HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200604Application.pdfSZ,HH= CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC--SWS PO Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 208-437-3148 Steven Durbin (208) 610-3683 Idaho Public Utility Commission PO Box 83720 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83720-0074 CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC Water Company - Tariff Advice Dear CDS Stoneridge Utilities LLC and Idaho Public Utilities Commission; CDS Stoneridge iltilities, LLC Water Company is requesting to make a minor change to the existing scheciu,lcs by tnis tariff'advice (Rule 134). The changes need to be made on Tariff No. 2 (Oider Number 30342) to pages 2-and 5. The proposed changes affect the non-refundable hook- Lrp r'ee for a new warer service connection. fhe proposed changes are marked in red on the existing tariff pages 2 and 5. Also attached are pages 2 and 5 re-written with the changes as they \\'o -:.d appear :n tire proposed ncw tariff. Arier reviewir,g recent instal,at-cn costs and bids received for new hook-ups which are sigriifrcantly lrigher than ailowed in the existing Tariff Number 2, we also reviewed the available des.gn plans for .iioneridge subtiivisions. lt appears that the design plans did not require the in:,allation tti corr:olation siops and service lines into the lots. This oversight now requires the contractors or utility company to cut into the paved streets to connect services to water mains, rncr'easing cos's acove the suggested $1,200. Acr:i,ticnalil'. rire ,iize of homes being constructed at Stoneridge typically request 1-inch service inc:c(S to oe i:tsra-red rnsteaci ci';he 314-inch rneters historically used. A summary of expected costs is provided that includes the Utility personnei costs and contingency's, totaling an esi,mated $9.;:,S. Ai,,rched, piease iind copies of tire Engineers Estimate of Probable Costs, recent bids received, anrt a recent receipr fbr a typical installatron at Stoneridge. Please let us know if you have any questions or rieed any additional information. We request Jt',\y 27,2020 as our effective date. Thank you, Rel-',ecca Loughnan Utilities Acimini RECEIVED 2020June 04,AM8:46 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SWS-W-20-01 TariffNo. 2 PageZ NON-RECURRING CHARGES Re-Connect Seesl Disconnected for 30 clays or less: Dudng Office Hours After O{fice Hours Re-Connect Fecs: Disconnected for 31 dnys or mor"e: Meter Size: 0.75 1,00 1.s0 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 Hookup Charge: $9.735 A non-rcfundable hook.up fee of Sl-,?'00S0 fol each nerv water seryice corurestion IPUC No.30342 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveFeb.23,2015 Nov.1,2014 Per O.N. 30342 Jean D. Jewell Secretary (Apprcval Stamp) $ 18.s0 $ 33.s0 $65.00 $l16.00 $260.00 $462.00 $722.AA $1,040.00 $1,849.00 $4,160.00 $+200s0 $9.735 Effective W July 27.202A Name ofUtility CDS STONICRIDGE UTILITITS, LLC Eean-Atta** C-h a n Ka rup"ia h Title CEO Issued by By Tar:iff No. 2 Page 5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISS ApprovedFeb.23,2015 Nov. 1, Per O.N. 30342 Jean D. Jewell Secretary A rova-1" S Name of Utility cD$ ST(}NERIDGII UTILI',TIIS' LLC tamtr(App 2.1A Non-recurrinq Charqes charges t.hat a::e not assessed each h:illing period 2.11. gplily - The Company rvill exerci"se reasonable cliJ-.igence to suppl.y safe and potable rrater at all times. 2.L2 Premises --a Customer's properLy including outbuildings which are no.rmally located on one 1ot orparcel of ground. 2,13 Rate Structure -a schedule of all recurring andnon-recurri.ng charges of the company. ?. .1.4 Reconnection Fee - charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service afte:: .i.ts dj.sconnection. 2.L5 Recurring Charqes charges that ar:e assessed eachbilling period. 2,L6 Services Classificati-on - The service c]"assi.fi.cationshall be Residential, Condominj-um/Tolnhome. Comrnercial, Golf and Resort^. (A)Residential - Residential services sha11 consj.st ofall services for domesti-c pur:poses, single familyresidential uses, Each dr'relling unit shall be r:n anindividual lot, have a water meter and be billed as one residential customer per the tariff amount forresidential customer. This classifieation is associated with lots that are platted for single ownership and receive an individual monthly statement. Under nei., construction these se::vj-ces are rlrn thru a jg i-nch r.rater meLer to allorr, for domestic nater and I average yard irrigation. M:i-ees ' nstalted.-pr*o t,netl w€re.-.-in€t res-iCen+*a&-sefrftLe€= IPUC No. 301142 Bffective W Title CrlO Jultl 27,2A20Issued by By Tariff No.3 Page 5 (Approval Stamp) Name of Utility CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC NON.RECURRING CHARGES Re-Connect Fees: Disconnected for 30 days or less: During Office Hours After Office Hours Re-Connect Fees: Disconnected for 3l days or more: Meter Size: 0.75 r.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 Hookup Charge: A non-refundable hook-up fee of $9,735.00 for each new water service connection $18.50 s33.50 $65.00 $116.00 $260.00 $462.00 9722.00 $1,040.00 $1,849.00 $4,160.00 $9,735.00 IPUC No. 30342 Effective 27 2020 Chan Karupiah Title CEO Issued by By Tariff No.3 Page 5 (Approval Stamp) Name of Utility CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 210 Notr rcetu't-ing C'ltarge-s - c:lrar"gcs [.hal ilr'c rrot tlSS€r>-:-(,(] caclr brllirrg pcriocl 211 Qrrality -'l'lte C'<>tttpnny rvill exercisc r'()ilsorrable diligi:rrcc lo srrprprly safe atr<l pot.able wtrt.cr tit. all tiirres. 2.12 Crrstorrrcr''s prroperty irrcltrdirrg orrt. brrildirrgs wlri<:lr loctrt.r:d ot) olle 1ot. or' I)i)r'c€rl oI grorrrrd. Pretrri.!