HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191213Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MENIORANDT-] I\I TO:CONIMISSIONER ruEI,I,ANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER CONIMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL NIATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: DECEN{BFIRl3.20l9 SLIB.IFICT: IN THE MATTER Ot' TETON WA'I'FIR & SEWFIR COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAI, OF USE OF EI\{ERGENCY RESERVE FUND MONIES; CASE NO. TTS-\1'-19-01. On November 22, 2019, Teton Water & Seu'er Company ("Teton Water" or "Company") applied to the Commission for approval of $18,044.80 in expenses to be reimbursed from Teton's emergency rescrve fund ("Fund"). BACKGROUND In Order No. 30718. the Commission authorized Teton Water to establish the Fund. The Fund is only to be used "for emergencies and major unplanned capital expenditures," such as plant maintenance, repair, or rcplacement. Order No. 307 18 at I 2. While Teton Water may immediately access the Fund, it must "establish an auditable paper trail and provide the Commission with contemporaneous written notice of the Company's use of the [Fund] for an allegedly permitted purposc with emergency details and related invoices ." Id. at 13. After the emergency use of Fund monies, the Company must file an application requesting the Commission dctermine whether the Fund withdrawal(s) meet the Commission's eligibility requirements. 1d APPLICATION Teton Water states in its Application that it spent $ 18,044.80 to purchase a backup well pump, transformer, and associated matcrials during summer 2019. Application at l. The Company states Well #l and Well #2 were running almost continuously, but failing to maintain minimum reservoir levels during peak dcmand periods. /r/. Thc Company estimated that, if Well # I failed, the Company would have only 8- 12 hours to repair the well bcfore its reservoir would be emptied. DECISION MEMORANDUM FRON,I: Id. Bccause Well #l has not been replaced or serviced since 2011, the Company determined it r.r'ould be wise to have a replacement pump, motor, and transformcr on hand in case of failure. 1d The Company states it began consulting with Buchanan Well Drilling, Inc. ("Buchanan") and Rendezvous Enginecring on June 18, 2019 about pump replacement parts. On lune 27,2019, the Company requested Buchanan order a Goulds pump, a Franklin motor, 310 feet of pump cable, two check valves, and 42 feet of galvanized steel pipe. Id. at l-2. The total cost of this purchase (including three person hours and mileage) was $16,864.80. Id. at?.The Company also ordered around this time a replacement transformer for $ I , I 80.00. Id. at I an<l3. The Company states the transformer was delivered on Juty I 7, 2019, and the remain ing replacement materials were on hand with Buchanan sometime between July 29 and August 2, 2019. Id. at 1. The Company states that, whilc none of its water system failed during summer 2019, the length of time required to get replacement parts shows the Company could not have fixed a well before its reservoir was depleted. Id The Company requests the Commission authorize the Company to use the Fund to covcr these expenses, and requests its case be processed by Modified Procedure. Id STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, setting a Febmary 26,2020 comment deadline and a March 4,2O2O reply comment deadline. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, setting a February 26,2O2O comment deadline and a March 4, 2020 reply commcnt deadline'l Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney Gencral I\h!rl\NATIi&\ITS-\\ lt!)I\.rmrs\TTSWl9r)I mh.docr DECISION ME,MORANDUM 1,/- " 2