HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220103Application.pdfTETON WATER & SEWER COMPANY December 21 ,2021 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN Commission Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Dear Com rnission Secretary: In reference to Order No. 30718, in which the Commission authorized the creation of a reserve fund, Teton Water and Sewer Company is reporling on the following projects for 2021 and the use of the reserve fund: Water Leak Repair at 48 Moulton Lane. In January 2021,we noticed water puddling around the curb box in the driveway of the home. Within days it was streaming across the driveway and sidewalk. Upon excavation, it was found that the poly line on the company side of the curb stop had failed at the curb stop. Repairs were made immediately for the leak with repairs to the driveway and landscaping cornpleted later in the year. Unfortunately, damage was to the asphalt driveway as well as to the concrete sidewalk and concrete driveway apron (some concrete damage came from repair equipment as well). Total cost for the project was $ 13,328.60, a larger sum than usual for this type ofrepair given the nature ofthe damage and escalation ofconstruction costs. Water Leak Repair at 73 Beesley Lane. In August 2021,we noticed water bubbling up from under the street near where a repair had been made in2020. Over 2 days, it got significantly worse so repairs were immediately scheduled. Upon excavation, we found that the poly line leading from the main to the curb box had failed downline from where the repairs were made the prior.year. Given this development, it was determined to replace the entire poly line from the main to the curb box. This longer run netessitated going through the street again as well as the concrete curb on both sides of the street, plus some landscaping and the concrete sidewalk. Total cost foi the project was $11,336.25. Water Leak Repair at 33 Targhee Trail. During the winter of 2020-21 , we noticed snow melting in a section of asphalt road throughout the winter. In the spring, using our leak detection equipment, we identified a leak in the area near the main line under theroad. Upon excavation in September, we found that the poly line had a hole in it at the corp stop on the main line. This leak was exactly the same as the prior yeat at 37 Targhee Trail. The depth of the line was I 1', necessitating a substantial excavation. As before, we determined it best to replace the entire section of poly line between the main and the curb box. Total cost for the project for 2021 was $ 10,830.00. Given how late in the year the repair was made, we were not able to have asphalt done before winter. Therefore, there willbe asphalt costs associated with this repair in2022. The total cost ofthese projects, $35,494.85, exceeded the available funds in the reserve account for2021. At the start ofthe year, theaccount had $4,666.55, with the addition of funds at $640/month for the year, it provided for a year-end available funds of $ i2,106.55.As such, we only transferred $ I 1 ,208.85 to reimburse the operating account, leaving a balance of $24,286.00 of expenses that werecovered by funds other than the capital account. This does not include asphalt work still to be completed at 33 Targhee Trail in 2022. A question, shall we