HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101123Comments.pdf¡-:i:f :)..,,"',.,..,,.. SCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 BARNO. 1895 zr .. -, r)\l '1-?1¿J in v... Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORPORATION ) FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN )THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) CASE NO. TRH-W-IO-Ol COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Public Workshop, Notice of Modified Procedure, Notice of Scheduling and Notice of Telephonic Customer Hearing issued on October 21, 2010, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On June 7, 2010, Troy Hoffman Water Corporation (Troy Hoffman; Company) fied an Application with the Idaho Public Utilties Commlssion (Commission) requesting authority to increase its rates and charges for water service. Troy Hoffman provides water service to 146 residential customers and 1 commercial customer in the City of Coeur d' Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho. Troy Hoffman proposes a revenue increase of $34,262 (142%) for residential and commercial water customers. The Company has not had a rate increase for 14 years. Reference STAFF COMMENTS 1 NOVEMBER 23, 2010 Case No. TRH- W -95-01, Order Nos. 26545 and 28264. The Company states it is necessar to raise the rates due to increased operating expenses along with costs incured from needed repairs and replacement of the main pump in 2009. Troy Hoffman proposes the following increase in rates and charges: Current Rates Proposed Rates Residential $5.50 per month plus $.60 per $13.31 per month plus $1.45 per 1,000 gallons for all 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month gallons per month Commercial $7.50 per month plus $.60 per $18.15 per month plus $1.45 per 1,000 gallons for all 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month gallons per month Customers are biled for water service on a bi-monthly basis. Customer meters are read bimonthly durng sumer and are read in April for winter water usage (October to March). Additional charges (and changes) proposed by the Company include: (1) changing the current $10 fee for Turn On Terminated Servicetoa Reconnection Charge of$20 during office hours (7-4 Monday thr Friday) and $40 after office hours; (2) imposing a Late Payment Fee of $10 for bils that are past due after 20 days of biling date; and (3) charging a Retued Check Fee of $20. The Company also proposes a change in the Deparment of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Public Drinking Water Fee from a one-time $5.00 customer charge to a $.42 per month assessment fee per customer. On June 23, 2010, the Commission issued a Notice of Application in Case No. TRH-W-I0-0l and suspended the Company's proposed July 1,2010, effective date. On November 9,2010, following its investigation of the Company's Application, Staff conducted a public workshop in Coeur d Alene to discuss the Company's request for increased rates and charges. STAFF ANALYSIS Revenue Requirement The Company requested an annual revenue increase of$34,261, or a 142% increase over the 2009 annual revenues of $24,152. As par of its Application, the Company provided financial information for a 2009 test year. Staff reviewed the Company's financial information STAFF COMMENTS 2 NOVEMBER 23,2010 and the supporting financial records and documentation during an onsite audit at the Company's offices. Based on its investigation and audit, Sta accepts the 2009 test year and is recommend- ing an annual increase in revenue of$16,239 or 67.24%. The revenue increase is the result of additional rate base added to the Company's plant in service in 2009, and the increase in operating expenses needed to operate the Company and provide water service to customers. The difference between the Company's request and Staffs recommendation is largely attrbuted to Staffs recommendation for lower depreciation expense and a lower level of Contract Services. Rate Base The last rate increase approved by the Commission for Troy Hoffman was by Order No. 26545 issued August 1, 1996 in Case No. TRH- W -95-01. The Company had not capitalized any repairs to the plant in service since the last rate case until it had major repairs to the well pump and motor, electrical service, and the well house. Those repairs were made in May, June and July of2009. The total cost of the repairs was $40,795, with $32,915 allocated to the pump and motor and $7,880 allocated to the improvement to the well house. The detail on all the Company's plant in service is shown in StaffC9mments Attachment 1. Staff reviewed all the invoices representing all the materials and labor for the pump and motor repair. The total cost for this expenditure was $32,915. Independent contractors provided work and materials for the pump and motor in the amount of $24,450. The services and materials provided by these contractors were found by Staff to be reasonably priced and should be accepted into rate base. The balance of the total expenditure in the amount of $8,465 was provided by All Service Electric, a company owned by RonStadley. Mr.Stadley is one of the two curent owners of the Company and its President. Staff reviewed the invoice and underlying documentation from All Service Electric to insure that the affiliated services were reasonably priced. The service provided by All Service Electric included fuishing and installng new 200 amp 3-phase service meter upgrades, NEC required disconnects, soft star controls, electronic overloads, compressor/control wiring, and permits. Basedin its review, Staff determined that the cost charged to the Company was fair and reasonable. Therefore, Staff included the total cost charged by All Service Electric of $8,465 as an increase in rate base. STAFF COMMENTS 3 NOVEMBER 23,2010 The improvements to the well house were performed by Northsta Builders, a construction company owned and operated by Ken Muren, a parner with Ron Stadley in the ownership of the Company. The total cost of the charges for the materials and work provided by Northstar Builders was $7,880. Because these services were also provided by an affliated company, Staff reviewed all supporting cost documentation to insure the services were competitively priced. After reviewing the documentation, and visually inspecting the improvements to the well house, Staff concluded that the charges were fair and reasonable, and included the total cost charged by Northstar Builders of $7,880 as an increase in rate base. Staff and the Company agree that the original cost of all plant in service is $60,927. It appears the Company used the tax useful lives and anual depreciation expense from the taxes to determine the amount of accumulated depreciation and anual depreciation expense for this rate case. Staff revised the depreciation to reflect the straight line method of depreciation rather than tax depreciation to determine the accumulated depreciation and annual depreciation expense. Straight line depreciation is the method approved by the Commission for determining these amounts. Staff Comments Attachment 1 reflects the appropriate amount of accumulated depreciation of$9,841 and depreciation expense of $2,068 used to determine rates. Staff Comments Attachment 2 shows how the net plant in service of $51 ,086 is calculated using the accumulated depreciation amount of$9,841 ($60,927 - $9,841). The Company's working capital is added to the net plant in service to determine the rate base. Staff determined the working capital requirement for the Company to be 1/8 of the anual operating expenses. This is a standard working capital ratio. For purposes of determining working capital in rate base, Staff used an anual operating expenses of $31 ,891. One-eighth (1/8) of $31 ,891 is $3,986. This amount is added to the net plant in service to calculate the Company's rate base of $55,072. Staffwill discuss its calculation of the anual operating expenses below. Annual Revenue The Company stated its anual revenue in the amount of $24, 152 for the 2009 test year. Staff reviewed the Company's biling system and ban deposits to determine if all the earned revenue is included in this amount. The Company's biling system appears to account for all the revenues generated by the delivery of water to the customers. An audit of the Company's bank statements showed that all of the revenue received by the Company from its customers was deposited into the Company's ban account. The total deposits for the test year equaled STAFF COMMENTS 4 NOVEMBER 23,2010 $24,152; therefore Staff did not make any adjustments to the test year revenues. The Company has very little delinquent payments, and no bad debt. Annual Operating Expenses The Company claimed annual operating expenses in the amount of $40,324 (Company Exhibit 2, Schedule B). Staff audited the Company's financial records for the 2009 test year to determine if this is a reasonable level of anual operating expense. The Company changed ownership from Bentwood Park LLC to Dalton Square LLC on April 1, 2009. This transfer of ownership was approved by the Commissiòn on Januar 29, 2010 by Order No. 30992 in Case No. TRH-W-09-0L. Since the test year included expenses incurred by the Company under previous ownership and also under the current owner, Staffs audit identified those expenses that may differ under the new ownership and then established expected annual expenses for the test year. Based upon the Company's financial records and its operation, Staff determined that the annual operating expense should be $31,891. See Staff Comments Attachment 3. Staff is recommending adjustments to the Company's reported operating expenses. Staffs explanation of each of the operating expenses adjustments is discussed individually below. Labor - Operations & Maintenance: The Company has retained Ron Stadley (All Service Electric) as the water master and system operator since 1995. Mr. Stadley has been paid the sum of $825 per month for his service for the past three years. Because this amount was previously paid by the Company under third par ownership, Staff recommends that this amount continue to be paid to Mr. Stadley even though he is the current owner. He wil continue to provide the same service in the capacity of water master and system operator. Staff has checked with other third par water operators in the Coeur d Alene, Idaho area, and this amount does not exceed what an independent water operator would charge for a water system of this size. Therefore, Staff recommends that this amount continue at the rate of $825 per month, or $9,900 annually. Salaries - Officers & Directors: The Company requested the anual amount of $8,000 to manage the Company. Staff reviewed the amounts paid to the owner for management services in previous years and found they had received $6,000 in 2009. Staff STAFF COMMENTS 5 NOVEMBER 23,2010 recommends that this amount remain the same. This allocates the sum of $500 per month, which Staff believes is a reasonable amount of compensation for this function. Purchased Power: The Company purchases its power from A vista Utilties. This expense is variable and dependent upon the amount of water customers' demand from the system. The 2009 test year did not appear to be an unusual year for water demand. While the Company requested the amount of $6,400, the total expended in 2009 for power was $6,155, and the rates have increased since 2009. Staff evaluated power cost increases that have been approved since the test year and determined that the amount requested by the Company represents a reasonable estimation of current power costs. Therefore, Staff has included the amount of $6,400 as the power expense in determining annual operating expenses. Materials & Supplies - Operations: The Company requested $3,600 for annual materials and supplies. However, Staff was only able to find expenditures in the amount of $600 in this category of expense that would be ongoing and anually reoccurring. There was a purchase from Consolidated Supply in the amount of $522 and a purchase from TAK Technology, Inc. for $79. Both of these expenses were for materials used in the repair of the water system. Staff could not find any other expenditures for materials or supplies that should have been in this account. Therefore, Staff reduced the request amount by $3,000. Materials & Supplies - General and Administrative: These expenses include the cost to operate the Company's office and send out the bils. The Company requested $689 for these annual expenses. This amount agrees with the amount the Company expended in the test year, and Staff agrees that this amount should be included in the revenue requirement. Contract Services - Office & Accounting: The employees of All Service Electric, Mr. Stadley's company, provides all the office, bookkeeping services, biling, and record keeping for the Company. Since the change of ownership, the Company has been paying the monthly sum of $300 for these services. Staff believes this amount is consistent with what would have been charged to the Company by an independent service provider. Staff reviewed the Company's history of payment for these services and found that it had paid $300 per month to an independent service provider in 2004 and 2005. The Company did not STAFF COMMENTS 6 NOVEMBER 23,2010 include any amount for this expense; however, the Company has been making this payment since July 2009. Therefore, Staff increased anual operating expenses by $3,600. The Company additionally has meter reading expense that also was not included. Staff has included $400 for the anual cost for meter reading expense. Because the Company only reads meters four times a year, this represents a cost of $1 00 per meter reading. Contract Services - Professional: The Company requested $7,650 as the anual amount for Professional Services. This would include legal, accounting, engineering, or business planing services. Although the Company had expenses that total $7,650 in the test year, the Company reported that the $6,250 was for services that related to the purchase of the Company and the filing for the change of ownership with the IPUC. Those expenses are not of a reoccurring nature and Staff has therefore removed $6,250. Staff did accept $1,400 as a reoccurring cost for accounting services to prepare the Company's taxes and the IPUC Annual Report. Contract Services - Water Testing: The Company is required to test the purity of the water according to a 9-year testing cycle required by DEQ. Because some tests are not required every year, but are required in the 9-year cycle, the cost for testing must be normalized to reflect on an anual basis what the total cost of the testing would be over 9 years. The anual water testing cost is calculated to be $475. Rentals - Propert & Equipment: The Company requested $2,400 for rental expenses for equipment. Staff reviewed the specific expenditures during the test year and it appears that this is a reasonable reoccurring expenditure and no Staff adjustment is proposed. Transportation Expense: The Company requested $500 for transportation expense. Staff was unable to find any ongoing reoccurring expense that would justify this amount being included in rates and therefore excluded the entire amount. Insurance: The Company claimed insurance expense of$35. Staff reviewed the premium page of the insurance policy and could only find insurance premiums for the Company in the amount of$27. Therefore, Staff removed $8 from the Company's request. STAFF COMMENTS 7 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Miscellaneous Expenses: The Company requested $400 to pay for miscellaneous expenses. Staff could not find any expenditures by the Company that would justify this request. Therefore Staff removed $400 from the Company's request. Staffs recommended annual operating expenses is $31,891. This is $8,433 less than the total requested by the Company. Income Statement Staff has prepared Staff Comments Attachment 4 as the anual income statement for the Company that includes the Company's request and Staffs recommended adjustments. This statement includes additional Company expenses that are not included in the operating expenses totn7aL. These additional expenses are depreciation expense, Idaho Public Utilties fee, propert taxes, DEQ fee, and state and federal income taxes. Staff found no reason to adjust any of the expenses reported by the Company except for depreciation expense. Staff discussed this difference in the Rate Base section of these comments. Based upon the financial information discussed above, Staff determined that the Company has an anual net loss of$10,792. Rate of Return on Rate Base The Company is entitled to ear a reasonable return on its rate base. If a utilty has no debt, then the rate of return is determined on the basis that all the utilty's capital is attributable to its equity. The Commission in several recent small water cases has allowed a 12% rate of return on the utilty's equity. Bar Circle S Water Company in Case No. BCS-W-09-02, Order No. 30970; Stoneridge Water Company in Case No. SWS-W-06-01, Order No. 30342; Falls Water Company in Case No. FLS-W-05-01, Order No. 30027; Capitol Water Company in Case No. CAP-W-06-01, Order No. 30198; Spirit Lake East in Case No. SPL-W-06-01, Order No. 30279. However, if the utilty has debt, then the interest rate on the debt factors into the overall allowed rate of return. The Company had to borrow money to complete the necessar improvements to the pump, motor and well house. It incurred a loan from Ken Muren and the loan has a curent balance of $37,345. This loan accrues interest at the rate of7.50% and results in the anual interest expense of $2,800. STAFF COMMENTS 8 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Because the Company has debt, the overall allowed rate of return on the rate base must be weighted to reflect the authorized return on equity and the interest rate paid on debt. Staff Comments Attachment 5 shows the recommended overall rate of retu of 8.8%. This recommended retur is the sum of the equity retur (3.4%) and the Company's debt (5.4%). Staff calculated the revenues associated with the retur on its rate base in the amount of $4,846 ($55,072 x 8.8%). Of this revenue, $2,800 reflects interest on the debt that is a deduction for ta purposes. The remaining $2,046 is subject to taxes on both a federal and state leveL. The process of increasing the revenue requirement for tax effects is called "grossing-up." Staffhas prepared the tax grossing-up factor on page 2 of Staff Comments Attachment 6. The net to gross multiplier calculation of28.09% is the percentage that must be applied to the $2,046 to determine taxes of $575 that must be collected in rates to allow the Company an opportunity to ear the overall 8.8% rate of retur. Calculation of Revenue Requirement Staffhas calculated the additional revenue the Company should be entitled to collect in rates in Staf Comments Attachment 6. The total revenue requirement is the combination of the net loss of$10,792, the return on rate base of$4,956, the additional fee owed to the IPUC for the additional revenue collected in the amount of $26, and the tax gross up amount of $575 for a totalof$16,239. When this amount is added to'the curent revenues of$24,152 the total revenue requirement that should be collected in customer rates is $40,391. This represents a 67.24% increase to the curent rates. ENGINEERING AND RATE DESIGN System Condition As par of the evaluation process, Staff conducted a field tour of the water system on September 1,2010, accompanied by Ron Stadley, owner of Troy Hoffman Water Corporation. The tour involved inspecting the varous components of the water supply and distribution system focusing on project components that were recently completed including the newly refubished main pump and the production flow meter at the well. The Troy Hoffman Water system is currently supplied by a single well driled in the early 1960's to a depth of approximately 250 feet. The. well was cased with 30-inch steel up to 203 STAFF COMMENTS 9 NOVEMBER 23,2010 feet and additional 45 feet of 32-inch perforated steed at the bottom. No pump test data is available. There are two pumps installed in the well. Pump NO.1 was originally a 30-hp vertical turbine pump with a rated pumping capacity of 300 gpm. However, when this vertical turbine pump bured out in the summer of 2009, the Company replaced it with a submersible pump with similar performance characteristics and the same horsepower motor rating. Pump NO.2 is a 20- hp submersible pump with a rated pumping capacity of 190 gpm. Pump NO.1 serves as the primar pump. The total capacity of the pumping system is 490 gpm. A totalizing and instantaneous flow meter was also installed at the common discharge line of the two pumps in the well in 2009 when the Company replaced Pump NO.1 in 2009. During the visit, the operating pressure at the discharge line before the flow meter was between 52 to 75 psi. There are no variable speed drives installed in the system to control lower flow demands. However, the Company installed a soft starer for the newly replaced Pump No. 1 in 2009 to reduce pressure surges or "water hammer effect" on the system. The water facilty is also equipped with two hydro-pneumatic tans, with 4,000 and 3,000-gallon capacity, to supply water during low demand and reduce frequent pump cycling. There are some fire hydrants installed in the system but they are no longer used by the Fire District. The Company is using them for flushing the lines. There are also flush hydrants installed at the end of the distribution lines to flush the lines. The distribution system is supplied from the well facilty through an 8-inch transmission main. It then loops and branches into a 6-inch or 4-inch pipes. Most of the transmission and distribution lines are asbestos cement pipes. There are a total of147 customers served by the water system; 146 residential and one commercial. Almost all residential customers are served with %-inch meters with the exception of three customers served with I-inch meters. The lone commercial customer has a I-inch service meter. 