HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210408Report in Response to Order No. 34974.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Blake W. Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com blakeringer@givenspursley. com Attomeys for the Company IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S INVESTIGATION INTO CDS STONERIDGE, LLC'S HOOK-UP FEE FORNEW CUSTOMERS TO CONNECT TO ITS WATER SYSTEM ;risioii Case No. SWS-W-20-02 RrpoRr PuRsulxr ro ORDER No. 34974 : -:; i ; ., t -l rr ' ! i,;i -8 Pii l: Ll BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission's") Order No. 34974, dated March25,2021 (the "Order"), CDS Stoneridge, LLC, owned by J.D. Resort, Inc. (collectively, the "Company'') through its attorneys of record Givens Pursley LLP, submits the following report in response to the Commission's Order. A.IdentiS the three additional customers who have filed complaints with the Commission. Per the Order, Staff shall communicate with the Company to identiff the three additional customers who have filed complaints with the Commission. Stoneridge shall have fourteen days from the issuance of this Order to provide these customers' records to the Commission. The records to be provided for each customer must itemize and describe the labor performed, equipment and materials installed, and all charges the customer paid to connect to Stoneridge's system. After receiving these records the Commission will determine whether and to what extent Stoneridge overcharged these customers and will direct the Company to act based on the facts presented. Rpponr PunsuANr ro ORDERNo. 34974 I 56 14966_t .docx[ I 5376. l] Page I of5 Order at p. 15. The Company has identihed the three additional customers referenced in the Order. Those customers, their names and addresses, are listed in Exhibit A, which is frled with the Commission under separate cover so as to preserve the confidentiality of customer information. All Company records related to these customers are likewise filed with the Commission under separate cover, titled Exhibit C. B. Customers who have paid but have not yet been connected. Per the Order Stoneridge [shall] provide, within fourteen days of issuance of this order, documentation concerning customers who have paid to connect to the system but have yet to be connect[ed and] (A) explain to the Commission whether each customer remains unconnected, and (B) if so, why Stoneridge has not yet connected each customer; whether Stoneridge has charged each customer more than $ 1,200 for theirpending connections; and when the customer will be connected to the water system. Order at p. I 5. ln response to this request, and as of April 6, 2021 , every customer who has applied and paid for a connection has been connected. The Company will be updating the Commission on any new customer applications and payments in its "new connection quarterly reports," per the Order. C. Customers with previous connections to the system. Per the Order Stoneridge [shall] provide a written report to the Commission, within fourteen days from the service date of this Order, with the identity, location of service and address of each customer who was charged $1,200 to start receiving water service from Stoneridge where a previous connection to the system already existed. Order at p. 16. In response to this request, and to the best of the Company's knowledge, the Company has never charged a customer $ 1,200 to start receiving water service from the Company where a previous connection to the system already existed. Rsponr PunsuANr ro Onorn No. 34974 I 561 4966_l.docxll 5376.U Page2 of 5 D Additional customers who were charged more than a $1,200 Hook-Up Fee. Per the Order, Stoneridge shall, within fourteen days of the service date of this Order, submit a report to the Commission with the names and addresses of any additional customers who were charged more than a $1,200 Hook-Up Fee since Stoneridge began operating the water system in June of 2018 who have not yet already been identified. This report shall include all records related to these customers. After receiving this report and all associated records, the Commission will determine whether and to what extent Stoneridge overcharged these customers and will direct the Company to act based on the facts presented. Order at p. 16. [n response to this request, the Company directs the Commission's attention to Exhibit B, where all customers who have been charged more than a $1,200 Hook-Up Fee but have not yet been identified in this case are listed. Exhibit B is frled with the Commission under separate cover so as to preserve the confidentiality of customer information. All Company records related to these customers are likewise filed with the Commission under separate cover, titled Exhibit C. E. The Company will timely respond to the remaining elements of the Order. The Company recognizes and acknowledges that the Order contained various elements, each obligating the Company to provide the Commission with certain information or otherwise perform certain tasks. This report responds to all elements of the Order that required a response within fourteen days of the issuance of the Order. All remaining elements of the Order provided the Company with more time to respond. The Company will respond to each element of the Order in a timely fashion. Rrponr PunsuANr ro ORDERNo. 34974 I 5614966_l.docx[ 5376. l] Page 3 of5 Dated: April8,2021 REPoRT PuRsuANr ro Onpnn No. 34974 I 5614966_l.docxll 5376.U Respectfully submitted, ,"A-'-:- Preston N. Carter Blake W. Ringer Givens Pursley LLP Attomeys for the Company Page 4 of5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on April 8, 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: COMMISSION STATT' JanNoriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-4 Boise,ID 83714 EMAIL: j an.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov John R. Harnmond, Deputy Attorney General EMAIL: john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Ste.201-4 Boise,ID 83714 2 A_--=:- PrestonN. Carter Rrponr Pr.nsuANr ro ORDsn No. 34974 15614966_l.docx[ 5376. l] Page 5 of5