HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240301Comments_5.pdf1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Donna Lebetsamer Submission Time: Feb 29 2024 5:31PM Email: dmbdrdonna@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-603-0209 Address: 129 Berkshire Blanchard, ID 83804-5050 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "As a re�red resident of the community on a fixed income, I am concerned that the applica�on has been created to appear that there is a need for a 261-543% increase through manipula�on of the numbers by CDS Stoneridge U�li�es. The Golf Course is owned by the same people as the Water and Sewer Companies and it appears that mismanagement is the root of this request. We moved into this community because it was affordable. We purchased our lot in 2007 and have never seen increases to this level un�l this owner took possession of the community. This increase represents 65 years of a 4% COLA! The average cost of water in the state of Idaho is $38.00 yet, CDS Stoneridge U�li�es is looking to increase ours by considerably than double the average. I ask that you carefully consider each document. One example of many concerns is that there is a plan to make 20 lots "meter ready". (Atachment W) Each of these lots is owned or, more likely, these lots are owned by one of the companies associated with CDS and the responsibility for that cost should be the owner of the property with fees determined by the IPUC. I also no�ced that CDS Stoneridge U�li�es has also filed a request SWS-W-23-02 to increase the fees for new building meter connec�ons mostly due to increased contractors costs for installa�on. It might be per�nent to note that when our water meter was installed in 2019, it was Stoneridge staff who installed the meter and not an outside contractor. Please don't allow this owner to put all of the burden of their mismanagement onto the backs of a community of mostly fixed income residents. A 261-543% rate increase is unconscionable! Thank you for considering my input." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bob and Cathryn Rapalli Submission Time: Feb 29 2024 5:59PM Email: bobcathryn@outlook.com Telephone: 208-659-1330 Address: 179 Forest Ridge Rd Blanchard, ID 83804 2 Name of U�lity Company: CDS StoneRidge U�li�es, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "We received a no�ce from CDS StoneRidge U�li�es advising that they are seeking approval for 261% - 543% increase in the monthly user charge for water. We find this type of increase to be exorbitant and preposterous. We are on a very fixed income and the Social Security COLA received for 2024 was a mere 3.2%. We are hopeful that the Idaho PUC would see that CDS is price gouging their customer base and if any price increases are granted that those price increases would align with the Federal CPI of 3.1% and no more than that. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jeffrey Kvaternik Submission Time: Mar 1 2024 10:02AM Email: karengk977@gmail.com Telephone: 208-437-3446 Address: 500 Stoneridge RD Blanchard, ID 83804-9525 Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge U�li�es, LLC Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "We can not believe that they want to raise our water bill by 261%! We are re�red and on a fixed income. It appears that the company is mismanaged. They had seven years since the ownership was transferred to fix any problems. I can see a small increase, but this emormous increase is unreasonable! Please don't allow them to make this incredible increase! Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Jeanete McKendry Submission Time: Mar 1 2024 12:19PM Email: rockstarjeanete@gmail.com Telephone: 208-277-8933 Address: 55 Bunker Ln Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 3 Comment: "We just got a no�ce about a possible huge rate increase! This is totally unacceptable and not affordable at all. Most of us are on a fixed income and this will bring hardship to several owners in this community!!!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Joe Thomas Submission Time: Mar 1 2024 2:18PM Email: nihaomajt@yahoo.com Telephone: 406-438-2085 Address: 7347 Sweeney Creek Rd Helena, ID 59601 Name of U�lity Company: Stoneridge u�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-24-01 Comment: "Hello. I have a home at 270 Stoneridge Rd. In regards to the purpose rate increase. I hope you will reject it. Past dealings with the owner give me pause when determining whether his reasons are legi�mate. It's my understanding that the owner of Stoneridge U�li�es is also the owner of the Stoneridge golf course. If his reasoning is that he is not ge�ng revenue from the golf course, then it seems he is simply giving his golf course the water for free and trying to saddle the residents with the cost. It is a self inflicted wound. Also, If the u�lity has not turned a profit since he bought it, then he may want to look at management prac�ces. At the very least, I hope you would audit the company and see where else he may be fudging the numbers and only approve an increase based on real usage, ( including fair value for golf course irriga�on) and actual improvements that went to THIS water u�lity and not any of the other u�li�es or marinas or other businesses he owns in the region. I hope you will give a resounding "no" on this rate increase, and If you need sugges�ons for where he can put his rate increase, I would be happy to give you the short list. Thank you Joe Thomas" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------