'The capacity of the water system appears adequate to serve the existing customers of Troy Hoffman. Durng the public workshop conducted by Staff, no comments were received from Troy Hoffman customers concerning issues of adequacy and reliabilty of water service. Nor were such issues identified by customers who provided written comments. STAFF COMMENTS 10 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Rate Design The Company is proposing to increase its water rates as follows: · Residential Customers - increase residential rates from $5.50 per month plus $0.60 per 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month to $ 13.31 per month plus $1.45 per 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month. . Commercial Customers - increase commercial rates from $7.50 per month plus $0.60 per 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month to $ 18.15 per month plus $1.45 per 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 3,000 gallons per month. As noted above, the Company proposes to maintain the same rate structure by imposing a minimum customer charge with a volume allowance of3,OOO gallons and a commodity charge for both the residential and commercial customers. Staff does not oppose the Company proposal to maintain a rate structure consisting of a minimum customer charge with volume allowance, and a commodity charge. Staff believes that this rate design is stil appropriate for the Company for the following reasons. First, the total number and type of customers have not changed significantly since the rate was set by the Commission in 1996 (144 customers in 1996and 147 in 2009). Second, there is not much variabilty of the sizes of service meters for various customers. The Company indicated that out of 146 residential customers, 143 have 3/4-inch service meters (98%) and 3 customers have I-inch meter. Staff Production Request NO.2. Third, this rate design is simple, easy to implement and understad. Finally, the current rate structue is a common rate design for small metered water utilties regulated by the Commission. In response to Staff Production Request No.9, the Company indicated that its rationale in maintaining the 3,000-gallon minimum charge volume allowance was that this figure was used in the past and that the Company simply has not thought to do it differently. However, the Company concedes it is open to suggestions. Response to Request NO.9. The Company fuer states "We are using the same rate structue for this application but would like input from the IPUC on modifying the rate strcture if there is one that would be a better fit for our water system. Company Work Papers, page 2. Staff believes that the minimum charge volume allowance of 3,000 gallons is low compared to other small water systems regulated by the Commission. STAFF COMMENTS 11 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Staff conducted an analysis to determine the appropriate level of volume allowance for the various types of customers. The Company provided Staff with four years of water use data from 2007 to 2010 (parial data). Monthly readings, however, were not available although the total volume of water sold was recorded every 6 months durng the winter season and every two months durng other times of the year. Using the total amount of water sold during the winter period (6 months usage from November to April) in 2006-07,2007-08,2008-09 and 2009-10, the average monthly winter usage was calculated by dividing the total volume of water sold by the number of months between the readings and the number of customers. The average winter usage for four years per residential customer was 5,455 gallons per month (146 residential customers). See Staff Comments Attachment 7 for detailed calculations. This methodology for establishing the appropriate minimum customer charge volume allowance is consistent with the method used by Staff in recent general rate cases for small water utilties such as Case No. BCS-W-09-02 and Case No. FLS-W-09-0L. Also, in Commission Order 30455 (Case No. DIA-W-07-01) the Commission addressed the monthly volume allowance issue and states: . . . Some customers recommended increasing the monthly allowance of water to as much as 10,000 gallons per month, others recommended reducing it to as little as O. Staff reasoning in lowering the base monthly amount of water allowance is appealing; however, we believe the reduction from 7,500 to 4,000 per month goes too far. Instead, we find that the monthly allowance should be 5,500 gallons which coincides with the average winter usage which can be considered "minimum." (Emphasis added.) The average winter usage for one commercial customer for the same period is 5,292 gallons per month. Staff believes that the average winter usage for residential and commercial customers is not significant enough to warant different volume allowance for each customer class. Therefore, Staff recommends a minimum customer charge volume allowance of 5,000 gallons per month for all types of customers. Meters are not read for 6 months durng the winter season when they are not accessible but the Company bils the customers with the minimum customer charge during the regular biling period. When meters are read in April, any gallon overage is computed and assessed at that time. During the field investigation conducted by Staff on September 1, 2010, it was found that there are 12 duplex residential units served by the Company. These duplexes are considered by the Company to be single family residential customers. Staff agrees that these duplex customers should be biled as individual residential customers because they are also served by %-inch service lines and meters. In addition, the anual average monthly usage of the duplex customers STAFF COMMENTS 12 NOVEMBER 23,2010 (17,775 gallons) is comparable to the anual average monthly usage during the year of the single family residential customers (15,015 gallons). Staff Comments Attchment 8 presents the 3-year monthly average volume of water sold and the monthly anual average for residential customers. Staff supports the Company's proposal to have a rate design with a different minimum customer charge for commercial and residential customers for the following reasons: a) the commercial customer has a larger service line and meter (1-inch) compared to the residential customers (3/4-inch); b) the Company maintains a 500 foot 4-inch distribution line solely serving the commercial customer which would generally require more anual operating and maintenance costs; and c) the average anual monthly usage of the commercial customer is 45,509 gallons per month or about three times the average anual monthly usage of the residential customer (15,015 gallons per month). As indicated previously, Staffs adjusted test year anual revenue requirement for the Company is $40,391. Using this adjusted revenue requirement and the recommended rate design discussed above, Staff recommends a minimum customer charge of $11.52 with a volume allowance of 5,000 gallons and a commodity charge of $1.05 per 1,000 gallons for water usage above 5,000 gallons for residential customers. Likewise, Staff recommends a minimum customer charge of$15.50 with a volume allowance of 5,000 gallons and a commodity charge of $1.05 per 1,000 gallons for water usage above 5,000 for commercial customers. A comparison of rates, rate design and rate spread for existing Company and Staff s proposals are shown in the summar table below. TYPE OF EXISTING COMPANY STAFF CUSTOMERS RATES PROPOSAL PROPOSAL Residential Min. Customer Charge $5.50 $13.31 $11.52 Volume Allowance 3,000 gallons 3,000 gallons 5,000 gallons Commodity Charge $0.60 per 1,000 gals $1.45 per 1,000 gals $1.05 per 1,000 gals Commercial Min. Customer Charge $7.50 ¡ $18.15 .