HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130726Corrections to Application.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: lo: Gc: Subject: Attachments: Case No.'I'RI'I-W- I 3-01 Ron Stadley [ron@allservron.com] Friday, July 26, 2013 10:35 AM Jean Jewell Jean Jewell; Karl Klein Troy Hoffman Rate Case Corrected Pages.pdf To Whom It Ma,v Concern: Please see attached corrected pages. We are filing them to correct our Application. Let us know ifyou have any questions. Thanks, Anne Weadick Troy Hoffman Water 710 W Dalton Ave, Suite J Coeur d'Alene, lD 83815 208-664-9858 Office 208-665-2003 Fax i .i" '- qCl ?.f,i= JljL ?ri Corr..t- J P^3-s Ron StadleY, President Troy Hoffman Water CorPoration 710 W Dalton Avenue, Suite J Coeur d'Alene,ID 83815 Teh 208-664-98s8 X'ax: 208-665.2003 ron@allseqvrgn.gom -t: I: i:.i 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OF ) TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATTON ) FOR AUTHORTTY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN ) THE ST.{TE9F IDAEO. ) casE No. TRH-W-13-01 COMES NOlry Troy Hoffinan Water Corporation, hereinafter refened to as "Applicant" or'.THWC" and holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No, 280 from the Idaho Publio Utilities Commission or "IPUC", hereby applies to the Commission for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. THWC requests the Application be processed under Modified Procedure. Applicant is a Corporation duly qualified to do business in Idaho. The Applicant provides water serviceto 146 residential and I commercial customers in the city of Coeur d'Alene in Kootenai County, Idaho. Application is made to the Commission to authorize a general3Yg'o increase in water rates as follows: Increase metered residential rates from $11.80 per month plus $1.10 per. ,,... 1,000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 5,000 per month to $ lr. :a per month plus $ t .Wper 1,000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 5,000 Gal per month. Increase metered commercial rates from $15.50 per month plus $1.10 per 1,000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 5,000 Gal per month to $ 2o. ro per month plus $ l.{'l',:er 1,000 Gal for all consumption in excess of 5,000 Gal per month. Applicantrequests that such changes in rates and charges be effective on January 1, 20t4. Applicant hereby certifies that it has notified its customers of the Application by inserting a notice with the Consumer Confidence Report mailed on July 1, 2013. A similar notice has been published in the Coeur d'Alene Press on July 4, 2013, Copies of these notices are included with this Application. In addition to the recommendation of the IPUC to apply for a rate inorease approximately every tluee years, based upon the test year ended December 31,2012 Applicant believes its proposed increase in rates and charges is justified because operating expenses continue to exceed income due to the fact that there was a 15 year pedod between iggO anA 201 1 in which no rate increases were done even though operating expenses continued to increase. The last rate increase effective January 1,2011, helped to partially bridge the gap but did not entirely do so. Troy Hoffman Water Company Ca lculation of Revenue Requirement 1 Rate Base 2 Rate of Return 3 Net Operating lncome Requirement 4 Net Operating lncome Realized 5 Net Operating lncome Deficlency Revenue Requirement lncrease to 6 Overcome Loss 7 lncrementalPUC Fees @ A.7662% 8 Gross Revenue Requirement to Overcome Loss Revenue Requirement lncrease 9 Subject to lncome Tax 10 Tax Gross-up Factor 11 Not Subject to lncome Tax 12 PUC and Bad Debts Gross Up Factor Required Revenue Requirement lncrease L3 Revenue lncrease Required 14 Amortize Rate Case Expenses 15 Total Revenue lncrease Required 16 Total Revenue Collected in Test Year 17 Revenue lncrease % Tax Gross-up Factor Calculation Gross-up Factor Calculation Company (B)(A) 40,180 8.47Yo s s 3,403 (9,003) $ s 72,406 9,003 15 1,040 128.A9% 2,364 fio.fi% LOO% 0,16620/o 0.0000% 99.8338% 7,9867% 91-.847L% 73,7777% 78,0700% L2,717 37,9O0 33.56/o 9,018 3,699 !2,717 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 Net Deficiency PUC FeCs Bad Debts Taxable Amount State Tax @ 87o Federal Taxable Federal Tax @ L5% Net After Tax Net to Gross Multiplier 128.09o/o Eyhibils 5+b Troy Hoffman Water Corporation, lnc. Sheet I Revision..- Replaces All Previous Sheets Monthly Rates: 1) Residential s/q" and 1" Meters First 5,000 Gallons Each Additlonal 1,000 Gallons 2) Commerclal 1" Meters Flrst 5,000 Gallons Each Additional 1,000 Gallons RATE SCHEDULE NO. 1 METERED WATER RATES -+llfo-*+r-1+- -+{#e--+-Lls- il ts. tt' qr../1 zo.7 o r. q1 and are payable within twenty (20) NOTE: Bllls for water servlce wlll be rendered bl-monthly days of the billing date. lssued 12128110 Effectlve 01101111 Issued by: Troy Hoffman Water Corporation, lnc. Ron Stadley, President