HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140312final_order_no_32993.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date March 12,2014 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF TETON WATER &SEWER,LLC’S )CASE NO.TTS-W-13-O1 REQUEST TO REVISE ITS GENERAL ) RULES AND REGULATIONS )ORDER NO.32993 _________________________________________________________________________________ ) On December 16,2013,the Commission received an Application from Teton Water &Sewer LLC (Teton”or “Company”)seeking approval of proposed revisions to its General Rules and Regulations,Section 6 —Billing and Payment,Paragraph 6.5. On January 17,2014,Commission Staff (“Staff”)submitted a Decision Memorandum for the Commission’s consideration.On January 21,2014,the Commission approved the proposed revisions to its General Rules and Regulations during its weekly Decision Meeting. STAFF COMMENTS In Case No.TTS-W-08-01,the Commission authorized the Company to bill its residential customers a basic flat rate quarterly service charge of $1 18.00.See Order No.32685. Because many of Teton’s residential customers are seasonal residents and the results of customers disconnecting and reconnecting throughout the year could have a negative effect on the Company’s revenue,the Commission allowed the Company to implement a Reconnection after Seasonal Disconnect Charge.This charge would be equal to twice the quarterly rate,$236 for residential customers,and applicable when a customer requests a service connection following a disconnection of more than 30 days.For example,if a customer requested service after a disconnection of more than 30 days the Company billed the customer the quarterly charge of $118 and the Reconnection after Seasonal Disconnect Charge of $236. However,as a result of a customer complaint to the Commission regarding the Company’s practice of billing for the full quarterly charge of $118 regardless of the amount of time of actual service.the Company agreed to pro-rate the quarterly charge to reflect the actual period of service to a customer.The Company will continue the practice of billing the Reconnection after Seasonal Disconnect Charge.Commercial customers also pay a flat rate charge on a quarterly basis.The amount charged varies by the size of the customer’s service line. ORDER NO.32993 1 The Company’s Application requested a revision to Paragraph 6.5 to reflect its new billing practice: 6.5 Where services are provided for a period less than the Billing Period,the amount charged shall be equivalent to the actual number of months and days in which service is provided during that current billing period. Staff recommended the Company revise Paragraph 6.5 to read as follows: 6.5 Where services are provided for a period less than the entire quarterly billing period,the amount charged shall be pro-rated based on the actual number of days service is provided. Teton accepted Staff’s revision.The Company is not requesting any changes to its Rate Schedule 1 —Recurring Charges or its Rate Schedule 2 —Non-Recurring Fees and Charges. The Company seeks Commission authorization to essentially pro-rate its quarterly charge for service which is less than the entire quarterly billing period.The change in billing policy would apply to both residential and commercial customers.The Company did not request an effective date,instead asking that any action on the part of the Commission be taken as soon as possible. Staff believes that there should be no significant effect on the Company’s revenue requirement as a result of this change.Staff believes it is appropriate for the Company to pro rate the quarterly charges to reflect actual usage and Staff recommended approval of the changes to Paragraph 6.5 of the General Rules and Regulations as revised by Staff.Staff assisted the Company in filing the revised tariff page.Staff recommended that the revised tariff become effective February 1,2014. COMMISSION DECISION The Commission finds that the aforementioned revisions to Teton’s Billing and Payment tariff,recommended by Staff and accepted by the Company,are fair,just and reasonable.The Commission,having previously approved these revisions during our January 21,2014 Decision Meeting,reiterates and memorializes its authorization for the Company to implement these changes.The Company shall be authorized to pro-rate the initial quarterly charge to reflect the actual period of service for customers requesting service following a period of disconnection of more than 30 days. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Teton Water &Sewer LLC’s Application requesting Commission approval of the above-mentioned revisions to its General Rules and Regulations, ORDER NO.32993 2 Section 6 —Billing and Payment,Paragraph 6.5,is granted.The approved revisions shall be effective as of February 1,2014. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §‘6 1-626. DONE by Order ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this day of March 2014. PAUL K LLANI5,PRESIDENT 1)1%I’ ‘4LJ 4 MACK A.REDFORI-COI4MISSIONER ‘VL 4& MARSHA H.SMITH,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: A f)11 // Jian D.Jewel! Commission Secretary O:TTSW-13-O1np ORDERNO.32993 3