$15.50 Volume Allowance 3,000 gallons 3,000 gallons 5,000 gallons Commodity Charge $0.60 per 1,000 gals $1.45 per 1,000 gals $1.05 per 1,000 gals To assure that the Staffs rate design meets the recommended revenue requirement, Staff developed a rate proof sheet as presented in Staff Comments Attachment 9. The total revenue for the commodity charge was calculated using a normalized 3-year average (2007, 2008 and 2009) anual excess volume usage of 19,080,000 gallons (18,596,000 gallons for residential + STAFF COMMENTS 13 NOVEMBER 23, 2010 484,000 gallons for commercial). The normalized excess volume was calculated by analyzing individual water usage for each customer per billng period. The total calculated revenue is $40,403, or about $12 over Staffs recommended revenue requirement. Staff believes that this rate design is reasonable and appropriate for Troy Hoffman. The total revenue contributed by minimum customer charge is 50% and the revenue còntributed by the commodity charge is 50%. With the curent rates, approximately 46% is contributed by the minimum customer charge and 54% by the commodity charge. Staff believes that the change in percent contribution of the minimum customer charge from 46% to 50% is waranted to bring more balanced revenue collections throughout the biling period. In addition, Staff generally establishes revenue derived from the base rate and commodity rate based on the percentage of fixed and variable expenses targeting a 50/50 split. In the case of Troy Hoffman, the amount of current operation expenses are approximately 65.7% fixed and 34.3% variable costs. The Commission has allowed a small water utilty to recover as high as 72% of its revenue from the minimum customer charge. Order No. 30027, Case No. FLS-W-05-01. Based on Staffs proposed rate structue, the average monthly bil for a residential customer with an anual average monthly water usage of 15,015 gallons is $22.04, an increase of $9.33 or 73% from curent rates. The last rate case for Troy Hoffman Water setting the monthly rate of$5.50 per month plus $0.60 per 1,000 gallons for residential customer consumption was approved by the Commission in 1996 (Commission Order No. 26545). The total increase of 73% in this case is equivalent to an anual increase of 5.28% since the last increase. The rate impacts for residential customers with different monthly water usage are presented in Staff Comments Attachment 10. For comparison, Staff reviewed and calculated the residential monthly biling costs using the curent tariffs for regulated small water companies operating in northern Idaho. Using an average consumption of 15,015 gallons, Staff found that the $22.04 average monthly bil for residential customers of Troy Hoffman under the Staffs proposed rate design compares favorably with monthly average bilings of various other small water companies, ranging from $17.63 to $54.05 per month. See Staff Comments Attachment 11. STAFF COMMENTS 14 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Other Water System Operational Issues Water Production, Consumption and Losses The Company indicated that a production flow meter capable of reading volumetric and instataeous flows was installed in the summer of 2009. Staff requested that the Company provide records of monthly water production data from the time the flow meter was installed to June 30, 2010. In response to Staff Production Request No.6, the Company provided the water production data and volume of water sold to all customers. Using this limited water production data, Staff attempted to calculate the unaccounted water. However, the analysis showed that the total volume of water pumped was less than the total volume of water sold. See Staff Comments Attachment 10. The reasons for this inaccuracy could be a faulty production flow meter, faulty customer service meters, different dates of reading the production meter and the service meters, or error in meter readings. Staff recommends that the Company identify and correct the problems in order to make an accurate assessment of water pumped and water sold. Water Quality As par of its review of the water system, Staff also looked at the water quality issues to assure that the Company can adequately and reliably provide safe drinking water to customers. A Sanitar Surey was conducted by IDEQon December 10,2004 on the Company's water system. A Sanitary Surey is an.onsite review of the water source, facilties, equipment, operation and maintenance to assure a public water system provides an adequate source of water supply, and is distributing safe drinking water. Based on the results of the IDEQ's 2004 Sanitary Survey the Troy Hoffman Water system was generally in compliance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IRPDWS). One deficiency that needed to be corrected was the installation of a water production flow meter at the welL. While a flow meter was installed in June 2009, the accuracy of this meter is in question. Water Rights Staff previously reviewed the Company's water rights in 2009 when Troy Hoffman Water was sold by Benton Park, LLC to Dalton Square, LLC, the curent Company owner (Case No. TRH-W-09-01). According to the Idaho Deparment of Water Resources (IDWR), Northern Region, Troy Hoffman has two valid water rights licenses. The Company did not change its name durng the sale but Staff recommended that the Company notify IDWR about the change of STAFF COMMENTS 15 NOVEMBER 23,2010 business address. Staff also recommended that the Company fie the notice of water rights claims as par of the adjudication process stars to assure protection of the Company's water rights. Staff notes that adjudication claims for the Company's water rights have been appropriately fied. CUSTOMER NOTICES AND PRESS RELEASES The Company's Application included a copy of the customer notice and the press release as required under Rule 125 of the Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). The Company mailed its customers a copy of the customer notice on June 30, 2010. The press release was published in the Coeur d'Alene Press on June 11,2010. The Commission sent a Notice of Public Workshop on Thursday October 21,2010, to all the paries of record and interested paries in the case. The Commission issued a Press Release regarding the public workshop on Thursday, October 28,2010. The workshop was held in Coeur d Alene on Tuesday, November 9, 2010. There were six (6) attendees. CUSTOMER RELATIONS As of November 9,2010, the Commission has received thirteen (13) written comments from customers regarding this case as of November 22,2010. Since June 1,2007, the Commission has received two (2) informal complaints/inquiries. An inquiry was received regarding the Commission's regulatory authority.. An informal complaint was received in regards to system pressure at a customer's address, which the. Company immediately checked and found to be within DEQ limits NON-RECURRNG CHARGES The Company is asking for an increase in the reconnection charge