HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240304Comments_14.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Bety Knappenberger Submission Time: Mar 1 2024 10:19PM Email: unlvrugby@aol.com Telephone: 702-280-0750 Address: 49C Chardonnay Drive Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "We believe that the IPUC should compare other like communi�es in Idaho to see if this rate increase is in line with other similar community rates." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Brenda Brown Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 9:08AM Email: brownsgramby@gmail.com Telephone: 208-660-0972 Address: 317 Hanaford Rd Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es. LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I would like to respec�ully request that the increase in rates requested in the referenced case number be denied. I am appalled that this amount of increase would even be considered by any reputable company, or that this company would expect its ratepayers to subsidize its business failures. I think this request is beyond unreasonable and I would remind the commission that this is not the first �me an unreasonable request has been made for increases. Thankfully, this commission has seen through the unprofessional business prac�ces and requests in the past. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jocelyn Johnson Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 12:37PM Email: jnew.jocelynnewman@gmail.com Telephone: 206-552-5924 Address: 147 Ironwood Dr 2 Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "We, as concerned residents in Blanchard, strongly oppose the outrageous increases proposed by Stoneridge U�li�es. I do understand the need for an increase, but an increase of this magnitude is not realis�c, especially in this tough economy and for many residents who are on fixed incomes. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Cur�s Bedore Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 2:48PM Email: cur�sbedore@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-437-0311 Address: 720 Stoneridge RD Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge u�lites, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I received a leter from CDS Stoneridge U�lites LLC sta�ng they want to raise our water rates 261% which is outrages. They in the past have already raised the rates since I built my home in 1997. I have not seen any serious work done to the water system for any rate increase let alone a 261% INCREASE. I oppose any increase." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: David Unruh Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 3:13PM Email: david_unruh@hotmail.com Telephone: 209-605-2723 Address: 106 Hanaford Rd Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 3 Comment: "I just received a leter from CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC sta�ng that they are applying with the IPUC to raise our water rates 261-543%. It also stated that the Golf Irriga�on Revenue is projected to decline to $0. The owner of StoneRidge U�li�es is also the owner of the golf coarse. It appears that this is a management problem. Most of us in Stone Ridge are on Social Security and we just received a cost of living increase that was only 3%. Raising our water rates 261% is absolutely ridiculous. I can understand a 3% increase but none of us can afford the kind of increase that is being proposed. Please take these comments into considera�on when making a decision regarding this proposed increase. Thank you so very much " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Carol JONES Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 4:14PM Email: hammerhen1234@gmail.com Telephone: 303-653-3653 Address: 95 Meadow Drive BLANCHARD, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es,LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I am against the proposed increase in monthly user fees for CDS Stoneridge U�li�es, LLC .The increase is unrealis�c in todays economy. It puts water services out of reach for many persons on a fixed income. An increase of 25 to 30% is more realis�c and with in the income structure of most the people that now use these services. I know from personal experience that the billing department was very ineffec�ve for several years resul�ng in lost revenue. The users should not be forced to recoup these costs due to poor management. Thank you for your �me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: William Arseneau Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 4:27PM Email: billarseneau87@gmail.com Telephone: 303-618-2109 Address: 95 Meadow Dr. #190 Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es. LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I believe the propose rate increases of 261% are unrealis�c and highly excessive. This proposed rate montly increase would adversly affect many user's on fixed monthly incomes. A modest increase of 25/30% would be understandable. The user's of this facility should not be forced to bear the burden of mismanagement by this company. " 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Caren Ellis Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 8:20PM Email: cellis0921@gmail.com Telephone: 530-921-1955 Address: 18 Sans Souci Dr Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I am opposed to the proposed increase in my water rates. This is an excessive increase. I am a widow and on a fixed income. With the requirement that all new residents must install a lawn, I use an increased amount of water in the spring and summer months. I cannot imagine how I will be able to pay my water bill in those months with a 261% increase. Before considering approval of this increase, please consider that many Stoneridge residents are re�red, on fixed incomes, and have only one income. Thank you for considering my comments when reviewing the requested increase in my water rate fees. I urge you to decline this exorbitant fee hike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: SANDRA Sammons Submission Time: Mar 3 2024 10:29AM Email: raffair77@yahoo.com Telephone: 760-518-6741 Address: 30 Links Dr Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�litues, LLCI M Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I am wri�ng with great concern and opposi�on to the proposed water rate increase of 261% .This amount, would result, in monthly water rates that far exceed the average rates in Idaho. Such an increase will definitely impact the residents, and be a hardship. This is a re�rement community, with most residents living on fixed incomes and some single income. We trust that this excessive request will be denied. 