withdraw funds in 2022 from the reserve account to reimburse the operating account for the remaining unreimbursedexpenses? At $640/month or $7440 for the year, this will not cover the $24,286 in unreimburr"d "*p.nr", plus any repairs found andmade in2022. There is good news, using our leak detection equipment, we identified three additional leaks in2O2l ,all at curb stops on developedhomesites' One leak has not yet been addressed, however, the other two leaks were repaired but since the poly line had failed on thehomeowner side of the curb stop, the repairs were made at the homeowner expense. We have included a summary of expenses for each project, the invoices for all of these expenses as well as the euickbooks Reportshowing funds inlout of the Company Reserve Account. Also included are photographs of each of the projects. We s to be processed through modified procedure. \L' Water & Sewer Company (208) 354-0256 Jon Tet, Cell 8)201-4798 RECEIVED 2022 JAN 03 AM 8:00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TTS-W-22-01 oE')(E o- o\N(n @ oN- l\O)@ a a a c, ro Lr) lr) rr, ro Lr) lr) lr) ro tr) ro to oo oo o oro o o o o o o o o) o) o) o) o) o o o F N N F F F!e F \ F- \ \' o, o, c"j (rj rj c"j c.j d c.j + F- rj rrj F* F- r-!Q \ Q - !? ql qt.+ t- Q):- - (f) ro F-.o O, to N; i- b)(o $ o F- o or ro - s o N rt o (o N s (c) ro F (f) N co$ Nio c", +s ^igf) c.ido --:- N --: --:--: Q O O OO OO OO O O O OO O rarc) Oc) c)c)o O O OO OO - OC) OO OO O N tO O () O Oo, o cj ci ci ci ci,ri cj d ci d d o o, r- o.i cj c.i d c;@ N N N N N N l.- N (\ ON N N cO 6 \r' N t + Nr @ (O (o (O $ (O (O (O (O (f) (O (o (O N N F (o i 6 (oN c.i ' c.t --:rl Q QA O O c) O OOO OO c)O O rOO c)c) O Oq qq q q q q r qq qq qq q 6{ q C q q qo) OO O O @ O rO Oc) OO OO O, l.- N cl N O o@ N (\ N N N N 1.. 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Box I87 Victor,lD 83455 208-787-2488 Teton Springs Water & Server lnvoice Date lnvoice # 1/2012021 24429 \e;Y;\fi4" iAn adflitional4/o wilt be charged. 1 I I I Due Date Project 112012021 Quantity 6.5 6.5 6 0.5 3.5 18 Description Rate Work Performed Amount Backhoe Labor Opelator Labor Compactol Day Truck Drain Rock e. 9/R*"I LaY'\€f _\+4"^\-'--)" u^ rLe,2' lCu" t\\)'" r Q*Ya -..*-v';;*\{"t"r\9- t r;*lrx'+.?\ p-P 100.00 45.00 65.00 150.00 100.00 24.00 t/t2t202t 65 0.00 292.50 390.00 75.00 350.00 432.00 Due by the 15th of the mronth. Invoices 30 days past clue rvill be assessed an I g% annual interest charge.Total $2,r8e.so we would like to go paperless with our invoicing. Please providelus with your e-mail address atmatkinbros@silverstar.com. paper invoices wilihave u "ilurg. "tiz. ---- r --' - "'B' d Ve accept MasterCard, Visa and Arnerican Express. Matkin Blothet's Excavation, Inc P.0, Box 187 Victor, TD 83455 208-787-2488 n lbCbl Ve ';- pol* Due Date 5118t2021 Worl< Pelfblnred *.u&Y€' $2,428.00 Pnr1€awa-./{ Description I I 3.5 1 1 4.5 4 -) I 1 1.5 3 1 Backhoe Operatol Labor Mini Excavator Pickup & Tlailer Compactor Day I-abor Tlucl< Dunrp Fee Loader Labor Crushed Bacldroe Pickup & Tlailer l I0.00 65.00 1 10.00 1 10.00 150.00 s0.00 1 10.00 100.00 120.00 50.00 22.00 1 10.00 r 10.00 412812021 5l12lZ02t 5ll3/2021 Total Due by the 1 5th of the nionth. Invoices 30 days past due rvill be assessed an lyo/oannual interestcharge. I Y-"::'! ]lf to go paperless with oul invoicing. Please provide us with your e-rrail addr.ess at rnatkinbros(lsilver.star.coir. paper. II rnvoices rvill have a charge of$2. I we accept MasterCald, visa and Arner.icarr Expless. An addirional 4vowillbe char.ged. Teton Splings Water & Server I r0,00 65,00 3 85.00 r 10.00 r 50.00 225.00 440.00 300,00 120.00 5 0.00 33.00 3 3 0,00 r 1 0.00 & s'*o ?tu*** q, Y Invoice Date Invoice # 5118/2021 25148 Ploject Quantity Ratc Amount IN \5) \ OooLr)L()(\ o sf.-co COo o-L @o(r) $(r)o E.x I I l=lmlold) An 4t 2I @zul xu] 00 F-Q:vo)(r)o)$- E E q fr $Isos $d"(o (o NI,(o u IJJo. IJJo d.o.D- e,I tU I.U(o col'- (r)o) codoi@ (f) F,z furOJ I:Em t 2. 1<a l<uJxF o ;)4i --I*=E *Et-z@ F F (o(r)an@00l- lr(o(o oo o $(oq 0000 U)tz ,1P',4 /.tL\tv ro ro zo o. No6 IJJo 3"1 [.-f,*-t Ifi l$.r} uH L.'L \*sx e\ 5 LOrOorOxxFXzxuXsX=x'<ntitrx OY*r?3smouY(f,mit e **'JJllJ-z o o- Elut cpf:t mLapp\t(o(r)N =J I,U I]J t-z 3o rr)|r) 00o(v)\t s")xtrt{to--\I = O XroS|r)() tuF (oFc?aNO I u: !J coe!Itr).- /\ CO Es#sE ui i 2un>dooz-ttao*;:P;Hk*frss66 t4tJHA\J t' 7,l-i r oz IUo o_ J Fz H*.', EE 23H gg '38fiH E =T =uE6[ ut :E JO 6tr zEzo--) Fr =o NNv(.) @ o M"t.ll =tuaoz tlnE;<z azoo9o O FH E 6FoJ o Teton Concrete, LLC 1 151 Eldon Ln. Victor, lD 83455 Phone: (307) 203-0727 Email : Tetonconcrete@gmai l.com Description Teton Water And Sewer Payment Terms Due upon receipt lnvoice # Date Quantity Rate 000334 08/07/2021 Total Concrete Removal and Disposal Exte rio r co n crete flatwork Sidewalk 30' x 5' Driveway 20'x 5' 4"+, 4000psi exterior 1.0 $800.00 2s0.0 $10.00 $800,00 $2,500,00 Subtotal $3,300.00 Total $3,300.00 Notes: Work completed at 48 Moulton dr. July, 2021. CBu"*c,'.r*-te- Si o(e-'*,t*'$* &' ()-'i*r-* 3 4-/r? l'$p'c:l-""\Pa-p*)'*""* Pu*"*.,'u*rotr'*'-- L'*o-k*" I - , ,,oQ st|l,#",t tJ { (}"ts" s(, r " bfftrkqp*:,t;"1#i=; T*? Page 1 of 1 lnvoice Avail V,hlley Construction.lD LLC PO Box 1077 47 S Main St Victor,lD 83455 US z?.\ -vlJ'a QJ. EEIil Teton water and sewer 10 Warm Creek Ln Victor. lD 834551,,1,,'ll,,l,,l,l,l,,l,l,,l,l, . r\roo)i/"7a /r,\*Y10 Warm Creek Ln Victor, lD 83455 08121 92 08121 92 Notes: 1 MOBILIZATION 2 HOT N/IXASPHALT Total Sales Tax Page 1 of 'l Total Due Cust # Customer Ref lnvolce # tnroi"" Ort" -----O* Orif Sure Green Lawn and Tree LLC P.O. Box 92 Victor,ID 83455 To: John Pilardi - 48 Moulton Statement Date 1113012021 Phone # 208-7 87 -901 s or 307-73 3-05 1 0 E-mail suregreen@hotmail. com Amount Due Amount Enc. $2,321.00 Date Transaction Amount Balance 041301202t 051281202r Baiance forward INV #70s24, --- Landscape Repair, I @ $2,321 .00 = 2,321.00 \ -c*.Y{u*" -'-'",, ul? \ Y-^ -*b)cn( yr;", \-tY,o lbounu'^ u P* 2,32t.00 0.00 2,321.00 Amount Due $2,321.00 €IF \t T I Htt I, r, F..;# rryffi:q; * l&-, "_ lfl- EE '+. :.''' -',i.*.{!.ffi a...r! '.,F " ' ,l ":i'.,..' 1";i";1% '?" i,I, dst Crt i,*',i..' i -'t !r1 ,}l' tE'-l I rc ' -li !;t, ItI .-'i'' 6i. , F,,#t,, rc r aot3 -,tt J b./ ,. c T- t F3 -,tt :t.! q.l 'i'tl tu.I.t't,h T 1 Tt:.' t T .ss B C -+s I - 6Po oo o;oo ro 1t\ oo C,sfo FI 1ft oqoorn ro {,r} LNc\ t-@f.. lrl I Itt I {t LNNdcnrn F{ FI {,r} xo E o o oL EL o.ct(! Oq O) C)o \o vi oodsloj <J> oo CJorn m {b LNNf-00F\ <tt tnv Go- c .9 EL LIvtoo o.oLo- OU .=oo- OJd. eo P(I, (EUxLU !(D-co- 6-o!fIEc(o -ll (o =op tn q)PoL(Jco(J .