HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201026In Support of Company Response - Redacted.pdfs,a# ldaho Public Utilities Commission Oflice of the SecretaryRECEIVED ocr 2 6 2020 Boise, ldaho #4,O {x? It:}GH, StoneRidge Utiliry Co. PO Box 298 Blarrhard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 APPLICATION FOR WATER/SAWER CONNECTION WATER i ez-/O) MAILING CIW, STATE, TELEPHONE NO.: 8LK: STREET ADDRESS: RECEIVED WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP Slo,ooo WATER HOOT.UP CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCNON OF EXPANSION OT SYSTEM FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAL CHARGES $ sTOTAL PAYMENT RESPONSE LABOR FOR WATER I]ISTAII.AIfi}T{ QUAilTtTY DESCRIPTIOil UHIT PRICE UTIE IOTAL 10 Hours 2 Houre Opcratw Offle Admin $75.00 Hr. 125.00 ttr. t750.ffi t50.oo Subtotal Sales Tax $tilto 0800, INVOICT Swonk trcovolmg 1380 N twe,l Cf Posl folls, ,D 838J, (2081659.7008 hrvorc€, 6902 ?o Slonanidge Ulilitbg 36l Sfoneridge Rd Bbnchord. lD 83804 (2001t37€r48 Solesperson Job Woler Msler tnsloll PoymenlTermr Net 30 Due Dole CIlv Descdplion $foter t"teter Inslolt f Unil Frice Line Tolol 35003500 Subloiol Soler Tox Told 35m o 3500 Moke ollchecks poyoble to Swonk Excovoling ?honk you lor your buslnersl .Jri\f f I-.r.Gr EP.0. Box rD 83801 TvIAIUNG .? CITY, S?AIE, ZIP ?ELf,PNONE NO.: BLT: S?REETAIDRESS: PREVIOUS OWNER: Water Dalr ls l,:lrt' Complacd Conneclion Date: SloncRidgn Utiliriss: Billing Commencing Dan: TABOR FOR WATER I'IISTAIJ..qNOT QUAI{TTrY DESCRIFMOil UI|IT PRIGE UITE TOTAT 10 Hours 2 Hsrs 10 hours 10 Houre 10 Hourr 10 Hours I tlor.B Opentor Offioc AdmFr Opefi*brs Asslstail Leborer Lahorer Badthoc Jumplng.lact< 375.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. 175.fi)Hr. $55.fi1Hr. $55.00 t*. $296.{XrrDly t0ODay $?50.00 $so.0o s750.{x} $5s0.00 $550.00 $295.00 $00.00 Subtotat Sales Tax f,I.005 s,#ffiM* St or:cRirftc Urility Ctr. FO lhr 298 lilanchar.d, tij g3g04 (208) 437-3t48 /,PpL X C A',l! {) tu L,'(,11 14rA1'[ ft.1 i]r t{/ 11 tt co Nt{ n c,,;' I Ohi ll l,l1,rr'i:l il.- lryA'l'liti _,/ s- lr-Jolo MAILING CITY, STATE, ZiP TETTPHONE NO,: 8tx:tor: STSEET AODRESS: WATEB/SEWE8 FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP $10,000 WATER HOOI(-UP $t,zgo SAaosCONTRISUT'ON IN AIO Or CONSTRUCflON ,OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM rOTAL PAVMENT t BECE]VED OA roll c$lvlPi\Ny l",l;i' otrll Y: TOTAL CHARGES $ nIsPoN5e lvATEn coNlYE!.TrON: The lee essocaat€d wlth the water hook.up ir $1,200.00. I undertand thal fhis fee is only lor lhe rlght io conne.lollo the stone8ldge Utlllly vratel lystam and DotS NOT lndude any corlr alrochred with the purchan of parts orItstallatlon necess:ry to do the phy*cal connectaon f.om one's home lo lhe water meter. lt also oofs NOT indude any coslt associated wilh purchase or lnstallatlon ol prelsure reduclng and/or backllow prevention devicesthat may be netessity lor your parlicular lot to properly ronnesl to the systsm. tncloted ln lbe paclet ir theIrrlgalion 0ackllow Pollcy and tba Baclllow T3Jt/nrpection certificarlon form $E$'En q9NNECTION: D Graviry to lrearmrnr facilityo Pump to rrcatmcnt ftciliry0 Pump odnin fieldtl Onsire scpric/drain lietd 1'hc lcc for servcr llootup is $ 10,000.00. I undcrrtand lhat lhis fcr is only for rhc right lo contpcl ollo tlpStoncRidgc Utilily scler syslenr. This fer DOls No I' inclurir nuy .ori, nssocintJd rvitl tlc prchasc of patrr orinstrllalion nccqlsitry to do lhc physical conncctaort fmm onc's honte ro lhe $Jslcm collcqtion liner. It also DOESNO'I include uny costs ussociatttl tvith purchasc or installation of sepric ttrnlior pomping cquipnxnt dril rnry 6,9nccqssrlry for your pnrticular lot to propcrly connsct lo lhe syslcn!. CONTru.I}UTIqN IIV AID Or CPNSTRIJCTION'I'O TXPAIYD-IIM SYSTEM There is a Cap Ex tut (operotirq crpcnsc) of $2300.00. t underctand thnl his tcr is only for rhe right t0 connecl onao lhe StoucRidge Utility system. Thir fcc Do&S NoT includc any costs a:socia&d wirlr rhc purchnre of parts orinrtqllrtioa nccess;lry lo do tltc physicat comeqliolr lrorrr orrc's h$xne l? [rc slgcm collqcthn lincs Homeowners aclrnowledge thal they are responsiblc for alt costs asrociated vrilh ,nalnlen3rxg, reprir and labor olall llnes, prSssure redurlng and,/or backllow pr€venllon devlces or parlr and materlals necusary fu the watcr systern to fur:ctlon propcrly lrom lhe metar to lhe horne. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is rec€ived. All feer must be paid prlor to issulng'wiil ssrvs" lelter. work wlll only be scheduled aller recelpl of fees.stonefiidg: utiiity must lnrpacr all wort prior to backfllland/or comptetion. CoNIlt^C,|.o[LlC[NslINUM3sR-.-.".'l,0NDmJI},llElt- Curtom Si D:llo 6 Jca- /olx? Stoneridge Utlltty lntpection/commenclng billing date Sigoallrc Datc ... rNvorcr DATE 5t21t2020 LABOR FOR WATER INSTAILATION QUANTIW DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAT 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 1 Hour Operator Office Admin operators Assistanl Laborer Laborer Backhoe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $75.0011r. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $6O/Oay $750.00 $50.00 $750.00 $5s0.00 $550.00 $235"00 $60.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total 53,005 s3,005 Swank Excrvating 1380 N EwollCt Post Falls lD 83854 lnvoice Oab lruolee* 7t$nfiN 0702 EillTo Stoncddgc Rccort ToaalBlH Quanlily llcm Codc Oescrbttont fticEadr Amoml 03 Excwtllon haslluril,trrBtrr 3100.00 3J00.{Xi v Tlunk yon frr your huitrxr, Total 13,500,00 *d hrt tflE)GE Soncf,idgcUtility&. PO Box298 Blandurd,ID 8380{ (208).137-3148 APPLICATION T'OR'WATSn/SBWEB COI$IECTION SEWER- WATER Y.- -1\lrql MAIUNG OTY, STATE, TET€PHONE SIREETAI}DRES6: gECENEO WATER/SEWER FEES; $ro,oooSEWER HOOX.UP $trzooWAIER HOOT.UP CONTRIBUTION IN AD OT CONS RUCTION OF EXPANSION OT SY$TEM $z,goo FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: s 4 (sL). '*lTOTAT CHARGES E,J tx}) .,"TOTAT PAYMENT RESPONSE OATE: wArBR corvt{F9T{9N: The lee assoclaled wlth the water hmk-up b 31,200.00. I understrnd ttrar $rs k b only Iu the rlght to connect onto the StoncRld8e Utlllty water system rad DoES NOf hdude arry o* asodalcd wlth llre purchere of p6ru or l$irllrtlon necl3sary to do tne physlcal connectlon ftorn onet horne to 0rgxanr neter. I ako DO€S ll0? lnclude any costs arsoclated wlth purthr:e or lnstallrtlon ofprauure reduchg rndlor bacfdo$, prcventlon devlcel that maybo necer:rry for your part,culer bt lo propedy connact to the syslem. EndoJd ln the p3*et ls the lfihallon 0aclllow ?ollcy and the BaGkflo,r,I$Vlnspectlon Certlllotlcn forn $BsrEr CONIISCfION:Gravity to treament facility Putrry to hcstmcfit facility Purnpto drain fidd Onsite septic/drain fi eld The fc fo rcwe r bookup is $10.000.$. I udcrsund thrt lbb fec is only for rha light o conncd onb lht SoocRidgc Utility mwcr rystcrn Thb fec DO&S NOT hctudc eny cosc associrrd wlth 0tc purchasc o, puB or inslrllatlon nctc$ary to do lbe phpical conrpction from onet homc to 0tc syscm eollcclirn lhc& It abo DOE{i NOT hclrrdc lny cosls rsoclatd with purclruc or instdlnion of scplic trnls 0r purlpin! csripnml lhrt rney b ncccsury lor your prrlictlu lot lo pmpcrly anmct to the eptcm. CoNISITUTION r{ AID OF qONSTRUCTTON TO T{rpArt{DTIrn S1,lsryM Thetc is a Cap trr fce (opcretiog cxpcoso) of $2E00.00. I urdcrsbd rhd &is fu ts urly for thc riglrt o courct o0t0I$Sron€RldgeUtilhyrystrm. TlrhferDOESNOTlnclldeanyclr$slisoridcdwht&cpurchr*cfp0rtsor irrtalhtloa ncccslery lo do lie fry$lcat cclutlon fiorn onc's homa b tho rp&m ooI?cilon lincr llom€ourners aclmowled3c that they are raponslble for all Eosts aroclated wlth mrhtcnrnoe, ropalr and klor of all llnu, presrur€ redurlng and/or backllow pranntlon det lces or prltr ad $rtlrlab nece$ary for the water tystem lo functlon properly from th: meter to the homa. Fees are subJectto change untll payment in FULLIs receiued, All fees murt bc pald prlor to l:sulng "wlll scnrC letter. Work wlll only be rcheduM rfter recelpt sf l*er, Stonafiidg: Utlllty must lnspect all uaork prlor to b..knll ard/or completlon. COTTII'ACTOBLICB}ISE Customer SlgnEture Dat* $tonerldge Utlllty lnspectlon/commencing bllllng date Drtc o o n u TABOR FOR WATER IflSTALLANOT QUAilNTY DESeRtPTtOltl UT{IT PRIGE tIl{E TOTIL 13 Fhure 2 Hourr 10 houra 13 FburE 10 Hours 2 tlryr 2dsys Oparator Otrc€Admin Operatrs Asshtant Laborer Laborrr Btckhoc Jumping Jadr $75.00 Hr.$s75.00 tso.oo 1750.00 $715.00 8550.00 t5e0.00 Srzo.oo $25.1)0 Hr. t75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. 155.{X} Hr. t295.00/Oay SUDay Sublotal $alm Tax t3,750 INVOICT Swont fxcovoling 1360 N Ewell Cl Posl fofls. lD 8385, l?08165e-7008 l.rvolcc, 3900 IO Slortafidgo Ulilitie: 364 StonerldgB Rd Bktnchord. D83801 {208} ,{37.3t 48 Scilesperson Job wol€rMeler lrufo.l Poymenl Teffns Nel 30 Due Dole ary Dercriplion Woler Maler UnilPrice Line Tolol ?3S?850 Sublotol Soles lox Tolol 2850 0 2850 Moke oll checks psyoble to Swonk Excovoling lhonk yov lot your buslnerrl 5 StoneRidgc Urilily Co. PO Box 298 Blanchard, ID 838M (20s) 437-31{8 APPLICATION FON WATER/SEWER CONNECTTON WATER d - ?r,- rt*o MAILING CITY, STATE, TELEPHOT'IE NO.: sH, I ror, STREET ADDRESSI RECEIVED DAT€ WATER/SEWER FEES: $to,oooSEWER HOOK.UP $r,zooWATER HOOK.UP CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUTTION OF EXPANSION OT SYSTEM FCIN COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAL CHARGE5 $ $lLtIOUDTOTATPAYMENT )lahll}f}t RESPONSE DAT r. }I'A'I'ER CONNECTION: The lee aJtoclal0d wllh lhe wate, hook-up B 31,200.00" I understand that tlca fee b only for the rlght lo (onnast onto tho Stone8idBe Utllity walar syslcm and DOIS NOT lndude any rostc arsxlaled w:th lhe p{rchase of partr or lnstallation nece5sary to do the physlcal connecllon ,rom oor" home to the waler meler. lt alro croEs NoT include any cssts assoclated with purchare or lnstrllation ofpresslre reduclng,and/or baclllow preveotlon dcvkes that may bc necestary for your partlcular lot to properly connect lo lhe systen| Enclosed ln lh€ pactel is the lrrlgallor Sackllow Pollry and the Backflow T?sr/rrtJgrcilon certtlica:lon form sElt EB CQ.\NICTIOIY:Oravity to treatment facili:y Pump to realment faciliry Pump rorlrain licld Onsitc septic/drain lield The fce for server ltookup is $ 10000.00. t undcrstnnd thol thi$ fcc is only for fie righr tocofi13cl onto lhcStoneRidge Utility sctvcr syslem. This fee DOES NUI' includc ,ny .osis asro.intcd with rhc ptrchare of pr$ orinstnllnlion ncces!0ry lo do lhc physicol conncclion (rom onc'g tronrc to rhe syscm collection iincr. h also DOESNoT include any coJis associotcd with purchosc or installation of scptic ranki cr pumping cqulprrnl tlut rnay bc fteiesrilry for your prrliculor lu to properly conncct lo thc sflcm. CoN"&IBUTION rI{ AIp OF CONST8UC?ION TO DX PAND THE $YSTEM Thcrc is a Cap & fcc (qaaling expcnsc) of S2E00.fi). I undcrsrand thar r}is he is only lor rk rlghl ro conneel onlo the StoneRklgc Ulility rystem, This tcc DOIS NOf includc nny corls rrsocialcd wirh rk purchasc of parr orinstollnlion necesslr)'lo dq lltc plrysicrl clmecticn fionr onc's homc lo ahc sFlcm co[cction lirns Horreowncrs acknowled8n that they arf responsibte for atl ccsts asroclaled wlth malnlenanra, repalr and labor of all lines, pres;ure reduclng and/or baslllorv preventlon devices or parts aad matedatt reca:rary for thc vrat., system to lunctlon properly Jrom lhe meter t! the home. Fees are subiect to change until payment in FUL! is received. All fees mulr be pald p;lor to l$ulng "wlll servc" letter. work vdll on[ be scheduled aller receipl of fees. stoneRid3e utllaty murl lnipect all rA,ork prlor to backlill and/or complelion. p nrrrorcd bv $to,teRirltc Ulllilles. coilrrAc't'oR LlcENsE NIn'IBER.".