HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080612certificate_no_475.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TETON SPRINGS WATER AND SEWER COMP ANY, LLC FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY, FOR APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE AND FOR APPROVAL OF RULES AND REGULA TIONS GOVERNING THE RENDERING OF WATER SERVICE CASE NO. TTS-O8- CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 475 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the Public Convenience and Necessity requires Teton Springs Water and Sewer Company, LLC, its successors and assigns to hold, construct or otherwise acquire, to maintain and to operate a water system and provide a culinary water supply to the Teton Springs Golf and Casting Club planned unit development (Teton Springs Resort Community) in Teton County, Idaho. Idaho Code 99 61-526, 61-528; IDAPA Teton Springs is located in the S 12 of Section 14, the N lh of Section 23, the western 572 feet of S lh of Section 13, the western 572 feet of N 12 of Section 24 and part of HES946, T3N R45E Boise Meridian, Teton County, Idaho. See Attachment, (Application Exhibits B and C). This Certificate is for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory water wells, reservoirs, tanks, towers, stand pipes collectors, settling basins, galleries and other works and structures, and also to lay, take up, repair, renew, extend, alter, maintain, and operate water mains, pipes, conduits, aqueducts hydrants and other appliances, equipment and facilities, in, upon, over, under, along, through and across all streets, avenues, alleys, streams, highways, roads, and other public places in said territory as the same now exists or may hereafter be extended, laid out or established, and to exercise the rights and privileges granted, or to which hereafter may be granted Teton Springs Water and Sewer Company, LLC, its successors or assigns, by any franchise conferred by the State of Idaho or any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and conclusions of Order No. 30571 in Case No. TTS-08-01 to which reference is hereby made. CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 475 DATED at Boise, Idaho this ATTEST: i2~Je D. Jewell mISSIOn Secretary /:;J. day of June 2008. DENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER bls/O:TTS-O8-0 l Cert 475 CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 475 BEGINNING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 45 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, TETON COUNTY, IDAHO; THENCE N 00000' 17" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 23 A DISTANCE OF 2642.34 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE N 00000'7" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 14 A DISTANCE OF 2642.79 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF THE S Y2 OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE S 89039'34" E ALONG THp: NORTH LINE OF THE S Y2 OF SAID SECTION 14 A DISTANCE OF 5277.41 FEET TO THE NE CORNER OF SAID S OF SECTION 141 THENCE S 89043'54" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE S OF SECTION 13 A DISTANCE OF 572.23 FEET; THENCE S 00001 '09" E A DISTANCE OF 6180.11 FEET THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF THE HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 386 FORM E FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: 1.) N 82O 3T50"'W A DISTANCE OF 4623.31 FEET; ) N 00033'27" E A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE N 89043 '39" W ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE LINE OF THE N Y2 OF SAID SECTION 23 A DISTANCE OF 1270.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 774.17 ACRES ATTACHMENT Case No. TTS-O8- Certificate No. 475 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT B PAGE I OF I '14 ""'111 ," -""',..,,. I_L-II ,- .,moo ....." I KI!AUI.IY PItOPUTY lIlT. n7U1 ACIU . , "'!PaCt ......~" "rel 1"5 --"- -...- '- HASTINGS PAMl!. Y 'BUST PaOPEltTYlIlT. ... ACIIII MAX . DINISII RAMMIU. PaOPBTYlIlT. 1H.14 ACUr TA T ... -,. L I . ...."'"L 1 . .'a' ::~ 4O.ft' ,. - - --.. "."- . T.4,CHR N.477oN,u 'OitUT "'__'11111 ---..,... .....,. 8""" TOTAL ACRES 774.17 AC CTt)' of Victor ImJpct Area .145 Ie ... MEUJU. ItAMMELL PROPEItTYlIlT. "1174 lIT"" ACIIU A. SURVEY TBTON s.aINGS 'The S V2 or S8c 14. tho N V2 or S8c 23. 1he W8It8nI S72 ft or S V2. S8c 13, tIw W- 572 ft of N V2 See 24. end po-! or Ie 00Ie. T 3 N. R 45 Eo BI1. T.TaI c-ry. Idn. ATTACHMENT Case No" TTS-O8-01 - Certificate No. 475 Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT C PAGE 1 OF 2 TETON SPRINGS GOLF AND CASTING CLUB PHASE I rIl~ ---==~~-=----~___ lf~ E-n. ----- ----- l ()~:!-~ 1 0. I ~ fi!i : I i I'X U , ~~ ~ .: ~ :JEdj ," ~(G' CD i , '~'"" 1 ~\~ I , ".-::-, ~, 1~ -L ' Jj .L'~' \--" ~-~ ~ ~ \ \..-- 1 ~t~ ~ ~ :" !E: ....-' x13 ~j "-"/:'ii -c:z:Fl/?, ,ifL1-If ' = - -' ..-' I i" /- - 1 ~ ~ u ! &~I ~ I ~ i J:=; , J (7' -- r--- '\ ~ ) - ~~- E; ., , ---I ' ~~ -": - v~ S - ~QDC) IL '-11 -- ~ I"DC~ 0 I ' (:::) '---.. ....~ , m . ~ r-l ~ ~ . --:/ . III ~" ~ ~\\\~ (~ . - '~~: = :ii I , ~ ' - ~FJ~rnn ~: ~\'=- ~:= --, CD \1 ~*' t~, II ~Io \\\- , ~ JI~I-f-_ ':- o~ (illHIID ) J 1:11 ' . .'- :: VI ~ ~ ~~~ . ' I~ ~ ~ f-L..::-: i - ~ r-- I- ~ -\ ~ D~\~ B .. .I! ~ ~ ) ~ . A g .~~ Q~ ,dITIJ I r-- D IlFi 0 --i ' ,) ~)~ ~JDO 0 7" \ CD I :~~~, l V 'I ~~ Y-\ "'" ; tJ '\D~ ~ - ~ QQOoo YJ ~~ Ii it ----- I~oo 0 ~- 0. ~ ~o o 0 -r-- \\ I ~: L~ -..; f-JOnOnC~1 "" ~ ?~ ~--- ,~"""" ;:::i; a o o -=- ~'I. 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