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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060111Pioneer Neighborhood.pdf.", To: PUC, Case No. TGW-04-Jan. 07, 2006 Subject: The residents of the Pioneer Neighborhood Subdivision wish to thank the PUC for all their assistance in dissolving the Terra Grande Water (TGW). The following is a chronological list of problems that Pioneer Neighborhood residents have had to put up with TGW. 1. 4 Nov, 1959. Dalice Chester and Barbara Chester (now Barbara Childs) husband and wife took over the water system calling it Terra Grande Water, from the undersigned Horlan , INC of Boise on 4 Nov 1959. The trusties were Don H. Eagleson (president of Eagleson Real Estate), G. J Garnrdner (Trust Officer, First Security Bank of Idaho). 2. July 1, 1971 the water system had become so fowled from lack of maintenance that the residence of the Neighborhood had hired an attorney and requested a meeting with: a. Mr. Killingsworth - Chief, Engineering, Ada Development Council. b. Mr. Yoder - (?) c. Mr. Scanland, - Attorney for Dalice Chester. d. Mr. Sales, - Ada county P&Z Commission e. Mr. Anderson, - Manager, Boise Water Corporation. u) f. Mr. Merrick,- Attorney for neighborhood residents. He stated that the legal --' :~~ (f)owners of the water corporation in question is the Trustee - First Security Bank. The property owners are the beneficiaries of the Trust - we are entitledto all rights, privileges and uses of the water. Mr. Chester s onlyresponsibility is providing the water and keeping it up to par. Mr. Merrick stated that we have several possible solutions to the question quantity and quality of water: First: We Could sue Mr. Chester, as Manager, and First Security Bank as Trustee. Mr. Chester would probably disappear and the First Security Bank would petition the court to be absolved of the trusteeship and we would be right back where were we are now. Second: We could connect up with Boise Water Corp., but that would be quite expensive. Third: We could give Mr. Chester financial assistance to get all the wells in good operating condition and in finding another to drill a new well. 0 C) ' CJ , , 0 ' ';,, ! ,,, ), " Mr. Merrick said his advice to us would be to form a committee of all those present and discuss with those not present that transpired at this meeting. Then tohold another meeting and discuss the question and possible solutions again. Thegroup decided to form a committee and have a short meeting of the property owners present, all volunteered to serve on a committee. (Attachment 2) 3. July 1971- Beneficiaries of the TGW, Community Steering Committee, WaterProblems (Attachment 3 please read) (Attachment 4 News paper release, reporters were better then) . . In accordance with attachments 1 , & 3. I understand that the First Security Bank is the trustee, but the property owners are the beneficiaries of the trust and are entitled to all rights, privileges and as uses of the water. TGW is only responsibility is providing the water and keeping the water s quantity, quality and safe for a monthly service payment from the property owners. These rules were from the 1960's not today. 4. 1972 until now ahs been a continual fight between TWG and the resident for service the water and wells. 5. July 2004: Pioneer Neighborhood residents aggregated to construction, installation of improvements in the form of a sanitary sewer. (a) From the fIrst week of construction of the sewer line on Penninger Street it was obvious that TGW's water lines have never received any form of maintenance since they were installed. There were over twenty breaks in TWG' water lines during the construction of the sewer system; some of the water line was so bad United Water had to be called in to explain how pipes so thin could be repaired. United water recommended a complete replacement of the pipe system. (b) During this time TWG had to send out letters to residents that the water system had to be shut down for up to 4 hr. to repair their pipes. After repairing the pipe/pipes, TWG never flushed with chlorine to prevent Bio-contamination or to clear dirt of sand to prevent clogging of home owners plumbing fixtures and causing loss of efficiency of hot water tanks etc. Where was TWG's Quality andSafety? Where was DEQ/Depart of Water quality? Where was Idaho Department of Health? Who in Ada County or the State ofIdaho was supposed to look at and support and protect the residents? (Attachment 5) 6. Feb 19,2004, PUC, Case No. UWI-04- TGW want to sell the system to United Water for $47 000 7. April 2, 2004 PUC, Case No. TGW-04- PUC, recom,'l1ends a $0.00 price. But TGW determined it was not in its best interest. So its Application was withdrawn. 8. June 8, 2004, PUC Commission issued Order No. 29512 in Case No TGW-04- . Issuing TGW a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and ouenine: and investie:ation to establish: The neie:hborhood would like YOUto reopen and expand your investie:afum:. (1) & (2) You can read your own case study. Where was all the information that was sent in to the PUC and the testimony given to PUC personnel. and the PUC person that spoke to residents and observed only a trickle of water coming from kitchen facets. dirt in the water in toilets and bath tubs and from any hose in the neighborhood. A large number of the past problem including the above mentioned in the attachments. It was like some onein your staff had buried all the residents and your PUC investigator so the PUC Commissioners could not look at it to make the wrong decisions. ' ., . 9. January 21 and January 24, 2005 The commission was notified by TGW that the DEQ that all three water supply wells ofTGW were contaminated with Trichloroethylene (TCE). DEQ took just two tests of the wells and left. Many of the residents have called DEQ and DWQ asking if they found where the contamination came from. To this date there have been no returned call to any of the residents ofDEQ or DWQ. The residents and my self began looking and found no wells in our area that are being tested have any contamination from TCE or any other chemical. We found a process, though expensive it that would remove TCE from a water supply. also found there are no test wells in the aquifers below the large old gravel pit along interstate 80 between Cole and Orchard. We found other potential areas concern but most of us believe that it may have been TGW that contained there own wells to prevent paying for putting in new water lines to meet state codes. An investigation would have found that mismanagement, lack of maintenance and reinvestment in there system would show they were only interested in the monthly money income and not the protection or safety of the resident they were receiving money for a service they were barely providing. (Attachment#) 10. March 21,2005. The PUC established a schedule of payment: After the hookup of United Water to TGW's system. TGW was to divide the cost from United Water equally and TGW receives a $13.00 per month flat rate for administrative service. The problem like always is TGW's in ability to service the water system. (Attachments #&#) These two attachments show that TGW can not follow its own instruction to the neighborhood residents. It states that if there is a problem with the water call before 12:00 on Friday or there will be no one to come by until the following Monday. Don Bean 2109 Penninger called TGW at 10:30 am on Friday, July 22 2005 to report they were unable to repair a leak because Mr. Bean was unable to turn TGW's water shutoff valve. Mr. Bean called TGW again at 11 :30 am. He also called United Water and the PUC, leaving messages at each. TGW's son tried to shut off TGW' s valve but was unsuccessful and said it would be Monday before he could get back. I was notified and went down at about 4:000 clock and took pictures called the PUC and spoke to Nancy. The water was flowing out ofTGW's pipe that provided access to TGW's shut of valve. The water was flowing so fast that Mr. Bean had dug a hole next to the pipe and was using a pump to try and keep the water away from his home and into the street. During the time from Friday until the repair on Monday afternoon water from a % inch water line flowed under Mr. Beans home down the street and into the neighbor s y'~rd. The total quantity of water could only be estimated if the water pressure was known. Then TGW divided the total amount of water used from United Water between the residents. This was done by TGW even though it was the problem ofTGW's faulty shut off valve. 0' ". . TGW back charged Mr. Bean $150.00 for a back hoe and for fixing his pipe that was broken just past TGW's bad shut off valve. Mr. Bean was present when the back hoe operator asks TGW's son if he wanted to fix the valve while the hole was open. TGW's son said no. I have more of these stories but I hope you re seeing what the neighborhood has had to tend with over the years from TGW. It was the PUC that told TGW to divide the amount of water used by United Water between the residents but TGW must have felt no matter how much water was lost from their valves it was the residents and not a responsibility of TGW to also pay for water wasted.... 11. Dec. 21 2005 , - You know the rest. It's in your report. The residents have had a very difficult time with TGW since 1971 and are happy that the PUC has come to this decision. We appreciate all the hard work of Randy Robb has done on our behalf We also appreciate all those that have helped the Commission in finalizing this decision. 12.Jan 7 2006 , - The residents ofthis subdivision would wish that the Commissions will complete a more through investigation of TGW and have the wells pumped again to verify the present or lack ofTCE. We feel there may be more in keeping the wells out of the agreement, then just selling the water rights. Hopefully the wells could be used to observe presents of contamination in the future by DEQIDWQ. DEQIDWQ'S has failed to test TGW's wells again, or on any regular basis. Regular testing ofTGW's wells would be an excellent way for the DEQIDWQ to gain information and investigate many other chemical, biological and radiological contaminations (since no further chemicals will have to be added to the wells). DEQIDWQ could use the findings from these wells for a better understand of human contaminations of the water aquifers, thus protecting municipalities and other well owners. No matter what is found in the wells, we the residents know ~he PUC has been working for the residents of the Pioneer Neighborhood and are working for the people of the StateofIdaho. ---\ S:e :ioneer Neig echoed Re:ents A$ociation On behalf of all residents of t e Pioneer Neighborhood. To:Idaho PUc. Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01.J an 08 2006 Sub: Petition in the matter of the investigation of Terra Grande Water. From: Owners and residents of Pioneer Subdivision, We the property owners and residents being severed by the Terra Grande Water Co., agree with most of the findings of the PUC Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01. Name (print)Address Property Owner /Renter r;A, ~fl C\r (~ 'St. To:Idaho PUc. Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01.J an 08 2006 Sub: Petition in the matter of the investigation of Terra Grande Water. From: Owners and residents of Pioneer Subdivision. We the property owners and residents being severed by the Terra Grande Water Co., agree with most ofthe findings of the PUC Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01. Name (print)Signature Address Property Owner /Renter r J &-- 1--' I'll ffehl1/htJ. f/ I f'p/f - .rPt'1I1I -e $" ,','... J ~':~ ,1' ' Sub: Petition in the matter of the investigation of Terra Grande Water. Date: Jan 07 2006 From: Owners and residents of Pioneer Subdivision.To: Idaho PUC. Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01. .... We the property owners and residents being severed by the Terra Grande Water Co., agree with most ofthe findings of the PUC Commissioners, Case No. TWG-W-04-01. Address Property Owner /Renter 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ~'-~--.. '" : ~ N' f- aI",.. Z '"- CDJ 0 ~ J: ~ " 0( a ~ - I&. .f- '" "'!! '" 03 111 25' f,D c'W/.t...,-r ~.,...",,-,.;;;; . ASSIGNMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in considera- tion of the sum of Ten and no/IOO Dollars ($10, 00),' receip::. of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, HORLp.N' S BOIS~,. INC" an Idaho corporation, does hereby sell, trans~er , assign ((lh./lei;and set over unto DALICE CHESTER and BARBARA CHESTER, husband and wife, all of its right, title and interest in and to that certain Trust Deed made and entered into on the 4th day of -=-- ~ember , l~, y and between Real Estate Sales Corporation, therein designated as Grantors, and the First Security Bank of Idaho , a National Association, therein designated as Trustee, a copy of which Trust Deed is attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein as if fully set forth hereat in haec verba ',:herein said grantors did, for and in consideration of the under- takings therein set forth, provide and aSSure maintenance and operation of that certain water system as therein described and did therein grant and convey to said Trustee the follOwing property: All of its right, title and interest in and to the following described real property: , ..., -. ..--- Commencing at the southeast 'corner of Lot 3Block 2 of Terre Grande Park No, 1 Sub- division as the s~me ap.pearson the officialplat of such Subdivision on file and of recordin 'the office of the ,County Recorder of theCounty of Ada, State of Idaho, and running thenceWest along the southerly boundary of said Lot 3 a distance of 87 feet to a POint, being the real point of beginning; running thence South 5 feet; thence West 16' feet; thence North ... feet; thence East 16 feet; thence South 5 feet to the real point of beginning; " 0 r ' Commencing at the center of the intersection of Skillern Way and Penninger Circle Drive as such streets appear on the official plat of ASS IGNIvIENT , P. 1 --.----, --'-.h' "."""'" - -- . 10 . OJ. II: '" \ \; ~ . Z :;:: J 0 I ~ " 0( 0(! :r e , ~ . fo "'00 III.. 0 '~ ID ' ;!O ( 'r--'-"""""-'.. 0- ,.., ' ..,..,.. -."_...-_u.. _~.~..-..",_...,.,"--"_..._,,,..---_ Terra Grande Park No. 1 Subdivision on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Ada, State Q~ Idaho, and running 'thence ,East a distance of ~5 feetto the east sideline of Skillern Way, beingthe true place of beginning; thence 1;y.i!1gNorth 6 feet; thence Eas t 12 feet; thenceSouth 12 feet; thence \'I'est 12 feet.; thenceNorth 6 feet to the point of beginning. (b)The well or wells , plant, chemical treatment facilities storage and distribution facilities, including the water mains and lateral lines , heretofore constructed or to be constructed, including all easements incident to the ownership and operation of said water system, BY THESE PRESENTS , The undersigned Assignor, does hereby direct the said Trustee to recognize the Assignees hereinabove named, to wit:Dal~ e Chester and Barbara Chester, husband and wife, in the same place and stead as said Trustee has recognized the Assignor hereinabove named, as if these presents had not been made, Dated this 1st day of October, 1969, HORLAN I S BOISE, INC. By ,;9 ~~"z..",. President STATE OF IDAHO) ss.County of Ada '" ' On thiS day of Oc~ober, 1969, before me, the under-signed, a Notary Public in and .for said State , personallyappeared RUSSELL FEREDAY, President of Horlan I s Boise , Inc.known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and On behalf of said corporation. , -. __.. 0_.___,-..,.. "'" '--" - -_.."" --,, '"""""""-",q, '.....,..,..-..,,,..",-.-.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and my official seal the day and year first above written. .. ~. affixed ASSIGNMENT, P. 2 _.... ".._, '.. ... '--'---, '.. ----.-, '-,-,-", -,-, '-------,-,. 'i.~ .. '-.""""---'-'-_""".' ,,' -'-,...."" "",,-,-_......,...,,..,-,..._,..:...,",""."'.',. . I) he .1-. /I ~1 ,jJ l3u I ~I (i /1t 1 ' .' ,, , :J..f 1'Fi UST r\!':1~D THIS TRUST' INLt.:'ITClRE , Hade this 4th dc y of Novombl.;r, 1959, by and between REAL ESTAT~ SALES CORPORPTIO~, a corroration organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the St5te of Idaho, (hereinafter called IIGRANTOR" or IIpAR'ri 0:-' THE, IR~T Pl'J'tT" ), anI'! FIRST SI'CUIiJTY BM.:K o~,' Hu'\HO NA'l'I0.N.AL ftSSOCIAT1OM , TRUSTEE , a banking corporatIon duly chartered organlzAd and exi~ting under and by virtue of the laws of the United Sta tes of Amcri~a, (hereinafter callRd II Th~STEE" or PftR'l':i OF THE SECOND P/',F\'1"' ) , ~ ! 1: !! ~ ~ ~ 1: E: THAT , ~~EREAS , grantor is now the owner of property known ~fI~ rI0IH)")!" F'Dr)(lor::l1tf'.r) 1n or 11f'.!Jr tho Glt.J of ?Qi.~", C()11'1!' or' /I,lt,. :,L,,\,r. u!' 1.hd,u , wiit.:i, t"fO ('I'MrtJ' ttl Lo1n~ tLilfroVri....001 developed by the construc tio~ 0 r qwellin~s thereonj and, WHEREAS, grantor is the owner of certain property, (herein- after more particularly described) upon which there is locAted 8 well or wells and a plant, together with distribution facilities (hereinafter referred to as "water system ), for the purposes or ~upplylnf'~ \-In!:oI' !:(J nll propt)l"'l.l"!1 c(Jnn(~ct.r"1 or 1.0 1111 conn"et.l'o1 to the ~aid water systemj and WHEREAS, the Federal Housing Administration wtll not accept for insurance , and the Veterans Administration will not guarante~ or insure J mortgAge loans coverinri the sepDrate properties and improvmJ1cnts buH t or to be built thereon, without receivi:1g . assur~nces ~s to the ' c~ntinuous:' and satlsfac ory' operation of the sni~ wnt:or ~yst:em; onn , '. . i:. ' , ", '" ' """"'....- ""---'-"-, -"......--.-,----.., '.., '-..,"- ---'-"-"'" -".. .' ,'..,,/. . T-J;;.h r 1.5, !"ouch lrnprovemen t and devel o!=!tl'~n~, or t~t; r,ropi~r- ttr'~ "nd t;1f: futupe financtne a:1c sale of t~:o) :;roL,e;.ttl~;. Is c:). ~!:-;.(': t 1I1:,(".n the insurance of spid mortC3f:..C lo~1:1s by the c;~,JiJr"l ;:011:-:: nf Admlnt~l;rlJtio"1 or t:-:e gufJrnnt.:r or i'1f:ti'r.:1C(\ of ;.ntd mortfSf9 loans by the Vetersnp Admintstratton: Bn~, lEIR:,;,S, it is the intenti~n and purpo:Fj of t~e rra",tor that such ~ater syste~ s~all be use~ and operated to provide an adequate supply of water for eoc~ of t~e properties connected t':1ercto, regardl!"):"'::; of the own",rs 1jr of' the inillvldllal pro- pertio:., an(1 properl:! to maln~al"1 11:; a,~equfJtp. ;.roter suprly for dom0Gtlc consumpLio"1 for t~0 oCcUP3nts or S811 prGp~ptlcs, and to assurn thA continuance or the orerRtlon Bnd malntcnA~cc of such water system for the of the present and futu:,f'. "Diffiers of the properties conr.ect",'! thereto, the mortp:afees holritnr: mortr;nr:~;~ cov...rin!~ ::1111'.11 property, ~1O'l tho Fede)'":)l Holls!n!:; Adminlsr.ratlon I3n(J Vetoran~ AdrnLnlstr",Lion. ;f-NOH , T~T:oREF'ORE , for ~n1 in con::!.cteratior, of the uno.erto1dDC" of the ~ra~tor to pro7ide and 8s~ur'" the malntHnancc an1 opfr- ~tion of the water syste~ aH pforesairl anrl the further sum of One Dollfir ($1.00) lawful money o~ t!".0 United S-tates cash 1n hand to grantor by Trustee , the recel,t whereof is hereby Rcl(no'..Jlu1r,orJ , the 6!'Rn tor nOE' ~ ~ereby r;t'an ~ 0:'0. c onve:! i\!' PIlI't.v 1'1' !,hlt rlllr.o'\d Pill'!.1I~1 '1'1'11 !i!;' ,() , 1;' "" rollc,"",."" pr"'I,"I'I;.'!. to wi t: ..," , ( R. )All of its rlfht, title and intero"t in and to the follow!ne de scrib ed real property: , Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 3 of Block 2 of Terra Grande Park No. I Subdivision as the same appears on the official plat of such fAt ,..,..,..,.." .. '..~......~_..-_..--". """--,-"""_.---",,,,, '--.-".'--' "'-"'-... SubdilTt!'llrHl on rtle and of record in thf: (;C'r~c.r: of the County R~cordor of the ~ounty of ~no, state of I1aho. end run:1inr; thence ,lOR I. ::110.:1" the southerly boundary of !'I;.,lrJ Lnt :3 r.. dif,I" of 87 fep.t to '3 Dolnt , bel~, t"~e !'ff'. ~,ol.r! ~eglnnL,~; running thence ~out~ 5 feet , t~ Jn~~ west 16 feet, th~nc~ north 10 fe~t, th~nc~ ~n~t16 fef'.t, thence south 5 feet to thF; rP,Al nf)!" or bAflnninr' ~O1T'~"lfJn'~ i~L' At th€ center of i;~t; ~'l t(,:,,~(r-. ~:Gn ~"': Skillern Way and Penninger Circle Drive &~ sue~ streets appeor on the official plot of Terra GrElno:1rJ Perle ':".1 Subdi'Tlsi"'n or f'11~ r!r " 0:- rel:vrd in the office of th'J Coun t-.y HeC0rder of the County of Ada, State of Idaho, qn0 running t~enee east a diRtance of ,?r:; feet to t1...