HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009Annual Report.pdf. ";' \.:" ",..' -rs--w ANNUAL REPORT~. ~~ -(9 OF Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC NAME 639 West 9500 South #3 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED Deceniber 31,2009 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 12/31/2009 11 Are there eny affliate companies? If yes, attch a lIat wi namee, add..es & descripton.. Explain an ..rvces provided to th utility.12 Conta Infrmtion Name Prent (Ower) Vi Preident Secetary Genera Manager Coplaints or Billing Engineering Emeenc Servce Acunting 13 Were any water systes acquire during the year or any additons/deletios maeto the ser area during the yer? No If yeei atth a list wit names, add,. & descriptons. Explain any..rvce prvided to the utility. 14 Wher are the Copany's bo and rerd kept? SttAdd~s 639 West 9500 South #3Q~ VictorState IdahoZip 83455 1 Give full name of utili~ Telephone Ara Code ( ) E-mail address 2 Date of Organiztion 3 Organized under the la of the state of 4 Adress of Principal Of (number & stret) 5 P.O. Box (if applicble) 6Ci~ 7 State 8 Zip Code 9 Organiztion (propretor, partership, corp.) 10 Tows, Counties served Rev 3102 COMPANY INFORMATION Teton Springs Water & Sewer Company LLC (208) 787-8008 jpinardi~tetonsprings. com 8/8/2005 Idaho 639 West 9500 South #3 Victor Idaho 83455 Limited Liability Company Teton Springs Subdivision Phone No Jon P'Ìnardi ( ~08) 787-800 Shannon R.Herndon ( ~08) 787-80 8 08 Pag 1 NAME: Teton Springs Water & Sewer Company LLC COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont.) For the Year Ended 12/31/2009 15 Is the system operate or maintained under a serce cotrct? 16 If yes: With whom is the contr? When doe the contrct expire? What service and rates are included? yes Teton Water Inc 12/31/10 All operations included 17 Is water purcase for rele through the syem? 18 If ye.: Name of Organiztion Name of ower or oper Mailng Addre City State Zip No Wate Purcas 19 Has any syst(s) be disapproved by the Idaho Division of Enviromental Quality? If yes, attch full explanMlon 20 Has the Idaho Divisi of Envinmental Quality remended an Improements? If ye, atth full explanatin 21 Numb of Coplaints reved during year coceming: Quall~ of Sece High Bills Discnecon 22 Numbe of Cuto Involuntaly discnec 23 Da cu las re a coy of the Summary of Rules reuire by IDAPA Attch a copy of th Summary 24 Did siificant additions or reiwts fr the Plant Acnts ocr during the year? If y.., atch full explanation and an updMe system map Rev 312 Page 2 GalIonslCCF $Ant no no o o o 2/09 no NAME:Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC REVNUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended 12/31/2009 DESCRIPTION 40 REVENUES 401 OPERATING EXENSES 12 601.1~ Labo. Operation & Mainteance 13 601.7 La. Custoer Acnt 14 601.8 Labor. Administtie & General 15 603 Salares, Ofce & Dirers 16 60 Employee Pensions & Benefits 17 610 Purased Wate 18 615-16 Purcas Power & Fuel for Power 19 618 Chemicls 20 620.1~ Materals & Suppes - Opetion & Maint. 21 620.7-8 Mateais & SuppUes - Administe & Generl 22 631-3 Cotr Se . Profesional 23 635 Cotr Se . Wate Testing 24 636 Cotr 8ece - Other 25 641--2 Retas. Pro & Equipment 26 650 Tration Exense 27 6569 Insurace 28 66 Adsing 29 66 Rate.Ca Expese (Amtion) 30 667 Reglato Co. Exp. (Oter except taxes) 31 670 Ba Det Ex ( 2 7276 )32 675 Misclaneo 11 74 33 Totl Openg Expe... (Add lines 12 . 