HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171013Application.pdfOctober 10,2017 ,' ',,1q,,1 Rtk*r,an +o : TT S- t.0- of - o ?Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN Commission Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Dear Commission Secretary: In reference to Order No. 30718, in which the Commission authorized the creation of a reserve fund, Teton Water and Sewer Company is reporting on the following projects: Cluff Lane Valve Repair - This was a leak in the poly line connector from the corp stop to the curb stop where it connects to the corp stop on the main water line. The area of repair was under the asphalt roadway requiring excavation, repairs and asphalt. This project was completed September 2016 although we were not invoiced for the paving until May 201 7. The total cost of repairs was $3,328.12. Teton Springs Lodge Valve Repair - This was a leak of the curb stop valve that feeds the hotel at Teton Springs. The valve is very close to the Foundation, it had not failed but settling had occurred creating a leak at the outlet of the valve where it connected to the water line which goes through the hotel foundation. The working space was very tight, an extension was added and the valve relocated a small amount to provide for future access and repair if necessary. This project was competed in June 2017. The total cost of repairs was $5,351.22. We have included the invoices and some photos for these projects. We request this to be processed through modified procedure. YOU, w & Sewer Company (208) 3s4-02s6 (208) 201-47e8 77S - uo- l?- o?/ J Crvl OIA'EN coNt, I l{uu I lgN [N,W@fr@E,&M"T.@ CM Owen Construction LLC PO Box 1077 Victor, lD 83455 Phone: (208) 787 -6936 Fax: (208) 787-6938 IWM' tof! reton Water and Sewer Company SHIP TO ldaho Small Jobs ,t,fi+l 179011-4 1,434.20 PO Box 786 Driggs, lD 83422 "Teton Springs Asphalt Patching" - f;-'' t(epr.i*f ,,ae'*ka' * means item is non-taxable ,> \ Torm Auouur ,##.w Payment in full due Net 30 days following invoice date. lf payment is not made when due, reasonable collection fees, lien fees, and attorney fees with or without suit, together with 1.5% per month finance charge (which is an annual percentage rate of 18%) will be assessed until paid. U TE I TETWSCO Net 15 51812017 {zr,ll%o q+Lw 8 lVix halt rSF 1.79 ut and Haul ofAs htt u erintendent Hours 60 180.00 rator Hours 55 220.00 5 Hour2Laborers 45 292.50 bilization No C 0 0.00 . ,^ LI 1crtp-- Y8 0*v %\#\fl ACCOUNT NO SHIP VIA TERM] UANTITY IDESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICEI EXTENDED , ,723.w\ 2.sd\0.001 ,------17.90 ' 3 4 , i 0 GM coNgTfiuc iloN WEN IfrJW@/IM.W C.M.Construction LLC PO Box Wilson, Phone: r 83014 787-6936 Fax:787-6938 Fix W * means tem is non-taxable 4Q [wlwNht 16900r-3 f! rrto, Water and Sewer Company PO Box 786 i Driggs, lD 83422 ldaho lVliscellaneous Small Jobs f,Lcv*kat SHIP TO o\e1 lreN/ TorRL Tex 1,889.43 Toral AruouNt 1,993.92 ql o T ;co Net 15 gl23t20_16 Leak by Corp titop at the Main n Bl19l16 5.5 lSg0 gackhod - Craig 130.001 715.00 . 11 l(Z) wten 5.5 tirours each, Larry, Randy 55.001 605.00 . 12.19 l3/4" Crushed p/ton 7.501 91.43 15.92 lx-out p/ton l 1o.o0l 159.20 . 1.5 lTruck Hauling Time p/hour B5.ool 127.50 - 1 lMaterials; 1" IDressor Coupler, 1 " Corp Stop, (3) 1" lStiffiners and 1" Poly Pipe 1 190.3 190.30 * ) ,\'.t' / 2;$"a ,iilrt J a* { ," #ff ir srl ) * ,/ ., .f, I i t' t I I -_l; I I , :dr,f 'Fr+- :r,r; I t-.\,P..r :r-iEi ;ie / &rI I I :l Matkin Brothers Excavation, Inc P,O. Box 187 Victor,ID 83455 lnvoice Date Invoice # 2n712017 17787 208-787-2488 f Ig\ T We would like to go paperless with our invoicing. Please provide us with your e-mail address at matkinbros@silverstar.com. Paper invoices with have a charge of $2. ,L Teton Springs Water & Sewer Due Date Project 211712017 Quantity Description Rate Work Performed Amount 4,5 9 4,5 I 7 2 6 5 12 0,5 0.5 I 2.s 2,5 2,5 6 Backhoe Operator Labor Labor Pafis Backhoe Truck Drain Rock Labor Operatol Labor Hiltie Drill Day Hot Saw Day palts Backhoe Labor Truck Crushed 95.00 45,00 35.00 459.07 95,00 90.00 18.00 35.00 45.00 120.00 120,00 6.57 95.00 35.00 90,00 14.00 2/t412017 2115120t7 2116/2017 427.50 405.00 157.50 459,07 665.00 I 80,00 108,00 175,00 540.00 60.00 60.00 6.5',7 237.50 87.50 225.00 84.00 Due by the I 5th of the month. Invoices 30 days past due will be assessed an I 8% annual interest charge.Total s3,877.64 'We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express. An additional3o/o will be charged lnvoice Cold Spring Irrigation and Maintenance P.O. Box 781 Victor,ID 83455 208-201-1 189 BillTo Teton Water and Sew'er P.O.Box 786 Driggs, D83422 t Prr*'ql:[*If v1!',?'' - ,r4u?'"* trn,[,4 ,-\*-*o,( q',rrr 1\ lnvoice # t7-144 -, \''\t{ Date 6lr2l20t7 Terms Due 30 days 3.5 3.5 2. 2.75 1.5 1.5 2 3 2.5 Quantity Description Rate Amount re-landscape in front oflodge Maintenance foreman clean up, lay ueed fabric, install metal edgiug General labor Mainteuance foreman plant 3 jnnipers,spread bark, spread topsoil General labor Maintenance foreman install sod General labor Metal edging 2.5 yards topsoil reimbtrse Steve Bagley tbr haul oIf aud duurp tbe Juniper #5 2.5 yards ofbark rveed tlbric sod 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 65.00 35.00 r75.00 42.36 59.00 12.00 227.00 175.00 105.00 137.50 82.50 75.00 45.00 130.00 35.00 175.00 127.08 227.00 Total $r,473.58 147.50 12.00 'l\ * 1' fr I\ ilt \ I'i r I II \'t t\i \, t h' J .,. rr-.--_.reEr?,L.-f+_-. -l,.Fi.-- F ,| I J{ Er- I Sr&,*&..",-" - J 3 F it kr&-.'. 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