HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050616Hammond Letter Schedules 2 and 3.pdfBA TT FISHER June 9, 2005 ,...,' t..-,..,i"" ,.,-/ ~ """ e.,mail: jrhqpbattfls~. co1(i~ fJ"' , ' ~~B (f)'25 ' : \"1 ""n '0 , ;:~' "" '"'-; ,"",J Q~r:: ' , ......... A LI.MITED LIABILI TY P'ARTNERSHIP JolmR. H,m1mond 11'0 Donovan Walker DeputyAttomey General Idaho Public Utilities CommissionO. Box 83720 Boise, Iciaho 83720-0074 TGUJ- o 6:"0 Re:lariff;;)iched~leslvos.2' & 3 New Service Connections and'Reco nnectlOJ1 F!ees: -.. Dear Mr. Walker: ' Attached~o this correspon4ence for your convenience are proposed Ta!iff Sc.h~dulesNos : ' & 3 for Terra Gra~de Water, submitted totheCominission on May 24, 2005:$cheduleNo.' 2 is:fornew coimections to the1erraGrandeSystem 'andNQ.3 is for areconn~ction fee. to the system. Inreference to these. proposed Tariffs l\vas contacted' June 8, 2005, by Randy Lobb who advisedthatthe Copimissibn St~ffwiiltteat the, proposed Tariff Schedule No. 2as:aTariff.. ' ' .' A.vice and review it inthai,mat?11er.Howeve~,Mr.Lobhad:visedthat the ~OmniissionStaff believes Tariff Schedule, No~.Concerning, th~:pj;opo~ed:reconneGti()nt~e 'snorild...be,handle(l as: , , if (t\yerean-Application ratl1ertl1an aTafifi'Advice' . , Terra Grandehas ro:object~onto,t1ieStafrs .. , po~itionto'review these prop~s~dTariffsthro~ghodifferen(pr()cedure andstandsie~~yfor th~" Cotru:11ission ' reyiew.Qurclient hop~sthat the review of Tariff Sehedul~,No.3 qanbehan.dl~d .. " by,Modified Procedure under the ,Commission s Rules.Finally,TerraGqmd~willfde" " jri.iormatiop. inregardtoTariffSchedtileNo j to .aldStaff and the CornIDi~sion sreview of itscontents., " ' "' ".. ' , ', ,, ", ", , ,', , " " If you have anr,questionsregardingfhismattei please feelOf~ee toc6ntactme at(20~J- 331-I-GOO qr bycxailat'irhr:~battfi$heT,:~~m " Th~~~ YO;.;fDf ?~~.r ~8ist~m;:e, ij!~hi8!!latter,: , ." ', ,, , " ", " .. , Sincerely~ , '' ".. .., BATT&FISHER;LL 'e " :' '~:, , ,"; ;,~., ..::, ,, :",,.-,, , ,, ,.. " --' "", ',; ." "-' ' ..: , :Hammon&Jr., , : ,:' .. ", " .:: ;,;~~," ' , u ' .., .',' :'- ,~ ", ", ' u , ' ~"..-- . " JRHlkl b' ' ", ," ..' ' Enclosure , . Cc: . RahdyLbbb' , : Client . """..., ,, '~, ,:!':~..:: ::~" ":~~,2~;, :; , ', ", ,: , n. , :.;'. ~~: LL- :' :~:~-:.:;~~~-" ;.. , ,, /::--:;, ,'" : T 208.331.1000 . F 208.331.2400 . P.O. Box 1308 Boise, Id 83701 . Suite 500, US Bank Plaza 101 S: Capitol Blvd. .. Boise, Id 83702 Tariff No.Page 3 I.P.C. No. Schedule No. Name of Utility TERRA GRANDE WATER (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE NO. New Service Connections:Terra Grande Water is responsible for the completion of new service connections within its certificated area. No such connection shall occur other than by the direction and authorization of Terra Grande Water. Cost for New Customer Service Connections: Upon request from a customer or owner renting property for residential use ("customer ), for a new service connection to Terra Grande s system said customer is responsible for paying Terra Grande Water for the actual cost of completing a connection for water service to Terra Grande s system.These costs include but are not limited to all costs for engineering, installation and materials for a new connection, which includes but is not limited to a line connection to the main, meter base vault and stop valve. Issued May 20 Issued by 2005 Effective 2005 v..A -I Title ~~~ Tariff No.Page 4 I.P.C. No. Schedule No. Name of Utility TERRA GRANDE WATER (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE NO. Reconnection Fees (including opening stop valve for a new service connection): $65.00 during office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p., Mon. Fri. $100.00 after office hours. Issued May 20 2005 Effective 2005 Issued by Itr,...-()..G.~ By Title