=(!o.qJd.oo-(o(JIA!c(oJ .g CL CL5.h -.9P(o (o(-)xtr-, =P LoP(J(I,L CoU:z- oP OJL(Jco(J CoP OJt- C.9P(obI L: b!c o.ttt E(J (u Poo (u .9o s o. 0.,UI ION o.a)tJ1 Irorl P(JoIlJ)N oz INrl o @-go Or =ii-oo0N '; rEEO(!>LF(!+{ !lok Yoo- (J E.= CL(!(J otrG c,oooco (r1 Matkin Brothels Excavation, Inc P.0. Box 187 Victor, ID 83455 208-787-2488 .\",,\zr\I' *.,".---V)r' -(to$-'-,-[''5 , qrr"l,{*_fu Invoice Date Invoice # 912012021 25461 *td \ w?rr"' I-;duvb't Dump Fee Truck Operatol Labor. Backhoe Mini Excavator Pickup & Trailer Labor' Compactor Day Clushed Tluck Dump Fee Clean fill to pit Pit Run Deliverer Backhoe Operatol Labor. Labor 0ompactol Day Ashphalt Saw p Operatol Labor. Labor Due by the 15th ofthe nronth. Invoices chalge. Teton Splings Water & Sewer 3 2 1.5 5 3.5 I.5 18.5 0.5 l2 3 3 2 24 6.5 L5 1 1.5 1.5ll r CI(Dr-re Date Project 912012021 Description I Rot"Work Perfornred Amount 100.00 1 10.00 65.00 1 10.00 r 10.00 1 I 0.00 5 0,00 150.00 22.00 r 10.00 I 00.00 25.0 0 15.00 I 10.00 65.00 5 0.00 150.00 145.00 65.00 50.00 pit vered per da5, res 30 days past due rvill be assessed an 1g%oannual interest 8/2612021 8/27/2021 9/212021 300.00 220.00 97.50 55 0,00 385.00 r 65,00 925.00 75,00 264,00 33 0,00 300.00 50.00 3 60.00 71 5.00 97,50 575.00 225.00 145.00 130.00 100,00 Total $6,ooe.oo we would like to go pape|lesswith out'invoicing. Please provide ns with your.e-nrail addr.ess at matkinbros@silver.star..conr. paper.invoices will have a charge of$2. o we accept Masterca'd, visa ancl A.rer.ican Exp.ess. An additionar 4o/owirtbe char.ged. "{ .s Quantity lnvoice No: lnvoice Date: Gontract: Gustomer No: Terms: Due Date: Application: lnvoiced Period: Customer PO: Gustomer Ref: Job lnformation: Teton Water & Sewer. T&M , Patch 821232- 9116t20 8212 87 Net 30 Dr 10t16t20H-K Contractors, Inc. PO Box 51450 ldaho Falls, lD 83405-1400 To:Teton Water & Sewer PO Box 786 Driggs, lD 83422 *1a,'-"1(y" Item - Description L 1 - Teton Water & Sewer - T&M - patch - LS 1,O4O.OO0 1,040.00 **Don't be the victim of cyber fraudl our banking"l.-1?llt_yllikely NEVER change. rf you receive any correspondence requesting ,change in our banking details, please contact-us immediately** r - -" --r 1-\ dl'-.*-Pt^'-l 1,040.00 #f:wr fr" Sub-Total: Plus Sales Tax : Less Retainage : Total Due This lnvoice : 0.00 1,040.00 n"ritio, H-K Contractors, tnc. 2350S1900WSte.200 Ogden, UT 8440I Custo.mer Name: Teton Water & Sewer Customer No: A7g1 lnvoice Number: B212gZ-01 lnvoice Amount: 1,040.00 Contract No: A212A2 A late charge of l terms of thl agi;;;";il-' '"'"' rD vr Earsr ' wrrr De cnargeo on all accounts not paTfper the Page 1 of 1 \i.-, Amount Remitted: ,r\'f -'r\"- ,, , .\(r-'t ( ,* ;.,.:' .r'rrt\ $i,r,::;- ,t,, >orn'." ,,, , T€ton water And sewer ,Teton Concrete, LLC r,;^ /' I '' ,,?,y'-,''v , pr't{' 1151 EldonLn, ')1o' ,.rn-'J"-,,'r'\"'\ Victor, lD 83455 ".,{? ., ^,". ,!'\.",y5 PaymentTerms Due upon receipt phone: (307) 203-0727 (*P,',.- (t:',r"-,rtot lnvoice #' 000357 Email: Tetonconcrete@gmail,com ,r:w'k'y1r,o;'' Date 10/25/2021 ,Description euantity Rate Total Excavation and ground prep Excavatio Concrete Small ety Sidewalk and curb, 2.0 $2s0.00 $s00.00 3.0 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 rr\r.&r'tj' \',to,t,f \t.