(; Cf' ~ ~ ~ :"1f'- line of Skille1'n \voy, '!'f'.Ln..' i;1-e: trill" rL~:'I: "r be~~1.nntn,'; rum!n;' the-nee nor~'1 .fP.~)t., thenr...: east 12 feet, thence south 12 feet, th~nee wP~t 12 feet, t~ence north 6 feet to the po Ln t of, beginning. (b)The ',jell aT'. wr:lls, plant . ehl1micnl tr',~,t;rH'n:, fr,,if':' stora~e a~d distrIbution facilities, Inc1udln~ the we tep ~Biris and lateral lines, heretofore construe ted or to be conGt~uc ted, including all easements incident to the ownershl~ anQ opere tion of ~ni~ ~Dter ~J9tAm. ~ F'!:...t:'-,~jr', t"S!'f.nI".OT'. hereby warrents t!1at ther8 arc no existing encumbrance!1, liens, or othAr indebtednf)p,~ to the titlc, of t'-1e \H!ter Syst"'~l conveyed hp.r'eunder oth,..,r ~."l,.", tic!; followL!f: Real P.!Jtate mortr;a~e froTTi Real F.~;9te Salc~ Corporr-t';,,)ll ,nn -- ,-- a~ mortga~or to Don H. Eagleson as rnort;:o:apee , .latec ~!(":"-C;~,"~' :1., 1-:-59, ~p.~'lri"r, t'-1e ind'lbtedne ss in t~V1 :"1' lncipBl flr1c",:c ' - Et~'1t Thou~A:1(1 Two Hundred Fifty-four one' no/lOa Do1.18r:; (48, 2~4.O0) toFeth'~!' with intt'JrAst thereor.. ~vldenl' ': b~; pro, ~,, ~ory nll ~~ of even date therewith, re('()T", :"~ ' ... ".'F ~ , .. (;C of thA County Rp.corder of the County of Ada, State of Idaho, - ' ' ,..-,-' - ".-----"----"---'-----.,,-..,..,., '--',--.---.' . -,,---- ..,,.. "' .'."'.""'--""."-(. ,, in Book of MortBages at page ----- There is al~o Merchandise Purchone Conditional Sales Contract dated August 18, 1959, bot...,cen E. J. Wood Co., Inc. as seller , and Real Estate Sales Corporation as buyer, wher9by Real Estate Snles Corporation purchased certain personal property "hich became a part of t he water system described herein, and by the terms of said contract the seller reserved , title to such personal property in i teelt until payment of the full purchase price in the amount of $4,746.00 is made to the seller by the buyer in monthly installments. Said contract has been assigned by the seller H. r. Wood Co., Inc. to First Security Bank of Idaho, National Associa tion. The grantor hereby '\oIarrants that the above said encum- brancen, reservations of title , liens, or indebtedness have been subordinated to this conveyance and are subject to this trust deed. This conveyance is 'upon the trusts and for the purposes fol19wing, to wit: " -", "". ,_. "--.... "", ,,'~"- . '"-,--".._,..""..,"_.-_.,-",..--"...~ ,....,--. .,, ' ..". -"""""""'-'-----'--"---"-'-'.---' "..,-"''" --'" .."-.""""""" ".., """"" """"""--_",-"_~,,_..~..,..,,,;' . , :" This grant is for the benefit of the present and rut~re o\omers of ,all and each o f the properties now or hereafter connected to the said water system, as well as the holders of the mortgages covering each or the said properti~s, and Trustee Rhall hold th~ title to the property granted by this indenture until either (a) the water Ry~t(jm in tEikon over by oi ther a Governmental author! ty or a public uti! t (regulated and controlled as to rates and services by a duly constituted public regulatory body or commission) for maintenance and operation, or (b) othe: adequate water ser- vice is provided either by a Governmental authority or public utility (regulated and controlled a R to ra tee and services by a duly constituted public regulatory body or commission) through means other than the oporot10n of water system and facili ties now transferred to the Trustee herein. Upon the happenin~ of either of such events at s time when the grantor is still operating and managing the water system in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the Trustee shall immediately reconvey the property to the grantor, its succe3Ror or 8s~31gn, and this indenture shall be of further fJ ffee-. The grantor shall supply a t a~l , time s and under adequate pressure for the use of each of the properties duly (' ": ' f" " '. ,," "'"," ,"~.. '..", .. " 'u 48- fa ".. -"",--", c-"-'-'v,, -,..,---,,--,.,-..,,,,-,,~,--,...._-- ;' -,u,-.., -,._.._,-~,,--,:_.,-, ...........,..".......", ~ connected to the said water sys~em. a ~Qrrjclcnt quantity of water to meet the reasonable needs of each of the properties duly connected to sald water system. SUC~ water shall be of the quality and purity as shall meet the ' standards reco~men ded by the "Public Heel th Service Drinking Water Standards, promulgated by the United States Public Health Service, Federal Security ARenoy, February 5. 1946, and the wet~r ~ha11 be treated in the manner necessary to assure i ts beinl~ of the quality and puritY recommended in the above mentioned Standards and also so as to produce water without excessive hardness, corrosive properties, or other objectionable characteristic making it unsafe or unsuitable for domestic use or harmfnl to any or all pipes within and/or without the dwell:l.nfs. R~cords of any and all tests conducted in connection with said system shall be kept. as permanent records by the grantor end said records shall be open to inspection by the State Board of Health of the State of Idaho and the owners of the properties connected to the said water, system.The said Board of Health and/or its agents shall at all times have acces~ to the plant of the "grantor to "conduct any and all tests as said Board shall consider necessary to determine compliance with the said Standards. In any event, the grantor shall have s~i~ analy~on mR~e at least q~arterly and shall pay , all costs in connection t~erewith. the event said Board shall determine that the quality and purl ty of the water does not meet the said Standard . the grantor shall with reasonable dispatch at i t~ sole costs make any adjustment" repair. installation or improvement that shall be necessary or recommended by said Board to brin~ the purity ,;",.-., , ",_..........~,--,.,---,.._-~_..~--.,.._",,--,,-_-.,-, ,,,_.,-- .--,-"--,,.,-,"""--'-"-"--"""""-- . ~/' I of the water up to the said Standard. , 3.The grantor shall maintain said Hater' D;;~ tem at all times in good order and repair so that s~tisrectory service as aforesaid may be supplied to each of. said prorcrties as provided in paragraph 2 above. Until the happening of ooe of the events set forth under paragraph numbered 1 above:Should crantor fail to oporl1 to and manage the water system, in tho manner' and under the conditions specified in paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 above and should gran tor fail, after notice tn writing from the Trustee , to correct such failure with reasonable dispatch then Trustee shall have the right to imm~diate possession of the water system for the purpose of operating end maintel~- ing the same , and the right to hold, use , ppcrate , manege and control the same e1 thor 1 tselt or by or throui~ any of the agencies or parties for whose benefit this trust is created and it may take possession thereof for the purpose of operating the same, and in that event , the Trustee or the entity oper- , ating the water system in its behalf or In the behalf of any -"' of the beneficiaries of this trust, shall be subrogated to all rights of the grantor to levy and collec t a charge against each customer at rates not in excess of. those specified in paragraph numbered 6 herein. In the eve~t the Trustee takes pos~ession of the water system pursuant to the provisions of paragraph numbe~ed 4 or Paragraph numbered 6 , the ~antor shall have no further ri~~t title or interest in or to the water system or other pro~erty , - , ,-. .- , , ...."'--........-.-,-'-----:---'--'----,,',,--; ''- '.-, ," --..------" .. -,-----,_._--,'-~"'-"- ---...,'~'---, '... ""'-,-"" granted by this indenture ann shall not be entitled to any por~ion of the proceeds resulting from any sale of such system or property; but the Trustee shall have the right to transfer ouch system to a Governmental authori ty ~pon such terms or condi tions a s may be approved by the Trustee and tho owner or owners of H majority of the properties connDctD~ to the water sys~em. The grantor reserves the right to levy and collect a charge for water furnished and consumed by the occupants of each of the properties connected with said water system, in the amount of $5.00 per month , with additional charges for summer irrigation water, based on lot area, as follows: AREA MONTHLY CHARGE ANNTJAL PERIOD 000 to 9,500 sq.ft. No extra charge May 15 to ~tember 15 500 to 11,500" 11,500 to 13,500"II .50. ~3, 500 to 15,500" ". Service shall be, charged on a pro-rata basis from the date the service is established at the request of the consumer to the date of discontinuande.The grantor shall have the right to install on each of the. individual properties a Hater meter , to be maintained by the grantor, through which all water ~upplied to the consumer or consumers :shall pass and through which the grantor shall have access at reasonable times for the purpose of taking meter readings and keeping said meter in repeir~ ( a)It is agreed between the parties hereto that for the first year of operation of ~he water system the ~bove r~tes shall be deemed reasonable. , ".' - ,-.. ..,. ",.. '-' .." ,:' ".,- ", ;,.,;, , " f , ':" , ..,~,-,,,..,--,~~_.. "'----"..,.. ",-",,-,"".-.'-'"" ..".-,- '" ,, ' :I . " ; to ,the water system.Suc~ books shall be available for in- , I, I 1.1 I \ .. ,(~) The grantor shall !T1111nta1n accurate books relative spection by a person or per~ons desirnated 1n writinE by the Trustee or designat~d 1n writing by not. less than one-UJird' of the beneficiaries of th1s Trust, prov Idcd that the continuin~ rieht of inspection hereby created shall be exerc:!,sed only at the place ..,here such bookf; are customarily maintained in Boise, Idaho; that such right of inspection shall be exercised during usual business hours, after reason- able notice and in such a manner a s no't to hamper unduly or interfere with the conduct of the grantor's business. (c)Changes in rates may be proposed by the grantor and by the said beneficiaries.If wi thin 90 cloys after notice I '1 ~ \: L~ to the Trustee and to the beneficiaries of a rate chan~e pro- posed by the grantor not more than one-third of the beneficiaries of this Trust shall have signified in writing their opposition to such proposed rate change, the grantor ~ay fort~wlth es- '." I.. tablish such new rates ~fuich shall be deemed reasonable pending the accumulation of experience to 51,m.1 such new rates to be unreasonable.If more than one-third of the bonefi~ 1aries signify in writing their opposition to a rate change proposed by the grantor, or if more 'than one-thi~d of the benf:fidaeries propose in wri tin~ a rate change which the grantor opposes, and the partie~ cannot reach an agreement by negotiation within 30 days, then the matter shall be referred to a board of arbiters, who shall be 4eslgnated as follows:The gran tor shall desirnate an arbiter, the beneficieriws shall desi~8te an arbi~e~ and the two ar~iters thus selectpd shall ehooRe a .- ,':"::'_- :,: ,..~, "~' '::-~:: .;'.. ':, ;~:~,;,. ,:-",,;~~,;;:.::.:::.~~~:'..,.:;"':'::~ ;:.:~,:.,..:,, , ,,';' ::c , :: ~ :,:-..::':,:,,:,=-~,...-:..::-::-::;.-.- .; :--"--:----"'-----.----",..~----,--"-,..,- '- ,,,...., ,'..."..----.' ,,_.._.,...,-"--:-_. , "'" ..,.-.-.. .". -, 1:2 third nr1.11ttJl'The doclo1",o or thE1 bOtlt,,~ nf orbit'!r/'! (1!1 to tho' revsoncbleneas of rateD oholl be finDl upon t:1C pf\r';~en hereto. fill coat~ of arbItration ahall be pole by the losl!1f' part;r or pel"t1e~. 'Tho duly cleated off.t~orD of D citizens': or property o'tmors' association comprised. of the beneficiaries, or tlo),e members of a cor.mllttoo duly appointed by such officers, shell prl~D fooie roprooont more thDn one-third or the bene- flctet'tco. (d)Should t~o grontor charge rates for woter ~crvlce in e~cess of reasonable ratos~ as heroin above defined, t~en tho Trustee shall notify tho grantor of auc~ over-oharra by registered mall.Should the prantor thoruefter fall or refu~e to e~tablt~.., 6:1.c1. maintain fair nnd reesonptle rt:'tc~, ()~ 11cr':'~n aboVE; 001'11'1.01, \-11 thin the pertod or ninety (90) cla'ys, the Trustee shall have ~h~ right to 1m~ediate ,o~~e~sion or t~c water system for t~0 purpooo 01' fu1"nlahlnp to/atc!' Eli~rvlcG tit fall" and reG~onable rates nnd tho Trustee ~hall have t~o rlrht to hold, use , operate, man~ce and control the water syste~, a!! set forth unde!' p:3rsgl"nph numbertJd 4 above. , 7.Not;.1it~!ltandlng any other provlB1o"1 of t1-!lE! t l'Ut't deed, any c1:"cdl tor 01" record of tho grantot' !1~Hill r.a1!9 a reasonable period of t Ime to oo~rect a~y oefaul t hercun~cr prlo!' to tho ta'd.n;:" over of ' the property b:f the 'J'ruatce. If 1t should become neccssary at any future ti~~ for the Trustee or any e~tlty eating 11'1. its b~~~lr or any ~s~c- 1'10131"1 u~~er th1~ truAt 1n~entura. to te~e o~or, o~cr~tc end menef"e thE; wnter sYfltom un~o"" t"lo provision", or thif1 t!'l1:."t, -' "-' '-., , ,,-,,.' -. .J,.:., ", ,":. ,, , t ;;-" . -_.~--_._~~-~-,~,----,-,...._.. '..", '. "..-, "---.. .-" ......,..__.....:' ".. '-' 13 -I :\, t .., thon nnd 1n t~ot event, t~o oporctor of ouch nystem shall be ent1 tled to (1 Tru atoc' n feo payable from tho Ino6~o of tho ' ' 'Jster ,SystE)ri~ r:t a rate not 1!1 0:-::003S of ~en pOI' OOrlt (IOn c~o!' co1lce ted by such Trustee, provl(~ed that , . , suc~ Trustee' oree may be l!1crcasod \-1i th the approval of the o~mer or o,.iner~ of seventy-five pOI' cent (7510) of the pro- connected to the said \.J(ltcr system. It Is agroed that tho trustee, at any time of tor inatrum6nt, may res1~ nn nDl~ truntoc, not it has bcco~o necessary' for saId trustee or any entity ' ac ting In its beholf to 'take over, operf\t€J and manage the water system under t~e provisIons of t~ls trust. Such riGht ~r renir.natlon,hoHevcr, may be exerchod only after " . en appropriate court, by petition thereto, has duly appointed . , equollfie a successor trustee, end efter suc~ succes sor t!'u:-,tce bes accepted t~() dutie~ .and responsIbilities of tru!::tee es , , such dutIes on!1 re !lport!1lb 111 tlfH3 'fire set out heroin. " IN 'I'ESTIr1mrY 'inIEfiH)F, Rea i Est(1t~ Sales Corporation, ce1.Hiedt~eca profJOnta to be e:tecuted in its Eagle~o~, Its President, and Its corporete seel to b~ hereunto affixed ~nd ~ttestod by Pot T~ 'Fitzgerald, ' .'. its Secretary, and First Security Benk of Idaho, National Association, tho Tru~tc€J herein nDffiCd, has causod t~ene presents '" to be o:teoutcd by it!' Tru:'1t Of'flcor,the day' and yeor first In enterinr. into the ' Q(;I'cemont contained . ,':' hereinabove wrl tten. herotn end execuHnr, thIs 'l'rust Indenture, Fir~t ~ecurlty Bank of Idaho, National AssocIation, eets for itself o~ , ,, '. . . '.. .. ~~,."","-" ,"_..,.-,-,......":"",) ,, ". " lO- " .,-,-.,--~_... ... -'~ ...-"-' , .1./ - -:, Trustee one as rap!'~Bo!1tetivo of and by But\1c1'l.t;r of Elll per ~on!J, firMs, corporations, or entities H11c"1 (11'6 or :-::ay be beneflclC1ri.-....s 1mo:'!cr t"'e t't'ur.t thereby crer.ted. ~TTE~~T : tlE/oTJ Ff.UtTE SALE~ CORPOHf,TlOii Dybdyon H. -:'~/:.!!J~on' CIt P. F'itz!!9rnJt1 Do-:1 H. ~:orle ()l"l, prcRl don!; Pat T. I,itzgerald, ~ccr()tt'.ry GRAnTOR FIRfT SIi.CGRIT'l e~HK or IDAHC, National Assooiation " -' yj/EJ!.g. J. GElrdner G. J. Gardner, Trustee Officer TRlJfTEE; ,,''...- .."..~ , L ll-fo. ,...:, .c ,'- .,.--'"" ..." 'r, ."~,,._,. c,-,. ;'-, ~ .o..~C_.... ,,' ;...,.' ",,'"- , ~----'" "/:,- /~' ,, ,","' , ZTATE OF IDAHO, CO~TY. OF ADA~ Gn this ~th day of Novoniher. 1959, befor~J me, the under- 55. , ' '' ' , a Notijry public ln and for sllid ~tate~ personollY " ,, ", ,..' ' ,,~ ~ ,,:,, ~?peared DON H. EAGLESON, knov1!l tc(irie to be the president " ':~', ' .: "' ,, ," ~"' Y'::':\of Rea! Estate Sales CorporatiOn , ' the corporation that executed ~~': ,; ,..."'\ ' " i'~he foregoing instrument, end ~.knoHledged to me that such ---' ' '0' ' , , , corporation executed the same. J- " ' :::" ,!.~ IN1rllTNE~S WHEREOF, 1 hov:e b,ereunto sot my hand and effixed !':.1 ~: ' ,\;:;:~' iny official seal, the day and year in ,this certificAte first :::~",:. .e.bove written. .. /s/ Rebecca Woodworth , Notary Public for the state of Idrl'1o, Residing at Boise, Idaho i COUNTY OF ADAg ~ 55. " . Onthls 18th 'day of November, 1959, before me , the undor- a Notary Public in and for said state, personallY appeared G. J. Gardner, known to me to be the Trust Officer of First Security Bank of Idaho, National f."s!;oclation, that .. , executed the forep:oing instrument ~s Trustee , and acknowledged ' , ' ,' , Bank, as such Trustee ~x~cuted the ~ame. :~1\t \H'INESS 1rlHEREOF, I :have hereunto set my hand ' and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first , , l s/ R. E. Severn " Notary Public for the state of Idaho,, Residing at Boise, Idaho. " "" ,.." -",,_,~:"' ,, " "f+r:OFI!):HO'COtf~"T,(O1!'AP~S~ tl .., ', : :"f~;. Ie:: !; ~"' ~;;;Lr~k. ~.. r;,;;l' ~~' i:/l."::'~!d) ~"" t~ IV ~;~:::; Al.;Z, ~:~,,:~~::;, :~c ;i;;;;;;;o "1:) ~~~~,",:, " "7: R.-1~ ' . B t7"" ~,-"" ""'A"""""i!" "~""""'~"',~,";"';';:;; ;:';;';'.J ..;;:.;;":.;,;. .;:c"" ";,-':;;"';:::'.,,,;,""'-';"..,: '-.. "".. 0 "" - .-,, '-_U , t /,:,. /~" ' f\TATE IDAHO,SSe CO~TY.ADA, , "" , , signed, a Notijry Public 'in nndfor said ~tatc, personolly Qn this lith Gay of Novemner, 1959, befoN) me, the under- , , ,.f, ~fpear6d DON H. EAGLESON, knO'l' ~:irie to be the president \of Heal Estate Sales co~porBti~~",-the corporation that executed : ',." " ' - ~b.~' foregoing instrument, and~:acknOHledged to me that such ' '' , orpora tion executed the same. .... " lNvnTNE~S WHERi~OF, I hov:e oe~eunt~' set my hand ann. effixed , , ." _'-' official ~eal, the day and yeD~ln ~hl~ certlrlc~tc first above written. " ' 1~1 Bebecce\-lood'l'lorth , Notary Public for the state of ldg" Residing at Boise, Idaho , , OF IDAHO, . ), SSe On this 18th 'day of November, 1959, before me , the undor- a Notary Public in and for said state, personallY appeared G. J. Gardner, knoHn to me to be the Trust Officer Security Bank of Idaho, National p.s::Jociation, that executed the forer-oing instrumen t as Trustee , end acknmolled€:ed to me . that such Bank, es ch Trustee (;IXflcuted the 8Bme. ~N;' \H'INESS vTHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offlciai seal, the day and year in this certificate first , ' above 1r1!'i tten. ' , " /, is/H. E. Severn : Notary Public for the state of Idaho, Residing at Boise, Idaho. ' , C" . ....,.., ,.. ft'.~r; OF In::HO. .cou~-r't" OF AD~s~ ,/ -:JJ,/ ' ' ..' "'-- ' 1 fe, l'C::, ' " t t::-' ",0;".' of "..... :t:::t,f-::~:.~t(~.IJ., #.. tr:.1.l.~:,l..h!:-.ll.l!..... "", rf:!.1U , -"'~"-~" ,,~~~~,::~~~ i~~i:::~1:f~ "-- Identification No. Application No. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To Appropriate the Public Waters of the State of Idaho (TYPE OR PRINT IN INK) 1. Name of applicant post office address 2. Source of water supply 3, a. Location of point of diversion is % of which is a tributary of % of Section Township Range County; additional points of diversion if any: b. If water is not consumed, it will be discharged into at a point i V4 of Section Township Range 4. Water will be used for the following purposes: for (ell or' por onnum) for (cis or, por onnum) for (cis or' per onnum) 5. Total quantity to be appropriated: Amount Amount purpose from purpose from (both dates inclusive) (both dates inclusive) Amount purpose from (both dates inclusive) cubic feet per second and/or acre feet per annum. 6. Proposed diverting works: a. Description of ditches, flumes, pumps, headgates, etc. b. Height of storage dam capacity feet, active reservoir capacity acre feet, materials used in storage dam: acre feet; total reservoir Period of year during which storage will occur inclusive.(Mo. Day) (Mo. Day) c. Proposed well diameter is inches; proposed depth of well is feet. 7. a. Time required for the completion of the works and application of the water to the proposed beneficial use years. b. Estimated construction cost is $ 8. Description of proposed uses: a. If water is not for irrigation: (1) Give the place of use of water:% of '4 of Section Township Range (2) Amount of power to be generated: hp under (3) List number of each kind of livestock to be watered feet of head. (4) Name of municipality to be serve supplied with domestic wate , or number of families to be (5) If water is to be used for other purposes describe: b. If water is for irrigation, indicate acreage in each subdivision in the tabulation below: NE1I.NWI/.SW'/.SE1I. TWP.RANGE SEC.TOTALS NE1f.NW1f.SW1f.SE1f.NE1f.NW1f.SW'/.SE1f.NE1f.NW1f.SW1f.SE1f.NE1I.NW1f.SW'!4 SE1f. Total number of acres to be irrigated c. Describe any other water rights used for the same purposes as described above. 