from $10.00 to $20.00, and three new charges: (1) a $40.00 after-hours reconnection charge, (2) a $10.00 late payment charge and (3) a $20.00 retured check charge, as more paricularly described below. Reconnection Charges The Company proposes to increase its charge for reconnections from $10.00 to $20.00. The Company is asking that the charge be applied to reconnections performed following an involuntar disconnection of service for non-payment when requested during normal business STAFF COMMENTS 16 NOVEMBER 23,2010 hours. The Company's request is reasonable and consistent with charges authorized by the Commission for other regulated utilties. Although the Company's normal business hours are 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, it has agreed that customers requesting reconnection between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays as defined by the State ofIdaho, will be charged $20. Staff recommends approval of this charge. The Company also proposes a new $40.00 reconnection charge for reconnections following an involuntar disconnection of service for non-payment to be applied when the reconnection is requested outside of normal business hours. The $40.00 charge is within the range of charges previously approved by the Commission for other regulated utilties under similar circumstances, when the Company must dispatch personnel outside of business hours. Staff recommends approval of a $40.00 charge for reconnection due to involuntar disconnection for nonpayment when requested at times other than those hours discussed above. Late Payment Charge The Company has requested a late payment charge of$10.00 applicable to the balance remaining after the due date, which the Company curently sets at twenty days after the billng date. The Company has provided no justifitation for the amount of the charge. The Staf audit of the Company's financial records indicates that late payments are not a significant problem, and the Company makes no allowance for Bad Debt Expense in its application. While Staff recognizes that a late payment charge is appropriate to reduce the costs incurred in the collection of past due debt and improves cash flow, Staff objects to a flat charge of $1 0.00 for late payments, when it is applied regardless of the past due amount or how long the payment has been past due. The Company reads meters only four (4) times a year and sends biling statements on a bimonthly basis. During the biling periods when meters have not been read the customer is biled the minimum monthly biling charge. Because the Company does not send monthly biling statements, consideration must be given to the timing of the application of a late payment charge. Applying a late charge of one percent (1 %) per month, as allowed in other cases, calculated and biled at the time the next bimonthly.biling statement is created, would show a two percent (2%) late payment charge. In order to avoid the accumulation of late payment charges over the two month period between billng statements, the Company could send a reminder notice to past due accounts between billng statements, which would increase the cost STAFF COMMENTS 17 NOVEMBER 23, 2010 of collections. Staff instead recommends a one percent (1 %) late payment charge to be applied to the unpaid balance at the time of the bimonthly biling statement. Returned Check Charges In its Application, the Company proposes to implement a charge of $20.00 that applies when a customer's check or ban draft is retured by the ban for an appropriate reason, including non-sufficient funds. Staff recognizes that a retured check charge is appropriate to discourage customers from paying with bad.checks and allows parial recovery of the costs incurred in the collections process. The proposed $20.00 charge is consistent with what other companies charge and meets statutory requirements. Staff recommends approval of the $20.00 returned check charge. COMPANY DOCUMENTATION Company Tariff The three sections of a small water utilty Tariff - the Commission approved rate schedules, the General Rules and Regulations for Small Water Utilties and the Uniform Main Extension Rules - describe the relationship between the customers and the Company and establish the basic rules for providing service. The Company's application included a proposed Tarffbased on the Model Tariff for small water utilties implemented by the Commission in 2008. The Company Tariff included a copy of Uniform Main Extension Rules based on Commission Order 7830 (Case No. U-1500-22) as an appendix to the Tariff. As par of the General.Rules and Regulations section of the Tariff, under Section 14 - Special Provisions and Amendments, the Company included its Cross Connection Control - Backflow Prevention Control Program. This program is a requirement of the Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality and is included as a supplement to the General Rules and Regulations. Although this program is mandated by another state agency and addresses issues outside of the Commission's jurisdiction, Staff believes that the inclusion of the program detals is appropriate to create a comprehensive document for the Company. Staff recommends inclusion of the Cross Connection Control program in the Company's Tariff. STAFF COMMENTS 18 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Rate Schedules Under Rate Schedule 2 - Other Recurring and Non-Recuring Charges, the Company lists a single recuring charge, the Department OfEnvironmental Quality Fee, and several non- recurng charges. The Company requested a DEQ fee of $.042 per month per customer to be collected to cover the annual assessment. The DEQ fee is an annual fee subject to change by DEQ, and not subject to IPUC approvaL. For this reason Staffhas included an allowance for the total assessment in the revenue requirements for the Company. Staff recommends that the Company remove the DEQ fee from the list of recuring charges, and rename Rate Schedule 2 as Non-Recurring Charges. Rate Schedule 2 also includes a charge labeled as a Tur On of existing service - New Owner. This charge is variously identified by other utilties as an Account Initiation charge or a Service Establishment Charge. The charge allows the Company to recover a portion of the costs incurred in establishing an account, including generating new account biling records, and turing the service on if it is curently shut off. The charge is applicable to new customers at a service address.where service connections already exist. The Company has stated in response to Production Requests that it does not typically tur water service off at an address when a customer closes their account so the cost is minimaL. However, Staff recognizes that there are costs associated with setting up a new account and recommends that the Company re-label this charge to more appropriately reflect the actions involved. Staff is willng to assist the Company in completing these and other formatting changes to ensure that the Company Tarff meets the requirements of the Commission. Biling The Commission's requirements for biling documentation are contained in Rule 201 of the Utilties Customer Relations Rules (UCRR), which states that bils shall be issued on a regular basis, and describes the content requirements for the bils. The Company's Rate Schedules are set at a monthly rate and the Company sends bi-monthly biling