<r.- - a are rrorrrrrrlly 2. 13 Ralc St.r'treLlrre - a sclrerdirlc clrargc-. of tlre colt1p.]ny. of till rccurrirrr/ atrc.l lroll rt:c:rtrt'lrrg 214 Rtr(:rt trtr r:c: [.i<-r tr C)orn;>any to L'e,e charge prlid by a rest.ore service iilt.er iLs Cust.orner Lo t.tre rl isconner:t.ion. 2.15 Rc<:rrrriug Cltargc.s chargt:s ilr,rI are ils;-(iss(](.1 caclr [rillirrg 1>r:riod 2.16 S<-lri,,ices Clttssilicaltru -'l'lrc )-crvice classificaIiorr Rc:si<.1 ent.itil, Cl'orrdorrrinirrrrrr/'l'o$, IIIrolne, C<>rrrrrrercial, slrrrll b<r Ct>ll tirrd Rc--or'I (A) Rcsi<.1 t:ntial - Rcsiclctrt.ial servir:<.r;- slrall corrsisl. ol ali servir:r,s [<>r' <.lorrre-*tir: plrrposes, sirrglc f arrrily r'<rsi<.lcr rr t.itrl u--()s. l-]ar:lr drv<:llitts, rttrit slrall bc on i)r) indivldrral lot, lltrl,<: a wiitcr rrrr'ltr:r' trttd ber billt:d i1-{ otle I (::iiderrt.ial clrs-t.otner p€r r' Urc tririlf trrrrorrrrt for residctttial cu-<t<>tttr:r'. 'l'lris classif i<:tit.iorr is ilssocrated witlr lol-" t.hat itr'(r plat.t,ed lor sitrgle owrrer'-*lrip and rer:e.liv<r .l 1r lndividrrrrl nrotrlltly statettti:ttt. Urt<.1 cr trerv c:orrstrrr<:t.iorr tlrcrs<: services irr'(l rtttl I lrrrt a 1 ittclt wtil<rr tneter t.o irllolv for cl<>tncsl ic watcr iirrd a\'(:r'ilg(: ),ard irrigiiI iotr. IPUC No. 30342 Effective J 27 2020 Issued by By Chan Karupiah Title CEO 414 Church Street, Suite 205 F Sandpoint, lD 83864 (208) 263-0523 Dan(aTBEnsineerinp.com Engineers Estimate of Probable Costs Water Service Connections tlhlt PrlceDescllDtlonOuehtltvLlnll.C^et Sewer Construction 1.000 4.000 1.000 8.000 1.000 16.000 EA HR EA HR EA 2,400.00 110.00 2,000.00 165.00 500.00 30.00 ) 5 5 s 2,400.00 440.00 2,000.00 1,320.00 500.00 480.00MNHR WATER METER SETUP AND/OR PAVEMENT CUT & PATCH & TRUCKING TAP / CURB STOP CONTROL UTILITIES OFFICE ADMINISTRATION UTITITIES OPERATORS 5.000 15.000 MNHR MNHR Con3truct 25.00 75.00 s Conilngency (15t)s 1,269.75 Estimated 7r4.75 Average Unit prices used are assumed to be relatively accurate. costs include estimated time for Construction assistance, lnspection, and documentatior. upon for the OwnerEstimate is intended to serye as a cost W,L hL Foge Nc.a*F*g*a d Snvg LEO'S EXCAVATI$G , LLC Si& tY*r*W,Mig1,bffi#& N" ffiPtaunlhuret flewwlft,14*q 9St,Sd {5N)e7..ffi97 blr folt* crv.7.t?joB rAIfr {}r FtA}rs {'\L:,\rff\cd( k' tn*\*r bLt \lcrpili \q\\r., t*e* + <ir* " b i n Q }'!rll.s i' irl3e i &*,"kr e - &* rrr s k'5*c: Par11 b,fltt:* Bc,"re- #.,*** 1I, \t.*lr :lkpq ) \ 't':t :t: :,:t' fi*raby tc {crnith mElcris} a*d l*bor - rcmpler* in sccordonce with Ehovr cp*ri{icoii*na. l*r th* sun o{: t* be !tgt All motariul ir grcronred to bc oa epociliod. Ali worla ;q !6 g.rplotsd in o ,orkman_ 1,1! 