HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061016_1695.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:TAMMIE ESTBERG DATE:OCTOBER 10 2006 RE:JERRY AND ANNA FYFE'S COMPLAINT AGAINST ISLAND PARK WATER COMPANY On August 18 2006, the Commission received a "formal" complaint (attached) from Jerry and Anna Fyfe against Island Park Water. The Fyfe s are requesting a formal complaint be opened to address the failure of Island Park Water Company to fix and maintain the water system to supply year round service to their residence. BACKGROUND In February 2006, the Fyfes' water line broke and the Company made no repairs until late July 2006. The customer also states there is sand in the water line, causing problems with appliances in the home. The Fyfes maintain that the water line is only 2-3 feet underground and made of very thin pipe that allows it to freeze and break every winter. The customer feels the manager ofthe Company, Dave Benton, and his part-time employees Bill Warner and Kelly Jensen, refuse to take steps to update the system. Other problems include failure of the Company to notify residents when the water is off for repairs, failure to maintain wells during and after power outages, loss of water pressure, pumps that are not in operation, and failure to formally inform residents that water is not maintained year round. The Fyfe s currently have their home for sale and feel that growing knowledge of the poor water service for Shotgun North Subdivision is hindering the sale. DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 10, 2006 STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION Three PUC Staff members recently visited Island Park Water s service territory and met with Dave Benton and the Fyfes. Staff does not believe that the concerns mentioned in the Fyfe s letter is limited to this one customer. Based upon Staffs preliminary investigation, it appears the Company may have significant difficulty maintaining safe, reliable year-round service, notifying customers, responding to service outages, billing customers and billing according to tariff. The Company s practices appear to be out of compliance with several PUC Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01) and Policies & Presumptions for Small Water Companies (IDAP A 31.36.01). Staff recommends that the Commission delay taking action on the Fyfe s formal compliant and allow Staff to continue its informal investigation. An informal investigation will allow the Staff to develop a record on which the Commission can base its decision regarding issues raised by the Fyfes. Staff anticipates providing the Commission with a report of its findings and recommendations as well as a final recommendation on how to proceed with respect to the Fyfe s formal complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to delay taking action on the Fyfe s complaint and allow the Staffto continue its informal investigation? Tammie Estberg memos/Fyfes Complaint Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 10, 2006 .--.' , ~REyE!V -------!? I =;;;'A J-f .Jitl if ~~rf~ ( ~~------- LJ /L_- ---f-----------_ .__ mm. ~,. &2~u~W-__..__n __- ----,.---- UTILITIES COMMISSION ~=~~~=J ~~~.~- )1) :t:. . . . ..~ .:--=: - :1-u:.s15 c;);JJ~~=fl.I::.~~ ' ~-~-- ~7~ ~:~-:: ::~~:=. --:~-~:::~--- --------~---_ l./-- - -t ___- 7C2__- -- jC:e!LL~ :fL---t:4--- . .-- L/J2et- -- ----'--- /\I ,J ...., '. .' (--- --t--_~Q.MzP.a/.. . ... 'L---4 _ClUL-C.C1-UY.. ' ,- q-TY -------------~~-_,_ C1LiQ_h~_' -- ~.l2J2~f. ,---- j(2 ____- - i~ 1--- r---T(J- cL --- , _m ,--------_ -1--Q.._-f:xJJtL)..VU-- --I~-r. iuy-~'J-,. - - fi1.~-f-U-__(!2A!2_,L~__n,_____- &c1:o.b.. -gJ::_-#.o o.L_-eJ/ '1'- t:.~ -yce4-t:iJ2C/~ ~--~- .-, -- ~ --' -. ~- W- q~ i:e .. 1=Y--~- t:2~~S -~ fl_.._.. 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