statements. Biling statements provided by the Company indicate that it bils customers the end of February, April, June, August, October and December. The Company has stated in response to Production Requests that the customer's meters are read at the end of the month just prior to the biling statement. Production and usage records provided by the Company indicate the Company does not read the meters in December or Februar. This practice of not reading meters is STAFF COMMENTS 19 NOVEMBER 23,2010 because of the limited accessibilty to meters due to accumulated snow. On statements for biling periods when there are no readings the Company bils the customer the minimum charge for the biling period. After the April readings, the Company aggregates the 3,000 gallon monthly allowance for the six (6) months, (3,000 gallons x 6 = 18,000 gallons), and the customer is biled for usage exceeding 18,000 gallons. Average customer usage is lowest in the winter months because it is typically for culinar purposes only, the~efore the effects of aggregated biling on the customer's bil are minimaL. Staff is aware of and agreeable to the practice. Company biling statements do not identify the due date for the bil, but instead states that the bil is due in 20 days. The lack of a due date does not comply with the contents requirements as described in Rules 201, UCRR, and Staff recommends that the statements be revised to specify the due date as required under Rule 201 of the UCRR. Termination Notifcation The Company submitted copies of its Initial Notice of Intent to Terminate Service and its Final Water Shut-Off Notices. While the termination notices meet the requirements of Rule 305 of the UCRR, Staff recommends that the Company also include the Company office hours on the notices to assist customers in contacting the Company in the event of a disconnection for non- payment. Annual Rules Summary The Company states that it has not previously sent out an annual rules summary as required under Rule 701 of the UCRR. However in.its response to Production Requests, the Company has indicated that it will send out sumaries this year. The copy of the sumar submitted along with its responses is based on the Commission sample. Staff recommends that the Company generate an annual rules summary and mail it on an anual basis. Complaint Records The Company has forwarded copies of three incident reports dating back to May 2009. The incident reports clearly identify customers account and describe both problem and resolution of problem. Included in the incident reports is a report that was completed as a Company record of an informal complaint. Commission records indicate that two customers have contacted the Commission over the past three years. Staf commends the Company for its complaint record STAFF COMMENTS 20 NOVEMBER 23,2010 system. The system as evidenced by the incidence reports meets the requirements of Rule 401 of theUCRR. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Staff recommends that the use of a 2009 test year be approved. 2. Staff recommends that a 12% retur on equity and an overall rate of return on rate base of 8.8% be approved. 3. Staff recommends that a rate base of$55,072 be approved. 4. Staff recommends that an anual revenue requirement of$40,391 or an increase of 67.24% be approved. 5. Staff recommends that the volume allowance for minimum customer charge be changed from 3,000 gallons to 5,000 gallons for both the resídential and commercial customers. 6. Staff recommends that the rate design proposed by the Staff with minimum customer charge with specific volume allowance åsdiscussed in Recommendation NO.5 and single rate commodity charge for residential and commercial customers be approved. 7. Staff recommends that the Company make an accurate assessment of water pumped and water sold. To accomplish this task, Staff recommends that the Company be directed to: a) investigate the placement and test accuracy of the newly installed production flow meter, and b) randomly test the accuracy of at least 10% of the customer service meters. Staff fuher recommends that the Company complete these tasks within one year of the final order Ìn this case. 8. Staff recommends that the Company review and update all notices, bils and other documents to be consistent with Commission's Rules and Regulations, including the Company Tariff with all Schedules, General Rules and Regulations and Main Line Extension Rules, monthly biling statements, initial notice of termination, final notice of termination, and annual rules summary. 9. Staff recommends that the Company send out an annual rules sumary. 10. Staff recommends that the Company revise its normal business hours. 11. Staff recommends a Reconnection Charge of $20.00 to be applied for reconnection requested from 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. 12. Staff recommends a Reconnection Charge of $40.00 to be applied for reconnection requested at any other time. STAFF COMMENTS 21 NOVEMBER 23,2010 13. Staff recommends a late payment charge of one percent (1 %) per month of the unpaid balance at the time of the biling statement. 14. Staff recommends that the Company send out reminder notices on past due balances between biling cycles. Respectfully submitted this v& &3 day of November 2010. Technical Staff: Joe Leckie Gerr Galinato Chris Hecht i:umisc:commentstrhw 1 0.1 swjlgdgcwh comments STAFF COMMENTS 22 NOVEMBER 23,2010 Tr o y H o f f m a n W a t e r C o r p . TR H - W - 1 O - O l Pl a n t i n S e r v i c e i A c c u m u l a t e d D e p . i A n n u a l D e p r e c i a t i o n E x p e n s e (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (g ) (h ) Da t e P l a c e d An n u a l Ac c u m l a t e d Un d e p r e c i a t e d in S e r v i c e Ba l a n c e 1 - - 9, 2 7 2 2 Tr a n s m i s s i o n a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n Ma i n s 19 7 7 $ 9, 0 6 2 60 $ 15 1 33 $ 4, 9 8 4 $ 4, 0 7 8 $ - $ Tr a n s m i s s i o n a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n 3 Ma i n s 19 8 5 $ 43 6 $ 7 25 $ 18 2 $ 25 4 60 $ - $ 4 Me t e r s 19 8 6 $ 1, 3 6 2 35 $ 39 24 $ 93 4 $ 42 8 $ - $ 5 Pu m p a n d M o t o r 20 0 9 $ 32 , 9 1 5 20 $ 1, 6 4 6 2 $ 3, 2 9 2 $ 29 , 6 2 4 $ - $ 6 Pu m p H o u s e 20 0 9 $ 7, 8 8 0 35 $ 22 5 2 $ 45 0 $ 7, 4 3 0 7 $ 60 , 9 2 7 $ 2, 0 6 8 $ 9, 8 4 1 $ 51 , 0 8 6 .. c n n ~ :: S ' e i : : ~~ ( l ¡ : ;: n z ; ; 00 0 8 3. 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Attachment 4 Case No. TRH-W-I0-0l Staff Comments 11/23/10 Tr o y H o f f m a n W a t e r C o r p o r a t i o n TR H - W - I O - O l Co s t o f C a p i t a l a n d R a t e o f R e t u r n (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) % o f To t a l Co s t o f We i g h t e d Am o u n t Ou t s t a n d i n g Ca p i t a l Co s t 1 Co m m o n E q u i t y $ 9, 2 7 2 2 Re t a i n e d E a r n i n g s $ 5, 3 4 4 3 To t a l C o m m o n E q u i t y $ 14 , 6 1 6 28 % 12 . 0 % 3. 4 % 4 Lo n g - t e r m D e b t $ 37 , 3 4 5 72 % 7. 5 % 5. 4 % 5 To t a l C a p i t a l $ 51 , 9 6 1 10 0 . 0 % 6 We i g h t e d C o s t o f Ca p i t a l (R a t e o f R e t u r n ) 8. 8 % .. e n n ; : ~ S e ; : : ~: : ( I ~ ;: n z 8 " 00 0 i 3 3' ( I 3 ~ a g : i V I fi ~ i..ob.. §...~ ~ ~Ui- Q)~~ æ ~c. ~ $ -oio- i~I ~ "E Q) ~... ~ ~ Q) § ~ ~~o i:o...~--;: C)'"u VJ a:.srr N ~ \0~ 0 ~O~ 00 00 i. 00 ~~i. fA fA o \0o ~00 0 C' C' fA fA ~ ~NO~ 000\ .~ 00 fA ~~~..fA --~i.r- ~i.