-.-..--DOM' NurvlBDn_ {:r- zoza 0 E 0 {l 5tonerldge l.)tility lnspection/ccmmencing billlng date Signaluru._ --._- Datc Ilxc I*ABOR FON TVATER IISTATLATiltrl QUAililTY DESCRIFTIOT{UNIT PRICE ttTE TOTAL 10 Holrs 2 t{ot.ra 10 Hours 1 Hour Ope;ator ffiaa A&nln Baek{pe Jumplng JacI $zs.oo Hr. t25.(X) Hr. $3ilg.qilDay ifl)rDay 8750.00 $50.00 8338.00 *e0.00 Subtotal $ales Tax sr,r93.00 Swank Exc*vating 1380N Ewell O Post Falls ID 83854 EillTo Saoncridgc lJtilities lnvoice Oale lrnrdce# 8n6r2fi2fr 0E23 ; lold gillrd Quantity llem Corto Dsrc,ipton Pdce Each 03 F.xcrvrlion 03 Xxcrvalion trp scwor main, horc lcrors mrd unlcr malo, in*all mctcr 3,500.00 2,0m.00 Total t5,500.00 Thrnk yorr for your businees. hIEIETIE}(SE, **-'l StooiRidgcUtility Co. POBox 298 Btanclar4ID 83804 QAq$7.3148 AP?LICATION TOR WATER/SEWER CONNBCTION WATER NAM MATIING CITY, STATE,atP TELEPHONG N BLK: 9TREETADDRESS: RECEIVEO DATE WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP $10,o0o WATER HOOK-UP $1,200 CONTRIBUTION IN AIO,OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTENI $2,800 FOB COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTATCHARGES tltit[t.{j TOTAL PAYMTNT $-t ,.\) ITSPONSE DATE IilAm&eo,i{lrncTrojv: The fee assoclated wlth the water hook-up k 11,2{D.00. I understand that ttss fee ls only for the rlght to conn€ct onto the StoneBidge Utlllty water system and DOES l0OT lnclude any costs ttsoclated with tbe purdrase of paru or in$allation ne&ssary to do tbe physlcal conn€ctlon from one's home tc the unler met:r. tt also OO8S NOT include sny costi allociated with purchase ol lnstallatlon of pressure reduclng and/or barHlow preventlon davices that mey be necessary for your partlcular lot to prcperly connect to the system. EnclEs€d ln the p3cket ls the lrrlgatlon Backflow Pollcy and the Backflow lesllnspectlon Certlflcailsn forrn SE1YBB CONNECTI.S:Gravity to treabxctrt facility Pump to treatrneot facility Pump to drain field Onsite septic/drain field The fee for se*nr hookup is $10,000.00. I understrnd that lhis lce ls only for rhc rigH to comccl onto the StoneRidg: Utility sewer systenr. This fec DOES NOT include any costs sssociatld wifi the purchasc of parts or installrtion nercsssry to do 0re physicat conncction froo onc's home to &e rystam coUection lincs. It slso DOES NOT include axy costs associated with purcbase or installotion of scptic tanl: or pumping lquipment tlnt nray be neccssary for your particular lot to propcrly coortecl to lhc syslcn. coNTRrE{J'rTON IN,AIp OT CONSInUCTTON TO Er?Ar.tD THr SySTEM There is a Cap Ex fee (opcrating er,pense) of $2800.00.I unders:and that tiirfcc is only for the righi to connect onto lhc StoacRidea Utility systeo" Ttris fce DOES NOT includc an, costs sssoci0tcd $ith the purchxe of parts or insUllation neccssiry t0 do lhc ph),sical coa*clion from olc's hornc to &c system collection linct llomeowners acknowledge that lhey are responsible for all costs asoclated with malntenanc€, repalr and labor of all llnes, pressure reducing and/or backllow preventlon dwlces or parts aod matariah necessary for the water system to functlon properly from the metEr to the home. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be pald prlor to lssulng "wlll serye" lttter. Work wlll only be sclreduled alter recelpt of fees. Ston€Ridge Utlltty must lnspect all work prlor to backfill and/or completlon. spn$yed bv StoueRidec Utilities. CONTRACTOR LTCTNSE NT'MBER--.-_BOND I{IJMBU Customer S,gnalilre signature- Date - Stonerldge Utlllty lnsprction/commeilcing billing date o il E E Signature,. Date - LABOR FOR TI'ATER INSTALLATIOH QUAf{NTT DESCRtpnOI UNIT PNrcE U]IE TOTAT ll Hours 2 Hours 10 hourr 1O Houre 10 Hours 1O Hourc 1 Hour Op€rator OfRe Admin Operators Asslrtant Laborcr. Laborgr Eacktoe Jumplrq Jack i75.fi, Hr.3s2s.00 125.00 Hr. t75.00 Hr. *5S.00 Hr. $55.fi1tlr. $z95.0SDay t60/Day t50.00 $750.00 $s50.00 is50.(xt $295.00 t60.00 SuHotal Salee Tax $3,0s $wank Excavating 1380 N EucllCl Post Falis ID 83854 Invoice 0.tg lnroica * 7fisnfr?:A 0709 ElllTo Stoncridgc Rcsort Told Biflcd Ouantity Item Code Dc!cdplion Pdce Each Arno!nt 03 Ercavation 0! Excavrtion 03 Ercrvrtiorr 03 l}.cavrtion 03 Erov*ion 03 Ercrvaion orplorolory 5 hour puts and matarlals crcrvdion labor lix unmadccd mhr rcrvicc clcon u/rcnrcrliation mobiliretirxr ?50.00 2,{20.00 3.000.00 700.00 400.00 300-00 ?J0.00 2J20.00 3,000.00 700.00 .,00.00 lfil.m ?ha*you foryornbuincs, Total t?J70.00 ' Itirql IF=:I:.IE@ i- StoneRidge Udliry Co. P.0. Box?98 - Blanchard, lD B3g0{ (200) 437-2180 MAILING CITY,STATE, TELEPHONg BLIC STREETADDRESS: PREVIOUS OWNER: NEI'Y CONIIEC.TION:Watcr Conrrc Fcc: Theftcassoniatcdwitlrlh.r"ilerhooh+pis!1,300.00. turdcnstardltntftisfecirontyforrlrctightoco.,ncclonto thc stolcRidsc utility rv.lc, iJ,tecr ilu nbEs xor ,*r"al[' ;;nrd r]irt rhc purhasc ofparrs orhslalluion n*cssa$ to do ttrc ptrysinr comriilo rro, ou"', hornsio r!, oaL nrctcr. Ir dso DoES Nor inctrdcony cosls rssosirtcd sith purslnsc or iosuttation of rrcsrurc rcducing.rwoid.mor* p*fiti",,;;.i."i a", r*ybcneccssary forpur ods,.*d I r;;i;il;t ro_rrrc.qysremri,,.rrJlo*"pacrcr ktherniguiou:tff#l:lcv and tte Bacls0o* r&'rirpJ.ri"o ianitimricir i,.* -F;; subie( .o clroge riu-rpuc Rukr All fcr:: mug bc pid at lcast 30d41's prior to conrccriotr. w-ork *fll olly lc;clrcdulcd affcr rcceipr of &cs.SnacRidge Utility mu* lnrycd a[iv;k prio., uJen a,o,*.r,,p-[,i"i -" Iloorcoxacr: aclunrvlcdgc.lhal lhcy-lrc rurpunsiblc for all cost$Eliocirrcd p.&:h mrincrancg rcpirard hborofalllllT;ffi;:t,';:Htffi'#,'ilrow Prwtntion dcviccs o' p.,u *a ,*J.r, ;;d;;#;;;**, b Datc -) Compl**d Conncctio n Datc Bi[bgComm€ncing DatH SroasRifoc Utitiricr: TABOR FOR WATEN ITSTAII.AUOT quAffitTr DESCRIPTIOT UT{IT PRIGE UilE TOTAI. 2llours 10 hourc 10 Houn 10 Hourc 10 Hurr I ilour OfficeAdnrln Operaloru Asslelant Laborer Lahrer Bdrhoe Jumplng Jadt $?5.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. 3$5.fi1Hr. i295.{XtlDay l8Sosry $50.00 17m.00 s550.{X} s5S0.o0 $295.00 $60.00 Subtotal Sales Tax f22s5 I]}GE StoocRidge Utitity Co. PO Box 298 Blanchard, ID 8380{ (208) 437-3148 A}PLICATION FOR WATER/SEWER CONI.{BCTION SEWER-trJg WATER !'c.,s -3*t? MAILING CITY, STATE, TELEPHONT BLK:BDMSION: SIRIT?ADDRESS: RECEIVED frESPOlrSr 6l WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK-UP a*ef,ao* WATER HOOK.UP $t,zoo CONTBIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM $aeoo rOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAL CHARGES $ 'f, ooo TOTAT PAYMENT $ wAT.rR CONNECTION: Ihe fe* IrJoclit€d wllh thg water hook-up ls 51,200.00. I undentand lhat lhB tee ls only for the l8ht to connect olto the StoneRldge utillty water syslem ind DoES t{oT laclude any corh asso€itted with the purchare of parts or hstdlatlon ne"essiry to do the phyrlol connectlon from on:'s home to the $rate/ metet- lt also OOES NOT lnclude any costs associated will purchase or lnstallatlon ol pressure reduclng and/ol backflow preventlon devlces that may be necessrry for your particular lot to properly connect to the slrstsrn. Enclosed in the paclcet ls the lrrigatlon 8a*flow Policy and the Backflow TBtt/lnspection Certllicatlsn foril SIWER COI{NECfiON:Gravity to treatment facilitY Pump to fieatmert faciliry Pumpt0dnin field Oosite septicldrain field Tbc fee for selrcr hookup is $10.000,00. I undcrslmd Oat this fec is only for t}re right lo connect onlo lhc- StoneRi<lge Utility sewer system. This fcc DOES NOT includc any costs associatcd witlr lhc purchlse of parr or instnllation nccessary ro Co the physical conn:crion from onc'$ home to the syslem colhction lirrcs' It also DOES NOT includc any costs associated with purchase or installalion of septic unks or pumping cquipmcnt lhat may be necesssry for your parlicular lot to propedy connect lo the system' eoI\mrBUrTIO.I{ nV AID Or coNsTRucjlloN To EXI'AI{D 1m s.YsTEM There is a Cap Ex lee (operoting expcnsc) of $2800.00. I unde&nd thot tlris fcc is only for ttr right to connecl onto the Stoneltdge Utility systcm, This fe DOES NOT inclrdc any costs 0ssDcioted wilh the purchase of pa(s or insmllafiOn necessory ro do ftle physical conncction &om orc's homc to thc syslert collection lincs Hqmeowners arknowledge that they are responslble for all costs assoclated with malntenancg repalr and labor of all liner, pregsure reducing and/or backllow prevention devlces or Ports 8nd rnaterlals necessary for the waler siystem to functlon properly lrom the meter to the home' Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received' All fees rnust be pald prlor to issulng "wlll rerve" letter. Work will onlY be scheduled after recelpt of fees' stonsRldge utllity must lnspect allwork prlor to backfill and/or complellon. CONT'3ACTOR LICENSp NUMtrER BOI{D NUIvIBER- n B u o j I I I I II ' ttt .{: lr 1:, ''' ,.. : Customer Slgnature Signstrrc-Dale Sloneridge Utlllty tnspectionfcom menclng bllllng date signslure.. -- Drlc '"' INVOICE DATE 5/03/201 g LABOX FOR WATER INSTALLATION qUANTTTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE L!]{E TOTAL 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 holrs 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 'l Hour Operator Office Admin Operators Assislant Laborer Laborer Backhoe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $60lDay $7s0.00 $50.00 $750.00 $s50.00 $550.00 $295.00 $60.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total $3,005 s3,005 INVOICE 3wonf Ercovoting 1380 N €well Cl Post Folls. lD 83854 1208)6s9-7008 Soiesperson olv 1o lNVOrCf {16896 SloneRidge Ulililier 364 Sloneridge Rd Elonchsd, 1O 8380{ l?08143r-3t,f8 Dercdplion Woter Meler lnrtoll Job Woler Meler lnsloll Poymenl lerrns Nel30 Due Dote UnilPdce 40,10.08 $ublolol Soles Tox Iolol Une Totol 40d0.08 40{0.08 {0{0.08 0 Moke cll checkr poyoble lo Swonk Excovoling Ihon* you loryout buslnersl INYOICE DATT 5t2a2a20 LABOR FOR WATER INSTALLAT:ON QUANTITY DESCRIPTION U]IIIT PRICE LINE TOTA! 5.5 Hours 'l Operator Meter/lnstailed $75.00 Hr. $780 t412.50 $780.