Block 1 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving said north boundary line of said Randall Acres Subdivision No., and along the lot line common to said Lots 12 and 13 , Southerly to a point on the north right-of-way line of Arnold Road, said point also marking the southerly lot corner common to said Lots 12 and 13; thence, leaving said north right-of-way line, Southwesterly to a point on the south right-of- way line of Arnold Road, said point also mm'king the northerly lot comer common to Lots 15 and , Block 2 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving said south right-of-way line and along the lot line common to said Lots 15 and 16, Southerly to a point marking the lot comer common to Lots 15, 16 35 and 36, Block 2 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving the lot line common to said Lots 15 and 16, and along the lot line common to said Lots 35 and 36, Southerly to a point on the north right-of-way line of Shields Road, said point also marking the southerly lot corner common to said Lots 35 and 36; thence, leaving said north right-of-way line, Southwesterly to a point on the south right-of- way line of said Shields Road, said point also marking the northerly lot comer common to Lots 6 and 7, Block 3 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No, 8; thence, leaving said south right-of-way line and along the lot line common to said Lots 6 and , Southerly to a point mm'king the southerly lot comer common to said Lots 6 and 7, said point also being on the southerly boundary line of said Randall Acres Subdivision No.8, and the north right-of-way line of the Spoil Banks Canal (formerly referenced as Drain No.15 of Irrigation Drainage District No.2); thence, leaving the southerly boundary line of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. Southwesterly to a point on the northerly boundmy line of Randall Acres Subdivision No., as recorded in Book 13 of Plats at Page 807, Ada County Records; said point marking the northerly lot corner common to Lots 12 and 13 , Block 4 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No., said point also being on the southerly right-of-way line of said Spoil Banks Canal; thence, leaving said northerly subdivision boundary line, and along the lot line common to said Lots 12 and 13, Southwesterly to a point on the northerly right-of-way line ofUtahna Road said point also marking the southerly lot comer common to said Lots 12 and 13; thence, leaving said northerly right-of-way line, Southeasterly to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of said Utahna Road, said point also marking the northerly lot corner common to Lots 28 and 29, Block 3 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving said southerly right-of-way line and along the lot line common to said Lots 28 and 29, Southwesterly to a point marking the lot corner common to Lots 9, 10 28 and 29 Block 3 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving the lot line common to said Lots 28 and 29, and along the lot line common to said Lots 9 and 10, Southwesterly to a point on the northerly right-of-way line ofMaymie Road said point also marking the southerly lot corner common to said Lots 9 and 10; thence, leaving said northerly right-of-way line, Southeasterly to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of said Maymie Road, said point also mat'king the northerly lot corner common to Lots 30 and 31 , Block 2 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving said southerly right-of-way line and along the lot line common to said Lots 30 and 31, Southwesterly to a point marking the lot comer common to Lots 7, 8 30 and 31 Block 2 of said Randatl Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving the lot line common to said Lots 30 and 31 , at1d along the lot line common to said Lots 7 and 8, Southwesterly to a point on the nOlih right-of-way line of Claudia Road, saidpoint also marking the southerly lot corner common to said Lots 7 and 8; thence, leaving said northerly right-of-way line, Southeasterly to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of said Claudia Road, said point also mat'king the northerly lot corner common to Lots 27 and 28, Block 1 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving said southerly right-of-way line and along the lot line common to said Lots 27 and 28, Southwesterly to a point marking the lot corner common to Lots 5, 6, 27 and 28 Block 1 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving the lot line common to said Lots 27 and 28, and along the lot line common to said Lots 5 and 28, Northwesterly to a point marking the lot corner common to Lots 4, 5, 28 and , Block 1 of said Randall Acres Subdivision No. thence, leaving the lot line common to said Lots 5 and 28, and along the lot line common to said Lots 4 and 5 , Southwesterly to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of said W. State Street, said point also marking the southerly lot corner common to said Lots 4 and 5; thence, leaving the northeasterly right-of-way line of said W. State Street, and continuing Southwesterly and perpendicular to said W. State Street right-of-way line, to a point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of said W. State Street; thence, along the said southwesterly right-of-way line ofW. State Street, Southeasterly to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Attachment 21 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-07- Order No. 30352 Dated: June 28, 2007 BRITT ANIA HEIGHTS I SUBDIVISION A portion ofland located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29, T.3N., R.I W. 80M., Canyon County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 29, thence S 000 49' 32" W along the East boundmy of said Section 29 also being the centerline of McDennott Rd. for a distance of 1854.89 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing S 000 49' 32" W along said East boundary and centerline for a distance of 801.60 feet to the Southeast corner ofthe Northeast 1/4 of said Section 29 (East 1/4); thence leaving said East boundmy