32, al.o entr on Pg 4, line 2) ACCT# 1 460 Unmetered Water Revenue 2 461.1 Metere Sales - Residential 3 461.2 Metered Sales - Comercal, Industral 4 462 Fire Protecon Revenue 5 46 Oter Wate Sales Revenue 6 465 Irrgation Sales Revenue 7 466 Sales for Resle 8 400 Tota Revenue (Add Unes 1 . 7) (also enter ~ult on Page 4, line 1) 9 · DEQ Fee Billed separately to customers 10 ** Hookup or Conecon Fee Colleced 11 **.Commlssion Approved Surcrges Coleced Rev 312 Pag 3 80503 5959 41413 127875 Booked to Ac # Booked to Ac # Boked to Acc # 736 7214 1350 874 153 11274 621 73699 69789 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A 98 9C 9D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 INCOME STATEMENT ForYearEnded 12/31/2009 ACCT # DESCRIPTION Revenue (From Page 3, line 8) Operating Expnses (Fro Page 3, line 33) 403 Dereation Exense 406 Amorti, Utility Plant Aquisltion Adj. 407 Amortion Ex' - Other 408.10 Regulato Fee (PUC) 40.11 Proer Taxes 40.12 Payroll Taxes 40.13 Other Taxes (list) DEQ Fee 4465 123 127895 69789 2473 40.10 Fedral Inco Taxes 40.11 State Inc Taxes 410.10 Prosion for De Incoe Tax - Feder 410.11 Prosion for Defer Inc Tax - State 411 Prosion fo Defer Utli~ Inc Tax Creits 412 Invetmt Tax Creits - UtllI~ Tota Exse fr opons befor inte (add lines 2-15) 413 Inco Fro Utlli~ Plant Lease to Oth 414 Gains (Los) From Dispoiti of Utiit Plant Net Opting Ince (Add lines 1, 17 &18 le line 16) 415 Revenues, Meandizng Jobbing an Cotr Wor 416 Exp, Merandl, Jobbng & Cotr 419 Intet & Divend Ince 420 Allow fo Funds use During Costrcton 421 Misclaneo No-ulity Inco 426 Mislaneos No-Utlit Exse 40.20 Ot Taxes, Notillty Opetions 4020 Inc Taxes. Non-UtiHty Opetion Net Non-Ulity Ince (Ad lin 20,22,23 & 24 les line 21,25,26, & 27) Gro Inc (ad lin.. 19 & 28) 427.3 Inte Ex. on LoTer Det 427.5 Ot Inte Charg NET INCOME (Ue 29 les lines 30 & 31) (Also Ente on Pg 9, Une 2) 76849 Rev 312 Page 4 51026 51026 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC ACCOUNT 101 PLA IN SERVICE DETAIL ForYearEnded 12/31/2009 SUB ACCT#DESCRIPTION 301 Organizatin 302 Francises and Consents 303 Lad & Land Rights 30 Str~ and Improvements 305 Colecng & Impounding Reseroirs 30 Lake, River & Other Intakes 307 Wells 308 Infiltrtion Galleries & Tunnels 30 Supply Mains 310 Pow Generation Equipment 311 Powr Pumping Equipmt 320 Puiition Systems 330 Distbution Resrvoirs & Standpipes 331 Tra. & Disbb. Mains & Acsories 333 Sece 33 Met and Meter Instalations 335 Hydrats 33 Baow Prention Dece 33 Oter Plant & Mis. Equipmet 34 Of Furnit and Equipment. 341 Transpti Equipmet 342 Sto Equipmt 34 Tools, Sh and Ga Equipmt 34 La Equipment 34 Pow Operte Equipmet 34 Conicti Equipment 347 Misclanes Equipmt 12363 0 0 12363 34 Oter Tangible Propert TOTAL PL IN SERVICE 12363 0 0 12363 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 (Add line 1 . 28) Rev3J2 Balance Beginning of Year Removed During Year Balance End of Year Added During Year Ente beinning & end of year totals on Pg 7, Una 1 Page 5 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Yea Ended 12/31/2009 SUB Dereaton Rate Incras or Balance Beginning Balance End of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ACC#DESCRIPTION %of Year Yea (De) 304 Str~ and Improvemts 30 Colecng & Impnding Reservrs 30 Lake, River & Oter Intakes 307 Wells 30 Infiltrtion Gallees & Tunnels 309 Suppl Mains 310 Pow Geer Equipment 311 Pow Pumping Equipmet 320 Purifiti Systems 330 Distrti Resrs & Stadpipe 331 Trans. & Distrb. Mains & Acsoes 333 Sece 33 Meter and Meter Insta/latis 335 Hydrants 336 Ba Preention Dece 339 Oter Plat & Misc. Equipmnt 34 Ofce Fumire and Equipment 341 Traspoti Equipmet . 