HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191122Application.pdfNovember 16, 2019 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN Commission Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise. ID 83720 TETON WATER & SEWER COMPANY PO Box 786, Driggs Idaho 83422 TrS- t)- lq-ol :CEIVED 2 llH l0: 2l l)car Commissi<ln Secrctan : In reference to Order No. 3071 8, in which the Commission authorized the creation of a reserve tund. Teton Watcr and Sewer Company is reporting on the fbllowing project for 201 9 and the usc of the reserve fund: Purchase of Back-Up Well Pump, Motor, Associated Parts and Transformcr. By mid-June of 2019 we were experiencing an increase in the pump run timcs for both Well #l and Well #2. They were running almost 24i7 every day, ty-pically with only l-3 offcycles fbr very shon periods of timc. Also, wc noticed thal during peak demand periods. even with both pumps running, the level ofour reservoir was dropping tiom the 20' minimum lcvel to l7-18', in other words, both wells \!ere not keeping up with demand during peak period. Although not knowing the exact time the rescrvoir would provide water to the system customers if a thilure were to occur with Well #1, it was estimated at 8-12 hours. Given these demand developments and continued well production issues, and given that Well #l had not been replaced or serviced since 201 l, it was determined it would be prudent to have "On-l{and" in the event ofa pump, motor or transformer failure, a back-up ofnecessary parts. These purchases were further deemed prudent after speaking with Buchanan Well Drilling and 3G Electric about the lead time to obtain pans and get them to our site and installed in the event ofa failure. Discussions began with Buchanan Well Drilling on June l8 and we immediately included Rcndezvous Engineering about how to best move forward with the replacement parts, what would be necessary, what brands should be ordered (i.e. stay with Goulds or move to Franklin pumps). On June 27'r'. we informed Buchanan to order the Gould's. lt was agreed that, inthe event ofan emergency, wewantedto have on-hand the exact piece of equipment as that being replaced, theretbre reducing any potential complications during an emergency situation. We also ordered the transformer through 3G at this timc. iI was delivered on July 17. LJltimately. it is a good thing we ordered when we did. Buchanan ordered parts on June 28, but parts were not finally on- hand in ldaho Falls until sometimc bctrveen July 29 and August 2. Fonunately, nothing failed this summer. However, had it failed, it could have been a very long period befbre pafis could have been obtained and installed. Certainly, the cost would have been much greater to expedite shipping in the event olan emcrgency and there is no doubt we could not have had the systern back on-line in the 8-12 hours necessary to avoid dcpletion ofour water supply to the customers. The total amount spentand requesled for tunds lrom the resen'e account to be used is $18,044.80: $16.864.80 1o Buchanan Well Drilling for the back-up Well Materials and $ I ,l 80 to 3G Electric lbr the back-up Transformer. req uest th is to be processed through rnodified proccdure ou. nPi on Water & Sewer Company lce (208) i 54-0256 C I (208) 20 r-4798 We havc included the invoiccs for these purchases. Buchanan Well Drilling lnc. Formerly Andrer,v Well Drilling P.O. Box 3175 ldaho Fa lls. lD 3J403 !i2os) 522-2794 Teton Sprins Water and Sewer C/O Jon Pinardi Driqqs. ldaho 83422 208-201-4798Email tetonws@silverstar.com REFERENCE: Re acan'rent arts for 40 H PU S lerr Estimate Date November 4,2019 Q19-060 atv Per Unit Cost AMOUNTDescription $6.292.50 $6,378.00 $ r 627.50 $1 314.00 $877.80 $0.c0 $255 00 $120.00 $0.00 s6,292.s0 s6,378.00 5s.2s $657 00 $20.90 $65.00 $1.00 $7.50 1 i 310 2 42 120 ea ea ft ea ft hr mi hr Gouds TCLC 4 STG ,5" IMP Trim 4" Dischage Pump end 40 Hp 460 Volt 3 phase Franklin Sand Fighter 6' Motor Heavy Duty 4-3 with GRD Submersible Pump Cable 4" Ductile lron Flomatic Check Valvbes with 8OP 4" T&C Galvainized Sch 40 Steel Pipe Labor i [4en Nlileage Derrick $16,864 80 $ 16,864 80 Sub total Terms: 1i2 Down , Balnce on delivery Total Estimate THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING BUCHANAN WELL DRILLING R J ,tr i\rq uly\\qo\, (0a ,I *? c<- L E^L-,\8L I 3 G Electrlc LLC 6050 s 1000 w Victor. lD 83455 208-313"741 3 ryan@3gelectricllc.com lnvoice BILL TO Jon Pinardi Teton Springs Water & Sewer Co A() TIVI IY T[vl Job:Matorial ACTIVITY Beplacement transf ormer |NVO|CE # 1501 DATE 07i 19i 2019 DUE DATE O8/18i 2019 TERM$ Net 30 OTY RAI E 1 ,180.00 AMOUNT 1 ,180.00 $1,180.00 3G ETECTIRIC I - The ga.age doors werc locked so I lell lhe translormer by the easl qarage door. Let me know if you nsed helt !!ith anything else. BALANCE DUE ,P\t 2"fn\ (\a6fl cr. All rnvo c€s 30 days pasl due may be subjecl to 1.757o annuar inleresl charg€s l