HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220329Amended Application.pdf)-!, .. ,,tv, -:lL'at, .L.\. l Jon Pinardi Managing Member Teton Water and Sewer Company, LLC 3940 Grand Street Driggs,Idaho 83422 Telephone: 208-354-0256 Email: tetonws@silverstar.com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TETON WATER & SEWER COMPAI\ry FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\D CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. REVISED APPLICATION - MARCH 23,2022 ) .: ,'r! a .:.- l!t l4 t t._. -:.:.,-:,:'. .!':. ;,,i lUi i b BEFORE TITE IDAHO PTIBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) )cAsE NO. TTS-W-22-02 ) ) ) COMES NOW Teton Water and Sewer Company, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Applicanf' and holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 475 from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission hereby applies to the Commission for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. Applicant is a Limited Liability Corporation duly qualified to do business in Idaho. The Applicant currently provides water service to 302 residential and 4 commercial customers in or about the city of Victor in Teton County, Idaho, an area of very rapid growth. Attached to this Application is a current map of the service area showing the location of wells, reservoirs, transmission mains and distribution lines. Also attached is a written legal description defrning the boundaries of the service area. Application is made to the Commission to authorize an increase in water rates as shown in the following chart: Customers Meter Size Current Count Current Billing per Quarter Cunent Billed Revenue Proposed Billing Per Quarter Proposed Billed Revenue % Increase Residential I 299 $ ll8 $ 141.r28 $ 220 $263.120 86.44% Commercial I J $ ll8 $ 1.416 $ 220 $ 2.640 86.44% Commercial 2"I $ 244 $ 976 $ 456 $ 1.824 86.890/o Commercial J I $ 927 $ 3.708 $ 1.732 $ 6.928 86.840/o Commercial 4"I $ 1.180 s 4.720 s 2.205 $ 8.820 86.860/o Commercial 6:I $ 1.770 $ 7.080 $ 3.307 s 13.228 86.84o/o Total 306 $ 159.028 $ 296.560 86/8% Applicant requests that such changes in rates and charges be effective on July 1,2022. Applicant hereby certifies that it will notifu its customers of the Application by inserting a notice in each customer's bill mailed on April 6,2022. A similar notice will be published in the Teton Valley News on April 13,2022. Copies of these notices will be provided to the Commission prior to those dates for approval. Based upon the test year ended December 31,2021, Applicant believes its proposed increase in rates and charges is justified to plan, engineer, permit, drill and construct a third well and begin the process for a fourth well for the Company's water system. The purpose for the third and fourth wells are to meet the Company's current and future service obligations and to provide system redundancy should either of the existing wells fail. This need is further described in three prior cases before the Commission including Case No. TTS-W-I7-01, Case No. TTS-W- l9-01 and recently in the Applicant's Application to Authorize Debt for Purpose of Well Construction, Commission Case No. TTS-W-20-01 with debt authorized in the amount of $450,000 by Order No. 34603. An additional purpose for the increase in rates is to fund the location and repairs of water leaks on the system. This item has been discussed with staffand is evidenced by the increasing withdrawals from the capital reserve fund for leak repairs. The increase in rates will supply a7 year re-capture of the estimated expense of the well as evidenced by the authorized loan amount, plus interest. The estimate is based on a $450,000 7-year loan at 7%o tnterest with interest only for the 3 years and principal and interest thereafter for the remaining 4 years. lncluded with this Application are an original and seven copies of the Application and: Annual Report 2021 Exhibit Nos. I through 9 as follows: Exhibit No. 1, Schedule A, Plant in Service from Annual Report for Year End202l Exhibit No. l, Schedule B, Accumulated Depreciation from Annual Report for Year End202l Exhibit No. 1, Schedule C, Rate Base Summary Exhibit No. 2, Schedule A, Revenues and Expenses from Annual Report for Year End202l Exhibit No. 2, Schedule B, lncome Statement from Annual Report for Year End202l Exhibit No. 3, Cost of Capital and Rate of Return Exhibit No. 4, Revenue Requirement Exhibit No. 5, a marked up copy of Applicant's existing residential tariffshowing the proposed changes in rates and charges. Exhibit No. 6, a marked up copy of Applicant's existing commercial tariff showing the proposed changes in rates and charges. Exhibit No. 7, a clean copy of Applicant's proposed residential tariff. Exhibit No. 8, a clean copy of Applicant's proposed commercial tariff. Exhibit No. 9, a copy of the tariff form to be used to state either existing or proposed non- recurring fees for initial hook-up and reconnection fees. Exhibit No. 10, draft copies of the customer's bill notification and the published notice. Exhibit No. l l, a current map of the water system Exhibit No. 12, a written legal description of the boundaries of the service area (Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 475) Also included are seven copies of the following workpapers and supplemental schedules: A monthly schedule of water pumped from each of the Company's wells. System Engineering Data from Annual Report for Year end202l, Workpapers explaining and showing the development of known changes to the test year financial data shown on Exhibit Nos. I through 4. Workpapers showing that the proposed rates will produce the revenue requirement shown on Exhibit No. 4, Column (D), line 3. Applicant further states that it stands ready for immediate consideration of this Application. Teton Water and Sewer Company respectfully requests favorable consideration of this Application. Please direct any questions or correspondence related to the Application to the Applicant as indicated on page 1. Dated this 23rd day of March,2022. Respectfully submitted, Teton Water and Sewer Company Jon Pinardi, Managing Member