9. a. Who owns the property at the point of diversion b. Who owns the land to be irrigated or place of use c. If the property is owned by a person other than the applicant, describe the arrangement enabling the applicant to make this filing 10. Remarks ""'- 11. Map of proposed project: show clearly the proposed point of diversion, place of use, section number, township and range number. --- -t--- --- ..l--- --- ..l--- --- -t--- --- ...L--- ---+------ 1.--- --- T--- --- t---- ___ L__- ___ L__- --- r---- --- 1....--- --- 1---- ____ L__- ---,------ -1---- --_ ..J_-- --_ ..J_--- --- "1--- --- ...J------4--- --- ..l--- ---.,------ "1---- --- ...1--- --- ...1---- --- 1--- --- ...J------4--- --- -1--- ---.,------ t---- --- L--- --- L__- --- 1--- --- -1--------t----I-___L__- ---,------ -J---- --- .J---- --- ...1----I----r---- ----,------- -1---- ----,--- -----f---- --- -r--- --- ...L--- --- ...L--- --- T--- ---+--- ---t--- ---+---___ L-_- --- r---1----1---- --- 1---- ---,--- 1----1---- ,..-___ L__-I----t---- ---- L.--- ----,-------~------ ...J---- --- 1---------f--- --- ..l--- --- -t--- --- 4--- --- T--- ---+-------+------- r------f---- ___ L__- --- r---- --- 1....--- Scale: 2 inches equal 1 mile BE IT KNOWN that the undersigned hereby makes application for permit to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho as herein set forth. (Applicant) Received by- Date Preliminary check by- Fee $ Time Receipted by_- Date Publication prepared by- Date Published in Publication dates Publication approved Date Priority reduced to Reason Protests filed by: Copies of protests forwarded by Hearing held by- Date Recommended for approval denial ACTION OF THE DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF WATER ADMINISTRATION This. is to certify that I have examined Application for Permit to appropriate the public waters of the State ofIdaho No. , and said application is hereby 1. Approval of said application is subject to the following limitations and conditions: a. SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR WATER RIGHTS. b. Proof of construction of works and application of water to beneficial use shall be submitted on or before c. Other: 19_ 2. Denial. of said application is for the following reasons: Witness my hand this day of Director , "~~~~~~7 ~. ., . Hosp itality House . - Intermountain Gas Company C' " .~" Minutes of the First Meeting of Property Owners re: Terra Grande Water Company * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The meeting was called to order by Mr. Leslie D. Killingsworth, Chief, Engineering, Ada Development Council.. Mr'. Killingsworth gave a brief statement on the problem with regard to the water company, then introduced Mr'. Jerry Yoder, Idaho State Health Department. Mr. Yoder stated that the water company has a history of problems, It was developed at a time (16 years ago) when standards for wells were notso high. Wells were drilled on 12 foot easements, close to septic tanks, etc. Also, when the wells were drilled and hooked up for use, the Health Department was not always notified of their location. A report submitted, according to Mr. Yoder, in 1968 indicated that at that time there was sufficient water andwater pressure , but that with future building, more wells would "probably " be req uir ed. Mr. Yoder stated that at least two samples of water per month should be submitted to the Health Department in order to keep the quality of the water up to proper standards. Also, in order to run a water system of this size , the weDs should be inspected every day and flow meters should be used. with recordskept on all wells. Also, because of the size of the water mains. this subdivision has nofire hydrants. There must be at least a 6 inch water main existing to have a fire hydrant installed. Mr. J es Scanlan. attorney for Dalice Chester, was introducedalong with Mr, Chester. Mr. Scanlan gave a brief history of the water system since Mr. Chesterassumed managerial duties of it 22 months ago. He stated that on a regularschedule, from March, 1970, either 1 or 2 samples of water per month havebeen submitted to the Health Department and that there has been no indication of any irregularity in the quality of water', Discussion was held on the merit of flow meters and if such wereavailable. Mr. Chester stated that he has several in his garage but. if theyare installed, there would be a sacrafice of 8% of the existing water pressure. Mr. Chester said that the fourth well in this subdivision is now readyto be hooked up with the water system - just waiting on the decision of the HealthDepartment with regard to water s:;\mples, , ,Mr. ' Chester stated that there is a thr ee trailerhouse park just southof Our subdivision which has a 20 or 22 inch well with a 30 hp turbine pump.If we were able to include these trailers in the subdivision and gain control ofthe well, it would vastly improve our water availability and pressure. Mr. Larry Sales, Ada County Planning & Zoning Commission, wasthen introduced. He stated that the Ada County Commissioners have prohibitedany further building in this subdivision until the water problem is settled. Also,the subdivision east of Ash Park Lane has been suspended until the Engineersdetermine that the water lines and pressure are sufficient.' He also stated thatno new subdivision in our area could be added to our water system unless had more water than we could use. Mr. Jack Anderson, Manager, Boise Water Corporation, was introduced.He discussed the possibility of hooking up our subdivision to the Boise CityWater Corporations ' system. According to his rough estimate, it would takea minimum of $75 . 000. 00 to hook up our system with the City water system.This would provide fire hydrants and more water for more building, but thecost per house - on the basis of the 107 houses presently built - would beroughly $200 to $250 each. Mr. Gale Merrick of the law firm of Marcus & Marcus was introduced.Mr. Merrick stated that the legal owner of the water corporation in question isthe Trustee - First Security Bank. The property owners are the beneficiariesof the Trust - we are entitled to all rights . privileges and uses of the water.Mr. Chester s only responsibility is providing the water and keeping it up to par. Mr. Merrick stated that we have several possible solutions to thisquestion of quantity and quality of water; First: We could sue Mr. Chester . as Manager. and First SecurityBank, as Trustee. Mr. Chester would probably disappear and First SecurityBank would petition the Court to be absolved of the trusteeship and we would beright back where we are now. Second: We could connect up with Boise Water ("orporation, butthat would be quite expensive. Third: We could give Mr. Chester financial assistance to get .allthe wells in good operating condition and in finding another location to drill allew well. Mr. Merrick said his advice to us would be to form a committee ofthose present and discuss with those not present what transpired at this meeting.Then to hold another meeting and discuss the question and possible solutions agai The group decided to form a committee and have a short meeting. , ,, C:" Ofthe property owners present, the fOllowing named persons volunteered toserve on ac'omrriittee: , j Dennis Kauffman Phil Gardner Pat Chase Don Miller Henry Petri Olen 'IN right Jim Storey Wes Paul , . 375-1969 ' 375-5124 376-0698 ! 375-0086 ' 376-0446 376-066~ 376-0044 375-2401.' The committee had a brief meeting and decided to meet again onWedneSday evening, July 7, 1971 at 8:00 p. ro. Respectfully submitted, Jean Wright 1613 So. Ash Park LaneBoise, Idaho (Legal Secretary to Mr. Gale Merrick) J- f) () ..t: --fl iJd-O TV ~t.--I f1!/1o J171 TO: Beneficiaries of the Terre Grande Water Company FROM:Community Steerin€ Co1liIIli tteeRE: Water Problems The problem of water pressure in the subdivision should be solved in a matter of days, perhaps vall have been solved by the time you receive this oommunication. The solution is a temporary one only, relying on the reacti- vation of the number one well which has not been in service for the past eight years. Vlhile the reactivation of the well will solve the immediate problem and enable us to get through the summer season, a more permanent solution is desirable. There are several alternatives being investigated at the present time, among them the purchase of a lot on which a new well couldbe drilled. This fall Dalico Chester, manager of the water company, willclose do';'ffi the number one well again and enlarge it from the present six inches to fourteen inches. Since the heavy demand for irrigation water vnll be OV$~, the wuter from the other three welle will be suffioient to maintain pressure while the enlargement is being done. Until a permanent solution is reached, there are several things thatresidents of the subdivision can do to alleviate problems and to expedite solutions. As much as possible, do not water the street or water so long in one place that the water runs off and is wasted. Don't try to use morethan one hose at a time; nel ther can do an adequate job then. Most important, keep your water bill paid up. Refusal to payorneglecting to do so hurts only the rosiLicnts of the subdivision. ifi thoutmoney, irn!Jrovcments cannot be made on the wa ter system. The conununi tysteerin6 oo~nittoe feels that Dalioe Chester is sincerely trying to solve the problem~ with the water systern, problems which he largely inheritedand did not create. Your cooperation with him by paying your bills can only help to improve the water system. The steering corami ttee h~G been meeting regularly and is exploring every possible solution to OUI' ':rater problem. We will keep the residentsof the subdivioion informed of our findinGs. Before any final decisionsare made , the residents will have the opportunity to discuss the issues and to vote. If anyone has a Question or a suggestion, feel free to con- tact a member of the steering co~ni ttee. THE COMHUNITY sTEERING CO1~.!ITrrEg Jim Storey, Chairman Henry Petri Don Miller Wes Paul Dannis Kauffman Phil Gardner Olan Wright Pa t Chase 160h Penn i .1ger 1608 1609 It' 1612 1613 1617 It' 1621 162? 1625 II' 1:629 1:6~0 16y; 1637 1639. 1:108 1716 (17 1721 17?h WOO 1801 l8o!~ 1905 1808 1.909 1812 1815 1916 1821 B?l~ 1825 1828 1933 18:57 131~2 1943 It: 1866 Kenneth 'Na I!o(er .. \ Joy L. Montca 1m Dean Hymas , " 087 ' Penn i nger I rlna Coombs Fred C I if ford Ransome L Mon" 1888 1903 1906 191L~ 1915 It' Medvid~vich) 1918 II' Torry A Sprague 1(. A. HodgE! Benny Wen i ck (John Claronce L. Davis Jul1an Plva (Douglass Becker) 1919 1922 1923 II' 1927 19J+6 2006 1t' 2007 2010 II' 2011 It' 2016 It, 2017 " 2020 2021 2023 It, tf '1'2109 2111 L. G. BUt"nap John B. Martin(H.G. Martin) Jerome Waters Garry Hurnb I ey Ronald Gui Iler Roger Agul rre Mr~. Bill Ie Barn~ck David M. McGill ivary Orville Stokes Larry L. Johns Dona I d Ha i nes Dennis Bowen(V~. Haylett) Bruce ."'ont'~orn9ry Richard Hay I e1"t Bruce Howerd(Robert T add)' R. Brc' Mrs. Betty N I x VIes ley Pau I Jessie L. SchiedeJ Jarry Gibson Vallis Moreland 1.~ T-t'rv-(;,- 0-C/-George L. Cr itch low Dan Emry Sandra Hooper- H~nry Petr i Don M. /,\ i n ar I 3 :J- Rayman? !racey F ran~~ !(arw,:s k i Larry Chase Kent Harnm,:md JeHeey Bishop E I a I ne M Fer-brache Wayne Ell i oft Karen Xope jtka Barbara Nargave Judy Cunn i ng ham Ke th JAcMurtrey Jel-ry Smi1'h Doran McClellan Sandra Spence Lester S i mm i\ I Draper Kenneth Dend i ck Mrs. Margaret Cross Loren Stem L. F. I ngrahrn Donald Whipple Max What) I ar t. V/hittaker' . . 601" 1607 1'6.' 161' ....... /"640 1698 . ,.6;5 1700 1719 1720 1725 1735 1737 181'5 1819 j..) 1837 1839 1.9~ "943 2007 201'3 2017 2021 RT 3 2111 Ash Park Freder i ck W. Urry .. Jim Storey .. Richard K I I nkhamer It' It' It' It' 8000 Dor I an8008 8009 8014 8017 8020 8023 0 I en VIr I ::l h t Brattin Arne I la Hawkins Warren .VI i nder Donold He I lock Joseph M. Hatch Charles Flats N. E. Hy lend Ph I I Gard/'lar Robert' Faber, Trurnan Denn Is Jimmy Den i 4) I s Gerald Quick Vim. Anderson '57 'bt)' I q () Sh I r I y Jackson Donna Ha 1 r Marilyn Roe Bruce Rowse John E I deen Hersche I Tresenr iter Dav i d Corn Roger L Zanders George H. Wa Gone Hogge Marlone Waybright Denn t 5 Kauffman John '/lInn Robed L. Sor i ck Kenneth Dahams " .. ' 8l1O Lemh i 811'1' It Rt , It' It' 11' 11' Annabel I Riksem Crawford Le I and Whee I er Lot-,? Dou91~s Di!!venport lot- 39 Hubert Warrel I Lot-27 Rose Thompson Lot- Geo. Oakes Lot jen Lockyear Lot 35 F. E. Kel ler Lot 33 Elmer Hansen Lot 32 G I add,j 5 Rooker .' .11117 16. 1971 THE CaooJIIITI STIERING Ca.KITT:aJ b! Sto"7. Chabau 1607 So. A8h Park Lane Boi.e. Idaho 8370.5 First SeouP1 t7 Bank ot IdahoHs-. J1a '!'Nat Dept. 119 R. 9th Streeth1.e. Idaho Dear Sil"l A. tnstee ot the Ten. Gnnde Wates- Ccmp&n)", JOU are bowdoubt aware ot the ex18t1nc vater probl_. Enolosed 18 . letter di.tributed to all the hell.. withinthe Tene Grande Comp&nJ' cii.triot, 8180 one.. lent toMr. Dalia. Cheater. Manager ot the vater OOIIpan7. It 1. our p111"pO8e to let aU part1e. 1JJvolYed 1cDow that weare working toward a pel'lll.&nent eolution to the vater PNbl-.It 1. our .inaere hope that b7 tRtrldns 'together on the probl-a mO1"8 expedient answer aan be obtained. Ve'f7 trul7 ;your,. THE CaooJIIITI STiERDtG CCJ9!IT'1'1E db! sto...,. ChaiNan JS/Yle . . ,.(3 11"7./-.'71 D,t "J 'j., ~ ~k ~~()O6 err a 00 1!'1 nl,p \i,v.,.iol 'LfJ. '1...1 He3idents of the Terra Grande: subdivi- sion have a problem: an inadequate' water system over which no one, in- eluding the Idaho Public Utilities Com- mission , has. regulatory authority. Be- cause the company is a trust it enjoys an unusual legal status. One answer to their problem would be to conned to the Boise Water Corp. sys- tem. The cost i~ estimated as up to ~250 per home -about half I'or Boise Water and half to reimburse the 0,,':n8r of the existing system. for his investment. Ideally, all subdivisions in the Boise urban, area sho1.~ld be connectec1 to the Boise Water Corp. system as they are de- veloped. ,Small systems are put' in tInt arc inadequate, with smnll pipe and a limited \vater supply. Or, they become in- adequate as morc homes arc built --- which is happening in the Terra G I'dndearea, The futher subdivisions arc built frum . ,.. "" YI ateI:-- '-rrou.IJICS , ---- //.,(./7 existing BOise\1(iCer wells, the higher the cost of reaching- them with service. Apparen~ly this is particular1y true \'iith small , scattered tracts: If the' city of Boise owned the water company, it could extend service on an orderly basis. As it is, the city has noth- ing to provide in the way of water 5c.rv" ice, and little to say about the way wt'lter service is delivered and extended. Nei- ther does the county. Building in the arc;,. should have. b2('n slopped before now , pell(\ii'i~; an improve- ment in the system or connection to Boise Water. The County Planning and Zoning Commission did impose a cutoff, but it apparently acted too late. A neighborhood ('Committee will seek solution. 'The troubles of the Terra Grande area should 11):.11-;12 federal housill~ authorities and the CL)Un.lY nlU1'e "ware of tllC hazards of allowiny new construction in areas'with limited \.'atcr sysV:ms. rel'l'a (;runde Hc;jidenls of the Terra (jra.nd~ subdivi. sion havc a problem: an inadcqllutc waler svstem over which no one, in- cluding "the Idaho Pllbl!(~ 1JtllItI/J' Com. mi:;sion, has. regulatory authority, Bc- ((Iuse the company is a lru~t it cnjo)'s an \H\lIsLitll legal I'il.ltUS, One answer lo their prub1r111 would \1.:1 COl1MI1l to th~ Boise Wat(~1' Corp, 5)'5- tem, The cost is estimated a~; lip In $2~O pCI' home -about half 1'01' Boise Wnler and halC to reill'lhllrsc the 0',';ncr of the c;.;istil1~ system fot' his Investment, Ideall)', all subdivisions in the Boisc urban, area should be connectc(1 to the Boise Walc!' CU1'll, systcm as they are de- veloped, Small systems me put '\n that arc inadequate, with sl11:1l1 pipe and a limited water stlpply, Or, they become in-adequate all more home;; "rc built --. which is happenin~~ in the Terra Gr,lnclcarea, The rlllht~r subdivisions "1'l~ buill fl'U111 Ai' '~I u ler- rl'OlI1)lCS /A..(/" c,:isling BoiseW"ri(el' wells, the highel' the cost of reaching- them with service. Apparcl1~ly this is particularly true with !lnmll, !;catter"ct tracts: If the' city or Boise owned the walet' company, it could extend service on an orderly basis, As it is, the city has noth- ing to p\'O\'ide in the way of water sen" ic", and little Lo say about the way watl~r service is dellvcI'cd ul,d ~xt(,l1dcd. Nei, tILer ~Iocs the, county, Building in the arei, should ha\'e been stopped \)(::(orc now, pondin3 1111 irnpr()vc- ment in the system 01" connection to Boise Wale.', The County Planning and Zoning Commission did impose a cutoff, but it apparently acted too lale, A neighborhood committee will seck a ~;l)lution. 'The troubles or thc Tcrra Grande area should mnke federal housil1:; ,lllthol'ities and the Cl)WHy nwru aware of tile huwrdo; of allowln\~ new collslrtH;tioll in areas' wilh limited \;-atcl' systems, . . . ./77):. '-"""'-'. ' F1;r8tS(tc~ tJ' a~()t Idah~ MJi"ti J1aBawk1ns. TrUst Dept.119N.~tl(Street ,. . . ' Boise, IcJjho Dear Sir I July 16, 1971 THE CCMMUNITY STEERING CCMMITTEE Jim Storey, Chairman 1607 So. Ash Park Lane Boise, Idaho 83705 As trustee ot the Terr8 Grande Water Company, you are know doubt aware ot the existing water problem. Enolosed is a letter distributed to all the homes within the Terre Grande Water Company district, also one was sent to Mr. Dalice Chester, Manager of th~water company. . '.. '' --' '. . It is our purpose to let all paMies involved know that weare working toward .. permanent solution to the water problem. It is our sincere hope that by working together on the problem a more expedient aJiswe;r can be, obtained. JS/vls Vel'7 truly yours, THE CG!MUNITY STEERING CO1MITTEE Jim Storey, Chairman ... 