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total s1.192.50 $1,192 s0 #H IDGE, StoncRidge Uri:ity Co. PO Box 298 Blandard, ID 8t804 (208\437:3148 APPLICATION FOR WATER/ SEWER C ONNECTION sEwEL__ wArER x NAM - 17- I MAII.ING ctw, SrATE, TETEPHONE NO.: BI.J(: SIREfiADDRESS: RECEIVED DATE: WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP $ro,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $t,zoo $z,aooCONTRIBUTJON IN AID OF CONSTRUCT]ON OF EXPANSION OF SYSTETVI rOR COMPANY USE ONLY; TOTAT CHARGES 4wo,*$ $ *aw-*TOTAT PAYMENT RESPONSE wATEn CONNECTIQNT The fee assoclated wlth the water hook-up l; $1,200.00. I understand that thit fee i5 only for the dght to connect onto the StoneBldge Utlllty urats rystem and DOEE NOT include any corts rssocirted wlth the purchase of pars or inslallation necess€ry to do the physlcal connectlon from one'3 home ts the water meter. lt alro OOEJ NOT lnclude sny corlr rgqcieted with purchare or lnstallation of pressure reduclng and/or bac*flow pteventlon devices that may be nocassary for your partlcular lot to propedy connect to the sFtem. Enclosed ln the packet ls the lrrigrtion Sackllow Policy and the Baclflow Test/lfl3pecllon Certlfication form $EVIER CONIIECfiON: n Gravity to tr€atment facility 0 ?ump totreatmem facilirY f PumP to drain field D Orritc sePtic/drain ficld Thc fes for setrer hookup is S 10,000.00, I understand ttrat tlris lce is only for the right to connecl onto tlrc StoneRidge Utility scwer systcm. This fce DOES NOT includc sny c{rsls associatcd wit}r thc purchasc of parts or inststlutio:t necesslry to do the physicul ('onneclion hsm one's home o the syslcm cotlcr:don lincs. tt also DOES NOT include 0ny costs associatcd wilh purchase or installation of reptic tanLs or pumping cquipruat thst mry lx nocessary for your parliculnr k:l to propcrly conmcl to lhe sysrcm. goNTxrBUTtoN $I ArD Or CONSTRTJCnON TO Elc',Al\rf,' TIG SYSTEM There iS a Cap Ex fee (operatirg crpcase) of $2800.0tJ. I understand thal this he is only for the right to lonncct onto tlc StoneRidgc Uritity sysrem. ?his fcc DOES NOT includc auy costs ass{riated with tbc purchase of part* or installation nrces$ry to do the physical connsclion from one'$ homc to ttc system collection line.s Homeowners acknowledge that they are responsible for all erB assoclated with maintenance, repalr and labor of all lines, pressufe reduclng and/or backtlow prevtntion devices or patts and rnaterhls mgessary for the water syilem to functlon properly kom the rneter to the home' Fees are subject to change until paYment in FULL is received. All fees must be pald prlor to lsrulng "wlll serve' letter. Work wlll only be stheduled after recdpt of fe€5. Stonefiidgs Utility must inspect all work prlor to brcHill and/or completlon. nnnrovcd h StoncRirlgc Utilitics, CONIRACTORLICENSgNUMBER,. . , ONDT'{1'MBDR- Dale 4-r1-r9 Stoneridge Utility lnspection/commencing hilling date $ignature- Datc ,, Swank Excavating 1380 N EwcllCt Posr Falls ID 83854 lnvoice Dde lnvobr t t0nn019 003 3lllTo rttrrrcrirlgc ltclod TolrlliLd Ouantity llem Codc Descrigton Ptics Each Amoml 03 Ercavatiro rwlcr l,lctlt tq, $alcr msin 2,r50.00 2,850.m Thurt yor lor lorr bu*iacs, Total s2,850.m LABOR FOR WATER :NSTALI.ATIOIiI QUAITITITY DESCRIPNON UITIT PRICE [IilE TOTAL 17 tlours 2l'lours 17 hourg 15 Flours 10 lburs 2 Days 2 daye 2 rbya Opmor Otrlcs Adrnln @ntwe Assl*ent Laborer Labrsr Backlme Jumplng Jack Excryatr $75.fi1Hr.$1,275 100.00 sl,275 tazs 8s50.00 s5g0.o0 tl20.{Xt 8640.00 t2S.00 Hr. E75.fi1Hr. t55.$ Hr. t55.00 Hr. $295.{t{UDay l6tl/tlay iS2UDay subtotal Sales Tax Total s5,325 $s,325 JD RESORTINC PO BOX 7?0 BAYV|EW,ID 83803 208-6E3.2243 Bill To STOT.IER IT}OE @LF COUR SE }O{ STONERIDCIi RD sLANCHARD,ID E3[O.I lnvoice 0ah lnriok-{ lffl3n0:o 2019-t! P.O. No.Ttrmo Proled Ouantty D:scrlption Rsts Amount I lnB0R A vA'roR voRK oN 4/t7a0t9 Srle.q Trx !J75.00 ll.00t4 t.2?r.{ru 0.00 pl"[Atig coN't"Ac'r n tu Rutott'l,orFlcL AT {r{}r} 6n3.1!43 OX,nsc[Nrc{&$cENlcBAY}{AXINA.COU Total ll.2?5.m s,#ffih* SroneRidgc Utiliry Co. PO Box 298 Blanelad,ID 33804 (208)$7nt{8 APPLICATION TOR'WATER/ SEWER CONNECfiON SEWER /. WATER-2. 'r )' MAIIIN6 CITY, STAIT, IEIEPHONT BLK ON: STIEET ADORE5S; RICTIVED DATT: RESPONsT DATt: WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWTR HOOK.UP $ro,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $t,zoo CONTRIBUTION IN AID.OF CONSTRU rilON OT EXPANSION OF SYSTEM $2,800 rOB COMPANY USE ON[Y: TOTAT CHARGES $ TOTAT PAYMENT $ WAfSnCONNBclloNr Ihelee trs0ciatedy,lththBv6:erhmt.upls$X,200,00. ltdiatandthatthsfeolson:yfgrthrtlghttoconnctt onto the StoneRldge Utillty water 3y5lem and DOrS NOT lnsluda lny costr assoclated uith ::e $rrchase of partr or inttrllatlon nec0lJary to do th{ phflrrt aonne(llon from on*l horne to the xater mrtcr. li rlto lr0[9 tlOT Inctude ony costs airociated vrlth prrrharr or lnrtallatlon ofpressre r*dldlX ald/or ba*0ow prevcnllon devicer thrl may be neceslary for your particultr lot to properly connect to li: tyrten, Ind*ld ln tho pactft h the lrrlBatlon &ctllov, ?olicy and the Bsrkllow fertllnrpectlon Csrllficalion form .SB}1r$R CONNtrCfTQ$t (:l Cravity lo trcatment facility U PumP to treatmlnt facdity 0 PumP to drain lield Il Onsile septic/drain ficld 'llc fee for sewrr hockup is St0,0m.00. I undc;stud that lhis fec is only for thc righl lo connccl on(o tl1c SloneRid!,c Utility *r*'cr system, This ,ie DOSS NOT inclurte any cosls a:roci*tcd rvith the purchasc of pr& or icstallatioc nxcslary to do thu phl,oiral connction lrom ole's tromc to tte sysllr clllection line.r. It rbo DOES liOT includc cny co$s assrclattd wirh punhrsr cr lurlladol of septic tmlr or pmrying cguipment thll nla, bc n*$srry ior pur puticllar lot lo propcrly connccl to thc tytlcrn. CoNTRTBUnON rN Ar.p O.{C.9]Y$TnUCTTON TO EpANOTHE SYSTEM Thcrc is a &p x.l, lcc (opcrating cxpease) af $2800.00. I undcrrtand thar thls foe ir orrly for tht tiStt to coatlecl olto thc Stonc8idge Urility lyslcr. Thir foc $ODS NO I' includc tlly cosB arsocirld with thc purclruc of larls or inst*llatian n.ccssory to do lhc physixt connecliol from onc's homc lo lb! rrsLm lolhction litlcs Homa.wn.rs 3ctnowledge that they are resptnstble lor all cosls asroclat€d $th melntrnlnce. tepalr and labor of all lines, presurre reducing and/or baclllov preventlon deulces or parl: and mrterlak aecr$ary for the wrter nyJtem to functlon properly from the meter lo the horne. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be pald prior to lsulng "*lll:rve" letler. Work rvlll only be rrhedll:d after recelpt of feer. Stoneflldgc Ulllify must lnspe* allwork pilr t0 backfill and/or conpletion. COI\"I?ACTOX LICENSE N{J}fBBR-_--UOND NUi\lBts Drat 2 a.L Stoneridge Utlllty I nspEclionfcommercing blllin6 date Simaturc D;rtl lTrlvolcE DA?E 5t21t2020 LABOR FOR WATER INSTATLATIOI{ QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNl? PRICE II]IIE TOTAL 9 Hours 2 Hourr t hours I Hours I Hours 9 Hours 1 Hour Operator Office Admin Operators Assistanl Laborer Laborer Bact$oe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr $675 $50.00 $675 $495 $498 $295.00 $00.00 $25.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $293.0O/Day $6O/Day Sublolal Sales Tax Total $274s $2745 SwankExcavating 1380NEuell C:t Post Falls m 83854 BillTo Stonrridgc Utilitics lnvoice E'6lc torolocf EA6n020 O82J r. Tolr{ Bi[ed Ouanllty Item Csde Descriptlm Pdcs Eadr Amounl 03 Excavation -nrtoll natcrmder t,glo.o0 3J@.fl1u Total t ,roo.oo Thanl you for your busincss. StoncRidgc Uriliry Co. PO Ilox 298 Blaochard, ID 83Efi (208) 43?-3148 A}}LICATION TON WATEB/ $ElryER C ONNECTION $EWER. WATER .$ MAITING CTY,STATE, T6I,TPHONE BLK: STREETADDRTSs: roT: WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP $to,oo0 WATER HOOK.UP $1,200 CONTiIOUNON IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION OT IXPANSION OF SYS'TEM $as00 FoR COMPANY USE ONLYr TOTAL CHARGES $ ITOTAL PAYMENT I I RECHVTO RESPONSE NodrwqprUffiylm 1042 WTEnegerAve Hayden, lO 83835 US {208) 661.Ss47 $tephan@rnw$ltyl nc.eom wwr.r*wt!ltyinc.corn r002 Estlmate ,,,:-*,akiSXF1"r80/201e I Bors across nad and lnstall2watarllnos tq t,l iilU V m W*m $ artrl?}awErT,lattl. 1.800.00 $1,800.00 fii\rlE tl l,l Ir BYr $p, tl L Roed Bon C&D dlrtwo*s Amepted By 1 1,8fi).00 TOTAL Acce*adOate t\uot4&,n Plaase mal<e chocke payabb b Northwest Hitity lnc. Thar*st C & D DlrtWo,*sU-C 23*1 Hlarrchard Culoff Bd. blanchad,lD 83804 (406) 381.00r8 INVOICE B[.LTO $tonerldge Utlllffes irj G r][\f E N(lt ?. 11 iiill nu,..M.', r\ lil m llwolcEf 1r44 DATE 11/2212019 DT.|EDATE fiMM$ TEBUS Oueon reoelg DATI fimmfi ACTIVIIY Sabs RAlL 1,150.00 AMOUNT 1,150.00 $1,150.00 0EscnlPiloN GomplElion ol con$acted work (prodda rtd instdl contrac-t ls 31, BALANCE OUg 01Y I C& D DITIWodrgLLC f34! Elrncirard Cutoll f,d. Blanchad,lD 83804 (406) 38r.$r8 INVOICT B[.LTO Stoner6ge Utllltlos ll.l\rotcE* r1{3 DiTE tlrmr2019 DUE DA]E I1,€rANfig TERITS Due on rece$t o^lli fima0lg ACl'rylTY $alss ,:IAIil 1,150.00 AIdOUNI 1,!90.@ $1,150.00 0€ScRrPI rON Deposlt lor onlracled wo'k to provlde ard lnstafi saddlas lob€gh work ls 31,1 B t-AtrCE OUE OTY #'ss \)" 31ll INYOICE DATE 4t16/201s LABOR FOR WATER INSTAILATION QUANTlTY DESCRIpflON UNI? PRICE LINE TOTAL 46 Hours Operator Office Admin Operator$ Asslslant Laborer Laborer Backhoe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr $3,4so.oo $150.00 $3,450.00 $825.00 $s50.00 $1,475.00 $120.00 6 Hours 46 hours 15 Hours 10 Hours 5 Days 2Days $25.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $60/Day Subtotal $ales Tax Total $10.02t $10,020 Exploratory digging for water line, as there was no existing water line in the location of the home accessible for homeowners use. Line Extension to opposite side of road from residence. Bored under the road, installed water meter in location, thea had to uninstall the rneter and relocate it due to the fact we needed the entire side of the road to be able to access water in the future. IDGE, SroncRidgc Utility Co. PO Box 298 Blandrard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 APTTICATION FOR WATER/ SEWER CONNECTION SEWER U'ATER-x' 7-/ MAILING c[rY, STATE, TTLEFHONE NO.: BTX: YJaaoc RTCENED WATER/SEIIr/ER FEES: SEWER HOOK.UP $1o,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $t,zoo CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM $z,goc FOR COMPANY USE ON[Y: TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAT PAYMENT $ RESPONSE *-l*td w4,TE& CONNECTION: The fee alsociated with the water hook-up ir 51,200.00. I understand thal rhig fee is only for thr right to conne.t onto the StoneRidge Utillty water system and DO8S NOT lnclude any coets a$sclated with the purchase of parts or lntlilletlon necergary to do the physlcal connectlor from one'l home to the waler metor. lt ako OOIS NOT lnclude sny co$tt atgoclat€d with purchare or lnstallaticn ol pressure reduclng and/or lackflour preventlon devices that mry be necessary hr your particular lol to properly connect to the system. f nclored in the pact<et is the lrrigation Backflow Pollcy and the Backllow Te51/lnspection Certllication lorm $EWER CONNECTION:Oravity to tleatment faciliry Pump to reatmcnt faciliry Pump to drain field Onsite septic/drain fi eld The fee for servcr hookup is $ 10,000,00. I underslunrl lhrl llis fee is onty for the riglrt lo cornact onlo thc StoneRidge Utility s*lr:r systcnr. This fec DOES NOT inclutle ery cosl$ utsociated with llc purchnse of ptrts or irutallatitln necessary to ds the physicol connecaion from one's home to th* system colleclion tincs, lt also DOES NOT include !ily costs nssociltcd wilh purchase tr inslulluiion of scplic lank.t or pumping equipmenl lhal mly hc necessnry for yuur particulnr lot to propcrly connrcl !t lhe syslcilr. CONTRI3UTION IN AID S.gCONSINUCTION.TO A)(PAND TI{E SYSTEM There is a Cap Ex fee (opcrating expcnse) of $2800,00. I uldertand thnt this fee is only for lhe right lo Bontrcl onto the StoneRidge Utility system. This fee DOES NOT include sny costs associatcd with the purchase of prrls or installmion neces$ary to do the physical c$nrcction from one's honr lo the systcm colleclion liles Hom€owners acknowledge that they are responslble for all costs associaled with malntenancq repair and labor of al! llnes. presrure reducilg and,/or backflou, preyentlon devlces or pirts and rnaterlals necetsary for the water syilem to lunctlon properly from the rneter to the home. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be paid prir tc issulng "will serve" letter. Work will only be:cheduled after receipt of fees. StoneRld8e Utility must lnspect allwork prlor to backfill and/or conrpletlon. Notc: 'l'here rrr.r'r be oddltionot chorlrs fur vnrislions on norrul tonneclion reouirtntlnls. sueh as line ertqnsionr lo urqEg,Ijqri[llrllnlion uI r:r]trr $pt $nd scryicrr linc lo iaf in..horinc uEdtr r$qr].] sn-d,oT lixirrs nsphnll. etc. lVork rvould he pcrformcd bv liccnseglp{l$gd ng}Jif-ryqrlis contrsctor. Documcnhtioa of qorlfqctg"s lifgn*q ryill need tq bi,ilnnroved ln'St{rneRidl:rPtiliti$s.. lYoqk rvill ntc(l 1o bs insrrer(cd snd nmroved br Stonellidee 1flililils. COT{TRACTOR LTCENSE OND NTJIIIBE&.