5 Sandra Sammons" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Donna Eschbach Submission Time: Mar 3 2024 3:13PM Email: chasnsunshine@msn.com Telephone: 360-319-2169 Address: 28A Columbia Blvd Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�lity,LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I am opposed to the possible rate hike in my water bill, by 261% +. This is outrageous,and will be a definite hardship on myself and others in this community, who live alone and their income is primarily Social Security. Please rule against this ridiculous increase. Thank you, Donna’s." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2024 10:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: No�ce: A complaint was submited to PUCWeb The following complaint was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Bety Cook Submission Time: Mar 2 2024 9:34AM Email: watchful4him@gmail.com Telephone: 208-660-5774 Address: 444 Stoneridge Rd. Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge U�li�es in Blanchard, Idaho Contacted U�lity: No 6 Comment: "The owner of the Blanchard U�li�es is trying to raise our water bill by 261%. It now is at $24 for the base fee. This is a fair amount. He wants to raise this amount, but who knows how much he will raise the overage. His reasoning is to “recover his losses.” It’s not our fault he has losses. We would request a full audit of CDS Stoneridge U�li�es expenses, income, and the same with Chan Karpuchian (sp), the owner of the u�li�es company, and Stoneridge golf course. I believe this request to increase the fees is unreasonable and oppressive." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Curt Waffle Submission Time: Mar 4 2024 10:02AM Email: curtnpamela@msn.com Telephone: 208-437-3030 Address: 131 Stewart Dr BLANCHARD, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stone Ridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "I believe Stoneridge golf course, owned by Chan Karupiah, sank one or two water wells on the golf course property last year to bypass having to pay the u�lity company for water. He has thereby cut the cost to one of his holdings (Stoneridge Golf Course) but incurred the nega�ve effect of reducing the income to another of his holdings ( CDS Stoneridge U�li�es). He is now reques�ng rate increase to burden the water district customers with the cost of the water wells on his golf course as well as make up the loss of income from the golf course water usage. I believe this rate increase should be soundly rejected. It is not only delusionally high but scandalus for him to charge the water district customers for his investment in a totally unrelated venture. I claim ignorance in Bonner County regula�ons but, in the county I came from in WA. State, if the water district u�lity lines were available, I could not sink a well on my property. I was required to use the district water to help spread the cost across residents and users. I don’t know if Bonner County has a similar code. I think Chan is hoping to wear down the IUPC un�l you give in or give up. Please don’t." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Amy Blakeslee Submission Time: Mar 4 2024 1:03PM Email: ablakeslee@protonmail.com Telephone: 208-561-1193 Address: 368 Lakeview Dr. Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: StoneRidge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "3/4/24 Idaho Public U�li�es Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Case SWS-W-24-01 Commission Staff: Please consider the comments from our local community here in Blanchard, Idaho. Since StoneRidge U�li�es has been under new ownership, they have demonstrated ques�onable behaviors and business tac�cs, including trying to charge a $10 monthly fee for anyone wan�ng a paper bill. Being an accountant for over two decades, I and others would like to see an independent audit of the financial statements provided by StoneRidge, as we all know that numbers without an audit are just numbers. The proposed triple digit increases are an undue burden on this �ny community. And, at the same �me, the owner of the u�lity, who also owns the golf course, is proposing to give himself free water? The community members do not believe the increase is jus�fied. If an independent audit of the financial statements and the business prac�ces of StoneRidge provide evidence that an increase in our fees is jus�fied, I would implore you to make that a gradual increase. So, they are proposing an increase to the base rate by 261%, on the low end, and the usage rate by 372%, plus an addi�onal booster fee. The average bill is going to triple. This is outrageous. The owner has clearly stated in previous filings that it has been a steep learning curve to run this u�lity, admi�ng that there is a lack of understanding in how to run the business. You, at the commission, are the only avenue we have to stop these unfair prac�ces. We don’t have a free market op�on, due to the monopolis�c nature of a u�lity. Please perform an independent audit of this company, not just financials, but prac�ces as well. Our community is dependent on your ac�ons and support. Thank you for your �me and considera�on, Amy & Don Blakeslee 368 Lakeview Dr. Blanchard, ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------