HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240215Comments_4.pdf 1 February 14, 2024 Sent By: Email Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 secretary@puc.idaho.gov Teresa Zamora Administrative Assistant CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 utilities@stoneridgeidaho.com RE: IN THE MATTER OF CDS STONERIDGE UTLITIES, LLC’S TARRIFF ADVICE REQUESTING AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS NEW CONNECTION FEES; CASE NO. SWS-W-23-02 Dear Commissioners: I am writing to you on behalf of the Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners Association, Inc. (hereinafter, “SRCCOA”) concerning CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC Water Company – Emergency Tariff Advice Case #SWS-W-23-02, as dated November 21, 2023 (hereinafter, “Rate Increase Application”). In terms of background, SRCCOA is an established long-term customer of CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC (hereinafter, “CDS”), a relationship easily predating CDS’ acquisition by Esprit Enterprises, LLC in 2018. Historically, SRCCOA has been provided service by way of 2” water mains or “hookups,” as colloquially known. Given that the Rate Increase Application expressly P . O . B O X 1 3 3 6 , C O E U R D ’ A L E N E, I D 8 3 8 1 6 | 7 0 0 N O R T H W E S T B L V D , C O E U R D ’ A L E N E , I D 8 3 8 1 4 E-M A I L : F I R M @ R M E D L A W . C O M | W E B : W W W . R M E D L A W . C O M T E L E P H O N E : 2 0 8-6 6 4-5 8 1 8 | F A C S I M I L E : 2 0 8-6 6 4-5 8 8 4 M I C H A E L E . R A M S D E N , O F C O U N S E L * D O U G L A S S . M A R F I C E * M I C H A E L A . E A L Y * T H E R O N J . DE S M E T * M A R C U S E . J O H N S O N * J AC K A. M OSB Y * * L I C E N S E D I N I D & W A Ɨ L I C E N S E D I N I D & C A §L I C E N S E D I N I D , O R & A Z ƩL I C E N S E D I N I D , W A , C A & C O R I C K Z . H A R U T H U N I A N Ɨ L A U R A K . M A R K H A M § M A T T H E W C . N I E M E L A * B R A D Y L . E S P E L A N D Ʃ WIL LIAM F . B OYD, R E T . M IC HAE L K. B RANSTET TE R, R E T . T E R R A N C E R . H A R R I S ( 1 9 6 3-2 0 2 1 ) RECEIVED Wednesday, February 14, 2024 4:20PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission February 14, 2024 2 pertains to the hookup of “new” meters of different dimensions than that being utilized by SRCCOA (specifically being ¾” and 1” meters), the SRCCOA does not believe it needs to take a position concerning the same at this time. However, SRCCOA does respectfully reserve the right to address the Rate Increase Application, and the arguments and materials provided therewith, in the event that it becomes applicable to the SRCCOA (such as through the “General Tarif Rate Increase Application” expressly referenced in the “application for issuance of securities within a statutory time, frame,” designated as Case # SWS-W-23-03, as submitted by CDS on December 15, 2023 (“Debt Application”).1 On behalf of the SRCCOA, thank you for your time and consideration of this letter. Sincerely, Rick Haruthunian Rick Haruthunian, Esq. 1 As available at: https://puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/7218. The Debt Application provides, in pertinent, part that: “[i]n addition we are in the process of filing a “General Tarif Rate Increase Application” with IPUC[.]” Although not a part of the formal record, the “Customer Notice” issued by CDS concerning the Debt Application (attached hereto as Attachment “A”) also reference CDS’ plans to pursue a future “general rate tariff.” ATTACHMENT "A" 1 The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Leon Marshall Submission Time: Feb 14 2024 5:41PM Email: lxmarshall@gmail.com Telephone: 253-656-1958 Address: 300 Hanaford Rd Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: CDS Stoneridge U�li�es Case ID: SWS-W-23-02 Comment: "I would also request that the IPUS deny both of the requests that have been submited by CDS Stoneridge U�li�es. I was struck the financial impact that is reported by CDS U�li�es. Since acquiring the u�lity, supposedly over $800K of debt has be incurred. I agree with the comments shared in the Staff comment posted on 1/23/24, that this is not a healthy company. It also raises ques�ons regarding the accuracy of the informa�on presented. I also support the other comments that were shared in the same staff report. The proposed plan introduces risk to the community. Unless I misunderstood, the financial model is between two companies run by the same management. These types of financial plans do not represent sound management.. I would also encourage IPUC to increase its oversight ovef CDS U�li�es in its responsibility to provide safe and adequate water to the community it serves. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steve McKendry Submission Time: Feb 14 2024 6:13PM Email: hotrodsrule1965@gmail.com Telephone: 208-277-8935 Address: 55 Bunker Ln Blanchard, ID 83804 Name of U�lity Company: Public U�li�es Commission Case ID: SWS-W-23-02 Comment: "That’s very unacceptable for high jump in cost on the water bill. We VOTE NO" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Deb Rust Submission Time: Feb 15 2024 8:19AM Email: rustyjar@aol.com Telephone: 425-345-2009 Address: 170 Links Drive BLANCHARD, WA 83804 Name of U�lity Company: Inland Power Case ID: SWS-W-23-02 Comment: "Please reject this excessive rate increase. This is price gouging and just outright wrong. Thank you." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------