- Customer re t,] r1 n C Datc 3";7 -)si Stonerid ge Utitity lnspection/com m e nting billing date Siglatue * )rte ---*. I*ABOR FOR WATEN INSTALLATION QUAT{TffY DESGRIPTIOIU UilIT PRICE LIilE TOIAT 10 Hourg 2 Houm 10 tpune 10 Hou:s 10 Hours 10 Howe 1 Hour Operator OfllceAdmln Operators Aosl$Ent Laborer Laborer Baclthoc Jumplng Jaclr $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. 375.00lk t55.00 rk tss.00 rr. l295.fillDay tgryoav $750.00 t50.u) tr750.00 $sso.oo $550.00 $295.00 $60.00 Subtotal Sales Tax s3.005 INVOICE Swonk fxcovoling 1300 N fwellCl Posl fslls. ,D 8385,{ l?aqesg-7008 NVOlcC r 690t Io Stone&idge lllillies 36r Stoneddgp Rd Slonchtrd, lD X1804 12081 137-3t,t8 Solesperson Job Woler Me Poyrnent Terms Ner 30 D;e Dote J lDesaiRtion lWoler Meler lflrttlsfi Qtv Unil Price line Tolol 3500I35m Subtotd Soles Tox Iotol 35m 0 3S00 Moke sll clreckr poyable lo Swonk Excovoling Thonk you lor your burlnessl 6 s,,€ffih= StooeRidge Utitiry Co. PO Box 298 Blancha:d, ID 838M (208)437-3148 APPTICATION T'OR WATtsR/SEWEN CONM{ECrION WATER NAM MAILING gTY, SI'ATE, TELEPHONE NO.: 8t K: STREETADDRESS: RECEIVED q WATEn/SEWER FEES: $ro,oooSEWER HOOK.UP WATER HOOK-UP $asooCONTNIBUTION IN AID.OF CONSTRUCfl ON OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM rOR COMPANY UST ONLY: TOTAT CHARGES $ TOTAL PAYMENT s RESPONSE IilAI?t.CONI{BCTTON: tha fee associated wlth the water hook-up ls $1,200,00. I understand that frh fee ls only lcl lha right to mnnect onto lhs Stone8ldge Utlltly wator system and DOES NOT include any cosB asrociatd nith the purcha:e ol parts or installation necessary to do the physical comxtlon frorn ona's hom€ to the yratsr meter. lt aho DOES NOT indude any costs alroqlated with purchase or lnstallation of pressurc reduring and/or backflow preventlon d*lces that may be necessary for your partlcular lot to proper:y conn€ct to the system. tnclosed la the patlet ls the Inigation Eackflow Pollry and the Back0ow Test/lnlpectlon Certlfication fornr SEIYEk CONNECTION:Gravity to trra&reflt facility Pump to reameot facility Pump to drain lield Oasite septic/drain Eeld The fee for se wer hooktp it $10,000.00.I understand fiNt this hc is only for rlr dght to colt€c!onto 0le StoneRidga Utility scwcr syslem. This fp DOES NOT ftrluds any cosls associued wittr tbc purchue of parts or inslallalioa ncccssary to do &e physical co:rnection from one's home !o tbc sysm collcction tinu. It slso DOFS NOT includc sny costs associaled witb purcLarc or installation of rcptic trnk or pumpbg equipnert rbar mry be ncctsslry for your prrlicular lot to pnpcrly conaect to 0n systcm. CoI{TBI81'"IION I(\ ArD gF CONSTRUCflON rO SXpANp TIIE SyflEM therc is a Cap Er he (opnating crpeore) of $2800.00, I uodcrsurd &at thir fcc is only for tlrc riglt to comect onlo tlle StoneRidgc Utility syslcm. Thb lec DOES NOT includc any cosls usorirtd wi:h lha purchasc of parb or installatiqn ncccsrary lo do thcphysicnl cornection from one's honr to thc aysbm colbction lincs Homeowners acknowledge that they are responslble for all costs assoclated with malntenencg r:palr and labor of all llnes, pressure teduclng and/or backflow prevention devlces or paru and materials necumry for the wster syrtem to function properly from the meter to the home. Fees are subject to changs unti! payment in FUII is receiyed. nll fces must b€ pald prlor to lsruing "will serve" lelter. Work wlll only be scheduted after rrcelptof feas, StoneBldge Utllity mu3t lnspect allwork prlor to bacldll and/or completlon. CONTN.ACIORLICENSENT'MBEN ON}M'MBER-- o u 0r Date q/ea /t*r I Stoneridge Utl lity lnspectioalcom m encing billing date Signaturc- Dste- I.ABOR FON WATER INSTAL1ANOil QUA'{TITY DESCRIPTIOiI UTTIT PRICE LI]TE TOTAL 10 Hours 6 Hourc l0 hours 10 Hours 1 Hotr Operator OfficsAdmln Operatoru fuststan0 Ba*hoe Jumplng Jack 175"fl! Hr. $25.@ Hr. 875.00 Hr. $295.{xtlhy l6OtOay $750.00 $150.00 $750.(m t2e5.00 s60.00 Subtotal Salas Tax $2,qr5 Swank Excavating 1380N Ewell Ct Post Falls ID 83E54 BffiTo $otctidgo R;$n lnvoice D.te lnvoha f 1n't2g&0?03 / Tot* Bll!{t Ouantity ltem Code I Dcscdpdor Prhe Each Armunl 0! Srclvgthn -indrllwdcrmarr u0o.o0 3,ro0.ooJ Tltutk pu hr your burlncns.Total $t.t00.00 s'#,ffi TEIGE StoneRidgc Utility Co. PO Box 298 Blanchard, ID 8jS0{ (208) 437-3t48 APPLIC.A.TION FOR WATER/ SEWEN CONNECTION WATER 3.aa-l I MAITING CIIY, STATE, TEI.fPHONE NO.: BIK: STf,EEIAODRESS: RECEIVED RESPONSE WATERISEWER FEES:AL ,n)\ .rt I SEIfi'ER HOOK-UP s1 WATER HOOK.UP CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM $a,goo rON COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAT CTIARGES $ rcx)TOTAL PAYMENT $ \ilATEn CONNECIIQN.i The fee arrorlated wlih the water hook-up ls $1,200,00. I underland that thls fee ls only for the rlSht to connect onto the StoneRld3e Utllity water system and DOES NOT include any costi atsociated with the purchese of parts or lnstallation necesrary to do the physical connection from one's horne to the water meter. lt also DOES NOT lnclude any costJ assoclated with purthare or installation ol pressure reducing and/or backllow prevention devices that may be necessary lor your p3.ticular lot to properly (onnect to the Byltem. Entlosed ln the packet ir the lnlgation Beckflow Policy and the Backflow Test/lntpection Certilicatlon form $EIYERCOIINESTION: O Gravity to trcatment facilitytr Purnp to treatment facilirY0 Pump to drain field U Onsite septic/dnin lield Thc ;ec for sewer hookup is S 10,000.00. I utderst{nd that this fee is orrly for thc right lo connect olllo the StoneRidge Utitiry s*ver system. This fee DOES NOT includc any cosls lssociatsd rvith tltc purcha* of par$ or installation nlcessar)'to do the physical conneclion from onc's home lo the system collection lines, lt also DOSS Ngl? inctude any costs nssociated with purcharc or iastnllation of .septic lanks or punrping equipmcnt thst may be ncccssary for your particulu lrrt to propcrly cotlnect lo lhe iystcrn' coNTRBUmON INJUn OF CONSTIUCTION TO E)illAt$t, TrrE sysTr,M There is a Cap Ex fec (operating expensr) of $2800.00. I understarxl thnt this fbe is only for t}te right lo ccnncct onto rhc StoncRidge Utility system. This fcc DOES NOT iucludc rny @sls nssorcialed with the purchlx of pans or insrallurion n*crsrry to rto thc physical connection from one's homc to lhe system collection lirrs Homeowners acknawledge thal they are responslbte for all costs assoclated wlth maintenance, repair and labor of rll lines, pressure reduclng and/or backflow prevenllon devlces Er part5 and rnaterialr oRcessary for the Yrrtgr system to functlon properly from the meter to the home. Fees are suhiert to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be paid prior to issulng *rvill serve" lelier. Work will only be scheduled after recelpt ol fees' SloneRidge UtilltY must lnspecl all work prior to backfillandlor completion. nn:lrnvcd bv StoncBidec [Jtililic"s. COI,{TRACTOR LICJINSE *rrouul , f,oND }ruMBER- Custorner Datc e7- IS Sbneridge Utility tnspection/com msncin g billlng date Slgnuturc- Date ' . INVOICE DATE 3t24t2019 LABOR FOR WATER INSTATLATION DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTALQUANTITY 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours 11 Hours 10 Hours 1 day plus 3hr Operator Offico Admin Operators Assistaat Laborer Laborer Eackhoo Jumplng Jack $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $zs.og Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $6O/Day $750.00 $50.00 $750.00 $550.00 $605.00 $2s5.00 $75.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total $3.075 $3,075 Swank Excovating 1380 N Ewell Ct Post Falls ID 83E54 Bi{ To sroncrldgc Utilirics lnvoice Oate lnvolcs* 8t2ff2020 aEzl t' Tobl Bi[ed Quantity De3c;iplion 03 Excavorion Ndcr m.l3r Prics EEch Amounl t,50{r.00 3,500.00 nunk you for your lu:incss" Total $3.500.00,/ s4 hIE,FIID(gE, StoneRidge UtititY Co. POBot 298 Blanchard, ID 838M (208) 437-3148 APPLICATION POR WATER/SEWER CONNECTION WATER 1 , A" -< /-7 MAIIIN6 CITY, STATE, TELEPHONE NO.: BL(: STREET ADORESS: \'*)1 opD RTCEIVED WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK-UP $ro,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $z,gooCONTRIBUTION IN AI D OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OT SYSTEM FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: [I:trTOTAT CHARGES s r$DTOTAL PAYMENT $L RESPONSE WATER CONNE-QTIQN: the fee associated with lhe water hook-up is $1,200.fi). I understand that this fee is only for the rfiht t! ronnect onto the Stonef,idge Utility wa!*r tystern and DOIS NOT laclude anr.o5t9 associated with the purchase of parts or lnstallatlon necessary to do the physlcal connection frotn one's home to the water meter. lt al:o OOES NOT include any [osts associated wlth purchase or installation of presrure reducing and/or backflow prevention devices that may be necessary for your partlcular lot to properly connect to the system. fnclosed ln the packel ll the lrrigation Backflow Policy and the Backflow 1eil/lnsp€ctlon Cerailication forrn sEl{rER CONNE9IION:Gravity to trcatment lacility Pump to treatment facility Pump to drain field Onsite septic/drain ficld The fee hr retrer huolup is $ 10.000,00. I unders(and thnt this fec is only for thc right to conn cr omo the Str.rneR,idge Utility se wer syslem. This fee DOES NOT include any uosrs ossocialcd with thc purchasc of parls or installaticn oeaessiny lo do the plry.sical conilcction from onc's homc to lhc syslc,, colkction lincs. lt also ]O[S NOT include lny cosls associolcd rvith purchasc or inslallation of septic tonks or pumping equipment thel may be ncc(s$ary for your poflicular lot to propcrly connccl lo the syslern. col-.rTBpufioN rN AID gLcoNsrRucfloN To EXPAJ\{D T]IE SySTEil,I The re is a Cap Ex fec (operating cxpense) of $2800.00. I understand that this fee is only for tlre righr .n connccr onlo lhc StoncRidgc Utility systern, This fee DOFJ NOT include any costs associuled wilh the purchasc of parts or irslallation nqcessary to do ahe physical conncction from one's horne lo fie system collcction lines llsmeowners acknowledge that they are responslble tor all costs asrociated with malntenance, repalr and labor oi all lines, gre5sute reducing and,/or backflow prevention devlces or parts and malerials recessary for the water system to functlon properly from the meter to the homs. Fees are subjsct to change until payment in FULL is received. All fee: must be pald prior to lssulng "will serve" letter. Work wlll only be scheduled after receipl oi fees. stoneRidge Utillty mult lntpert allwork prllr to backflll and/or completion. I\pJq:,'l'herg$tqr'lftoddilirrnrl chnrgtxfnrvrriltionson*rrlnurl connoctionrcquirtrnents,.,iuclruslinH trlrnsilns t*,[LoF-erl,r:" ln:lpllnlion ol meter sel.nnd sen'lce linr: to mtin. borins undqr roads nnd nr lirirrg a.!,!rltall. rtc.,.lYork rvould }* ncrformcrUlt liccnscdlhondrd public works ronlnrctor. Docrrmcnltr(ion +f t LoncRidec Utilitic-s, lVork rvil! qecll to be inspccted old rrrlrruur.d trv $iuneRitlcrlllilitieii. CONTKACTOR LICENSE MJITT NUIUBEB- Customer Date " -/q 5toneridge Utility lnrpection/commencing billing date Sicnoturc Date l1 ii il * TABOR FOR WATER IiISTALISTIOil quAHTrY DESCRIPTIOil Ut{lT PRICE LlttlE TOTAL 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 15 Hours 15 Hours 10 Houra I Hour Opcrator OffissAdmln Operatora Asictcnt Laborer Lahoror Baelthoe Jumping Jaclt t78.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. S/5.00 Hr. 155.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. 0300.001thy SSOIDay $750.00 $50.00 $750.00 $825 $826 $3fi).00 $50.00 Subtdal Sales Tax $,c{n INVOICE $wont fxcovoling 1380 N Ewell C, Posl FoI6. 