and centerline N 880 46' 17" W along the South boundary of said Northeast 1/4 for a distance of 1337.15 feet to the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 29; thence leaving said South boundmy N 000 53' 26" E along the West boundmy of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 for a distance of 1328.48 feet to the Northwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence S 880 46' 05" E along the North boundary of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 for a distance of 684.75 feet to a point on the centerline of the Ridenbaugh Canal; thence along the centerline of the Ridenbaugh Canal for the following nine courses: S 540 59' 32" E for a distance of 171.22 feet to a point of curve to the right; thence along said curve to the right for an arc distance of 64.28 feet, said curve having a radius of 187.37 feet, a central angle of 190 39' 23", and a long chord which bears S 450 09' 50" E for a distance of 63.97 feet to a point of tangent; thence S 350 20' 09" E for a distance of 43.34 feet to a point of curve to the right; thence a,long said curve to the right for an at'c distance of 41.28 feet, said curve having a radius of 66.41 feet, a central angle of35O 36' 51", and a long chord which bears S 170 31' 44" E for a distance of 40.62 feet to a point of tangent; Attachment 22 thence S 000 16' 42" W for a distance of 101.39 feet to a point of cmve to the left; thence along said curve to the left for an arc distance of 70.78 feet, said curve having a radius of 100.75 feet, a central angle of 400 15' 05", and a long chord which bears S 190 50' 50" E for a distance of 69.3 3 feet to a point of tangent; thence S 390 58' 23" E for a distance of 13.99 feet to a point of curve to the left; thence along said curve to the left for an arc distance of79.91 feet, said cmve having a radius of 141.05 feet, a central angle of32O 27' 39", and a long chord which bears S 560 12' 12" E for a distance of78.85 feet to a point of tangent; thence S 720 26' 02" E for a distance of338.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; containing 35.85 acres ofland more or less. Attaclmlent 22 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED Case No. UWI-07- Order No. 30352 Dated: June 28, 2007 BRITT ANIA HEIGHTS IT SUBDIVISION A pat'cel of land located in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 29, T.3N., R.1 W., B., Canyon County, Idaho, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 29 (South 1/4), from which the Center 1/4 corner bears N 00056'50" E, 2647.66 feet; thence N 00056'50" E along the West boundary of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, also being the centerline of S. Dewey Lane for a distance of 1323.82 feet (formerly N 00056'23" E); thence S 88042'49" E along the North boundmy of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 for a distance of 1338.56 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N 00053' 18" E along the West boundary of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 for a distance of 1325.21 feet (formerlyN 00052'47" E, 1325.15 feet) to the Northwest corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence S 88046' 15" E along the North boundary of said Northeast 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 for a distance of784.55 feet (formerly S 88046'50" E); thence S 00049'31" W for a distance of 1326.01 feet to a point on the South boundmy of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence N 88042'49" W along said South bound my for a distance of 405.98 feet; thence leaving said South boundary S 00052'47" W for a distance of 1325,53 feet (formerly S 00052'48" W, 1325.43 feet) to a point on the South boundary of said Section 29, also being the centerline ofE. Amity Road; thence N 88039'24" W along said South boundary and centerline for a distance of 1720.18 feet to the point of beginning; containing 70.92 acres ofland, more or less. Attachment 22 ADDITION TO CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 FORTIETH AMENDED A VIMOR Case No. UWI-07- Order No. 30380 Dated: July 23, 2007 The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast qual1er of Section 6, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County and Boise County line. Section 7, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County and Boise County line. The southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8 Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County and Boise County line. The north half of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter, the west half of the southwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the south half ofthe southeast qmn1er, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County and Boise County line. Section 18, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. The northeast quarter, the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idall0. Section 20, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. Section 21, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County and Boise County line. The southwest qum1er of the northwest qum1er, the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 22, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian Ada County, Idaho lying southwest of the Ada County mId Boise County line. The northwest quarter of the n011hwest quarter of Section 27, Township 5 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, Attachment 22 The north half of the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. The north half of the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. The south half of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter ofthe northwest quarter, the north half of the northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 30 Township 5 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. The northeast quarter ofthe southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 1 East Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. The above-described Certificated Area contains approximately 4 300 acres, more or less. Attachment 22