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The following comments were submited via PUCWeb:
Submission Time: Mar 4 2024 4:05PM
Telephone: 971
Address: 866 Deer Trail Rd
Blanchard, ID 83804
Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge u�li�es LLC
Case ID: SWS-W-24-01
Comment: "I am contac�ng you (Idaho public u�li�es commission) regarding Stoneridges requested rate
For starters Blanchard is a rather low income area which is largely comprised of re�red people on fixed
incomes or younger families who due to the economically depressed nature of the area are low income
earners. the proposed 261% rate increase will have a significantly nega�ve impact on the community.
The fact that Stoneridge hasn't had a rate since 2007 isn't the fault of the people relying on this u�lity, it
is Stoneridges fault for not reques�ng a rate hike. To think that it is the consumers responsibility to make
up for that by all the the sudden asking for a 261% increase is ludicrous.
My understanding is Stoneridge was originally tasked with providing a water u�lity for the surrounding
area due to the concern that their own extremely high water demands would impact local private wells.
in 2018 when the current ownership purchased the resort they knew what was involved with the u�lity.
They chose to move forward with their purchase knowing the u�lity was part of doing business.
Stoneridge resort is the biggest beneficiary of the water u�lity. They use MASSIVE amounts of water. The
fact that they have made $900k in upgrades and repairs to the system should by in large be considered
an expense of running a golf course and resort. the fact that they want everyone else to pay for their
expense is troubling to say the least.
In the leter they sent out to explain the rate increase proposed they stated "(golf irriga�on revenue is
projected to decline to zero.)" Does this mean that they are expec�ng to pay zero for their MASSIVE
water usage when increasing everyones rates by 261%? Once again Stoneridge is by far the largest
consumer of their own water and probably the reason why the $900k worth of improvements were
necessary. why should the rest of us pay for their cost of doing business?
Their service isn't great either. we are o�en without water or the quality of the water is poor. Water
coming from their system is o�en cloudy or has an odor. They are also very difficult to deal with o�en
�mes. I was even witness to one of their employees becoming hos�le with my neighbor. When my
neighbor wasn't having it they called for several people from Stoneridge to show up in what looked to be
a show of force meant to in�midate. All because of a broken water shut off valve at my neighbors meter.
The fact is Stoneridge profits from their dealings at the resort. The u�lity is a part of running that type of
business. Stoneridge takes from this community through special favors from the county and the fact that
they s�fle other business from thriving in our town. Please don't allow Stoneridge to take anymore from
this community to benefit their wealthy customers/residents.
Name: Lynn Emery
Submission Time: Mar 4 2024 4:13PM
Telephone: 530-400-4972
Address: 66 Parkland Ct.
Blanchard, CA 83804
Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge U�li�es
Case ID: SWS-W-24-01
Comment: "We have had a home in Stoneridge since 2007. We find the proposal to increase the water
rates 261% unbelievable and unconscionable.If this was approved we would have one of the highest
water rates in the na�on! We ask you to please deny this request."
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2024 10:00 AM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Gary Cook
Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 9:38AM
Telephone: 208-966-7406
Address: 444 Stoneridge Rd
Blanchard, ID 83804
Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es, LLC
Contacted U�lity: No
Comment: "This is an outrageous rate hike. There is no proof that there has been any upgrade to the
system, or to the sewer system. We would like facts, audits, and receipts for all upgrades to show that
there is this kind of rate hike required. We have seen no evidence of any improvements.
This is an outlandish fee. $24 is fair, but what would he be charging for overage above and beyond his
requests??? We do not agree with his request to increase our rates from $24 to $86.65 base fee. It is
Gary Cook. Case #SWS-W-24-01. CDS Stoneridge U�li�es, LLC"
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Jerry Purcell
Submission Time: Mar 5 2024 9:40AM
Telephone: 253-209-9390
Address: 133 Forest Ridge Rd
Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es LLC
Case ID: SWS-W-24-01
Comment: "I find the proposed rate increases completely out of line with current infla�onary rates and
they would have a large nega�ve impact on a number of fixed income residents. It would also appear
that the owner is atemp�ng to recover lost revenue from the golf course, which I believe he owns. Not
sure why as a homeowner I should be responsible to make up for lost revenue from the golf course. I
would respec�ully request the Id. PUC to perform a thorough inves�ga�on and audit into this request
before making any decision. Thank you for your considera�on. Jerry & Tricia Purcell"
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 1:00 PM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Gary and Patricia Hartwig
Submission Time: Mar 4 2024 12:34PM
Email: winterokies@fron�
Telephone: 208-437-0888
Address: 345 Mountain View rd
Blanchard, ID 83804
Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge u�li�es
Contacted U�lity: No
Comment: "I am wri�ng to scream about the proposed 261% increase they want. We have lived here for
20 years and are both in our mid 70’s. We are on a very fixed income and with this increase would be
disadvantaged as well as most of our neighbors in our neighborhood! Please vote this down. Thank you
for listening "
The following comment was submited via PUCWeb:
Name: Stephan Rezac
Submission Time: Mar 5 2024 12:42PM
Telephone: 208-255-8243
Address: 28 Sans Souci Drive
Blanchard, ID 83804
Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es
Case ID: SWS-W-24-01
Comment: "March 5, 2024
I am wri�ng regarding a water rate increase proposed by CDS StoneRidge U�li�es (PO Box 298,
Blanchard, Idaho 83804).
This u�lity has proposed water rate increases of 261% to 543%. On its face, this proposal is absolutely
CDS StoneRidge claims to have “invested” more than $900,000 since ownership transfer. PLEASE verify
this claim. I know the claimed investment has not been in infrastructure or system improvements, such
as the water system infrastructure….the wells. pumps, transfer pipe system, etc. is the same as when
purchased. I suspect the owner has transferred his OWN money as capitaliza�on, which should be
regarded as owner’s equity and not an expense to be recouped from u�lity customers.
I believe that when CDS StoneRidge purchased the u�lity, Chan Karupiah, the owner, claimed to have
enough cash and assets to fund improvements and capitaliza�on. He should live up to this agreement
without impac�ng users of the u�lity.
The opera�ng expenses absolutely do not jus�fy a rate increase. This proposal is about greed. The owner
of CDS StoneRidge also owns a golf course….StoneRidge. The golf course used to get its water from the
u�lity…but the golf course did NOT pay its water bill. Chan Karupiah, owner of the u�lity and the golf
course, figured it was his money either way, so why handicap a marginally performing asset (the golf
course). The golf course drilled its own water well and has separated from the u�lity for water supply.
The employee related expenses are minimal. One person to read meters for six months of the year, who
also takes chlorine readings every few days…a part �me employee at best. Another part �me person to
administer billings and receive payments. Chan Karupiah spends one day per week at StoneRidge…where
he oversees the u�lity, the sewer system, the golf course, and the bar/grill. I am posi�ve he has allocated
too much overhead for his expenses into the rate increase paperwork.
CDS StoneRidge, the u�lity, has been chronically late with filings and reports due to the IPUC since it was
purchased by Chan Karupiah…he has an open and well known disregard for these type of regulatory
I guarantee you that if IPUC insists on conduc�ng a forensic audit of CDS StoneRidge financial statements
and records, that Chan Karupiah will withdraw his rate increase request. He does not want ANYBODY to
review/audit his actual financial statements!
Please deny this rate increase in its en�rety.
Thank you.
Stephan and Nancy Rezac
28 Sans Souci Drive
Blanchard, Idaho 83804"