342 S~ Equipt 343 Toos, Shop an Gara Equipmet 34 Lato Equipment 345 Pow Ope Equipt 34 Conications Equipmt 347 Mislaneo Equipme 6181 8654 2473 34 Oter Tane Pro TOTALS (Add Unes 1 .25)6181 8654 2473 Ente benning & en of yea tols on Pg 7, Une 7 Rev 312 Page 6 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC BALANCE SHEET ForYearEnded 12/31/2009 ASSES Balance Beinning Balance End of Incrase or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ACCT#DESCRIPTION of Yea Year (Decease) 101 Utilit Plant in Servic (From Pg 5, Une 29)12363 12363 0 102 Utility Plant Leased to Oters 103 Plant Held for Future Use 105 Constrcton Work In Prore 114 Utility Plant Aquistion Adjustment Subtotal (Add Unes 1 - 5)12363 12363 0 108.1 Acmulate Depreation (Fro Pg 6, Une 26)(6181 )(8654)(2473) 108.2 Acm. Depr. - Utility Plant Lea to Others 108.3 Acm. Depr. - Propert Held for Future Use 110.1 Acm. Am. - Utility Plant in seice 110.2 Acm. Amrt - Utility Plant Lea to Oters 115 Acmulate Amtion - Aquisition Adj. Net Utility Plant (Une 6 les lines 7 - 12)6182 3709 (2473) 123 Investment In Subsidiaries 125 Oter Invesents Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) 131 Cah (6685)13215 19900 135 Shor Tenn Investments 141 AcNote Recvable - Custoers 5859 32713 26854 142 Oter Recles 0 25000 25000 145 Recables fr Asated Copanies 151 Matals & Supplies Invento 12363 12363 0 162 Pre Expses 173 Unbiled (Aced) UtHty Revenue 143 Pro for Uncllecble Accnts Tota Currt (Ad lines 17 -24 les line 25)11537 83291 71754 181 Unamrted Det DIscnt & Expse 183 Prlnin&r Survey & Investigation Charg 184 Defe Ra Ca Expes 186 Oter Defer Charges Totl Asset (Ad line 131 18 & 28 - 30)17719 87000 69281 Rev 3102 Page 7 Name; Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC BALNCE SHEET ForYearEnded 12/31/2009 LIABILITIES & CAPITAL Balance Beginning Balance End of Incrase or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ACCT#DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Dease) 201-3 Common Sto 204-6 Preferr Sto 207-13 Misclaneos Capital Acnts 214 Appropriated Retaine Eamlngs 215 Unappropnate Retained Eamings 216 Reacquire Capital Sto 218 Pronetary Capital Totl Equity Capil (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) 221-2 Bods 223 Adance frm Asate Companies 224 Oter Log - Ter Debt 231 Acnts Payable 29922 26419 (3503) 232 Note Payable 233 Acnts Pale - Asate Copanies 235 Custoer Depots (Refundable)1080 726 (354 ) 236.11 Aced Oter Taxes Payable 236.12 Aced Inco Taxes Payable 236.2 Aced Taxes - Nontilit 237-40 Aced Det. Interet & Divdens Payable 241 Misc. Currt & Ac Liabilities 251 Unaed Det Preium 252 Advance fo Costcton 253 Oter Defe Liabilites 255.1 Acmulate Invetmt Tax Crits - Utility 255.2 Acm. Invesent Tax Creits - NonUtility 261-5 Opeting Reses 271 Cobibuon In Aid of Cost 272 Acm. Am. of Cotrb. In Aid of Cosl ** 281-3 Acclate Defef Inco Taxes Tot UabUities (Ad linea 9 - 29 31002 27145 (3857) TOTAL UA & CAPITAL ( Ad lines 8 & 30)31002 27145 (3857) Re 312 ** Only If Co..lon Apprved Pag 8 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS ForYearEnded 12/31/2009 1 Retained Eamings Balance 0 Beinning of Year 2 Amount Added frm Current Year Income (From Pg 4, Line 32) 3 Othr Creits to Acunt 4 Divdends Paid or Approriate 5 Other Disbuons of Retained Eamings 6 Retained Earings Balance 0 End of Year 48721 51026 99747 CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares Desption (Clas, Par Value et.) Authored No. Share Outstadina Dividends Paid7 DET~L OF LONG-TERM DEBT 8 Deption Intert Rate Year-end Balance Intert Paid Interet Aced Rev 312 Pag 9 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended 12/31/2009 1 Provide an updated sytem map if signifcant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply: Rated Capacity Typ of Treatment: (None. Chlorine Annual Ruoride Proucton Water SupplySorc (Well, Spring,PumD Denation or loction (acm)Filt etc.)(OO'S Gal.)Surfce Wt) Number i 300 chl 21,416 well Number 2 20 chl 11,081 well 3. Sys Sto: Total Caacity OO's Usale Capacty OO's Type ofResoir costrction (E1evate,Pre (Woo, StelStora Deanation or Loction Gal.Gal.uried. Bo'cocrte) Water Tank 500 500 Elevated Steel . (Duplica form and ath If necary. Assk facilities added thl. year.) Rev 312 Page 10 Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended 12/31/2009 4 . Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and bosters. Deignation or Loction Hore RatedCapa Discharge Pressure Enery Used & TVDe of PumD*'Power (aDm)(Dsi)This Year Unknown .. Submit pup curves un.. prioly prid or UMllable. Asrl.k facilities added this yesr. Attch additional .h.. If Inaate space Is avilable on thl. page. 5 If Wells are mete: Wht was th to amount pump this year 32,497,300 Wht was the tota amont pump duri pe month?4,754,000 What was the tota amount pumpe on the pe day?257,000 6 If customers ar mete, what was the tota amont sod In peak month?N/A 7 Was your sym desne to supply fire flow?Yes If Yes: What is currnt system rating? 8 How may time were mete re this year?0 During which moths? 9 How many aditional custer cold be seed with no syste imprvemnts ext a se line an mete 400 How may of thos potial ads ar vant lots?400 10 Ar back plant ads antipa durng th co ye No If Yes, at an explanat of prJec and anipa cot.I 11 In wht ye do you. anpate tht the syte ca (suppy, ste or distbu) WIL hav to be exnded?Unknown Rev 312 Pag 11 .. Name: Teton Springs Water & Sewer LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (contnued) For Year Ended 12/31/2009 FEET OF MAINS 4"150 I 6"400 ' 8"50000 i 15"5600 i 16"1700 i 1 Pipe Siz 2 Metere: 2A Residential 2B Comercl 2C Industral 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residenti 3B Corcal 3C Industal 4 Pr FIre Pr 5 Public Fire Prteon 6 Strt Sprnkling 7 Municipal, Othr 8 Ot Wate Utlities TOTALS (Ad lines 2 thgh 8) Rev 312 In Use Begnning Of Year Installed During Year Abandoned During Year In Use End of Year CUSTOMER STAllSllCS Numbe of Customers Thousads of Galos Sold Ths Last This Last Year Year Yea Year 196 196 5 5 201 201 Pag 12 . ,J" ~ CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) ) ss County of ) WE, the underSigned~ 0- y( \A~.. and of the \CX-. Slv1 ~ 5 fAø.fe &- ~'- ~ Co"= == utiliy, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utiliy; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (Offcer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me U.l~ A'this..day of ~ù\ , 1D\O(J~.II~ NOTARY PUBLIC .~..DA VV NOTARY PU STATE OF ID My Commission Expires íS-3\-ZD\~ gdkJexcelljnelsonlanulrptsnnualrpl Rev 3/02 Page 13