'O 83651 l?wi659-1008 rNvocE t 6899 10 StoneRidge Ulillbr 364 Ston€.idgs n( Blonchod, D8im4 1208f {i,7-31{8 Solesperson Job V/oler Meler lnsloll Poynenl Terms Net 30 Dua Dqle 8tv Descrlplion Woler Meter Unil Pdce Lhe Totol 35003500 Sublolol Soles lox Iolol 3sm 0 3ffi MokB ollcheckr poyoble lo Swonk Excovoting Ihonk you lor yo,ur burlnlrrl 4 StoocRidgr Utility Co, P,O. Srix298. Slendrrr4 tD 83804 (108),{l?-2180 IvIAILING crry, STAI3, 1iEISFHONE BLK: STREET PRIVTOUS NEU, CONNf,CT]IPIL S.rl:rCo*cction_ Fcc: t- thc fcc ssocirtcd wittr tlu wrtcr hook.up ir Il,2!0.00, I urdcrrund rhat thir ftr ir oaly hr t}c right ro comcct otrto lltc StorcRi{e Utillly wslr. ryrlcn lod DOES NOT includc rny coru orloolilcd $rih tbc prnhuo of pnr or iastrllr,tiol ucccs$ry ro do thc Fytird cmoccticn liom oc'r tooc to rb wrler Ericr. lt dro DOES tfOT lnclud. roy costt r$ochEd witb prgluse or hst lbdon olpresrure rcduclng urd/or backllow pcvcntlon dcviccs thrt mry be ncccccary for your prrticular lot to propcrly connlql ro lbG lyilcnr En;loscd h tlrc are*a b $: trigrtion Blclt0ow Policy rrd lhc B:ckllow Tardlitpcclaor Ccrriicrdon fonn. Frcr rre rubJa* li clrin3. vtr IIUC Rulcr & Rcgulrrlorr. Allfrccmustbcpridtllc$t30dryspriutoconnection. Worlwillonlylcrchcdulcdr0crrccciptoffccs. StoncRidp Utility rrusl inlpea all xotlc prior to bacllill lrrtUor couptctira l{omcovn*n rslnonlcdgc thu tlcy arc Grponslblo for rll sos! rsocirlrd wltb &rhtcoutcc, rspoir 0!d lslar of !I llncq prtsure rcducinS rnilor bacllhw prwcndon dcvlccs or partr and mltcrirls noccrsrry to{ ta udtr tr;1cm to ftnction pmpqly thom $e mitcr ao thr horD?. Z lrs Itq Complctcd Conaoclon Drtt: Blllinj Comnrcrring Drtc: Stonc*i{c Utilidrs: ryt \bn a ,t. 1l : i .i l at ;, ,, ,I I l I t:, d 1 I t ,i L I s T q t :ijil,t * , a III\ { I*tt , I J 1 i IYATER.QONNSCTTOrY: rhe fee assoclated with the water hook"up ls $1,200.10, I understand that t 1h fre l5 only for the rlght to connectonlo the stoneRidge utility rrater system and OOES Nor indude any costs arsociated with the purchasa of parts orlnstalaetion nccessary to do the physlcal ronnedlon from one's home to lhe water meter. lt also D0ES NoTlnclude any costs arsociated with purchase or rnsta[auon of presslre reducrng and/or bacKrow preven$on devicesthat may be nec*rary for your.panlcular lot to properly connect to *e svstei. Enclosed in the packet ls thelrrigatlon Baclllow Pollcy and the Backflow Test./rnspeclon certlfisation form SEIY$&coNNECfiON:Graviry to treatmert facility Pump to treatneot faciliry Pump to drain field Onsite septic/dn in lield The fee. for seler hookup is $10000.00. t urdrrstand &ar rhis fec is only for rtr rlghr to cgrutlct o1l0 thBStoneRidge Utility scrver systcm. This fcc DoEs Nor iacludc ,ny *rL associated vith thc prrchase of parls orinsralldion necBssary to do tlc physical connection from olrt horne to lhe syslem collection lincs, It alto DoESNoT ilclude tny costs rssocialtd with purchuc or installstior of scptic tanki or pumping equipmerl thil may be necessary for your particular lol to pmperly connect to fie systeil. col.{TRIBtIgoNIN AIp Or coNsTnuclroN To 3lfl,Aryp TnF sysTSM ?hcre is a Cap ex fee (opcrating expense) of $2800.00. I urdersrand thrt thisfre is only for tlc righl ta connecroalo:te StoneRidge Utility syslem. This fcc DOES NoT iacludr any cosrs as$cirted wlth the puritrasc of porrs orinstallation necessary lo do thc ph1:ical conncction from onc's homc ro the s},s&o collectior lincs Homeowners acknowledge that they ate responslble for all cosB assoclated wilh maintenancg repalr and labor ofall tines, pressute reduclng aad/or backflow prev€ntlon devlces or parts and maleilals necessary for the y,ater system to functlon properly fiom the meter to the home. Fees are suhject to change until payment in FULL is received. All i8es must be paid prlor to lssulng nwlll serve" letter. Work wlll only be scheduled after recelpl of fe*. StoneBldge utillty must lnspect all work prtor to backfill and/or completion. CONTRAC?ORLICENSTNT'M8f,8-* .-***. rON}NUIIIBER Customer Signature Sisnalure Dnte % Stonerldge Utllity lnspection/comm!ncitg bilting date Datc o D o 0 INVOICE DATE 6rc0DA20 I LABOR FOR WATER .NSTALLATTO]II QUANTTW }ESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours 10 Hcurs 10 Hours 1 day 1 Hour $75.00 Hr. $2$.00 Hr. $75.O0 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $225.00 $60/Day $750.00 $50.00 $750.00 $$50.00 $550.00 $29s.00 $225.00 $s0.00 Operator Office Admin Operalors Assistant Laborer Laborer Eackhoe Sm. Excavator Jumping Jack $ubtotal Sales Tax Total s3.230 $3,230 Swank Excavating 1380 N Ewell Ct Post Fdls ID 83854 Bl[ ?o Stoneridgc Utilitics Quantity lnvoice !ale lnvoac€ f Nnfra020 0826 Told Bllad Prlce Each Amountllem Code Deecriptlon 3J00"0u 3J00.0003 lircawtion insllll rvalsr mstsr Total lr,tq,.00 'ttank )ryu foryottr buslncas. H I\i\f K f I5.GI: StoneRidge Utility Co. P.O. Box 298 - Blanchard, [D 83804 (208) $7-2r80 APPLICAT]ON FOR WATER COT{NECTTON t/4.r<,>Otq CITY, STATE, TELEPHONE NO.: BLK: STREETADDRESS: PREVIOUS NEW CONNECTION:Walcr Conneclion Fec: The fee associated wath lhe waler hook-up is $1,200.00,I understgad that thlr fee ir connest onto the StoneBidge Utlllty water syrtem and OOES NOT lndude any corts sssoclsled with the parts or lnstallatlon necersary to do the fhyslal connestlon from one's home to the water meter. lt also OO8S NOT lnclude any costg arsociated with purchase or lnstallation ol pressure reducirg and/or backflow prevention devlces that may be necessary for your partlcular lot to property connect to the syslem. Enclosed ln the packet is the lrrhatlon 3ackflow ?ollcy rnd the Backf,ow Test/lnrpxtion Cerlllicatioa form. Fees are rubject to chan6o via lPtlC ftules & Reguletlonr. All fees must be paid at least 30"day: prlor to connectior, Work wlll only be scheduled after recelpt of fees, StoneRldge Utility must inspert all work prlor to bac*till .nd/or completion. Homeowners acknowledge that they ars rsrpor$lble for all cost! assoclated wl$r malntenance, repalr and labor of all llnes, p;Gs$ure reduclng and/or backflow preventlon devlces or parts and materlals necessary for the wEter rystem to funstaoo properly from the meter to the home. Nots: There mrv bc nddilignrl rfig.rum for varintionr on normal conacction requlremcnts. sug.ll0!.linr cxlgnsio+s to trfqnc{v. i$slnllqtign of.Frter scl nnd scrvicc linc to mrin. borirrg undcr roads and or tii*inq ngntalt. ctc. lYoIlt ryould lrc ocrfornrcd P,vJicensdtuondod nubllc rrorks oontnnctor. llocunrenlatio{ qf contrn$[or's liccnsc rvlll nccd lr lrc onpfot[4 bv StoncRldsc Utililics. Work ul[ nced to bc insofc-t*LgEg Date Cornphtcd Connection Dater StoneRidgc Utililics: B illing Commcming Dalc: INVOICE DATE 2t112019 LABOR FOR WATER INSTALLATION quANTtw DESCRIPTION UilIT PRICE IINE TOTAL 10 Hours 4 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours '10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 1 Hour Operator Office Admin Operators Assistant Laborer Laborer Backhoe Operator Backhoe Jurnping Jack $75.00 Hr. $23.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $75.O0 Hr. $295.00/Day *60/Day $750.00 $100.00 $7s0.00 $550.00 $5S0.00 $7s0.00 $zss.oo $60.00 $ubtotal Saler Tax Total 3{.00s ,4,005 ##ffi IE)Gt StoncRidge Utitity Co. PO Box ZgSBlandrad,ID 83S)4 (208) 437-314S APPLICAIION FOR IryAIEN/SEffER CONNECMON SETI{ER./ . WATER?-- MAITING ctTy,s',rATE, $TEPHONE NO.: Btk STREETAD}RESS; WATER/SEWER FEES: RECEIVED DATE: .. _, RESPONSE DAGI SEWER HOOK-UP $ro,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $tzoo COI\,TRIBUTION IN AID oF coNsrBuciloN OF EXPANSION OI SYSTEM s2,S0o FOB COMPATUY USE ONLYI TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAI. PAYMENT s IilATER COI{NDCIIONi lhe fee assoclat€d wlth the water hoohup ls $X,?00.00. I underut.nd that thb fee ls only for the rEht to conoect onlo the StoneRidge Utlllty wit€r syJlem and DOEs NOT hclude any costs assoclated wlth the purchase of parts or lnrtrtLtlon n€ceslary to do the physlsl connection from one's homc to the watcr mPter. tt also DOES NOI lnclude any costs associatcd with purchr;e or lnslallatlon ol prassura reducial and/or badtllont pranntion devices that may be necesary for your particular llt to properly cmnecl to the system. Encloced ln the parket b the lnigatlrr Backflow Pollcy and the Eackllow Test/lnspection Certllltatlon form SBIIE$ CONNEQTION: 0 Gravity to tramcff facirity O ?ump to treatmcnt tdcility O PurPtodrahfielal U Onsite septic/drais field The fec for se$reJ hookup is $t0,000.00. I u*denirnd tbst lhis f:c is ordy for 0e iigbt lo cilafflorto tlc SrorrRidgc Utility sc*tr systlrD" This fee DOES NOT i*ludr any oosls rssociated with the purchueof pa;is or iastallatloc nccessary to do &e pbysical connestion frorn ole'E home to tlrc systemcollectiol lirxs. It dso DOES NOT include any costs associated with pwhase or lnstallation of scptic urE or puoging cqripmentthat may bc ncc€ssary fur your puticular lot to pmpcrly conmcl to the sysrem. CoNTRIBIJ'IION S{ AU) Or CONSTnUCTTON TO EXPA}ID Tfl3 SY$l'-EM There is a Cap Er fec (operating cxpcruc) of $2800,00, I undertrnd tbrt tbis fia is only for &t right to councct onto thc StorcRidge Ulility systcrn. fiis ftc DOES NOT iaclldc any costs u5ocialcd wlth th Purcbuc of parB or hshltation neccssnry o do tlre pbysical conneqtion from one's Lome lo &e sysnm collesilr lincs Homeowners rcknowledge that they are responslble for all cosb assoclated wlth mahtrtsnce, repalr and labor of all lines, pressure reduclng and/or bacHlow provention devlces or parts and matedals necessary for the water iystem to functlon propcrly from tie meter to the home. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL ls received. Al| foes must be paid prior to bsuing -wlll serveo lette.. Work will only be scheduled alter reelpt of fees. StoneRldge Utllity must lnrpect allwork prior to backlilland/or completion. COI{IB,ACIOB LICENSE NIJMBES-- Cuslomer Datc Stoneridge Utility lnspection/commenclng bllling date Signature- Dltc - rNvolcE DATE 8t7 t201s LABOR FOR WATER INSTALLATION QUANflTY DESCRIPT]ON UNIT PRIGE LINE TOTAL 10 hours 2 hours Operator Office Admin $75.00 $2s.00 $750.00 ss0.00 Subtotal Total tr00.00 5800.00 Subtctal $800.00 I\{8, StoneRidge Utllity Co. P.0. Box 298 - Blanchard, l0 83804 (208) 437-2180 NAM f-et,-tf MA!LING CITY, STATE, ZIP TELHPHONE NO.: BLK STREET NEWCONNECTION:Watcr IEt,..iE;€, 9:e-Fec:6 The fcc associrted with thc wuler hook-up is $1,200O0. I undersund ilar this fct is only for &c right to conneca onto rhe $roncRidge Utiliry water system and DOES NOT includc any costJ associated with thc purchase of paru or installation nccessary lo d; thc physicrl conncctlon from onc's homc lo tht rvalcr ntlcr. lt also DOES NOT includc any costs associatcd wirh purchasc or i:rstallation of pressue rcducing and/or backflow prcvenlion dcYic.t thil mry be neccssary for your particular lot m pmpcrty .onnect lo thc syslem. Enclosed in thc packct is the lniguion Backflow Policy and thc Backflow Test/lnspection Ccrtilication form. Fccs nrc subjcct lo clrnngc via IPUC Rulcs & Regulnlions. All fccs murt bc paid at lcast 30.days prior to connection. Work will only be schcduled after receip: of fees. StoncRidgc Ulilhy must inspect all work prior lo backfill and/or completion- l1orn;gwners Ecknowledgc thsl lhsy arc respcnriblc for all costs associated wilh rraintcnan*, repair and labor of all lincs, prcssurc reducing and/or backflow prevention dcviccs or parts and matcrisls nccessry for lhe uater ty$em 1o function properly ftom thc mdcrlo the home. Date f-3*/Y Completcd Conmction Dalc:B illing Commerrcing