HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200319Final_Order_No_34603.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date March 19,2020 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TETON WATER &)SEWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO )CASE NO.TTS-W-20-01 AUTHORIZE DEBIT FOR PURPOSE OF ) WELL CONSTRUCTION ) )ORDER NO.34603 On February 20,2020,Teton Water &Sewer Company ("TetonWater"or "Company") applied for Commission authorization to issue up to $450,000 in debt.See Idaho Code §61-901 et seq.The purpose of this debt is to build a third well for the Company's water system. Based on our review of the record,we approve the Application as noted below. THE APPLICATION Teton is a small water company serving approximately 924 persons in Teton County, Idaho.The Company requests the Commission authorize it to assume up to $450,000in debt.This debt would take the form of a loan secured by the assets of Teton.The Company expects to receive a loan with a 5-year term and a 7-8%interest rate. The purpose of the loan would be to plan,engineer,permit,drill,and construct a third well for the Company's water system.The Company provided bids and estimates totaling $385,519 but is requesting a Commission authorization of $450,000 in case costs vary once construction begins.The Company asserts it needs the well to meet the Company's current and future service obligations,and to provide system redundancy should either of the existing wells fail.The Company points to the records in two of its prior cases,Case Nos.TTS-W-17-01 and TTS-W-19-01,as evidence that a third well is necessary.Specifically,during summer 2019 water demand exceeded production capacity multipletimes,and the Company only avoided service interruptions by running both well pumps almost continually.See Case No.TTS-W-19-01, Application at 1.Adding a third well to the system would increase the Company's production capacity and create system redundancy. Teton Water hopes to secure the loan by April 1,2020.The Company paid the filing fee required under Idaho Code §61-905 on February 28,2020.The Company issued a press release ORDER NO.34603 1 to local newspapers.On February 26,2020,Teton Water provided unaudited financial statements to Commission Staff. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed the Company's Application and financial statements and confirmed that the Company paid the fees required under Idaho Code §61-901 et seq.Staff found the bids and estimates provided by Teton Water to be reasonable considering the geology of the area in which the water system is located.Staff recommended the Commission approve the Company's Application and borrowing authority up to $450,000,but noted the Company's rates are insufficient to service the proposed debt. Staff noted the third well would significantlyimpact the Company's rate base if the Commission finds the project to be prudent: In the Company's last general rate case (Case No.TTS-W-08-01),the Company's rate base was $57,763.The Company's water revenues in its 2019 financial statements were $162,534,and the gross income from the 2018 Annual Report was $35,808.Staff estimates that the annual payment on the $384,519loan (the estimated cost of the project)at 7%interest with a five-year term would be approximately $91,000.The Company's current rates are not sufficient to service the loan. Staff Decision Memorandum at 2.With well systems typically depreciated over 25 to 35 years, Staff noted a mismatch between the usual cost recovery for a well and the terms of the loan.Staff recommended the Company seek more favorable loan conditions.If that is not possible,then "accelerated recovery of the third well may be the only option to maintain the financial security of the Company."Id. In response to questions from the Commission at its March 10,2020 and March 17, 2020 decision meetings,Staff clarified that drillinga new well is probably the most cost-effective solution for the Company-despite its significant price tag.A water storage tank that could hold enough water to act as a redundancy for the system would cost considerably more than the proposed well to build.Staff also noted that even if Teton Water could realistically connect to another nearby water system,the cost to build a line to the nearest viable system would probably be more than the cost to drill a well. ORDER NO.34603 2 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS The Commission finds that the Company is an Idaho corporation,a water corporation within the definition of Idaho Code §61-125,and a public utility within the definition of Idaho Code §61-129.The Commission has jurisdiction over this Application under Idaho Code §61- 901 et seq. The Commission finds that the Company's Application should be approved.The Company's Application reasonably conforms to Rules 141 through 150 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure (IDAPA,and the Company has paid all fees required by Idaho Code §61-905.Further,the proposed issuance of debt is for a lawful purpose,is within the Company's corporate powers,and is compatible with the public interest. While we authorize this debt,we recognize that if Teton Water receives a loan in the amount and with the conditions it expects,its current rates will be insufficient to service the loan payments.We encourage the Company to do all it can to secure loan conditions that will minimize the impact on customer rates. Because issuance of this much debt will be a significant burden on Teton Water, authorization is subject to several conditions.First,Teton Water shall file with the Commission the loan documents (showing the amount borrowed and all other terms of the loan)within seven days of those documents becoming available to the Company.Second,the Company shall file an annual report on the loan with the Commission,due February 28 of each year.The annual report shall include the beginning and ending balance of the loan,and number of payments made,and whether there were any missed or late payments.The annual report shall be filed with the Commission as long as a balance remains on the loan,or until the Commission eliminates this requirement by Order. The issuance of an Order authorizing the proposed financing does not constitute agency determination/approval of the type of financing or the relatedcosts for ratemaking purposes,which determination the Commission expressly reserves until the appropriate proceeding. The Commission's approval of the Company's proposed debt issuance is not an approval of how the Company ultimately spends any funds obtained from the issuance.The Commission also does not have before it,and therefore does not determine,the effect of issuance on rates to be charged by the Company for water service to its consumers. ORDER NO.34603 3 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company's Application is granted.The Company may issue up to $450,000 in debt-in the form of a secured loan-under the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth in the Company's Application and this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall file with the Commission the loan documents (showing the amount borrowed and all other terms of the loan)within seven days of those documents becoming available to the Company. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall file an annual report on the loan with the Commission,due February 28 of each year.The annual report shall include the beginning and ending balance of the loan,and number of payments made,and whether there were any missed payments during the report year. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the foregoing authorization is without prejudice to the regulatory authority of the Commission regarding rates,utility capital structure,service accounts,valuation,estimates for determination of cost or any other matter which may come before this Commission under its jurisdiction and authorityas provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order and no provisions of Chapter 9,Title 61,Idaho Code,or any act or deed done or performed in connection with this Order shall be construed to obligate the State of Idaho to pay or guarantee,in any manner whatsoever,any security authorized,issued,assumed,or guaranteed under Chapter 9,Title 61 Idaho Code. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that issuance of this Order does not constitute acceptance of the Company's exhibits or other material accompanying the Application for any purpose besides issuing this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order)or in interlocutoryOrders previouslyissued in this case may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutoryOrders previouslyissued in this case.Within seven (7)days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §61-626. ORDER NO.34603 4 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this day of March 2020. PAUL KJELLÁNbER,PRESIDENT KRIS INE RAPER,COM ISS NER ERIC ANDERSON,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Diane M.Hanian Commission Secretary I:\Legal\WATER\TTS-W-20-01\Orders\TTSW2001_final_mh.doex ORDER NO.34603 5