-/0\r Notes: Work coryrpleted October 2021. Subtotal Page 1 of 1 lnvoice Cold Spring Irigation and Maintenance LLC P.O. Box 781 Victor,lD 83455 coldspringim@gmail.com 208-201-1 189 Teton Water and Sewer P,O.Box 786 Driggs, ID 83422 Date lnvoice # 11112t2021 21521 __y-r-zr malntenance l,oreman prgpare for sod on Beasleysprinkler parts 1', couplers, pipe, ctamps;$':jli;t.t,'*I;;r**;i;J,i;fi:"uo on o'u"" _-,a. kda 9-3-21 Maintenance Foreman lay sod n.f uu - I ) ' t -r ,-VL r" \ \rr.VE \ ,n** * .'n e1)r}', yo.\\/ .-Yb \_ u"?,r,_ 7rl I o?Y r-'*u/,y w(\ c,'v\/\-/ Total $7r7.zs 65.00 12.00 38.00 65.00 125.00 341.2s 12.00 114.00 i95.00 125.00 Jd rv_ G -, .,, , - --,1 fl:thJH f,*re i*t #i ,![;t ld.I'r:{j'{ ffi I Ilt ; I i -G d rl ' L,L"'. 'd r Ir\ ilrJgFl'-kf ^(..1 - It"r- F ,',fili'/frl<l'r'ffi.t7... l,,ft[mg l 'ffiiiffi -llrt llvrf &f J \,7 Gr(\$ w -a { a l';' ''.-lt"j j rdil I,/ Jtr p Gva- { '*nq^\ " :*.#i,;' ffi.. : i':i''-,i,.'i.^$*ifrtg5'.i,', :,,1ffi-:'-if lH '"",,;,' ',*., + i,;l hr.^ J frl ocrOrl,aI,C { {,af i, t" l,'l ffi F, $tW f .:,/ ?istl \xJ iir \tf\ t,{,, {. i-.h ri'rt5;, t,, *r ^'t t- r\F ) \ -l\{ aoiva-a { 6 o Oo.jsfooFI <tt oq O)00N <tb I lrt I <tt I {/}{/} oqom@drl 14 xo EPo Io o CL olt(! oq rlsrooFI {.r} Oq Or00r\ <fb thP oCL tr .9PCL LI.ioo o-o o-E (o.:(!o. OJe. oF(U (DUxLU (oo.q,) &. q)o-(I,(JtnEc(!J P (o o- o=CL CL vl co{=(U (!()xUJc =P(o co P(ob! L: b!c o.VI-o oU o coF o (!oo.9o (JoIoor.{ oz INrl NNONo coF oo.C 9,O-r =N-oh0N '-oEOlE> F1gEEo= Y-A 6.H CLlE(J =o oo-cEoF(n(n Matkin Brothers Excavation, Inc P.O. Box 187 Victor, ID 83455 208-787-2488 Teton Springs Water & Sewer Invoice 5 5 1 7 14 2 3 4 12 48 6.5 I 3 1 1.5 0.5 2 J I 1.5 12 6;5 36 12 1 Truck Dump Fee Truck & Tlailer Excavator Labor Backhoe Truck Dump Fee Pipe Bedding Pit Run Deliveled Excavator Operatol Labor Backhoe Labor Compactol Day Truck Backhoe Ashphalt Saw per day Compactor Day Labor Excavator Pit Run Doliveled Crushed Dump Fee ,,\,.:,*,*,;?:Adf;'XtAu,S,#t, lrl- | 'l ^\-rl *"b<1,*9*''*-tl n€>' 110.00 100.00 160.00 140.00 50.00 110.00 I 10.00 100.00 16.00 15.00 140.00 65.00 1 r 0.00 50.00 r 50.00 1 10,00 r 10.00 14s.00 150.00 50.00 140.00 15.00 22.00 100,00 Due by the 1 5th ofthe month. lnvoices 30 days past clue will be assesse d an l8d/oannual interestcharge. I y,:^Y:":':,]ll:^t".^e^"I:p._:tttss-with our invoicing. Please provide us with your e-rnail address at matkinbros@silversrar.com. paper I rnvorces will have a charge ol$2. I Due Date Project 10/18/2021 Work Performed Amount 00 00 00 00 9/22/2021 9123/2021 ;.00 r.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 9/2412021 550.00 500.00 160.00 980.00 700,00 220.00 33 0.00 400.00 192.00 720.00 910.00 65.00 330.00 57s.00 75 00 220.00 33 0.00 145.00 225.00 600,00 910.00 540.00 264.00 100.00 Total $10,04r 90, -^r/-' we accept Mastercard, visa and American Express. An additional 4%will be charged. 'G< '(b K' c5' l- *"' -...'...,^.*"*"**o' lnvoice Cold Spring Irrigation and Maintenance LLC P.O. Box 781 Victor,lD 83455 coldspringim@gmail. com 208-201-1 189 Date lnvoice # 1y12t2021 2t854 BillTo Teton Water and Sewer P,O,Box 786 Driggs, ID 83422 5.5 1.5 8 EquipmentusageToolcat ( 2g"\toPsoir ^, vr()*i -u,JTrr*\\ ^n&>'^?-..^ bb "\^t " |/'' \ Lo$-<g C.,Aw _ .;5-..-_[r nV,-* -\o *1j; c:\n'"' Total $78e.oo Quantity Description Rate Amount 65.00 I es.oo I rr.oo I 357.50 127.50 304.00 t/lvf J 3tro d = Ef .J rmt @ + c4 va li,j € (' II : c;fl-r*' I vlwj rria t lhi--' .'r:..d 'fl '1,::::::'.'.: ).i. t. +-