Date: StoneRidge Utilitics: BDtvtSt lNvotcE DATE 10/31 t2018 IABOR TOR WATER INSTATLATION QUAilTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 10 Hours 2Hours Operator Office Admin $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $750.00 $s0.00 Subtotal $ales Tax Total s800 s $800.00 frr.r E 1r <-IE>GE StoneRidge Utility Co. P,O. Box 298 - Blanchard, ID 83804 (208) 437-2180 CITY, STATE, TELEPHONE NO.: BLK: STRXETADDR.ESS: PRSVIOUS OWNER: NE1Y CONNECTIONi WatcrConnsclhnlbs Sl&oCl:I' nre lee assoclated wl]h the water hook-up li 51,200.00. I understand thet thls fee is onlyfor th€ right ro connect onto the StoneRid8e Utllity water system and DOIS NOT lnclude any costs rlroclet€d wlth the purc{rase of parts or in:tallatlon necelsary to do the physlcal connedlon firom one's home to the wat€r rct.r. lt abo OOESNoT lnclude any cotts assoclated with purchase or in3t.llation of prerure reducing and/or backflow prevenlon devkes that mry bo necessary for your particubr lot to properly cotnect to the syst€m. Enchged ln ihe packet ts the ltrlgatlon Backflow Follcy and the gocktlowTest/lnspecUon Certlficallon form. feer re subjea to change via IPUC nulel & Regulations. All fee! must be pald at least 3O.days prlor to connectlo:r. Work wlll only be schedulcd after recelpt of fses. $tonaildge Utility must lntpect allwork prior to backlilt and/or completion. Homeowners actnowledge that they are responslble for all corts essociated wlth ma,ntenance, repalr end labor of all ltner, pressure reduclng and/or backflow prevenllon devlces or parts and materlalr nec€ssgry fcr tho water rystem to functlon properly from the meter t! th! home. Datc $CIneRidge Utilitissl I ill ing Commcncin3 Dlrc: Swank Excavating 1380 N Ewell Ct Post Falls lD 83854 tlill To Stonoirlgc Utilitics lnvoice ffis lnvdce# 8A6n020 0822 Y Iolal Biled Quantfry hsm Coda Descdillon Prie Eadt Arnount 0t Gxcovation 03 lixcovation for wlltmrin E hour$ wa&rmdn io$dl rrt.t lJoo.00 880.00 1,100.00 tt0.(x, Thrnl 1cu for your bruincsr. 3{JEo.00Total . .--a INVOICE DATE 1txtza19 LABOR FOR WATER INSTATLATION QT.lANTITY DESCRIPTiON UNIT PRICE LII'IE TOTAL 13 llours 2.75 Hours 13 hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 3 days 1 day Operator Oflice Adrnin Operators Assistant Laborer Laborer Backhoe Jumplng Jack $75.00 Hr. $2s.oo Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $?95.00/Day $60/Day $975.00 $70.00 $e75.00 $s50.00 $s50.00 $885.00 $60.00 $20.o0 Subtolal Sales Tax Total $4.065 $4,065 g I\I H,rit IP(38 StoneRidgcUriliry Co. PO Box 298 Blanclnrd, ID g3g04 Q48r 437.3t48 APPTICATION TOR WATER/SEWET. CONNECTION sEwER*Ja_ WATBR \,/ 4-lo -t MAII"ING CITY, STATE, TETEPHONE NO.: BI"K: STREET AOORTSS: RECIIVTI} DATE: WATER/SEWER FEESI STWER HOOK.UP $ro,om WATEN ilOOK-UP $t,zoo $2rooCONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCT|oN OF EXPANSIOil OF SYSTEM FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAT CHABGES $ l4,ooo. $ lf,ooo ' TOTAI PAYIyTENT EESPONSE DA rilATE[. CON,NECTION: The fee arsociated with rhe warer hook-up i3 gr,2oo.o0. r unde,rand lhat thrr fee is onry ior rhe rlght to connect onto rhe stoneRidge uti*g water system and D.ES N.T lnc'.rda any corts assocaated wrth thr purchase ol part' or installatlon neces$ry to do the physical conneclion from one's hgme to the water meter' lt also DOES NOT lnclude any costs assocleted wlth purchese or lnrtallatiol of pressure redUclnl' and/Or backflow prevention dAVlCeS thai may be necersary for your particular lot to properly tonnttt-to the sy'tem' Enclosed in the patket B tha trrisattoi gackflow pollcy and lhe Backflorv Testllnspection certiliration form SEWER.9OIIIMCTION: COI{TRACTOR LICENSA Stone ridge UtillW I nspection/com mencing billing date Gnvity to treatmclt facilirY Pump to treatmcnt facilirY Sump to drain field Onsitc septic/drairr field NUMBDR . -9rte 4 *n-lq Oate !-tr lr 3 Thc fce for scwer hookup is $10,000.00. I undenrand rhar this fec is only for the right lo connect onto lhe stoneRidge utitity scwcr system. This fee DoEs Nor incrude any costs associatcd wirh the purchare o[p$ns or instirllalior ncccsssry ro do the physicol connection from one's homt to lhc syslcm collegion lincs' It olso DoES NoTinclude0nycostsarsociltcdwitlrpurchaseotinstaltotionolsepticlanksorpumpingcquipmtalthatmaybc n"..r.nry for your porticulu lot to properly conntcl lo tr systcm' Thcre is a cap Ex fer (operlring expe nse) "j!2_E_00.m. I understand lhal this fee is only [or the rig]t1 lo connecl onto thc stoneRidge utiliry system. Thls fee DOES Nor incrude ofly costs associared rvith the purcha:c of p'rls or insrallarion neccss,ry .o d; ;;phrtical connection from onc's home to the systcm collection lincs HomeownersacknowledgerhattheYareresponsib|eforallcostsitsoclatedwithrnalntsnance,repairandlaborof all liner, prst3ure reduclng and/or brckflow prevenlion dwices ot parts and rn3terials necessry for the water syttem to functlon properly from the mrter to the home' Fees are subiect to change until payment in FULL is received' All fees muSl be paid prior to issuing'will rerve' letter' wort wlllonly be scheduled after receipt of feel' StoneBldge Utllity must ln:Pxl all work prior to backftll and/or completloa' LABOR FOR WATEB IiISf,AILATIOT{ QUAT{TITY DESSR!PMON U]IIT PRICE tItIE TOIAL 10 Hours 2 Hourp 10lmns 10 Hours 10 Houra 10 Hours 1 Hour Operator OfflceAdmin @mtore Asslstgnt Laborer Lsboror B*khoe Jumflng Jadr Excavator $7$.00 Hr. 025.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. tS5.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $29s.O0rDay fS{llDay $290.CI}/rlry $750,00 $50.00 t750.00 tsso.oo $s0.00 $29S.00 $60.00 s290 Subtotal Salee Tax 13.2S5 C&rOttWortcLLC &a4 Bkndurd Cutoff Bd. Blanchard,lO 89804 (406) 381"90r8 lnvoice StrtTO StonerUge CI[ifies P.O.3ox 298 Blandrard, tD ggg04 INVO|CE* 1103 DATE 06ir2580r9 DUe 0ATE 0s/i25/2019 TEnn S Dueon ,1 .tt l orY RAl E 75.00 DESCRIPTION D[ lor servlce stub back lowetgr rnaln,expoeo mdn line arofrls address.ilobllhadon ol equlpmont. Mlnl-excavalor Labor Job materials and parls. Small tool renlat. Th? woil done at Dlg and exposa culasphaltlo prepars lor hot tap olmalnwater,ine; hot lap maln Ine,ormsler oervice. Minl*xcavator Labor Tructdng Rodt Job meterlals and parts. $malltool rental. Moblllza$on out ot equlpmont. The lollowlng chargps are lor dig andexpossr"q# asfialt !o prepara lor hot tap ofmain water line;hot tap mai; ilnalor meter seruha. irlinlcxcayelor Labor Trucklng r',1 tu' L. OATE 06fi7m19 06/1712019 06/17/2019 46n78919 w17nus 4n* o6iliavaorg 06/1812019 05i/19n019 08/18/2019 05fl8A019 06fl8n010 06i/tra019 06/1812019r/ft* o6i/1gmre 4 115.00 6 50.001 2agaez 1 50.00.| 0.00 Ac't'rvil Y Sales AMOUNI 75.00 460.00 300.00 2,999.22 50.00 0.00 Fhurr Hours Selss Sde; Sehs Houu HoUG Hourg Salea Sdes Salas lhuro $| 15.00 50.00 109.00 15.00 50"00 75.00 575.00 375.00 109.00 15.00 2.399.22 s0.00 75.00 575.00 375.00 109.00 7.s0 1 1 1 1 06/t8€0re 06/1819019 0611 8t?019 Hourc Hours Houa 5 7.50 1 r 15.00 50.00 109.00 8_€s5;IE'(GE, StoncRidgeUtilityCo. PO Box 298 Blarclard, ID 838U (208) 437.3148 APPLICAfiON FOR WAIER/SBSTER CONNACfiON SEWER"- WATER X-7ry MAIUNG crY, srATE, TELEPHONE NO.: 0uc STREETADD*ESS: RECEIVED RESPONST WATER/SEWER FEES; SEWER HOOK-UP $to,ooorx WATER HOOK.UP $1,200t CONTRIBUTION IIU AID OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM Saaoo FOR COMPANV USE ONLY: {, ou"TOTAT CHARGE5 $ $4-TOTAL PAYMENT ooo II|AIELCONNEClrON: The fee assoclated wlth the water hook up ir $1,200.00, I understand that this fee ls only for tb: rlght to connectonto the Ston€ildge Utility watcl system and OOES lrloT lnclude any cqrts arsociat{d wlti the purciase of parts orlnltallation necersary to do the physlcal connectlon from ondr home to the nater meter, lt also DotS lloTindude any costs assoclrted with purchase or lnstallatlon ofpressure rcdudng rnd/or backiow preventlon devkesthat may be necersary for your partlcular tot to properly connect to thr systei. Eoclosed ln the pack€t ls th€lrrlgatlon Eacktlow Pollry and the Backflow res;t/lnspectlon ccrtlfication iorm SDTi{ERCON}IECflQi* E Gravityto rrcatucnrfacitiry O Pump to &easrentfaciliryU Pumptodrainlield U Onsitc sqptic/drain field fhe f1-f.or scwer hookup ls $10,000.00. I undcrstand thst &is fee is onty for rhe righr ro connecron:o lhestornRidgc utility seurr sy'tem. This fec DOES Nor lnclude any cosl asscciarei witb :ho prrclrasc of parrs oriostallatioa neccssary lo do the physlcat conncclion from onp's homc to thc systcm colhction lines. Ir rlso DOESNOT include aay tlsB assocland with plrchase or inslrtlation of septic tanlcs or punpirrg eguipocnt rhat mny bencc$sae/ for you prrticxllr lot lo propsrly comcca to thc sysrcm. COTfITTIBVITON IN AID OF CONSIRUC"IION TO E)(?Ar{D "IS STSIET{ Therg is a Cap Ex fcc (opcrati4 cxpcnsc) of $2800.00. I undcrstrnd that lhis fce is only for 0rc rigfu ro connccronto &e StoneRidgc Utility syetern ltris ftc DOES NOT includc any cosb a$ociltcd *itt, rtr" p,n lt sc of parh oriustalbtioa nccnssary lo do fic physical conrrction frora orrc's homc to thc sysurr cotkctioa lincs Homeownen ac*nowledge that they are responslble for all rosts asloclated with fialnhnanm, repalr and labor of all llner, pre$ure r€duclru and/or beckflow preventlon davlcca or partJ and malerlals rccersary for the water system to functlon properly ftom the meter to the home, Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be pald prior io lssulng 'wlll rerv€" letter. Work wtl only be scheduled after recelpt of fees. StoaeRldge Utllity must inspect all work prior to backflll and/or completlon. coNTnacTon NUN,IBER Customer Dot! Sloneridge Utility lnspection/commencing billlng date signaturc_ Dilc .* - Swank Excavating 1380 N Elell Ct Post Falls lD 83854 lnvoice Bale lnvol- * u$n020 070? -/ SillTo Stoncddgc Rcsort Tohl Bilcd Quanlity llem Code I thsription P:ica Eadr Ailounl 03 Excrvr(ion 03 Ercavltion 0l Excrvotioa 03 Excov*ion 0! Ercavalion 03 Excnmioo ffihrtlorYrrtkrStorrs arcrwlio,n/hbor borc lcroca rord clara up/rpriotler rcpair mobllir!$00 6t5.00 e{r.00 2,800.00 e200.00 1r0.00 3axlJxt 6:r.00 11?5.00 ,,t00.00 x200.00 rJ0.00 !00.00 Thl:*you foryotrriuincs,Total sE.5r0.0o t INVOICE }ATE 5t21t2020 ;: LABOR FOR WATER II{STALTATION QUANTIW OESCRIPTION Ut'llT PRICE LINE TOTAL 10 Hours 4 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 1 Hour Operator Office Admin Operators Assistant Laborer Laborer Backhoe Operator Backhoe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $75.