9."nn". qEording lo rtsndo.d prod;cs. Anl oltcrut;on or doviotion lrom obovstP{.ltrcolronr {nvglvinF ortrc (oiti sill ba xruied ohly uoon wr;l?nn ard}ru_ ;.dwrlr ffioms qn Grrc dlorgE owr ond obffi tls .rtimo!.' lll gqroomonk conlino.at!pso elnloi, sGidsnlr or doloyl be1rcnd aur roolrol. Owncr io carry liro_ rarrlaoont otha, n$casio,y inrv.onao. Our *crkqrr oro lully a6y61p61 by wirfmia,i Com.tanlotlon ln!uaof,r6 Aothprizcd Sionclsrr Nots lhro propoml moy bewirhdrryn by ur if oot occoplad within .,..*- -- - ... *,_**,doys, -.,.. .,:; , ,;. r I ;i.fhE*bwpri*,rprrilietiona ond mndirionr {16 loti$Sodtry qnd affi h*o&y ccc*ptad. yeu Er* cur&pri:*d!o do tho wort ar opwilird. fuymct *il| bq msda Er ourlinili sLorr. Dot. of ,Aca*ptorl{s '-"-_ Sigealuro $igrtoluro a&,}t'€*9.?p^lf,erstj\ ,fi r.i g a $wank Hxcavating I380 N lirvell Ct Post Falls lD 83854 Estimate Date Estimale # 4t!-r7t\2il : Name / Addre$s Sttxrcrrdgc Reson Proje$t Oescription Qtv Rste Total partslrnatcrials {flp refilal lralji{ conlrol eqilrBfirent nxrbil ization exc*vationllahor b*ring acrors road 1 "161 ?? 300.00 4ir].0$ 400.(}i, 3,?08"r0 2.{)tlil.00 2"1b2.27 i00.00 450.00 400.00 3.?0{r.ix} 2,00fl.fl$ Total se.i:(, t7 C&DDirtWorksLLC 2344 Blanehard fiut*ff fid. Blanchard, lS 83804 (406)381-9318 ii""tv#3cff BILI.TO Stoneridge Utilities P.O. Box ?98 Bianchard, lD 83804 NVOrcr# 1103 DATE 06/2512019 DUE DATE 061251?019 TTBMS Dueon r'lt *K Ilfi$frH,,:,'l"tsN Dig for ssrvice etub back to water main, expo$e main line and hot tap for meter service at 583 Stoneridge Way, Blanrhard, lD. Below listed charges are for this address. Mobilizatiorr of equipment. Mini-excavator Labor Job materials and parts. $mall tool rental. The following charges are for work done at't29 Berkshire- Dig and expose main line; cut asphalt t0 prepare for hot tap ol rnain waler line; hot tap main line isr rneler service. Mini-sxcavalor Labor Trucking Bock Job malerials and parts. Small tool rental. Mobilization out of equipment" The following charges are for work done at lot 131 Berkshire - dig and expose main line;cut asphalt to prspare tor hot tap ol main water line; hot tap main line for meter service. Mini-excavator Labor Trucking ii r._i .:..'1,;;. i '.:.:.:. I !.1, ll r\,TI I {t, x t)fi;it:: a6/17t2019 06/17/2fi1S 06/12201S 1at17{201* 06117/20"19 b/n * os/18/201e au18/2819 0611 8/201 I 06/1 8/201S }fit1u2a19 06118/201e 06/1812019 06/18/20'tso{tl* 0s/18/2CI1e 06/1 8/201S 0s/1 812019 06/18/2019 AC iIVII"Y $ales OTY 1 ( 7.60 1 7E na't 115.00 50.00 2,398.22 50.00 0.00 115.00 50.00 109.00 15.00 50.00 75.00 115.00 50.00 109.00 AJT4{)UN"i 75.00 460.00 300.00 2,398_22 50.00 0.00 575.00 375.00 109.00 15.00 2,998.22 50.00 75.00 575.00 375.00 109.00 Hours Flours 8al*s $ales $ales Hours Hours Hours Sales $ales $ales Hsurs Hours Flours Hours 4 o 1 1 1 5 .50 1 1 rt.1 i i: 0611812019 06nff2019 06i18t2019 06/1 8/201 I ACTIVIlY $alss Sales Sales Sales DE.SCRIPTION Rock Job rnatedals and parts. Small toot