HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050301Amendment and Supplement.pdfJohn R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 William J. Batt, ISB No. 2938 BATT & FISHER, LLP S. Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Post Office Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 F?ECE1VED (): ,. 1 r' "-.- ft.LL Z3u5 MAR - I PH 3: S~ ; ,:; ; ; ih i UTILIT lES'- cof:i~1fSS'nN Attorney for Terra Grande Water BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TTER 0 F THE APPLICATION OF TERRA GRANDE WATER REQUESTING THAT THE COMMISSION AUTHORIZE INTERIM RATE RELIEF AND FURTHER PROCEEDINGS TO ESTABLISH JUST AND REASONABLE RATES Case No. 'fCW 05 i6lV- w-dj"'-O I AMENDMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION COMES NOW Terra Grande Water (the "Company" or "Terra Grande ) and pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 66 makes this Amendment and Supplement to its Application filed on February 9, 2005, with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) that requested an Order approving interim rate relief that would increase the Company s current rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho. First, due to the emergency which created this matter and because the Company filed its Rate Application prior to receiving its first bill from United Water, Terra Grande requests that the Commission make any interim rate relief effective as of January 28 2005 , the date on which United Water began supplying water to the Company s system. At the time Terra Grande submitted its Application to the Commission, it had yet to receive a bill from United Water of Idaho, Inc. for the water that was supplied to the Company AMENDMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION, P. 1 ORiGINAL for its customers. Terra Grande received its first bill from United Water on February 22, 2005, a copy of which has been attached as Exhibit A to this pleading for the Commission s review. This bill is for $723.49 for a seventeen day period. Although this bill is for a relatively short period of time, it still provides the Commission with hard data to consider in the context of the Company s request for interim and more permanent rate relief. Finally, Terra Grande has recently been annexed into the City of Boise. Accordingly, to the extent applicable, Terra Grande requests that the Commission consider the potential impacts on the Company s rates that could occur due to the imposition of any municipal franchise fee by the City of Boise for the sale of water to its customers.The Company requests that the Commission consider this both for any interim or permanent rates it chooses to authorize. WHEREFORE, Terra Grande respectfully requests of the Commission: That the Commission allow the above Amendments to its Application. That its previously filed Application, amended and supplemented by this filing, be heard and acted upon at the earliest possible date; That the Commission find that Terra Grande s existing rates are unjust unreasonable and insufficient to provide the Company the recovery of its costs and a fair rate of return, and that the revised rates and charges proposed in this Application are just and reasonable on an interim basis. Terra Grande requests that the Commission permit the Company to charge its customers these rates effective upon the receipt of its first bill from United Water. The Commission establish further proceedings to establish just and reasonable rates for Terra Grande s customers. AMENDMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION, P. 2 Deferred accounting treatment for excess water supply costs above interim rates if appropriate. That the Commission grant such other and further relief as the Commission may determine proper in the circumstances. 6";- DATE this of March, 2005. BA TT & FISHER, LLP . Hammond, Jr. tto eys for Terra Grande Water AMENDMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION, P. 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE !,~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day of March, 2005 , I caused a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document to be served, in the manner indicated, on the following: Dean J. Miller Attorney for United Water of Idaho, Inc. MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivery ~ U.S. Mail Facsimile Federal Express AMENDMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION, P. 4 -- ""-'-.--"-"'-"'"; ', . ' ,::: " ''" '.' ,; ..' ,-..' '. '" " PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES OR CORRESPONDENCE TO UNITED WATER IDAHOPO 80X 190420 8Z~8 WEST VICTORY RbBOISE, 10 83719-0420PHONE ~ 208-~'2-7~O4 METER READINGS 04180747 01/28/05 02/14/05000000 00031604180747 01/28/05 02/14/05 0000 0375CONSUM~TIDN 691 CCF "--'--------- BIll INS SUHMARY- __- PR lOR BILL AMoUNT $0.PAYHENTS THRU 02/16/05 $0.BALANCE FORWARD $0. CURRENT BILL CHARGES CONSUMPTION CHARGECUSTOMER CHARGE SAFE DRINKING WTR FEEBOISE FRANCH ISE F~ETOTAL CURRENT CHARGES TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ~678..23. $O.lCi$21.$723. *723. you HAD NO CONSU"PTION RECORDED FOR THE SAME PER IOD LAST YEAR.** WINTER RATEs ARE IN EFFECT UNITt APRIL 30TH. AS COLD WEATHER NFARS. BE SURE TO WINTERIZE YOUR SPRINklER SVST~". DISCONNECT -KO-sE-S $. ROM.. OUT -S.lD E -F AU CE T-S.. AND- .UlSUI.A1:E. -AN Y~.e:xP ..o.StD-P--1I!e.s "'*---- It':! 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