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $60/Day $zso.oo $100.00 $750.00 $550.00 $550.00 $750.00 $29s.00 $60.00 Sublotal $ales Tax Total $4.005 $4,005 rt3(tE, StoneRidge UdtE Co. PO Box 298 Blan&ard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 APPTICATION TOR 1ilATTR/SEWER CONNECTION SEWER--:1 WATER 5"1 -t9 MAI clTY, srATE, ZIP TEIEPHONE NO.: 8LK: STREIT ADDRESS BtcirvED WATER/SEWER FEES: SEI'I'EB HOOK.UP $1o,ooo WATER HOOK.UP $t,zoo CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSIRUMION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM 9z,goo FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAT CHARGES $N,oaa TOTAL PAYMENT $tUttu RESPONSE lvAlER CONNECTION: The fEe asrociated wilh the wabf hook-up ls s1,200.00. I undarstand that thls fee i: only for the rlSht to connect onto the stoneRidge Utillty rviter iystem and DoEs NOT include any coslJ arsociated with the purchare of partr or lnstallatlon nec€ssary lo do the physiral connecloa frorn oae's home to lhe water rneter. lt also DOIS NOT include any costs associrted with purchase or installatioa of pressure reducing and/or backflow prevention devkes lhat may be necersary for your partlcular lot :o properly connect to the rystem. fnclosed ln the packet ls the lrrigation Backflow Pollcy and the Backllorv Tcst/lnspectaon ce(ification form SET1ER CONNECI'fON: O Cravityrs freatmentfaciltryO Purnp to rreatmenr facilityE Pump to drain fieldO Onsite septic/drain field Thc fec for scwcr hookup is S1O000.00. I und;rstand that this fce ir only for fic right to countct orrto lhr StoneRidge Utility sewcr sysle m. This fce DOES NOT include sny costs associated with the purchasc of pnrrs or insullation necessary to do thc physicd comection fiom onc's homc ro the sysrem collection lines. k Elso DOES NOT include any costs associltcd with purchusc or insallation of septic ranks or pumping equipment that rnay be necessnry for your particulBr lot to proprrly conn€ct to the syslcm. COI',ITRBIffiON ${ AID Or CON$jJRUCTION TO E)OAI.ID Tm$y$tIM Therc is a CaP Ex fce (operating cxpense) of $2800,ffi. I undersrard tha: this fce is only for thc right to connocr onto thc StoncRidgc Utility syrlcm. This fee DOES NOT include any cosrs ussociatcd wirh rhe purchasc of pars or installntion neccssory to do thc physical conncction from onc's hornc to thc slsrcm collection lines Homeowners acknowledSe that they are responslble for all costs as,orlated wlth malntenancq reprir and labor ol all llnas, pressure redudng and/or baclflow preventlon dev{ces or parts and materials nec€srlly for the water system to functlon properly from the meter to the home. Fees are subject to change until payrflent in FULL is received. All fees must be paid prior to l:suing "will rervc" letler. Work will only beschedulEd after receipt of fees. Stone8idge Utillty must lnlpeet all wort prlor to beckllll and/or completlon. Nottl 'l'lr(re nHI bcJrtldilionirt ehilruti- [o.r rgf inlions ur rtornrill connectil:r l:rnrtirfnrcals. such fls li*c oxtc,rrsjpni (o qroplcltv, lllgtnllnlion of nrclcl se l.-n4q,gulv},ec lirrc !g lltjlif!..lroring undsr rrrrrl-.. rrrxl or firins 1tsnlult. ctc. lYpfh rvoultl bc ncrforqqlur'- Iiglnsgd/lpnded rruhlic"rlpr]$Jonlrnctor'. f)ocurrle.ntlrtion ot contfaclol''.s liconsa nill ncerl lq lrq$nnrnee d bv Stonclli{lqc tjlililiss. lyorl} u'lll nr'gd lrt-|.,,g j$I}*ct€(l &n(t npprrrvgl br S(n{reRidqc Ulilitics, coNrRAcroR LrCENSS rtlJrvrBER BOND mmlnn_ Customer Signature Signature_Date Stoneridge Utility lnspection/rumrnencing billing date Signature--Datc I]IIVOICE DATE s/13t2019 LABOR FOR WATER I]TISTALLATION qUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hu-:rs 1 Hour 0perator Office Admln Operators Assistanl Laborer Laborer Eackhoe Jumping Jack $75.00 Hr. $25.00 Hr. $75.00 hr. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $60/Day $750.00 J50.00 $7$0.00 $550.00 $s50.00 $?9s.00 $60.00 Subtolal Sales Tax fotal $3,00f $3,005 'o'l?'#frT"[T,[,3;r*(208)437:3148 APPTICATION rOR IryATtsR/ SEWEN CONNBCTION sET[{ER_ IITATER >< - /r?l-",u-MAIIINC clTy,STATE, TEI.IPHO}IE BLI* StriE€I ADDRTSS: RECEIWD RESpO'{st I,UATEN/SFWER FETS; SEWER HOOI(.UP $los0o WATER HOOK-UP 91,zog UTION IN AID OF CONSTRUCflON $z,aooCONTRIB OF EXPANSION OTSYSTEM FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTALCHARGSS $ TOIAL PAYMTNT $ LABOR FOR WATER IIISTAII.ATIOH quAilnw DESCRIPTIO]I UTIT PRICE LIilE TOTAL 7 Houre 2 Hors l0 ttours l0l.blrs 10 Hours 1O Hours 'l Hour Operator. OffG Admln Opemtors A,sslBt nt Laborar LsbotEr Backhoe Jumplqg Jack i75.lXl l{r. tzs.m rr. S75.fi! Hr. $5$"00 Hr. $55"00 rr. $Z95.tXilDay $S{llBay t525.00 $50.00 $750.00 8550.00 $550.00 tzs6.00 s60.00 $r.Stotal Sahs Tax $2.6S, Swank Excavating 1380N EwellCt Post Falls lD 83854 tnvoice Dttr lnvoice# 7lt5t2g7o 0706 Bilt To Storrcridgr Rctort T0618i'tcd Ouentity lEmCode Descdption Pfir Each Amount 0t Excarttion 03 l}cavation 03 Ercnrtion 03 Excavotion Excaraion oscavuisy'lobnr clcon u;utcprir rod mobilization {3?.10 2J60.{t} ,,500.00 61,0.00 300.{il, 4r7.J0 2,460.00 :J00.00 600.00 300.00 'fhutk 1'ou [or your ]lrincss. Total J6:".J0 E, StoleRidge Utility Co. PO 3ox 298 Blanchard, ID gSglX (208)437_3148 A.PPTICATION FOR WATER/SfiWSA CONNECTION .}VATEN MAILING CITY, STATE, TETCPHONT BL(: STREETAODRESS: RECEIVED WATERISEWEB FEES: SEWER HOOK-UP WATER HOOKUP $Leoo ON IN AID OF CONSTRUSNON OT EXPANSION OF SYSTEM CONTRIBUTI $2,900 FOR COMTANY USE ONLY: TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL PAYMENT s RE$PON5T XATPR CONNECTION: lhe fee assoclated u,ith the water hoal-up ls 91,200.00. I understand that thi5 fee ls only for the right to conn{ct anto the StoneRidge utlllty water JystBm and 0oE5 NoT indude any costt a5rociated wlth tie purchase of partl cr installati6n necesrary to do the physicat connection from one's home to thl water m?ter. lt allo DO€S NOT include eny co$tj arsoriated with purcha{? or lnstallatlon of pressure redrcing and/or backllow prevention d:vlces that may be necessary for your partirubr lot to properly connect to the system, lnclosed ln the packet ls the lrrigation Backflow Policy and the Backllolv tesVlnsprctlon C€rtification form SEWER CONNESTION:Gravity to treatment facilirY Pump to Beatmeat facilitY Pump to drain field Onsite septic/drain field The fee for sewer hookup is $10000.00. I undcrsland lhal this fce is only for rle riSht lo con$ect onlo lhc Stone1idge Utiliry sewcr $yslcm. This fce DOES NOT include any costs lssociated witlr thc purchasc of pans or instalJation nece$$ary to dotbc physical connection from one's homc to lhe s)st€m collection lines. lt also DOES NOT includc any costs associated'rvirh purchasc or installation o[ septic tanks or pumping equiprneil that may be necessary for your particular lot to prcperty connacl l3 the systcm' CoNIRIBUTION S{ A.p Or CoNSI3UC"TION TO.JIXe4ND TflE,SySTEM There is a Cap Ex fce (operating expcnr) of $2800.00. I undersund thal this fce is only for thc:ight to conrccl onto &c Sroneliidge Uri:ity systcm. This lec DOES NOT includc any cosls assrcisted wiih the purchusc of paru or insrlllotion rccessnry lo do the physicol connection [:om onc's homc to thc systcm collcction tincs Homeowne6 acknowledge that th:y are responsible for atl costs associated with malntenance, repair and labor of ell llres, pressure reducing andlor backflow preventlon devices or parts and materials necessary for the water system ta function property from lhe meter 10 the hsme. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fees must be pald prlor to issulng 'will serve" letter. Work will onty be scheduled after receipt of fees. Stonenidge utllity must lnspect ell work prlor to backfill and/or completion. Notc:.J'hem nlal:br oddilioxllrhilrtt{:$ fnr'vilri;rlinns r,tl noJ}lxl co$lletlion.Ie(ttl8mentsr nryJl:tls.lltlc -.serr kq |ilt!, !,,, uoirj. l,uring u!I,l*f t,,ntls irn,l gr ti.i,tt ryUonrtcd-nrlt{ic, rrollls poullf ctorr, Dolttlfpntn I io4 oI e Utiiilies, lYorh rritl ncsl lo bt insrrected arrtl irnrror grl bv o$toluHidqg t ltilitlfs,' copf3Acrog LISENSU NTJMBER-$0ND I\[.rMl]ER- Cr.rstomer Signature Signoture Date Stoneridge Uti lity I nspectlon/corn m encing bi lling d ate DAtC 0 0 rl 0 s I.ABON FOR WATEN II*STALIATIOil quAHnTY DESCRtPflOil UilIT PRICE LIilE TOTAL 10 Hours S Houra 10 houra 10 Houre l1Hosr 10 Houre I Hour Operetor OffloeAdmln Operatora Aseisiant Laborer Laborer Backfne Jumplng Jadr S75.il1tlr.$750.00 $25.001-k $?$.00 Hr. $55.fi) Hr. t55.00 Hr. 02s.fit/Day 360/Day 0150.00 $750.00 i550.00 ss06.00 $2s5.00 160.00 subtotal $ales Tax $a,t6D rhs.#ffi If)(GE ,Stone.Rige Utility Co.pO Box 299 Blanchard, ID gigN QA8)4i7.3148 APPTICATION TOR WATER/SEUTER CONI\TECIION sEWER_ WATER./ MAILING ctTY, STATE, IEIIPHONE NO.: BLK: SIREETADDRETS: REC€IVED DATE; BESPONSE OATE: 5EWER HOOK.UP $ro,ooo WATER HOOK.UP Sl,zoo CONTRIBUTION IN AID .OF CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSIOTI OF SYSTEM $a800 FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAT CI{ARGEs $ TOTAT PAYMENT $ wd,IER COJ{NECTIONi the fee assocteted with lhc watsr hook-up ls $1,200.00. I understand that thir lee ls only for tha rlght to conn€ct onto ile StoneRidge Utillty v/ater sys!€m and DOE! NOT lnclude any costs a$toclat{d with the purchase of parts or installatlon recessiry lo do th* physical connection Irom one',: home to the unter meter. lt also DOES NOT lnclude any costs associated with purchase or lnstallrtinn of pressure reduclnS and./or backflow preventlon devlces that may be necessary for your particular lot io propelly conoect to the s$tem. Enclosed ln the pacftet h the lnlgatlon Backflow Policl and the Backflow Test/lnspectlon Cerlifieation forrr sxl:lrER CONMFTION:Graviry t0 t eatment faciliry Pump to &eatmerl faciliry Pump to drai:: field Onsite septic/drain field Thc fec for scrver hookup is $ 10,000.00. I undcrsland that lh:s fee is only for dr right lo connect onto lhe StoneRidgc Utility sc*rr system. f iris fec DOIS NOT include any costr associlted witlr thc purchlsc of prrts or installatiou nsessary to do lhc physical conneclion from olc's bome tc tlc sys{em collection lines. It also DOES NOT i:rclude any costs associued with purchaso or installation of septic tanlr 0r pumping equipment &rt may ltc necessaty for your particular lot to prcperly corrcrl :o the systcm. CONTRIBUTION IN AlD OT CONSTRUC.rION TO r)(PAND TEE SYSTEM Therc is a Cap [x fcc {opuating cxpense) of $2800.00. I undcrstald lhal this fcc is only for thc right lo connecl oolo tbc StoncRidgc Utility system. This fee DOIS NOT include aoy coslr usociated with the pxcluse of parls or installotion neccsslry to do thc physiral conrcclion frorr onc's homc to the systen collcction lincs Homeouners acknowledge that they arc responslble for all costs associated with malntemncg repalr and labcr of all llnes, pressure reduclry and/or backflorv preventlon devlce: or paru and nratetlals nec*saryfcr the water system to funcllcn properly from the meter to the home. Fees are subject to change until payment in FULL is received. All fess must be pald prlor to lssuing uwlll serve" letter. Wark rvlll only ba schedrled afts recelpt of fees. StoneRldge Utllity rnust lnspect all wcrk prlor tc backflll arrd/or completlon. Nhtc: Thcrc mBv be sddltloo$l charqes for vari$,tiorui j)E 4o-gml conrg-clia! rcouirerqpts suclJss linp extcruions lo proueq[y, ip{puatioa of meterspl s,q.d-seTlicj lineJg$qig..boring under roadr lad or lkins nsnhnlt. etc. Work,qould be nerformed bv.liceasrdlbondid tlpblic york$ conhactor. D-gcumentdton of contractor's liceuso n'ill nee_d to bc approved Er StoneRidge Utilltles. lYork wlll need to be insoecled and aEeroved by $loneRider UtiHies. coNTSACTOn LrC'f,NSn NUMBARJ0NI) mJrUDf,L.- Customer Signature Signaturc*-Dale- Stoneridge Utitity lnspectlon/comrnenciog bllllng drte o CI o E Sigtratilrc_.- Dtle - TABOR rOR WATER II{STAI,IATIOil QUAilNIY DESCRIPTIOTT UN]T PRICE [Il{E TOTAT 10 Houra 2 Hours 10 hours I0 Hours t0llours 10 Hours 1 Hour Operator OfficeAdmin Oparators Aaslstant Laborer LaborEr Eackhoc Jumplng Jadr $75.{X} Hr. $25.00 H:. t75.00 t{r. $55.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.00/Day $60/Day $750.00 359.m s750.00 8550.00 $550.00 s2s5.00 s60.00 Subtotal $ales Tex Gil,005 INVOICE .