110 1'17/~;'(11 , .. TO: Beneficiaries of the Terre Grande Water Company FROM: Co~~uni ty Steering Co~~i tteeHE: Water Problems Th~ problem of water pressure in the subdivision should be solved in a mattet of days, perhaps vall have been solved by the time you receive this communication. The solution is a temporary one only, relying on the reacti- vation of the number one well which has not been in service for the past eight years. While the reactivation of the well will solve the immediate problem and enable us to get through the summer season, a more permanent solution is desirable. There are several alternatives being investigated at the present time, among them the purchase of a lot on which a new well could be drilled. This fall Dalice Chester , manager of the water company, willclose dmm the number one well again and enlarge it from the present six inches to fourteen inches. Since the heavy demand for irrigation water will be over , the water from the other three wells will be sufficient to maintain pressure while the enlargement is being done. Until a permanent solution is reached , there are several things that residents of the subdivision can do to alleviate problems and to expedite solutions. As much as possible , do not water the street or water so long in one place that the water runs off and is wasted. Don 't try to use more than one hose at a time; neither can do an adequate job then. Most important , keep your water bill paid up. Refusal to payor neglecting to do so hurts only the residents of the subdivision. Without money, improvements cannot be made on the water system. The community steering committee feels that Dalice Chester is sincerely trying to solve the problems with the water system, problems which he largely inherited and did not create. Your cooperation with him by paying your bills can only help to improve the water system. The steering committee has been meeting regularly and is exploring every possible solution to our water p~oblem. We will keep the residents of the subdivision informed of our findings. Before any final decisions are made , the residents will have the opportunity to discuss the issues and to vote. If anyone has a question or a suggestion , feel free to con- tact a member of the steering committee. THE COMMUNITY Srr'EERING COl;iMITTEE Jim Storey, Chairman Henry Petri Don Miller Wes Paul Dennis Kauffman Phil Gardner Olen Wright Pat Chase ;rf. - 1604 Penn i nger 1608 II- 1609 It- C0&'co/r61'2 It- 161"3 1617 II' 1621 1622 1625 II- 1:629 1;630 1633 1:637 ,,~- 1639 11708 1;716 171,'7 1721 t724 1800 II: 1801 1:801-1- 1805 1808 1:809 1812 11- 1815 1816 1821 1824 1825 1828 t933 1837 1842 1.843 It; ,r-1.866(8) Kenneth Wa Iker Joy L. Montca I m Dean Hymas Ransome L Morrow Terry A Sprague K. A. Hodge Clarence L. Dav i s L. G. Burnap John B~ MartinCH.G. Martin) Jerome Waters Garry Humb I ey Rona Id Gui I ier Roger Aguirre Mrs. Bi II ie Barnack David M. McGi II ivary Orvi lie Stokes Larry L. Johns- Dona I d Ha i nes Dennis Bowen(Wm. Haytett) Bruce ,"Aontgomery Richard Hay I e1"t Bruce Howard (Rober t Teddy R. Brown Mrs. Betty Nix VJes ley Pau I Jessie L. SchiedeJ Jerry Gibson Va I lis 1I\01-e 1 and George L. Cri tchlow Dan Emry Sandra Hooper H~nry Petr i Don M. Mi ner Raymon~ !racey Frank l~arwGsk i - ,- ' Va!3f Penn i nger I rma Coombs It- , c - - Fred CI i fiord Larry Chas Kent Hammond Jeffeey Bishop Elaine M Ferbrache 1888 1903 1906 1914 1915 Benny Wenick (John Medvidevich) 1918 1919Julian Piva (Douglass Becker) 1922 1923 1927 1946 2006 2007 2010 2011 2016 2017 2020 ~ 2021 2023 2040 2109 2111 It" Wayne E t I iott Karen Xope jtka Barbara Nargave ,.. II'Judy Cunn i n9 ham Ke i th 1AcMurtrey Jer.ry Sm i th Dor a n McC I e I I an Sandra SpenceII' It:Lester S imrnins It,"A t Draper Kenneth Dend i ck Mrs. Margaret Cross Loren Stem L. F. I ngrahrn Dona I d \Vb i pp Ie Max Whee i er E. L Wh i t taker" tt'" ..' ......o(~' 1:601' S. 1607 1610 1.613 '-. /"640 1698 :1"6j5 1700 1719 1720 1725 1735 1737 1815 1819 1837 1839 t9~ i943 2007 2013 2017 2021 RT 3 211'1 Ash Park Freder i ck W. UrryIt Jim Storey Richard K Ii nkhamer It: It' It: It' It. It' 8000 Dot- i an8008 8009 8014 8017 8020 8023 Olen Wri::Jht Brat ti n Ame I i a Hawk i ns Warren ,VI i nder Donald Hallock Joseph M. Hatch Char I es F lets N. E. Hyland Ph i I Gardner Robert Faber Trurnan Denn is Jimmy Daniels Gera I d Qu i ck Vim. Anderson Sh i r I y Jackson Donna Ha i r Mari Iyn Raa Bruce Rowse John E I deen Hersche I Tresenr iter Dav i d Corn It'Roger L Zanders George H. Wa Gene Hogge Marlene Waybright Denn i s f(auffman John Wi nn Robert L. Sorick Kennef-h Dahams ' , 8n 0 Lemhi8nl Rt 3 It: Annabe II R i ksem Crawford Le I and Whee I er Lot -37 Doug las Davenport lot- 39 Hubert Warre II Lot- Rose Thompson Lot- Gee. Oakes Lot 28 jen Lockyear Lot 35 F. E.Keller Lot 33 Elmer Hansen Let 32 G I addi s Rooker 7 . ~, " Issues concerning Wate~Sewer the Boise City Limits. 6"-17- (j) The United Water did not give us all the information about what it cost a property the size the ones we have. I spoke with property owners having lots the same size as ours and have United Water, Figure on getting a bill ever month for $150,00 to $180,00 (or $300 to $360 every two months) that's what their were charged to keep lawns, trees, flowers etc up to city code, If you wash your car or have a swimming pool expect to pay the higher plus, If you have a pipe break, forget to turn off the water for a weekend or worse case 7-day vacation. United Water will not be forgiving you still owe for the water. There are other Licensed Plumbers that would like to take our water system over, Any comments now from the Water board are two years behind our needs. And since the water board has not been involved before, "we don t need their involvement now t;J Since the sewer construction was the cause of so many losses of water ( ) for the 17 subdivision, the constructors bond should be forfeited and a new water line put in place on pennmger, You may think it was the problem with the existing pipe but the condition of pipe was not the issue. (j) I think ,its is time for all own~r t~ sign a petition to prevent annexing by the city of Boise, Jim Storey 1607 S. Ash Park Lane Terra Grande Water Box7112 Boise, ID 83704 Phone 208-322-2509 JIM STOREY 1607 S ASH PARK BOISE, ID 83709 RE: Sale of Terra Grande Water to United Water Idaho Dear Customer: After considerable negotiations, I have agreed to sell and United Water Idaho has agreed to purchase the Terra Grande Water system. Terra Grande Water has been supplying service to the residents in the Terra GrandeSubdivision for nearly 50 years and as the owner, I now wish to retire from the water business, Due to the many changes in the business, I can no longer continue to serve the users on a part-time basis, The time and workinvolved in handling the requirements of testing, monitoring, billing, collections, keeping certified and responding to customer and government agency inquiries and complaints regarding service has created significant stress for me. I no longer desire to remain in the water business. The proposed agreement will now be filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for review and approval. It is possible that the Commission will hold a public hearing on this purchase agreement, but may not be required todo so. In any event, United Water Idaho and I plan to hold an informational meeting in order that you can be informed of the details, reasons and ramifications of the sale, More information about the date and location of this meeting will be forthcoming, The water system is not new and I am not in a fmancial position to make the upgrades, handle repairs, respond toemergencies and provide the service that will be necessary in the future. To remain in business, I believe I wouldhave to request a large rate increase for system repairs and investments that are needed. United Water Idaho has been in the water supply business in Boise for over 100 years and the company is dedicated to providing quality water service to its customers. They have experienced personnel in engineering, operations, customer service, and system repair. They have trained and knowledgeable staff available during normal business hours and also have the ability to repond to emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. United Water Idaho also has the expertise and fmancial capability to make any necessary system repairs and improvements. I truly believe that the best interest of you the water customer will be served with this sale and change of management. I know you may have questions and it is our intent to keep customers fully informed. Please do not hesitate to call me at 322-2509 or plan on attending the informational meeting, which will be scheduled in the near future. Sincerely, ~~~~ Barbara Child, Owner Terra Grande Water 'c"- '- c=- "'~3/.2/0Cf- ALERT ALERT ALERT March 2, 2004 Dear Customer Please be aware that during the next 10 days the water will have to be turned off in order to install a new main shut off valve. Please have extra drinking water and water for other uses available for this event. Also during the duration of the sewer proj ect on Penninger there is always a chance of an unexpected break in water service. Please keep extra water available for any of these emergencies. We appreciate your cooperation. Terra Grande Water ,. , . . Terra Grande P. O. Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 Emergency 381 =5381 June 3, 2004 Dear Water Customer As most of you are aware I had attempted to sell Terra Grande Water to United Water of Idaho. That action was not successful and I am retaining ownership. I am now in the process of doing a major renovation to the water system. This includes but not limited to: An evaluation of the entire system by a civil engineer Water main replacement Installation of a new operating system on one well Installation of meter vaults and water meters Installation of additional water mains With these improvements Terra Grande Water will be able to continue to provide the excellent water that we have provided for the past 50 years. We have strived to keep the rates low and will continue to do so. However these improvements, the new requirement for testing and the requirements to maintain a reserve to make additional alterations and repairs to the water system will force a significant increase in rates, As we make these improvements there will times when there will be interruptions in service. Please continue to keep several jugs of water in your bathrooms for flushing the toilets and always keep water in your refrigerator for drinking and cooking. At this time one well is off-line as we install the new operating system. Please be observant of the odd/even system for using water outside of the house, It has been a pleasure to provide you with your water and I will continue provide you with great water at the lowest possible rate, Sincerely, aN" 6M at hf.f!rt , . ' /'~i """' """'",",,,,,", -, .. : P. O. Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 Terra Grande Water JIM STOREY 1607 SASH PARK BOISE, ill 83709 ttv/)~ /j)~ ~~ ~ j;)~ fJ~ r (1)~Re: Jnformation Meeting - Terra Grande Water y'h Dear Customer. As you know I have entered into an agreement to sell the TeITa G~ter system to United Water Idaho. This letter is to inform you that, as promised, a customer infonnation meeting has been scheduled. The meeting time and place are as follows: Date:Thursday March 18, 2004 Time:7:00 P. Location:District Services Center 8169 West Victory Road Boise, Idaho (This is the School District Administration building on the south side of Victory between Cole and Maple Grove) At this meeting you will have an opportunity to hear from United Water Idaho about the proposed transition and about the proposed changes and improvements they intend to make to the system, You will have an opportunity to ask questions as well, Because this transaction requires the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), there will be representatives from the Commission Staff in attendance also, The Conul1ission will solicit comments from customers during this meeting. United Water Idaho, the IPUC and I all encourage you to attend this infonnation meeting so that your questions and concerns can be addressed, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 322-2509. Very Truly Yours \). Barbara V, Child T eITa Grande Water \~~. (1) 1.4 J'11 () ,.. Terra Grande Water O. Box 7112 Boise, ID 83707 322-2509 Emergency 381-3581 Important Notice Dear Terra Grande Customer On Monday, May 24 ~e will begin replacing a portion of the main water line onPenninger. While replacine th~here w~erruptjons in servi~ Interruptions to service will be between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the days therepair is being made. Please be advised to keep several gallons of water in your bathrooms forflushing the toilets. Also keep at least a gallon of water in your refrigeratorfor drinking You can fill empty bottles you have from the tap tokeep in the bathrooms for flushing the toilets. Terra Grande Water ,. , I; !3!o+ f-k .fr;tJ t Terra Grande P. O. Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 Emergency 381 =5381 June 3, 2004 Dear Water Customer As most of you are aware I had attempted to sell Terra Grande Water to United Water of Idaho. That action was not successful and I am retaining ownership. I am now in the process of doing a major renovation to the water system. This includes but not limited to: An evaluation of the entire system by a civil engineer Water main replacement Installation of a new operating system on one well Installation of meter vaults and water meters Installation of additional water mains With these improvements Terra Grande Water will be able to continue to provide the excellent water that we have provided for the past 50 years. We have strived to keep the rates low and will continue to do so. However these improvements, the new requirement for testing and the requirements to maintain a reserve to make additional alterations and repairs to the water system will force a significant increase in rates. As we make these improvem'ents there will times when there will be interruptions in service. Please continue to keep several ju~f water in your bathrooms for flushing the toilets and always keep water In your refrigerator for drinking and cooking. At this time one well is off-line as we install the new operating system. Please be observant of the odd/even system for using water outside of the house. It has been a pleasure to provide you with your water and I will continue to provide you with great water at the lowest possible rate. Sincerely, BM6Mat ehiirt '-:1;;/ ~~27~ (j)29 n- ~ ~j,~~h ~ 0 FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION ABOUT Y~DRlNKING WAT ~tj,Ct I~~ Terra Grande Has Levels of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Above Drinking Water Standards Terra Grande notified you on January 21 2005 regarding trichloroethylene found in the drinking water system. This is a follow-up notification regarding this issue. What should I do? Continue to use an alternative water supply for drinking and cooking such as bottled water until notified, Avoid all other use if possible. If use is necessary, minimize time of exposure (bathing/showering) What does this mean? Some people who drink water containing trichloroethylene in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. In addition , breathing small amounts may cause headaches, lung irritation, dizziness, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating. What happened? What is being done? Test results we received on 1/18/2005 and verified on 1/21/2005 show that our system exceeds the standard , or maximum contaminant level (MCL), for Trichloroethylene (TCE). The standard for Trichloroethylene (TCE) is 0.005 mg/L. The most recent samples for Trichloroethylene (TCE) ranged from 0.069 mg/L to 0.096 mg/L. Residents were notified on 1/21/2005 and were provided with bottled water for the short-term, - We are currently working on a connection with United Water and are hopefulthat construction on this connection could begin as soon as tomorrow,January 26. - We are also hopeful that the connection could be completed as soon as the weekend of January 28-30, 2005. We will notify you by subsequent noticewhen you can use your water service. What are the current arrangements for bottled water? - You can obtain bottled water for drinking/cooking at Wal-Mart at cost. Terra Grande will credit you on your billing at the rate of 2 liters per person per day. We will keep YOU informed as information ~ecomes ava~ This notice provided by Terra Grande. For more information, please contact Barb Child at 322-2509 TERRA GRANDE WATER ~ " P. O. Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 Emergencies 208-381-5381 May 1, 2005 Account # 680 Jim Storey 1607 S ASH PARK BOISE, ID 83709 )&, & I' Dr 1607 S ASH PARK Account #680 Balance Forward 14. Payment April Ck # 4467 $14. Past Due Charges 0. May Customer Charge 13. May Commodity Charge 24. Refund from February and March Customer Charge (6.00) tJ~~;rO Balance Due 31. There was some confusion at the I PUC in its instructions for billing of the customer charge for February and March. Enclosed it a letter from the IPUC to Terra Grandeattorney regarding this event. A total of $6.00 is being refunded to you on this billing. Tip of the month: Water early in the day for optimal absorption by your lawn. Mulch planting areas. Cut grass no shorter than inches. BALANCE DUE 31. Account is due1 0 days after bill date Please include the account number on your check If you disagree with this balance please give us a call, e ' f'-c2D Terra Grande Water PO Box 7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 '(Lj , This i$ a summary of the rules for termination of service for all Terra Grande Water customers as determined by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). These rules cover the rights and responsibilities of the Customer and the Utility. explanation of our rate schedule has also been included. If you have any questions concerning this information please contact us or you can directly contact the IPUC, P.O. Box83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or phone 334-0369 RULES FOR TEMINATION OF, SERVICE TERMINATION WITH PRIOR NOTICE With proper customer notice Terra Grande Water may deny or tEtrmination water service for on of the following reasons: 1. Non-payment of a past due bill or payment of a past due bill with a NSF check.2. Failure to honor the terms of a payment arrangEtment.3. Obtaining service by false identity.4. Refusing to allow access to the water meter or shut off valve.5. Willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise. TERMINATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Terra Grande Water may deny or terminate water service without notice for one of the following reasons: 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to life, physical safety or property. 2. To prevent a violation of federal, state, or local safety or health codes.3. Service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization of Terra Grande Water. '4. Terra Grande Water has diligently attempted to notify you of termination and has been unable to contact you.5. If ordered by any court, the Commission or any other duly authorized public authority. NOTIFICATION AND BILLING 1. Bills will be sent out on the 1 st of the month with payment due by the 15th day after the billing date. 2. A billing may be considered past due (15) twenty-five days after the billing date. A written notice of termination must be mailed at least (7) seven days before the proposed termination date. 3. At least (24) twenty-four hours before the service is terminated, a notice will be left at the property advising you of the steps needed to have services restores. 4. Only a (24) twenty-four hour notice is required if you do not keep payment arrangements or pay with a dishonored check. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES If you cannot pay your billing in full or you receive a notice of termination, please call our office. Payment arrangementscan be made to avoid termination of services. If you cannot pay your bill and a member of your household is seriously ill or there is a medical emergency, Terra Grande Water will postpone termination of service for (30) thirty days. A written certification is required from a licensed physician or public health official stating the name of the person who is ill, the relationship to the customer, title, and signature of the person certifying the serious illness or medical emergency. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES If at any time you have a complaint concerning the termination of service, policies and practices or any other matter regarding our service please contact Terra Grande Water in person or by telephone or in writing. Your complaint will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. You will be notified orally or in writing. Your service will not be disconnected while the complaint is being investigated by the utility or the IPUC. ~D \FitJlL/4. :-' II .';I l1 k ( /~ Luc2 Au /::- v-- FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER Terra Grande Has Levels of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Above Drinking Water Standards . ,.. Terra Grande notified you on January 21 2005 regarding trichloroethylene found in the drinking water system. This is a follow-up notification regarding this issue. What should I do? Continue to use an alternative water supply for drinking and cooking until you do the following: After 5:00 pm today (January 28, 2005) turn on a hot water faucet and run the water until the water runs cold (in ventilated area if possible). What was done to correct the problem? Terra Grande system has been connected to United Water of Idaho. - The authorities will continue to investigate the source of the contamination. - The main pipes were flushed and clean water is available, What does this mean? Your water is safe to drink after you complete the above step to flush your hot water heater. United Water will be supplying safe water to the Terra Grande system. TerraGrande will purchase this water from United Water for resale to its customers. United Water routinely disinfects with chlorine to prevent microbial contamination. You may notice a faint odor for a few weeks as the system stabilizes. Terra Grande will credit you on your next bill at the cost of 2 liters of bottled water per person per day. This notice provided by Terra Grande. For more information, please contact Barb Child at 322-2509 (~~.k("""'L "::~V~g~ "5 2-,je~ 3S /J-5 ---"~~;\f)"0:c ;, 'j,;/-~'II h tJS- (I IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TERRA GRANDE W TER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS REGARDING RATE CHANGES On February 9, 2005 Terra Grande filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") requesting to increase rates for water service provided to its customers. The proposed request is based on Terra Grande s recent connection to the United Water of Idaho, Inc. supply system to procure reliable and safe water service for its customers. This connection was completed on January 28 2005, whereupon United Water began selling water to Terra Grande for resale to its customers. Because United Water s rates for water service are higher than the rates Terra Grande charges its customers the Company has requested that the IPUC authorize it to increase its rates. In the interim Terra Grande has requested that the IPUC authorize the Company to continue to charge its customers its currently approved winter rates of$16.00 permonth. In addition, to these charges, the Company has requested that it be allowed to pass on the actual costs it incurs from procuring water supply from United Water for its customers, Because the actual consumption of water from the United Water supply system has not been measured yet an illustration of Terra Grande s proposal is provided, Using United Water s average consumption per residential customer as stated in the Company Tariffs of208,75 ccf, and assuming the use ofa 3" meter and a 65%/35% summer wintersplit estimated customer rates can be calculated using United Water s winter volume charge of$.9825 and customer charge of 82.49 bi-monthly for one 3" meter. The resulting Terra Grande customer s portion of the United Water bill would be $241. 79 ~. /Yl &vY' +h annually or $40.30 bi-monthly, Adding Terra Grande s existing flat rate for water service in the winter would increase each customer s bill to $72.or the winter months,This of course could be higher or lower based upon what the actual usage is recorded for each billing period, Terra Grande also wishes to notify its customers that water usage is now being measured by a 3" meter installed by United Water. Accordingly, all actual usage will be billed to Terra Grande and in turn the Company proposes to pass these costs on to its customers. Thus, the Company requests that its customers engage in any reasonable methods by which they can conserve the use of water. The Company believes that conservation efforts will help to reduce the impacts of any proposed rate increase. This request to increase rates for water service is subject to public review and a decision by the IPUC, Copies of the filing are available at the Company s offices and theoffice of the IPUC. Please call the Company during business hours at 322-2509 to makearrangements to view the Notice at its office. In addition to this request Terra Grande has also requested that the IPUC set just and reasonable rates to replace and/or adjust any interim rate that it may approve for the Company after the Company s operations are thoroughly analyzed, () ID A H O P U B L I C U T I L I T I E S C O M M I S S I O N .. . . . . . . . . . . . . C a s e N o . T G W - 05 - 1, O r d e r N o . 2 9 7 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 5 '- ' \ Co n t a c t : G e n e F a d n e s s ( 2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 - 03 3 9 c- - c We b s i t e : JD V W .- p - u ~ J da h o . g o v Pa g e 1 o f h. b :z ~ lU A H U P U t l L l C U T l L l T l E S CO M M I S S I O N ", - r Te r r a G r a n d e s e e k s em e r g e n c y r e l i e f Bo i s e - T h e I d a h o P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s C o m m i s s i o n w i l l t a k e c o m m e n t s t h r o u g h M a r c h 4 o n T e r r a G r a n d e W a t e r s a p p l i c a t i o n f o r i n t e r i m r a t e re l i e f a n d f u r t h e r p r o c e e d i n g s t o e s t a b l i s h a p e n n a n e n t r a t e , Te r r a G r a n d e W a t e r , w it h a b o u t 17 r e s i d e n t i a l c u s t o m e r s i n s o u t h w e s t B o i s e , n o t i f i e d c u s t o m e r s o f c o n t a m i n a t i o n p r o b l e m s :I T o m Tr i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e on an . Th e c o m p a n y a d v i s e d c u s t o m e r s t o s t o p u s i n g t h e w a t e r f o r d r i n k i n g a n d s t a r t e d s u p p l y i n g b o t t l e d w a t e r , On e w e e k l a t e r , o n J a n u a r y ", , ~ em e r g e n c y c o n n e c t i o n w a s m a d e t o U n i t e d W a t e r s s y s t e m , T e r r a G r a n d e c u s t o m e r s n o w r e c e i v e w a t e r fr o m t h a t s y s t e m . T h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l Q u a l i t y p r o v i d e d f u n d s f r o m t h e I d a h o H a z a r d o u s W a s t e E m e r g e n c y R e s p o n s e Fu n d t o p a y t h e c o s t o f t h e e m e r g e n c y c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e U n i t e d W a t e r s y s t e m , /~ v l r t A . &v a . ~ L - Te r r a G r a n d e i s s e e k i n g c o m m i s s i o n a u t h o r i z a t i o n t o c o n t i n u e a s s e s s i n g i t s f l a t $ 1 6 p e r m on t h n o n - s u m m e r c h a r g e ( $ 2 6 d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r ) pl u s a s u r c h a r g e t h a t w i l l c o v e r t h e b i l l i n g i t r e c e i v e s f r o m U n i t e d W a t e r . e c o m p a n y p r o p o s e s t o d i v i d e i t s U n i t e d W a t e r b i l l b y t h e t o t a l nu m b e r o f T e r r a G r a n d e c u s t o m e r s a n d p a s s t h e p r o r a t a e x p e n s e o n t o e a c h c u s t o m e r e q u a l l y b y a d d i n g a s u r c h a r g e t o t h e e x i s t i n g f l a t r a t e . Fu r t h e r , T e r r a G r a n d e i s a s k i n g t h e c o m m i s s i o n t o e s t a b l i s h p e n n a n e n t r a t e s t h a t a r e j u s t a n d r e a s o n a b l e f o r i t s c u s t o m e r s o n a g o i n g - fo r w a r d ba s i s . Th e c o m p a n y i s a s k i n g f o r i m m e d i a t e a u t h o r i z a t i o n t o c h a n g e i t s r a t e s b a s e d o n a n e m e r g e n c y t h a t i t s a y s w a s b e y o n d i t s c o n t r o l a n d t h a t h a s un e x p e c t e d l y i n c r e a s e d i t s e x p e n s e s o n s h o r t n o t i c e , I t i s a s k i n g t h a t t h e c a s e b e p r o c e s s e d b y w r i t t e n c o m m e n t r a t h e r t h a n b y p u b l i c h e a r i n g s . Th e c o m m i s s i o n w i l l p r o c e e d u n d e r a m o d i f i e d p r o c e d u r e t h a t a l l o w s t h e c a s e t o b e h a n d l e d t h r o u g h w r i t t e n p u b l i c c o m m e n t s . T h o s e w i s h i n g to s u b m i t c o m m e n t s m u s t d o s o b y n o l a t e r t h a n M a r c h 4 . C o m m e n t s a r e a c c e p t e d v i a e - m a i l b y a c c e s s i n g t h e c o m m i s s i o n s h o m e p a g e a t ww w , pu c jd a l t o , go y an d c l i c k i n g o n " Co m m e n t s & Q u e s t i o n s . " F i l l i n t h e c a s e n u m b e r ( T G W - 05 - 1) a n d e n t e r y o u r c o m m e n t s , C o m m e n t s ca n a l s o b e m a i l e d t o P , O. B o x 8 3 7 2 0 , B o i s e , I D 8 3 7 2 0 - 00 7 4 o r f a x e d t o ( 2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 - 37 6 2 , A f u l l t e x t o f t h e c o m m i s s i o n s o r d e r , a l o n g w i t h o t h e r d o c u m e n t s r e l a t e d t o t h i s c a s e , a r e a v a i l a b l e o n t h e c o m m i s s i o n s W e b s i t e a t -I 2 - u c . i d~ . h J ! g Q " , C l i c k o n " Fi l e R o o m " a n d t h e n o n " Wa t e r C a s e s " a n d s c r o l l d o w n t o t h e a b o v e c a s e n u m b e r , ht t p : / / w w w . pu c , st a t e , id , us / i n t e m e t / p r e s s / 0 2 2 5 0 5 - T e r r a G r a n d e , ht m 2/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 j) ~i iY J)4-- () J)q April 5, 2005 To:Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners. Subject:Le~er of appreciation concerning Mr. Randy Lobb. Commissioners: I would like to express my appreciation for Mr. Randy Lobb attending our meeting on 3-29-05 from 7:00 pm. until 8:15. p.m,. His professionalism was noted and appreciated by all present. After being introduced, he projected a physical and then verbal air of relaxation, which put everyone at ease and was most knowledgeable concerning our water problems. His answers were up to date and even though some wanted more they understood he would give more information when it became available. On behalf of everyone present and myself, we want you to know that Mr. Lobb is the example many other government agencies could use. Pioneer Neighborhood Association. Jim Storey, President ". ",,'"";:) TERRA GRANDEWArER P. O. Box7112 Boise, 10 83707 Phone 208-322-2509 Emergencies 208-381-5381 April 10,2005 Account # 680 Jim Storey 1607 S ASH PARK BOISE, I D 83709 1607 S ASH PARK Account #680 Balance Forward 16, Payment March Cki!ili8l$16.Past Due Charges 0.00 ,0. '. " .-;;;;...- April Customer Charge -,3:CYOApril Commodity Charge 6. Water Credit Balance Due (5.00) $14, Customers' April 2005 bill contain commodity charges for water consumed between January 28, 2005 and February 14, 2005 and the monthly customer charge of $13. per authority from Commission Order No 29735. Tip of the month: Use the dishwasher only when it is full, A dishwasher used about gallons for each loan, Remember water is precious commodity, BALANCE DUE $14. Account is due 10 days after bill date Please include the account number on your check If you disagree with this balance please give us a call. r--(~-" 'Page 1 of2 Subj: Date: From: To: Your Comments & Request for a Meeting 3/4/2005 3:58:05 PM Mountain Standard Time Dear Mr. Storey: Thank you for your comments regarding Case No. TGW-05-01-ln the Matter of the Application of Terra GrandeWater Requesting that the Commission Authorize Interim Rate Relief and Further Proceedings to Establish Just and Reasonable Rates. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission appreciates your input and interest in this case. Your comments have been directed to the Commissioners and staff for their review. Per your request, we are also adding your name to the list of interested parties for this case so you will receive a copy of any future notices and the final order. A PUC staff member will be contacting you the first of next week regarding your request for a meeting. Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Sincerely, Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Friday, March 04 2005 12:20:42 PM -( G- tP-lU ()~ dtJ~ J-,17/(; ~Jb ----- Original Message---- VWW.J Form Submission: Case: tgw-w-05- Name: Jim Storey Street Address: 1607 S Ash Park Ln. City: Boise State: Idaho ZIP: 83709 Home Telephone: 3760044 Mail: Company: terra Grande water mailingJistj'es no: yes Comment description: I am the Pioneer Neighbrohood Asso. Pres. Terra Grande Water is our provider of water. I have been recieving complants about bills recieved by residents. They have recived bills from $16.00 to $32.for March payment. A letter sent on Jan 21 by Terra Grand said, they will credit you on your billIng a~ a rate of 2letters per person per day. This would equate to $5.00 perperson. There accounting seems to be way off. As Pioneer Neighborhood Association President I would like to discuss some other issues residents haVe concerning resampling,libility where we the users stands in reopening our wells. Drilling new wells and waterrights. I want to thank Ron Lane, Rob Whittney, Mark Jeffers, Mark Slifka,and Kelen Harrigton for all their assistance.But, I am getting question for residents that only the commission can handle. I would appreciate a person to person meeting before this and other issues are completed. Jim Storey Pioneer Neighborhood Association President Friday, March 04, 2005 America Online: Jvstorey2 Su b j : Da t e : Fr o m : To : Co m m e n t a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t 3/ 4 / 2 0 0 5 1 2 : 2 1 : 1 0 P M M o u n t a i n S t a n d a r d T i m e eh o w e l l ~ p u c . id a h o , iv s t o r e v 2 ~ a o l . co m Th a n k y o u f o r y o u r s u b m i s s i o n . Th i s m e s s a g e h a s b e e n g e n e r a t e d b y a c o m p u t e r . T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r r e c e n t e - m a i l m e s s a g e , I f y o u r c o m m e n t s a r e re l a t e d t o a s p e c i f i c c a s e t h e y w i l l b e ci r c u l a t e d t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n e r s f o r t h e i r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d p l a c e d i n t h e c o m m i s s i o n S e c r e t a r y s o f f i c i a l f i l e . I f y o u h a v e a q u e s t i o n o r c o m p l a i n t , y o u r me s s a g e w i l l b e f o r w a r d e d t o a m e m b e r o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n s t a f f f o r r e v i e w a n d a p p r o p r i a t e a c t i o n . If y o u r m e s s a g e r e q u i r e s a r e p l y a n d y o u h a v e n o t r e c e i v e d a p e r s o n a l i z e d r e s p o n s e t o y o u r m e s s a g e w i t h i n 1 0 b u s i n e s s d a y s , p l e a s e c a l l 3 3 4 - 03 6 9 , i f yo u a r e i n t h e B o i s e f T r e a s u r e V a l l e y c a l l i n g a r e a o r 1 - 80 0 - 4 3 2 - 03 6 9 i f y o u a r e i n I d a h o b u t n o t i n B o i s e f T r e a s u r e V a l l e y c a l l i n g a r e a , I f y o u a r e c a l l i n g f r o m ou t s i d e I d a h o , d i a l 1 - 20 8 - 33 4 - 03 6 9 . Yo u r s u b m i s s i o n o f 3 / 4 / 2 0 0 5 a t 1 2 : 2 0 : 4 2 P M f o l l o w s : Ca s e N o , - t g w - w - 05 - Yo u r N a m e - J i m S t o r e y Yo u r A d d r e s s - Yo u r C i t y - B o i s e Yo u r S t a t e - Yo u r Z i p - Ho m e T e l e p h o n e - Yo u r E - m a i l a d d r e s s - jv s t o r e y 2 ~ a o l . c o m Na m e o f U t i l i t y C o . - Ad d t o m a i l i n g l i s t - y e s Yo u r q u e s t i o n / c o m m e n t - I a m t h e P i o n e e r N e i g h b r o h o o d A s s o , P r e s , T e r r a G r a n d e W a t e r i s o u r p r o v i d e r o f w a t e r , I h a v e b e e n r e c i e v i n g c o m p l a n t s a b o u t bi l l s r e c i e v e d b y r e s i d e n t s . T h e y h a v e r e c i v e d b i l l s f r o m $ 1 6 , 00 t o $ 3 2 . 00 f o r M a r c h p a y m e n t . A l e t t e r s e n t o n J a n 2 1 b y T e r r a G r a n d s a i d , t h e y w i l l c r e d i t yo u o n y o u r b i l l i n g a t a r a t e o f 2 l e t t e r s p e r p e r s o n p e r d a y , T h i s w o u l d e q u a t e t o $ 5 . 00 p e r p e r s o n . T h e r e a c c o u n t i n g s e e m s t o b e w a y o f f , As P i o n e e r N e i g h b o r h o o d A s s o c i a t i o n P r e s i d e n t I w o u l d l i k e t o d i s c u s s s o m e o t h e r i s s u e s r e s i d e n t s h a v e c o n c e r n i n g r e s a m p l i n g , li b i l i t y w h e r e w e t h e us e r s s t a n d s i n r e o p e n i n g o u r w e l l s . D r i l l i n g n e w w e l l s a n d w a t e r ri g h t s . I w a n t t o t h a n k R o n L a n e , R o b W h i t t n e y , M a r k J e f f e r s , M a r k S l i f k a an d K e l e n H a r r i g t o n f o r a l l t h e i r a s s i s t a n c e . B u t , I a m g e t t i n g q u e s t i o n f o r r e s i d e n t s t h a t on l y t h e c o m m i s s i o n c a n h a n d l e . I w o u l d a p p r e c i a t e a p e r s o n t o pe r s o n m e e t i n g b e f o r e t h i s a n d o t h e r i s s u e s a r e c o m p l e t e d , Ji m S t o r e y Pi o n e e r N e i g h b o r h o o d A s s o c i a t i o n P r e s i d e n t Fr i d a y , M a r c h 0 4 , 2 0 0 5 A m e r i c a O n l i n e : J v s t o r e y 2 . ..~:"'). l March 2005 water ~JO \8JJJanuary Payment Received Check 7024 # $32, February Payment Received Check # $ Past Due Charges $. Balance Due $ 32, c" c" , You are being billed for March only. Since we are now obtaining water from United Water the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission is in the process of determining a new rate for water. This rate may be retroactive toinclude March. We will advise you of their determination. Total Due 32. Account is due 10 days after bill date Please include the account number on your cheek lfyou disagree with this balance please give us a calL .J.", )'-' "C:" \:::C: ,,, " (,. Terra Grande Water POBox 7112 Boise, ill 83707 /,. I'C Y c '~,::;- ... ~1.~8 "",~' ..".."'-",, 0 '-' ' '" "".." -_..-- ". .'" ...~"~""~'-.~- "~ ~"-"",......-~-.--~"~-- ...-'-~, ,.~........-..- ---.--""'-~"-" '-'" -,-~,,---- ,----~. JIm Storey 1607 S ASH PARK BOISE, ID 83709 Acct # 680 on_- - .. , , , In order to give you your water credit on the April (other half of your bi-monthly billing) we need to know the number of persons living in the household. Name :J;m C)T t.:: 'I &H f);/?/.( ,/.. J4lVb- Acct # &?O Address: / ~ ,;jje; 45i-i".::La ?~? Adults Children - Q You can fold this fonn so the Terra Grande address is on the outside, tape it, and mail back. f1Zrra l:i ra n de ~~98Z' In c ~- PO Box 7112 Boise , 10 83707 Phone ~O8) 322~509 Emergencies (208) 381-5381 Jim Storey 1607 SASH PARK BOISE, ill 83709 1607 SASH PARK Account #680 Previous Balance $32. March 2005 waterl6. January Payment Received Check # 4408 $32. February Payment Received Check # $ Past Due Charges $0. Balance Due $ 16. . .J f;/ . I (7 -c. 3 ()- / 6t- March 1 , 2005 Account # 680 You are being billed for March only, Since we are now obtaining water from United Water the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission is in the process of determining a new rate for water. This rate may be retroactive toinclude March. We will advise you of their determination. Total Due 16. Account is due 10 days after bill date - --- Please include the account number on your check / lfyou disagree with this balance please give us a caIL/ (' "\~.' , ;3 , ~ I /e , \; J ID A H O P U H L I C U T I L I T i E S C O M M i S S I O N pa g e I o t I ID A H O P U B L I C U T I L I T I E S C O M M I S S I O N Ca s e N o . T G W - 05 - 1, O r d e r N o . 2 9 7 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 5 Co n t a c t : G e n e F a d n e s s ( 2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 - 03 3 9 We b s i t e : ww w - . . . . p . J l c . i. d a ~o . g o v Te r r a G r a n d e s e e k s em e r g e n c y r e l i e f Bo i s e - T h e I d a h o P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s C o m m i s s i o n w i l l t a k e c o m m e n t s t h r o u g h M a r c h 4 o n T e r r a G r a n d e W a t e r s a p p l i c a t i o n f o r i n t e r i m r a t e re l i e f a n d f u r t h e r p r o c e e d i n g s t o e s t a b l i s h a p e r m a n e n t r a t e , Te r r a G r a n d e W a t e r , w i t h a b o u t 1 1 7 r e s i d e n t i a l c u s t o m e r s i n s o u t h w e s t B o i s e , n o t i f i e d c u s t o m e r s o f c o n t a m i n a t i o n p r o b l e m s f r o m Tr i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ( T C E ) o n J a n . 2 1 . T h e c o m p a n y a d v i s e d c u s t o m e r s t o s t o p u s i n g t h e w a t e r f o r d r i n k i n g a n d s t a r t e d s u p p l y i n g b o t t l e d w a t e r . On e w e e k l a t e r , o n J a n u a r y 2 8 , a n e m e r g e n c y c o n n e c t i o n w a s m a d e t o U n i t e d W a t e r s s y s t e m . T e r r a G r a n d e c u s t o m e r s n o w r e c e i v e w a t e r fr o m t h a t s y s t e m . T h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l Q u a l i t y p r o v i d e d f u n d s f r o m t h e I d a h o H a z a r d o u s W a s t e E m e r g e n c y R e s p o n s e Fu n d t o p a y t h e c o s t o f t h e e m e r g e n c y c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e U n i t e d W a t e r s y s t e m . Te r r a G r a n d e i s s e e k i n g c o m m i s s i o n a u t h o r i z a t i o n t o c o n t i n u e a s s e s s i n g i t s f l a t $ 1 6 p e r m o n t h n o n - s u m m e r c h a r g e ( $ 2 6 d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r ) pl u s a s u r c h a r g e t h a t w i l l c o v e r t h e b i l l i n g i t r e c e i v e s f r o m U n i t e d W a t e r . T h e c o m p a n y p r o p o s e s t o d i v i d e i t s U n i t e d W a t e r b i l l b y t h e t o t a l nu m b e r o f T e r r a G r a n d e c u s t o m e r s a n d p a s s t h e p r o r a t a e x p e n s e o n t o e a c h c u s t o m e r e q u a l l y b y a d d i n g a s u r c h a r g e t o t h e e x i s t i n g f l a t r a t e , Fu r t h e r , T e r r a G r a n d e i s a s k i n g t h e c o m m i s s i o n t o e s t a b l i s h p e r m a n e n t r a t e s t h a t a r e j u s t a n d r e a s o n a b l e f o r i t s c u s t o m e r s o n a g o i n g - fo r w a r d ba s i s . Th e c o m p a n y i s a s k i n g f o r i m m e d i a t e a u t h o r i z a t i o n t o c h a n g e i t s r a t e s b a s e d o n a n e m e r g e n c y t h a t i t s a y s w a s b e y o n d i t s c o n t r o l a n d t h a t h a s un e x p e c t e d l y i n c r e a s e d i t s e x p e n s e s o n s h o r t n o t i c e , I t i s a s k i n g t h a t t h e c a s e b e p r o c e s s e d b y w r i t t e n c o m m e n t r a t h e r t h a n b y p u b l i c h e a r i n g s , Th e c o m m i s s i o n w i l l p r o c e e d u n d e r a m o d i f i e d p r o c e d u r e t h a t a l l o w s t h e c a s e t o b e h a n d l e d t h r o u g h w r i t t e n p u b l i c c o m m e n t s . T h o s e w i s h i n g to s u b m i t c o m m e n t s m u s t d o s o b y n o l a t e r t h a n M a r c h 4 . C o m m e n t s a r e a c c e p t e d v i a e - m a i l b y a c c e s s i n g t h e c o m m i s s i o n s h o m e p a g e a t 1t l l ! ~ _ id M go v an d c l i c k i n g o n " Co m m e n t s & Q u e s t i o n s , " F i l l i n t h e c a s e n u m b e r ( T G W - W - 05 - 1) a n d e n t e r y o u r c o m m e n t s . C o m m e n t s ca n a l s o b e m a i l e d t o P , O. B o x 8 3 7 2 0 , B o i s e , I D 8 3 7 2 0 - 00 7 4 o r f a x e d t o ( 2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 - 37 6 2 , A f u l l t e x t o f t h e c o m m i s s i o n s o r d e r , a l o n g w i t h o t h e r d o c u m e n t s r e l a t e d t o t h i s c a s e , a r e a v a i l a b l e o n t h e c o m m i s s i o n s W e b s i t e a t ~u c . id a h o , gQ Y , C l i c k o n " Fi l e R o o m " a n d t h e n o n " Wa t e r C a s e s " a n d s c r o l l d o w n t o t h e a b o v e c a s e n u m b e r , ht t p : / / w w w , pu c , st a t e . i d . us / i n t e m e t / p r e s s / 0 2 2 5 0 5 Te r r a G r a n d e , ht m 3/ 4 / 2 0 0 5 r.~Office of the Secretary Service Date March 21, 2005 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TERRA GRANDE WATER FOR INTERIM RATE RELIEF AND FURTHER PROCEED IN GS TO ESTABLISH JUST AND REASONABLE RATES !J-IrjBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. TGW-05- ORDER NO. 29735 On February 9, 2005, Terra Grande Water filed an Application with the Commission requesting immediate interim rate relief, further proceedings to establish just and reasonable rates, and deferred accounting treatment for excess water supply costs above interim rates if appropriate, This Application is based upon the emergency interconnection of Terra Grande Water with United Water Idaho Inc. In Order No: 29716 the Commission found that, because of the emergency situation there was good cause to process the Company s Application for interim rate relief on expedited proceedings with comments due on March 4, 2005. The Commission received comments from seven of Terra Grande s customers, as well as comments filed by the Commission Staff. In this Order the Commission establishes Terra Grande s interim rate as a $13 per month, flat rate, year round customer charge in. addition to charges collected for United Water s metered service, BACKGROUND On June 8, 2004, the Commission issued Terra Grande Water a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and authorized the Company s current two-season flat rate fee schedule of $26 per month in the summer and $16 per month in non-summer months. Order No, 29512. Case No, TGW-04-1. Additionally, that Order initiated an investigation of the Company. Idaho Code ~9 61-501 , 61-503. The investigation is to establish: (1) whether the existing rates for water service are just and reasonable; and (2) whether Terra Grande Water --:----- . . ~rnishes, provides and maintains service, instrumentalities, equipment and facilities tha~ promote the safety and health of its atrons, employees and the public and is in all respects ---- " ~fficient, just and reasonable.Idaho Code 9961-301 , 61-302, Staff was in the process of its investigation when, on January 21 and January 24 2005, the Commission was informed by the Company and by Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) officials that the three water supply wells of Terra Grande Water were ORDER NO. 29735 " , f!J'J'\ contaminated with Trichloroethylene (TCE), a hazardous chemical. Customers were notified on January 21 , 2005 not to consume the water and to minimize all other uses of the water. DEQ recommended an emergency inter~onnectionof Terr~ Grande s water system to United Water supply, system, and' offered to makeJunds available from the Idaho Hazardous Wast~ Emergency Response Fund to pay for the costs of making the connection; On January 28, 2005 , the Commission was notified that the interconnection with United Water was completed. THE APPLICATION According to its Application, Terra Grande has provided water service to the Terra Grande Subdivision for over 50 years, and currently has approximately 117 residential customers, The Company states that it notified customers of the contamination on January 21 2005, and advised them to cease the use of water for drinking, and to minimize all other uses such as bathing and showering. The Company also started supplying bottled water to its customers and arranged for them to purchase water at wholesale price from a Wal-Mart across from the subdivision. Terra Grande notified customers that it would provide them with a billing , credit against future bills for their purchase of water. According to the Application this amount h~s not yet been, calculated. Terra Grande and PEQ are workiIlg together to detennine the. cause of the contamination, but have not yet been able' to identify the party responsible for the contamination of the Company s water source. The Application states that the connection with United Water s supply system was completed on January 28 2005 and United Water began providing water service to the Company around 5:00 p.m. on that same day under United Water s current Schedule 1 , General Metered Service. This connection consists of:'" (1) a 3" meter installed in a concrete vault; (2)'4" pipe connecting the United Water System with Terra Grande s system; and (3) a backflow device to prevent any residual contamination from the Terra Grande system from entering into United Water s system. DEQ provided funds from the Idaho Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Fund to pay for the costs of this connection. According to the Company s Application, United Water s charges under Schedule 1 for General Metered Service consist of a volume charge for all water use of $0.9825 per 100 cubic feet (CCF) in the winter, and $1.2281 per CCF for the suffiIl1er, as well as a customer charge for a 3" meter of $82.42 bi-monthly,.. Summer rates apply for all water consumed between May I and September 30 each year: United Water also assesses a SOt bi-monthly ORDER NO. 29735 charge as required by DEQ to fund the State Drinking Water Program and a 3% municipal franchise fee as required by the City of Boise, Terra Grande s Application requests immediate interim rate relief, effective as of the date it filed the Application, February 9, 2005. The Company subsequently filed an Amendment and Supplement to its Application. In this Amendment the Company requests that any interim relief be made effective as of January 28, 2005, the date on which United Water began supplying water to the Company s system. The Amendment also advised the Commission that the Company had received the first billing from United Water. That bill was $723.49 for a 17-day period starting from the initial hookup, Finally, the Company advised that it was recently annexed into the City of Boise, and requests that the Commission, to,the extent possible, take into consideration the effect of the potential impact on rates of a possible municipal franchise fee that the Compaily may have to pay in the future. CUSTOMER COMMENTS The Commission received comments from seven of Terra Grande s customers. Three of the comments were not opposedto paying United Water s charges for water use, but were opposed to paying Terra Grande s fee in addition to United Water s charges; Two of the comments opposed paying anything for the United Water bill , . stating that it was not .the customers' fault that the water was contaminated and they should not be punished for it, One comment stated that the customers should not pay for the hookup to United Water s system. Several of the comments took issue with Terra Grande crediting customers for only two liters of water per day for their purchase of bottled water. FINDINGS OF FACT I. INTERIM RATES Terra Grande requests that the Commission allow it to continue charging its customers $16 per month for water service based on the Company s current, filed tariff. Additionally, the Company requests that it be authorized to add the costs of purchasing water from United Water to the Company s existing flat rate. The Company proposes to divide the United Water bill by the total number of Terra Grande customers, and pass this expense on to each customer equally by adding it to their existing flat rate. United Water bills on a bi-monthly basis, and Terra Grande bills its customers in advance for two months of service. ORDER NO. 29735 than they were before interconnection, we fmd it reasonable to set the interim monthly charge at $13 per customer per month. In establishing this interim rate we reject the Company s request to take into consideration the effect of a possible future,municipal. franchise fee that mayor may not be imposed, We find that the $13 monthly charge should be ,year round, with no increase during the summer months. The existing flat rate differential between summer and winter assumes that the Company will incur additional costs in summer due to increased water consumption, Absent a metered rate, a higher summer rate was needed to recover those costs. That is not the case after interconnection with United Water. UWI meter charges will increase in the summer but Terra Grande s cost~ recovr~edthroughtJ:1e flat rate will not. Cilstomers will pay higher charges in summer because they Will be charged for the water provided byUnitedWater. We find that the United Water retail rate is appropriate at this time, Although this is technically a resale arrangement between United Water and Terra Grande, we find that, under the circumstances of this case, the service arrangement at existing retail rates is appropriate on an interim basis" United Water does not have a separately tariffed wholesale rate. Given the lack individual meters in the Terra Grande system, we also find it reasonable for Terra Grande to divide United Water s charges by the total number ofTerta Grande customers and to collect the amount on a monthly basis along with its monthly flat rate charge, Although United Water s tariffed rates are billed ona bi-monthly basis we find it reasonable and prudent for United Water to make a special exception in this particular set of circumstances and bill Terra Grande on a monthly basis. This is based upon the circumstances surrounding the contamination of Terra Grande s wells, the resulting emergency interconnection with United Wilter, the bulk nature of Terra Grande s service, (all, of Terra Grande s 117 customers are on one meter from United Water), and United Water s cooperation. This is also based upon the fact that bills for Terra Grande s customers are going to change rather dramatically, and a monthly monitoring and price signal is vital, especially because this change comes at the beginning of the summer season. We also note that United Water has a pending rate increase request at the Commission. The Commission wishes to complement United Water on its prompt and professional response and cooperation in this emergency situation.W e additionally fmd that United Water is specifically authorized to deviate from its tariff for this one customer, Terra Grande, and bill on a ORDER NO. 29735 with estimated costs and proposed timing. No further capital investment is to be made in the water system without Commission approval. We find this requirement is alL the 'more critical given the severe water quality problems encountered by the Company. Commission Findin2s: We find that Terra Grande should develop a permanent service arrangement plan and submit it to the Commission for approval prior to the establishment of permanent rates or consideration of deferral of any additional costs. III. CUSTOMER NOTICE The Company states that notice to its customers concerning this interim and more general rate request has been accomplished by news media releases simultaneously with the filing of the Application and by individual notice mailed to each customer. The notice is attached to the Company s Application as Attachment C. Based on information provided to customers by the Company and the media coverage of Terra Grande s water quality problem, customers are likely well aware of the current situation. However, the interim interconnection with UWI and the rates approved by the Commission will subjeCt customers to unaccustomed consumption charges. Moreover, because none of the customers are individually metered, system consumption will be divided equally. Consequently, we find it is important for the Company to routinely notify its customers of the need to control water consumption, particularly in summer months to assure that water service remains affordable. Commission Findin2s We find that Terra Grande should notify its customers that the costs of water system consumption will be shared by all customers and inforrn them of the need to control their water consumption. We find that Terra Grande should also notify its customers that conservation materials and kits are available upon their request, describe what those materials are, and facilitate the distribution of those materials to'those that request them. Terra Grande shall work in conjunction with Commission Staff and United Water to compile and provide a list and description of the pamphlets and the indoor and outdoor water conservation kits in order to provide that information to its customers. Terra Grande shall distribute the materials upon request by customers. ORDER NO, 29735 DONE by Order ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Conui1ission at Boise, Idaho this .::2./ sf' day of March 2005. t2I rIm P A:6t KJELL ER, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ~l~ D. Jewell C . ission Secretary O:TGWWOSOl dw2 ORDER NO. 29735 STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL , LAWRENCE G. WASDEN Apri125 , 2005 John R. Hammond, Jr, Batt & Fisher, LLP S. Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capital Boulevard PO Box 1308 Boise, ill 83701 Re: Terra Grande Water, Case No. TGW-O5-1 Dear John I am writing to confirm our phone conversations oftoday s date. This letter serves as clarification as to what we discussed regarding the customer charge portion of Terra Grande s monthly billing, The Commission has received some inquiries from customers regarding the April bill that they received from Terra Grande in that their bills reflect a customer charge of $16.00 for the months of February and March. Apparently, with the concurrence of Commission Staff, these two months were not adjusted from $16.00 to $13.00, pursuant to Commission Order No. 29735 issued on March 21 , 2005, which made Terra Grande interim rates retroactive back to January 28, 2005, As we discussed, it is my opinion that both the Commission s Order, as well as the Company s filed tariff are very clear that the $13.00 customer charge is retroactive back to January 28, 2005 , and thus will require a corrected billing to reflect a $3.00 credit or refund for the month of February, and $3.00 for the month of March. I apologize for the inconvenience and the misunderstanding regarding this issue. I do not fault Terra Grande in thi,s billing error as the Company relied UpOt;l. representations from Commis~ion Staff that it was proper to bill $16.00 for the months of February and March. Unfortunately, this was not correct. Additionally, , understanding is that the April billing already reflects the correct customer charge of $13.00 for the month of April 2005, I appreciate the opportunity we had to discuss these matters and reach a common understanding. Please contact me immediately should you have any comments, questions, or concerns. , Sin ~, ~W~ Donovan ,E, Walker Deputy Attorney General ' . " cc:Randy Lobb Nancy Hylton , ~:::: "',.." " 1.., t: I V E2 D ~~n5)~ tlPR ~ Y U- 2005 Contracts & Administrative law Division, Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: Located at 472 West Washington St., Boise, Idaho 83702 "'.IDAHO PUBLIC UTKi~'2TE'S\00MMISSION (~ (::Page 1 of .ep.; I,r IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. TGW-O5-, Order No. 29716 February 25, 2005 Contact: Gene Fadness (208) 334-0339 Website: Terra Grande seeks emergency relief Boise - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will take comments through March 4 on Terra Grande Water s application for interim rate relief and further proceedings to establish a permanent rate. Terra Grande Water, with about 117 residential customers in southwest Boise, notified customers of contamination problems from Trichloroethylene (TCE) on Jan. 21. The company advised customers to stop using the water for drinking and started supplying bottled water. One week later, on January 28, an emergency connection was made to United Water s system. Terra Grande customers now receive water from that system. The state Department of Environmental Quality provided funds from the Idaho Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Fund to pay the cost of the emergency connection to the United Water system. Terra Grande is seeking commission authorization to continue assessing its flat $16 per month non- summer charge ($26 during the summer) plus a surcharge that will cover the billing it receives from United Water. The company proposes to divide its United Water bill by the total number of Terra Grande customers and pass the pro rata expense on to each customer equally by adding a surcharge to the existing flat rate. Further, Terra Grande is asking the commission to establish peTITlanent rates that are just and reasonable for its customers on a going-fOlward basis. The company is asking for immediate authorization to change its rates based on an emergency that it says was beyond its control and that has unexpectedly increased its expenses on short notice, It is asking that the case be processed by written comment rather than by public hearings. The commission will proceed under a modified procedure that allows the case to be handled through written public comments. Those wishing to submit comments must do so by no later than March 4. Comments are accepted via e-mail by accessing the commission s homepage at and clicking on "Comments & Questions." Fill in the case number (TGW - W -05-1) and enter your comments. Comments can also be mailed to P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or faxed to (208) 334-3762. A full text of the commission s order, along with other documents related to this case, are available on the commission s Web site at Click on "File Room" and then on "Water Cases and scroll down to the above case number. ;I- ..~.....~ ~ "'O ~i~_~'z. ~'i~ -S ..g." .~c8~:~1j.7. ~$' ;t1/, g.~ ~~ ,q~- ' . i~I'i~t'~ ;11.j!i!Jfli&~;.i,;!~fJI. ;; i~1~ j~i~- -;:j .,g;SJ-f~-~~~W:';;;~'iij~ 't;&~, ~t~i5i~it ~-#frij'"~t1- ~.- ~f~~ ~~~I !~~~. ~~~i~it:li~~!i tlf http://www. puc,aie-:icCtis'lii1(ernet/preSSIO125(iJ ~ieliaGlah(itdiLI:il-3/4/05 To: DEQ Representatives May 4, 2005 From: Jim Storey Pioneer Neighborhood Assoc. President. Subject: Water contamination. When you find the source of the contamination from Trichloroethane (TCE) in our water system I would like to present a solution for cleaning the water. Attached to this letter is an article with a new much faster and cheaper way of cleaning up pollutants such as TCE from the ground water. If you need the original document, it is in the "New Scientist" dated March 5-2005 p26, The use of this type of technology should be paid for by those found polluting the groundwater. I hope this could save our water system but if not perhaps it will provide an excellent point for your legal system to make restitution and cleaning the groundwater for others. When Polluters are made to pay 'be it err~r/arrogance , because they do not read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) gives instruction for the correct handling of this material. Manufactures and venders give MSDS's upon purchase and make available for handlers upon request. Ifviolators know judgments would be made to the extent of total clean up of the groundwater back to prior readings no mater how long it takes, perhaps there will be no more cleanup necessary. Please assure this letter and information is included in legal judgments and future DEQ' regulation changes is circulated as widely as possible, Sincerely: Jim Storey Pioneer Neighborhood Assoc. president. 376-0044 (Still having problems with the Terra Grand Water Co. Inology lll:,'l:l1getap one its owner: ld ell . protecti g :11, ,'"riel"c Cl' : ' . 'ill:Y" L ili \':,: near 01 '1l: PC \ !Isl an p Jpe cHinhe rI,e, rILl. l1es run YSlem ul,ning I1l10\Vs As as viruses a pdl ie !cn el11.ii.1Jrdel" re,td i lis i m c' n ::lh!,c: ( \':1"', ill ,I '", rOll!",,: this, 'illis ollldl''done CI"O,,' laue i Iii',1111' I1l' : II ,i I jlilil" in 1S thlH ,dl ose tor II1 ndne prog 1 lch a 1 :m,!)I 111:":: , ,!' ", ', I'l- ,', : rl: lh' J Jlll \ ic:c' 111 lCl:C, -Secure ,III \'I'liS l'i~,lri, II irscan eral )1 il'l:S tl II x, e may at ,ii'S "poly 10rphic ntinua II' igncltur codes I )1\. \\'illn 'Ikl' i I " tl) detect , ruses on f 's is I -like bell, 'jollrI sthateol inllally f 'l""I:l\g S\ 1"ln I j,'"" rile" Illl CI. \ ' lI'l' docs I 11 h:lvc til\(odetellhcse S eibri. "1' II" l' S" 1\1 iyil"lI' l:!lucJes ili 'very ~ , \!r,c:llllic ' connotd, WTONG EDGE , " 0'7 . j " ;:f;i-: ' " ' GOLD may hold the key to cleaning up a persistent toxic pollutant from groundwater much faster and cheaper than is possible now. Scientists in the US have hit upon a promising way to use the precious metal to clean ~p the carcinogen trichloroethane (TCE). """' TCE is a colourless organidiquid that smells a little like chloroform. It is mostly used as an industrial degreaser in the manufacture of metal engineering parts such as steel tubes and pipes. TCE can cause liver damage and cancer in humans, but until regulations came into effect in the in 1989, industry dumped hundreds of thousands of tonnes of the stuff on land or into water courses, according to the US EnvironmenLd Protection Agency. And because Tt c IJreaks down slowly in the environm,'nt, a lot of it still contaminates groulldwater. Estimates for cleaning it up in America s brownfield 0"'25 run to billions of dollars. One promising solu, ,en is to pump contaminated groundvJJter out of aquifers, mix it with hydrogen gas and send it through a filter containing a palladium metal catalyst. This converts the TCE molecule into non- hazardous ethane and chloride ions and the water can then be returned to the aquifer. Now researchers have found that bonding palladium atoms to particles PATCH ABOVE THE REST security fla 'al software has been developed to help IT sy administrators prioritise the dozens of software "patches" they receive from software houses each week. The Common Vulnerability Scori System (CVSS) was develo consortium t es Microsoft andc. ere are just too many vulnerabilities for them " says Bruce Schneier, a security nsultant with Counterpane Security Moun . ornia.CVSS assess ding to acteristics, including the reat uf data loss and 51 rem crashes and the extent to which I. gives a hackerc t a Ide ti I 'nformation that might lead to Identity t l'1 . 1:1 it ' " - ,uS , of gold creates a cataMlthat is 100 mes more efficient than particles of palladium on their own, The material could make it far more cost-effective to clean up TeE, according to Michael Wong and colleagues at Rice University in Texas and the Georgia Institute ofTechnology in Atlanta. In trying to boost the efficiency of the catalyst, Wong s team initially investigated making the particles as small as possible to increase the catalytic surface area, But even in palladium particles measuring just 6 nanometres (or 15 hydrogen atoms) in diameter, only a quarter of the atoms are exposed on the surface, So the team tried a different approach. They created particles of gold 5 nanometres in diameter and coated them with a single layer of palladium atoms. This means that every single palladium atom is available to help the catalysis, The gold-centred particles proved a great success, but the research threw up a puzzle: partially coated gold particles were more efficient catalysts than particles covered entirely, even though fewer palladium atoms were available. The most efficient catalyst was a gold particle with about a third of its surface covered, yielding a hundredfold improvement on pure palladium. Wong is baffled, since gold by itself isn t a catalyst. Somehow the gold is making the reaction more efficient, he says, However it works Wong estimates the new catalyst would be cheaper than today's commercial palladium version. Even though it uses gold, so little catalyst is needed that there would be an overall saving. Kurt Kleiner, Toronto. Iii! rei tir 13! GOVERNMENT ACTS ON VIRUSES service to compu rvirus nd other security threats - in plain English rather than geek-speak. Called lTsafe (,uk), site will issue email alerts whenvirus a attacks begin. The site has been design over slow dial-up connections and in lit lit inology ,11\ "1icl1p, ((, I c, ,i 111l11lh , .11'1:d "-'II ~ela ), :,O\\' ,0'; OI1C I1d fink, "polyn I continualh ! r signatur des tion , will I ~1 cit CS, 1\' ! ,, ell'l, 'illl"" li' Is,like' '11~1\' )111 "11S1! tCOl11 Illally )I'C'I" ,jngsys '111 ..i'ilcsii' dcel, c' !oes I,!'~I\'C I,) delcct ese GOLD may hold the key to cl!i.i!~,i!1g, !!!!.. a persistent toxi6 polluta ffro water much faster and cheaper than is possible now, Scientists in the US have hit upon a promising way to use the precious metal to clean u the carcino en trichloroetha IS a co our ess organic liquid that smells a little like chloroform. It is mostly used as an industrial degreaser in the manufacture of metal engineering parts such as steel tubes and pipes. TCE can cause liver damage and cancer in humans, but until regulations came into effect in the in 1989, industry dumped hundreds of thousands oftonnes ofthe stuff on land or into water courses, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. And because TCE breaks down slowly in the environmellt, a lot of it still contaminates grollll(jwater. Estimates for cleaning it up in America s brownfield sites run to billions of dollars. One promising solu,;on is to pump contaminated grounch;;lteroutof aquifus, mix it with hj ,'ragen gas and send it through a filter containing a palladium metal catalyst. This converts the TCE molecule into non- hazardous ethane and chloride ions and the water can then be returned to the aquifer. Now researchers have found that bonding palladium atoms to particJe~ of old creates catal that is 100 times more efficient t an particles of palladium on their own. The material could make it far more cost-effective to clean up TCE, according to Michael Wong and colleagues at Rice University in Texas and the Georgia Institute ofTechnology in Atlanta. In trying to boost the efficiency of the catalyst, Wong s team initially investigated making the particles as small as possible to increase the catalytic surface area, But even in palladium particles measuringjurt 6 nanometres (or 15 hydrogen atoms) in diameter, only a quarter ofthe atoms are exposed on the surface, So the team tried a different approach. They created particles of gold 5 nanometres In diameter and coated them with a single layer of palladium atoms, This means that every single palladium atom is available to help the catalysis. The gold-centred particles proved a great success, but the research threw up a puzzle: partially coated gold particles were more efficient catalysts than particles covered entirely, even though fewer palladium atoms were available, The mort efficient catalyst was a gold particle with about a third of its surface covered, yielding a hundredfold improvement on pure palladium. Wong is baffled, since gold by itself isn t a catalyst, Somehow the gold is making the reaction more efficient, he says. However it works Wong estimates the new catalyst would be cheaper than today commercial palladium version, Even though it uses gold, so little catalyst is needed that there would be an overall saving. Kurt Kleiner, Toronto. III! Tel bij tit tel ICIi (UTIlN6ED6E /' ," ,, " ;";3 ~ii vi. P!\TCH ABOVE Jus 00 many vu nerabilities for for the importance of managers to pay attention to all ofsecurity flaws in com re them " says Bruce Schneier, a securityhas been developed to help IT system Itant with Counterpane Secu ' . administrators prioritise the dozens of Mountal i software "patches" they receive from russ vu ccordingsoftware houses each week. characteristics, inclUdingThe (ommon Vulnerabili threat of data loss and system crashes System truSS) was de ya and the extent to which i' gives a hackercon~rtium des Microsoft and , - , ~~J.~ ' '" ' . t atan ~JJiftn!rt'M~gfifieadiOTdentlty theft. lit lit www.newscientistcom ~" . c'/J #hr '111 f(" fl 1Yi~ t'i IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER Terra Grande Has Levels of Trichloroethylene (TCE) Above Drinking Water Standards '--:~ fJ tI "" "tr I/", l, 0'" L.. 6 "'J Recent water tests indicate levels in violation of a drinking water standard. You have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation, We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing results wereceived on 5 show that our system exceeds the standard, or maximum contaminant level (MCL), for Trichloroethylene (TCE). This is not a naturally occurring compound. The standard for Trichloroethylene (TCE) is 0.005 mg/L. The average level of Trichloroethylene (TCE) over the last year was 0.042 mg/L. The most recent samples for Trichloroethylene (TCE) ranged from 0,069 mg/L to 0.096 mg/L. What should I do? ~ You need to use an alternative water supply for drinking and cooking, such as bottled water. Minimize all other uses, such as bathing and showering. What does this mean? Some peo61e who drink water containing trichloroethylene in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. In addition, breathing small amounts may cause headaches, lung irritation, dizziness, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating. What happened? What is being done? Bottled water is being provided for drinking and cooking. We are arranging for additional supply, Additional samples from the wells have been taken and are currently be analyzed. Further information will be provided as soon as it becomes available, but no later than January 28, 200~, We are working closely with DEQ to resolve this matter. "......- This is not a naturally-occurring compound. If you have informati~n about chemical dumpi))g the area, please contact DEQ at 373-0550. 5.'~t\-e,... S'~(f el~r- For more information, please contact Barb Child at 322-2509. 11: 0 Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses), You can do this by posting this notice in public place or distributing copies by hand or mail, . ) This notice is being sent to you by Terra Grande Water Company. (!) f r /~ J'yC L;J It=- C! dJ' .~t ~~.J. PM 1;1 ,/ y~ GL ?-L JP S' I- -I 1.h4.J' & wL+ fJeq ~. ~ ~~ :d..-. ~..::tct-?6; ~ ~ L . ~ r~ . j-- I-v ~ ~. '7 tPr i(!~,( tL-,.... &- ~~) ' L.L L'. r' ~- \ ~~eJf"-s~ ..... (~ \2~ ,,: o A IS D AGENCY FOR TOXIC SUBSTANCES AND DISEASE REGISTRY TRI CHLO ROE THYLENE CAS # 79-01- - "" " --- m , , -, " " "', _n - i Dhision of Toxicology ToxF.\Qsl\1 July 2003 This fact sheet answers the most frequently asked health questions (FAQs) about trichloroethylene.For more information, call the ATSDR Information Center at 1-888-422-8737. This fact sheet is one ina series of summaries about hazardous substances and their health effects. This information isimportant because this substance may harm you. The effects of exposure to any hazardous substancedepend on the dose, the duration, how you are exposed, personal traits and habits, and whether otherchemicals are present. c ' ,, .. - , -, " ..' c , , '" - " c, " ,, - - ," -" '' ", '' "' -, , '' ,,' '' ' 0 " :",:" " ,:, '" "' .ne : :" ,0 " .:":::,,, "' ' JIIqm~lqII'f S;:,T.P~ItlQP~~~~Y-."ttei$a col()"J~~ ~qNfI',!m,cJ,tl$qs~~ , ~~' ~soly~nt : f()t etijaolli' '.w~taI'afts:~ Drllikiil;ot, J)t~atjjiO' :hi:l~v~ti()ftri~bI()r()etJi lene --"-,..,- JJ: ,..""":,,,,,..:,.." 3--c," ~'::-::":-,::""""' " f:,rnayc~ij~e ~ etV911 $sys~~m:~ff~~ts, Bye r, antl~ii'n gc:J~*,,~g~;. 'at,)) QC) rma.h~arlb.e~t,:collla~, altdpQssibly ,cIeath~ .Trichloroethylene. b~s' heentoond' iJi at least 8S~of - the 1,430 Nag6g31PrioritiesList sites ftientified bythe:Ellvironmentai ProtectioQ , Ag~ncy (EP A). What is trichloroethylene? Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a nonflammable colorless liquid with a somewhat sweet odor and a sweet burning taste. It is used mainly as a solvent to remove grease from metal parts, but it is also an ingredient in adhesives, paint removers, typewriter correction fluids, and spot removers. Trichloroethylene is not thought to occur naturally in the environment. However, it has been found in underground water sources and many surface waters as a result of the manufacture, use, and disposal of the chemical. What happens to trichloroethylene when it enters the environment? Q Trichloroethylene dissolves a little in water, but it can remain in ground water for a long time. Q Trichloroethylene quickly evaporates from surface water so it is commonly found as a vapor in the air, Q Trichloroethylene evaporates less easily from the soil than from surface water, It may stick to particles an~ remain for a long time, Q Trichloroethylene may stick. to particles in water, which will cause it to eventually settle to the bottom sediment. Trichloroethylene does not build up significantly in plants and animals. How might I be exposed to trichloroethylene? 0 Breathing air in and around the home which has been contaminated with trichloroethylene vapors from shower water or household products such as spot removers and typewriter correction fluid, Q Drinking, swimming, or showering in water that has been contaminated with trichloroethylene. Q Contact with soil contaminated with trichloroethylene such as near a hazardous waste site. 0 Contact with the skin or breathing contaminated air while manufacturing trichloroethylene or using it at work to wash paint or grease from skin or equipment. How can trichloroethylene affect my health? Breathing small amounts may cause headaches, lungirritation, dizziness, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating. Breathing large amounts of trichloroethylene may cause impaired heart function, unconsciousness, and death.Breathing it for long periods may cause nerve, kidney, and liver damage. m '_n__ _'__~~-;:~~~~~\~~~~~;-~~~\;;~..~~-~~;~~~~-;~~\~~~~-~~-;~~~~~ h S~~~~c ___- - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry .,,; (2)~ '' ~ ,,;- ""iV Page 2 TRI CHLO ROE THYLENE CAS # 79-01- i ToxFAQs l\1 Internet address is http://,,,,,,.atsdr.cdc,go\'/to\faq.html Drinking large amounts of trichloroethylene may cause nausea, liver damage, unconsciousness, impaired heart function, or death. Drinking small amounts of trichloroethylene for long periods may cause liver and kidney damage, impaired immune system function, and impaired fetal development in pregnant women, although the extent of some of these effects is not yet clear, Skin contact with trichloroethylene for short periods may cause skin rashes. How likely is trichloroethylene to cause cancer? Some studies with mice and rats have suggested that high levels of trichloroethylene may cause liver, kidney, or lung cancer. Some studies of people exposed over long periods to high levels of trichloroethylene in drinking water or in workplace air have found evidence of increased cancer. Although, there are some concerns about the studies of people who were exposed to trichloroethylene, some of the effects found in people were similar to effects in animals, In its 9th Report on Carcinogens , the National Toxicology Program (NTP) detennined that trichloroethylene is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen." The International Agency for Research on Cancer (I ARC) has determined that trichloroethylene is "probably carcinogenic to humans, Is there a medical test to show whether I've been exposed to trichloroethylene? If you have recently been exposed to trichloroethylene, it can be detected in your breath, blood, or urine. The breath test, if it is perfonned soon after exposure, can tell if you have been exposed to even a small amount of trichloroethylene. Exposure to larger amounts is assessed by blood and urine tests, which can detect trichloroethylene and many of its breakdown products for up to a week after exposure, However, exposure to other similar chemicals can produce the same breakdown products, so their detection is not absolute proof of exposure to trichloroethylene, This test isn t available at most doctors' offices, but can be done at special laboratories that have the right equipment. Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health? The EPA has set a maximum contaminant level for trichloroethylene in drinking water at 0,005 milligrams per liter (0.005 mgIL) or 5 parts of TCE per billion parts \yater, The EP A has also developed regulations for the handling and disposal of trichloroethylene. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set an exposure limit of 100 parts of trichloroethylene per million parts of air (100 ppm) for an 8- hour workday, 40-hour workweek, - Glossary Carcinogenicity: The ability of a substance to cause cancer, CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service. Evaporate: To change into a vapor or gas. Milligram (mg): One thousandth of a gram. Nonflammable: Will not burn, ppm: Parts per million. Sediment: Mud and debris that have settled to the bottom of a body of water, Solvent: A chemical that dissolves other substances. References This ToxFAQs infonnation is taken trom the 1997 Toxicological Profile for Trichloroethylene (update) produced by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Public Health Service, V.S, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service in Atlanta, GA. Where can I get more information? For more infonnation, contact the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop F-, Atlanta, GA 30333, Phone: 1-888-422-8737FAX: 770-488-4178. ToxFAQsTM Internet address is, ATSDR can tell you where tofind occupational and environmental health clinics. Their specialists can recognize, evaluate, and treat illnesses resultingtrom exposure to hazardous substances, You can also contact your community or state health or environmental quality department if you have any more questions or concerns. .' "' . , c~' Page 1 of Subj: Date: From: To: Treasure Valley Regional Ground Water Flow Map 3/1/2005 11 :07:25 AM Mountain Standard Time Helen. Harrington!Widwr. idaho. gov jvstorey2(Q?aoLcom ;:. Hi, Mr. Storey. I don t think too well on the phone, so as soon as I hung ;:. up, I found what I was looking for. ;:. ;:. This is the regional map I mentioned. As you will see, it is quite ;:. general and doesn t characterize your area very well. I will focus in on ;:. your area and hopefully come up with better information for you. ;:. ;:. If you have any trouble opening this document, let me know. ;:. ;:. Helen Harrington, P. ;:. Idaho Department of Water Resources ;:. Technical Services Bureau ;:. PO Box 83720 ;:. Boise, 10 83720-0098 ;:. Phone: 208-287-4848 ;:. FAX: 208-287 -6700 ;:. e-mail: helen.harrington! ;:.;:.;:. ;:. .c::.c::lVC.doc;:.;:. Tuesday, March 01 , 2005 America Online: Jvstorey2 BO I S E V A L L E Y DE P T H T O G R O U N D W A T E R (h e a d v a l u e s f t . CO N T O U R I N T E R V A L : 5 0 f t . WE L L L O C A T I O N BA S E D O N 3 0 8 W E L L ME A S U R E M E N T S TA K E N I N M A R C H O F 1 9 9 6 . ":' TR E A S U R E V A L L E Y DE P T H T O F I R S T G R O U N D WA T E R E N C O U N T E R E D CO N T O U R I N T E R V A L : 5 0 f t . , W E L L L O C A T I O N (; : TR E A S U R E V A L L E Y GR O U N D W A T E R E L E V A nO N S SP R I N G ' .c : g~ c ~~ D PL O W CO N T O U R I N T E R V A L : 2 0 f t . SC A L E - - - 01 2 3 4 5 6 MI L E S PR E P A R E D B Y I D W R 9 / 8 / 9 8 ; S B Le g e n d . D a t a P o i n t (1 7 2 p o i n t s f o r s e l e c t e d ti m e p e r i o d ) Ap p r o x i m a t e d i r e c t i o n o f gr o u n d w a t e r f l o w Co n t o u r s d r a w n f r o m u n f i l t e r e d / u n s o r t e d d a t a In T o w n s h i p s 2 N , 3 N , 4 N , R a n g e s 1 W , i E , 2 E Gr o u n d _ t e r le v e l s b e t w e e n 31 1 / 1 9 9 8 an d 8 1 3 0 1 1 9 9 8 Co n t o u r s a r e g e n e r a l i z e d a n d r e g i o n a l ; lo c a l i z e d c h a n g e s m a y n o t b e r e f l e c t e d du e t o l a c k o f d a t a o r d u e t o s t a t u s o f we l l w h e n m e a s u r e d Ma p S c a l e ( i n m i l e s ) Ge n e r a l G r o u n d W a t e r F l o w D i r e c t i o n TO 4 N - A p p r o x i m a t e lo c a t i o n o f Se c . 2 4 , T 3 N , R 1 E , 8 , TO 2 N Pre p a r e d b y H e l e n H l I I I 1 n g t o n , Id a h o D e p t . o f W a t e r R e s o u r c e s 3I2 l 2 O O 5 le C J e n d . D a t a P o i n t (1 7 2 p o i n t s f o r s e l e c t e d ti m e p e r i o d ) Ap p r o x i m a t e d i r e c t i o n gr o u n d w a t e r f l o w Co n t o u r s d r a w n f r o m u n f I l t e r e d / u n s o r t e d d a t a In T o w n s h i p s 2N , 3 N , 4 N , Ra n g e s 1 W , i E , 2 E Gr o u n d w a t e r l e v e l s b e t w e e n 3 / 1 / 1 9 9 8 an d 8 / 3 0 / 1 9 9 8 Co n t o u r s a r e g e n e r a l i z e d a n d r e g i o n a l ; lo c a l i z e d c h a n g e s m a y n o t b e r e f l e c t e d du e to la c k o f d a t a o r d u e t o s t a t u s o f we l l w h e n m e a s u r e d .t . Ma p S c a l e ( i n m i l e s ) Ge n e r a l G r o u n d W a t e r F l o w D i r e c t i o n TO 4 N 02 N Pr e p a r e d b y H e l e n H a n 1 n g t o n , Id a h o D e p l o f W a t e r R e s o u r c e s 3I 2 l 2 O O 5 ,- ' "" - j;: ; . -. , t : , ;t ' - " - ~. g- ~ r) -- - ~ . 6- ' : : ( ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ V\ "1 ' - ' \ ' .: : t ; - ~ ; . ~ 'i - (/ ' 2' :;; - - . - , ~ ' r- ! =t J s. . 6- f- J . " ? - ~! ~ ~ ~, - ~ ( r ~ ~ F (- J ;: ~ ~ " ' ?- - . ~ ..( - . . . r~ ~ ~ y . ~ g ?: U\ c ': ' ~ t: - ' ? ' : : ; ; ?= : t r .. . Q ' . . +- (; " \ ~ - ~ ' f. ~~ ;. ( ..v ~ " ' - !' ~ .. " . . . " " ~F ~- ~ ,+ - ; : 1 "- :: ; : ; f. ! . - L C : . ~ "' s:. (p f" . ( - S~ ~' L t : : ~ - ..J ' ~ ~ ~ 1 7 - 1'" D- :: : ? ' f ' : 0 . (' " " 0 ~ f~ ~ t . f~ . ~i - J \' " - .; . - ~ "" ' - 0- ". . : - ~ ~ ~ ~ u - "" - r: : L .: : . . : . . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ , .. . . . J ( ' p- - ~ "' . ~" - - ~~ . ~~ p~ ~ t: ~ (; : ' ' " . ~ ~ o .: - : , ~: : ;; : - - ~ - ~0 r ~ ~ , e: : : , . . ( " ' , - ~ -. . . ' " ' -- 1" ... c : : ~. ~ f2 - , ~ ;: . : : ~ ~ ~ - " ' -+ - k ' ~ ' ;- - E - o . ~ E : ' ~ ~F ' -- r ; , - c c: .. , . . ~: - - - ~ F- - .. ! . - . . . " .. . ,, - . . J (' . , ::: - : : . 0:: - . t: ' ~ . ' " " ' -- - - .: : ; . \ " ~ ' i- .- ~ :' ; ; - r- ~- 5 ~ 2 ~, ' i - - - ' . ~ . ~ -. - ::? ' ~ . tr ~ ., i; . ~ : ; t: ;: : : - :: : : : - . . ~ ~ .. . . . r ' \ -i ) r: . $; ; ; (: - - . L- . t. . . . 'C . . . ~~ ~ :)r J..)1J"'LilAf,",,' h - ~Ii', ili') ., .....;. I /~T A. S' ' ~j" (., 3 7t, (J '/'/ Schedule For fume Water Leak at 2109 Pennmeer Drive. Boise. Idaho C~:' =If We arrived home ITom out of town at 10:30 a,, Friday, July 22, 2005. Connie Bean noticed standing water in front yard by main water valve, She told Don Bean (husband) about seeing water. Don tried to shut off water but couldn't. He called Barbara Childs (owner of Terra Grande Water - water system for neighborhood) to have her send someone out to shut it off at 11 :30 a.m. He also called United Water (and left message) and Idaho Public Utilities Commission (also left message). After about 3 to 3-1/2 hours after Don called again and left messages to Barbara Childs and United Water telling them the water was really leaking and where were they. Don dug a hole beside the leak deep enough to put a sump pump in to try to divert some of the water. Dave (Barbara Childs' representative) came at approximately 4:00 p~m. Don had gone to Lowes to get some irrigation pipe so we could divert some of the water because it was going under the house. Connie was there when Dave came. He tried to shut off the water, but couldn't. There was so much water, he couldn't see down the pipe to see where to shut it off. He made a phone call and set up to have someone come and dig it up the following Monday, He told Connie that he couldn't shut off the water and nothing would be done until Monday. Don returned and set up a pump in the hole and began pumping into a 100' irrigation pipe. While setting up this pump (which was borrowed from a neighbor) and pipe, the President of the neighborhood association came by with his wife. She took pictures of the all the water, etc. Don and Connie moved pipe all throughout Friday night, Saturday and night, Sunday and night until they showed up at 10:30 a.m, on Monday morning (July 25), The water was diverted all around the property as well as next door (2101 Penninger) which is owned by Don and Connie Bean. The water was ankle deep everywhere on both properties (2101 on ITont lawn only). The electric sump pump ran continuously ITom Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Note: Monday morning at 8:40 a,m, Nancy ITom the Idaho Public Utilities Commission called (334-2226) and talked to Don. Don told her the story. Nancy said she was calling Barbara immediately. Timeline on Julv 25, 2005. Monday A fellow showed up (don t know his name) at 9:30 a,m, Don went out and talked to him, He was a locater to find the power and telephone lines. He said we were listed as a priority for work to be done at 10:00 a. He marked on the street and left at 10:30 before anyone else showed up. Three guys arrived at 10:45 a,m. One guy was Dave (Barbara Childs' representative), one was Mike Rice -(Excavation Owner--Backhoe operator), and one was Joe (Mike Rice s helper). They had to wait for a representative from the Gas Company to locate gas lines. The representative from the Gas Company and Barbara Childs (owner of Terra Grande) showed up at 11:15. The representative left shortly and Barbara Childs left at 11:35 after talking to Dave, Mike, Joe, andDon. They shut off the water ITom the neighborhood (all of Penninger Drive and half of Ash Park), Mike starteddigging with Backhoe at 11 :30. Joe and Dave helped chop out tree roots, They had quite time getting tree roots (they were wrapped around pipes). At 12:50 they found the leak. It was ITom a fitting on our side of the pipe, They asked if we wanted them to continue and fix the problem or push dirt back in without fixing since it was our problem. Don told themto go ahead and fix the problem. They got it fixed and turned water on with no apparent problems. They broke for lunch at 1: 15 p,m. They went back to work at 2:00 p, .;.(Y't'0" '.' ~5;(J)(I) At 2: 10 p,m" Don went out and found their valve was leaking, They pounded on it and got it stopped. They used a shut off rod on it and hit it with a "Dead Blow" hammer and stopped the leak. Don asked Dave to turn water off and back on again to see if it would leak again. Dave said No, Don said to him "You don t trust it." Dave said he did trust it but "don t want to take the chance." Don said "in that case, you don t trust it and it's your call." Dave replied, "It's our valve and I can do whatever I want with it." Mike, with Joe s help, filled the hold back in with the dirt they removed and finished at 2:40 p.m. They putthe fence back up and left things in good order, Dave, Joe, and Mike left in Dave s truck at 2:45 p.m. Theysaid they were finished. They left leaving the backhoe and truck. The three guys returned at 3:40 and loaded up the backhoe. Mike Rice gave us a bill for $150.00 at 3:50 m. and left, DOlt/ALD 13 f5 /f1J . ~ cr Mce Rice C~' Excavation N Q 1T1:i b.d3.R(-SpUr /7':1 S 1tJCJq L'1 Meridian, Idaho 83642 p()~t ~qlJ Z/oQ /1? / 5 r'4I74? )~;- 13(7 r5.e --I- DATE ITEM 1- z,f~() ~~/ ~41 t'~ j,-"? Jr,/JfllVYI r.epk(~ h~J:eh +f#~ 1hAV' /? 014 /oM! PAST DUE ACCOUNTS WILL BE CHARGED 18% PER ANNUM. fe- - "" 5 9 2 Phone 888-9414 ..., ...J BALANCE 'G) /?O /5o :E. PAY LAST AMOUNT G' :" iI, Terra Grande Water PO Box 7112 Boise,ID 83707 Phone 208,322-2509 This is a summary of the rules for termination of service for all Terra Grande Water customers as determined by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). These rules cover the rights and responsibilities of the Customer and the Utility. An explanation of our rate schedule has also been included. If you have any questions concerning this information please contact us or you can directly contact 'he IPUC, P,O. Box83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or phone 334-0369 RULES FOR TEMINATION OF SERVICE TERMINATION WITH PRIOR NOTICE With proper customer notice Terra Grande Water may deny or termination water service for on of the following reasons: 1, Non-payment of a past due bill or payment of a past due bill with a NSF check.2. Failure to honor ,the terms of a payment arrangement. 3. ' Obtaining service by false identity. 4. Refusing to allow access to the water meter or shut off valve.5. Willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise. TERMINATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Terra Grande Water may deny or terminate water service without notice for one of the following reasons: 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to life, physical safety or property. 2. To prevent a violation of federal, state, or local safety or health codes.3. Service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization of Terra Grande Water.4. Terra Grande Water has diligently attempted to notify you of termination and has been unable to contact you.5. If ordered by any court, the Commission or any other duly authorized public authority. NOTIFICATION AND BILLING 1 . Bills will be sent out on the 1 st of the month with payment due by the 15th day after the billing date. 2. A billing may be considered past due (15) twenty-five days after the billing date. A written notice termination must be mailed at least (7) seven days before the proposed termination date. 3, At least (24) twenty-four hours before the service is terminated, a notice will be left at the property advising you of the steps needed to have services restores. 4. Only a (24) twenty-four hour notice is required if you do not keep payment arrangements or pay with a dishonored check. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES If you cannot pay your billing in full or you receive a notice of termination, please call our office. Payment arrangementscan be made to avoid termination of services. If you cannot pay your bill and a member of your household is seriously ill or there is a medical emergency, Terra Grande Water will postpone termination of service for (30) thirty days. A written certification is required from a licensed physician or public health official stating the name of the person who is ill, the relationship to the customer, title, and signature of theperson certifying the serious illness or medical emergency. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES If at any time you have a complaint concerning the termination of service, policies and practices or any other matter regarding our service please contact Terra Grande Water in person or by telephone or in writing. Your complaint will beinvestigated promptly and thoroughly. You will be notified orally or in writing. Your service will not be disconnected while the complaint is being investigated by the utility or the IPUC. 1'~/ty, fA, CJI' ILjo ! 3 )t 1t~!tJ / ftJ 170)1 1...-It RESTRICTION OF TERMINATION OF SERVICE / Service car;mot be disconnected on Friday after 2:00 or on a Saturday, Sunday, Legal Holidays recognized by the State of Idaho, or after 2:00 on any day immediately before any legal holiday. Service may only be terminated between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, The employee sent to the premises to terminate service will identify himself-herself to you and state the purpose of the visit. This person is authorized to accept payment in full. HOOKUP Terra Grande Water reserves the right to deny hookups during the winter months due to adverse weather conditions. New hookups will be scheduled as soon as weather conditions permit. HOOK-UP CHARGES & MONTHLY FEES The cost for a new service connection on an empty lot or for additional structures on a property will be agreed to in advance and put into writing by the customer and Terra Grande Water. One residence per hookup is allowed. Customer charge is $13.00 per month. Commodity Charge is: The volume charge is $.9825 per CCF in the Winter and $1.228 per CCF in the Summer for all water consumed. The monthly meter charge is $41.24 for a 3" meter. The total of the meter charge and volume charge will be divided equally between the number of customers connected to the system. The customer shall pay the total of the customer charge plus its proportionate share of the overall commodity charge. The summer rate will apply to water consumed Meter between May 1 and September 30. Meter readings straddling these dates will be prorated. RECONNECTION FEE If water service is terminated, the.balance in full, plus a reconnect fee will be charged. NO ONE EXCEPT AN AUTHORIZED AGENT OF TERRA GRANDE WATER SHALL TAMPER WITH, INTERFERE WITH , MAKE REPAIRS, CONNECTIONS OR REPLACEMENTS TO ANY OF THE COMPANY'S PROPERTY, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF EXTREME EMERGENCY, 6/1/05 TERRA GRANDE WATER Po Box 7112 Boise, Id 83707 (208) 322-2509. -rAt- ~ 3ZZ -;; ~ 01 Emerg (208) 407-5857 DOROTHY WARRELL po Box 190294 BOISE, ID 83719 ~j j c:,h J) lJ,. :J~('" Account #630 Account Balance $135.Final Date December 1 , 2005 FINAL WATER SHUT-OFF NOTICE You were recently notified that you are delinquent in the payment of charges for Water Service provided by Terra Grande Water. The balance of your account, according to our records isindicated above, In accordance with the rules and regulations of the IPUC, if this balance is not paid or payment arrangements not made by 5 :00 pm of the final date, then YOUR WATER WILL BE DISCONNECTED THE DAY AFTER THE FINAL DATE INDICATED ABOVE. Tennination may be delayed by: 1, Providing a physicians certificate to the existence of a Medical Emergency,2, Filing a complaint regarding the proposed tennination with the IPUC, PO Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 (Phone 334-0369) 3, Service will not be tenninated prior to resolution of a filed complaint. Tennination of service in no way relieves you of your obligation to pay for all services prior to tennination, Should services be tenninated, a charge for restoration of service must be paid plus the account balance prior to restoration of services, Terra Grande Water will, one time, assist you by making payment arrangements not requiring immediate payment in full, if you contact us prior to the final date to arrange such a payment plan. Remember, your water will be turned off the day after the final date unless you act before 5:00 pm on the final date. b(' - /3 I :lOOS /0., LtM tL ~ ( II n d E- CUed- '( &&u~ CIt; 1-1- FA-'/..: 322 -c;Oj r;LOA- . (Y1w1 fJlt.6b\ h.~ JL.t :t()rD~ (,Jlt,rr eJl tV tL~'t/ er L/ lLY:-- LBi-Lo/ Vi (YIedlU,(l~ N~cV?~s' ~OLL (itUA- 1VJ?- fL'e ! U/d:h cu~opJ-1 hIe- p(Yflt-~ )/UA- t--- I( Q~ wJ- '-- /YI gMIL t;~ /- 0 fCjj; DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE (5) RESUL T MODE lRANSMIsSIOH VERIFlCATlili REPIRT I . '.. . ',"" ''" " 12/13,15: 3222589. 88:81: 57 82 OK STANDARD' , " '-:""" , TIME : 12/13/2885 15: NAME :FAX : 2883448355TEL : 5ER.# : BRQG4J767239 IDAHO NEPHROtQGYA.8S0CIATES; P. W....PHROLOOYAND INTERNAL MEDICINE : ' 561 () w. GMJE, $'OITEA, BOISE,IDAHO 83706 , : ~:~?NE(20~')367:3g7()' ' ' JONI'. WA.GN!LD,MJ)..P.A..:NAGtUJ~,M.D., MICfffiJ.LJ.ADCOx.M.D.. ' Di~1oo\& oj' U:o ~ ~ of JDIt.D!DJ ' ' '" " c1' d;mJ. ~"""' :Bai1..a ot Jmi:;nnl DipJO= of Iht. J.~ 13oan! of JnIt;tM\ tI~cribt~..=i=&./.rOot~J:)' ' . " ~of~AI;ntrir=~~!:y ' , Dip1o=ofLboJ.mt1lUBOtrdcf)\\~ W(:W..EL C..:M'.A1LEA-. M.D. : ,, ': , 1i6~I:: fJA.WDSoN').OJ. " : ' NICHOu.s C, J!()N!) M.D. ' !JJpl=u1I;orlht-~~oCWtmo!~ ' ' , );Ji~oI'~Jo.JI)t;ir.::D~or~' ~' DipJOInD't"flbl.~~of!nltmlll~ Dip1omDO:Qfilib~~ofNcp1n'O1btY ' " , ',' ~o!'mr.~:2ooId'Qf~j:y" Dip!ommeortht,t..rotri=F=aot~S/' DOmL:DR.MORro'S,M.D", (:':::;.. '" " ;m.ANu.BEND~M.D.,Ml':a: Dip~ oftJoIlfJntrl= EoII:11 or1nJt;fool' " ':: ,: '::: " ;, ' ' , ,"~ of~).md=:Bom-d ot~ :tJ)r.\,=lllboflbt...=i='b0az6atN-~\D;;1 ::: :' :::::~'"::', '" ' :' , Diji=t.!:;or1h;~~J!t.lIIOOrpodi.!:"" , ,. ,: ': " ,,"," , ~orw.~~DfI~6pJ1'O102Y " , ~ElaWJoP,;l1iO!tidJo?mc1Ds1 ' : :' 1 would :~ : to: reqnest yorir:~ ~;# iP:~YB1.~~ ,of this fainily' s past d11e :,: :7Z:litl :::d A '~hOlJ.SusN.-J.rl.61ogy ~?t51~~~::/J;f'., ~~' YOU for :: your assistance and ~ .: .~"'""': :~lft.e.tit1B:' " " thatthis, atie:ri1re:snain with his water '::rl,p ~~~ December 13, 2005 Terre &and.e:wfttet ' O. Boz. 711~ Boise 'Jdaho,83707 , ~ , '" '.' Re: , """,, '' : ':;, ,, '" ..:"'.:: j;lti~kr~' , ::~\; :" "'" ,.. ,, "~,, ,:, -.- .'~, '-:;', ',;,; ,,",', '' :~:':;', ,, ', "" '" ,..-,;," ,, ':' ',";, ',::,: "..,: ", '" '' ,";:-- ,: "'-' ::~~C::~)i/: ~;:, , " d , ,, ,' "" ", ',";',' ,.. ::: !~il~~ , ' ~ij~..t~~i~i , ,,. ' i:, ;:);' .. ,c' ':', ", ' IAU' I : 7 ' " CM7. '~I"~q~'-; " .. Sub: Petition for Water Meters. Date: 07/16/2005 From: Owners and residents of Pioneer subdivision,To: Idaho PUC. Commissioners Under PUC Case No. TGW-05-, ORDER NO. 29735. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Terra Grand shall notify its customers that the cost of water system consumption will be shared by all customers and inform them of the need to control their water consumption, Some lots are larger, some families are larger, and some people care more about their landscaping then other, so utilization of water is not fair. The initial water line from United Water is a 4" and the further from their line to the end of the subdivision the lower the water pressure. The fair solution to this problem will be for Terra Grand Water to install water meters on each property. Ji Storey, President Pi neer Neighborhood Asso . tion. ,.. Attached signatures of residents and property owners: Subj: Petition for water meters,To: PUC Commissioners From: Pioneer neighborhood residents and homeowners July 16 2005 Name ( rint)Address Property Owner /Renter Subj: Petition for water meters, To: PUC Commissioners From: Pioneer neighborhood residents and homeowners July 16 2005 ~. ,...... Name (print)Signature Address Property Owner /Renter ~"\ 'Z.~ jd A~~dc..- "/' 7/ -4 cf ). ..I, )7/ I '1- 5 .h5H ~,~l..(./ -::J./( p("~ I. /.- L';t . . Subj: Petition for water meters,To: PUC Commissioners From: Pioneer neighborhood residents and homeowners July 162005 Property Owner /Renter Subj: Petition for water meters,To: PUC COmmissioners From: Pioneer neighborhood residents and homeowners July 16 2005 PropertyAddress Owner nter 1/ 1 ~A~./r~~ 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16, 18. Sub: Petition for Water Meters. Date: 07/16/2005 From: Owners and residents of Pioneer subdivision.To: Idaho PUC. Commissioners UnderPUC Case No, TGW-05-, ORDER NO, 29735. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Terra Grand shall notify its customers that the cost of water system consumption will be shared by all customers and inform them of the need to control their water consumption. Water bills are not fair, Some lots are larger, some families are larger, and some people care more for their landscaping then other, so utilization of water is not fair, The initial water line from United Water is a 4" and the further from the lines link to Terra Grand's Water system the lower the water pressure, The fair solution to this problem will be for Terra Grand Water to install water meters on each property. Jim Storey, President Pioneer Neighborhood Association, Attached signatures of residents and property owners: ~. /t jl~ i1v