HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220329Customer and Published Notices.pdfTeton Water and Sewer Company PO Box 786, Driggs,ID 83422 Office: 208-54-0256 Email: tetonws@silverstar.com To Our Utility Customers, Teton Springs, like the region, has experienced a rapidly increasing growth of new homes, as well as significantly greater use of all facilities in the last few years. With that growth, we have seen increases in the overall demand on both water and sewer systems as well as increases in repairs and replacement. In20l9, demand, specifically water demand, increased significantly over prior years. This growth in demand was enough to have the Company accelerate our timeline for capital projects. Then, with the events of 2020 and202l, growth accelerated at an even more rapid rate. 2022 appears to be a continuation of that trend. As many of you know, we have been planning for the addition of a new water well or wells to meet both our current and future demand as well as provide for redundancy in the event we have a failure of either of our 2 existing wells, both of which were drilled approximately 20 years ago. Many of you have also seen water leak repairs being conducted throughout the community over the past few years. On February 25,2022, the Company filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), Case No. TTS-W-22-02, requesting permission to increase its water rates to aid in construction of a new well or wells as well as provide for funds for repair and replacement of ffiastructure going forward. Following is a chart showing the rates that have been requested for current and future anticipated expenditures: Customer Type Meter Size Current Rate per Ouarter Proposed Rate per Ouarter oZ lncrease Residential I ,)$ 118 $ 220 86.44% Commercial I t)$ 118 $ 220 86.44% Commercial 2"$ 244 $ 4s6 86.89% Commercial J g 927 $ 1,732 86.84% Commercial 4"$ 1,180 $ 2,205 86.86% Commercial 6"$ 1,770 $ 3,307 86.48% The request for authority to increase its water rates is subject to public review and a Commission decision, which it may accept, modiff or reject in whole or in part. A copy of the Application is on file and available for inspection at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I 13l I W Chinden Blvd., Boise, Idaho, and the Company's offices located at: 3940 Grand St, Driggs Idaho 83422. The Application is also available on-line at: httos: //puc.idaho. gov/case/Details/6449 You can also file a comment on the Application via the Commission's website at: https://puc. idaho. eov/Forrn/CaseComment As always, please feel free to contact our office at any time with questions. Thank you, Jon Pinardi Teton Water and Sewer Company EXHIBIT 10-B (PL]BLISHED NOTICE DRAFT) TETON WATER AI\D SEWER COMPAI\IY, LLC., NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\ID CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE Teton Water and Sewer Company, LLC, filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") on February 25,2022, Case No. TTS-W-22-02, requesting that the Commission grant it permission to increase its rates and charges for the purpose of construction of a new well or wells as well and other infrastructure repairs and replacement. The new well(s) would provide for a new point of diversion to obtain water already permitted to the Company under its existing water rights with the ldaho Departnent of Water Resources. The proposed well is necessary so that the Company can continue to provide reliable water to its current and future customers. All necessary permits required for the construction of the well are in effect from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. This notice is solely for the purpose of obtaining the authorization from the Commission to increase its rates to assist with funding the construction. Following is a chart showing the rates that have been requested for current and future anticipated expendirures: The request for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges is subject to public review and a Commission decision, which it may accepf modify or reject in whole or in part. A copy of the Application is on file and available for inspection at the Idaho Fublic Utilities Commission, I 13l I W Chinden Blvd., Boise, Idaho, and the Company's offices located at: 3940 Grand St, Driggs Idaho 83422. The Application is also available on-line at: httlrs://puc.idaho. sov/case/Details/6449 You can also file a comment on the Application via the Commission's website at: https://puc. idaho. gov/Form/CaseComment Additionally, you can mail comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074; or CustomerType Meter Size Current Rate per Ouarter Proposed Rate per Quarter 9o Increase Residential t'$ua $ 220 86.44c,h Commercial t'$ua $ 220 86.44o1o Commercial 2 $ 244 $ 4s6 86.899o Commercial 3 $ 927 $r,732 86.84olo Commercial 4 $ 1.180 $ 2,205 86.869o Commercial 6"$ L77o $ 3,307 86.489o TetonWaterand Seurer Compann LLC P.O. Box 786 Driggs,Idaho 83422 In any comments filed with the Commission and also s€rlt to the Company tho Case No. of this matter, Case No. TTS-W-22-02, should be included. Sincereln Teton \Mater and Sewer Company, LLC