rental. Mobilization out of equipment. QTY 't tra'rtr 15.00 AMSL'I\'T 15.00 2.398.22 50.00 75.00 1 1 50.00 75.00 BALANCE DUE $10,477.66 \(wv!e:rv.a Send P10 T0: CONSOITIDA?ED SUPPLY CO - CDA].55 EAST DALTON AVE DAI,TON GA&DENS, ID 83815 lJl-o : s009314579 :l- Phone # : 208*762-2568 Ship Ta: C & D rXR? WORKS IJLC?3{4 BLANCI{ARP CIJTOFF RD BI,ANCtr{ARD, ID 83804 Page lr+i. .,rt- Consolidated Supply Ca. 8id To:C & D NIRT WSRKS LIJC 2344 BLA}qCHARD CUTO}"T' RD BLANC}IARD, ID 83804 Phone # : 406-381"-93:.8 JOB; METER $E?UP Bid-DaLe*Expr-Date*WriteIrySa1espers0n-Shipvia6/2a/tg 0i'/2o/L9 John Dory * cDA Ho{JgE ww cDA Quantity Sescription tlnit Price Ext ?rice 1ea lea 2ea 'J a> lgd rea !94 RCIMAC 2Q2S-6.90X1" IPT 5'IXIII DBLss s?RAp sArDIJr 6.63-6"90 ROM&,C 2O?S*4,8OXI'' IPT 4NX1" DBLss STRAP SArDr,E 4 .50** . 80 AY NL 747048*39 1rr BAIL Mrp X rFS COMPfi,ASgTCI$ CORP STOtr AY NL MCDOI{&I,D 5182-240 6].35 ].'' SS IPS STITFENER AY MCDONALD 4130-?65 (SAME A,S 6]"337t-T/4" CTS 4l-30*?61) AY NL ?4153-3Q ].'t CFLG rtrS X MrP MCDON&Ip 5182-236 6].36 ].X SS IPS STIFFENER AY MCD0NALD {1"30-?65 {S.p,ME AS 6l-337L-t/4" CTS 4t-30-761) AY NL ?6101 1" CURB STOP BALL V],V FIP X FIP MCDONAI,D 5129.3,74 95*E C: CORB BOX COMPLETfi 4L" *64 |' OLYMpIC L3* 5770WSET {?yler l-1L95s )AY 18NX48'I COIL BOX FOR A 1'I METER AM'/ X AIUC W1 ].'' MIP INI]E:r AND ou?LET -- ?90-448-*FPP440Xl-8 5r-s9-068 AY 18"X2" 5'OAi\4 INSULATING CUgHICIN FOR^ COIL PIT gOCJ. 4189-033 AY :.8 '' LOCKSSG I,ID W1 TOUCHREA' HOLE FOR COIL PIT BOX 9OL].87 4l.89*029 ].II ME?RON FA.RNIER $PECTRT]}{ S5OD W/ INTERGH,AI, ANTENNJI, &$S PIT MOIINT TOUCi{ PAD, ].25'T LEADLL ].X ERS TEN 79L.963ea 41.810ea a1 a'] O1 EEAa=82 .55 433 " 330ea l-2 . 55Lea L2 .55 *rr* Continued on NexL Page *** 84.008*a "7 4 .625ea 86.741ea 2.2L2ea 34.398ea ) )1)aa 95.353ea 44,405ea 84.01 74.63 86."]4 2.2L 68.80 95.35 44 .41 79r.96 Bid #: 50093145?9Ilage S: Z C & D DIRT WORKS I,LC Quantiby ilesaription Unit Price Ext Price 2ea ?ea Lealea l"ea Lea" 1''X6'' BRASS NIPPi,ELL 3/4" BRS SEREET 90LL lnx3/4n BRS BUSHING BOSI{ART YIiP-O4NIr 3/4"X4' BURY TROSTPROOF YARD HTDRANT - 5'' PIPE I,ETiTGTH {OI,P $TN{BER. YI{O?-O4NI,) l-r'X24x GAIr S"EEL NIPPLE1II GA.T Ifi CAP DOMESTIC 15, L54EA 7 .4B3ea *.645ea 76.3048A L4. r.93EA 4.226F,*. 30.31 L4.9',7 4.65 76.3A Bid fotalSales tax Bi.d Amount r.4.19 4 .23 a967 .42 LL8 - 0s 2A85.47 x t€?b itz-uD r-t 7a[J q8.1t r*o*rrueddfo lnc 1042W TanagerAve Hayden, lD 8A8S5U$ (208) 661-S947 $tephen$nwutilltyinc.conn www.nwutilityine.com ADSRESS 74 Stsrart Srive Stonoridge Blanchard, lD 83804 WxffiEstirnate *$TMATE# 1 002 .ACTIVITY Road Bure DATE 1 1120i2019 oe8cfrlpn0N C&D dirtworks Accepted By Bore across road and install 2 water lines TOTAL Accepted Date CITY RATE 1 1,800.00 , \ )B AMOU}'T 1,800.00 $1,800.00 "1r'.: " r ,\c Please make checke payable to Northwesl Utility lnc. Thanksl