~~r"~CI fA -- Æ ~ ~CI ~~ e § :c .~ ci CI C"_ 0 ¡i i: i- i- ë e. e..§ ~ ~ a C" CI CIt~e:e:~i=CIOO4- :: i: i:COoi:ooCI CI CI ... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - N ~ --N0\~ O~-~ fA --0\i.\0 oô~ fA .s~ CI .. ~ ~ ~ ~ SCI i: i:CI ~ 8 S ~i: ~..t- .~ en 0/ :: VJi: C" °... 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Ta x G r o s s - u p F a c t o r C a l c u l a t i o n Gr o s s - u p F a c t o r C a l c u l a t i o n Ne t D e f i c i e n c y PU C F e e s Ba d D e b t s Ta x a b l e A m o u n t St a t e T a x ~ 8 % Fe d e r a l T a x a b l e Fe d e r a l T a x ~ 1 5 % Ne t A f t e r T a x Ne t t o G r o s s M u l t i p l i e r 10 0 % 0. 1 6 6 2 % 0. 0 0 0 0 % 99 . 8 3 3 8 % 7. 9 8 6 7 % 91 . 8 4 7 1 % 13 . 7 7 7 1 % 78 . 0 7 0 0 % 12 8 . 0 9 % Troy Hoffman Water Corporation Case No. TRH-W-10-01 Monthly Winter Water Usage for Residential and Commercial Customers Average Monthly Winter Usage per Residential Customer Winter Total Water Total Total No. of Ave. Usage Period Sold in Winter Number of Months of per Customer (gallons)Customers Winter Rdg.(gallons/mo.) 2006-07 4,640,000 145 6 5,333 2007-08 5,076,000 146 6 5,795 2008-09 4,698,000 146 6 5,363 2009-10 4,669,000 146 6 5,330 Average 5,455 Average Residential Monthly Winter Usage per Commercial Customer Winter Total Water Total Total No. of Ave. Usage Period Sold in Winter Number of Months of per Customer (gallons)Customers Winter Rdg.(gallons/mo.) 2006-07 7,000 1 6 1,167 2007-08 38,000 1 6 6,333 2008-09 49,000 1 6 8,167 2009-10 33,000 1 6 5,500 Average 5,292 Staff recommends a minimum charge volume allowance of 5,000 gallons per month for all customer classes Attachment 7 Case No. TRH-W-I0-0l Staff Comments 11/23/10 Troy Hoffman Water Corporation Case No. TRH-W-I0-0l Number of Residential Customers:2007 = 2008 = 2009 = 145 146 146 Monthly Water Usage (Gallons) - Residential Customers Month 2007 2008 2009 Average January 5,333 5,795 5,363 5,497 February 5,333 5,795 5,363 5,497 March 5,333 5,795 5,363 5,497 April 5,333 5,795 5,363 5,497 May 20,221 13,140 17,336 16,899 June 20,221 13,140 17,336 16,899 July 49,641 41,651 38,962 43,418 August 49,641 41,651 38,962 43,418 September 10,959 14,277 14,610 13,282 October 10,959 14,271 14,610 13,282 November 5,795 5,363 5,330 5,496 December 5,795 5,363 5,330 5,496 Total 194,564 172,041 173,927 180,177 Average 16,214 14,337 14,494 15,015 Note: a) Reading in April is prorated monthly for 6 months. b) Bimonthly reading is prorated monthly for 2 months. Monthly Usage per Residential Customer - Troy Hoffman 60,000 50,000 .. QJ 40,000E0..II:Ju ..2007..30,000QJC. II _2008i: .2 20,000 ~200911~~Average 10,000 :I~ :I~ èS i.~v"c v"c ~ ",a.."c-\ ::' ~) ~Il -\Il\V s~ ~ e) Il, e) e)') ~ ~ ",2f ~ ~",V "!1l 0(; ,:1l vIl e.lla ~o Ç)Il ~"c~ Àtùichnerit 8 Case No. TR-W-IO-Ol Staff Comments 11/23/10 Troy Hoffman Water Case No. TRH-W-l0-0l Rate Proof of Staff Proposed Rate Design Staff Recommended Revenue Requirement Total Number of Customers: Residential Commercial $40,391 14ô 1 MINIMUM CUSTOMER CHARGES Type Number Volume Minimum Total Annual of of Allowance Customer Rev. from Min. Customers Customers (Gallons)Charge Charge Residential 146 5,000 $11.52 $20,183 Commercial 1 5,000 $15.50 $186 Total 147 $20,369 COMMODITY CHARGES (Residential and Commercial Customers) Commodity charges for all customers ($/1,000 gallons)$1.05 Net Volume of Excess Usage (gallons)19,080,000 Total Commodity Revenue $20,034 Total Revenue (minimum customer and commodity charges)$40,403 Revenue over (under) Revenue Requirement $12 Various Charges as a % of Gross Revenue Minimum Customer Charge Commodity Charge 50% 50% Attachment 9 Case No. TRH-W-IO-Ol Staff Comments 11/23/10 cotl(l 0..0coa:0....1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J1J (l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(l u VI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E c:c:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CO..Ll'l Lll LI~i.LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~LI~::3:vi0..CO c::;::(... 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CO ....tl c:..(l 0 0..0 E0COia:00..(l....1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J tl i 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J CO 3:..II (li..(l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;::i cv (l u VI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 coa:E E c:c:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I-0 co ..iv~m iv~m iv~iv~iv~iv~iv~m iv~iv~iv~iv~m co::3:::Ö ..0 c:II ..COZ:::;(.c:U ::CO cvII CO c: CO ''¡COU000000000000000..c:..LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI 0..cv c:(l (l '+cv "1 (l LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI....VI ..(l CO "iii ..co co VI 3:cv ::c:a:CO 0:U (l..c:i 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J U CO ..c: E u 0CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..::c.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c:0 E ;?VI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (l:i ..c:N~~~t.~OÒ 0'N~oo~0'LI~O~LI~O~LI~O~u..(l ..~CV c:tl ........N N iv iv ~~LI (l e ..0 CO C- eo ~VI CO ..I-0:::(.CO Attachment 10 Case No. TR-W-I0~OI Staff Comments 11/23/10 ..co llV (l ..'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*..u ..en en en N iv iv iv ~~~~~~~~c:c:c:0 0 00 r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-(l (l 0 ....u ..E..(l(l ::..c-ëi (l0- ..N N N r-r-r-r-r-r-N r-N r-N r-..a a -:C"..a O't.LI OC a iv LI OC ac:c:c:0 t.t.LI LI t.r-r-..iv t.00 N LI ~1J ..........N N N .( Iv: OS' 6)¿, 6)~.J ;:/'V6)..~o.-~ 3:~S'0v:0 ~.J ~O ra v¡y 0' '"CY.,~-v6) c:V'1: I ¡yIic:7'~) OJ 0 Iv..J -" ?'tX..- i ;,Ii ra /6)*0 C)¡ 1U) '?~Z 11'-.0 c:~""J)0 U)ý~.--V V'...6) Lo ~/~OJ ~~6).-~ ;10c:..n-~ ~ra 0 :- .- C.OJ 9'tX E S' ~bo 6)1. ra ~0 ll-r U V'.,~ Ii ::10 19.ó OJ :;0.,~Ov6)0~..-;ii/..J 'ó I ra "(9 S .."j"c:" 6)0 /-.-~6-:2ra ~ .,~E CY6) '0 ¡vi V6)..%0 ~tv p, V' o~b- OJ.."Vb-raa:~:.o000000I )Ý-f000000-V o¿,0 0 0 0 0 0 X\.i.""m N ,.-V -V -V -V -V -V salell A14luoW Attchment 11 Case No. TRH-W-IO-Ol Staff Comments 11/23/10 Troy Hoffman Water Corporation Case No. TRH-W-I0-0l VOLUME OF WATER PRODUCED, SOLD AND UNACCOUNTED 2006 Volume Vol. Pumped Vol. Sold Total Percent Pumped by Billng by Biling Volume Lost Volume Month Gallons Period-gals Period-gals Gallons Lost Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1/3,738,400 3,738,400 5,164,000 JuJ 6,237,200 Aug 1,417,900 7,655,100 11,609,000 (3,953,900)-52% Sep 629,700 Oct 931,300 1,561,000 4,351,000 (2,790,000)-179% Nov .. 575,000 Dec 780,400 2010 Jan 537,900 Feb 773,100 Mar 137,600 Apr 2/1,555,400 4,359,400 4,702,000 (342,600)-8% May 1,653,700 Jun 1,285,000 2,938,700 4,174,000 (1,235,300)-42% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ii Flow meter was installed in early June 2009. Total volume of water pumped during the billing period is incomplete. 21 Total volume of water pumped during the billng period includes the November 2009 to April 2010 readings. Attachment 12 Case No. TRH-W-IO-01 Staff Comments 11/23/10 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 23RD DAY OF NOVEMBER 2010, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. TRH-W-I0-0l, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: RONSTADLEY TROY HOFFMAN WATER CORP 710 W DALTON AVE STE J COEUR D' ALENE ID 83815 E-MAIL: roncmallservron.com ~~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE