HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240315Comments_4.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Greg Boydston Submission Time: Mar 15 2024 12:18PM Email: greg@gregboydston.com Telephone: 208-755-2856 Address: 144 Homestead Ln Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: StoneRidge U�li�es LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "We would like to voice our objec�on to the excessively large water rate increase proposed by StoneRidge U�li�es. We understand that costs are rising everywhere and a reasonable increase in water rates is understandable in today's economy. And, it is totally understandable that new hookup fees should be on par with similar subdivisions in our area. That said, a 261% rate increase is beyond excessive and especially onerous for those of us on the system that are on fixed incomes. We seek your wise and balanced assessment of this proposed increase and urge a fair decision. Sincerely, Greg and DeeAnn Boydston" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Stephan Rezac Submission Time: Mar 15 2024 12:40PM Email: stephanrezac@gmail.com Telephone: 208-255-8243 Address: 28 Sans Souci Drive Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "Please schedule a public hearing in the StoneRidge/Blanchard area regarding this rate increase request. The requested rate increase of 261% to 543% is so egregious that the affected u�lity users deserve to be heard in person. Thank you for considering a hearing in this area." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: REGINA WYNNE <rkelliwynne@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 2:07 PM To: secretary <disabled@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: case # SWS-W-24-01 2 Name: Regina Wynne. Telephone: 949-351-2147 Email: rkelliwynne@gmail.com Address: 56 Meadowland Drive Blanchard, ID 83804 My husband and I recently bought our retirement home. We chose Blanchard because it is beautiful and the utilities were reasonable. This proposal/request from Stoneridge Utilities, LLC. would be a 261%-543% rate increase for residential water. This would be an unreasonable hardship for those on a fixed or low income. The community should not have us pay for the mismanagement of Stoneridge. Most people would not object to small increases as costs increase, but this is outrageous. I read that the owner of the utility claims to have financial harm from the reduction in water sales to the golf course. However, the golf course drilled its own well to avoid water charges from the utility. Please note that the owner of the golf course is the same owner of the utility, so in summary the owner was in fact paying himself. Through this increase the owner is transferring what the course owed onto the customers. Also, the utility also wants the users to fund the connection costs of 20 vacant plotted lots owned by the owner of those lots, which is also the owner of the utility. This cost should not be passed onto the users. If this is true, what the owner is doing is criminal in my opinion. Thank you for your time Regina --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Joseph Peterson Submission Time: Mar 15 2024 3:02PM Email: whitebearframing@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-408-6341 Address: Happy Valley Ranchos Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "Stone Ridge Water Customer- Happy Valley Ranchos Blanchard, Idaho, 83804 Email: whitebearframing@yahoo.com 03/14/24 Joseph P. Idaho Public U�lity Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 SE# SWS-W-24-01CA 3 Subject: Urgent Opposi�on to Proposed Water Rate Increase by CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC Dear Members of the Idaho Public U�lity Commission, I am wri�ng to express my strong opposi�on to the proposed water rate increase by CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC. As a concerned resident and loyal customer, I believe this proposal is unjus�fied, given the company's ques�onable financial prac�ces, lack of transparency, and deteriora�ng water quality. I kindly request the Idaho Public U�lity Commission to thoroughly inves�gate the mater and terminate this proposal. Lack of Transparency: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC has failed to provide clear and transparent communica�on regarding the need for a water rate increase. Customers, including myself, are le� in the dark about how the addi�onal funds will be u�lized, crea�ng a sense of mistrust within the community. Inappropriate Spending: There are reports of extra spending by the company on unrelated ventures, such as a golf course, pub and grill, which are not directly related to water services. It is unacceptable to burden water customers, par�cularly those on fixed incomes, with the financial consequences of poor management and unrelated business ventures. Owner's Responsibility: Mr. Chan Karupiah, the owner of CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC, is also the proprietor of the golf course, pub and grill. It is only fair that he assumes responsibility for all expenses associated with these ventures, and water customers should not be forced to cover the costs of his unrelated business ac�vi�es. Financial Mismanagement: Allega�ons of poor management within CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC raise concerns about the responsible handling of customer funds. An audit of the company's financial records from 2007 onwards and definitely 2018 to present, (not just 1 year of 2022/2023 as submited recently by Thereasa as confiden�al) is essen�al to determine if there have been any irregulari�es or financial mismanagement and should be shown publicly. Impact on Fixed-Income &amp; Elderly Families: Many of CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC's customers are elderly couples and families with children, on fixed incomes. Burdening them with the consequences of poor business management, especially when they are already grappling with the challenges of infla�on, is unfair and unacceptable. Deteriora�ng Water Quality: In addi�on to financial concerns, there is a no�ceable decline in the quality of the water provided by CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC. Customers have reported a chemical taste, raising ques�ons about the safety and quality of the water supply. Community Opposi�on: The community strongly opposes this proposed water rate increase and does not want to have to spend �me and money exploring all available avenues and resources to shed light on the mater and protect the interests of residents. Chan Karupiah, will be responsible and held accountable for Stone Ridge U�li�es water customer’s financial harm and emo�onal distress. In light of the aforemen�oned concerns, I urge the Idaho Public U�lity Commission to thoroughly inves�gate CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC's financial prac�ces, terminate the proposed water rate increase, and ensure the water supplied to the community meets the necessary quality standards. Thank you for your prompt aten�on to this mater, I hope and pray that the Idaho Public U�lity Commission will act in the best interests of the community. 4 Sincerely, Stone Ridge U�li�es Water Customer. Joseph & Lynn P. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------