$wank fxcovolrng 1380 N fwel, C, Posl iolls, ,O 838J4 12081659-70A4 TNYOEI * 5897 To SloneRidge Ulihliel 334Slormffie Rd Blonchqd. lD 8380{ lzsl{37-3r48 Solesperson Job Y,/oler Melerlnsloll Poymenl Term3 Net 30 Due Dole 6fv Descriptlon WolerMeter lnsioll Unil Pdce 2991.fi Line Totol ??9{10 Sublolql Soles lcx Tolal m4.fl 0 ?9}{"s0 Moke oli checks poyoble to Swonk Excovoting fionk you lor ywr burlnprsl 2 II>GE StoneRidgc Utitity Ca. P0 Box 298 Blauchard, ID 83804 (208)437J148 APPLICATION T'OR WATER/SEWER CONNECIION SEWER WATEF.Z- NAM Ob\rs\trl MAITIN6 CITY, sTATE, ZIP TEI-EPHONE NO.: BLK: -[or: STRGE'T ADDRESS: RECEIVEO WATER/SEWER FEES: SEWER HOOK-UP $to,ooo WATER HOOK-UP CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTRUgflON OF EXPANSION OF SYsTEM $eaoo FOR COMPANY USE ONLY:/ ITOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL PAYMEI'iT I RESPONSE DATE: IVATER CONNECfiOII: The fee assodated wilh the water hook-up ls $1,200.00. I understsnd that thls fee lsonly for the right to connect onto the StoraRidge Utility water system and O0ls NOT include any costs arsocirtad wlth the purchar: of parts or hctdllation necessary to do the physlcal connection fiom one! hcme to the urater meter. lt also DOl5 NOT lnclude any costs associated with purchasa or installation of pressure reducing and,/or backflow prevention devices thal mry be necessary for yout partlcul3r:oi l,o properly ronnect to the system. Enclosed in the packet ls the lrrlBatlon Backflow Policy and the Backflow Teillnspectlol certiliration form $ETYS3" CO,.NNECTION: o Gravity ro tnatmrnt faciliryO Pump ro rr€arment facilityO Pump to dnin ieldCl Oosite septic/drain field Thc fec for sewer hookup is $10,000,00. I undcrslard that this fce is only for hs right to connecr onto 0e StoneRidgc Utility scrvcr systcm. This lee DOES NOT include my cosrs associatcd wirh &s purchrsc of puB or installation nccatsrry to do tlre physical conncclion from onc's horn to thc systcrn cotkction lincs. I rbo DOES NOT includc any cosls $sociilcd with purchasc or instdlation of sepric tanks or purnping equipmenr rftar may be necessary for your particulor lol, to propcrly conneca to the systcm. COI.ITRIBINION ]N ATN Or CONSTRUCIION To E}(PA]YD IIs sysTEM Thele is a Cap Er fee (operating cxpense) of $2800.00. I undcrsrand that this fee is only for rtre righr ro conrecr onlo tfte StoncRidge Utility system. this fee DOES NOT includc anycosts rrsociated with &e purchase of pars or instsllation nec$slry lo do lhc phpical conncction from onc's homc l0 thc systcm collcctbn lims Horneowners acknowledge that they are responsible lor all co!t! 3srociated with maintenance, repair aad labor of al! lines, pressure reducing and/or ba*flow preventlon devices or prrli and malerials rrecesrary for the water systam lo function propedy from the meter to the horne, Fees are subject to change until payrnent in FULL is received. AJI lees mult be pald prlor to lssulng "wlll serva" lelter. Work wlll only be sdreduled after recelpt of fees. Ston*8idge Utility must lnspect all work prior to backfill andlor complet'ion. NDle; J'hclt rrulr bc nrldiliorralelrilrres lbr r.U'irrtions au nlrurrr.! r:$Ucclinn rc{ttlilglJrg!}h ruch us line r:rlcrrsinali,lq prqnerth iustultnliu[ rlfl$elcr sot rr\dg.:Jvi!: lit* to lnil. lpJ'ils urrl,cJ] {qrnis rtnd or ndnc tlsnhall clrd lVorlt rvould !ru.pgffprale{l bv lite ff0rlflxrrr:lp_d ur*tir $oils cq,]l.t.nJ:lor.. Docurrcnlnliqn p[ conlra-f lor's lictuEf tvlll nctd.to bc nnprorcd h)' Stonq4irlqr lltililius. lYprt riii,n$_ejllg &ginsorctett :rrxl o lrnrovcrl (rv StoncB ifl ft gUtilltl$. CONIBACTOB LICONSE N1JMBUR ". - BOI{D '{UIVI3SR Customer Signature Signature-Date Stoneridge Utility Inspection/commencing billing date Signature- Drre Swank Excarating 1380N Ewell Ct Posr Fslls m 83854 BlllTo Slorlridgc Rcsori lnvoice D.tB lnvolce # 1$n020 o?0r ,' Idal Blled Quanlity Item Code Dcscriplion-I P,i@Each Amounl 03 Gxcavrlion rod/ hp r,lltcrrtrMnrtrll lrtcr 4rqr.00 {,r00.axt 'Ihurk pu foryourburhcsr. Total s{,500.00 I.IBOR FOft WATEB 1[{STAI.I.ANON quAffnw DEICRIPfiT}N UNIT PRICE LIT{E ?OTAL 12 Hours 2.15 Hours 10 houra 10 Hours t0lhrs 1O Fburs l tlour Operator Ofrhe Admln Opratorc Aeslslant Lsborar Labrysr Eackhoa Jumplng Jadr S75.00 Hr,t800.00 i25.fi! Hr. i75.oo Hr. 055.00 Hr. 155.@ Hr. $295.1tr Day $6Oltray t55.00 t750.00 355{r.00 i600.00 $295.00 t60.00 subtotal SalesTax i3.160 StomlUdgc Utiliry Co. POBox 298lllarrchard, lD &t80d (208) 437-3148 AI'III,ICATION TOB \ryA'I]J{r/SfiWNIi COI\NIiC'rtON sti:lryIiR WA'ItrIT 5 --'t=/nSrrS $\JIHTre s**Im](38 ,^" :l/nffiNAM€ MAITIN6 AODREsS ctTY, srATE, ZtP"." . TELEPHONE 8LK:LOT' STiEETADDRtSS: WATER/SEWER FEES: STWER HOOK-UP WATER HOOK.UP CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF CONSTBUCNON OF EXPANSION OF SYSTTM rON COMPANY UST ONLY: TOTALCHARGE5 TOTAL PAYMENT rEcErvED DArE:-... - - - I /n l-tl RESPONSE DATE: SUBDIVIStON: $10,000 $Lzoo $z,gog $ $ LABOR FOR WAIER IilSTALIATIOfl QUAifTTY DE$CRIPTIO]T UT{IT PRICE TITIE TOTAL 10 Hours 2 Hours l0 hourr 10 Hours 10|{ir.rs 1 Hour 4 hours Operator Orffioa Admln OparutorE Assistant Laborcr Backhoe Jumplng Jack Ditch wltch (fix raln flow) S75.fi1Hr. l2s.{X} Hr. 175.00 Hr. t55.00 Hr. $295.0,Day $0lUDay $750.00 $50.00 $750.00 $550.00 iaes.00 $60.00 il14.00 Suhotal Salm Tax $2.5sS IEXBE, StoneRidgeUtility&. PO Box 298 Blaacbard m E3S{X Q08)437-3148 A?PTICATION FOR ]ilAIER/ SETIER CONI\IECTION ITATER _ 5-.3'*oe-o MAII"ING crY, stATE, TII,"EPHONE NO.: B["](: SInE€TADORESSI RECEIVEO WATER/SEWER FEES; $10,000SEWER HOOK.UP $LzooWATER HOOKUP CONITRIBUNON IN AIDOF CONSTRUCflON OT EXPANSION OF SYSTEM $z,eoo FOR COMPANY USE ONLY: TOTAT CHARGES s TOTAL PAYMENT $ I IItt !1 RESPONST ry 0n5 LI SwankExcavatlng 1380 N Ewell Ct PostFalls lD 83S54 E[ To Soncddplsm lnvoice Date lnvolcc # ?RJO010 fita4 *' Total 8flod Qurntly ltem Code I D*Etbuon PtieEedt Amount 0t Ercavrtion 0t Erqvuian Epborr undcrmrd 3Jm,0{t rJm.00 3J00.@ 1J00.00 / fherkpu forprnburirre" Total tr ,000.00y FrrrrE R. It-{GnE StoneRid6e Utility Co. P.0, Box 298 - Blanchard,lD 83804 (208) 437-2180 APPUCATION rOR WATE q COn*N-rlgT.l8N TE , /-/c- ?Oq MAILING CITY, STATI, TETEPHONE BLK:BDIVISION: STRETT ADDRESS: PREVIOUS OWNER: NEWC0NNEFaTON;Wa:er Connection_ t/[cc: $ The fce msociate d with thc watcr hook-up is $ I ,200.00. I undersand thr] lhis fre is only for lhc right to cor:lrcl onto lhe StoneRidge Utilily watcr systcm and DOES NOT includc any coltr associatcd with the purchnse of parts or insbllation ncccssary to do tltc physical conneclion &om one's home to the $rrlcr mGEr, lt slso DOES NOT includc any costs associoted wilh purchasc or instoll*ion of pressuru reducing and/or backtlow prevenlio* deviccs tht may be neccssary for your plrlicular lol to propcrly connert to thc system. Encloscd in tle packa is thl lnigation Backflorv Policy and $c Backllow Test/lnspcction Ccrtification form. Fecs ore slbjcrl to changc viu IPUC Rulcs & Rcgrlalionr. Att fees must be prid at le*t 3Odays prior to conncction. Vork rvill only h schsduhd after receipt olfccs. StoneRidge Utilily must inspect all rvork prior to bocklili andlor complction. llomeownen acknowledge thnt they orc roponslblc for all coils Bssociated wilh maintsance, repah ond luborof all lines, pressurt reducing andor backllow preverliun devices or parts md rnterirls nscessary for the watcr system to furtion propcrly from thc meter to the home. Nolc: Th$rc nlav lrc nddilionol charuc-s for vnr:alions on normal cooncction rcquirenrcrls. steh ns linc crtansions lo proncrlv. lnshllnlion of lneler sel nnd sarvlcc linc to msln. borinp unde r rcilds and or fisitrs ilsnlt$!. ctq. W-ork ryg?ld bcrerlprmed ,Fu"Uqrnscd/bondfll prblic rvorLq conlnrctoq. llqqrtJnenlntion of StrttlErclor'[ticensc rvitf Eccd lo hc snnrnvcd bv SloreBidee Utililicti. Work rvill nccd 1o be inspcctcd nnd Datc 'Farq ComplctedConmc1ionDalc:-BillingCommcncingDate:- StoncRidge Utilitics: ./CJ o^ ll,orrl Lu-*as{} LABOR FOR WATEtr IiISTAILANOiI quAilTrTY DESGRIPTIOT{UilIT PRICE LIIIE TOTAL 13.5 Fbure ? Hotns 13 ircure 10 Hours 13 Haurs 1O Hours 1 Hour Operetor OfiiceAdrnin Opeetora Asslstanl Laborer Labomr Ba*hoa Jumplng Jadr S75.fl1Hr. $25,00 Hr. t75.00 Hr. S5.00 Hr. $ss.oo rr. t295.00/Day $6tl/Day 11,015.00 $50,00 t975.00 stso.0o !715.00 tag5.o0 t00.00 Snbtotal Sales Tax 33,680 INVOICE Swonk frcoyoling 1380l,l EwellCl Fo.rr ro,lr. tD 83851 l2o8)659-7008 lNVotcE * 6898 IO SfoneRidge Ulirlier 364 Slon€{idgB Rd Blonchord. lD 8:]804 (2081,{37.3t48 Solesperson Job woler Meler lnsloli Poymenl Terms Nel 3O Due Dole ary Descriplion WolerMeter Unit ftice Une lolol ?850 2850 Sudrtolol $des lox Tolol 2850 0 2850 Mok€ oll checks poyoble to Swonk Excovoling ftonf you lotyow bsrinessl 3 StonsRidge Urility Co. P.O. Box 298' Blanchard,lD 83804 (208) 437-2180 NAM rE il-- lq -$, MAILI CITY, STATE, ZI TELEPHONE NO.: BLK: STREET AODRESS: PREVIOUS OWNER: IIIEWCONNECTION:Wsler Conncction_ Fos:,o (h /s&l Tlrc fec associalcd rvith thc waler hook-up is $ 1,200.00. I undersland lhat lhis fcc b only for lhe right to coilncct onro tle StoneRidge Utilhy water system and DOES NOT include any cosls associatsd with thc purchase cf parts or installation neccssary to ds tlre physlcal connection from onc's homc to lhc $,al€r meter. h alro DOES NOT include any coils *sociatod with purhax or inslallation of pressurc reducing and/or backflow prcvention dcviccs that may bc necessary for your particular lot to properly conmct lo the system. Encloryd in thc packet h lltl lnigation Backflow Policy and tlrc Backflow TesUlnspection C*tilicotion form. Fccs orc rubject to chunge via ll'UC Ruls & Rcgulntions. All fccs musl bo paid at least 30{ays prior 1o Eonn:ction. lVorh will only bc schcdulcd after reccipt of fces. StorrcRidge Utility rnusl inspwt all work prior to backfill md/or completion. Homeowners acknowlcdge thet thcy are rcsponsible for oll eosts ussocinrcd witl mriltenance , repair rnd labor oiall lincs, prcssure reducing and/or backflow prevention dcvices or parts rnd mnterinls nccessary for $rc nnoter s$tcm !g function properly &om the meter lo thc hcmc. No.tc: Thc,f#,Fav bc addiliorrrl clnrEcs f,or vlrri4lLions or nornrll conncclioLrequirements. suth as lire crlcnsions to nf,onrcrty. instullntlon of nrctcr scl $nq.rfn"icqliF* lo,rnain. lJ$rinrJpjlcq mads nlr! gf fitlns asplall. ctc- r#ork rvould bc pcrftrrm$-hv lircttscd/bondcil pubtic worlis conlrador. []oc.umpol;Jiprr gf SQntractor'r liccqsc rvilt ngcql.to h.e n}tr)rmed by StoncRidge UtiliJirx. Work nill necd to be lnfnectGd arld unnrovcrl hv StnrsRitl gc U tilllic.s,r Signaturc-Dotc Complcted Connection Dalc:Billing Commcncing Date: ttoncRidge Utilhics: LABOR FOR WATER INSTAI-LANOil QUAilTIW DE$CRIPTIOH UilIT FRICE LII{E TOTAT 10 Hours 2 Hours 10 hours 10 Flours 10 tburs 1 Hour Oporator Offlce Admln. Operatoru Assis*anl Laborar Backhos Jumdng Jadr t75.fl! Hr.s750.00 025.fi1Hr. 075.00 Hr. $55.00 Hr. $295.fillDay t6(llDay $$0.00 3750.m $850.00 t295.00 t60.00 Subtotial Sales Tax s2,356 $Fl*.t.t.*Bg-gF-g FgFH 3 n $fi $ fi ggs$ snr$pE 3rr) rrl {^ rr} <r} <r} sr rrr rrr {rr r.6 ti -_t irr {rt iri ii iri 17 ir; {A i i^ 6 r; ;,i r; rr} tr} s} {ra 888888888888cjrrlddo-,iulddqururrn an gt t\ rrl ot m r,i ct fl't ti tnE- rr} ol u!r4 N- r,a tQ r4 <h 6 1ry a{ ri ra- ct rri14 1h .,rA !| <r) {r} * EH*nsrgf; BEEE [pH;EE*E$FEH;FxgB$Hg*E .?a.v,vDv. #;l*{tr,s}1r} r rrii , .na { rniiiiriiri.iii.i.i gg - B I I 8 II E Ag.eeE.EE.E g.aE.g.ggs.eeg-E BE E EEE Rg ; fi fi ; fi fi s= * s= } i-;' g ; $ $ n s $ $ s ' t ; s s a- a s $ s s' s ()It R tEq. ()(,(,()c)c,r\NNNl\rt\ao(focrc,cta! N (\t r\t G, a\I\\\.\.\-\-raclFlGtmClN Fl t\l avt t{ .tr\,\\"\,\.\.an an rn lD to ro ll octnaN(,()f\, s, fD ?aFl h, Fl ll! gr C)IY N T Ie,dh ct or clN q, oo(,r,l6- Nlt'. il lttnorFl Flo9N.Y ss N8EB888B Qe uI r,n- ur. q .ri rD- o.olmmailf)Ntl<rarl r4 r4 {/} rr} r{ 14 6lry a- !t'(rl ltt lrl ormgtorr{-lrldoocroN a\I {\l 6t\. \- \- \-fi lil rl tr1h<.h<,tl lfl lllltft! ot ot gr E,lFl ?a +,l r{ r{oooooN Gl trl N t\t\\\.\.\rlFFNNsss*s ot gt oi orrl rt Fl r{oC>oc,frJ .\l N a\t\. \- \- \-lr|QFI()a\i -{ \ Ff\' \. av \-F{Fa( EIrns N{,a a ()a\los ar{() 11 rno vloU o o r,oL' lllB o,xt! c {.T(,o.o rAvlotot! a, Et!tr lnoab lE cl(3